২৬ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৫

"A local man came up and said 'Please — what does this mean?' I explained I wanted to highlight the destruction in Gaza..."

"... by posting photos on my website — but on the internet people only look at pictures of kittens."

২৫টি মন্তব্য:

mccullough বলেছেন...

There a over 1 billion Muslims in the world and about 15 million Jews. If the Muslims are the powerless and the Jews are the powerful, then you have to tip your cap to the Jews. Drawing pussy cats on the walls left amid the rubble makes them look even worse. Why mock them?

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Propaganda Art: Black cats represent the evil Jewish animal bombers, and white Kittens represent the innocent Hamas animal lovers who had to send out thousands Kitty rockets from Kindergartens all to protect Hello Kitty.

djf বলেছেন...

If Gazans don't like living in rubble, maybe their Hamas rulers should refrain from shooting rockets at Israel from civilian neighborhoods. Or maybe just cut out the rocket launching altogether.

Curious George বলেছেন...

Two thought s come to mind:

Don't start nothin,' won't be nothin'.

Rubble doesn't make trouble.

YoungHegelian বলেছেন...

I get my fill of pro-Gazan propaganda from BBC World as I fall asleep every night.

What gets sometimes stated but rarely explored is that it's not only the Israelis who have locked in the Gazans. The Egyptians too have the Gazan border locked down tight as a drum.

Hamas has decided to play a game where they piss off everybody --- Israel, Egypt, the Saudis, the Emirates, the USA. Who's in their corner -- a lukewarm Turkey, Hezbollah, the rotting corpse of a nation called Syria, & more fervently, Iran. The alliance with Iran especially scares the beejeepers out of all their neighbors. I mean, even their fellow Palestinians under the Palestinian Authority want them dead.

Just how bleeping stupid & suicidal can a pseudo-regime be? Well, take a look at Hamas. I mean, these guys brush their teeth every day with a loaded 12 gauge & wonder why their brains regularly end up on the bathroom wall.

David বলেছেন...

"I don't want to take sides. But when you see entire suburban neighborhoods reduced to rubble with no hope of a future — what you're really looking at is a vast outdoor recruitment center for terrorists. And we should probably address this for all our sakes."

What Banksy fails to understand is that this is what the neighborhood was designed for. Hamas is not interested in a viable peaceful neighborhood. Or kittens for that matter. They are interested in fueling a conflict and, at the same time, continuing to get their massive financial support from Western governments. I they wanted a peaceful, prosperous kitten friendly place, integrated with the robust Israel economy instead of the beggar economy of Gaza, they could have it. But that is not their wish.

Johanna Lapp বলেছেন...

Gazans could get on a boat any time they choose. If any nation on Earth would take them in.

They could have water and electricity 24/7 if they paid their utility bill instead of letting Hamas corruptocrats embezzle the foreign aid earmarked for that purpose.

Michael K বলেছেন...

NPR refuses to take sides !

OMG What next ?

Skyler বলেছেন...

Vandal supports terrorists. Nice.

kcom বলেছেন...

"If we wash our hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless we side with the powerful — we don't remain neutral."

How about:
"If we assess the conflict between the life-affirming and the death-worshipping we side with the life-affirming — we don't remain neutral."

William বলেছেন...

I sincerely hope that Banksy doesn't get kidnapped by some Hamas faction that believes in making western hostages their sex slaves, A year of being butt fucked by some emir would probably subvert the gentle whimsy of his art.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Those random neighborhoods were hit by random bombs.

Laslo Spatula বলেছেন...

When you become the Hipsters' Has-Been there are always the Palestinians.

I am Laslo.

Laslo Spatula বলেছেন...

There is a Middle-Eastern restaurant on the Ave where the Egyptian owners detest the Palestinians.

It's okay though, because they hate Jews, too.

I am Laslo.

JackWayne বলেছেন...

Banksy can go fuck himself and the kitten he humped on the way in.

Oso Negro বলেছেন...

If the hipster douche-artist wanted to be really outre he would slap a yarmulke on one of those kittens and paint it outside of a mosque. Somehow I suspect he lacks the yarbles for that.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Thought aspiration...

If Bibi was Obama, could he triangulate off ISIS to be more aggressive towards the Palestinians... again, on account of ISIS, ie, Hands Up Don't Shoot?

If that makes any sense.

chillblaine বলেছেন...

Gazans will never understand "I can has cheeseburger." All the icons on their children's TV shows - the Mouse Farfour, the bear, the rabbit - are routinely martyred.

Israel prohibits cement importation because it is used to reinforce smuggling tunnels. And how many prisons have glittering shopping malls. Sheesh. Banksy is a poseur. Street artist Sabo (Unsavory Agents) is legit.

kcom বলেছেন...

"Those random neighborhoods were hit by random bombs."

What are ya gonna do?

Bob Loblaw বলেছেন...

What Banksy fails to understand...

Could fill a book. The guy may be a good artist (I couldn't say), but his grasp of human relations is facile in the extreme.

tim maguire বলেছেন...

If Gaza is the world's largest prison, then the world has come a long way. The world's largest prison used to be Eastern Europe and much of Asia. But you won't hear that from Banksy. (For the record, I like Banksy, I just don't respect his politics.)

tim maguire বলেছেন...

Mccullough, that's because most Muslims don't care about the Palestinians. Even the ones who pretend to mostly don't.

Curious George বলেছেন...

It is not a good time to be a Jew.

Larry J বলেছেন...

Ian F. Shield said...
If Gazans don't like living in rubble, maybe their Hamas rulers should refrain from shooting rockets at Israel from civilian neighborhoods. Or maybe just cut out the rocket launching altogether.

Now you're blaming the victims. Just like how modern American college women should be able to do anything they want without fear of any possible consequences, Gazians should be free to attack Israelis without fear of retribution. [\sarc]

jr565 বলেছেন...

Israel is a tiny island surrounded by an ocean of crazies . Or so it would seem based on looking at a map of the ME. You'd think Israel controlled territory the size of Saudi arabia the way Muslims go after Zionism and their expansionism. But no, you could fit four Israels inside of one Jordan.
Which is actually 80% of what was known as historic Palestine. In other words, the issue of "Palestine" was already settled even before Israel was formed. And Muslims got most of it.
The problem is not the Jews. The problem is that Muslims don't want any uppity jews (or Christians or any non muslim people) getting uppity and assuming they should have some degree of autonomy not under islamic rule. Why can't they just submit like they're supposed to?