Critics accused her of copying campaign materials after parts of her jobs plan and other proposals included segments that were identical to those other Democratic candidates. And just days before the election, a pair of former Trek employees with conservative ties alleged that she had been fired from her family’s company, which was founded by her father.That's mud? Trying to figure out the source of her jobs plan — upon which she relied heavily — and seeking to understand a gap in her professional résumé — the primary qualification she presented?
११ नोव्हेंबर, २०१४
Mary Burke says she got "dragged through the mud" in the Wisconsin governor's race.
What mud? Hers was the campaign using swastikas. Scott Walker was doggedly positive. What is she talking about? The Wisconsin State Journal bolsters her assertion with this paragraph:
2014 elections,
Mary Burke,
Scott Walker,
१३८ टिप्पण्या:
Oh! Oh!! Someone criticized an aspiring politician!
Get thee to a fainting couch, Ms. Burke.
But don't you see? Democrats are the only rational choice in an election. Their candidates are of impeccable character and their programs are obviously so much better. If they lose, it can only be because of being dragged through the mud, or voter suppression, by the Republican candidate. In any case, Republicans are so pig-ignorant that the only people who would vote for their candidates are not worth listening to seriously. They should shut up or just die.
(Channelling my inner Oliver Willis.)
Not mud, she was just exposed to a light shower.
Mud, or rather even hot lava, was what the suppression of free speech people were doing elsewhere in WI.
Democrats seem to be poor losers. Mary is still in the denial stage. Some like Al Gore never get past this point.
Critics accused her of copying campaign materials
It used to be said that "The truth is an absolute defense" but in our new progressive world (see Dunham L vs the world), telling the truth is actionable...
The only thing Mary Burke ever accomplished was being Richard Burke's idiot daughter.
Mary Burke has the Muslima gene for certain. In Islam defamation is defined as bringing to light any fact (which by definition is truth) which the Muslim/a doesn't want revealed. It's way different than our concept of defamation.
"Critics accused her of copying campaign materials after parts of her jobs plan and other proposals included segments that were identical to those other Democratic candidates."
Now that's funny. Accusation and proof at opposite ends of the same sentence. Kinda like critics accused her of having both a live girl and dead boy in her bed after both a live girl and dead boy were found in her bed.
Maybe. Next time. Mary. The Democrats will field a candidate.
“I think I don’t really fit the mold of most people who run for governor,” she said. “So, no, I would have loved to be governor, but I really think that in four more years, the party will have some really good candidates, and I will certainly support them in that run.”
TRANSLATION: I proved my weakness, so there'll be strong challengers in the next Democratic primary. And we all know that a Democrat opponent will really drag me through the mud.
This is the first step toward creating a false narrative about her loss. It's akin to the process whereby pro-Kerry spinners turned the fact-based criticism of his Viet Nam experience into the "Swift-boat smear" that is now the accepted wisdom in the MSM and progressive blogosphere.
In a couple of years, all that will be remembered is the narrative that Walker forces "biked" Burke with false charges...
She was Swiftboated, which means that people who were there told the truth about what a terrible job she did and what a lousy person she was.
When cream rises to the top, primordial bile swirls amid postmenopausal ooze
Mud is why you can't have women in combat. They get UTIs or something.
I'm reminded of when activists on the Left started yelling "Smear!" whenever someone would come up with documentation of quotes or actions that didn't reflect well on their candidates.
I'm also reminded of how those same activists came to regard being wrong about something as "Lies!!!!"
Orwell understood the power of language in shaping perceptions. It's all about the narrative; don't let facts get in the way.
Remember, she's a Dem. It's slander to tell the truth about them or quote their own words.
I just tell the truth about them and they think it's Hell.
Yes, her critics' claim about her jobs plan was so baseless that she fired the guy who wrote it.
Just like she wasn't fired, they just eliminated her job.
Her version of reality is different than the rest of ours.
The poor dear was "swift-boated"! You know what "swift-boating" is, don't you? It's when someone tells vicious truths about someone else.
Walker attacked a company with a 50 million dollar payroll. No wonder companies don't want to relocate here.
A democrat lost, and a woman to boot. Of course it can't be her fault, or that Democratic policies were rejected by the voters.
So she lies and says she was slimed, and the lapdog media backs her up.
Dragged through the mud of a gated community...
This is what happens when Party Bosses Anoint you as the Candidate and you don't have to run in a Primary.
It's unfortunate that Political Candidates must have thick skins. But it's always been that way.
"garage mahal said...
Walker attacked a company with a 50 million dollar payroll. No wonder companies don't want to relocate here."
LOL What was the reason before Walker shortbus?
BTW, Amazon is building a monster distro facility in Kenosha. Could have built it in northern's primary purpose is to serve Chicago.
Mud happens! But another two to four years of intense snowboarding should wash that mud right out of her hair.
Walker is the Chicago Bears of job creation.
Spent $5M of her own money, another self-correction to the distribution of wealth.
I don't think mud means what she thinks it means.
From the World Health Organization defines rape "as physically forced or otherwise coerced penetration – even if slight – of the vulva or anus, using a penis,other body parts or an object."
Yeah, I guess he was doggedly positive when he sat there in his chummy I'm-pro-life-but-feel-the-choice-is-between-a-women-and-her-doctor ad, when defending is his forced transvaginal ultrasound bill. How this ad did not make you ill, I do not understand.
For the record, I didn't like Burke's swastika ad - there could have been a better way to disclose the ugly content of Jefferson County's GOP chairman's Facebook page. But I guess there are Nazi idiots on both sides, now.
Then there was the media biting on the plagerism charges when they know damn well how these things are built. Piss-poor-look-there's-squirrel journalism with absolutely no actual policy discussion. Well played, Walker camp. Well played.
It's Ok to drag the Republican through the mud. Use as many lies as you want.
It's NOT OK to drag the Democrat through the mud. The media strongly object.
The Clintons fly exclusively on private jets and are reimbursed for their campaign stops.
Meanwhile, Rand Paul travels commercial-- sits in coach.
The ruling class v. we the people.
Poor Bill and Hillary. Even with all their millions, (distilled from political graft) they still consider themselves poor and have a difficult time paying the mortgages on all their various homes.
The essence of Mary Burke's campaign was, "I'm not Scott Walker- look at what he did"
The essense of Scott Walker's campaign was, "I'm Scott Walker- look at what I did."
As the challenger, her campaign had to be negative (and his didn't). So I wasn't surprised that her campaign was more negative than his.
But it's absurd to come back after the election and claim it's not so.
And, claiming that questioning the qualifications you've offered as reasons to elect you is no more negative campaigning than questioning a job candidate's vague resume claim is improper: any well-prepared candidate should expect that, and be prepared for it.
Whine, snivel, cry, complain, blame others, illogical----Typical Democrat.
Hitched herself to Obama's wagon and got dragged through what Obama's horses left on the road, Mary did.
Is swastika guy still the Chair of the Jefferson County Republican Party?
I feel sorry for Mary Burke only in the sense that she got flattered into running for governor by a Democratic party that was hoping that she could self-fund, notwithstanding that she was woefully lacking in any other credentials which would have merited her being a serious candidate.
MCS II said...
From the World Health Organization defines rape "as physically forced or otherwise coerced penetration – even if slight – of the vulva or anus, using a penis,other body parts or an object."
Yeah, I guess he was doggedly positive when he sat there in his chummy I'm-pro-life-but-feel-the-choice-is-between-a-women-and-her-doctor ad, when defending is his forced transvaginal ultrasound bill. How this ad did not make you ill, I do not understand."
Well, first because it's bullshit. A lie. Here is the l;anguage from the bill:
"Perform an obstetric ultrasound on the pregnant woman using whichever transducer the woman chooses after the options have been explained to her. A facility that offers ultrasounds at no cost to satisfy the requirements of this subsection shall have available transducers to perform both transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasounds."
Did you know this was a lie? If yes, why did you repeat it? Does it make you sick that you have stooped to this level? If no, does it make you sick that your comrades on the left intentionally deceived you?
"Then there was the media biting on the plagerism charges when they know damn well how these things are built. Piss-poor-look-there's-squirrel journalism with absolutely no actual policy discussion. Well played, Walker camp. Well played"
More bullshit. Burke said her plan we her own, and that much of came from her master thesis. Really? And what evidence do you have a that this came from Walker? Any? It stated from a lefty blog after all.
A facility that offers ultrasounds at no cost to satisfy the requirements of this subsection shall have available transducers to perform both transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasounds."
The earlier a woman goes in the more likely a transvaginal probe is needed to detect the fetus. Small government in action right there. Fresh and organic.
"garage mahal said...
The earlier a woman goes in the more likely a transvaginal probe is needed to detect the fetus. Small government in action right there. Fresh and organic."
Movin' the goalposts as usual.
Interesting, isn't is that MCS II says ..." The media biting on the plagerism charges when they know damn well how these things are built". Well, well, well, so the media is NORMALLY willing to ignore stuff like "I did this, even though a bunch of butt kissing little people, really did the work!"?
So, the liberal media normally cover the asses of liberals and they did not do it THIS time? They would have done it again if not for alternative media being dogged about talking about this. You can thank Althouse for being part of alternative media!
Wisconsin Democrats are going to be stuck on stupid until they can get some party leadership - and candidates - from outside the Milwaukee/Madison enclaves.
Boo-hoo. Poor little trust fund baby didn't win the election. It's not fair!!!!
I hear Democrats dragged Bruce "Bailey" through the mud in Iowa.
"garage mahal said...
The earlier a woman goes in the more likely a transvaginal probe is needed to detect the fetus."
There is no requirement to "see the fetus" your mind it isn't necessary at all. But regardless, it still is the woman's choice.
garage mahal said...
Walker is the Chicago Bears of job creation.
He can't create jobs. All he can do is make the more attractive for people with wealth to createn jobs.
Your public sector job, for example, is only possible if there is enough wealth-the definition of wealth being capital in private hands-for the government to tax to create your public sector job. Without enough wealth to tax you wind up like Illinois.
Awww, the Madison Dough Boy is having another sad.
How was your November 4th, jackass?
"Wisconsin Democrats are going to be stuck on stupid until they can get some party leadership - and candidates - from outside the Milwaukee/Madison enclaves."
Such places exist? And is it true that you have to be quarantined for 21 days if you come back from one?
Walker attacked a company with a 50 million dollar payroll. No wonder companies don't want to relocate here."
How cute. garage thinks telling the truth about a candidate who happens (not coincidentally) to be the daughter of the founder is "attacking" the company.
I think they preferred China, so that part has a basis in fact.
I agree. But since the human puke funnel showed up we'll have to leave it at that.
To a Democrat, reality is mud.
*subhuman puke funnel
"Wisconsin Democrats are going to be stuck on stupid until they can get some party leadership - and candidates - from outside the Milwaukee/Madison enclaves."
Jen Shilling of LaCrosse is going to displace Chris Larson of Milwaukee as Senate minority leader. Don't know much about Shilling, but Larson was a toxic bombthrower who purged a whole bunch of moderate and non-prog Democrats from elected positions in the Milwaukee area.
paminwi - "plagerism" was the shiny object. Once the story got tagged with that, the damage was done. No explaining was going to unravel that. Game over.
when Democrats complain about dirty politics, what they really are saying is that someone told the truth about them.
No incompetent trust funder.
No forced union dues.
No John Doe investigation.
There is nothing left but SECRET ROUTERS!
When you are fragile, a spitwad is a wrecking ball.
If someone grows up insulated and fawned over because of their wealth/connections, any pushback feels like being dragged through the mud.
Reminded me of this little dustup about Margo Howard's new book. She's the daughter of "Dear Abby".
And a response to Margo Howard by a reviewer.
Curious George – it’s not a lie - it’s still an option and the entire paternalistic process is still mandated by the state.
“Burke said her plan we her own, and that much of came from her master thesis. Really? And what evidence do you have a that this came from Walker? Any? It stated from a lefty blog after all.”
Yes, really and a “Really?” right back at you. There were high-fives all around, when it worked.
He can't create jobs.
He can only campaign on thinking he'll create them.
" There were high-fives all around, when it worked."
Boy, the left is really getting crazy. Maybe Gore isn't the only one.
"“Never interfere with your enemy when he is making a mistake.”
Napoleon Bonaparte
"it’s not a lie - it’s still an option"
Now it's an option. You had said previously:
"forced transvaginal ultrasound"
So, not forced. The transvaginal ultrasound is an option, as is the abdominal ultrasound, chosen by the patient.
And from your definition of rape:
From the World Health Organization defines rape "as physically forced or otherwise coerced penetration – even if slight – of the vulva or anus, using a penis,other body parts or an object."
Since the abdominal ultrasound is an option, which is chosen by the patient, there is no "physically forced or otherwise coerced penetration" of any part of the patient's body.
So, you lied.
I'm not sure if you know what your point is supposed to be, but there's no way you can expect us to know what it is.
Are you saying the Burke campaign did not cut and paste its policy positions from others?
So, not forced. The transvaginal ultrasound is an option, as is the abdominal ultrasound, chosen by the patient.
Very early on there is no way to detect the fetus other than the wand. So the patient doesn't have a choice, and they are being punished for coming in early.
Quick, somebody, call the w-a-a-ambulance for another mudslinging, projecting Democrat.
Very early on there is no way to detect the fetus other than the wand. So the patient doesn't have a choice, and they are being punished for coming in early.
Here is the law: 2013 WISCONSIN ACT 37
You go ahead and find the verbiage supporting your assertion that a transvaginal transducer is mandated by law when the fetus is too small to be seen with an abdominal transducer. We'll all wait right here to return and admit you're either a mis-informed useful idiot, a liar, or both.
Because as I read it, the woman could choose the transabdominal transducer, refuse to look at the monitor or listen to the fetal heart beat (the law states that no one can make her), while the ultrasound technician describes being unable to see anything of significance, and the law's ultrasound requirement is thus met, all of your bullshit notwithstanding.
How could someone who couldn't even hold a nepotism job in the family company expect to able to be the chief executive of a state?
"Assault with a friendly weapon," as cops would say.
One thing that Mary Burke can claim, though, is that unlike the President, she had a real job. Sort of.
You go ahead and find the verbiage supporting your assertion that a transvaginal transducer is mandated by law when the fetus is too small to be seen with an abdominal transducer.
The transvaginal ultrasound is the only way to detect a pregnancy under 10-12 weeks. Many women will be forced to get a medically unnecessary trasvaginal ultrasound if they choose an abortion. That is just a fact.
Failure to provide a bejeweled tiara, a diamond studded wand, and the governorship on a silver plate = "dragged through the mud."
"MCS II said...
Curious George – it’s not a lie - it’s still an option and the entire paternalistic process is still mandated by the state."
You equated it to rape and said it was forced on women. And by your response you know it's not, which makes you a lying piece of shit just like the lefties st Emily's List that started it all. And garage.
Call the Whambulance Mary. Need some cheese with that whine.
Being a Democrat means never being responsible for anything.
And by your response you know it's not, which makes you a lying piece of shit just like the lefties st Emily's List that started it all. And garage.
Time to own up to it buddy. Mary Lazich was just elected state senate leader for fuck's sake. Embrace the suck.
Senate President make that.
Yes. Actually paying attention to what a Democrat says AND QUESTIONING IT is a profound display of cisheteronormative microaggression...
Disagreeing with her is practically rape.
Call the Whambulance Mary.
Wake me up before she go-goes?
I hear the snowboarding is nice at Devil's Head or Cascade this time of year… Take 2 years off to reflect.. maybe come up with a jobs plan..
"garage mahal said...
Time to own up to it buddy. Mary Lazich was just elected state senate leader for fuck's sake. Embrace the suck"
What's this have to do with you and MCS II being lying POS?
Oh, nothing.
Democrat woman are delicate flowers.
What's this have to do with you and MCS II being lying POS?
I lied about nothing. It has to do with you and the deeply strange party you're part of that is obsessed with women's vaginas.
This is who is running Wisconsin. Watch that clip and tell me Lazich is not totally fucked in the head.
I'm optimistic (cautiously) that Althouse will be able to maintain her cruel neutrality through the 2016 election cycle.....
MadisonMan said...
He can't create jobs.
He can only campaign on thinking he'll create them.
He campaigned on fostering an atmosphere friendly toward business.
Shit. I don't even live in Wisconsin and I picked up that much.
Oh! Oh!! Someone criticized an aspiring politician!
Get thee to a fainting couch, Ms. Burke.
No, hawkeyedjb, someone criticized a WOMYN running against a male.
garage mahal said...
So, not forced. The transvaginal ultrasound is an option, as is the abdominal ultrasound, chosen by the patient.
Very early on there is no way to detect the fetus other than the wand. So the patient doesn't have a choice, and they are being punished for coming in early.
"garage mahal said...
I lied about nothing. It has to do with you and the deeply strange party you're part of that is obsessed with women's vaginas."
Sure you did. You said "Very early on there is no way to detect the fetus other than the wand. So the patient doesn't have a choice, and they are being punished for coming in early."
That's bullshit. You've been called out on it, asked to point out the language in the bill that says "the patient doesn't have a choice" and you've ignored that, and we get this stupid Mary Lazich stuff.
Grow up. If you can't take the heat, etc.
This proves that she had no business being governor. If she thought the election was bad, what would her first big legislative fight have been like?
The transvaginal ultrasound is the only way to detect a pregnancy under 10-12 weeks.
I don't know if it is, but just for the sake of argument, I'll stipulate that that is true. That said, no where in Act 37 does the law require that the ultrasound actually detect the pregnancy.
Many women will be forced to get a medically unnecessary trasvaginal ultrasound if they choose an abortion. That is just a fact.
That requirement exists only in your head, not in the law.
That's bullshit. You've been called out on it, asked to point out the language in the bill that says "the patient doesn't have a choice" and you've ignored that, and we get this stupid Mary Lazich stuff.
You're too stupid to breathe. Again: To meet the requirements under the new law transvaginal will absolutely have to be administered if a woman chooses an abortion. Because abdominal ultrasounds can't always reliably detect pregnancies under 10 weeks. 84% of all abortions in Wisconsin are under 12 weeks.
"garage mahal said...
You're too stupid to breathe. Again: To meet the requirements under the new law transvaginal will absolutely have to be administered if a woman chooses an abortion. Because abdominal ultrasounds can't always reliably detect pregnancies under 10 weeks. 84% of all abortions in Wisconsin are under 12 weeks."
Yeah, you keep saying it doesn't mean it's true. Please show the language in the bill that supports your position. As you have been asked. Twice.
You can't.
Because abdominal ultrasounds can't always reliably detect pregnancies under 10 weeks.
Where in the law is it mandated that the ultrasound successfully detect the pregnancy?
You're imagining requirements that do not exist. Go read the law. You're making a (bigger) fool of yourself.
You're imagining requirements that do not exist. Go read the law. You're making a (bigger) fool of yourself.
The requirement is an ultrasound must be performed so the patient can view real time images of the fetus prior to consenting to an abortion.
Abdominal ultrasounds can't always detect pregnancies under 12 weeks.
So those images can't be obtained. That means the images can't be given to the patient to view.
So, this law by definition require abortion providers to perform a trans-vaginal ultrasound.
I think a middle schooler could figure this out.
According to garage, anyone not a leftist is fucked in the head.
The requirement is an ultrasound must be performed so the patient can view real time images of the fetus prior to consenting to an abortion.
There is no requirement in the law that the patient must view any ultrasound images. Quite the contrary, actually.
Another requirement that exists only in your head.
You'd be citing passages in the law, if it supported your position. You aren't because it isn't.
The law is is completely up to the woman to decide. Faced with this, garage has to do these stupid mental gymnastics.
April Apple wrote: Meanwhile, Rand Paul travels commercial-- sits in coach.
Love it. The '16 ads just write themselves, don't they?
"I think a middle schooler could figure this out."
Obviously not, as that is getting towards the tail end of your educational achievement level, fat boy.
According to garage, anyone not a leftist is fucked in the head.
You surely are one astute cookie, Alex.
Get thee to a fainting couch, Ms. Burke.
"Oh Ashley darling, fetch me my smelling salts..."
Faced with this, garage has to do these stupid mental gymnastics.
I thought maybe you were playing cat and mouse word games again. But now I think you really are this stupid. You really don't know anything about the issue. But you're attempting to defend it anyhow. I think.
Politics is not touch football... unless the Democrat is female. Having different rules for girls mitigates against this gender equality paradigm, does it not?
Faced with this, garage has to do these stupid mental gymnastics.
This comment provoked the following reverie.
The Garage Mahal Floor Exercise:
1) Lie on back for 10 minutes (10 points)
2) While supine grunt contemptuously (10 points)
3) Lift right index finger, remaining supine (10 points)
4) Roll to prone position (10 points)
5) Grunt, free interpretation (50 points)
6) Roll to supine position (5 points)
7) Raise left eyebrow (5 points)
There is no requirement in the law that the patient must view any ultrasound images. Quite the contrary, actually
You are correct on this. The patient doesn't have to view. But the law requires doctors to display and describe the image with a state-mandated script. Again, you can't get an image and describe it if the abdominal ultrasound can't pick it up.
Again, you can't get an image and describe it if the abdominal ultrasound can't pick it up.
Technician: I'm afraid I cannot get a clear image of the fetus for you to look at using the transabdominal transducer. Would you like me to switch to the transvaginal transducer?
Patient: No, thank you.
Technician: Okay. Participating in this procedure has satisfied your requirements under the law in regards to receiving a free ultrasound prior to an elective abortion, so I have signed your paperwork. Please sign and date here that an ultrasound was performed.
Patient: There you go.
Technician: Good luck.
I swear, it's like teaching a pig to sing.
Technician: Okay. Participating in this procedure has satisfied your requirements under the law in regards to receiving a free ultrasound prior to an elective abortion, so I have signed your paperwork. Please sign and date here that an ultrasound was performed.
If true I'm wrong. Any link to that? And that would mean the law is a stupid waste of time and money as well.
garage mahal would have you believe that what is deduced trumps that which is written.
Or he is just a POS liar. I'm going with the latter.
"I thought maybe you were playing cat and mouse word games again."
Oh, that's rich.
You are outraged OUTRAGED!!!! that a woman might have to have a procedure about as invasive as an annual physical, so that she can have her child killed, dismembered, and remeoved from her womb.
You are outraged OUTRAGED!!!! that a woman might have to have a procedure about as invasive as an annual physical, so that she can have her child killed, dismembered, and remeoved from her womb.
See at least this is honest. Curious George can't quite come to grips with the laws his hero signs. Or he plain doesn't understand, after repeated attempts, what an ultrasound is.
"Technician: I'm afraid I cannot get a clear image of the fetus for you to look at using the transabdominal transducer. Would you like me to switch to the transvaginal transducer?"
There you go CG.
"garage mahal said...
See at least this is honest. Curious George can't quite come to grips with the laws his hero signs. Or he plain doesn't understand, after repeated attempts, what an ultrasound is. "
I know exactly what it is. Seen both of my kids on one. The issue dumbass is being FORCED to have a TRANSVAGINAL one, and that is a bullshit. As for your stupid deductions: No woman will be forced to have a tranvaginal US under this law.
"Technician: I'm afraid I cannot get a clear image of the fetus for you to look at using the transabdominal transducer. Would you like me to switch to the transvaginal transducer?"
As for this latest moronic attempt, if the woman CHOOSES to see the images, and for some reason they don't show up on the abdominal US, and they then CHOSSE to use the transvaginal US, so what. It;s their choice. Some woman will likely want to see. And some of them will scosse not to abort.
Why would that be a probalem with you? You get your freak on over dead babies or something?
Garage Mahal--you seem not to know that the transvaginal ultrasound is what is used by Planned Parenthood because they are checking early for pregnancy. But, of course, that doesn't support your argument.
As if to prove perfectly that she was ill-suited for the job that was never going to be hers... because Scott effing Walker beat her like a rented car! Now begone!
The issue dumbass is being FORCED to have a TRANSVAGINAL one, and that is a bullshit.
So when a woman comes in at 7 weeks, and an abdominal ultrasound doesn't show a fetus in the image at all, then what. Tell me. Can she still get an abortion?
Burke is just a typical Leftie tool, a classic example of the MVP Moochers and Victims Party.
Burke is just a typical Leftie tool, a classic example of the MVP Moochers and Victims Party.
Garage only "knows" what he reads in his strident lefty publications.
Garage only "knows" what he reads in his strident lefty publications.
Aren't you in the medical imaging field? You again have nothing to add, no opinion, except some stupid talking point? Gawd you guys are so predictable.
Not interested in attempting a serious discussion with you. Per yesterday, you won't even take the time to read what I actually write.
Mary Burke is out of touch with reality.
garage mahal said...
The issue dumbass is being FORCED to have a TRANSVAGINAL one, and that is a bullshit.
So when a woman comes in at 7 weeks, and an abdominal ultrasound doesn't show a fetus in the image at all, then what. Tell me. Can she still get an abortion?
Of course
LuAnn Zieman: "Garage Mahal--you seem not to know that the transvaginal ultrasound is what is used by Planned Parenthood because they are checking early for pregnancy. But, of course, that doesn't support your argument."
You don't seem to understand.
Even if garage "did know" that the transvaginal ultrasound is what is used by Planned Parenthood, if a political point required him "not to know it" then he is fully prepared to officially "not know it" when trying to score political points.
The ability to deny the clear reality staring one in the face is a requirement (and I do mean requirement) for footsoldiers in The Peoples Army.
Of course
In this event would the doctor just take a guess, or lie? Here is what the law says:
2. Provide a simultaneous oral explanation to the pregnant woman during the ultrasound of what the ultrasound is depicting, including the presence and location of the unborn child within the uterus, the number of unborn children, and the occurrence of the death of an unborn child, if such a death has occurred.
3. Display the ultrasound images so that the pregnant woman may view them.
4. Provide to the pregnant woman a medical description of the ultrasound images, including the dimensions of the unborn child and a description of any external features and internal organs that are present and viewable on the image.
5. Provide a means for the pregnant woman to visualize any fetal heartbeat, if a heartbeat is detectable by the ultrasound transducer type chosen by the woman under subd. 1., and provide to the pregnant woman, in a manner understandable to a layperson, a simultaneous oral explanation.
Mary Burke points out that the Chairman of a local Republican party displays a swastika in a comment about our President, but the "neutral" blogger says it is all Mary Burke's doing.
Precious, simply precious.
Can you tell me little about your educational background as well as your current job? It would help me to put your thoughts in perspective.
I am a psychologist with PhDs in both organizational and clinical psychology. The latter was earned in my 50's, so I now work as a clinician. I was a business consultant foe almost 20 years after a brief academic career. For the last 10 years, I have focused on clinical work.
Your turn ...
Mary Burke points out that the Chairman of a local Republican party displays a swastika in a comment about our President, but the "neutral" blogger says it is all Mary Burke's doing.
Which swastika image got more views, put it out in front of the most eyeballs? A) The one on Gary Ellerman's Facebook Page (excluding the people who went there only to see it or) B)the advertisement put up by Mary Burke?
If A), then this confirms that Mary Burke was incompetent as a business person and did indeed need to be eased out at TREK.
What's even more precious is how Althouse is constantly using images of swastikas on this very blog. Many MANY times more than Burke ever did.
If Mary was wrong to point out that the "other side" used the Nazi symbol to describe their political opponents, then what does that make Ann when she does the same exact thing?
you are not on my list of people that I want to share any sort of personal info with.
"Mary Burke says she got "dragged through the mud" in the Wisconsin governor's race."
She loved it...
Dragged thru the mud? The very definition of a political campaign these days.
madisonfella said...
What's even more precious is how Althouse is constantly using images of swastikas on this very blog. Many MANY times more than Burke ever did.
If Mary was wrong to point out that the "other side" used the Nazi symbol to describe their political opponents, then what does that make Ann when she does the same exact thing?
This is gonna be good.
Francisco, let me enlighten you on fatty bumpkin's educational level.
Possibly graduted from high school, although nothing beyond his middle school athletic triumphs have been confirmed.
He frequently likes to knock Scott Walker for not graduating from college, despite his never attending college at all.
Other interesting personal details about Garage are his failed marriage and obesity, which both have been well documented on this site. In fact Ann herself taunted him about his flabbiness.
As to his employment, he has waffled from bragging about his wealth (mostly imaginary I assume) and has a huge fetish for all things union. I would imagine he probbly is involved in some semi-skilled trade that does not require much in the way of physical exertion. Probably some sort of union, but not a white collar one like teachers or government employees (he is too uneducated even for that.)
As those old PSA's said, "The more you know . . ."
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