Eric O'Keefe, head of the Wisconsin Club for Growth, spoke on local radio yesterday about the trauma suffered by targets of the John Doe investigation. (I recommend listening to the whole show, here, to get the full sense of the abuse the John Doe investigators visited upon their targets.)
But at one point, he said: "I have read some about rape and talked to people about rape, and I am saying this very deliberately... The reactions that I got from the people I interviewed were similar to a rape victim."
He may have said that very deliberately, but the Walker campaign also deliberated and said, via spokeswoman Alleigh Marre: "Eric O'Keefe, who has no ties to the campaign, deserves nothing less than outright condemnation for his egregiously offensive remarks."
I'm guessing the Walker side of the deliberation had 2 aspects:
1. Since the John Doe accusations are about coordination with the Club for Growth, the less we seem to be on the same page with them, the better.
2. "Rape" is a hot button word. It's a word they can kill you with. RIP Todd Akin. Unless you're talking about the crime of rape — or are a liberal — stay away from that word.
८७ टिप्पण्या:
Don't worry, Walker's media cheerleaders in Wisconsin will never directly ask Walker anything about it.
Interesting how quickly Walker will throw people like O'Keefe under the bus though.
Let me put it this way: middle class tax payers are being ASS RAPED by the public employee unions.
And that is no lie, nor hyperbole. Tax payers are raped by govt employee unions.
The outrage is generated defensively by Walker and cynically by Democrats. It's a big distraction from the rest of what O'Keefe had to say about paramilitary raids at dawn, etc., with children present in the house and having no way to understand what terrible thing their parents were supposed to have done.
As for metaphors, we continually speak of murder, slavery, starvation, cancer, etc. etc. metaphorically.
Why is rape different? We used to speak of the "rape of the earth" (in environmentalism), but now there's a political agenda about the war on women and no conservative should take the risk.
"Unless you're talking about the crime of rape — or are a liberal — stay away from that word."
If you are a liberal you don't even have to stay away from the act.
RAPE rape? Or the newfangled meaning of that word?
I heard some of that interview. Secret government anything is a very bad idea. Throw in a poisonous political environment and this is the result. Amazing to me that liberals support this. The leftist in most of them dominates when it comes to this kind of tribalism.
Even so, O'Keefe sounded whiny and the rape metaphor was stupid.
The outrage is generated defensively by Walker and cynically by Democrats
Oh please. You and Walker cynically jump all over Burke for the pettiest things. Walker has not had to take responsibility for one thing while in office. He won't have to here either.
Secret government anything is a very bad idea.
Exactly. The people should be allowed to know who is funding the election campaigns of our elected officials.
Althouse mentions the "rape of the earth." I never liked that one either, particularly because of the common Mother Earth reference.
Somewhat related is the line about Mother Earth: the Ultimate MILF.
How many times are we going to see this before anybody gets a clue? Scott Walker's problem was Barry Goldwater's problem:
The company he keeps.
Along with the fact he thinks a smile will cover for ugly social attitudes.
Works on some people.
But they can't be serious,...
"The outrage is generated defensively by Walker and cynically by Democrats. It's a big distraction from the rest of what O'Keefe had to say about paramilitary raids at dawn, etc., with children present in the house and having no way to understand what terrible thing their parents were supposed to have done. "
It is a shame that Walker's people didn't emphasize this point. What happened really is outrageous, and doesn't get mentioned enough in the press.
middle class tax payers are being ASS RAPED by the public employee unions. And that is no lie, nor hyperbole.
"Teachers are rapists"
PLEASE put that on a bumper sticker, right next to the "I Stand With Walker" one you have.
Don't be afraid to let others know exactly how you feel, especially in these last few week leading up to the election.
"garage mahal said...
Oh please. You and Walker cynically jump all over Burke for the pettiest things. Walker has not had to take responsibility for one thing while in office. He won't have to here either."
Pettiest things? Fabricating bio and work history. Stealing others works and claiming it as her own. That would get you fired from almost any job short of night shift manager at Wendy's...which is about what Mary Burke seems qualified for. Thanks god for that family money!
Now explain to me why Walker should take responsibility for others words....but Obama needn't take responsibility for his own words?
Transparency is good. Pass laws requiring disclosure but not for spending money of media to persuade others to your point of view.
Citizens United was about the government prohibiting a company from making a movie about Hillary.
And that government boot is brought to your face by Madison liberals.
"madisonfella said...
Exactly. The people should be allowed to know who is funding the election campaigns of our elected officials."
They do now. What's the problem?
Rape is about feminine modesty. Guys can remember it even if women don't. They're even willing to let women take it back.
But it's hot button political today because of soap opera women. The media always find it has ratings legs so the story won't die if you start it.
The narrative is that women are offended. The audience tunes in to be offended.
The crime ought to be just assault and battery as far as reality today goes.
Until modesty comes back. Then rape affects a woman in what kind of deal she can make for herself. Her value on the marriage market.
hat would get you fired from almost any job short of night shift manager at Wendy's
Would Walker pass a background check at any real job? Been under investigation for close to FIVE years! I wonder if Wendy's would even hire him.
Ann Althouse,
"It's a big distraction from the rest of what O'Keefe had to say about paramilitary raids at dawn, etc., with children present in the house and having no way to understand what terrible thing their parents were supposed to have done."
Oh - the racists were treated like blacks! Such an outcry when the - we can't call them victims - white people get it. It's ignored as it happens to blacks - every-fucking-day-somewhere. Ever heard the Rap song "Batter Ram"? Of course not - and it was made in 1985,...). Check around. I bet it's happened in Wisconsin. Often.
But blacks aren't effective political operatives for the Right's colorblind approach - for some odd reason. Possibly because Scott and his buddies are AGAINST us.
I can't think of any other reason,...
In CrackWorld, nobody needs to keep an open mind to see where interests align, like where blacks might just get some traction working with libertarians who oppose the police state, no knock raids, bullshit warrants, abusive cops, Big Brother surveillance, etc. Way easier not to do anything useful and feel sorry for yourself.
"garage mahal said...
Would Walker pass a background check at any real job? Been under investigation for close to FIVE years! I wonder if Wendy's would even hire him.
Actually he has not Corky.
Once, again, years and years, thousands of manhours, millions of dollars.
And no charges.
But its good to know that your commie roots haven't left civil rights need get int he way of your hopes and wishes.
garage mahal said...
hat would get you fired from almost any job short of night shift manager at Wendy's
Would Walker pass a background check at any real job? Been under investigation for close to FIVE years! I wonder if Wendy's would even hire him.
If only there was some to harness the power of such an intellect.
Garage, if you'd been under investigation for five years and nobody could find anything on you:
(a) I'd be surprised.
(b) I'd also say that's a pretty good indication you're clean.
Been under investigation for close to FIVE years! I wonder if Wendy's would even hire him.
10/3/14, 8:09 PM
So, his political enemies have been going through his trash for five years and still haven't found anything to pin on him. Walker must be squeaky clean. Walker for president- This guy has been vetted!
Lautreamont in Maldoror takes the author in general as raping the reader, in a chapter-long rape allegory.
Rape similes might be okay.
Some metaphors are asking for it.
So, his political enemies have been going through his trash for five years and still haven't found anything to pin on him. Walker must be squeaky clea
Interesting. Republicans are going through Walker's trash too. Some sort of inside hatchet job?
"via spokeswoman"
Of course it was via a spokeswoman rather than Scott Walker himself.
Of course, Rape means a violent snatching away. Men, women and children of both genders can all be violently snatched by a 3:00 AM swat team with weapons pointed.
Ignorance of word meanings is a sloppy habit. But after studying Saul Alinski, we see the liberals use of ignorance of word meanings is another designed weapon.
I was robbed by some neighbors renting a house in our neighborhood in 2011. I felt violated. I didn't feel raped until I realized how disinterested the local IL suburban police were in arresting them.
Having someone enter your home unwarranted feels like shit. I'd imagine the John Doe victims felt pillaged at a minimum.
The term Rape does have synonyms.
Those are tactics you'd expect to read about in histories of the KGB, Stassi, etc. Whatever crimes garage et. al. imagine Walker might be guilty of, they seem less damaging to the community, let alone individuals, than the State's assault on citizens who are at worst guilty by association.
Although I am sympothetic to O'Keefe, he should have spoken differently. He jumped the shark using the word on radio. He does have a right to be pissed, but created a distraction for Walker.
He already has the support of the public.
Even those supporting the investigation know it's a witch hunt.
Unless you're talking about the crime of rape — or are a liberal — stay away from that word.
Yup. You liberals always give yourselves a pass on just about everything, don't you?
If "rape" is out of bounds as a metaphor, then just use the word "violated". Problem solved.
Example: "Well, I guess I'm glad I had that colonoscopy, but I do feel sort of violated."
Wow. Paramilitary raids? That sounds a lot like "swatting". This is even worse than the abuses visited by the IRS.
This is confirmation of historical evidence that consolidation of control and capital by an authoritarian minority (e.g. government) disposes it to suffer progressive corruption, where the "folks" are victims to its whims.
That said, is the "hot button" word "rape" or "rape-rape"? Yeah, I know. Only certain classes can play semantic and other games and still retain their social status, jobs, liberty, etc.
walker's a very smart man. Wisconsin is lucky to have him. The Democrats are master demagogues and he will not play into their hands. I dream that the corrupt D.A.'s suffer greatly for their totalitarian behavior. Perhaps after the Stevens and Delay outrages and this the entire concept of prosecutorial immunity gets a serious re-thinking.
The only evidence of "paramilitary" raids are from O'Keefe himself.
Oh please. You and Walker cynically jump all over Burke for the pettiest things
Ducking a debate, fabricating your life story. These are petty things? Only to a left-wing ideologue who only wants the ideology enforced at all costs.
Exactly. The people should be allowed to know who is funding the election campaigns of our elected officials.
Unless it's an Obama donation page specifically set up to allow illegal foreign credit card donations.
Then, you lefties could give a damn.
You don't believe any of what you say, do you?
rape: late 14c., "seize prey; abduct, take by force," from rape (n.) and from Anglo-French raper (Old French rapir) "to seize, abduct," a legal term, probably from past participle of Latin rapere "seize, carry off by force, abduct" (see rapid).
Latin rapere was used for "sexually violate," but only very rarely; the usual Latin word being stuprare "to defile, ravish, violate," related to stuprum (n.), literally "disgrace." Meaning "to abduct (a woman), ravish;" also "seduce (a man)" is from early 15c. in English. Related: Raped; raping. Uncertain connection to Low German and Dutch rapen in the same sense.
The first, earlier, definition is suitable to describe the tactics and intention of the John Doe investigators. Perhaps the introduction of "rape-rape" to distinguish the two acts was appropriate, but the context should be sufficient to remove any latent ambiguity.
Check the second definition. The usage of "violated" predates the modern usage of "rape" or perhaps "rape-rape" in a sexual context.
Garage, said:
"Would Walker pass a background check at any real job? Been under investigation for close to FIVE years! I wonder if Wendy's would even hire him."
You look sillier each time you bring this up, considering you never mention exactly what crime Walker has committed, given that one has yet to be charged.
Almost 5 years and not even one grand jury convened. Its almost like the prosecutor is in fact not attempting to find a crime, just use his office harass political rivals, and scare away citizens from supporting candidates of their choice, under threat of a middle of the night military style raid on their homes and families.
Since you classified Walker as an unindicted felon, How would you classify Tom Delay, and Kay Baily Hutchinson?
This is an honest question and would appreciate an honest answer.
Military raids. Where is the proof? The only person alleging that is the person being investigated.
"TCom said...
Exactly. The people should be allowed to know who is funding the election campaigns of our elected officials.
Unless it's an Obama donation page specifically set up to allow illegal foreign credit card donations.
Then, you lefties could give a damn.
You don't believe any of what you say, do you?"
Fen's Law: 'The Left doesn’t really believe in the things they lecture the rest of us about.'
Handy to remember it when dealing with, in no particular order, Madisonfella; Garage Mahal; Crack Emcee; and AReasonableMan. Or, as I like to think of them, Carla; Woody; Cliff; and Frasier, except this show is way funnier.
"Its almost like the prosecutor is in fact not attempting to find a crime, just use his office harass political rivals, and scare away citizens from supporting candidates of their choice, under threat of a middle of the night military style raid on their homes and families."
Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!
" garage mahal said...
Military raids. Where is the proof? The only person alleging that is the person being investigated.
Admit it garage mahal is a parody log in, right?
Well, I was willing to vote for Scott Walker if he wasn't like Tim Pawlenty and willing to throw people under the bus.
Here is a guy who is being raped by the powers that be in his state for his sake, and Walker throws him under the bus.
Walker is a pansy, not a fighter, and he just lost my vote, assuming he ever runs for office.
Unless it's an Obama donation page specifically set up to allow illegal foreign credit card donations
When have I ever voiced support for that? If he has been found to have accepted foreign donations then Obama should be impeached.
Nef's Law: 'Dumbshit assholes will lecture you for things you never said nor believe'
Handy to remember it when dealing with, in no particular order, Curious George; RecChief; Drago; Birkel and Blue Emu. Or, as I like to think of them, the same creepy weirdo who logs in under many different names
Funny thing, Eric O'Keefe never had authorities show up at his house, he never witnessed what happened personally as it did not happen to him.
So in addition to exaggerating what it feels like, he is only imagining what it would be like as it didn't happen to him.
He never got visited by the cops that morning, despite his moaning of paramilitary raids.
Funny that Althouse still claims to identify with liberals, no matter how execrable they are shown to be in case after case.
Always love the way garage mahal elevates the comments with his fair and measured opinions. If only more of us posted in his 'tell the truth without fear or favor' style.
Nice garage, Failed to answer a simple question. But like an investigation that has lasted almost 5 years, it is the absence of substance that reveals the true answer, and true motivation, smearing and running from open discussion.
Your fixation is a punchline to a very old joke."so Govenor, when did you stop beating your wife?"
Just like the reporter in the joke, looking for facts is not any part of the the question, smearing is your only purpose.
As far as your response, did you read the article?
"Paramilitary raids at dawn"? Ring any bells? Again, your response has nothing to do with a discussion of the topic at hand......not that I seriously expected one.....from you.
Don't worry, Walker's media cheerleaders in Wisconsin will never directly ask Walker anything about it.
HE didn't say it. Why would they ask HIM about it?
Interesting topic. Too bad Garage and Crack are in early and often, derailing the thoughtful commenters.
The never ending effort to be outraged and/or a victim interplays with politics.
Luckily we have no real problems to worry about.
This reminds me of idiot Jews who get all upset when someone uses the word holocaust in conjunction with something not THE holocaust, as if no other group was ever "cleansed."
Mark said...
Funny thing, Eric O'Keefe never had authorities show up at his house, he never witnessed what happened personally as it did not happen to him.
So in addition to exaggerating what it feels like, he is only imagining what it would be like as it didn't happen to him.
He never got visited by the cops that morning, despite his moaning of paramilitary raids.
Mark, do you see the stupidity of saying that O'Keefe is "exaggerating what it feels like". How do you know? Did it happen to you?
Unlike O'Keefe, you didn't even talk to those involved. So how do you know? How are you more able to assess what it feels like, having not been there, nor talked or met those that have, than O'Keefe?
The raids either happened or they did not. The records of the raids will be made public. At that point we can all mock "garage mahal".
And he will lie some more.
Funny thing, Eric O'Keefe never had authorities show up at his house, he never witnessed what happened personally as it did not happen to him.
But he knows it's just like rape. Where was O'Keefe when the same DA's office prosecuted Democrats for virtually the same thing?
Stay away from the word rape? Yeah, just ask Clayton Williams how failure to do that that worked out for him.
Misused rape metaphors are like an unexpected finger in the butt.
You can quote me.
It wasn't really like rape, but it was a lot like a finger in the butt to which I did not consent.
When my prostate was examined I consented to a finger in the butt: it was not like rape at all. Clearly.
I was minding my own business and then there was a finger in my butt: how am I not to feel violated?
The fact that the finger in my butt -- to which I did not consent -- was put there solely for political reasons only makes it worse. Do not involve my butt with your politics, please.
The situation must be incredibly rare where a stranger puts a finger in your butt -- without your consent -- with only good intentions. I mean, is it really so hard to say "I need to put a finger in your butt, it is for a good reason"?
tim maguire said...
"Always love the way garage mahal elevates the comments with his fair and measured opinions. If only more of us posted in his 'tell the truth without fear or favor' style."
I know, right.
Like the Wasserman-Schultz of the Althouse blog.
I feel I am well within my rights to ask "Why do you want to put a finger in my butt?" The reason had better be plausible.
These people who believe they have a right to put a finger in my butt without my consent: what is to stop them at just one finger? Two? Three? If one finger is violating but not rape, what is unconsensual fisting?
"garage mahal said...
But he knows it's just like rape."
He did not say the raids where just like rape. He said the people reactions where like those that had been raped.
Yes, the 'Blue Fist': I am resiliently on topic.
The people who go around putting their fingers up the butts of non-consenting people: do they think they are doing a good thing? Is this the Society they want? You can tell a lot about a person by where they want to put their finger.
I think I may replace "It is turtles all the way down" with "You can tell a lot about a person by where they want to put their finger." Perhaps.
First rape of the season in central Ohio. Snow on the ground.
Just because you know Braille does not mean you can put a finger in my butt and call it reading. Try again.
Each and every police officer and SWAT member that was on those 2 am paramilitary raids were Democrats!! The guy driving the tank that rammed down the door, the pilot of the helicopter which the soldiers rappelled out of, even the attack dogs that were sicced on the kids - ALL Democrats with the sole intention of getting Scott Walker!!
It is all part of the vast left wing conspiracy that has been planning and scheming for the past three decades to get rid of Scott Walker. Luckily for us Blue Emu has the inside scoop on everything and has exposed this wretched gang of misfits for who they really are.
Each and every police officer and SWAT member that was on those 2 am paramilitary raids were Democrats!!
Tea Party Darling Sheriff Clarke's goons?
No Visiter, a 2005 signs since overrun by bulldozing, development and high-density gentrification.
Tea Party Darling Sheriff Clarke's goons?
Clarke is really a Democrat too. It is all part of the vast left wing conspiracy to get Scott Walker.
Curious Birkel will be along shortly with an exhaustive list of links which explains the whole thing.
Clarke is really a Democrat too. It is all part of the vast left wing conspiracy to get Scott Walker.
So, garage feels a sheriff is able to ignore a court order, even one motivated by a law that shits all over the First Amendment like the John Doe laws in WI?
You think a sheriff has the power to pick and choose WHICH orders get ignored?
They're not the PRESIDENT. They can't pick and choose which part of their job they have to do.
You think a sheriff has the power to pick and choose WHICH orders get ignored?
Sheriff has no duty nor obligation to enforce an unconstitutional law.
"A Sheriff should stand on the position that "I will enforce a law or order, and cooperate with the enforcement by another agency, only if it is a legal and legitimate law or order. If it is an illegal violation of a citizen's constitutional right(s) I will not only not enforce it, but will do everything in my power to protect the citizen from their constitutional rights being violated, under color of law. If they don't like my position, they can go to court to get it overturned."
With all due respect to the candidates who seemed to be saying that "if it's a law, then I will enforce it," that is exactly the argument that Nazis war criminals offered at Nuremberg. "I was ordered to do it…" is not an acceptable answer as a basis for exercising police authority over people. Every candidate for Sheriff should repudiate that idea in the strongest possible terms and with the most stringent actions available to him."
Sheriff has no duty nor obligation to enforce an unconstitutional law.
But you ASSURE us it IS Constitutional.
So, again, you would give a public servant the power to UNILATERALLY declare a law unconstitutional?
Or does not simply ignoring the law indicate you support the law in its entirety?
"A Sheriff should stand on the position that "I will enforce a law or order, and cooperate with the enforcement by another agency, only if it is a legal and legitimate law or order. If it is an illegal violation of a citizen's constitutional right(s) I will not only not enforce it, but will do everything in my power to protect the citizen from their constitutional rights being violated, under color of law. If they don't like my position, they can go to court to get it overturned."
With all due respect to the candidates who seemed to be saying that "if it's a law, then I will enforce it," that is exactly the argument that Nazis war criminals offered at Nuremberg. "I was ordered to do it…" is not an acceptable answer as a basis for exercising police authority over people. Every candidate for Sheriff should repudiate that idea in the strongest possible terms and with the most stringent actions available to him."
So, if a sheriff decides to allow people to walk around with guns openly, even if it is illegal in that state, you would applaud him/her, right?
if a sheriff decides to allow people to walk around with guns openly, even if it is illegal in that state, you would applaud him/her, right?
Finally one of your assumptions about me is correct. Laws against bearing arms are blatantly unconstitutional, and I would applaud any sheriff who chose to uphold the Constitution rather than enforce an illegal law.
If Clarke thought the raids were unconstitutional and based on nothing more than a witch hunt then he had an obligation to not conduct them. Instead he decided to not only unleash his troops on these families, but he chose to do so at the crack of dawn in an heavy-handed manner, with extreme overkill and massive intimidation.
If this is nothing more than a witch hunt, then Sheriff Clarke is one of the hunters.
Sorry, individuals shouldn't have the power to pick and choose what laws they feel are legal to follow unless there is literally no dispute.
Allowing each individual to determine law is insanity.
It's worrisome here how ready our resident lefties are to allow each individual decide for themselves which laws to follow and which laws to ignore.
I think, fundamentally, the difference between a conservative ideology and a progressive one, is the Rule of Law.
It's no coincidence that when you find yourself in Cuba, or Russia, or North Korea, the law will be applied as they see it best fits each and every situation.
Nor is it a coincidence that our current President believes he can do as he wishes, because what he wishes is the best for everyone, the rule of law be damned.
Once we tip over that point, watch out. Once everyone believes we ought to individually ignore and/or enforce what we each individually believe is constitutional, we're done as a nation.
damikesc said...
"Sorry, individuals shouldn't have the power to pick and choose what laws they feel are legal to follow unless there is literally no dispute.
Allowing each individual to determine law is insanity."
Their goal is that you are always breaking a law. That way they can come for you at any time. And they can have you investigated for five years, find nothing, and still find you guilty in their own minds.
"Fen's Law: 'The Left doesn’t really believe in the things they lecture the rest of us about.'
Handy to remember it when dealing with, in no particular order, Madisonfella; Garage Mahal; Crack Emcee,..."
How many lies on me are you guys going to tell? Why can't you admit you'll call anyone a liberal who disagrees with you - and that's a failing on YOUR part?
Because you're a bunch of racist liars, that's why,...
Scott Walker is - repeatedly - busted for hanging with racist scum and not endorsing that makes me a liberal to - who are you again? Oh yeah:
"The thoughtful commenters."
You're a bunch of racist assholes,...
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