१४ डिसेंबर, २०१५

"I think he looks like the Tin Man in the original 'Oz' movie."

I said. And Meade said: "I think he looks like Jeremy in 'Yellow Submarine.'"

We were looking at this:

ADDED: Oddly, enough, Jeremy's full name is Jeremy Hillary Boob PhD.

५३ टिप्पण्या:

Meade म्हणाले...

"how can he lose?"

अनामित म्हणाले...

I think he looks like Grandpa in the old TV show, "The Munsters".

Grandpa Munster

tim in vermont म्हणाले...

He looks a little like Ringo.

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

The shameless Media from both sides have suddenly declared Cruz The man who can stop Trump. To do that the meme du jour is that Cruz, who was called a wild Tea Pary Wacky Bird until a month ago, is now Mr touted as Mr. calm and suave.

It's never too late for a total makeover. Somebody in Wisconsin go and tell Scott Walker.

David म्हणाले...

He's quote normal looking for a Canadian.

MathMom म्हणाले...

Cruz may not be the most photogenic of the candidates (probably Rubio wins there - it's hard to find Rubio's "good side", because he looks good from any direction), but I think the times call for, not a beauty contest, but thoughtfulness, seriousness, and huevos of brass.

So far, Cruz says what I believe needs to be said. Rubio (is that a synonym for "rube"?) got played by Evil Incarnate Chuck Schumer, so that tells me he is insincere, or immature, or gullible...and none of those attributes are a benefit when seeking the office of President.

Cruz stood up to ridicule for his beliefs, so I think he is not "just words".

David म्हणाले...

Everything on his face is slanted down.

Sebastian म्हणाले...

Wait, I thought Marco was the one that wasn't handsome. Now Cruz too? Good thing we are paying attention to the qualifications that matter.

mccullough म्हणाले...

Too ugly to be president. Arrogant and homely aren't a winning combo

Writ Small म्हणाले...

I was wondering the other day what sort of Trump mockery would Senator Cruz have to endure when the inevitable falling out occurs between the two men. I imagined Trump would go after his high-pitched voice or his reddish lips or the somewhat feminine shape of has face. Perhaps Trump would turn Cruz's intellectual chops into a negative by sneering at a man more interested in ideas than bold action.

Ann and Meade have provided examples of far more creative substance-free attacks.

Churchy LaFemme: म्हणाले...

That's not the original "Oz" movie, btw. There were at least three before the Garland one.

walter म्हणाले...

Whoa! Stop right there! This was rolling along like the height of sophistication...
But if going there, he looks a bit like Harold Lloyd.

Mid-Life Lawyer म्हणाले...

He looks like Ted Cruz to me. And Hillary looks like Hillary. If it comes down to those two, then I hope the relative attractiveness of the pair is a factor.

mikee म्हणाले...

Althouse goes full Alinsky, attempting to ridicule a person over their looks, which is wrong, and evil, and should not be done by good people. You aren't a bad person, are you, Althouse?

Why are you then ridiculing someone for their looks? You must be a bad person because you did this bad thing. SHAME!

And who does Hillary look like, other than a befuddled, corrupt, grafting, lying, power mad old woman? Maybe this: http://www.fangoria.com/new/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/large_manchurian_candidate_06_blu-ray_-e1426083268193.jpg

Is that comparison of Hillary to an evil Iselin better or worse than looking like a famously valiant character from one of the most beloved movies of all time?

Can readers of your blog expect continuous Alinsky-ite attacks on other non-Hillary characters for the next 11 months?

mezzrow म्हणाले...

Wait, I thought Marco was the one that wasn't handsome. Now Cruz too? Good thing we are paying attention to the qualifications that matter.

She's just picking them off one at a time so she can tell herself she doesn't really have any other choice than Hillary. To credit Ann, she will also publish this virulently snarky comment.

Dude1394 म्हणाले...

He does have the same nose as the tin man.

Achilles म्हणाले...

I like joke posts. I have jokes too! For example...

Thanks to the 19th amendment the most important qualification is physical attractiveness and height. Vagina trumps both. On second thought is this a joke?

Cruz needs to fire whomever put the camera angle down lime that. Dole looked better.

Quaestor म्हणाले...

I wonder if Althouse could keep her academic skin if she blogged about which cartoon character resembled Obama?

David Begley म्हणाले...

Count Chocula.

victoria म्हणाले...

Looks like a boy i dated in college. Ew Now I know why he gives me the creeps.

Vicki from Pasadena

अनामित म्हणाले...

So now we can pick on the way a candidate looks??? I don't care if they look like a chimpanzee, as long as they can lead this once great nation....Look at the mess a so called "good looking" man caused. And yes, I am talking about Obama the narcissist.

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

Hey Mikee...In the world of make believe, The Professor wants to see Cruz on SCOTUS, and knows Trump will put him there. That would nicely balance the Puerto Rican with a Cuban.

cubanbob म्हणाले...

I'm not sure where Althouse is going with this ugly thing. Yes Cruz is ugly. But Hillary is old and ugly. So is she trying to convince herself that crooked, senile, old and ugly is preferable to young, vigorous, brilliant and ugly? Inquiring minds want to know.

Franklin म्हणाले...

Isn't it sexist to comment on a politician's appearance? Or does that only apply to female candidates?

Also, it's not like Lincoln or John Adams were attractive men.

How Ted Cruz lost me - his nose is soooo big!!

SteveR म्हणाले...

I'm just glad we've been gone through the last 25 years because Ted Cruz's looks is the last stupid reason to evaluate a presidential candidate to overcome by electing the exemplar.

Humperdink म्हणाले...

I agree mezzrow. Our dear hostess lamented that Mitt was her choice a few posts ago, as there were no candidates to her liking. I would have thought Jeb Booosh was as close to Mitt as possible w/o being a Mormom.

Yep, she will discredit each R candidate until the only one left is the Hillster. But to do it on looks with Cruz is pretty ironic, wouldn't you say?

Titus म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
David म्हणाले...

" I think the times call for, not a beauty contest, but thoughtfulness, seriousness, and huevos of brass."

The times may call for a beauty contest more than you think. Ever see a "strong horse" that was ugly? And Trump has far more experience in beauty contests than anyone else in the race.

Titus म्हणाले...

He is really ugly-we can't have an ugly president. His voice is annoying as hell too.

Jimmy Carter was the last ugly one.

Rubio has a nice face but he has a bad body-just a big lump of flesh-no muscle or tone.

Out of a group of uglies running Martin O'Malley runs away in the looks department.

And yes Hilary is not attractive too!

Big Mike म्हणाले...

Had Althouse been around for the election of 1860 I could see her voting for the handsome Breckinridge because Douglas is so short and Bell looks utterly dissipated and Lincoln! How homely can one man get?

(Yes, I know. Women couldn't vote in 1860. And a very good thing that was!)

walter म्हणाले...

Hmm...who could possibly be the Wicked Witch?
H: What? Like with a broom?

MAJMike म्हणाले...

Well, Hillary! increasingly looks and sounds like the grifting, corrupt, confused elderly old bag she is. What exactly has she accomplished on her own without being attached to a popular husband? Her resume is a joke and reflects only failure.

mikeyes म्हणाले...

Which "original Oz movie?" There was a musical in 1902, several adaptations of other Baum novels in the teens, a short silent movie in 1925 and then the 1939 one we all have seen hundreds of times. Of course if you just want to say that he has sharp features and a longish nose it wouldn't have the effect that the headline does, especially since Oliver Hardy played the Tin Man in the 1925 production.

It's kind of sad that not only do the authors of that piece not look up the movie (it takes a few minutes on Google) but Jack Haley, who plays the tine man in the 1939 version , is a good lookin guy.

damikesc म्हणाले...

Hillary was ugly as a young woman. A PROFOUNDLY unattractive woman.

Time has done her few favors.

Bill म्हणाले...

Paul Ryan (who I wish were running) looks fetching in his new beard.

n.n म्हणाले...

The popular kids will never invite him to their parties.

Fritz म्हणाले...

mikee said...
Althouse goes full Alinsky, attempting to ridicule a person over their looks, which is wrong, and evil, and should not be done by good people. You aren't a bad person, are you, Althouse?

Why are you then ridiculing someone for their looks? You must be a bad person because you did this bad thing. SHAME!

Almost as bad as ridiculing someone because they were born gay.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"Althouse goes full Alinsky, attempting to ridicule a person over their looks, which is wrong, and evil, and should not be done by good people. You aren't a bad person, are you, Althouse? Why are you then ridiculing someone for their looks? You must be a bad person because you did this bad thing. SHAME!"

You have an unexamined premise that you yourself should be ashamed of. Why are you implicitly attacking The Tin Man and Jeremy Hillary Boob?

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

But I think it's fine to talk about how politicians look. It is part of how they will be judged and it can affect the election. Kennedy vs. Nixon, etc.

Rosalyn C. म्हणाले...

I think Ted Cruz's visage most resembles Lady Bird Johnson, a very formidable woman. I'd hate to see Ted Cruz copying her charming manner of speaking, but it would probably help his likability.

Titus म्हणाले...

He actually has a fem face.

MathMom म्हणाले...

R. Chatt -

I listened to Lady Bird at your link. If he sounded like that, they'd call him phony, or stupid, like they did W.

Remember that Jean Fraude Kerrie can affect a Boston Brahmin accent and lose it as necessary, but it doesn't harm him at election time, because he's Democrat. Barack Obama can do his "yo I from da hood" shit and though it makes people wince, it doesn't hurt him. But everyone has some sort of complaint about Cruz' voice and I've seen people say he needs a voice coach. If he got one, he'd be mocked for being phony.

Cruz can't fix his face, which I don't see as ugly, by any means. Henry Waxman is ugly. Ted Cruz just has a flat face like Keira Knightly. They look unusual and unique, but not ugly.

Even so, I'd take a Ted Cruz who looked like Henry "Fruit bat" Waxman, if that ugly exterior contained Cruz' brains and dedication to the Constitution.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe म्हणाले...

Careful, Althouse. Not nice to mock folks for things (e.g. physiognomy) which are the luck of the draw in life.

Francisco D म्हणाले...

I strongly suspect that AA is preparing the battle space for Hillary!

She's sees herself as an open minded classical liberal, but that is a delusion. Her only comparison group is the SJW crowd at UW-Madison.

I, on the other hand, am an open minded classical liberal. I have not voted for a Democrat since Carter in 1976. They are increasingly close minded moral fascists. Bleh!

I will be supporting Ted Cruz, this time around, looks be damned.

rsbsail म्हणाले...

Really, discussing their looks? How juvenile.

Meade म्हणाले...

Sorry about the lookism. I'll try to become a more minimally bad person.

gregwithtwogs म्हणाले...

Does it matter how he looks or who he looks like? I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

I am not Laslo.

Mark Daniels म्हणाले...

I've always felt that he looks like Grandpa Munster.

MathMom म्हणाले...

David @12.26 pm:

Ever see a "strong horse" that was ugly?

Not sure about ugly, but unimpressive? Seabiscuit. Wiki: A small horse, Seabiscuit had an inauspicious start to his racing career, but became an unlikely champion and a symbol of hope to many Americans during the Great Depression.

TBGreats.com: The horse was 200 pounds underweight with a weary temperament. He raised hell at the starting gate, intimidated the grooms, nervously paced his stall, and refused to eat.

Apparently he didn't look like a "strong horse", but he was a strong horse. That's even better.

Titus म्हणाले...

Cruz=Keira Knightly-lol.

paminwi म्हणाले...

We had one constitutional lawyer who has been a total fuck up. I will take an ugly Cruz who has argued cases in front of Supreme Court and won any day over this truly awful guy we have now. Cruz actually knows the Constitution and he has promised he will reverse Obama's executive orders. I'll take that any day even if he isn't "dreamy" like Rubio.

paminwi म्हणाले...

Plus from someone who isn't a lawyer I would take Cruz's constitutional lawyering over Althouse's any day.

PianoLessons म्हणाले...

We think Ted Cruz looks like Castle - you know - Nathan Fillon (we actually had to look up the actor's name LOL ). We are Castle fans.

He also somehow to us looks like....don't freak out.....kind of a vintage Founding Father face. It's the chin. We think - We're not sure.

Hey - he argued 8 times before the Supreme Court before becoming a US Senator....you law folks have got to give him points for that.

BTW - Just learned Andrew Brietbart loved him. Why am I not surprised?