१८ फेब्रुवारी, २०१५

"Over the last few snowfalls in Cambridge, Harvard's metaLAB used a drone to document the wintry conditions from above."

"They observed instances of icicle build-up on various Harvard buildings from up close, could see how pedestrian traffic was directed through the narrows of cleared pathways, and were also able to see how the storm affected visibility compared to what clear conditions would afford us on the same kind of flights."

९ टिप्पण्या:

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

I find it pretty disorienting to be looking straight down.

Bill, Republic of Texas म्हणाले...

Is using drones unusual? Aren't US news channels using drones in their reports?

Im not watching US news channels. Russian news use drones on most stories. Over use I think but it is their newest toy. But there are some amazing videos coming out. Donetsk airport and Moscow's library fire.

YoungHegelian म्हणाले...

In other news out of Harvard, the metaLAB, after a drone sweep outside the women's dorms, claimed visual evidence that, dude, you simply can't believe how AWESOME Tiffany K.'s rack is. I mean, just frickin' unbelievable!

Bob Ellison म्हणाले...

Way too many camera cuts.

JSD म्हणाले...

They need to fly the drone over the neighborhoods by Central Square to view the parking-chair wars. After a big storm, everybody who parks on street, shovels out their car and then places a chair to hold the spot for when they return. “This parking spot that I shoveled out is mine!” Invariably, somebody moves a chair and the war starts. You can drive through street after street lined with chairs. Hilarious.

Larry J म्हणाले...

JSD said...
They need to fly the drone over the neighborhoods by Central Square to view the parking-chair wars. After a big storm, everybody who parks on street, shovels out their car and then places a chair to hold the spot for when they return. “This parking spot that I shoveled out is mine!” Invariably, somebody moves a chair and the war starts. You can drive through street after street lined with chairs. Hilarious.

I read about that yesterday and it does sound amusing. On the other hand, I can relate to shoveling a lot of snow only to have someone advantage. About 25 years ago, I was living in Colorado Springs. My house was on a cul-de-sac. One day, we had a winter storm dump about 18" of heavy, wet snow. After it ended, I got out there with my shovel and cleared a path from my garage all the way to the street (about 50 yards). I came out a couple hours later and found some guy parked right in the middle of the path I cleared. He could've parked 10 feet in either direction and it would've been fine but no, he blocked my path. I shoveled a new path and piled all the the snow on his car. It served him right.

Rob म्हणाले...

The FAA does not permit model aircraft (including drones) to operate within five miles of major airports unless permission has been obtained from the tower. Portions of the Harvard campus are within that five-mile radius. I wonder if Harvard's drone flight was kosher.

Titus म्हणाले...

I saw that thing flying around Monday and crashing constantly. It had pretty lights-like green and red.

fyi-the science center has a cruisy bathroom in the basement by the labs....I've heard


Wince म्हणाले...

Everything looks neater, cleaner from above in HD, that's for sure.