I had spent so long in the trappings of competition with other women and putting too much pressure on myself that I just wanted to help women...
I found out I was pregnant in November. I had been working at the clinic for about a year. It was my first pregnancy, and, full disclosure, I hadn't been using any kind of birth control, which is crazy, I know. I’m a sex educator....
... I knew immediately I was going to have an abortion...
At first I was just going to write a blog... I wanted to show it wasn’t scary — and that there is such a thing as a positive abortion story. It’s my story.
Everyone at the clinic was really supportive of filming it.... I knew the cameras were in the room during the procedure, but I forgot about them almost immediately. I was focused on staying positive and feeling the love from everyone in the room. I am so lucky that I knew everyone involved, and I was so supported. I remember breathing and humming through it like I was giving birth. I know that sounds weird, but to me, this was as birth-like as it could be. It will always be a special memory for me. I still have my sonogram, and if my apartment were to catch fire, it would be the first thing I'd grab....
६ मे, २०१४
"I had never been political about abortion rights before, but the idea of helping women through an abortion and supporting them..."
"... and reassuring them that they are still wonderful and beautiful resonated deeply with me."
१०७ टिप्पण्या:
Oh for the days when even "pro-choice" advocates looked for abortion to be "safe, available, and rare".
Now it appears to be the go to birth control for every moron who decides to have sex with out any kind of preventive birth control.
And this doesn't even touch on STD's...
Someday in her sunset years she can tell her kids this was her proudest momnent... oh wait...
Basically its a selfie.
But, you know, things happen. I wound up pregnant.
I ponder my reaction to this whole thing if my daughter did the exact same thing.
I would be disappointed that she had unprotected sex with someone -- regardless of the risks of pregnancy, that is a not insignificant risk to one's health.
There's an underlying vibe in this that she thinks she's joined a club, or something, and thereby gained some legitimacy in her interactions with her clients. I think she should explore why she feels that necessary.
What a disgusting woman. If there is any solace, this childless witch would have made an incredibly lousy mother. Next, whenever the time comes, she can "celebrate" her own death...
All the joys of motherhood without any of the downsides, like stretch marks or morning sickness, or...
...I know I'm missing something else here, just give me a minute, I'll think of it...
Over the past few days, I've seen multiple articles explaining the psychopathy of conservatives. Really, conservatives are the crazy ones. Not the liberal women who are now celebrating and memorializing the killing of their unborn children.
Confusing death with birth.
How is the future going to judge us?
The truth: she got pregnant to abort the child.
It was a beautiful moment when I killed my unborn baby...
Somehow, the phrase "cognitive dissonance" comes to mind. Mental discontinuity in operation.
Women talk about their plumbing all the time when you get a bunch of them together.
It almost makes one suspect she became pregnant just so she could have one.
We live in a very broken world.
Oh, and Ann, I'm very impressed with how you avoid mentioning the author of the piece is an abortion counselor who makes her living advocating abortions.
Kind of like Cal Worthington doing a column about his youthful excitement buying his first car...
I generally try to avoid using the word "disgusting" these days, as it is so overused. But in this case - this is disgusting.
Non graphic video? Of course.
I wonder who did her hair and makeup for the event?
" I remember breathing and humming through it like I was giving birth. I know that sounds weird, but to me, this was as birth-like as it could be. It will always be a special memory for me. I still have my sonogram, and if my apartment were to catch fire, it would be the first thing I'd grab...."
It appears that this woman is still in denial that she has killed her own child. Subconsciously she has to realize what she has done. Otherwise, why else would she treasure the sonogram so much?
I think the term "batshit crazy" was invented for people like this. The longer, but possibly more accurate, term would "so incredibly narcissistic that crazy and evil are indistinguishable".
I'm guessing this isn't the first time "cameras were in the room"...
On further reflection, it is rather telling about the motivations and modus operandi of abortion clinics that this woman's supervisor encouraged this.
She introduced her to a woman who goes by the handle "Anti-theist".
She thought it would be a good idea for the public to hear and view the story of this young woman's utter disregard for fetal life.
She thought it would be acceptable for people to learn that they hire women who "love to teach about birth control" but neglect to use it.
And that on learning of a pregnancy, the decision to abort was made immediately, and without consultation with the father of the child.
This really tells us all we need to know about the counseling that goes on at abortion clinics.
It was my first pregnancy, and, full disclosure, I hadn't been using any kind of birth control, which is crazy, I know. I’m a sex educator....
In other words.....I needed all the actors in place before I could make my entrance in the abortion theater.
Kevin, the "pro-choice" movement is now pretty open that abortion is simply a form of back-up birth control. They've given up on "abortion is a tragic necessity" and have moved to "abortion has nothing more to do with morals than does a condom."
Here are some abortion statistics from the CDC. They are interesting and complex, and lend support to both pro- and anti-abortion arguments.
The Cosmopolitan essay is on a different plane, of course: one emotional and personal. It made me think of "Pregnant Women Are Smug" by Garfunkel and Oates.
Maybe they'll do a follow-up song called "Women Who Have Had Abortions Are Smug".
It seems like there is a name for every kind of fetish there is. I know there is a fetish for having your limbs removed surgically, and subsequently being viewed as an amputee -- it's called apotemnophilia.
Can a person have a fetish for having abortions, or for being seen as one who has had an abortion? What is the proper term in the argot of psychology for this?
Is there anyone among the Althouse commenters who have had more than one abortion?
If only she could have interviewed the baby for its views on her politics ...
There are plenty of gray areas in abortion, such as rape/incest question, over which people can disagree.
However, the ghoulish actions of this self-centered person will put more people in the pro-life camp than the pro-abortion camp.
I can only imagine what a horrible person she is in real life.
Disgusting trash.
There is no hope for the future of this country.
And she will be cheered.
On the most basic level, this woman is my sister, and therefore I will send her love vibrations (prayers), and hope that the truth of what she has done will someday be realized by her.
It will take a lot for this one. I mean, she had an abortion to win a video contest, to be reductive.
This is the cross I bear, and bear it I must. Time for a long walk with the poodles in the sunshine and cool onshore breeze.
Reading this kind of thing actually gives me a lot of hope. These clowns are so blithely designing their own ruin.
What a narcissistic creature.
So I wonder if the writer still argues that what causes unwanted pregnancies is lack of education or a want of resources?
Props for the Cal Worthington mention. The song still haunts me.
The first person to have abortion as a hobby.
The truth: she got pregnant to abort the child.
Yep, how in the world could any sane thinking person not think this?
Or are we to imagine that a woman whose job it is to help other women avoid unintended pregnancies is really that dumb and incapable of following her own advice?
My faith in humanity is restored a little bit. The comments on COSMO are mostly negative. I think most can spot the activist/planned aspect of this story and it disgusts them.
The most disturbing line, for me, was about how she keeps the sonogram and would grab it first in event of a fire.
So she knows this was no 'clump of cells' - she is on some level embracing this as her lost child, seemingly oblivious that she destroyed it herself.
In her words, "Things happen."
"reassuring them that they are still wonderful and beautiful"
Pro-lifers run ministries to tell women who've had abortions the same things. Of course, these ministries also include that there is forgiveness for this act. I don't imagine this woman sees the necessity of that part. Yet.
So, "unalienable" human rights are conferred or removed by force, and morality is an archaic concept to placate the weak. The abortion advocates, if for no other reason, should be congratulated for reminding people of the brutish natural order. Civilization is a deceptive, temporary state of human goodwill.
Well, at our church people often videotape the baptism of their children. It is a sacrament for Christians and something to remember and cherish. I guess this was her sacrament.
God forgive and heal her.
So, women are insane. If a woman can write something like this and not be horrified, then you can't expect them to be rational about *why* this is the statement of a clearly insane individual.
So I see we just need more education to prevent pregnancy!
I mean, more than we provide to sex educators. Like 24/hr/day ten year full-immersion education.
Apparently this woman is such a shitty human being she actively tries to get pregnant so she can abort. Psychopathic.
When non-crazy womens' rights activists seek to distance themselves from this mad woman, I hope that they will remember that, just as this ghoul does not represent them all, neither does Todd Aiken represent all conservatives.
Backup is one thing - maybe not great but I can understand it. For this creature it was PRIMARY.
The most damage done to the pro-abortion cause is done by the pro-abortion.
This is what they really think.
I remember reading a book (Beauty, by Sherri S. Tepper) where pro-life activists went to Hell and their punishment was to be pregnant.
Res ipsa loquitur.
These are deeply creepy people. She is almost as creepy as the NY Times writer who wrote about his girlfriend's abortion. The night before she declined to have a glass of wine because "it might hurt the baby" she was going to abort in the morning. Did it never occur to him that she was ambivalent ?
No, the story was the thing.
This reeks of a planned pregnancy. Planned in order to perform and write this. I refuse to read any further.
It appears that this woman is still in denial that she has killed her own child. Subconsciously she has to realize what she has done. Otherwise, why else would she treasure the sonogram so much?
Right. I don't know of anyone who keeps, much less treasures, the images of gallstones or a diseased appendix. Far more than just a medical procedure. Disgusting. I really have no other words.
I hadn't been using any kind of birth control, which is crazy, I know. I’m a sex educator ...
At least she knows she doesn't have clamydia. Yet.
My first thought was that I was glad she wasn't going to be a mother. She comes across as thoughtless and narcissistic, and I would pity a child born to her. That's also my second thought, my third thought and my fourth thought.
"I hadn't been using any kind of birth control,... I knew immediately I was going to have an abortion..."
What an empowered woman! She has total control of her body, she gets pregnant so she can abort the mass of flesh and be famous with her selfie.
Can't imagine anyone could sink so low to make a name, not even a frustrated "professional" actress.
I nothing to add to this that hasn't already been said. I just want to add my vote/comment to the many who find this creature unforgivable.
Occasionally, people (mostly on the Right) call abortion a sacrament for at least a subset of the left.
Normally I give that a little discount as hyperbole.
In this case, however, I can't think of a better description.
I had never been political about abortion rights before ...
Obvious lie among the many others.
When all of these idiots get AIDS or some other Sexually transmitted disease, we shouldn't have to pay for their medical bills. If they are that stupid, they deserve what they get. There is NO EXCUSE for a "SEX EDUCATOR" to get pregnant if she didn't want to. NONE!!!
Either abortion is the killing of a human being or it isn't. Period.
If you support abortion, then, for you, it is either an act of no moral consequence or you are a monster. She's no monster, she's a precious flower, so the killing of her baby is the moral equivalent of having a cavity drilled, her ears pierced, or a corn removed.
Why not film it for entertainment purposes? It's her baby's one chance at bringing its mother joy. You want to deny that to the poor child?
I didn't read the article at the link, only what you posted here.
I don't see anywhere in those paragraphs that there was any kind of introspection, no agonizing choice. Just "I knew immediately..." I wonder if it even happened. She sounded awfully happy about it.
Vile is the word I think best sums up my impression of her.
Is anyone else puzzled as to why more women don't step up, have the baby, and put it up for adoption? THAT would seem to be the empowering thing to do...bring a new life to a couple? The stigma* of getting pregnant when you did not intend to is pretty much gone. Although if you say that to a rabid pro-choice advocate, you'll get an earful about rabid right wing religious nuts keeping their pregnant teenage daughters prisoners in the basement - FORCING them into "reproductive slavery". The wild imaginations of these people are being wasted on this - they should be writing fantasy fiction instead.
If a woman can get all sorts of support for THIS...why not for adoption?
*I would slap the "Stupidity Stigma" on this one - a big old Scarlet "S". She's living proof it takes more than information to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
The idea of a short video in the name of de-stigmatizing abortion is thinking too small. I suggest that Cecile and Iylse think bigger, more mainstream:
"That Darn Fetus"
"Glengarry Glen Ross" The story of a group of abortion counselors who need a little motivation to win the monthly sales contest. First prize is a Cadillac. Second prize, a set of steak knives. Third prize is your fired.
She attains the Genesis 6:5-6 levels. In the days of Noah ,"...every inclination of their hearts was only evil."
A mother and a father whose heart's only inclination is to murder a real human child for no reason has hit the Last Days levels.
a fitting punishment for her would be to get all she wants in life and realize she wants kids. And is now barren.
Or, she has a kid and her kid one day finds her sonograms and asks about her dead baby brother/sister. And she says that she aborted her.
And then the kid says "Why? Did you not love her?" And she would say "Well of course I did I just couldn't afford a kid at the momement" ANd then the kid might say "Would you have aborted me?" And the mom might say "Well of course not honey, because I love you". "But what if you couldn't afford kids would you have aborted me too?" And she would have to say "Well, I guess so honey. Or, if i didn't feel like it. Or if you had a hair lip. Or if I really wanted a boy. But none of those things happened, so I had you. Don't you feel special?"
And Moloch laughed and laughed. Madame, now that you've served him you may find him to be a poor companion for eternity.
If there was ever a way to go back in time I would hope that someone used the technology to abort all pro choice people.
The comments in response to the article are worth reading - she's getting slammed pretty good. I'd say its nearly 55/45 "you are monster" vs. "you go girl".
The author herself added a comment. After reading that, two words popped into my head: "Tubal ligation". For the sake of humanity, this woman cannot pass on her DNA .
Tim maguire wrote:
Why not film it for entertainment purposes? It's her baby's one chance at bringing its mother joy. You want to deny that to the poor child?
I'd be ok with it being filmed if we got to see what happened to the baby. I don't really care to see her huffing and puffing face. Show what's being done. And then lets have it on the internet and debate it.
s anyone else puzzled as to why more women don't step up, have the baby, and put it up for adoption?
You don't even have to put it up for adoption. There are laws on the books where she can drop it off at a hospital and abandon her paternity rights, no questions asked. Just leave it on the door step.
Freeman Hunt:
I would imagine that forgiveness or redemption requires an individual to first acknowledge their dysfunctional behavior, then to, at minimum, stop advocating for its normalization.
I noticed this act of conscientious contrition with early feminists, but is seriously lacking in contemporary feminists, both female and male. They feel no need to apologize for what has been inculcated as a basic human "right" to commit abortion/murder, not in a "back-alley" with its attendant and progressive consequences; but, in an sterile clinic, dissociated from natural and moral risk. Sex and pregnancy are taught to be separable, and the individual human offspring is merely a "burden" until it is classified worthy of basic human rights.
I understand why some/many women want this "right". I understand why the population control advocates want this "right". It does not, however, change the character of the act nor mitigate the risk of reducing human life to a mere commodity.
I hope more people become aware and confront reality with the degenerate exhibition of first, Kermit, and now, Ms. Piggy. The facts of this case are not controversial, and people need to address reality as it is, rather than rationalizing a fanciful alternative. There are certain self-evident prerequisites to enjoy liberty, which some/many women, and men, seem blissfully ignorant.
This is more "Sodom and Gomorrah" level of depravity. It began in the "back-alley"; progressed to the clinic; and is now exhibited in public. A dysfunctional convergence seems to be inevitable. We have learned nothing from our ancestors' trials.
This whole story sounds like some tortured overcompensation to assuage her underdeveloped conscience, a defiant "I ate all the Frusen Glädjé, and I'd do it again" moment for the pro-choicers. The treasured sonogram is the key. If she felt any sense of regret about extinguishing that child's life, that sonogram would be long gone. The "love from everyone in the room" was only for one of two beating hearts. And then there was only one.
What an incredi8bly self absorbed ,..................bitch. I run into this a lot with liberal women. Their concerns and enthusiasms overshadow everyone and everything else.
What was once alive is now dead.
This might have been the only child she could have ever had. And she killed it. I don't doubt that she deliberately tried to become pregnant in order to kill the child.
I found out I was pregnant in November. I had been working at the clinic for about a year. It was my first pregnancy, and, full disclosure, I hadn't been using any kind of birth control, which is crazy, I know. I’m a sex educator....
Oops! my bad. Silly me, didn't use birth control. SMH.
Of course it's a sacrament. It's a sacrifice made in exchange for promises of favor (e.g. money, sex, ego) by mortal gods.
There is no greater burden for central planners than overpopulation, which is why every regime normalizes either involuntary or voluntary abortion/murder. The libertine set embraces this directive wholeheartedly, because it rationalizes an act which is otherwise considered a human rights violation. The central planners embrace this directive wholeheartedly, because it is an integral aspect of their population control protocol.
I refer to the myth of spontaneous conception (aka stork's delivery), because there is no objective basis for contradicting the continuity of life from conception to death, which implies that people justify abortion/murder out of ignorance or a degenerate faith. Emily's Plan gives greater credence to the former, while not completely discounting the latter.
Anyway, this should be accepted today by normal people as well as "clump of cells" was accepted by our predecessors. Degenerate behavior and thought has a way of outing itself.
Is anyone else puzzled as to why more women don't step up, have the baby, and put it up for adoption?
Because of the chance that the child would show up decades later after discovering who her birth mother is, more successful and better adjusted than any children that the woman had later.
I found out I was pregnant in November. I had been working at the clinic for about a year. It was my first pregnancy, and, full disclosure, I hadn't been using any kind of birth control, which is crazy, I know. I’m a sex educator....
I thought free IUDs via Obamacare was supposed to solve these sorts of problems.
I still have my sonogram, and if my apartment were to catch fire, it would be the first thing I'd grab....
If the sonogram before an abortion is no big deal, then why do the PP types fight this sort of thing at every turn?
Classic Ann. Great post with no comment.
She is an attention whore (failed actress) and, presumably, an atheist. She is just seeking attention. I suppose, at some level, we are giving her what she wants, but some things are so depraved that they should be publicized.
She says she was an actress. Is this her? Interesting body of work.
I have read people argue that pregnancy is analogous to slavery until it's not. This may be a point worth considering for cases of impregnation resulting from superior or involuntary exploitation (this does not address the wholly innocent status of the child); but, generally, vaginal sex is a wholly voluntary behavior, which is not prosecuted without consent.
That said, if a women wants to claim her pregnancy occurred due to involuntary exploitation, then she must file a charge and identify her rapist for criminal prosecution. If women want a "right" to commit abortion/murder, then the perpetrator must be held accountable. Perhaps men will rethink their decision to commit rape or rape-rape. However, women cannot, for self-evident reasons, enjoy a general "right" to commit abortion/murder of wholly innocent human lives.
It's hard to see how this woman or her film will advance the pro abortion cause. How self righteous and narrow minded she must be.
She sounds (and looks) like a very confused person -- from her video around the 2:43 mark:
"I don't feel like a bad person. I don't feel sad. I feel in awe of the fact that I can make a baby. I can make a life."
I think pity as well as revulsion is called for.
Birches: "I thought free IUDs via Obamacare was supposed to solve these sorts of problems."
Free IUD's via Obamacare was/is supposed to be used as a weapon against religious businesses and entities.
And as another talking point in the War on Women.
Click through to the article. In her own mind, she is a failed actress. Otherwise, she would still be an actress and this article would never be published. She has now had her starring role. There is nothing more to be said.
What a sad waste of skin. But instead of help, she will find plenty of support in all the wrong places.
As long as no tortoises were harmed during the procedure I'm ok with it.
"It should be recognized, moreover, that in some critical respects the abortion decision is of the same character as the decision to use contraception..."
Sandra Day O'Connor
David Souter
Anthony Kennedy
Planned Parenthood v. Casey
She's an obvious spokeswoman for "Planned Barrenhood." Otherwise, later on, if does have kids, she can explain to them why she killed her first one for no good reason.
Probably as helpful as describing a human life early in its evolution as a "clump of cells"; as justifying abortion/murder with a myth of spontaneous conception; or PETA's effort to establish a human-animal equivalence through a strategic degradation of women. Even the deceptive but sly "barefoot and pregnant" slogan has not diminished most people's appreciation of life and the natural path to its reproduction, and actually motivated a demand, albeit weak, to prevent women, and men, from running amuck, and aborting/murdering every "burden".
Anyway, the Kermit and Ms. Piggy show must go on. It's ratings are waning, but there is still a measurable audience for its popular perversity. Eventually, we must all assume the responsibilities of adulthood, or risk losing our liberty.
ALP said...
"Is anyone else puzzled as to why more women don't step up, have the baby, and put it up for adoption?"
Vanity and the inconvenience of pregnancy.
ALP @12:26 & everyone who has commented upon ALP thereafter.
If she and so many others had given us the chance to be adoptive parents, there is no question in my mind that we would be in the same place as any other parent trying to raise, guide, and hope for the best for their children.
But that is not what happened. And instead we help and worry about a dozen children throughout the world along with their natural parents. It is humbling and an honor to us that most of these parents have come to see us as coparents to their children.
So I wish she wasn't such a jerk to deny some loving couple the chance to see that sonogram grow and amaze and dissappoint. But I can't say that what happened to us personally wasn't God's plan either.
She would have lost her job if she had gone on being pregnant. She already failed as an actress. She was avoiding committed relationships so no boyfriend. The people who stood by her at the abortion were the people who would have fired her if she had stood by her child.
The most precious thing in her life is the sonogram of the child she destroyed.
I pity her from the bottom of my heart and I pray she finds the Everlasting Mercy
Saint Croix:
They're arguing to establish equivalence of death and non-existence. This must have been the premise to birth the principle of spontaneous conception. It's dead. It was never viable.
Amen, Wildswan.
@wildswan: Hundreds if not thousands of women have abortions everyday for any number of reasons. But this individual made a trophy film which sets her apart from all others. As an actress, the only way she could top this would be to release a prequel called "Conception," co-starring the hapless stooge who splooged her. Sadly, she could probably sell that.
Pathetic, and sad, and tragic for the tiny life that was ended.
So are all women wonderful and beautiful? Just wondering...
Amy said...
The most disturbing line, for me, was about how she keeps the sonogram and would grab it first in event of a fire.
So she knows this was no 'clump of cells' - she is on some level embracing this as her lost child, seemingly oblivious that she destroyed it herself.
In her words, "Things happen."
5/6/14, 11:03 AM
Oblivious? No. This is like John Wayne Fact or Jeffrey Dahmer keeping locks of hair or body parts in the freezer. Trophy is the word.
Keep believing in divine justice, don't burn her house down with her in it, keep believing...
She missed an opportunity though. She could have had the baby, then killed and eaten it. Now THAT would have been Cosmopolitan-worthy.
Disgusting behavior, and pitiless. On the one hand, the Christian faith obliges prayer and compassion for such creatures; on the other... well, this makes me angry; but why should it, really? this is where our society has been headed since who knows when, Roe v Wade and before: those with eyes to see have known this, all these forty years. And those who have looked away will continue to do so, more than likely, using whatever stratagems and tricks that they have made to work. The poor woman! I wonder if she's ever heard of Boko Haram-- those people could teach her a few things about the "the trappings of competition with other women" and "putting too much pressure" on herself (not that I know what she's saying in the quoted text, really; I didn't click through).
...the father? Just kidding.
Did she also keep the fetus body parts baggy as a souvenir?
"I hadn't been using any kind of birth control, which is crazy, I know. I’m a sex educator.... I knew immediately I was going to have an abortion"
And there it is in a nutshell.
She knew that sexual intercourse carried a risk of pregancy, yet she CHOSE to take that risk.
She knew that sexual intercourse carried an even greater risk if she wasn't using birth control, yet she CHOSE to take that risk too.
When are women going to accept responsibility for the decisions they make?
Definitely abortion as performance art.
When it comes down to it, she became the Center of Attention during her abortion and she basked in it. She confused it with the feelings of an actual birth. How sad and shallow.
These women are very self centered and narcissistic.
Why didn't she use birth control?
I do feel a little irresponsible and embarrassed about not using birth control. I mean, Emily, wake up! What are you doing? I was going against the advice I give to patients all the time.
Before this experience, hormonal birth control scared me because of complications I’d heard about from friends — gaining weight, depression, etc.
She talks about depression several times. She was depressed when she was an actress. And she's scared of the pill because (maybe?) she's scared of depression.
Fair enough. But why are you avoiding condoms? Why are you avoiding the IUD? Why are you avoiding any birth control at all?
It was my first pregnancy, and, full disclosure, I hadn't been using any kind of birth control, which is crazy, I know. I’m a sex educator, and I love talking about birth control.
A real artist has to be honest. You got pregnant on purpose, did you not? You wanted to get pregnant because you wanted to have an abortion. And you wanted to have an abortion so you could star in your abortion movie.
I take pregnancy tests all the time.
Kind of like going to an audition, right? You're anxious about it. Am I pregnant? You keep checking to see if you're pregnant. Am I pregnant yet?
Boy I can't wait for my movie to start!
But, you know, things happen. I wound up pregnant. Once I caught my breath, I knew immediately I was going to have an abortion.
The problem with this phony performance art is that you are missing the emotional upset, the genuine pain, that many women feel when they have an abortion. That's why your reaction reads like an actress who got the part. You're breathless. You can't wait to start filming.
I knew I wasn’t ready to take care of a child. The guy wasn’t involved in my decision.
You are acting as if this is an unplanned pregnancy. But what it really sounds like is a planned abortion.
And yet these lines that you repeat, they are quite true. You are not ready to take care of a child. You are a bad mother.
I didn’t have any long-term partners.
When you have sex with these anonymous men, do you love them? This nameless, unimportant man (we'll call him "father"), where is he? Did you even tell him that the two of you made a baby together?
No love for the father of your child, and no love for the child the two of you have created together. They are just props for your movie.
I remember breathing and humming through it like I was giving birth. I know that sounds weird, but to me, this was as birth-like as it could be. It will always be a special memory for me. I still have my sonogram, and if my apartment were to catch fire, it would be the first thing I'd grab.
You don't have a family, you don't have a baby. Your most prized possession is your ultrasound of the child that you had so you could terminate her on purpose so you could make a movie about it.
Still, every time I watch the video, I love it. I love how positive it is. I think that there are just no positive abortion stories on video for everyone to see. But mine is.
I support abortion rights because, like legalizing marijuana, my objections are moral and letting it go seems to me to be the least bad alternative. However; this is a snuff film, this girl is deluded, and she is going to regret this, I think.
I sometimes think that restrictions on abortion are not akin to slavery in any way, that is to cheapen the horror of slavery, but more like the draft, a power to drag a young adult into service to the nation for a limited amount of time, with some risks involved.
Nobody doubts that the government has a right to draft young men to risk their lives in protection of the nation, nobody calls it "slavery."
And I am still waiting for the intellectually consistent argument that Roe v. Wade doesn't invalidate Obamacare.
"I was a professional actress for many years"
I have some more movie treatments for you! I hope to have these green-lighted pretty soon.
"Die Another Day." Emily stars as an intrepid abortion counselor who lets one get away. Fast forward to five years later, and Emily is back to finish the job. This one has a built-in sequel, "Die Yet Another Day," in which she finds out it was one of a twin.
"Richards VS Richards." Sitcom. He's a welfare case worker, she's a plucky abortion counselor, watch the sparks fly!
"Sangerville." Distopian sci-fi, set in a future where fetuses can project their images outside the womb and exert total control over the life of the poor slave women, called Expectants. Our time-travelling, intrepid abortion counselor has to go back in time to defeat the arch-villian, Matriarch, and free all the young women to go on and finish their law degrees. Sarah Silverman may already be signed on to this project.
"Sgt Ted wrote:
When it comes down to it, she became the Center of Attention during her abortion and she basked in it. She confused it with the feelings of an actual birth. How sad and shallow.
These women are very self centered and narcissistic.
totally true. And in keeping with her narcissism the video is not really about the abortion but her experience going through the abortion.
All the dirty detail is covered by a sheet. I thought it was going to be a video showing what happens to the baby undergoing such a procedure, but no. Instead we get to see HER. The doctors could be removing a mole for all we see of the procedure.
She gets to keep the sonogram but we don't get to see the sonogram or the dead fetus.
"You don't have a family, you don't have a baby. Your most prized possession is your ultrasound of the child that you had so you could terminate her on purpose so you could make a movie about it. "
a lot if serial killers like to keep trophies of their kill
To remind them is their murders. Not saying she is a serial killer, but that sonogram is definitely her trophy of her act.
Most moms will keep sonogram to remind them of the birth if her child. She keeps it to remind herself if how she killed her child. And it's her most prized possession.
If the house is burning down hats the first thing she'll rescue.
"Sgt Ted wrote:
When it comes down to it, she became the Center of Attention during her abortion and she basked in it. She confused it with the feelings of an actual birth. How sad and shallow.
These women are very self centered and narcissistic.
totally true. And in keeping with her narcissism the video is not really about the abortion but her experience going through the abortion.
All the dirty detail is covered by a sheet. I thought it was going to be a video showing what happens to the baby undergoing such a procedure, but no. Instead we get to see HER. The doctors could be removing a mole for all we see of the procedure.
She gets to keep the sonogram but we don't get to see the sonogram or the dead fetus.
I wonder if the cameras recorded for posterity (and this woman's entertainment) the "products of conception", as John Irving called them in The Cider House Rules.
- Krumhorn
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