#Berkeleyprotests pic.twitter.com/KlAqLR0UHP
— Jessica Guynn (@jguynn) December 8, 2014
From "Berkeley, Calif., protest gets violent for second night."
A roaming crowd of 300-400 protesters moved between the Oakland border on Telegraph Ave. and downtown Berkeley.... Groups of protesters set trash cans on fire and lobbed objects at storefronts, looting some. The Cal Student Store's window was cracked, two bank fronts were vandalized and two cell-phone carrier stores were damaged....
The protesters marched through downtown Berkeley to the heavily barricaded police station, holding their hands in the air. They then walked a few blocks to Berkeley Civic Center, where they crowded the steps and chanted, "the whole damn system is as guilty as hell."
७८ टिप्पण्या:
Go ahead, lefties, shit in your own nest all you want.
Now, am I the only one confused by "holding up your hands" and "throwing bottles"? And does what was in those bottles have anything to do with why they were throwing them?
Gee - I wonder what they want the cops to do here? Establish a dialog or bust some heads open on camera?
This kind of protest appears perfect as the police are the object of the protest. But do the police really care if protesters break a few bank windows and loot a few cell phone stores?
""....it stops.""
It is a pronoun for what noun? What must stop in order for violent protest to stop? Is "it" the protest turning violent and it will be violent until they get tired and stop protesting? Or is "it", the killing of cigarette selling black men by cops?
If it is the latter, the numbers are already down since Garner's death. What period of time will they be measuring? I think year over year would be the statistical choice. That means they would have to keep protesting for another year.
More and more, 2016 is looking to shape up like 1968. Tough luck, Hillary.
Also, I suspect that the public will take a harsher look at what is going on in the nation's universities and colleges and will demand changes (at public universities) through state legislatures.
"More and more, 2016 is looking to shape up like 1968. Tough luck, Hillary. "
I hope we get someone better than a Nixon.
Maybe I'm just a crazy man, but people burning things is oddly... unpersuasive to me.
Please tell me the MSM newspapers and networks are reporting these as "Anti-government" demonstrators/rioters/looters.
"They drew outlines of bodies on the pavement and then marched down Channing Way, chanting "From Ferguson to Berkeley, we won't back down!" and "They say Jim Crow? We say hell no!"
who are THEY? The imaginary racists in their heads can't people just discuss a case on its merits. No one has brought up Jim Crow.
And Garners case is a really weird one to highlight the pernicious targeting of blacks. Because they responded to a complaint. They weren't doing a stop and frisk. And there was no intent to kill him. In Browns case the officer supposedly shot Brown in cold blood after he gave up. Here, a cop grabbed him and pulled him to the ground and because he as old and out of shape and suffered an injury he died later. There was no intent to harm him not any excessive use of force the way you might see in the Rodney King case for example. A freak accident isn't recost society targeting black folks. And it certainly Ian Jim Crow.
As lgv says, the "it" is far from clear.
Back in the day, a sit-in protest had some obvious connection to the thing being protested about. You want a drugstore chain to desegregate its lunchcounters, you sit in the drugstores until they do. In my youth, I recall sit-ins demanding the university administration make some change (probably more cash to minority student groups or something like that) -- they sat in the administration building lobby.
This business of shutting down freeways doesn't make any sense. What concrete action do they want to happen?
They had a 'die in' at the mall here on Sunday. The same mall where someone was murdered in a robbery last year, which is all I could think of looking at the pictures.
Critical Protest Theory
As Michael Brown's step-dad said "Burn the bitch, down".
If the "whole damn [sic] system is as guilty as hell" then the marchers would have been met by a couple M-60s giving them .30 caliber stomach aches.
You know how to make the marches stop? Just tell them that Eric Garner was a Republican party official.
So predicable.
The good news is that these a$$holes are protesting on Telegraph Ave, not the Bay bridge. (sssshh!). Let them break windows and loot Whole Foods. After 50 years of protests (full Disclosure, I was there at Peoples Park 1969).
Whole Foods knows better. The price for it and it's insurance policy have looting built in. Have at it.
Better yet, try and loot the UC Chancellor's Mansion. Whoops, the UC cops might be called out by Big Sis JN....
You're out of order. The whole damn system is out of order. Attica! Attica!
Berzerkley is a nuthouse and deserves every minute of this.
At my son's wedding reception in the Berkeley City Club, a (rare) conservative friend of his and I were standing outside smoking cigars and talking to kids coming down from a football game at Cal stadium when a butch looking woman marched out and told us we could not smoke within 25 feet of the door.
I asked her for a tape measure and she stomped back inside.
To protest and serve.
I wish the false consciousness of these idiots could be cured.
Remember when cops toss tear gas canisters at you it's your duty to toss them back at them.
It's not a real protest without vuvuzelas.
I never understood how easily people are drawn to communism.
I get it on an emotional level. Your life sucks. You see others having what you want, and it pisses you off. Not so much that you want what they have--you want them to have what you have. Nothing.
On a practical level, it's not like there aren't any recent real World experiences is communism to draw on to see how the whole thing shakes out in the end.
Bravest young man I ever saw was the drunken frat kid staggering up the steps in Memorial Stadium at a UC Berserkeley football game wearing a "PETA" tee shirt.
Only his PETA stood for "People Eating Tasty Animals".
I think the young woman (won't say lady) pictured in your post would have sucker punched the kid if she'd seen him. Not that she would go to an icky old college football game in any case.
Isn't it Finals Week?
All these protestors need a spanking.
A public one.
One guy, on a chair, and the protestors line up, one at a time, for their spanking.
Televise it.
These protests are pretty tame compared to the shit going on in Mexico. Outrage over the Iguala Massacre is starting to gain traction at all levels of Mexican society. A whole lot of people have disappeared in the last six years. The implications could be dramatic.
"Isn't it Finals Week?"
-- They're probably emotionally scarred.
Go ahead. Burn Berkeley down; see if I care.
More privileged leftist "yutes" tossing bottles at the middle class police officers!
That's speaking truth to power alright!
What are the odds that the protests were at least in part due to failure of the City and University to make available enough ATM's with which the protesters can tap into mommy and daddy's accounts?
he Drill SGT said... [hush][hide comment]
So predicable.
The good news is that these a$$holes are protesting on Telegraph Ave, not the Bay bridge. (sssshh!). Let them break windows and loot Whole Foods. After 50 years of protests (full Disclosure, I was there at Peoples Park 1969).
Seems to me in that same time frame, SFPD had a TAC squad clearing Haight st using clubs and bad attitudes. Pretty, young girls with cracked heads and blood streaming down their faces, and these current protesters destroying stuff get a catch and release.
"The whole damn system is as guilty as hell".
Nothing could be more true. All systems are guilty and always have been. Its all a matter of degree, between one time, place and system, and any other. And there is no way to make a system that isn't guilty, to some degree. And, trying to fix it, we are just as likely to make it worse.
That sums up the world view of a proper conservative. All these radicals are just stuck in an early stage of understanding.
I like the concept of "failure to launch". Like many university towns Berkeley has a permanent population of ex-students that just could not move on, because of some personal defect. So they stay. Most of these people demonstrating aren't students. A real student crowd there would be much younger and majority Asian.
buwaya puti: "The whole damn system is as guilty as hell".
Nothing could be more true. All systems are guilty and always have been"
I'm reminded of the tail-end of Planet of the Apes:
Lucius: You can't trust the older generation!
George Taylor: Thats the spirit.
buwaya puti: "Most of these people demonstrating aren't students. A real student crowd there would be much younger and majority Asian."
The Asians are too busy studying.
I did not know we would be doing tautologies on Althouse today.
May I suggest that while riots in Berkley are okey-dokey, there are other neighborhoods close by that the rioters would be well advised to avoid?
Powerline has a story about Columbia Law allowing traumatized students to postpone finals. Should such a special snowflake be planning to practice law?
She looks like she needs to get laid.
Or the poorly-lettered signs ain't never gonna end.
I hope we get someone better than a Nixon.
Nixon would be an improvement on Obama.
Haha. Until it stops? What is "it?" Their expected behavior? Or whatever injustice is driving it. Perhaps we should thunk some skulls while we ponder it.
What's wrong with using the police and/or the Nat Guard to shoot looters on sight? In the 1906 SF earthquake both the Army AND the police were allowed to do so and no one batted an eye. Me thinks our ancestors were made of sterner stuff..
"This is what you can expect from us until it stops."
Which is to say, "This is what you can expect from us".
"The Asians are too busy studying."
Larry Elder > once did a routine on how the sidewalk in front of his neighborhood library had lots of black kids doing break dancing and skateboard acrobatics, while inside the library were Asian mothers supervising their kids reading and studying. Both groups were about the same economic status.
Not the same future.
I'm picturing Norman Fell:
Benjamin: I'm not up to much, actually. I'm just visiting. I mean, I've always wanted to see Berkeley.
Mr. McCleery: You're not one of those agitators? ...One of those outside agitators?... I hate that. I won't stand for it. I won't stand for that.
Can't we just kill people in the streets or something? They shouldn't be there and I love freedom and liberty.
She looks like Camryn Manheim Steamroller.
Michael K: "Larry Elder > once did a routine on how the sidewalk in front of his neighborhood library had lots of black kids doing break dancing and skateboard acrobatics, while inside the library were Asian mothers supervising their kids reading and studying. Both groups were about the same economic status"
In a similar vein: Tony Brown (of Tony Brown's journal) once had a funny line about the uselessness of bussing black and white kids around to achieve desired attendance ratios since it was the asians who were outperforming everyone.
He said something along the lines of 'if you are going to bus me then bus my black ass to chinatown'.
garage mahal: "Can't we just kill people in the streets or something? They shouldn't be there and I love freedom and liberty"
Yeah, that's exactly what everyone is saying!
Forget it garage. Despite your best (and laughable) efforts to mischaracterize others you will never be accepted at Media Matters.
You're like the "li'l engine that couldn't".
"until it stops"
it= Western, Judeo-Christian, Capitalist society.
at least these moronic goons are staying in berkeley for a change instead of marching into oakland...but then, the weather has been kinda chilly and wet and it's a long, long walk all the way to downtown oakland and back.
In 1968, there were several days of inner city riots in Washington, DC after the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. As a result, substantial parts of Washington became and remained a wasteland for a quarter or a century. Only the construction of the subway system with stations in those areas made revival possible. Who can count the number of families whose prospects were ruined by those riots?
I was in my last year of law school at Columbia when MLK was assassinated. There were riots there, too, but the worst thing that happened to us was that final exams were either suspended of graded pass/fail. It's great to be able to enjoy the feeling of moral superiority from protesting injustice without having to suffer any negative consequences.
You know?
ok i stopped
Anarchists serve to establish a left-wing (i.e. totalitarian) regime. Burn, baby, burn!
Until it stops.
Or until the heavy rains come Wednesday.
I was at a meeting in Berkeley two days ago, at which investing in a new company, planned to operate in Berkeley, was discussed. Now, this type of company was practically invented by Cal people, back in the mid-70s, but now flourishes mostly elsewhere in the Bay Area. There's probably a real need for it in Berkeley, but the question that kept running through my head was: after all these years, why exactly are there so few of these businesses in Berkeley?
Why indeed.
Volley fire? Better yet, skunk oil as bonds with human skin and serves as a very long-term reminder!
She looks like she needs to get laid.
Not with my barge pole...
She looks like she needs to get laid.
Not with my barge pole...
She looks like she needs to get laid.
If they believe the whole damn system is guilty, they better hope to God it doesn't start acting like it...
Stanley Smith@3:32pm wins the thread!
"I think the young woman (won't say lady) pictured in your post would have sucker punched the kid if she'd seen him."
Of course she would. A BLATANT act of microaggression! She would have been driven to it!
"They drew outlines of bodies on the pavement and then marched down Channing Way, chanting "From Ferguson to Berkeley, we won't back down!" and "They say Jim Crow? We say hell no!"
Um... dearie? DEMOCRATS said Jim Crow...
"I hope we get someone better than a Nixon."
Hey, if we get another Nixon we'll get our space program back and owe China less money!
IF they don't like the "whole damn system", shouldn't they leave?
You can expect poor penmanship until it stops!
Years ago, police were allowed to shoot people who were running away from them. They could shout 'stop or I'll shoot' then they could shoot. One of my neighbors, a guy I went to school with, was shot running away from a service station he had robbed. Everyone that knew him, thought he deserved it.
The protesters are probably close to my building at the moment. The orbiting helicopter is hovering a block or two away. The scheduled protest was at least two miles away. (Did they have a parade permit? Who knows?)
I wish the protesters would take simple measures to cut down on the violence.
1) Daytime demonstrations
2) Registered parade routes
3) No planned confrontations with police
4) Scaling activities back in the wake of unplanned violence
The way it works now is there's one legal protest, plus many violent "splinter groups" that indulge in violence and vandalism. At least part of the goal of the splinter groups is to provoke conflict between the police and the main group.
The main group claims to be nonviolent, but it can't be denied that a little violence gives a demonstration a lot more visibility.
At some point, the actually nonviolent people are going to have to make a break with the violent fringe. Do you think anybody was talking about the Garner case in Berkeley today? Nope -- just making plans to find a safe route home and telling each other to stay safe.
The main group just went by. They were quiet and peaceful. But there are sirens elsewhere.
Guilty as hell, free as a bird. Wait, wasn't he a good guy, though?
---In Browns case the officer supposedly shot Brown in cold blood after he gave up.----
I’m sure you meant to write 'In Brown’s case the lie from the underclass gang members was that the officer shot Brown in cold blood'
Commies on the march. BFD. Let 'em march, arrest them when they break the law, and otherwise ignore them.
As long as we're bringing up Ayers in the middle of all this rape talk, wasn't he the fellow who passed around a girl like some doobie to a bunch of black guys? Sounds rape-ish to me. Never prosecuted or arrested for it; no one cares about the woman's claims.
Good thing he wasn't a Republican like Lena Dunham's attacker! ...Oh, wait.
I used to live within a block of Telegraph. Every weekend ppl would come in from Oakland and I'd hear the "pop pop pop" of gunfire - similar to hearing fireworks start on the 4th of July when you are inside, if you've ever had that experience. The weekly occurrence had nothing to do with politics.
The protests, otoh, were placid, even though they were always covered in the media like they were a big, fat, events simmering with violence. If the media had not covered them, in fact, I would not have known they happened even though I had to walk Telegraph to get to class most days.
Whenever I see coverage like this, I wonder if it's the same deal now. My feeling is that these are bigger, but then again, I'm not there.
The rioters are always described as "mostly peaceful" and the violence is always perpetrated by some who "broke away" from the main group.
No. Plausible deniability.
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