1. As she presented it — it showed her child Trig overcoming an obstacle — "a lazy dog blocking his way" — turned the negative into a positive, using the dog as "his stepping stone." Pure sweet inspiration, a boost for all of us.
2. She predicted she'd get criticized, and like clockwork, PETA was there: "It's odd that anyone — let alone a mother — would find it appropriate to post such a thing, with no apparent sympathy for the dog in the photo." And Palin fans love the action when some lefty organization takes a shot at Sarah ... or, better, Sarah and Trig.
3. She had an ace in the hole. When the predictable criticism rolled in, Palin played this Ellen DeGeneres Facebook post from last summer:
Post by Sarah Palin.
६२ टिप्पण्या:
It's okay if you're a leftie.
I disapprove of people putting photos of their children on the internet. The child cannot consent.
Neither can the dog.
Dog's cannot be consented when eaten...
Imitative is great.
Dog as a stepladder is not ok!
Is that a 50 lb kid on an 80 lb dog?
I think she knew there was an Ellen picture so deliberately posted it just so she could then tweak liberals who predictably went after her. And, if so, good for her. conservatives should be doing that routinely. Because liberals are so damn hypocritical. And it's SO damn easy.
and liberals whine so damn much.
By the way, I wouldn't recommend standing on smaller dogs. Or standing on larger dogs if you are not a small child. But the dogs in the picture don't seem to mind.
Obviously neither dog is in pain or discomfort. If they were they would move.
Some people seem to consider Palin's continued existence to be an affront that is not to be borne.
Palin intentionally baits those people. Why? My guess is that she enjoys living rent free in their heads.
Also, in order to set yourself up as a populist anti-snob you need to be attacked by establishent snobs.
It seems that y m key is starting to fail occasionally.
I also liked the dig about how "at least Trig didn't eat the dog."
She was also ready with the Obama ate dog. Where was your indignation then?
I wish more people were willing to tweak liberals more.
I like it when cheerleaders stand on cheerleaders.
I am Laslo.
The dog was good with it. It would have moved otherwise. The dog is a fully functioning member of the family if not with full voting rights. As such, its certainly allowed to move if it doesn't like a small child standing on it. My Sarah, when small, clambered all over Manassas a large Irish/Golden mix with absolutely no problem.
What's cute about it is clearly the dog is tolerating discomfort in some measure from a "family" member precisely because the dog feels like a member of the family.
If it really bothered the dog, it would bark, move or nip.
Marc Antony and Pizzicato Pussy Cat
Correction: Pussyfoot
Didn't Ellen once have a mini-controversy over a dog or cat she adopted and then discarded or something?
I've never had a dog that wouldn't issue a loud protest if the conditions called for it. Sarah Palin rocks in my book, and I love it every time she brings it. The looselugnut liberals need to have their snouts shoved into their poo.
- Krumhorn
As jr565 said, Palin probably did this deliberately with the DeGeneres picture in mind.
The lefties get their little frisson of Palin-scorning (there ought to be a word – something long and German – to express the idea of "the pleasurable sensation of loathing someone") and the righties get to bask in the warm glow of righteous indignation at lefty hypocrisy. Win - win!
"The lefties get their little frisson of Palin-scorning (there ought to be a word – something long and German – to express the idea of "the pleasurable sensation of loathing someone") . . ."
Will you take something short and faux-Greek?
Hathos: “Feelings of pleasure derived from hating someone or something.” (Source: Word Spy.) A blend of hate and pathos. Pronounced HAY-thos; th as in thin.
The problem with Palin's lefty critics (and there are a number of them who can't stand that "dumb" Caribou Barbie) is that they are playing checkers.
Caribou Barbie plays chess.
As for Jill Hadassah--the dog--she's a service dog the family got to help Trig. So Jill was providing "service" to Trig here--all part of the job description.
Of course Palin's lefty critics say that Trig should never have been born; if she'd followed their advice, she wouldn't need the dog.
PETA responded, of course, and failed to address their hypocrisy. They did manage to mention Putin, for the purpose of setting up yet another "I can see Russia from my house" joke. I dislike Palin, but I dislike that tired old joke even more. It makes me cringe.
Ellen Degeneres, the woman who posted the pic that Althouse posted?
PETA's 2009 Person of the Year.
If Trig were big enough to pick up that dog and kill it by dropping it on its head, he would equal the performance of Bill DeBlasio, Mayor of New York and Slayer of Groundhogs, PETA's Person of the Year, 2014.
Not that it matters to PETA, but in neither case does the dog seem to mind. And it would let you know if it did--it would get up and walk away.
Make up your mind, Althouse; like GWB, is Palin stupid, or an evil genius?
I'm amazed that you and people like you don't understand that both of those things cannot be true.
That Sarah! Done suckered in the boobs.
Gov. Palin is welcome to borrow my Great Dane any time if the Lab isn't up to being used as a Trig-stand. The old beast just loves that kind of attention from little children. PETA is a bona ride terrorist organization. Their criminal acts destroying animal-using research laboratories are well documented. Maybe the Dane will bite off a few of their lawless arms for good measure.
Therapy dog
Never stood on a dog, but they often made great pillows.
Palin/Paul for 2016
Or Paul/Palin
I'm fine either way
John Henry
As if a dog couldn't flee to protect itself from a child.
PETA's response: we need to take that dog and put him to death to prevent further harm.
Fritz: thanks for that word! I'll try it out sometime.
"At least Trig didn't eat the dog"
Faint praise.
Ellen DeGeneres posts pictures of topless underage girls on her Facebook page? She shouldn't do that!
Palin knows how to throw the red meat. If she had an Amazon portal then her followers would be clicking like crazy on it right now.
Since she is a political figure, and obviously she is playing a political game, then wouldn't this fall under using her children for political purposes? Or is that only a problem when those other assholes do it?
I wish more people were willing to tweak liberals more
Absolutely. Because as Jesus taught us, the world needs more hate and derision.
You ARE raising your kids that way, no?
On her Facebook page, Palin has put the nail file between PETA's ribs, and it twisting it good and hard.
I like that.
Even if you don't like Palin, you can learn something about standing up for yourself and for truth from her, IMHO.
People ride horses. A dog is no different. The relevant issue is weight class and momentum.
Since she is a political figure, and obviously she is playing a political game, then wouldn't this fall under using her children for political purposes
PETA attacks Palin, and it's Palin's fault?
Typical Lefty thinking.
"I wish more people were willing to tweak liberals more"
"Absolutely. Because as Jesus taught us, the world needs more hate and derision."
No, because of this type of behavior by liberals.
"Prog[ressive]s: "We need a national conversation on race!"
Conservatives: "No, we don't."
Progs: "See? That just proves you're racist!"
MSM [Mainstream Media]: "Race. Race, race. Race, race, race. Also, race."
Conservatives: "Fine. Let's have a conversation. Looking at the stats, it is worth noting that in the black community......"
Progs: "How dare you talk about race, you racist!"
Progs: "We need a national conversation on rape culture!"
Conservatives: "No, we don't."
Progs: "See? That just proves you're pro-rape!"
MSM: "Rape culture. Rape, rape culture. Rape, rape, rape culture. Also, rape culture."
Conservatives: "Fine. Let's have a conversation. Looking at the stats, it is worth noting that rapes on college campuses have declined......"
Progs: "How dare you talk about stats when even one rape is too many, you rape apologist!""
PETA attacks Palin, and it's Palin's fault?
PETA made Palin into a political figure? Typical Gahrie thinking.
Typical Lefty thinking.
You've been forced to believe I'm a lefty.
And once again, I have to point out that this whole kerfuffle is nothing more than a first world problem.
PETA made Palin into a political figure? Typical Gahrie thinking
You attempted to use this attack on Palin by PETA to launch yet another attack on Palin (for supposedly using her children for political purposes).
Interesting that the Vice President is often called an "attack dog" especially on a campaign. Palin recently floated again her political ambitions, saying they depend on her children growing up a bit more. The photo she posts keeps it all going: the dog who isn't attacking in spite of tolerable abuse, even as she (the trained dog) is in control of the scene, her needy child who is learning to do for himself, and the mother photographer who is A media genius.
if you don't like Palin, don't watch Fox News or read her Facebook page. Those that hate her and do are insane.
I finally unfollowed a comedian I like because she retweeted someone else's outrage at Palin's Facebook post because her faux outrage is so tiresome. It's tiresome because if the WH tweeted a similar photo with Bo, the right would be upset and MSNBC would have 24/7 comments on stupid wing nuts after making fun of the Romney Christmas photo again. Predictable and tiresome.
Trig is lucky to have the parents that he does. Most Down's syndrome babies end up in an abortion clinic medical waste bucket because they are unwanted. I guess all I see is lots of love. I bet that dog and Trig are best of friends.
"Obviously neither dog is in pain or discomfort. If they were they would move."
They're shutting down out of fear.
Stop blaming the victim.
David Sollars, who said, "I bet that dog and Trig are best of friends," is on to something. Actually, that dog IS Trig's therapy dog. Her name is Jill Hadassah.
paminwi said...
I wish more people were willing to tweak liberals more.
Yeah...too bad Andrew Breitbart isn't still with us. He was the most courageous, effective and prolific tweaker of all things leftling in my long lifetime.
Only the good die. (sigh)
Well, that run-on sentence was fun to read.
I wish more people were willing to tweak liberals more.
madisonfella replies: Absolutely. Because as Jesus taught us, the world needs more hate and derision.
madisonfella's hidden message: Because when progs condemn wingnuts,wingnuts should apologize abjectly. It's not nice for wingnuts to stand up to progs.
Sarah Palin's reposting Ellen's child on dog photo constitutes hate speech.
Absolutely. Because as Jesus taught us, the world needs more hate and derision.
You can have derision without hate. Some are absolutely deserving of derision.
CatherineM said...
"It's tiresome because if the WH tweeted a similar photo with Bo ..."
Bo is way too smart to go anywhere near Obama's kitchen.
I wish more people were willing to tweak liberals more
madisonfella said...
Absolutely. Because as Jesus taught us, the world needs more hate and derision.
Ah, yes. The 11th Commandment: "Thou Shall Not Tweak"
Why did Palin bait PETA? Because she is a huntress. And that's what hunters/huntresses do.
On the other hand, is it fair of her to get into a battle of wits with unarmed opponents?
It sounds like you disapprove, dear Ms. Althouse, why? Sarah Palin is enjoying a cat-and-mouse game online with the tribe that are deranged about her. Good for her.
I think it's great.
Contrast with the "garbled . . . dispiriting" feminist parade post of earlier. These are the same Tribe of Women that have mercilessly savaged this woman for not being on their side.
If those women and their tribe of supremacists could acquire the ability to respect and defend Sarah Palin's voice, the world would be greatly better for it.
Thank god somehow, Gov. Palin has retained a sense of humor, too, unlike those Dismalettes.
Thanks for both presentations, and Cheers! A glorious 2015 it will be, I do believe.
In reply to " I wish more people were willing to tweak liberals more"
madisonfella wrote 1/4/15, 11:38 AM
Absolutely. Because as Jesus taught us, the world needs more hate and derision. You ARE raising your kids that way, no?
madisonfella wants us to not use "derision" or "hate" in our political dialogues. We would thus expect that madisonfella would vehemently object to the following comment:
Or is that only a problem when those other assholes do it?
@1/4/15, 11:36 AM
After all, "asshole" is a term of hate and derision. Most would agree "asshole" is substantially more hateful than merely pointing out the double standards exhibited when PETA objects to a picture of child feet on dog only when a wingnut posts the picture, not when a lefty icon posts such a picture.
Guess who wrote that "asshole" comment @1/4/15, 11:36 AM?
None other than madisonfella. He doesn't hold himself to the standards that he expects others to follow. Sound familiar?
I seem to remember Jesus being pretty tough on hypocrites. He was more than willing to call them out publicly and directly.
Back to you Madisonfella!
Absolutely. Because as Jesus taught us, the world needs more hate and derision.
Madisonfella thinks "derision" is a sin. Apparently, Madisonfella doesn't know much about how Jesus conducted himself.
Anyone who's owned a dog that size knows that they 1) love physical contact and 2) are not at all harmed by a toddler standing on them. That's a cute picture and anyone who thinks it's animal abuse is either ignorant or - as we have seen so often from the left, especially this year - is deliberately ignoring facts in order to promote a "higher truth".
I wish more people were willing to tweak liberals more
Absolutely. Because as Jesus taught us, the world needs more hate and derision.
O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. Matt 12:34
Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell? Matt 23:33
Yeah, Jesus was soooo full of happy words and good vibes towards hypocrites
After all, "asshole" is a term of hate and derision.
Since you're new to this blog (so new you don't even have a name yet) I can understand the confusion. I was making a reference to the meme pushed on this blog that "They are only assholes when the other side does it"
Thank you for pointing out that you were offended by that comment and I apologize for any harm or anguish caused to you. I'll try and keep in mind that not everyone will get the "insider jokes" and work on toning it down.
Thank for pointing out that you were offended by that comment and I apologize for any harm or anguish caused to you. I'll try and keep in mind that not everyone will get the "insider jokes" and work on toning it down.
You have reading comprehension problems. I made my objection quite explicit: "He doesn't hold himself to the standards that he expects others to follow."
To reiterate: my objection is not to the use of the word "asshole" per se, but to someone who freely uses the word "asshole" but also objects to "tweaking liberals" on the grounds that "tweaking liberals" constitute acts of "hate and derision" and thus are also against the teachings of Christ. Consider the old folk saying, "People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."
You freely use the word "asshole" in your comments, and not only in the "insider" or "They are only assholes when the other side does it" categories. As my objection is not to the use of the word, but the double standard ensuing, I don't see that your explantion makes any difference. You are still using the word, which makes your objection to "tweaking liberals" rather hollow.
In any event, here are two examples of your use of "asshole" which do not appear to fall into either of those two categories.
Consider your comment at 11/16/14, 9:14 AM
IF what George et al is saying is true, then the Republicans are a bunch of greedy assholes who want more and more of our money even tho they already have a huge stockpile they are already sitting on.
Or your comment at 11/2/14, 12:42 AM
Not only is that untrue, you've even quoted my own words where I say the exact opposite of what you are now claiming I said. So you know it isn't true, which makes you a liar as well as an asshole.
I fail to see how either of the above comments fall into the "insider joke" or in the "They are only assholes when the other side does it" categories.
You are certainly by no means the only commenter here who freely uses the word "asshole."
In any event, my previous comment stands: someone who freely uses the word "asshole" and then refers to what Christ taught in an attempt to chastise "tweakers of liberals" is not applying standards to himself that he applies to others. Which is a working definition of a hypocrite.
BTW, I have been reading but not commenting here for years. I recall comments from Inga, for example.
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