১ জুলাই, ২০১৫

"After much soul-searching, I am filing a civil-rights lawsuit on Wednesday against Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm."

"I fear his retaliation, given what I know of his methods, but the Chisholm campaign against me that began at dawn on Sept. 14, 2011, requires a legal response to discourage the prosecutor’s continued abuse of his office," writes Cindy Archer in The Wall Street Journal (where you can get past the pay-wall by Googling text for your own link). Read the whole thing to see what happened to Archer.
I was targeted because of my politics — in plain violation of the First Amendment and federal civil-rights statutes.
She doesn't mention whether she's suing in federal or state court, but she's citing federal law as the basis for her claims.

I've read Archer's story before, but the presentation of the facts in this new piece highlights some aspects of the invasion of privacy that I had not noticed. The arrival of government agents at her house "was so unexpected and frightening that I ran down from my bedroom without clothes on." I don't know if that means completely naked. The agents "yelled" at her to get dressed. Let into the house, they "barged into the bathroom where my partner was showering," so a second woman was exposed naked. And, in the search: "My deceased mother’s belongings were strewn across the floor."

These are very sympathetic facts. 

২২০টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   220 এর 201 – থেকে 220
Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

I've seen the search warrant affadavit. It's chilling. http://www.prwatch.org/files/stelter_affidavit_subpoenas.pdf.
The prosecutors had an enemies list of conservative individuals and organizations. They wanted carte blanche to seize everything. Computers, storage media, handwritten docs, photographs, anything that could be a record of anything.
Thanks, Garage, we now have a better idea of who the fascists are on this thread.

garage mahal বলেছেন...

"simultaneously that the victims deserved the raids, and that there's no evidence the raids ever happened."

You're such a fucking liar. I made neither claim. Not surprise, coming from you though.

garage mahal বলেছেন...

The prosecutors had an enemies list of conservative individuals and organizations."

They had a paper trail. They should have looked away. Because they are conservatives. Just like John Doe 1. Look away and pretend they didn't see anything. But no. Fascism in Wisconsin. A single County D.A. rules the state with an iron fist over the party that controls every lever of government. Over a nation-wide network of billionaire donors and best lawyers money can buy. Sounds the most plausible!

CWJ বলেছেন...

I come back nearly 6 and a half hours later and find that garage has been commenting for over 8 and a half hours straight. 28 posts with no two less than 7 or more than 40 minutes apart over 8 hours 40 minutes. garage, if this isn't your job, it ought to be. If this isn't your job, stop cheating your employer do some work. If you're on vacation, well that's just pathetic.

JD বলেছেন...

Why is it of concern to you how long and how many comments Garage Mahal posts? Your observation seems petty and vindictive, nothing more. I've seen others, you included, do the very same thing. Take the plank out of your own eye.

Michael K বলেছেন...

"A single County D.A. rules the state with an iron fist over the party that controls every lever of government."

You mean like Ronnie Earle who was DA in the only leftist jurisdiction in Texas and was able to slime and harass Republicans for years? The latest DA is less nimble as she was an obnoxious drunk and that might hurt her reputation in Austin, although may be not.

Titus বলেছেন...

She is also litigious which is very libtard-i don't trust this dyke.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Yes, Terry.
Hence the T.E.A. party.

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

Garage Mahal wrote:
"They had a paper trail."
No, they did not. Unless to you "enemies list" is a synonym for "paper trail."
Joe McCarthy had a better "paper trail" than Chisholm did.

CWJ বলেছেন...


Yes, because I always take the comments of "profile not available" commenters seriously.

IOW, hi garage.

BTW, feel free to provide examples of my multi hour serial commenting. I agree that garage is not the only commenter who goes on and on, so what? Many of the others are self admitted retired, like me. garage claims to work for a living. Frankly, I believe his ability to leap upon Althouse posts at a moment's notice, and free time to comment during working hours is more interesting than anything he has to say.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

"I don't know exactly what, if any, official docs Randa looked at. I can tell you that his decision was thrown out by the 7th District."

-- My understanding that it wasn't tossed on the merits, but rather, because they thought it was the wrong court to bring the suit in.

Also: If they have any evidence these raids didn't happen, they had the perfect venue to prove it. They did not. I'm not going to believe self-serving tripe from people with everything to gain, nothing to lose, compared with the actual freaking record.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

[singing the Muncie school fight song]
Norville, Amy Archer: Fight on, fight on, dear old Muncie/Fight on, hoist the gold and blue/You'll be tattered, torn, and hurtin'/Once the Munce is done with you/Go... Eagles!

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

Or, prof, do you assume that partner means female? Bruce Hayden talks about his female partners all the time.

To be accurate, there is only one of them, and I have no intention of expanding this to the plural, despite the obvious slippery slope from this last week's gay marriage decision. One is enough, and haven't really been involved with more than one woman at a time for better than half a lifetime now. Just too much effort and brain damage. I have tried other terms, such as SO (Significant Other), but always come back to "partner".

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

This is an interesting case. The problem, as I see it, is that qualified immunity for prosecutors, etc., is supposed to be limited. But, recently, it hasn't been. This may be an opportunity to cut it back a bit. Was there probable cause to believe that a crime had been committed? I suspect not, given the 1st Amdt., etc. Sure, absent the intervention of Constitutional rights, these Republicans may have violated WI statutes. But, the defendants here cannot get away with looking at those statutes in isolation, and ignoring that they are limited by the US and WI Constitutions. On the flip side, it looks like warrants were signed by a judge, which is supposed to prevent prosecutors and police from running rough shod over the citizenry.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

I think that one of my problems with Cook's apparent claim that a large government is inevitable with a large population, is that so much of our governments' budgets are some sort of transfer payment or another. And, yes, I am including outsized government employee pensions in this. But, a majority of the money being spent by the federal govt. these days is in the form of transfer payments. Some goes to the middle class, and is somewhat earned. But, much of it is in the form of welfare. I don't consider the Social Security that I now receive really welfare, because I contributed for 46 years first. But, there is nothing magical about a mandatory forced retirement program. We could phase this one out, and let people protect themselves instead. And, there is no reason, besides misplaced humanitarianism, to pay people to have children and not work, to become, in essence, wards of the state, which is where our welfare system has seemingly gone.

The place though where Cook may have somewhat of a point is in the crony capitalism/fascism that we seem to have adopted. Large companies have discovered that it is much better business to bribe and buy politicians, than to compete in the marketplace. I see this most clearly in the IP (intellectual property) arena, where Disney was able to extend copyright protection to better than a century, while IBM and kindred companies cut back on patent rights with the America Invents Act a couple years ago, and Google is leading the charge right now in Congress to make it close to impossible for small companies to sue big companies (such as the proponents of the legislation) for patent infringement. It is so egregious that the proposed legislation contains losing plaintiff pays attorneys fees, etc., but not losing defendant. And, yes, government employees, and esp. their unions are just as guilty here as the big companies.

james conrad বলেছেন...

These "paramilitary" or "SWAT" type police raids are getting out of hand in my view, this kind of thing is becoming SOP for police dept's all across the country. I don't know if it's because they are getting surplus military gear and hey, lets find a way use all that cool new stuff or what the story is here but it is troubling.

Jason বলেছেন...

Confirmed: garage is a fascist little toady. If he lived in France in 1940 he would be the kind of cretin lynched in 1945.

If the Dems have their way, Garage is that lickspittle little Iago who would be eager it ingratiate himself with the authorities by volunteering to inform on his neighbors.
Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you, garage.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"The place though where Cook may have somewhat of a point is in the crony capitalism/fascism that we seem to have adopted. Large companies have discovered that it is much better business to bribe and buy politicians, than to compete in the marketplace. "

We are all decrying that; you, me, Cook. What Cook doesn't understand is that there is only one way to stop it. Remove the ability of the government to give these handouts in the first place. Cook thinks there's some magical way to provide the handouts to his favored entities (e.g. "green energy") but not evil ones (e.g. fossil fuels). There isn't.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

Confirmed: garage is a fascist little toady

I'v usually think of him as Squealor.

walter বলেছেন...

We have to remember Chisholm was defending his unionista wife's honor. All that crying pushed him into attack mode.

Garage's fixation on home location is just fun to read. "Get off my lawn!" goes big.

But yeah..I think I'd be packing heat as well when startling naked lesbians like that. Imagine how much more insane this all would look if someone got shot. But no matter who did the shooting, someone would be ready to capitalize on it.

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন ‹পুরাতন   220 এর 201 – থেকে 220   আরও নতুন» সবচেয়ে নতুন»