I can certainly see why. If the recall had been prompted by a genuine scandal, severe mismanagement, or a gross abuse of power, it would have galvanized people against him and left him weak if he survived it. But this was clearly a move orchestrated by the unions who hated his law, and wanted revenge, and voters saw it for what it was--an abuse of the recall power. No better way to make a martyr out of the guy and leave him more powerful than before.
Scott Walker having the best enemies ever dates to when he ran for Milwaukee County Executive after a huge pension plan scandal that outraged everybody.
If Milwaukee County liberals would have kept their pension enrichment schemes to simply horrible instead of outright robbery, Walker may merely be a 2nd-term state senator or have moved onto something else entirely.
Any sane Democrat not in Madison or Milwaukee would have given Walker a tough fight in 2010 because outstate Wisconsin does not vote for candidates from Milwaukee County. So instead, Walker gets to run against the mayor of Milwaukee -- a choice that focused outstate Wisconsin' anti-Milwaukee bias onto the Democrat because it had to go somewhere.
He is indeed a talented politician who understands how to play the game, but he has benefitted from and performed tremendously against inept opposition.
Hey Garage. You are right. Walker leads a cult that worships Reaganomics, freedom of speech and a Bill of Rights with a 2nd Amendment.
It sure beats the anti-Semitic cult dedicated to disarming Americans and mandatory EPA thefts using totally faked science while we all bow down to Gaia and willingly give up the good life for humans that comes from using cheap carbon based energy.
Well, the Democrats used the courts and shady methods to clear the path for Barak Obama in Illinois (Ryan's divorce. Beuhler?), so I think it a balancing act that similar tactics have so spectacularly backfired on them.
It is an important lesson for both parties: just because it worked once, or twice, or 20 times, doesn't mean it will always work. Also, since a large majority of Democrats appear to be secular evolutionists, it should worry them that the based on survival of the fittest, that they are selecting for survival a hardier breed of Republicans, while at the same time retarding the development of hardier Democratic candidates.
Most current Democrats seem like hot house flowers. That is super when the environment can be controlled, but that is less, and less the case.
As silly and pointless as I think the college degree thing is, I think Althouse might be right that Walker has secretly obtained a degree as an ace up his sleeve. To be deployed at just the right moment.
The only cult I see is the one licking the shoes of the current resident of the White House. Remember all the photos of THE WON with a halo surrounding HIS head? Remember how THE WON was/is described as some sort of demi-god by members of the lick-spittle CriminalLiberialMedia? Notice how the DemCong gleefully hang on every word THE WON utters as if they are holy writ?
I've yet to see such nonsense regarding Governor Walker.
The Left created this monster, largely through their tried and true tactics of protest marches and demonstrations.
I told a leftist coworker once that whenever I heard someone yell the "Hey, hey, ho ho" chant, I automatically assumed the person was an absolute ill-informed idiot. The coworker's reaction was jaw-dropping, sputtering disbelief .
The left doesn't get how many people hate them and their tactics. They may get a real education in a couple of years.
I told a leftist coworker once that whenever I heard someone yell the "Hey, hey, ho ho" chant, I automatically assumed the person was an absolute ill-informed idiot. The coworker's reaction was jaw-dropping, sputtering disbelief .
The left really needs to be taken to the woodshed. Unfortunately, they will always have Hollywood.
I think what intimidates Democrats and many Republicans, is that Walker is validating the point made by many Tea Party types- principles matter. this is terrifying to most political consultants, who make a living by avoiding any mention of real principles. It is only a matter of time before the RINO GOP and the chattering class begin to melt down. And it will be a wonderful show to watch.
Walker, Walker, he's our man! If he can't do it, no one can! Gooooooooo Walker!!!
I could never have imagined Althouse as Head Cheerleader, but it is going to be a long year at this rate. Can we have some posts exulting in gay marriage, please?
I'll particularly enjoy Gov. Martinez recalling for all the reporters on the campaign trail the time the Democrat legislator in New Mexico called her the "wetback governor." That'll go a long ways toward keeping Hispanics voting Democrat in 2016.
How many states will Hillary! win when Walker/Martinez get 60% of the white vote, 50% of Hispanics, and the black vote stays home?
garage mahal said... This corrupt Koch turd is the perfect Republican.
2/23/15, 12:08 PM
You are constantly screaming that Walker is corrupt but other than your screeching, do you have [you know, actual] proof? Something actionable? Or are you just assuming that he must be, how else could he have prevailed against all of the dirty tricks thrown his way?
Perhaps Hillary! can put Sen. Menendez on the ticket, given that he is the only Democrat at either the Senator or governor level that is actually fluent in Spanish like Gov. Martinez.
Plus the underage prostitute thing he shares with Bill Clinton.
All those sleepless nights ahead: Walker or Hillary? Heart or head? 1st woman or another white male? Competence or identity politics? The last of my boomer generation or pass the torch? Ivy League credentials or School of Hard Knocks? Counting sheep or electoral votes?
In Scott Walker, I see a new Richard Nixon being sculpted, as a shrewd political opponent and the target of choice for the liberal press. Behold, see how the LEFT makes everything new!
Walker has a shot, hard to say at this point how it will go. His first test will be the money, can he convince donors to part with the cash to get his message out.
It appears that Garage has come out of Depression into the Acceptance stage of grief in Kubler-Ross.
I wonder how long it will take before the Main Stream Media guys get there too.
There's something about Scott being the right man at precisely the right moment in time with precisely the right instrument. As Gen. Patton is reported to have said, "... the hand of God is in this."
Walker has suddenly emerged as a threat to the Left, who at the moment seem unprepared for him or unsure of what kind of threat he presents.
They sniffed him out early enough in the process, though, so there's plenty of time for the NYT and WashPo to develop and broadcast the case against Walker.
That said, it's been weeks or months now since he's been a top GOP contender. I would have expected something troubling by now, but all we have is that he dropped out of college and a few of his professors were unimpressed.
He didn't even snap towels or short sheet people like Jeb did in high school!
Btw, when do the mass-counseling sessions begin for the WI based victims of 'almost mission statement modification'?
I mean that islamist (is it really?) ISIS is out there beheading, burning alive, raping (actual rape-rape), enslaving (actual enslaving-enslaving), etc. But did any of those victims have to suffer thru the horror of minor mission statement edits?
As that realization dawns on them, the hysterics are going to be delicious.
You can't beat him. You've tried and failed for his entire career. What did they say about Reagan, he had a Teflon coating? Yeah, baby, same thing with Walker.
The futility of the Leftists' position in this matter will become apparent in short order as the election season really gets going.
Scott Walker may end up as a formidable national candidate or he may not. If he does it is not really arguable that his trial by fire in WI vs the lunatic left will have been the key factor.
He was a more boring, more balding John Kasich before all the Commie nut-jobs and sweaty losers with daddy issues starting beating drums and screaming outside the capitol building in Madison.
They've turned him into Calvin Coolidge meets Ronald Reagan. They will have nobody but themselves to blame when he raises his right hand on the steps of the Capitol on a cold January afternoon two years from now, and says, "I, Scott Walker, do solemnly swear..."
"I told a leftist coworker once that whenever I heard someone yell the "Hey, hey, ho ho" chant, I automatically assumed the person was an absolute ill-informed idiot."
Hey, if someone goes to the trouble of constructing a giant paper-mache stick puppet then you just know their political opinions must be the result of probity and reasoning.
Walker vs the WI lunatic left is an experiential parallel with Reagan's unavoidable run-ins with the soviet supporting leftists in the Screen Actors Guild.
It is not nothing when you consistently go toe to toe with these petty fascists. Lessons are learned. Tactics refined. Messaging is honed.
The linked article effectively lays out the details of that "polishing".
When you're reached the "accusing your opponent of being homosexual" stage of the debate, it is probably best to just quietly slink away.
You don't have to be a homosexual to suck dick. Maybe you have trouble with metaphors. I know Walker cultists like Curious George and Althouse hate being razzed about their cult, but I feel compelled to razz them about it.
garage mahal said... I know Walker cultists like Curious George and Althouse hate being razzed about their cult, but I feel compelled to razz them about it."
Hate? I love it. One: it gives me a chance to repeat all the times Walker and the GOP have dashed your dreams. Two: it proves that you are even too stupid to understand that you are the poster child of what this post is about.
You're like a salmon swimming upstream...and Walker is the bear.
Is Scott Walker tied to The Koch Brothers? Why, I never heard that before. There should an investigation! With subpoena powers! In secret, so no one who opposes Walker can be intimidated! And someone who opposes Walker and has a wife who is a teacher's union steward should head it up! Oh...wait...they already did that. I don't know how Garage can get up in the morning. He must be so depressed every day. Maybe he should move to Oregon, where they understand good government and green energy. Oh...wait...
"I don't know how Garage can get up in the morning. He must be so depressed every day."
This. Combined with his wife fleeing her marriage to him and his weight problems, I am thinking that the inauguration of President Walker will push his depression into suicide.
Garage wishes Walker support could be reduced to one cult. When in fact it is all three cults: 1)The Supply Sider Reaganites, and 2) The moderate Wisconsin/Northern tier of Americans believing in the Government to solving problems, and 3) the moderate Evangelical believers.
That makes Walker a leader of an all American coalition of voters.
The Dems are spoiled from the past easily dividing of those three interests into self defeating warring factions.
Walker has made peace among them and he now rolls along like Patton's Third Army.
"It is not nothing when you consistently go toe to toe with these petty fascists."
That may be a major factor in Walker's ability to avoid rookie mistakes as he deals with the national media that thinks of itself as "The Big Leagues."
I am sure Reagan learned about the left in his days in the SAG.
It will be interesting to watch. I also like Jindal but he has stumbled a couple of times. Mike Pence was on Fox yesterday and I like him, too.
Mitch Daniels had great potential but he is short and you know what they say about short candidates. He also has a unique family situation. He is doing great things at Purdue.
you worship a politician like a giddy school girl. It's pathetic, but I know you can't see it.
Garage, the problem there is that even the people who don't think Scott Walker is all that awesome -- e.g., me -- still remember the dozen or so times you've confidently predicted his political demise, only to have his political prospects soar ever-higher.
It is like a cross between Groundhog Day and the fable of the fox and the grapes. You're just bitter and angry, and we all know it.
"TosaGuy said... Scott Walker having the best enemies ever dates to when he ran for Milwaukee County Executive after a huge pension plan scandal that outraged everybody.
If Milwaukee County liberals would have kept their pension enrichment schemes to simply horrible instead of outright robbery, Walker may merely be a 2nd-term state senator or have moved onto something else entirely."
I understand the reasoning, but the "may" is accurate too. I think Walker knows what he wants. And would have gotten it anyway. He did get re-elected in Milwaukee a number of times.
"TosaGuy said... Any sane Democrat not in Madison or Milwaukee would have given Walker a tough fight in 2010 because outstate Wisconsin does not vote for candidates from Milwaukee County. So instead, Walker gets to run against the mayor of Milwaukee -- a choice that focused outstate Wisconsin' anti-Milwaukee bias onto the Democrat because it had to go somewhere."
I disagree here. Barrett ran because there was nobody else. The Dems knew that this was going to be a tough year. Doyle painted them into a corner. Huge deficit. No place o steal money from. And an economy where raising taxes was impossible to sell. Remember, the GOP kicked ass in the Senate and Assembly elections. That statewide landslide had more to do with Walker's success moving forward. No super majority in the legislature, no Act 10.
Yeah, it's not like the Republicans didn't kick ass all across the board last November.
Walker will be the head of a slate of tough election results for Democrats in 2016.
I know the Dems think they'll coast back into the majority in the Senate but state by state polling, and the lack of quality candidates in those races, will doom a lot of their wishful thinking.
Here in Ohio, the best the Dems have to choose from to oppose Sen. Portman are a 30 year old first-term Cincinnati councilman and former Gov. Strickland, who John Kasich beat down 5 years ago, who is like 73 years old.
Not exactly a "deep bench." This is the same across the country.
Garage, the problem there is that even the people who don't think Scott Walker is all that awesome -- e.g., me -- still remember the dozen or so times you've confidently predicted his political demise, only to have his political prospects soar ever-higher.
I don't recall ever predicting his political demise. I certainly hoped for it. Still do.
You need to stop reading Drago and PMJ and think they are right about anything.
Only in California is the left firmly in power. It helps that 1/3 of the illegals are here, especially the LA area.
The economy has been floated by a lighter than air tax situation where the Silicone Valley lefties are making enough money to pay the taxes to stay afloat. New York is the only other place this holds true.
The publican employee unions have Browns balls (if he had any) in safe deposit box and are not letting go of the key.
A slight crack might be opening with polls showing Condi Rice leading for Boxer's Senate seat.
Los Angles looks more like Guadalajara Mexico every years with high walls around the wealthy areas and the rest slums.
The mediaswine are on the March against Walker. It's reminiscent of the assault on Palin, only dumber and even more transparent because Walker is the better candidate.
"He was a more boring, more balding John Kasich before all the Commie nut-jobs and sweaty losers with daddy issues starting beating drums and screaming outside the capitol building in Madison."
Yes, they gave him the opportunity, but he had to have the spine to seize it. He could have caved or wimped out in a million ways, but he didn't. I'm not sure Kasich would have fared so well.
hombre: "The mediaswine are on the March against Walker. It's reminiscent of the assault on Palin, only dumber and even more transparent because Walker is the better candidate."
Palin was unprepared for the onslaught and it showed. Particularly with the weird and unique Alaska state law that forced a sitting governor to pay out of pocket for ridiculous lawsuit defense (changed, of course, long after the damage was done).
On top of that, McCain's lead staffers (Schmidt and Wallace) clearly demonstrated that they had no place helping to run a national campaign. It's no surprise at all where they ended up.
Only hard lefty idiots care. Seriously dude, you, like garage, are so retard that you don't see that you are proving the point of this post every time you comment.
That PBS story was an incredibly stupid piece of government propaganda, Mark. Like a lot of Lefty "argument", it simply consists of a string of assertions, notably that the comments he made re: Obama's religion were designed to appeal to those that do not believe Obama is a Christian (including a third of Democrats, I guess). Pure echo chamber stuff.
PBS/NPR just pooh pood Walker as an untaught amateur inept at defusing Gotcha questions from the media.
They go on to teach little Walker how to say he doesn't know-- plus-- go on and give a long soliloquy on how great a man Obama the Magnificent is in every way and at all times, as everyone knows.
Walker had to fight the whole way against the absolutely typical in Democratic party tactics, (i.e. union money going exclusively to the Democrats) and then against the new fascist-left tactics. But, also his problem was the mess Democrats were making of state finances. And Obama's tyranny and illegal use of the Federal regulatory power and the media roll-over in the face of Obama's illegal use Federal rule-making power. In short, he faced the typical problems - and saw what they were and took them on and when faced with death threats persevered - and won. And who else who is running can say that?
Kasich badly fumbled the union bill he tried to pass that was similar to the Walker law. The AFL-CIO organized a referendum and reversed it and he handled the whole thing badly. Not living in Ohio, I don't recall the details well but do remember thinking he looked inept.
Does anyone on this site really know who Garage is?
I have long thought him an idiotic twit. Today, he seems like a high school student whose parents are educators. He cannot seem to think for himself. He spouts lines from others. Yet, today seemed both spontaneous and puerile.
The PBS propaganda piece Mark points to explicitly says that the job of the press is to split Walker from supporters that PBS does not like. Funny, I don't remember PBS taking a similar position regrading candidate Obama. Or Kerry. Or Gore. Or Clinton. PBS did not even insist that Obama disassociate his campaign from violent extremists like Bill Ayres. Why anyone would give a penny to the CPB I don't know -- other than the tax dollars that you are forced to pay them, of course.
Revenant wrote: The correct response to the question "do you think Obama is a Christian" is "I think Obama's a bad President".
The headlines throughout the civilized world would still have been "WALKER REFUSES TO SAY THAT OBAMA IS A CHRISTIAN."
This despite the fact that close to half of the people that saw the headline would have been unable to answer the same question. We're learning about the media, not Walker.
I don't know if Obama is Christian. I know that he says that he is a Christian, or has said that he is a Christian. Apparently, these days, you cannot be even certain that an ordained minister or priest believes in the redeeming death and resurrection of Christ. That's kind of the bare minimum it takes, I think.
Of course it never occurs to the Leftists that Walker and Giuliani were on the same page about this entire week's worth of MSM pontificating.
Rudi isn't running for anything and can feel free to be the "bad cop." Walker is of course going to be asked about it by the Obama-fellating press, both because they are stupid and because they fellate Obama.
Walker makes a show of not answering the stupid question, which makes the press look like the idiots they are, and the meme is out there that 1. Obama isn't a patriot, and 2. Walker doesn't play the press' game.
Same thing with the "is Obama a Christian" thing. Walker again gets to play the above-the-idiot-press adult, and attention is again paid to what a weirdo Obama is, as well as old Hillary! vids get brought up, too.
Oh, but Mr. Trumpetdaddy! Mr. Trumpetdaddy! Walker's spokesperson put out a "clarification" later on both of those items.
Oh, really? Maybe, maybe not. Those read like vague and generic press releases. Besides, nobody in normal America will ever read them nor care about them. So, again, win-fucking-win.
Althouse is right. Walker ain't the neophyte in this little kabuki show, Jack. Boy's got some game.
Walker should have said Obama was a member of the God Damn America Church for twenty years. And asked the democrat-propagandist with a by-line what denomination is that?
"Maybe, but that's still better than "Walker says he doesn't know if Obama is a Christian".
I disagree. First of all, people who trend fundamentalist have a little different definition of Christian than the rest of us. I spent 12 years in Catholic schools but would probably not qualify.
Walker handled it well and, no matter what he said, he would have gotten bad press from the left.
It is obvious that y'all actually believe that these questions are tripping up Walker.
1) The hyperventilation that accompanies your reactions could only result from something that really matters.
2) Walker and/or his people have adjusted his original statements associated with these "gotcha" questions. If you're in the right you don't change course.
Anywho, I look forward to seeing how y'all respond to questions that are actually challenging, rather than these so-called out of line librul GOTCHAS1!31!!@1q31!!!!211!3324SWdq111!!!!!
First of all, people who trend fundamentalist have a little different definition of Christian than the rest of us. I spent 12 years in Catholic schools but would probably not qualify.
Neither would the Pope or Mitt Romney. That's really not the point.
When a person claims he's Christian (which Obama does) and belongs to a church (which Obama did), and somebody asks you if that person's a Christian, you say "yes" unless you have hard evidence he's lying. Especially in politics. Questioning others peoples' faith is not something to do lightly.
PB&J: "Anywho, I look forward to seeing how y'all respond to questions that are actually challenging, rather than these so-called out of line librul GOTCHAS1!31!!@1q31!!!!211!3324SWdq111!!!!!"
Oh, is this the part where we have reset back to the proposition that dems get asked these questions too?
The lefty reset schedule is tough to follow sometimes.
As far as hyperventilation, why don't you post what you believe is the conservative hyperventilation that matches up with say, Dana Milbanks remarks.
For baselining purposes.
It should be very easy for you, considering that all these conservatives are hyperventilating (according to you) over this. Your example "cup" should be overflowing.
"Oh, is this the part where we have reset back to the proposition that dems get asked these questions too?"
Feel free to ask any D if they think some R loves America or is a Christian. These are not hard gotcha questions. Just like asking someone what they like to read is not a hard gotcha question.
That many cons and Walker are stumped by extremely simple questions is noteworthy. Dana noticed.
And, it's as my previous comment notes the way y'all are reacting proves that you know Walker slipped. If he hadn't you'd brush it off. If he hadn't there wouldn't have been any second thought moderation from his camp.
Very seriously, the problem with Obama's love for this country and his love for Jesus is that both come in second to Obama's overwhelming love affair with the International People's Movement that seeks the liquidation of Capitalism wherever it finds a stealthy opportunity to destroy it, for our own good.
"When a person claims he's Christian (which Obama does) and belongs to a church (which Obama did), and somebody asks you if that person's a Christian, you say "yes" unless you have hard evidence he's lying."
Not if you are honest. It's not like being a Rotarian. I am Lutheran. If some anabaptist told me I wasn't a Christian I'd tell him to go fuck himself and walk away. What denomination is Walker, anyhow?
If Walker really wanted to be shrewd, tomorrow he'd announce that he is extending an invitation for Benjamin Netanyahu to speak, an oil pipe line for Canadian tar sands, and a war memorial for the Crusaders that kept Wisconsin's ancestors free from muslim tyranny.
In September 2013, Jeri Wright, daughter of Reverend “God Damn America” Wright, and 12 other Democrats were charged with embezzling $16 million in Federal health grants that should have gone to AIDS charities and other programs for the poor and needy.
More than one of the defendants had direct ties to President Barack Obama.
In March 2014 Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s daughter Jeri was found guilty on eleven counts that included money laundering and lying to federal agents.
This week US District Judge Sue E. Myerscough sent Jeri Wright to prison. The Chicago Sun-Times reported:
Jeri L. Wright, the daughter of President Barack Obama’s former pastor, is headed to jail after a federal judge on Monday revoked a deal that allowed her to remain free as she awaits sentencing on a money-laundering conviction.
U.S. District Judge Sue E. Myerscough ruled that there was probable cause to believe that Wright committed a theft while she was free on bail and ordered Wright detained by U.S. marshals in Springfield, according to Sharon Paul, a spokeswoman for the U.S. attorney’s office in the Central District of Illinois.
"I don't know if Obama is Christian. I know that he says that he is a Christian, or has said that he is a Christian. Apparently, these days, you cannot be even certain that an ordained minister or priest believes in the redeeming death and resurrection of Christ. That's kind of the bare minimum it takes, I think."
I just read a bit about Alexander Pope, the 18th century English poet. He was Catholic in the days when England still had religious tests. No college, no public office for Catholics. Life in prison for worshipping. In Elizabethan times Jesuits were drawn and quartered. Of course, we have a different religious test these days. You have to say the magic words when you are asked about someone else's religion, not your own.
Not exactly a "deep bench." This is the same across the country.
Exactly, not only have Obama and the Progressives destroyed the Democratic majority in Congress, but they have wiped out a whole generation of Democrats at the State level. (Except in the deepest blue states like California...and none of those politicans could win a national election.)
One of the reasons Hillary is so inevitable is the fac t that there isn't a lot of other options. Warren is basically Hillary 2.0, Webb will never win the Democratic nomination, Biden is too old. Who else? DWS? Brown?
"One of the reasons Hillary is so inevitable is the fac t that there isn't a lot of other options. Warren is basically Hillary 2.0, Webb will never win the Democratic nomination, Biden is too old. Who else? DWS? Brown?"
I've considered what might happen if Hillary announced tomorrow she wouldn't run. Cuomo might jump in, though he's taken a hit to his favorability lately. Cory Booker is a possibility, or Kristen Gillibrand. It'd likely come down to a tier of lesser known Senators and Governors and ex-Governors who are relative blank slates to most voters. Which actually may be better for the Democrats than going with the stale and controversial Clinton.
Another day, another story in the Washington Post.
Walker fails to realize that this is not going away. His reputation is getting written for him. Only the most partisan are in his corner now.
This is starting to get hilarious. Milbank and others get in hit after hit and Walker hides from the media after his spokesman has walked everything back.
Walker keeps bleeding day after day, unable to stop it.
"Milbank and others get in hit after hit and Walker hides from the media after his spokesman has walked everything back."
Milbank's piece today was pretty weak--his point is that Walker's saying that Obama's religion is up to Obama andd that he (Walker) can't speak for him is sending a signal to the fringe Right that Obama is a secret Muslim. The fact is, Walker is right--Obama's relgious beliefs are his own, and if Obama claims to be a Christian, then that only proves that Obama claims to be a Christian. To state this obvious fact is not to insinuate that Obama is or is not a Christian.
If these are the sort of "hits" Walker is going to be subjected to, I wouldn't worry too much about him. Maybe he could have handled these questions more adroitly (scoring some points even) but these are hardly wounds.
"Mark said... Another day, another story in the Washington Post.
Walker fails to realize that this is not going away. His reputation is getting written for him. Only the most partisan are in his corner now.
This is starting to get hilarious. Milbank and others get in hit after hit and Walker hides from the media after his spokesman has walked everything back.
Walker keeps bleeding day after day, unable to stop it."
I wonder how many Democrats would be surprised if, after January 2017, Obama announced that he had converted to Islam? Not real Islam, Keith Ellison Islam. That way Obama would still get speaker's fees.
Yes, Tim. Please tell me how Your side never does these show trials.
No bogus questions have been suggested on this blog in the last week for Hilary to answer, lol. You guys never do that.
What a joke. Keep telling us how this doesn't matter as you furiously defend Walker. I see a lot of people have already climbed off the sinking ship. Enjoy the water!
"Mark said... Yes, Tim. Please tell me how Your side never does these show trials.
No bogus questions have been suggested on this blog in the last week for Hilary to answer, lol. You guys never do that."
You do know that those questions were suggested to be asked of Hillary, but never have been right? Right? Right? Do you see what a idiot you are?
"Mark said...What a joke. Keep telling us how this doesn't matter as you furiously defend Walker. I see a lot of people have already climbed off the sinking ship. Enjoy the water!"
Whatever gets you through the night Mark. Hold on tight, little buddy. Hold on tight.
I think that it would have been great if, when the reporter asked Walker if he thought that Obama was a Christian, Walker would have said "Yes, Obama is a Christian, but a very, very bad one."
" if it was nothing you would ignore it and walk on - instead people are rushing around with tourniquets but denying there is bleeding."
The depth of the ignorance is amusing. Of course there cannot be anything going on here that you don't understand because your god-like knowledge of human nature is complete!
I really think the fault for this little kerfuffle lies at the feet of Mrs. Obama. She was raised as a Methodist. She could have told Obama that "Baphomet" is not another word for Jesus.
I suppose if I'm a Democrat opprative or media (redundant) I would fixate on this. Cant talk about the last four years of accomplishments of the prospective candidates. That would be a narrative fail.
BTW, Obama is irrelevant. NOBODY cares. That ship has sailed, he is yesterdays leftovers. (With the same life expectancy)
Scott Walker gutted the Democrat party and their chief source of cash in less than 5 years in the state that invented public unions.
Each time the Leftists said he was for sure politically dead, he kicked their pathetic little asses again. And again. And again.
The clue-phone is ringing, Leftists. Most Americans either don't care what religion Obama is, or they already think he isn't a good Christian, or one at all. Fixating on this merely confirms that Walker is in the majority of the people on such an "issue." And his tact in deflecting such a stupid "issue" also wins him points form most Americans.
Same thing with the "doesn't love his country like we do" thing. Most Americans agree with that statement. It isn't "controversial" to state the obvious.
Keep punching that tar baby, bitches. One of these days you are sure to score a knockout on it.
This whole "controversy" isn't moving the needle in either direction. The Left is suitably outraged by what they imagine is Walker's "dog whistle" that Obama is a secret Muslim (when frankly, secret atheist is more believable). (I notice apparently these "dog whistles" are most often heard by the Left, who should in theory not be the intended targets of the dog whistle). They already didn't like Walker, and this just confirms what they don't like.
On the Right, what's getting talked about most is that Obama in fact doesn't love his country, isn't a real Christian, or perhaps he does and is, but is lousy at running his country and lousy at practicing Christianity. This is reinforcing the Obama hate, as usual.
Meantime, the extra press means Walker gets into the top tier of 2012 candidates--this raises his profile among the right--and protects his right flank. If he can make a hard play for the middle (the GOP's "left" wing) he could enter 2012 as the favorite.
"Meantime, the extra press means Walker gets into the top tier of 2012 candidates--this raises his profile among the right--and protects his right flank. If he can make a hard play for the middle (the GOP's "left" wing) he could enter 2012 as the favorite."
Exactly. As I've said a few times in this thread, Walker's got game. This was all war-gamed out before the 21 Club dinner. Walker didn't have Rudy headline his funder and then Rudy just "goes off on a tangent." Shit doesn't work like that in the real world when professionals are doing the work. And Rudy and Walker are nothing if not professionals at this politics thing.
The "dog whistle" thing the Left invented really creeps me out.Not only does it give them license to attack you for what they wanted you to say, it literally does not make sense. A dog whistle can only be heard by the person who is supposed to hear it, yet the liberals hear conservatives dog whistles all the time and conservatives don't. I think that their logic circuitry took some heavy damage in the Clinton years and the 2000 election finished it off.
Think about it. If they really believe in this "dog whistle" theory of theirs they have to face the fact that might be dozens -- or hundreds -- of "dog whistle" phrases they haven't caught onto, yet. Like 'I believe Obama is a Christian' might really mean 'I believe Obama is a secret Muslim'. That would put a whole different light on all the quotes that are out there. It's kind of like, once you start believing in UFO's, believing in ghosts or killer robot time travelers isn't off the table.
In fairness he leg humps Sheldon Adelson's quite regularly, and other billionaire donors. Equal opportunity whore.
How's Tom Steyer doing these days?
George Soros?
Warren Buffett?
They sniffed him out early enough in the process, though, so there's plenty of time for the NYT and WashPo to develop and broadcast the case against Walker.
That said, it's been weeks or months now since he's been a top GOP contender. I would have expected something troubling by now, but all we have is that he dropped out of college and a few of his professors were unimpressed.
He's been attacked for years now and is still popular. They have nothing.
You don't have to be a homosexual to suck dick.
Given that he's a dude, being gay is kind of implied there, Sparky.
But keep digging.
Walker knows how to get stuff done...far better than the current Republican Congress.
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१६२ टिप्पण्या:
OMG, That's no JV Team. it's a northern Midwest Cowliphate taking no prisoners.
Cult following. Been saying that for years.
Their collective heads will explode if he's elected president.
And then they'll forget all the admonitions of the past few years for civility and how they never treated Bush like the right treats Obama.
garage, you are one of the authors of hat "cult." I hope you are pleased.
It reminds me of a 1924 slogan, "Coolidge or Chaos."
I can certainly see why. If the recall had been prompted by a genuine scandal, severe mismanagement, or a gross abuse of power, it would have galvanized people against him and left him weak if he survived it. But this was clearly a move orchestrated by the unions who hated his law, and wanted revenge, and voters saw it for what it was--an abuse of the recall power. No better way to make a martyr out of the guy and leave him more powerful than before.
Scott Walker having the best enemies ever dates to when he ran for Milwaukee County Executive after a huge pension plan scandal that outraged everybody.
If Milwaukee County liberals would have kept their pension enrichment schemes to simply horrible instead of outright robbery, Walker may merely be a 2nd-term state senator or have moved onto something else entirely.
Any sane Democrat not in Madison or Milwaukee would have given Walker a tough fight in 2010 because outstate Wisconsin does not vote for candidates from Milwaukee County. So instead, Walker gets to run against the mayor of Milwaukee -- a choice that focused outstate Wisconsin' anti-Milwaukee bias onto the Democrat because it had to go somewhere.
He is indeed a talented politician who understands how to play the game, but he has benefitted from and performed tremendously against inept opposition.
Hey Garage. You are right. Walker leads a cult that worships Reaganomics, freedom of speech and a Bill of Rights with a 2nd Amendment.
It sure beats the anti-Semitic cult dedicated to disarming Americans and mandatory EPA thefts using totally faked science while we all bow down to Gaia and willingly give up the good life for humans that comes from using cheap carbon based energy.
Well, the Democrats used the courts and shady methods to clear the path for Barak Obama in Illinois (Ryan's divorce. Beuhler?), so I think it a balancing act that similar tactics have so spectacularly backfired on them.
It is an important lesson for both parties: just because it worked once, or twice, or 20 times, doesn't mean it will always work. Also, since a large majority of Democrats appear to be secular evolutionists, it should worry them that the based on survival of the fittest, that they are selecting for survival a hardier breed of Republicans, while at the same time retarding the development of hardier Democratic candidates.
Most current Democrats seem like hot house flowers. That is super when the environment can be controlled, but that is less, and less the case.
@garage, Michael K is right. We love Scott Walker for the enemies he's made. Includes you.
"Their collective heads will explode if he's elected president."
... as a last attempt to deny Walker from adding their skulls to his throne.
As silly and pointless as I think the college degree thing is, I think Althouse might be right that Walker has secretly obtained a degree as an ace up his sleeve. To be deployed at just the right moment.
I suspect SNL's Taran Killam would be very happy to see a President Walker.
Cult? Really?
The only cult I see is the one licking the shoes of the current resident of the White House. Remember all the photos of THE WON with a halo surrounding HIS head? Remember how THE WON was/is described as some sort of demi-god by members of the lick-spittle CriminalLiberialMedia? Notice how the DemCong gleefully hang on every word THE WON utters as if they are holy writ?
I've yet to see such nonsense regarding Governor Walker.
Heh, heh.
The Left created this monster, largely through their tried and true tactics of protest marches and demonstrations.
I told a leftist coworker once that whenever I heard someone yell the "Hey, hey, ho ho" chant, I automatically assumed the person was an absolute ill-informed idiot. The coworker's reaction was jaw-dropping, sputtering disbelief .
The left doesn't get how many people hate them and their tactics. They may get a real education in a couple of years.
Walker explicitly indicated his intention to appoint Judge Sykes to the Supreme Court, so he has my vote. Maybe Fiorina for veep?
watch garage get more hysterical by the day as his ultimate nightmare - President Scott Walker comes true.
Wasn't the Chooom Gang a cult?
Wilbur said..
I told a leftist coworker once that whenever I heard someone yell the "Hey, hey, ho ho" chant, I automatically assumed the person was an absolute ill-informed idiot. The coworker's reaction was jaw-dropping, sputtering disbelief .
The left really needs to be taken to the woodshed. Unfortunately, they will always have Hollywood.
Walker has committed a virtual holocaust against public employee unions. Hee haw!
How do you like DEM apples garage? How does it FEEL to be the loser?
"watch garage get more hysterical by the day as his ultimate nightmare"
At some point, I will have to avert my eyes, but not yet.
Yes, they love him at The Federalist.
However as Luke Skywalker was told... "Great kid, don't get cocky".
Gotta bring this shit home.
I think what intimidates Democrats and many Republicans, is that Walker is validating the point made by many Tea Party types- principles matter.
this is terrifying to most political consultants, who make a living by avoiding any mention of real principles.
It is only a matter of time before the RINO GOP and the chattering class begin to melt down.
And it will be a wonderful show to watch.
Walker, Walker, he's our man!
If he can't do it, no one can!
Gooooooooo Walker!!!
I could never have imagined Althouse as Head Cheerleader, but it is going to be a long year at this rate. Can we have some posts exulting in gay marriage, please?
garage, Michael K is right. We love Scott Walker for the enemies he's made. Includes you.
Indeed. that is the extent of conservative intellectualism these days. This corrupt Koch turd is the perfect Republican.
I'll particularly enjoy Gov. Martinez recalling for all the reporters on the campaign trail the time the Democrat legislator in New Mexico called her the "wetback governor." That'll go a long ways toward keeping Hispanics voting Democrat in 2016.
How many states will Hillary! win when Walker/Martinez get 60% of the white vote, 50% of Hispanics, and the black vote stays home?
10? 12? Maybe?
@garage, the fact that you view Scott Walker as a Koch puppet, all evidence to the contrary, is one reason why we laugh at you.
And when a Kos schlub sneers at your intellectualism you know you've sunk irredeemably low.
Obama is also "the beast the Democrats never intended to create" because down-ticket Democrats have been retiring and getting beat since 2010.
garage mahal said...
This corrupt Koch turd is the perfect Republican.
2/23/15, 12:08 PM
You are constantly screaming that Walker is corrupt but other than your screeching, do you have [you know, actual] proof? Something actionable? Or are you just assuming that he must be, how else could he have prevailed against all of the dirty tricks thrown his way?
The best part of that story was the Reagan = Walker graph near the end,
An example of Nietzsche's "That which does not kill us makes us stronger"?
(Although in general I think the quote's assertion is false more often than it's true.)
Perhaps Hillary! can put Sen. Menendez on the ticket, given that he is the only Democrat at either the Senator or governor level that is actually fluent in Spanish like Gov. Martinez.
Plus the underage prostitute thing he shares with Bill Clinton.
Big Mike said...
@garage, the fact that you view Scott Walker as a Koch puppet, all evidence to the contrary, is one reason why we laugh at you.
Once again, garage in, garbage out.
All those sleepless nights ahead:
Walker or Hillary?
Heart or head?
1st woman or another white male?
Competence or identity politics?
The last of my boomer generation or pass the torch?
Ivy League credentials or School of Hard Knocks?
Counting sheep or electoral votes?
"all evidence to the contrary"
In fairness he leg humps Sheldon Adelson's quite regularly, and other billionaire donors. Equal opportunity whore.
In Scott Walker, I see a new Richard Nixon being sculpted, as a shrewd political opponent and the target of choice for the liberal press.
Behold, see how the LEFT makes everything new!
"Yes, they love him at The Federalist. "
Kingfish, you don't mind if I call you "kingfish" do you ? You remind me so much of the Amos and Andy character.
Walker is going to show you how far beyond the Federalist he can go.
I'm not saying he can't slip up but people like you are making him really strong because you can't imagine why someone would like him.
"Sheldon Adelson's"
Adelson has a really nice hotel in Vegas and his employees love him. All nonunion, by the way.
I've never been in anything Soros owns. He mostly does currency fraud, I believe.
This corrupt Soros turd is the perfect Democrat, and unfortunately president.
"garage mahal said...
Cult following. Been saying that for years
You have.
You were saying it when he kicked Barrett's ass in the first election.
You were saying it when John Doe I found no wrongdoing on his part.
You were saying it when they tried to punish him through Senate recalls and failed.
You were saying it when they tried to punish him by beating Prosser in the WI Supreme Court election and failed.
You were saying it when they tried to punish him through Senate recalls and failed.
You were saying it when John Doe II found no wrongdoing on his part.
You were saying it when they tried to recall him and failed.
You were saying it when he kicked Burke's ass and was re-elected.
Hmmmm Fail, fail, fail, fail , fail, fail, fail, fail.
Sounds like you are in a cult.
Do you swallow, too, Curious George?
Walker has a shot, hard to say at this point how it will go. His first test will be the money, can he convince donors to part with the cash to get his message out.
It appears that Garage has come out of Depression into the Acceptance stage of grief in Kubler-Ross.
I wonder how long it will take before the Main Stream Media guys get there too.
There's something about Scott being the right man at precisely the right moment in time with precisely the right instrument. As Gen. Patton is reported to have said, "... the hand of God is in this."
"garage mahal said...
Do you swallow, too, Curious George?"
You are a bitch.
CG --I hope you're at least getting paid
Has garage offered up another not-insane-whatsoever walker/walker supporters serial-killing comment today?
Garage is big on understated and nuanced commentary.
Walker has suddenly emerged as a threat to the Left, who at the moment seem unprepared for him or unsure of what kind of threat he presents.
They sniffed him out early enough in the process, though, so there's plenty of time for the NYT and WashPo to develop and broadcast the case against Walker.
That said, it's been weeks or months now since he's been a top GOP contender. I would have expected something troubling by now, but all we have is that he dropped out of college and a few of his professors were unimpressed.
He didn't even snap towels or short sheet people like Jeb did in high school!
Btw, when do the mass-counseling sessions begin for the WI based victims of 'almost mission statement modification'?
I mean that islamist (is it really?) ISIS is out there beheading, burning alive, raping (actual rape-rape), enslaving (actual enslaving-enslaving), etc. But did any of those victims have to suffer thru the horror of minor mission statement edits?
BDNYC, I guarantee that's its only a matter of time before the accusation of murder or negligent homicide gets lodged against Walker.
Romney made a woman get cancer and die, remember?
And the Bush family financed Hitler!
Just give the lefties a little more time.
They have nothing on this guy. Nothing.
As that realization dawns on them, the hysterics are going to be delicious.
You can't beat him. You've tried and failed for his entire career. What did they say about Reagan, he had a Teflon coating? Yeah, baby, same thing with Walker.
The futility of the Leftists' position in this matter will become apparent in short order as the election season really gets going.
Scott Walker may end up as a formidable national candidate or he may not. If he does it is not really arguable that his trial by fire in WI vs the lunatic left will have been the key factor.
Absolutely, Drago.
He was a more boring, more balding John Kasich before all the Commie nut-jobs and sweaty losers with daddy issues starting beating drums and screaming outside the capitol building in Madison.
They've turned him into Calvin Coolidge meets Ronald Reagan. They will have nobody but themselves to blame when he raises his right hand on the steps of the Capitol on a cold January afternoon two years from now, and says, "I, Scott Walker, do solemnly swear..."
"I told a leftist coworker once that whenever I heard someone yell the "Hey, hey, ho ho" chant, I automatically assumed the person was an absolute ill-informed idiot."
Hey, if someone goes to the trouble of constructing a giant paper-mache stick puppet then you just know their political opinions must be the result of probity and reasoning.
Walker vs the WI lunatic left is an experiential parallel with Reagan's unavoidable run-ins with the soviet supporting leftists in the Screen Actors Guild.
It is not nothing when you consistently go toe to toe with these petty fascists. Lessons are learned. Tactics refined. Messaging is honed.
The linked article effectively lays out the details of that "polishing".
Will it be enough? Time will tell.
"They have nothing on this guy. Nothing."
Thus the idiocy of asking him if he thought Obama was a Christian. They are trying to "Palanize" him.
Do you swallow, too, Curious George?
When you're reached the "accusing your opponent of being homosexual" stage of the debate, it is probably best to just quietly slink away.
"I'm just here so I won't get fined… and to drink liberal tears to wash down my Skittles"
The big question for me is if Walker is elected president, will democrat congress critters flee to Mexico when faced with a tough vote?
Revenant, apparently no one ever "learnt" garage that it is inappropriate to "gay-bait".
So, to recap: the lefties are now reduced to suggesting Walker is a pedophile and his supporters are gay.
That's quite the bill of particulars.
Similar to how the left routinely "accused" Breitbart of being homosexual. Like it was a bad thing.
Fens Law for as far as the eye can see.
When you're reached the "accusing your opponent of being homosexual" stage of the debate, it is probably best to just quietly slink away.
You don't have to be a homosexual to suck dick. Maybe you have trouble with metaphors. I know Walker cultists like Curious George and Althouse hate being razzed about their cult, but I feel compelled to razz them about it.
Why flee to mexico when obama is letting mexico come here?
Walker is running in a primary and the media abuse and gotcha nonsense is making him more popular to an energized conservative base.
The DC media should save their hate for the general election if they want to be effective.
garage - so you admit you're a dick?
Should a guy who has trouble with the concept of a "corporation" and plain vanilla statutory language be lecturing others on metaphors?
One would hope one would not.
NYT has Walker on the front page today.
The claim is that Walker is de-moderating on social issues.
Not very scary, but NYT readers seem to scare easily.
garage mahal said...
I know Walker cultists like Curious George and Althouse hate being razzed about their cult, but I feel compelled to razz them about it."
Hate? I love it. One: it gives me a chance to repeat all the times Walker and the GOP have dashed your dreams. Two: it proves that you are even too stupid to understand that you are the poster child of what this post is about.
You're like a salmon swimming upstream...and Walker is the bear.
So please, never change. Ever.
Hate? I love it.
You're in your what, 60s? And you worship a politician like a giddy school girl. It's pathetic, but I know you can't see it.
Is Scott Walker tied to The Koch Brothers? Why, I never heard that before. There should an investigation! With subpoena powers! In secret, so no one who opposes Walker can be intimidated! And someone who opposes Walker and has a wife who is a teacher's union steward should head it up! Oh...wait...they already did that.
I don't know how Garage can get up in the morning. He must be so depressed every day. Maybe he should move to Oregon, where they understand good government and green energy. Oh...wait...
We run bears with dogs here in Wisconsin, George. Haven't you been up nort?
Sure seems like the reporter dogs have already bloodied him a couple times recently.
You keep telling us how safe that tree is, we all know the guy who put the radio collars on those dogs is eventually on his way.
Or aren't you a real Wisconsinite who hunts down dinner?
Bears for dinner? Oh, Mark, stay out of the woods.
"I don't know how Garage can get up in the morning. He must be so depressed every day."
This. Combined with his wife fleeing her marriage to him and his weight problems, I am thinking that the inauguration of President Walker will push his depression into suicide.
"garage mahal said...
Hate? I love it.
You're in your what, 60s? And you worship a politician like a giddy school girl. It's pathetic, but I know you can't see it."
LOL Dude, you remind me of Captain Queeg.
Curious George said...
You're in your what, 60s? "
Oh, and not in my 60's. Not for a while.
Mark said...
We run bears with dogs here in Wisconsin, George. Haven't you been up nort?
Sure seems like the reporter dogs have already bloodied him a couple times recently.
You keep telling us how safe that tree is, we all know the guy who put the radio collars on those dogs is eventually on his way.
Or aren't you a real Wisconsinite who hunts down dinner?"
You're a moron. And bloodied? Sure. Just like all those times when he was running for re-election. Or the Recall.
"Emails released. Bad day for Walker."
Whatever happened to those emails?
Garage wishes Walker support could be reduced to one cult. When in fact it is all three cults: 1)The Supply Sider Reaganites, and 2) The moderate Wisconsin/Northern tier of Americans believing in the Government to solving problems, and 3) the moderate Evangelical believers.
That makes Walker a leader of an all American coalition of voters.
The Dems are spoiled from the past easily dividing of those three interests into self defeating warring factions.
Walker has made peace among them and he now rolls along like Patton's Third Army.
I would not bet against him.
"It is not nothing when you consistently go toe to toe with these petty fascists."
That may be a major factor in Walker's ability to avoid rookie mistakes as he deals with the national media that thinks of itself as "The Big Leagues."
I am sure Reagan learned about the left in his days in the SAG.
It will be interesting to watch. I also like Jindal but he has stumbled a couple of times. Mike Pence was on Fox yesterday and I like him, too.
Mitch Daniels had great potential but he is short and you know what they say about short candidates. He also has a unique family situation. He is doing great things at Purdue.
You don't have to be a homosexual to suck dick.
Oh, so you were comparing him to a *woman*, not a male homosexual?
I can see how that would be super insulting.
you worship a politician like a giddy school girl. It's pathetic, but I know you can't see it.
Garage, the problem there is that even the people who don't think Scott Walker is all that awesome -- e.g., me -- still remember the dozen or so times you've confidently predicted his political demise, only to have his political prospects soar ever-higher.
It is like a cross between Groundhog Day and the fable of the fox and the grapes. You're just bitter and angry, and we all know it.
"TosaGuy said...
Scott Walker having the best enemies ever dates to when he ran for Milwaukee County Executive after a huge pension plan scandal that outraged everybody.
If Milwaukee County liberals would have kept their pension enrichment schemes to simply horrible instead of outright robbery, Walker may merely be a 2nd-term state senator or have moved onto something else entirely."
I understand the reasoning, but the "may" is accurate too. I think Walker knows what he wants. And would have gotten it anyway. He did get re-elected in Milwaukee a number of times.
"TosaGuy said... Any sane Democrat not in Madison or Milwaukee would have given Walker a tough fight in 2010 because outstate Wisconsin does not vote for candidates from Milwaukee County. So instead, Walker gets to run against the mayor of Milwaukee -- a choice that focused outstate Wisconsin' anti-Milwaukee bias onto the Democrat because it had to go somewhere."
I disagree here. Barrett ran because there was nobody else. The Dems knew that this was going to be a tough year. Doyle painted them into a corner. Huge deficit. No place o steal money from. And an economy where raising taxes was impossible to sell. Remember, the GOP kicked ass in the Senate and Assembly elections. That statewide landslide had more to do with Walker's success moving forward. No super majority in the legislature, no Act 10.
Yeah, it's not like the Republicans didn't kick ass all across the board last November.
Walker will be the head of a slate of tough election results for Democrats in 2016.
I know the Dems think they'll coast back into the majority in the Senate but state by state polling, and the lack of quality candidates in those races, will doom a lot of their wishful thinking.
Here in Ohio, the best the Dems have to choose from to oppose Sen. Portman are a 30 year old first-term Cincinnati councilman and former Gov. Strickland, who John Kasich beat down 5 years ago, who is like 73 years old.
Not exactly a "deep bench." This is the same across the country.
Garage, the problem there is that even the people who don't think Scott Walker is all that awesome -- e.g., me -- still remember the dozen or so times you've confidently predicted his political demise, only to have his political prospects soar ever-higher.
I don't recall ever predicting his political demise. I certainly hoped for it. Still do.
You need to stop reading Drago and PMJ and think they are right about anything.
"This is the same across the country."
Only in California is the left firmly in power. It helps that 1/3 of the illegals are here, especially the LA area.
The economy has been floated by a lighter than air tax situation where the Silicone Valley lefties are making enough money to pay the taxes to stay afloat. New York is the only other place this holds true.
The publican employee unions have Browns balls (if he had any) in safe deposit box and are not letting go of the key.
A slight crack might be opening with polls showing Condi Rice leading for Boxer's Senate seat.
Los Angles looks more like Guadalajara Mexico every years with high walls around the wealthy areas and the rest slums.
It's beyond funny listening to lefties like garage in the Age of Obama projecting their obama-worship "cultish" behavior onto Republicans.
Get back to us when conservatives/republicans start talking about Walker like he's "kind of a God".
"Cult following"?????
garage: "You need to stop reading Drago and PMJ and think they are right about anything."
Yeah! Don't read those guys! It's possible they didn't play middle school contact sports....and other stuff too!!
The mediaswine are on the March against Walker. It's reminiscent of the assault on Palin, only dumber and even more transparent because Walker is the better candidate.
I don't recall ever predicting his political demise.
That's not too surprising. Last week you forgot how to read English.
"He was a more boring, more balding John Kasich before all the Commie nut-jobs and sweaty losers with daddy issues starting beating drums and screaming outside the capitol building in Madison."
Yes, they gave him the opportunity, but he had to have the spine to seize it. He could have caved or wimped out in a million ways, but he didn't. I'm not sure Kasich would have fared so well.
hombre: "The mediaswine are on the March against Walker. It's reminiscent of the assault on Palin, only dumber and even more transparent because Walker is the better candidate."
Palin was unprepared for the onslaught and it showed. Particularly with the weird and unique Alaska state law that forced a sitting governor to pay out of pocket for ridiculous lawsuit defense (changed, of course, long after the damage was done).
On top of that, McCain's lead staffers (Schmidt and Wallace) clearly demonstrated that they had no place helping to run a national campaign. It's no surprise at all where they ended up.
PBS rips Walker apart, not that anyone on the right cares.
Mark: "PBS rips Walker apart, not that anyone on the right cares."
I. Did. Not. See. That. Comin'.
"Mark said...
PBS rips Walker apart, not that anyone on the right cares.
Only hard lefty idiots care. Seriously dude, you, like garage, are so retard that you don't see that you are proving the point of this post every time you comment.
That PBS story was an incredibly stupid piece of government propaganda, Mark. Like a lot of Lefty "argument", it simply consists of a string of assertions, notably that the comments he made re: Obama's religion were designed to appeal to those that do not believe Obama is a Christian (including a third of Democrats, I guess). Pure echo chamber stuff.
PBS/NPR just pooh pood Walker as an untaught amateur inept at defusing Gotcha questions from the media.
They go on to teach little Walker how to say he doesn't know-- plus-- go on and give a long soliloquy on how great a man Obama the Magnificent is in every way and at all times, as everyone knows.
PBS rips Walker apart, not that anyone on the right cares.
"Left-wing news outlet criticizes right-wing politician". Now there's a man-bites-dog story if ever there was one...
I have donated a hundred bucks to Walker's campaign, and I have not donated to anyone in twenty years.
Keep it up MSM, I might even volunteer to campaign door to door.
I do think Walker was wrong to answer the question about Obama's religion that way.
The correct response to the question "do you think Obama is a Christian" is "I think Obama's a bad President".
When asked a gotcha question, answer a question of your own choosing that changes the topic to something you want to talk about.
Walker had to fight the whole way against the absolutely typical in Democratic party tactics, (i.e. union money going exclusively to the Democrats) and then against the new fascist-left tactics. But, also his problem was the mess Democrats were making of state finances. And Obama's tyranny and illegal use of the Federal regulatory power and the media roll-over in the face of Obama's illegal use Federal rule-making power. In short, he faced the typical problems - and saw what they were and took them on and when faced with death threats persevered - and won. And who else who is running can say that?
" I'm not sure Kasich would have fared so well.
Kasich badly fumbled the union bill he tried to pass that was similar to the Walker law. The AFL-CIO organized a referendum and reversed it and he handled the whole thing badly. Not living in Ohio, I don't recall the details well but do remember thinking he looked inept.
How many times do you have to mention garbage's mom de blog in a thread before he finally cums and goes away?
Nom de blog, that is. ipad autocorrect likes mom better.
Does anyone on this site really know who Garage is?
I have long thought him an idiotic twit. Today, he seems like a high school student whose parents are educators. He cannot seem to think for himself. He spouts lines from others. Yet, today seemed both spontaneous and puerile.
Why waste time on such a useless tool?
The PBS propaganda piece Mark points to explicitly says that the job of the press is to split Walker from supporters that PBS does not like.
Funny, I don't remember PBS taking a similar position regrading candidate Obama. Or Kerry. Or Gore. Or Clinton. PBS did not even insist that Obama disassociate his campaign from violent extremists like Bill Ayres.
Why anyone would give a penny to the CPB I don't know -- other than the tax dollars that you are forced to pay them, of course.
Revenant wrote:
The correct response to the question "do you think Obama is a Christian" is "I think Obama's a bad President".
The headlines throughout the civilized world would still have been "WALKER REFUSES TO SAY THAT OBAMA IS A CHRISTIAN."
This despite the fact that close to half of the people that saw the headline would have been unable to answer the same question. We're learning about the media, not Walker.
The headlines throughout the civilized world would still have been "WALKER REFUSES TO SAY THAT OBAMA IS A CHRISTIAN."
Maybe, but that's still better than "Walker says he doesn't know if Obama is a Christian".
Walker is fundraising off the gotcha questions.
Thanks lefties!
I don't know if Obama is Christian. I know that he says that he is a Christian, or has said that he is a Christian. Apparently, these days, you cannot be even certain that an ordained minister or priest believes in the redeeming death and resurrection of Christ. That's kind of the bare minimum it takes, I think.
Of course it never occurs to the Leftists that Walker and Giuliani were on the same page about this entire week's worth of MSM pontificating.
Rudi isn't running for anything and can feel free to be the "bad cop." Walker is of course going to be asked about it by the Obama-fellating press, both because they are stupid and because they fellate Obama.
Walker makes a show of not answering the stupid question, which makes the press look like the idiots they are, and the meme is out there that 1. Obama isn't a patriot, and 2. Walker doesn't play the press' game.
Same thing with the "is Obama a Christian" thing. Walker again gets to play the above-the-idiot-press adult, and attention is again paid to what a weirdo Obama is, as well as old Hillary! vids get brought up, too.
Oh, but Mr. Trumpetdaddy! Mr. Trumpetdaddy! Walker's spokesperson put out a "clarification" later on both of those items.
Oh, really? Maybe, maybe not. Those read like vague and generic press releases. Besides, nobody in normal America will ever read them nor care about them. So, again, win-fucking-win.
Althouse is right. Walker ain't the neophyte in this little kabuki show, Jack. Boy's got some game.
Walker should have said Obama was a member of the God Damn America Church for twenty years. And asked the democrat-propagandist with a by-line what denomination is that?
Cubanbob wrote:
" . . . what denomination is that?"
United Church of Christ.
"Maybe, but that's still better than "Walker says he doesn't know if Obama is a Christian".
I disagree. First of all, people who trend fundamentalist have a little different definition of Christian than the rest of us. I spent 12 years in Catholic schools but would probably not qualify.
Walker handled it well and, no matter what he said, he would have gotten bad press from the left.
It is obvious that y'all actually believe that these questions are tripping up Walker.
1) The hyperventilation that accompanies your reactions could only result from something that really matters.
2) Walker and/or his people have adjusted his original statements associated with these "gotcha" questions. If you're in the right you don't change course.
Anywho, I look forward to seeing how y'all respond to questions that are actually challenging, rather than these so-called out of line librul GOTCHAS1!31!!@1q31!!!!211!3324SWdq111!!!!!
Right now it's the gotcha media and the people:
"... and there's no telling who that they're naming/
For the loser now will be later to win/
For the times they are a'changing"
Curios, enjoy throwing that money away.
First of all, people who trend fundamentalist have a little different definition of Christian than the rest of us. I spent 12 years in Catholic schools but would probably not qualify.
Neither would the Pope or Mitt Romney. That's really not the point.
When a person claims he's Christian (which Obama does) and belongs to a church (which Obama did), and somebody asks you if that person's a Christian, you say "yes" unless you have hard evidence he's lying. Especially in politics. Questioning others peoples' faith is not something to do lightly.
PB&J: "Anywho, I look forward to seeing how y'all respond to questions that are actually challenging, rather than these so-called out of line librul GOTCHAS1!31!!@1q31!!!!211!3324SWdq111!!!!!"
Oh, is this the part where we have reset back to the proposition that dems get asked these questions too?
The lefty reset schedule is tough to follow sometimes.
As far as hyperventilation, why don't you post what you believe is the conservative hyperventilation that matches up with say, Dana Milbanks remarks.
For baselining purposes.
It should be very easy for you, considering that all these conservatives are hyperventilating (according to you) over this. Your example "cup" should be overflowing.
Mark: "Curios, enjoy throwing that money away."
It's not "throwing" money away! All the fundraising helps support "shovel ready" campaigning.
And we all know how successful obama's "shovel ready" funding of infrastructure projects were!
I'm sure you could quote chapter and verse on that "success".
"Oh, is this the part where we have reset back to the proposition that dems get asked these questions too?"
Feel free to ask any D if they think some R loves America or is a Christian. These are not hard gotcha questions. Just like asking someone what they like to read is not a hard gotcha question.
That many cons and Walker are stumped by extremely simple questions is noteworthy. Dana noticed.
And, it's as my previous comment notes the way y'all are reacting proves that you know Walker slipped. If he hadn't you'd brush it off. If he hadn't there wouldn't have been any second thought moderation from his camp.
>Questioning others peoples' faith is not something to do lightly.<
screw you climate denier
Very seriously, the problem with Obama's love for this country and his love for Jesus is that both come in second to Obama's overwhelming love affair with the International People's Movement that seeks the liquidation of Capitalism wherever it finds a stealthy opportunity to destroy it, for our own good.
PB&J: "Feel free to ask any D if they think some R loves America or is a Christian."
Is this the part where we pretend that the media's role in this is not the primary topic?
I don't blame you for shifting the topic just as fast as you can. Your position is hilariously indefensible.
But it gets worse:
PB&J: "And, it's as my previous comment notes the way y'all are reacting proves that you know Walker slipped. If he hadn't you'd brush it off."
Lefty media type lobs "gotcha" question at Walker.
Walker does not engage.
Lefties go crazy.
Righties not that the lefties have gone crazy.
Lefties claim the fact that the righties happen to notice their (lefty) nonsense "proves" the lefties were right all along.
This tactic probably works great in a middle school setting.
"When a person claims he's Christian (which Obama does) and belongs to a church (which Obama did), and somebody asks you if that person's a Christian, you say "yes" unless you have hard evidence he's lying."
Not if you are honest. It's not like being a Rotarian.
I am Lutheran. If some anabaptist told me I wasn't a Christian I'd tell him to go fuck himself and walk away.
What denomination is Walker, anyhow?
If Walker really wanted to be shrewd, tomorrow he'd announce that he is extending an invitation for Benjamin Netanyahu to speak, an oil pipe line for Canadian tar sands, and a war memorial for the Crusaders that kept Wisconsin's ancestors free from muslim tyranny.
So PBS doesn't like Scott Walker?
Well, if der StatzMedia hasn't learned any more lessons from 2012 than Obama, that's their problem.
In September 2013, Jeri Wright, daughter of Reverend “God Damn America” Wright, and 12 other Democrats were charged with embezzling $16 million in Federal health grants that should have gone to AIDS charities and other programs for the poor and needy.
More than one of the defendants had direct ties to President Barack Obama.
In March 2014 Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s daughter Jeri was found guilty on eleven counts that included money laundering and lying to federal agents.
This week US District Judge Sue E. Myerscough sent Jeri Wright to prison.
The Chicago Sun-Times reported:
Jeri L. Wright, the daughter of President Barack Obama’s former pastor, is headed to jail after a federal judge on Monday revoked a deal that allowed her to remain free as she awaits sentencing on a money-laundering conviction.
U.S. District Judge Sue E. Myerscough ruled that there was probable cause to believe that Wright committed a theft while she was free on bail and ordered Wright detained by U.S. marshals in Springfield, according to Sharon Paul, a spokeswoman for the U.S. attorney’s office in the Central District of Illinois.
Onward Christian liberals...
"I don't know if Obama is Christian. I know that he says that he is a Christian, or has said that he is a Christian. Apparently, these days, you cannot be even certain that an ordained minister or priest believes in the redeeming death and resurrection of Christ. That's kind of the bare minimum it takes, I think."
the Democratic Church of the Rhetorical Christ.
I am Laslo.
Not if you are honest.
If you can't answer a question honestly without giving offense, don't answer the question. It is called "tact".
This is something five-year-olds learn to do.
I just read a bit about Alexander Pope, the 18th century English poet. He was Catholic in the days when England still had religious tests. No college, no public office for Catholics. Life in prison for worshipping. In Elizabethan times Jesuits were drawn and quartered.
Of course, we have a different religious test these days. You have to say the magic words when you are asked about someone else's religion, not your own.
"You're in your what, 60s? And you worship a politician like a giddy school girl. It's pathetic, but I know you can't see it."
But Garage, no matter how old you are, you hate a politician like the school girl who was spurned. Can you see that?
Not exactly a "deep bench." This is the same across the country.
Exactly, not only have Obama and the Progressives destroyed the Democratic majority in Congress, but they have wiped out a whole generation of Democrats at the State level. (Except in the deepest blue states like California...and none of those politicans could win a national election.)
One of the reasons Hillary is so inevitable is the fac t that there isn't a lot of other options. Warren is basically Hillary 2.0, Webb will never win the Democratic nomination, Biden is too old. Who else? DWS? Brown?
Behold the beast the Democrats never intended to create
It's always unintended consequences with Democrats.
"One of the reasons Hillary is so inevitable is the fac t that there isn't a lot of other options. Warren is basically Hillary 2.0, Webb will never win the Democratic nomination, Biden is too old. Who else? DWS? Brown?"
I've considered what might happen if Hillary announced tomorrow she wouldn't run. Cuomo might jump in, though he's taken a hit to his favorability lately. Cory Booker is a possibility, or Kristen Gillibrand. It'd likely come down to a tier of lesser known Senators and Governors and ex-Governors who are relative blank slates to most voters. Which actually may be better for the Democrats than going with the stale and controversial Clinton.
Another day, another story in the Washington Post.
Walker fails to realize that this is not going away. His reputation is getting written for him. Only the most partisan are in his corner now.
This is starting to get hilarious. Milbank and others get in hit after hit and Walker hides from the media after his spokesman has walked everything back.
Walker keeps bleeding day after day, unable to stop it.
"Walker keeps bleeding day after day, unable to stop it."
I have to give 'Mark' credit. He is an unstoppable FUD machine!
Well, Mark has convinced me that Walker has lost Dana Milbank's vote, and he'll never get it back. Never.
"Milbank and others get in hit after hit and Walker hides from the media after his spokesman has walked everything back."
Milbank's piece today was pretty weak--his point is that Walker's saying that Obama's religion is up to Obama andd that he (Walker) can't speak for him is sending a signal to the fringe Right that Obama is a secret Muslim. The fact is, Walker is right--Obama's relgious beliefs are his own, and if Obama claims to be a Christian, then that only proves that Obama claims to be a Christian. To state this obvious fact is not to insinuate that Obama is or is not a Christian.
If these are the sort of "hits" Walker is going to be subjected to, I wouldn't worry too much about him. Maybe he could have handled these questions more adroitly (scoring some points even) but these are hardly wounds.
47% was the same type of story, drip drip drip until it hung around Romney's neck and he couldn't get past it.
Keep denying that here. It worked so well last time.
Dana Milbank is 47% of the US population!!! Does that include illegals?
Is it too early to talk about a Walker-Giuliani ticket?
"Mark said...
Another day, another story in the Washington Post.
Walker fails to realize that this is not going away. His reputation is getting written for him. Only the most partisan are in his corner now.
This is starting to get hilarious. Milbank and others get in hit after hit and Walker hides from the media after his spokesman has walked everything back.
Walker keeps bleeding day after day, unable to stop it."
Whatever gets you through the night Corky.
I wonder how many Democrats would be surprised if, after January 2017, Obama announced that he had converted to Islam?
Not real Islam, Keith Ellison Islam. That way Obama would still get speaker's fees.
Funny to see Mark cheer on a partisan press corps which denies him any sort of unbiased truth in reporting.
Show trial for Walker! Isn't it great!?!
I would believe you guys if you ignored these stories.
But instead the right wing is blogging and publishing furiously how these are not really stories, how they don't matter, and all matters of spin.
Hint: if you need multiple weeks of spin, you are not convinced it will blow over.
If Walker was convinced it would blow over, why does he immediately have his spokesperson walk back every one of these statements?
Once again, if it was nothing you would ignore it and walk on - instead people are rushing around with tourniquets but denying there is bleeding.
Yes, Tim. Please tell me how Your side never does these show trials.
No bogus questions have been suggested on this blog in the last week for Hilary to answer, lol. You guys never do that.
What a joke. Keep telling us how this doesn't matter as you furiously defend Walker. I see a lot of people have already climbed off the sinking ship. Enjoy the water!
"Mark said...
Yes, Tim. Please tell me how Your side never does these show trials.
No bogus questions have been suggested on this blog in the last week for Hilary to answer, lol. You guys never do that."
You do know that those questions were suggested to be asked of Hillary, but never have been right? Right? Right? Do you see what a idiot you are?
"Mark said...What a joke. Keep telling us how this doesn't matter as you furiously defend Walker. I see a lot of people have already climbed off the sinking ship. Enjoy the water!"
Whatever gets you through the night Mark. Hold on tight, little buddy. Hold on tight.
I think that it would have been great if, when the reporter asked Walker if he thought that Obama was a Christian, Walker would have said "Yes, Obama is a Christian, but a very, very bad one."
" if it was nothing you would ignore it and walk on - instead people are rushing around with tourniquets but denying there is bleeding."
The depth of the ignorance is amusing. Of course there cannot be anything going on here that you don't understand because your god-like knowledge of human nature is complete!
Mark has no clue as to the depths of his cluelessness.
I don't have to hold on tight, George.
I am really loving the circus act you guys are doing trying to defend Walker. Keep telling yourself your D grade talent is going to win it all.
The media is already laughing.
"Mark said...
I don't have to hold on tight, George.
I am really loving the circus act you guys are doing trying to defend Walker. Keep telling yourself your D grade talent is going to win it all.
The media is already laughing."
Our "D Grade talent" kicked your and yours sorry ass three times. It was so fun watching you get so excited.
Remember you telling us one news story or another would sink Walker?
In the end you were left with your tears and soiled tube sock. Wondering where it all went wrong.
I really think the fault for this little kerfuffle lies at the feet of Mrs. Obama. She was raised as a Methodist. She could have told Obama that "Baphomet" is not another word for Jesus.
The Iowa cauci is 11 MONTHS away.f
I suppose if I'm a Democrat opprative or media (redundant) I would fixate on this. Cant talk about the last four years of accomplishments of the prospective candidates. That would be a narrative fail.
BTW, Obama is irrelevant. NOBODY cares. That ship has sailed, he is yesterdays leftovers. (With the same life expectancy)
Mark is so precious.
Scott Walker gutted the Democrat party and their chief source of cash in less than 5 years in the state that invented public unions.
Each time the Leftists said he was for sure politically dead, he kicked their pathetic little asses again. And again. And again.
The clue-phone is ringing, Leftists. Most Americans either don't care what religion Obama is, or they already think he isn't a good Christian, or one at all. Fixating on this merely confirms that Walker is in the majority of the people on such an "issue." And his tact in deflecting such a stupid "issue" also wins him points form most Americans.
Same thing with the "doesn't love his country like we do" thing. Most Americans agree with that statement. It isn't "controversial" to state the obvious.
Keep punching that tar baby, bitches. One of these days you are sure to score a knockout on it.
What a bunch of losers.
This whole "controversy" isn't moving the needle in either direction. The Left is suitably outraged by what they imagine is Walker's "dog whistle" that Obama is a secret Muslim (when frankly, secret atheist is more believable). (I notice apparently these "dog whistles" are most often heard by the Left, who should in theory not be the intended targets of the dog whistle). They already didn't like Walker, and this just confirms what they don't like.
On the Right, what's getting talked about most is that Obama in fact doesn't love his country, isn't a real Christian, or perhaps he does and is, but is lousy at running his country and lousy at practicing Christianity. This is reinforcing the Obama hate, as usual.
Meantime, the extra press means Walker gets into the top tier of 2012 candidates--this raises his profile among the right--and protects his right flank. If he can make a hard play for the middle (the GOP's "left" wing) he could enter 2012 as the favorite.
"Meantime, the extra press means Walker gets into the top tier of 2012 candidates--this raises his profile among the right--and protects his right flank. If he can make a hard play for the middle (the GOP's "left" wing) he could enter 2012 as the favorite."
Exactly. As I've said a few times in this thread, Walker's got game. This was all war-gamed out before the 21 Club dinner. Walker didn't have Rudy headline his funder and then Rudy just "goes off on a tangent." Shit doesn't work like that in the real world when professionals are doing the work. And Rudy and Walker are nothing if not professionals at this politics thing.
The "dog whistle" thing the Left invented really creeps me out.Not only does it give them license to attack you for what they wanted you to say, it literally does not make sense. A dog whistle can only be heard by the person who is supposed to hear it, yet the liberals hear conservatives dog whistles all the time and conservatives don't. I think that their logic circuitry took some heavy damage in the Clinton years and the 2000 election finished it off.
Think about it. If they really believe in this "dog whistle" theory of theirs they have to face the fact that might be dozens -- or hundreds -- of "dog whistle" phrases they haven't caught onto, yet. Like 'I believe Obama is a Christian' might really mean 'I believe Obama is a secret Muslim'. That would put a whole different light on all the quotes that are out there.
It's kind of like, once you start believing in UFO's, believing in ghosts or killer robot time travelers isn't off the table.
In fairness he leg humps Sheldon Adelson's quite regularly, and other billionaire donors. Equal opportunity whore.
How's Tom Steyer doing these days?
George Soros?
Warren Buffett?
They sniffed him out early enough in the process, though, so there's plenty of time for the NYT and WashPo to develop and broadcast the case against Walker.
That said, it's been weeks or months now since he's been a top GOP contender. I would have expected something troubling by now, but all we have is that he dropped out of college and a few of his professors were unimpressed.
He's been attacked for years now and is still popular. They have nothing.
You don't have to be a homosexual to suck dick.
Given that he's a dude, being gay is kind of implied there, Sparky.
But keep digging.
Walker knows how to get stuff done...far better than the current Republican Congress.
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