२ ऑगस्ट, २०१५

Photo search: U.S. President wearing shorts.

Results: 1. Bill Clinton:

2. Barack Obama:

3. George W. Bush:

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४२ टिप्पण्या:

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

Reagan in swim trunks.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

It's too hot today to wear pants.

Michael K म्हणाले...

Reagan looks good because he was a lifeguard and that is the uniform.

walter म्हणाले...

Bush is the least appropriate since he is the only one wearing shorts.
But Clinton's will make me swear off cottage cheese forever.

Birches म्हणाले...

I can't unsee that Clinton picture, Althouse. Way to ruin a good Sunday afternoon....

walter म्हणाले...

Relief here... Well...works for me....

MB म्हणाले...

The photo of Bush cut out the other guy in shorts.

walter म्हणाले...

I vote for the pancake hat.

Birches म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Birches म्हणाले...

But I can totally see what Althouse is getting at with that picture of GWB and men in shorts. GWB should never have attempted to sit down in those shorts. It's awkward, but no where near Clinton-level disgusting.

JCC म्हणाले...

Bill Clinton, looking at someone - anyone - in skirts: "Yes, it's me. I'm hot. And available. Let me finish my Big Gulpie first."

Al Gore, in his One World T-shirt: "I'm mildly disapproving...but jealous. And my shirttail is tucked in."

I know. My bias is showing.

Expat(ish) म्हणाले...

My kids call my 1.5" race shorts "Clinton wear." What probably makes it worse is that I have strong SWF tan lens from my 3" training shorts.

But these are functional - just like what Clinton and Reagan were wearing.

Otherwise you gotta have banging legs to wear shorts.


Brando म्हणाले...

Bush and Obama look fine, and coincidentally they're the only ones who aren't sex offenders! Maybe it's something about too-short shorts that makes men creeps.

lgv म्हणाले...

They are all OK. People golf in shorts. The pros do, too, when they are not playing in a tournament. Bush's shorts look short because he is sitting. When he is golfing they are down to his knees. That's what runners wore when Clinton and Gore were running. Look at basketball players from the 50's.

paminwi म्हणाले...

Please click in link from Marybeth's comment. Bush is at a wounded warrior (not Wounded Warrior charity) golf tournament that he hosts every year. I think he's wearing shorts because the wounded veterans wear shorts.

Just a thought.

Swifty Quick म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Moose म्हणाले...

Sigh - why don't you post those pictures of you wearing drapery again.

Michael K म्हणाले...

Bush had a 44 resting pulse when he was in the White House. He wore out his knees running.

I don't know what Clinton wore out.

Obama has worn me out.

Shaun म्हणाले...

The picture of Gore is just disturbing...

Hammond X. Gritzkofe म्हणाले...

Can't tell if Gore is circumcised or not but, yeah, it's disgusting.

George Grady म्हणाले...

Men in shorts: pure evil.

Sydney म्हणाले...

Not a very flattering photo of Gore's penis.

Meade म्हणाले...

That's his penis? Oh. And here I thought it was just his second chakra.

Bob Ellison म्हणाले...

What would Jesus wear?

Big Mike म्हणाले...

Al Gore is actually the worst -- aren't those running shorts he's wearing actually for girls???

furious_a म्हणाले...

Shorts, schmorts...who looks like a dork?

Beldar म्हणाले...

Another skewed Althouse poll. I wish you'd include "None of the above, these are all ridiculous choices and none of them match what I think."

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent म्हणाले...

Clinton and Gore look like a middle-aged gay couple about to roller disco. Not hatin', just sayin'.

Matt म्हणाले...

Where is the option for "Prof. Althouse has a really weird fetish."?

Ctmom4 म्हणाले...

It will always be a mystery to me that women found Bill Clinton attractive. Disgusting.

Birches म्हणाले...

@ Meade


MaxedOutMama म्हणाले...

The poll options are all wrong!

We need ones like:
_ Who knew Al Gore was gay? Seriously, long or short pants, I have never seen a snap make anyone look so fay. He looks like he's taking lessons from RuPaul on how to model sweat. Butt in, chest out, tuck the shirt, swing those hips, and give it a little accent with your hand!

Poor Gore. I bet this picture is what made him grow the beard.

If you are going to make it a beauty contest, Bush looks far the best in shorts, and he certainly does not look like a boy. He's manspreading. He looks energetic, alert, and trimly muscular. The general impression is that he's keeping an eye on his Secret Service detail so that if one of them gets into trouble, he'll be ready to pop up and work off a little extra energy beating down the attackers.

I can't imagine why one should make it a beauty contest, and they are all dressed perfectly appropriately given the contemporary styles and the venues. It would be inappropriate attire for work. None of them are working.

Okay, in that photo and at that angle, Clinton looks like he has a very unfortunate mass distribution for a male or female. It's as if the photographer was trying to get the most unattractive image he or she could of the Pres and VP. But when you are POTUS, you don't have to be a fashion icon.

Being cute and fashionable is something models and bimbos and those very poorly paid retail workers and movie stars do. Consider FDR - he always looked like a bilious bloodhound. That's gravitas. When you've got to look cute, you have not made it in life. For Clinton the gravitas is a bit bottom-weighted, but hey, he was still gettin' plenty.

And as for Obama - maybe his legs aren't a strong point, but he is a two-term president. Also, he probably looks a lot better in shorts than in long pants with sweat rolling down.

Robert Cook म्हणाले...

The missing option--my choice--is: "Who gives a shit?"

tim in vermont म्हणाले...

Wasn't Gore supposed to be hung like a horse? Wasn't there a whole thing about them having to retouch a photo to make that less obvious? Maybe they had just been swimming in some ice water.


tim in vermont म्हणाले...

BTW, it pains me to say it, but Bush looks the worst, he should be wearing long pants, and Obama looks the best, even though there are golf pants that are quite comfortable in warm weather, there is nothing wrong with shorts on the golf course.

lgv म्हणाले...

BTW, AA, ask your nephew, or whoever it was that was on the PGA tour, (Craig someting?) if he plays in shorts in the summer time when playing casual golf. I'll bet the answer is yes. So does Tiger Woods and everyone else.

Tennis players used to where long pants, too.

Levi Starks म्हणाले...

Bush is a mountain biker, of course his legs look better.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

It will always be a mystery to me that women found Bill Clinton attractive. Disgusting.

@CTmom4, many women are attracted to power. Back when he was Nixon's national security advisor Henry Kissinger, who was anything but a hunk, dated Candice Bergen, Jill St. John, Liv Ullman, and other TV and movie stars.

Shawn Levasseur म्हणाले...

It looks like Bush was on a golf course, so he may qualify for the athletic exception.

Though, on some courses men are expected to wear long pants, so Clinton is the only one solidly in the clear.

befinne म्हणाले...

I was thinking your aversion to men wearing shorts was misbegotten. Then this....


Laura म्हणाले...

Looking at Senors Clinton and Gore in shorts, I can understand the professor's aversion.

What's Scarlett Johannsson's take. Quite pervy, really.

Andrea L. Cole म्हणाले...

Is it me or do Gore's shorts not leave much to the imagination?

In other news, I do wish mens belted swim trunks would come back into fashion.