It's like an old-fashioned satin blouse for a person with an insanely giant neck... perhaps the Incredible Hulk on a day when he's feeling girly and is tired of the color green.

And she's wearing a medal around her neck. Is this a costume for a cameo role in some sci-fi movie about a dystopian future America?
I don't know, but Drudge has chosen the goofball photo go with his headline: "NADER: MACHO HILLARY USED MILITARY TO 'OVERCOMPENSATE' FOR GENDER," which goes to PJ Media, where Ralph Nader is quoted saying :
"This is the problem of women trying to overcompensate in becoming more aggressive and macho so they are not accused of being soft on the need to kill and war, right? Instead of taking the tradition of women of peace, and turning into a muscular waging of peace of conflict and prevention, she [Clinton] did the reverse, and [Madeline] Albright did the reverse and Anne Marie Slaughter did the reverse and some of Obama’s advisers did the reverse."So muscular, but not macho is how Ralph likes his women. Should we jump on Ralph for this stew of sexism? Or should we let loose and analyze all the teeming genderosity of everything political? Does Hillary have immunity from any criticism that purports to understand her psyche in terms of its essential femininity? We are currently soaking in a vat of cultural ferment in which there are female brains and male brains. Should we eschew it or can we talk about it? And don't tell me the answer is that you can do it if (and only if) you do it (like Ralph) from the left.
IN THE COMMENTS: So many great and hilarious answers to the question in the post title that I had to do a new post: here.
१०९ टिप्पण्या:
Food in my fridge that is the shade of Mrs. Clinton's face gets tossed.
It's what the Zorgon mother-leaders wear during electioneering campaigns.
They even stop the Z ship at The Lizard People's Socialist alliance to awe The People for vote-favors.
Could we instead jump off of Ralph because he's a drama queen?
Will she wear the leather bomber pilot jacket on Air Force One?
She sure looks tired. I think those bags under her eyes have their own zip codes.
I wonder how old - or recent - that picture is?
She could use a little sun.
I'll let the link do the talking. LINK.
(Pointing at vat in lab): That's you over there.
Who knows? That photo could be used for scaring small children.
Bodies are enormously convenient, though.
In the time it took to snap that picture, she made $55k. But that money doesn't go for clothes, it goes to bank accounts in Switzerland and Malta.
I think the neck opening is where you put the batteries.
Clinton was in Houston to accept the Barbara Jordan Public-Private Leadership Award, which is conferred to a deserving woman anywhere in the world who shall have made the highest achievement during the preceding year or years in any honorable field of human endeavor in the public or private sector.
The award was presented by the Barbara Jordan-Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs and the Thurgood Marshall School of Law.
TSU President Dr. John M. Rudley said "The award, like Barbara Jordan, focuses not on status, but measurable accomplishments on the national and even international stages."
TSU said Clinton was selected as the inaugural recipient of this prestigious award because of her many works in her role as First Lady, United States Senator, and as Secretary of State.
I love Jordan- cause like her my faith in the constitution is supreme but how can an award be 'prestigious' if this is the first time they have ever given it out?
Women are very warlike. They just don't want to be in the fight themselves unless it's against other women, or if the guys won't hit them.
Smokem' peace vagina.
I'm somewhat disappointed in Mr. Nader for not pulling out all the stops and saying that women are weak-willed by nature and too easily duped by the military industrial complex.
Traditional wampum speech.
Yay, Mark Stein takes over Rush for two days, the first time(s) this year.
He'd been averaging 12 times a year until this year.
The "tradition of women of peace"? Now that's funny! Nader needs to get out more.
On the internet, nobody knows you're a woman;
That thing Hillary! does with her eyes creeps me out.
If she's holding a boomerang, the dress would be explained.
Slow news day? Or chumming for fashionistas?
Well they say to dress for the job when you go to the interview, so IMO there's no explanation other than she wants to become the benevolent dictator of the future Dystopic States of America and More! Look upon her works and despair!
We are currently soaking in a vat of cultural ferment in which there are female brains and male brains.
Yesterday my male brain and I, and the rest of my body, was wearing a bathing suit all day. I was at the pool, that's why I had a bathing suit on. And then I was in my apartment. And I had dinner with my parents and my aunt. Still in my bathing suit. All day with the bathing suit. And I can totally get away with this because my bathing suit looks like shorts.
Anyway, today it occurred to me that Judge Althouse, after she passes her No Shorts law, with its Bathing Suits Are Okay sub-law, would lose her shit with me, if I was in her courthouse, wearing my bathing suit.
"Is this a swimming pool? Is it?"
"No judge."
"You are wearing shorts in my courtroom!"
"No, judge, this is a bathing suit."
"I have crafted my bathing suit exception for the use of men who want to go swimming in a swimming pool."
"Yes judge."
"There is no swimming pool here!"
"That's right, judge, that's right. I was at the swimming pool, you see, which is why I'm wearing a bathing suit."
"In my courtroom!"
"And you said that was okay, the bathing suit."
You try to come up with a bright line test, and before you know it you're in the mire, the swamp, of O'Connor World, with its three-part balancing tests...
"I see your fucking knees! That's how I know you're wearing shorts!"
"It's a bathing suit!"
and scofflaws everywhere.
If it makes women feel good, then men's and women's brain are different. If it makes women feel bad, then they aren't.
Problem solved.
Why doesn't Nader do something useful for the American people by running for president and thus syphoning votes from the Democrats?
Just because the United States has never had a female head of state, it doesn't mean that other countries haven't. Over history women have overseen times of peace and times of war. They've fashioned treaties for their mutual benefit, and they've chopped each other's heads off. IOW, they behave just like men do when they have the power to do it.
".. perhaps the Incredible Hulk on a day when he's feeling girly and is tired of the color green."
So you mean Caitlyn Hulk then?
#1) Why are they saying she is "militaristic?" An attempt to alienate the leftist base? and #2) He is basically saying that women are only able to act based on their basic instincts, without their pesky (nonexistent?) intellect intervening. Imagine if a Republican had said that.
#3) I am clueless about the costume as well. It must be high fashion and within a few years everyone over 65 will be wearing it.
Ralph Nader, the ultimate "mama's boy"?
Would one question a male politician's attire in this way?
"Cruel neutrality" or total confusion?
The award goes to Hillary, a woman.
Who woulda thunk it?
The award, like John Wayne, focuses not on status, but measurable accomplishments on the national and even international stages. For men, because this award only goes to men with a Y chromosome. Got that? Men, people.
It's obviously a godsend for a turkey neck fetishist. Happy times.
God she looks haggard and old. What a crone.
There's an old bit of folk wisdom that says when a woman turns sixty, she gets the face she deserves.
In the last few years it has become a practice of partisan photographers to capture politicians in unflattering poses, with silly grins, covering face with hands or any posture that can diminish the subject's dignity. I noticed it when G. W. Bush was president and you can see the practice on Drudge, Hot Air, and Huffington Post. It's amusing sometimes. I prefer the open partisanship of the political cartoon.
Ralph Nader was in the goddam Princeton class of goddam 1955! A little sexism is nothing. It's a miracle he isn't wearing an orange and black tie and goosing cocktail waitresses.
I've never understood why professional women in that age range tend to wear such odd and flashy clothing. I guess because when they were up and coming, there were so many fewer options for professional women's wear?
Professional women in my generation usually just wear mostly neutral suits, similar to the men, or dresses and similar. This seems much more professional, IMO. Wouldn't Ms. Clinton look much better in a charcoal suit with a blouse than most of her usual speaking engagement outfits?
I'm memorizing that quote. Let us remember TSU President Dr. John M. Rudley and all involved for their ignorance and malevolence, with the exception of Barbara Jordan, who died long before this travesty was committed in her name. She was a good citizen.
Ralph Nader is an idiot, the quote just confirms that. After all, one identifying characteristic of an idiot is that they can hold a premise, (in this case apparently that being a woman automatically makes you a peace maker) see something that directly contradicts that premise, and instead of adjusting the premise come up with a reason for why the premise is correct, regardless of actual facts.
As for Hillary's clothing choices, someone compared her pantsuits to Dr. Evil crossed with Star Trek. I agree.
Smokem' peace vagina.
You owe me a new monitor.
The collar is designed to accept the bubble helmet that is worn with it. It is the Alan Shepherd model.
"Can anybody explain Hillary's giant-gaping-collar costume?"
This is the current uniform for lesbian inmates in Federal Correctional Facilities?
And why isn't she in jail yet?
"Wouldn't Ms. Clinton look much better in a charcoal suit with a blouse than most of her usual speaking engagement outfits?"
Without a doubt. In fact, she would look better dressed in sackcloth rather than what she ordinarily wears. Apparently the GOP has infiltrated her inner circle and placed a mole who advises her on sartorial matters.
She's Sontaran, obviously...
My first thought was that of Emperor Ming (http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/28300000/Flash-Gordon-Icon-flash-gordon-28302952-200-200.jpg), although on closer inspection Hillary's collar is not quite as bombastic. Not quite.
Emil Jannings -in the Blue Angel for the win!
The one thing you can't hide
is when you're ugly inside.
Although on TV it's what's on the outside that counts. Would she look like a walking corpse in a debate against a younger candidate, and. if so, how much would that matter? If you were her top campaign adviser, would you advise her to refuse to debate on TV against a younger candidate?
Hillary! - The woman of a thousand faces - and hairdos and pantsuits!
Is this not Ralph Nader "trying to overcompensate in becoming more aggressive and macho"? Or is this just the way he is?
Is this undergoing scrubbing?
You can be sure she WISHES she were Ming the Merciless, (and she would be, too; merciless, that is) then she wouldn't have to bother with such petty, useless things called elections.
hideous-who thought that would actually look good?
It looks like she's trying to dog whistle those females who remember Jackie O.
The big open neckline makes room for the wattles... gives 'em plenty of space to jiggle and roil.
As I said last week --- it isn't men judging female candidates by what they wear. Hillary is older than dirt. Clothing has no bearing on that.
TSU said Clinton was selected as the inaugural recipient of this prestigious award because of her many works in her role as First Lady, United States Senator, and as Secretary of State.
She faileds to pass health care reform, voted for the Iraq War, and utterly fucked up foreign policy for decades.
Yeah, she's another Barbara Jordan.
Wouldn't Ms. Clinton look much better in a charcoal suit with a blouse than most of her usual speaking engagement outfits?
I doubt it'll help.
Geeezzzzz...pick, pick, pick.....
It looks like a night deposit point for the Foundation. When the cameras go off the "insert cash here" sign goes on.
It reminds me of this goofy Star Trek outfit and the person wearing it, especially around the eyes.
Hard to look fashionable when you're wearing a bullet proof vest.
All of her outfits are very ugly.
...it isn't men judging female candidates by what they wear. Hillary is older than dirt. Clothing has no bearing on that {Ed. "for men"].
Maybe the outfits are designed to distract from the way SHE looks?
Geeezzzzz...pick, pick, pick.....
You know how it is, lemon dog. There's nothing like the smell of imminent death to start the vultures circling.
With the Clintons, you have to assume that everything is part of some over-baked plan, cooked up by hundreds of overpaid advisers who overthought everything. So they clearly overthought her choice of clothing, the question is "why something so obviously terrible?" They have access to the top stylists in the world, and this is a couple that focus-grouped a family vacation back in the '90s. Clearly they knew the public would react with "what the hell are you wearing?"
So I chalk it up as a way to distract from the disaster her candidacy really is--she has nowhere to go but down, is watching a non-entity like Sanders get the excitement in her own party, and the press covering the GOP. So why not get everyone talking about how she dresses, and hopefully create a feminist backlash along the tune of "typical sexists, talking about what she wears! You don't do this to men!" (even though yes they do plenty talk about what men wear, they just don't have as much to work with because men tend to dress more conservatively than women, and Hillary sure as hell wants them talking about something other than what a mess her record is).
I don't know crap about fashion but I don't think it is an awful outfit. I don't think she should have worn it, the collar looks too open for her neck. I think she should have worn something with a tighter collar, more like a man's but again, I don't know fashion so what do I know...
Brando said...
With the Clintons, you have to assume that everything is part of some over-baked plan, cooked up by hundreds of overpaid advisers who overthought everything.
And paid for with tax-free "donation" money run through the foundations.
The only true professionals that the Clintons have around them are the apologists and attack dogs (Blumenthal, Carville, Stephanopoulos, et. al.). After that they can't even find a staffer to correctly translate "reset" into Russian. Who thought that that shade of red would be appropriate for a medal draped from a purple ribbon? Both the ribbon and, worse, the medal disappear against Clinton's dress. Even her campaign manager is a mook if ever one was.
….said Congresswoman Jackson Lee. "It is certainly a most deserving honor and the noblest and highest achievement by any American woman."
I’m in disagreement with conservatives that say she had NO accomplishments during her 4 years at State. She (with others) got Bin-Laden and dropped his bullet ridden body into the ocean. Good job there! But other than that I don’t see what the hub-bub is all about. Why is she so worshiped and adored and admired? The Jackson-Lee quote is tame compared with some of the other tributes given to her. What makes her so wonderful?
The servo-motors in its neck have been known to overheat if covered by fabrics.
"I’m in disagreement with conservatives that say she had NO accomplishments during her 4 years at State. She (with others) got Bin-Laden and dropped his bullet ridden body into the ocean. Good job there!"
Not to be nitpicky as I agree with your overall point, but I'm not sure why the "go" decision on killing bin Laden really should credit the President (or his advisers, such as Secretary of State). I mean, picture it--your military leaders tell you they believe they have the most hated man in the world in a location and want your go-ahead to take him out. What risk is there in ordering it? If it failed, or turned out to be the wrong guy, the mission was covert so no one would find out, and if they did who would blame the president for taking that chance?
Compare that to Churchill deciding to rebuff Hitler's offer of peace after France fell, and Britain had no major allies left. Had Britain lost its colonies or Navy, or suffered saturation bombing, or millions in casualties, only to ultimately lose, he'd have been severely blamed for making the "wrong" decision when he may have gotten a better deal earlier on. Even Bush's decision to invade Iraq--though it turned out to be a mistake--took political courage.
But "hey, kill the top terrorist or let him die of old age" seems like such a no-brainer a chicken tied to a brick could have decided that. The real work was done at the lower levels where they found and ultimately killed the guy. Giving the "ok" was a formality.
I’m in disagreement with conservatives that say she had NO accomplishments during her 4 years at State. She (with others) got Bin-Laden and dropped his bullet ridden body into the ocean.
She had no bearing on that whatsoever. Either decision.
But the things she did have impact on have turned out to be unmitigated fucking disasters of the highest order.
"Giving the "ok" was a formality."
Not only that, but what role does the Secretay of State have in it, anyway?
I thought she was going for the turtle look.
The Japanese have made great progress in robotics, designing some as sexual companions for lonely Japanese company men. This is the new Hillary Clinton model. A bit googly-eyed for my taste.
If she wears a tighter collar the next bimbo eruption might rip her neck off
Looks like the ambassador from the forbidden planet Talos IV.
Is that the second place medal that she acquired after the 2008 convention??
Contrary to what Ralph Nader believes:
Even the hard-left publication, "In These Times," admitted that when a woman gets to rule a nation, she often turns out to be a real piece of work.
And he had a point:
Lucrezia Borgia
Eva Peron
Imelda Marcos
Nader is employing a biased sample here. He's comparing women, who historically were denied national power, to men who had national power.
There's no conclusive evidence that women who rule nations are more pacifistic than men who rule nations.
I do credit Obama for authorizing the strike on Osama bin Laden for two reasons:
1. It was risky. If it had flopped like Carter's aborted rescue mission in 1979, it would have been a serious blow to his administration just like the rescue mission had been to the Carter Administration.
2. It was far from unanimous. His own vice president, Biden, was opposed to taking the gamble.
I'm not one of these rabid partisans who thinks that he's always right and his opponents are always wrong.
Some people get more set in their ways as they get older. But as I've aged, I've become less certain I have all the answers than I was when I was in my twenties.
"Looks like the ambassador from the forbidden planet Talos IV."
But the telepathic Talosians were capable of creating the illusion of beauty.
"His own vice president, Biden, was opposed to taking the gamble."
What more did he need to know? Seriously.
The reporters continue to ask, "What are her specific accomplishments?"
HEY! Talk to the medal, an "...award, [that] focuses not on status, but measurable accomplishments on the national and even international stages."
So, not only accomplishments, but MEASURABLE accomplishments.
Next up the Jack La Lane medal for Youth and Vigor. Followed by the Honest Abe award.
The collar may be some designer's extrapolation of a "portrait collar."
Or ... "Elizabethan collar."
Nader is right. Didn't follow the link but he must include Thatcher in that list. Overcompensating, the way I feared Bush I was doing in the first Gulf War. Because he was supposed to be a wimp.
At least Nader is right to point out that instead of the old suffragette claim that women leaders would lead us toward peace, instead they have to act more like men to be taken seriously. I wouldn't want any wimpy Peace candidate.
With any luck, an overcompensating will achieve the right result..if not, we're fooked.
She was going to meet David Byrne later that evening.
'second place medal'
madAsHell brings the Dr. Pepper through my nose!
"Can anybody explain Hillary's giant-gaping-collar costume?"
Sure: this picture is from June 2015; her fashion sense died in October 2014.
(I'm not being snide. Her fashion choices were much-mocked before she wisely outsourced them to de la Renta, and now that he's gone they're going rapidly downhill.)
The old woman neck needs. wide collar. Compare her neck with Audrey Hepburn's neck.
And buttons need coordination that a brain injured handicap deprived her of a few years ago. She is a sock puppet dresses like a puppet.
It's kind of satisfying to see how it a woman, Althouse, picking at Hillary's looks.
Jim in St Louis said...
TSU said Clinton was selected as the inaugural recipient of this prestigious award because of her many works in her role as First Lady, United States Senator, and as Secretary of State...but how can an award be 'prestigious' if this is the first time they have ever given it out?
Don't bother me now. Can't you see I'm busy?
Yeah, but what is that?
It's a major award.
A major award?
Shucks, I wouldn't have known that. It looks like a lamp.
It is a lamp, you nincompoop. But it's a major award.
I won it.
Damn, hell, you say you won it?
Yeah. Mind power, Sweed, mind power.
Germany: Angela Merkel
Great Britain: Margaret Thatcher
Israel: Golda Mier
USA: Hillary Clinton
Three bootstrap stories resulting in great leaders, and a slingshot from Bill's suspenders resulting in God Knows What?
A woman President would be great, but is this the best we can do?
"1. It was risky. If it had flopped like Carter's aborted rescue mission in 1979, it would have been a serious blow to his administration just like the rescue mission had been to the Carter Administration.
2. It was far from unanimous. His own vice president, Biden, was opposed to taking the gamble."
I don't know about that--in Carter's case, there were hostages to be rescued and it would have been impossible to keep the operation's failure a secret. In Obama's case, no one would have known if it had been aborted (or got the wrong guy) though even if it did, could anyone really say he shouldn't have tried? I've been pretty critical of Obama's drone warfare policy but would have to have agreed that taking out bin Laden when you have a chance is not a question.
I can't speak for Biden--what would have been the gamble? It'd look bad if we killed some innocent third party? That never stopped him from using drone attacks that took out plenty of collateral damage. And the Pakistanis were at least muted about it.
I just can't see how politically he could have made any other call.
I agree, Brando. Making the call to go after OBL was obvious, and why didn't we take him alive?
To the left, though, it looks gutsy. Omigod, he pulled a gun! How could Saint Obama have done such a thing if not for incredible courage?
If Bush or Reagan had done it, the left would've said whatever, he's a violent nut.
"Making the call to go after OBL was obvious, and why didn't we take him alive?"
Absolutely--it sounds like there was a good chance of doing so, and he would certainly have been valuable alive (at least for propaganda reasons--showing his followers that the guy clearly wasn't willing to fight to the death; also the intelligence coup would have been huge in terms of getting the rest of his people, if he had that info). Maybe they had no choice, but then I've heard several conflicting accounts of how the raid went down.
Also, don't dump the body! We could have left it on a pike to be eaten by vultures and rats.
Bob Ellison said...
I agree, Brando. Making the call to go after OBL was obvious, and why didn't we take him alive?
To the left, though, it looks gutsy. Omigod, he pulled a gun! How could Saint Obama have done such a thing if not for incredible courage?
If Bush or Reagan had done it, the left would've said whatever, he's a violent nut.
6/8/15, 3:15 PM
Well even mundane acts become surreal when done by "The One"! I even heard that his farts smell like peppermint.
She wears the Spanish rough (ruff) ... loosely.
We only have their word for it that they killed him. Or at least at that time.
Remember? The video link failed just then.
I just assumed the medal was Nobel. She's got one, right? Seem easy to get these days. Measurable achievements never measure up to the potential.
But the neck collar..well. When you have a sexy neckline like that, it'd be a shame to not work it.
Note that Holder had promised that OBL would not be caught alive. Holder and Obama could not let that happen. What are they gonna do, try him in a Manhattan court?
Far better to off the pig, dump the body at sea, and take a victory lap. That's the ticket.
At the time, the scuttlebutt on the right was that Hillary, among others, had to stiffen Obama's spine. Of course Democrats denied it to the skies.
Now Hillary is wearing a medal around her neck.
Truth is what supports your lust to power if you are a Democrat.
Some people get more set in their ways as they get older. But as I've aged, I've become less certain I have all the answers than I was when I was in my twenties - sinz52
Welcome to a well trodden path Grasshopper. I was once certain that Reagan was evil incarnate and that Teddy Kennedy should be president because... because... well, I don't remember why now.
I am fine with Obama and his team (HRC) taking credit for UBL’s death. Well done Mr. President and congrats to the SEALs.
I also think that going on 6 years into a term and only one overseas accomplishment makes his total record look worse in contrast. And saying that Hillary is a big nothing is to put yourself into the "nutty uncle section".
And saying that Hillary is a big nothing is to put yourself into the "nutty uncle section".
So what would you list as her accomplishments? ......
"It's a major award."
Does the major award have a name? Or is it just a generic Major Award?
Hillary may not be an illegal, but maybe she's an alien.
This is the problem of women trying to overcompensate in becoming more aggressive and macho
This would go with pantsuit, maybe. If Hillary went Annie Hall, 24-7. If she was dressing like a man so we thought she was serious and tough and ready to lead.
It's funny to imagine Hillary dressing like Ming the Merciless because she's over-over-over-compensating.
Jim is still working on that, Fen.
Hillary using the military to compensate considering the abuse and contempt she heaped on the military personnel stationed in the WH according to Clinton's military attaché. Colonel Paterson.
Did you notice that the blue blouse she wore to the Iowa state fair was the same pattern? It looked much better in gingham than it did in that shiny material. In fact, I'd like to get a pattern for it.
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