The cocky last line of his interview with Martha Raddatz on ABC's "This Week" this morning. Read/watch the whole thing here. (Kudos to ABC for getting the transcript and video up so quickly!)
Raddatz really keeps up the pressure throughout this interview, perhaps trying to make some news by making him look dumb/unprepared/unstable the way Katie Couric tripped up Sarah Palin. But Walker held steady, speaking without hesitation and without droning on, stepping up to tough questions on Syria and immigration, and not showing any irritation at Raddatz's multiple interruptions.
६८ टिप्पण्या:
I think he did very well. She interrupted but did not do the demeaning attack interview that Couric used on Palin. Palin was set up by Nicole Wallace who served in McCain's campaign and who obviously set up Palin on the interview.
Well done Walker! I like a person who speaks well of their potential adversaries, like he did of Rubio. He knows every interview will be in the company of adversarial press. You can tell under his little smile that there is a disarming charm about him.
Raddatz is not some dumb blonde newsreader. She was almost too smart as she put words into Walker's mouth and finished his sentences for him in hopes he would stumble into a Palin or a Perry freeze up and ask what she was talking about.
But Walker was fast on his feet and smooth in his attitude towards press torture.
Miracles are afoot.
He's had people threatening to kill his family for years now. How scary is a TV mannequin gonna be?
He did ok, but I would have preferred him to go all Ray Rice (speaking metaphorically) on her ass. Those questions weren't so much probing as barbed......Does it hurt when I press here? How about when I press here with dagger?
At least Raddatz has an interesting face. She could become a Tina Fey type SNL gal if she is fired for failure to get Walker.
I wish I'd known Walker was on.
That's pretty arrogant.
you could hear the contempt in her voice. She could barely hold back her disdain for having to interview such an "ignorant yokel" loved it. he will be underestimated !
I came across the interview while channel surfing, prepared to throw my support behind Walker. Haven't seen him before, and I was impressed.
I thought Raddatz was almost hostile; rude, actually, in a "who do you think you are, thinking you can stack up against Hillary?" He did well, I thought. Really worried about the lack of a degree, though. Not that I care, but the Democrats will go nuts on it.
No matter how hard he tries, Walker just can't overcome his great humility.
The media narrative is slow adjusting to a unpredicted reality. I remember the first Tyson/Holyfield fight and the narrative that Tyson was beating Evanderto a pulp lasted for 8 rounds until one of the TV announcers said, "You know Holyfield is winning this." and he was instantly derided by the others.
"I wouldn’t bet against me on anything."
Neither would Pete Rose... or so has he adamantly claimed since he belatedly admitted to betting on his own team.
Betting is not what I would consider a church going, upstanding citizen thing to admit to. Or at least it didn't used to be.
Or may he said it figuratively. He needs to be careful. Republican speech is mulled over more carefully than democrats.
I used to like Radditz but gosh she was rude in this interview. I couldn't finish it. With every question a pause for an answer and when it didn't get the "stupid answer" she was listening for she interrupted and ratcheted up to rhetoric in the question.
Radditz stunk up the joint. My gosh, is that the kind of journalism that gets you on a national talking head show these days? She's like that early-computer-age AI program Eliza that supposedly emulated psychotherapy, but was really only recognizing and giving canned, provocative responses every time it recognized something from a short list of buzz-words: "Oh, you say your mother loved q#89c=2. Can you tell me more about q#89c=2?"
I agree that Walker handled it pretty well, and this is about as crisp as I've seen him; he's doing a good job buffing up and getting his game face on. But her interruptions didn't make her questions any less inane, so I wouldn't count this as a tough interview.
I wonder if Walker is looking for settings in which his phlegmatic aspects will actually work for him? Where he'll seem the calm, dull, stable, competent man of (relatively) conservative principle, standing against the storm of crazies? I wonder, in other words, if Walker is looking for settings in which he can reprise his performance under attack in Wisconsin? If so, that's smart.
I wouldn't bet against me on anything
Alopecia. I'm taking alopecia.
The hair is kind of distracting. Unflattering angles will be chosen.
Walker did well against the ABC's JV team. But wait until his title match with Katie Couric's charm and brains.
They are going through his trashcan as we speak.
Did you know he has no college degree?
" But her interruptions didn't make her questions any less inane, so I wouldn't count this as a tough interview."
I thought it was a pretty good interview. She is used to politicians bloviating and she kept making the questions more specific. I didn't mind at all..
They are going through his trashcan as we speak.
One of the bigger advantages Walker has is that the local Democrats have been digging for anything on him the last four years already, even abusing governmental power to do so, and have come up with nothing.
But Dem Slanderama Operatons don't need a real story beyond repeating the accusations from a empty law suit that will finally get thrown out. (See, Gov. Perry's criminal indictment)
The interviewer can just demand Walker's reactions to the SERIOUS charges.
The interviewer was aggressive but not inappropriate.
After the DNC vomits out whatever they can dig up or invent about him, the questions will be a lot tougher.
Did you know he has no college degree?
That makes him ineligible to play they say.
No bachelors, no bachelor!
I just watched the interview on line. Raddatz conducted a normal news interview with a candidate for President. Nothing below the belt. Maybe it's not just the Supreme Court that follows the election returns.
We're going to watch every pixie-haired twit who gets her digs in against Walkers eligibility on BloggingHeads very carefully.
If Martha moderates any of the debates, she's certain to follow any claim by the Republican that the Democrat is not tough enough on ISIS with something like, "Aren't 2000 bombing raids tough enough?"
Martha Raddatz is a hack. Rude. Not very smart. When will a GOP candidate call them on their partisan politics.
That said, Walker handled himself well, as he always does. I've met him a few times, he clearly is comfortable with himself, his beliefs, and positions.
Well, I guess it's Republican nomination celebrity pageant time, so nothing too critical of Walkie talkie will be elaborated on too much here. But still, why is the doofus so damn bleary-eyed? Does he get enough sleep? Does he spend too much time at a strobe-light blinking nightclub? Too much ecstasy or meth? What, exactly makes Governor Lazy Eyes' eyes so red? What's going on here, exactly? Let's get a closer look at those breasts.
""Aren't 2000 bombing raids tough enough?"
Good point. 70% of those raids were at the one town of Kobane in Syria.
"Aren't 2000 bombing raids tough enough?"
Let's ask Kenji Goto.
If Martha moderates any of the debates, she's certain to follow any claim by the Republican that the Democrat is not tough enough on ISIS with something like, "Aren't 2000 bombing raids tough enough?"
And the proper response is no, it's not enough. When they either all die or give up then it's enough. As a patriotic American you do agree with this. Right?
Walker did well against the ABC's JV team. But wait until his title match with Katie Couric's charm and brains."
Her claim to fame was never brains, just perky. Unfortunately for her she is way past her perky sell by date.
"Michael K said...
" But her interruptions didn't make her questions any less inane, so I wouldn't count this as a tough interview."
I thought it was a pretty good interview. She is used to politicians bloviating and she kept making the questions more specific. I didn't mind at all.."
What a steaming pile. First, in some case she interrupted so early that there is no way to say that Walker was about to "bloviate".
Second she consistently endorsed Obama policy.
But maybe you can show me an interview with Democratic pols that she used the same style.
I'll get comfy. Waiting...
As a female interviewer, did she get into the war on women issue of "gut her like a fish"?
R&B wrote: What, exactly makes Governor Lazy Eyes' eyes so red? What's going on here, exactly?
Garage Mahal (PBUH) used to call Walker "ol' Dead Eyes."
Really Ritmo, I expect your rhetoric to rise above the risible.
It is a year and a half before most people starts thinking about who to vote for.
A mushroom cloud goes up somewhere in the world within that time - and that is quite likely, I think - it will be a whole new race for both parties.
From the transcript, prior to the interview:
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We have more concerns about domestic-based acts of violence inspired by things people may see or read on the internet.
This is in relation to Super Bowl security. News outlets just can't help themselves with this narrative, especially given that the game is in Arizona.
This was just like that feisty interview the MSM gave to Obam-uh...
Oh that's right; that never happened.
@Ritmo: I mean surely I can't have been the first to remark how your hero really badly wants to look like Cantinflas, can I have been? Really, he should let his whiskers grow -- he'd look more Lincolnesque or Ed Bradleyesque. Take your pick.
he'll seem the calm, dull, stable, competent man of (relatively) conservative principle
This is why I think he might just be electable. He seems to be a cool, capable person, and it'd be hard to find a particular Rethuglikkkan stereotype to use to destroy him. He's not rich and he's not a scold on social issues. What other angle could they use? I think he will come across as an ordinary guy who does an ordinary capable job without a lot of fanfare and drama, and Hillary will (rightly so) come across as an elderly lifelong bureaucrat.
"But maybe you can show me an interview with Democratic pols that she used the same style.
I'll get comfy. Waiting..."
I don't expect any Democrat candidates for national office to show up. They have Hillary and I'm sure ABC, which is still concealing the "Path to 9/11" video, will not allow any difficult question. That, in fact, is one of her big problems. The Democrat presidential race is all geriatric. Remember she was unbeatable in 2008.
I'm not saying ABC or Raditch is Fox News but I thought it was a fair interview.
Tim Russert made a good reputation doing very similar interviews.
... perhaps trying to make some news by making him look dumb...
That's the mission, but not the motivation.
Which hero of mine is trying to look like Cantinflas?
@R&B: Obama of course!
I mean, it's a silly game you started here. Why do you want to play it?
I'm watching this because I want to see what Walker has to say. But Ugh, this girl is hard to watch.
First impressions
Walker isn't saying anything about Syria and having a strategy. It's political talk. But what can he say? It's not like he can lay out specific plans on defeating them. Therefore, he should have called her out on her dumb question like Chris Christie would have done. This is probably the only thing I like about Chris Christie.
I didn't like his answer on Immigration. He says a couple of times the answer isn't amnesty. He also agrees with her that we can't deport 11 million people. He then says you don't have to deport everyone or give them amnesty. What then? I didn't hear the answer in this interview. I don't like that. If you don't have a plan for the border, other than "Secure the border" and "No amnesty" it's going to be hard for me to trust you on this issue, because there is a lot of room for interpretation there.
I do think he has a lot of charisma and appeal. He doesn't hesitate or say um a lot when he's talking. He seems prepared. Steady. Like he has answers.
In other words, this interview showed me that he appears ready for the low information voters.
But for those of us who are more substantive, my mind is far from made up.
a) Good performance by Walker. He will have many more chances to screw up before the first delegate is selected.
b) I wish he wouldn't say "we" when he means "I". I know ALL politicians do that, they think it makes them sound modest, but it irritates me -- not enough that I won't vote for him.
c) Martha needs to cut her hair. That do on a 60-year-old makes her look older than she is, not younger as her hairdresser must have told her, and undermines any credibility she might have as a commentator.
I wonder if Walker is looking for settings in which his phlegmatic aspects will actually work for him? Where he'll seem the calm, dull, stable, competent man of (relatively) conservative principle, standing against the storm of crazies? I wonder, in other words, if Walker is looking for settings in which he can reprise his performance under attack in Wisconsin? If so, that's smart."
Vote for the grown-up in the room, not just the oldest person.
"I didn't like his answer on Immigration."
He said what he had to say. No amnesty.
At least he didn't mention "self deport" although that is, in fact, the plan. Enforce E-Verify and they can't get the jobs that drew them here and go home.
He diid keep saying "Enforce the law" and that may be what he had in mind but was smart enough to not say.
Althouse said: stepping up to tough questions on Syria and immigration
No, those were predictable, softball immigration questions, which he dodged incoherently (he says we need to enforce the law, but then won't commit to deporting those already here illegally, which is the law). At the end he did say something about how we need to find a way for people to immigrate legally, so it doesn't sound like he's backing off his kooky open borders plan to make illegal immigration unnecessary by just letting everybody in.
Here's some actual tough questions she could have asked:
Governor Walker, you have repeatedly indicted that you think legal immigration should be greatly increased. Polls show that more than 70% of Americans are opposed to any increase in immigration. Why do you believe you know better than most Americans on this issue?
A major issue in this campaign is wage stagnation. How do you respond to concerns that increasing already high levels of unskilled immigration, will create more downward pressure on wages?
The USA currently admits about 1.2 million immigrants a year. Since you think that number is too low, what number, if any, do you think would be too high?
Of course no one from the establishment media would ever ask him those questions, because they all favor mass immigration, though for different reasons than Walker does (they want to create more Dem voters, while Walker wants to please his cheap labor-craving donors).
"I think for sure, we need to secure the border."
One thing to consider is that legal immigration, I believe, requires those without demonstrable means have sponsors.
I'm not sure arguing for a more efficient legal process is arguing for letting everyone in.
As he says regarding military action, "I wouldn't rule anything out."
I find that refreshing as Dems have this strange propensity to do just that..which is just plain dumb strategy for the sake of domestic gain.
Walker Wins Kansas Straw Poll
Momentum for Walker?
Blogger Michael K said...
"I didn't like his answer on Immigration."
He said what he had to say. No amnesty.
Don't they all say no amnesty? Haven't even McCain and Lindsy Graham and Marco Rubio all steered clear of amnesty language and even insist that their amnesty plans aren't amnesty?
My preference is for the self deport strategy. Wherein we make it too hard to be here illegally. English only instructions for stuff, E-verify for businesses, shut down business that hires illegals, jail time for paying illegals under the table, etc.
Don't just make the priority of enforcement criminal aliens. Also make it illegal aliens who are taking American jobs.
I'm not sure arguing for a more efficient legal process is arguing for letting everyone in.
Walker has said several times in previous interviews that he thinks anyone who wants to work in the USA should be allowed to come here.
“Some people talk about border security and a wall and all that. To me, I don’t know that you you need any of that if you had a better, saner way to let people into the country in the first place.”- Walker at 1:27
That statement- that we maybe we don't even need border security- only makes sense if he's saying the same people who would have come here illegally should just be let in legally.
So, will Raddatz be as forceful, aggressive, and politically hostile if/when she interviews Clinton or Warren or (God forbid) Biden. I doubt it. Today she was doing God's Work in the eyes of her fellow travelers.
Look on the sunny side: It could have been Amanda Marcotte.
Ok..having checked various links, looks like he does need pressing for clarification. I agree..unless every applicant gets green-lighted, there will always be those who will opt to border hop. He is inconsistent when he says "I think for sure, we need to secure the border." Best hope is that he is saying what he thinks folks want to hear.
Maybe Walker knows how to deal with the media.
"The lesson, as I interpret it, is that the press and the Democrats speak the same language. That’s not surprising; the mainstream press, especially during national elections, functions as a messaging office for the Democrats. Because of this, they just assume that in order to be a serious presidential candidate you have to be like them, like the Democrats.
Walker doesn’t agree. And he’s been extraordinarily successful of late by not agreeing."
"My preference is for the self deport strategy. Wherein we make it too hard to be here illegally."
You're not running for president.
I think he did fine. Right now, everybody is watching for a gaffe. He didn't make one. It's a year and a half until the election. This was a good start.
If Sarah Palin had not been sabotaged by the supposed GOP "expert" Nicole Wallace, she might have helped McCain more than she, which was substantial.
Michael K wrote;
I think he did fine. Right now, everybody is watching for a gaffe. He didn't make one. It's a year and a half until the election. This was a good start.
I think he did fine also.
My only point was, he needs more meat and less milk if he wants my vote.
Jon wrote;
That statement- that we maybe we don't even need border security- only makes sense if he's saying the same people who would have come here illegally should just be let in legally.
Then you're not trying very hard to make sense of it otherwise.
It also makes sense if he means we should clear everyone at Embassies and Consulates around the world in a better and saner fashion than we currently do.
As a border officer for almost 20 years now, visa issuers are like rubber stamp monkeys. They console themselves by saying, "If they are bad, they'll be caught on the border."
Then, when the person arrives at the border and an officer like myself says, "This guy is going to stay." a supervisor says, "If he was going to stay, the consulate wouldn't have given him a visa in the first place."
And so, in they come.
It's tragic really.
And btw, the law says the burden of proof is on them, not on the officer. They don't get a judge and a lawyer. If an officer says they can't come in, they aren't supposed to be able to come into the United States. But policy has turned law on it's head.
"If Sarah Palin had not been sabotaged by the supposed GOP "expert" Nicole Wallace, she might have helped McCain more than she, which was substantial."
That he had someone like Nicole Wallace in his campaign just shows the incompetence of the RINO McCain. Sarah Palin wasn't given any time to get up to speed, she could have been brought along slowly by exposing her first to Fox news and others less inclined to play gotcha news instead of the liberal media that was just out to destroy her.
Nicole Wallace and the other women on the view apparently had a group orgasm entertaining the possibility of Hillary becoming President.
Okay, I watched just a bit of it. This blog is the only place I've heard Scott Walker mentioned with any regularity. I've avoided clicking or commenting on the blog items about him because I don't know anything about the regional issues and AA seems quite attached to him, so best to stay out of it.
So my first quick impression was that he was ever-so-slightly dorkier looking than I imagined he would be. (Somehow I got the idea over the years that he was considered super handsome.) He did not come across as stupid *nor* did he come across as particularly bright, but somewhere in the vast middle.
Scott Walker had one semester left to go to get his degree but he was out of time and money so he went to work. Others stayed in college and smoked dope, wasting money, till they collected the piece of paper.
What Walker did in this interview was avoid producing a sound bite that could (and would) be taken out of context. So that's good. He took on the press and the press didn't win. That's good.
As for real positions, I don't think that mainstream press interviews are about finding out and comparing positions. Be real. They are about tearing down all Republicans and then - depending on the station - they are also about building up some Democrat. We all know this.
If Walker runs he will have position papers.
SOJO wrote: So my first quick impression was that he was ever-so-slightly dorkier looking than I imagined he would be. (Somehow I got the idea over the years that he was considered super handsome.) He did not come across as stupid *nor* did he come across as particularly bright, but somewhere in the vast middle.
As far as looks and charisma go, it's bland ambition. What astonishing is that Walker just seems to resonate -- not with coastal types but --- with everyone else.
You gotta walk before you run.
chickelit said...
"As far as looks and charisma go, it's bland ambition. What astonishing is that Walker just seems to resonate -- not with coastal types but --- with everyone else."
This election will be the showdown between the donor class and everyone else. The same people that will trash all the republicans in the primary except bush and Christie. The same people who trashed everyone on Romneys behalf in the 2012 primary before donating record money to Obama.
"This election will be the showdown between the donor class and everyone else."
I agree with this assessment.
I anticipate a decisive win for the donor class, revealing everyone else, for once and ever, as the pathetic worms that they are.
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