During the meeting, demonstrators distributed copies of their demands titled The Urgent Demands of UW’s Black Students and of Students of Color to Regents and those present at the meeting. Included in these demands was a request to the UW System to institute a mandatory, comprehensive racial awareness and inclusion curriculum to be overseen by a board comprised of colored students, staff and faculty.
१४ डिसेंबर, २०१५
Paragraph I was going to blog, but then...
So here's an article in the University of Wisconsin student newspaper, The Badger Herald, "Demonstrators demand better environment for students of color at UW System schools/Students attended Friday's Board of Regents meeting to make their voices, demands heard." I found the paragraph I was going to quote in the way that I use for a simple post that links to an article and doesn't state any opinion. Just a couple of sentences. I picked this...
७४ टिप्पण्या:
"Fuck off you little cry-babies." Of course, if I said that out-loud I'd get fired.
Good thing you didn't blog it.
Colored? Colored? Next thing you know Negro will be making a comeback.
"Included in these demands was a request to the UW System to institute a mandatory, comprehensive racial awareness and inclusion curriculum to be overseen by a board comprised of colored students, staff and faculty." Sounds like fun. By the way, is it really PC to talk about "colored students"? And will foreign-Asian students count as "colored"? (That'll teach'm something about America alright.)
Using colored feels better than using non-white, doesn't it? What are "people of color", if not colored people? It's get to the point better than listing out all manner of colors.
OMG "colored students" Whoa who wrote that? I mean students of color is ok, but not colored students.
Color me skeptical.
Give them all As and cancel student loans, although most are probably on some sort of scholarships, and they will probably quit pestering everyone. The Vietnam protests disappeared in five minutes when Nixon ended the draft.
"Demands of UW’s Black Students and of Students of Color..."
Why are black students segregated from students of color? Is black not considered an "of color"? I find that an interesting way to push one color as more deserving than other colors.
Oh. Also, stfu you whiny twits. And that from a while, middle aged female who navigated the halls of the Arts and Sciences department to get her BS in Computer Science back in '80-'84. Side note, the Iranian student protests at my private university were ... entertaining.
Jason Riley has a column in today's WSJ on the topic of admitting black kids into schools for which they are unprepared. It is a very bad practice that places a heavy burden on those kids who are laps behind at the starting gate. It is not the environment at UWM they are crying about it is the course work. It has to be crushing to be told you are a smart achiever only to find yourself at the bottom of the class.
But the white administrators feel good so there is that.
Racist Colored Folk Making Demands of Racist Leftist Academics.
Academia deserves what it has sown...
What is so strange or unexpected about leftists demanding indoctrination?
There is nothing more common and expected than that.
Included in these demands was a request to the UW System to institute a mandatory, comprehensive racial awareness and inclusion curriculum to be overseen by a board comprised of colored students, staff and faculty.
It's not enough for the race demagogues to dominate the public space and destroy anyone who competes since people might simply avoid them. Everyone must come before the racial high priests to publicly demonstrate their obeisance.
Bloviating Liars Matter.
"colored students, staff and faculty?" Lawdy, lawdy, lawdy Kingfish!
If you're a student protestor, you make demands. It's what you do.
This all brings up an interesting question : is there an absolute semantic difference between "colored person" and "person of color".
Also, there's this observation from the Dadaist atonal/arythmic 60's musical composer Don Van Vliet ('Captain Beefheart'), who, BTW, had a good career as a painter post-music":
"Everybody's colored or else you couldn't see them".
Man, letting shit slide for decades was a bad idea in hindsight, no?
Any chance, at all, of your boss telling them to kindly fuck off? Could you, tenured as you may be, suffer repurcussions if YOU tell them to kindly fuck off? Is it a little disheartening that the odds of their asinine scam working is nearly 100% and you'll have even MORE thoroughly useless administrators bugging the shit out of you?
And, man, why are such highly Progressive institutions like colleges and Hollywood so damned racist and sexist?
Black Lives Matter did not go over well as Colored Lives Matter Less. I wonder if it's too late for them to recognize individual dignity. Also, isn't reference to a "colored" person considered vulgar? Are "colored" clumps of cells even eligible for personhood?
Good: Students of Color
Bad: Colored Students
"....a mandatory, comprehensive racial awareness and inclusion curriculum..."
This means other courses will need to be dropped. I am amazed at how little today's graduates know about history and western civilization. The other thing I have noticed is the inability to compose anything resembling a structured document. I had no racial awareness course, but I do remember a painful and rigorous English composition course.
Included in these demands was a request to the UW System to institute a mandatory, comprehensive racial awareness and inclusion curriculum to be overseen by a board comprised of colored students, staff and faculty.
Included in the demands was a request. Why is this particular item downgraded from a demand to a mere request?
The words ... comprised of colored students ... should read ... comprising colored students ....
It's not clear whether the demanded/requested board is supposed to comprise:
1) colored students
2) colored staff
3) colored faculty
1) colored students
2) staff
3) faculty
Not just demands, but URGENT demands. Must be a seriously flawed system there. I've got to believe a self-aware, correct thinking professor would resign from that racist hell hole.
I think the professor should pen an op-ed for the student newspaper explaining her position on the subject.
What's everybody else think?
The coalition of colored people means an alliance of recent immigrant cultures to drive out the Whites that currently hold a big stash of redistributable money and political power ( a/k/a the American WASP middle class). This is Soros funded battle prep for the tipping point elections for morning after Cruz et al declare Amnesty to illegal voters. And the Pope from South America will instantly bless it. He never liked those Presbyterians much anyway.
I am old enough to remember when "colored" was the polite reference to persons of darker skin of the African kind. "Colored lady" or "colored gentleman" were preferred. I found the transition to "negro" or "black" easy. How hard is it to refer to people in a way that makes them comfortable? I decline to use the term "persons of color" as it is awkward and imprecise and I'm tired of the whole exercise anyway. Race is a complicated dance and ultimately tiring.
From the moment of acceptance, (February of Senior year of high school) there should be college orientation that includes writing 10 page papers & creating lab reports to give them an extra lap towards the starting gate.
They don't want progress or results, they want control. Not sure of what though?
...to be overseen by a board comprised of colored students, staff and faculty.
I see the problem with this since my wife is a teacher.
comprised of?!? Seriously?!?
So the students have divided the population into two group, based on skin pigmentation. They attribute particular attitudes and behaviors of all members of one group
But it gets worse! The students assert that members of Group B (the "other group") do not understand the attitudes and behaviors of Group A ("their group"), that this is a social failing which must be remediated by enforced "education" of all Group B members.
And worse yet! Left entirely unsaid is any evaluation of the attitudes and behaviors of Group A members, individually or collectively, vis-a-vis Group B.
It all sounds really racist.
Sing "We will dumb you down" to the tune of "We shall overcome."
"racist acts at UW-Stout." -> link says the "racist acts" consist of:
"The photo of four people — one a UW-Stout student — in blackface posing as the Jamaican Olympic bobsled team had circulated on Facebook and Twitter and prompted some Stout students to demand discipline for those involved.
'We had people leave the room early, students crying about it,' Coulibaly said. 'It was kind of intense.'"
Non-negotiable student demands is a nostalgia point, but the students seem dumber today.
institute a mandatory, comprehensive racial awareness and inclusion curriculum to be overseen by a board comprised of colored students, staff and faculty.
Otherwise known as the "This is what is wrong with all you white people, and you're gonna sit here and listen to me tell you" curriculum.
It has to be depressing and worrisome for faculty members that don't have their heads up their asses to watch the value of their product/service become so diminished and devalued from the inside out. For the Melissa Clicks, it's the best thing that ever happened.
Is there a board member racial exception so that white guys with ponytails or manbuns can participate?
glenn said...
Colored? Colored? Next thing you know Negro will be making a comeback.
Colored Negroes of Color.
"Blackface" will then be "colored Negro face of color".
Come to think of it, the easy solution for the "racist acts at UW-Stout" would be to cut off access to Facebook and Twitter.
"Darkies on the board! Darkies on the board!"
I'd have told those students they were being utter racists and to stop shilling for the Hillary campaign, and to shut up, get out or be expelled.
Then I would have laughed out loud and expelled them, because they are such utterly racist shills they would not ever shut up.
Seriously, this is only a traffic ticket from a speed trap trooper who will gladly take cash today if you don't want to go to court and contest it.
"Colored" can't ever have been considered all that bad, else the NAACP would have changed its name long since.
What does "inclusion" mean? Everyone gets to attend the same parties? No one is excluded from anything?
Throw them all into engineering classes. And music classes, too bad they don't know how to play. Sit there. You might learn something.
This is partially because of Affirmative Action. I read an article a few years ago about this, those kids don't know whether they got in on their merits so they will always be unsure and insecure. Soft bigotry of low expectations indeed!
They urgently demand?
Well, I strenuously object.
Wow...I seem to recall being told that segregated schools were bad? At least that is why my little brother was bussed across town so he could get in a fight every day with the poor dears.
When the civil rights people start agitating, the electronics and liquor store owners get nervous.
Unrelated: Yale Determines SAE Halloween Party not Racist
" after a month of chasing down claims that SAE members did not admit people into its party because of race, and claims that members of the fraternity spat on people, the investigation could not verify any of these allegations."
The Urgent Demands
The Urgent Demands...
Or TURD for short. I suppose it's too much to hope this is all performance art?
AA is bigger than the student newspaper. She's international. Maybe even intergalactic.
"to be overseen by a board comprised of colored students, staff and faculty." So they want their turn to be the overseers now.
Next they'll demand the white students pick cotton for them.
Do students of color have any responsibility not to encroach upon the safe space of students of uncolor?
Wasn't one of the demands by these spoiled brats a more diverse menu in the cafeteria? Something involving food.
I guess eating white bread is a microaggression? Every sandwich has to be half white and half pumpernickel? None of that Jewish rye because of the occupation of "Palestine" by those Israeli Nazis.
Tom Wolfe was right; you cannot make a parody now since real life is so much more bizarre.
Ann, silence is golden. I suggest you do not cover this topic at all in your blog. Failure to even censer comments less than respectful of the demands could make you a target.
It is what it is.
Go for it. Fewer people for the dedicated kids to compete with in the job market. A kind of employment Darwinism.
Colored students? does that include blue and green?
And let's go for overt indoctrination, shall we? Which they are fine with as long as no one makes them attend a course about proper use of firearms, or self-defense (too triggering) or on the Atkins diet or anti-drugs...only "proper" indoctrination allowed.
Instead of mandating a "comprehensive racial awareness and inclusion curriculum" for everyone, it would be cheaper and more beneficial to society to offer just a remedial class of some kind for the protesters who are having trouble assimilating.
Colored students? does that include blue and green?
Colored Students: Now available in High Yellow and Blue Gum.
"a mandatory, comprehensive racial awareness and inclusion curriculum to be overseen by a board comprised of colored students, staff and faculty ..."
But surely these students see need beyond merely overseeing the curriculum: why not demand the exclusive right to teach it, and to make passing mandatory for graduation, and then just hold everyone hostage until they produce the correct answers ("Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia")?
Although doing this might be counterproductive, as it would loudly announce that these students are hardly powerless, as who has more power than one who can compel others to say that something they believe to be false is actually true? Although if you had that power then perhaps you wouldn't really care so much about what people actually believe anyway.
(Well, they could just produce a non-mandatory curriculum, but, then they might get unhaaaapy if no one reported for instruction.)
The demand is for the "UW System to institute a mandatory, comprehensive racial awareness and inclusion curriculum to be overseen by a board comprised of colored students, staff and faculty."
I think that needs a good deal of attention.
I did not want the subject to shift to the antiquated locution, but that was there and deserves some attention.
It doesn't really matter how much you give in to a professional victim(s), they will always demand more. They are dependent on others to make them feel good about themselves but they can't feel good about themselves because they are professional victims.
So, you might as well draw the line as tight as you can. Once I determine a person (or group) has a victim mentality, I don't give another inch. It's a waste of time. Until a person with a victim mentality takes responsibilty for their life, they can't get better. It's rare for this to happen and generally requires a major psychic upheaval. It sure as hell never happens as long as others keep catering to their sick bullshit.
@Steve M. Galbraith
I had to delete your comments because you violated the rule against putting in extra paragraph breaks and making a lot of empty space. You can try again. It wasn't the content.
They gonna supply the whips for self-flagellation? Seriously, online is looking better and better. This costs way too much.
Ann Althouse said...
The demand is for the "UW System to institute a mandatory, comprehensive racial awareness and inclusion curriculum to be overseen by a board comprised of colored students, staff and faculty."
I think that needs a good deal of attention.
What kind of attention? What exactly does "racial awareness and inclusion curriculum" mean? Anything besides "white people are bad"?
Google sez:
Racial consciousness or racial awareness is the understanding of the uniqueness of one's race compared to other races. In particular, a racially conscious person is aware of the physical characteristics, history, culture, traditions, and mores of his own race and how those things differ from other races."
So racial awareness = "knowing that the human races are real and differ from each other", which is a micro-agression.
"Participants share their own experiences as students, exploring different ways people are made to feel included in, or excluded from, the learning process. The existence of different learning needs and the necessity for a wide range of teaching styles emerge."
So again, "the human races are real and differ from each other".
Then it logically follows that "Black Students at Mizzou Boot White Students to Form 'Black Only Healing Space'"
I think that needs a good deal of attention.
I don't disagree. I don't see how such a body IMPROVES U. of Wisconsin. It seems like makework for unemployable majors and useless administrators. They cannot claim it'll be a scholarly pursuit --- if it were, colleges would have been falling over themselves to do it for years now.
And this racial aware and inclusion curricula seems to be one easily demagogued into a MASSIVE violation of federal law. If students are required to take it, which sounds like it is their goal, I would have to wonder if the U can afford to pay the penalties when they are sued into oblivion over it.
Professor:"The demand is for the "UW System to institute a mandatory, comprehensive racial awareness and inclusion curriculum to be overseen by a board comprised of colored students, staff and faculty."
I think that needs a good deal of attention."
OMG Professor! Way to go out on a limb and voice an opinion. I guess the mobs ARE having a chilling effect on dissent.
War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.
Love, Winston Smith
That's so nice. In China, students are required to study Socialism with Chinese Characterestics. I think political indoctrination is just so important for college students.
Ah that new board at UW looks and sounds like new massahs on the old Madison plantation.
Just to be clear: I think any call for more requirements should be strictly scrutinized. Requirements are a harsh imposition on students and should never be done lightly. Second, the particular requirement that is being called for here sounds like indoctrination of a sort that doesn't allow freedom of inquiry and expression. Perhaps a good course with this idea could be developed, but I would want it to have to compete in the marketplace of students deciding what electives to put on their schedule of classes.
Just to be clear: I think any call for more requirements should be strictly scrutinized. Requirements are a harsh imposition on students and should never be done lightly. Second, the particular requirement that is being called for here sounds like indoctrination of a sort that doesn't allow freedom of inquiry and expression. Perhaps a good course with this idea could be developed, but I would want it to have to compete in the marketplace of students deciding what electives to put on their schedule of classes.
While I agree, hasn't that horse already left the barn? Colleges require students to deal with mandatory (and insulting) things as is. Look at, say, rape laws and how they're handled on campus.
This is a terrible idea that, I have firm reason to believe, your administration is salivating over starting to show that they're still progressive and on board with this idiocy.
Remember how much a lot of us HATED that whole "white privilege" conference you blogged about months ago? THIS is what that crap leads to. A bunch of poorly educated students whining and crying. They make demands that unemployable people with high credentials but no appreciable genius get jobs to indoctrinate kids. These people then end up on the committees that decide tenure. Which insures that tenure is only given to racial grievance-mongers.
Which is why states should pull all funding from colleges, tax endowments, and charge property taxes. The benefit of the university is gone.
Yes, there is a huge demand amongst employers for Racial Awareness and Inclusion majors that the University must acknowledge.
Poor dumb, fatuous asses.
Studying isn't white privilege. Having parents who make you study isn't white privilege.
"ncluded in these demands was a request to the UW System to institute a mandatory, comprehensive racial awareness and inclusion curriculum to be overseen by a board comprised of colored students, staff and faculty."
That sounds sounds racist. white people you need to be told how racist you are. White people, you can't be part of this group.
Why would a school agree to these demands? Well, it is a liberal school, and the are trying to appease a mob. So...
Would Rachel Doleful be able to join this group when she was still black? How about after she was revealed to be white, but still identified as black?
Is race a social construct like sex, and age? (and anything else liberals want to turn into a civil rights advocacy group)
Why do "colored" people have a monopoly on virtue? How is it that they and they alone can lecture others on diversity?
IF you had a child who was about to attend a university,and you heard this was an implemented policy and the group that was pushing it was SEGREGATED, would you send your white child to that school? Why would you, asa white person, agree to those terms?
Included in these demands was a request to the UW System to institute a mandatory, comprehensive racial awareness and inclusion curriculum to be overseen by a board comprised of colored students, staff and faculty.
By what right do they presume to demand the time of other students in these kinds of nutty indoctrination experiments? If colleges can fill "racial awareness and inclusion" courses that's fine, but administrators should resist forcing these kinds of courses on students who don't want to take them. Not everyone wants to join your drum circle.
Not enough people believe the bull$h!t we're peddling, so we want indoctrination officially required. Also, since no one in private industry is crazy enough to hire a "* Studies" graduate and there's not enough academic positions available, we need more academic positions for such graduates created.
If the schools are going to require anything, how about adding at least one semester in formal logic and another in rhetoric.
That's not going to happen, though. Why? Because then the students would be able to detect bull$h!t when they heard it, which is anathema to these people.
"The other thing I have noticed is the inability to compose anything resembling a structured document. I had no racial awareness course, but I do remember a painful and rigorous English composition course."
So what's more important? Being able to express your original thoughts clearly, or being able to express their thoughts clearly?
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