२४ जानेवारी, २०१४

"Inequality is the greatest crisis facing America today... Once you get that, everything else flows... Most Democratic politicians are afraid to even speak about economic inequality."

Said New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman at a big lefty rally in midtown Manhattan last night. 
Schneiderman... suggest[ed that] they were terrified of “being labeled a Sandinista" (as De Blasio was tagged in a Times profile last year) "or an eyeliner-wearer" (Cuomo has apparently been asking people if Schneiderman wears the stuff).
Eyeliner?! The Cuomo remark was reported in the NYT last week in an article with a helpful photograph of the 2 men. You decide if Schneiderman is wearing eyeliner. Me, I care nothing about Schneiderman. It's Cuomo who might run for President, so I gazed at him... and ended up thinking about whether he'd look better with eyeliner. AKA "guyliner."

Here are 10 questions to ask yourself if you are a guy considering wearing eyeliner. I'm just going to answer them for Andrew Cuomo:

1. "Do You Look Like a Little Boy?" If you look like an old man, guyliner isn't going to work. I'll put Cuomo in the middle here. +0.5.

2. "Would You Be Considered 'Cute' Rather than 'Hot'?" Apparently, eyeliner isn't a good add-on to a "cute" face, which Cuomo does not have, so signs point to eyeliner here. +1.

3. "Do You Actually Look Edgy? Or, Do You Just Want to?" Cuomo looks edgy. Score again. +1.

4. Do you put a lot of effort into grooming? Cuomo does, so: +1.

5. Do you have the right persona? Supposely eyeliner is out if "everything about you screams 'clean' and 'virtuous.'" So, once again, another +1.

6. "Do You Have a Legitimate Reason to Wear Eyeliner?" Probably not. 0.

7. "Do You Want to Wear Guyliner 24/7?" A yes answer here actually means you should not wear guyliner, so this must be another +1.

8. "Do You Have the Confidence to Match?" Hell, yeah. +1.

9. "When you do wear eyeliner, are you going to dress the part? Pairing unnaturally-accentuated eyes with an unfashionable getup just confuses people." Cuomo seems pretty fashionable to me, and yet "the part" of candidate for President or even just Governor of New York seems not to match. I'll sore this another +0.5.

10. "Are You Going to Have Fun?" I don't see Cuomo being "fun." 0.

Cuomo scores 7 out of a possible 10, making him a good candidate for guyliner. And here's a video showing men how to do their eyeliner. Key: You want it to look dirty and nasty. Got it? You're welcome, Andrew.

By the way in last night's "café" post, pm317 said:
Yay! Cafe post. I wanted to comment on this since yesterday -- I heard the audio of Cuomo talking about extreme republicans, pro-life.. blah, blah.. But what was disturbing was how he sounded. Is this how he talks? Really? How did he get elected to anything?

३७ टिप्पण्या:

Bruce Hayden म्हणाले...

One of the problems with the Dems and inequality is that their policies seem inevitably to increase, and not decrease, it. Partly, it is because they are the primary party of crony capitalism, and, yes, economic fascism. To the victor go the spoils, and in our country, that means skimming off part of the GDP appropriated by governments. So, while everyone is supposed to be equal, those closely tied to those in power are a lot more equal.

Mark म्हणाले...

I can really see Cuomo playing Dr. Frank N. Furter on Broadway.

Irene म्हणाले...

Cuomo sounds like a New Yorker practicing Rush Limbaugh's cadence.

TosaGuy म्हणाले...

"New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, who has alternately clashed and made nice with his "friend" Governor Andrew Cuomo over how to divvy up $613 million in spoils from a shady mortgage practices settlement with JP Morgan"

So when JP Morgan screws over folks in the other 49 states, why does NY get $613 million to play with? Is that his version of equality?

Known Unknown म्हणाले...

Your 'article' link in the first paragraph does not work.

Roger Sweeny म्हणाले...

Democrats are to less inequality as Republicans are to small government. They talk about it and are in favor of it in the abstract--but when actually governing, it isn't much of a constraint on their actions, if it is a constraint at all.

garage mahal म्हणाले...

Here are 10 questions to ask yourself if you are a guy considering wearing eyeliner. I'm just going to answer them for Andrew Cuomo:

Schneiderman has glaucoma and a side effect [reportedly] of the medicine he takes for it is darker eyelashes. Cuomo is a dirty, nasty piece of work.

damikesc म्हणाले...

Hmm, any bets that the speaker is incredibly rich. And is likely going to be become richer thanks to his "public service".

Seems funny how often pols become economic powerhouses when in power.

So when JP Morgan screws over folks in the other 49 states, why does NY get $613 million to play with?

Unless the NY government got the bad mortgages --- why are they getting ANY money?

Mark Jones म्हणाले...

I don't know about _darker_ lashes, but the eyedrops I use to manage my glaucoma result in _longer_ lashes. My eye doctor told me so when he prescribed them, and he was right. He even said that some people have used them purely for the cosmetic lash-lengthening effect.

lgv म्हणाले...

Someone should juxtapose the people present at this gathering with a working stiff from Tonawanda. There's your inequality.

What a great place NY state would be if Cuomo would just equalize everyone's after tax income. I say go for it. I would like to see how it plays out.

Maybe wall street would move to Detroit.

damikesc म्हणाले...

What a great place NY state would be if Cuomo would just equalize everyone's after tax income. I say go for it. I would like to see how it plays out.

Maybe wall street would move to Detroit

To equalize, would everybody get money back from the state or would the poor be stuck with giving (at the point of a gun) over half of their money to the state?

Heck, muggers are better than pols. They don't expect you to thank them for robbing you.

rehajm म्हणाले...

The left's obsession with reducing equality of outcomes, is not only an unjust, unworthy goal, their chosen polices to achieve their desired outcome demonstrates they're terrible at choosing the best policies to achieve their goals. Want to quickly reduce income inequality? Incentivize the wealthy to pack up and move to Monaco. The richest amongst us that skew those income distribution tables pack up and leave. Voila! Less inequality!

That's not exactly what they had in mind though, is it?

rehajm म्हणाले...

Cuomo is constantly running ads promoting tax free economic zones. 'No tax for 10 years!' Nice to see the left finally capitulating to what the right has always known- when it comes to economic development, tax rates matter.

rehajm म्हणाले...

Oh- and the guy liner, too.

Bob R म्हणाले...

I always assume that anyone who is on camera a lot pays a lot of attention to grooming and probably uses makeup. Most of us are NOT ready for our closeup. When you're getting $100 haircuts and wearing four figure suits (where the first figure isn't a one), busting on a guy for wearing eyeliner is pretty sleazy and hypocritical. But we're talking Andrew Cuomo here.

Rusty म्हणाले...

"Income inequality" is democrat speak for; Boy. Are we ever going to raise your taxes.

You dumb suckers.

Rusty म्हणाले...

rehajm said...
The left's obsession with reducing equality of outcomes, is not only an unjust, unworthy goal, their chosen polices to achieve their desired outcome demonstrates they're terrible at choosing the best policies to achieve their goals

It is, at its root, immoral.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

Link fixed. Sorry.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"Schneiderman has glaucoma and a side effect [reportedly] of the medicine he takes for it is darker eyelashes."

Even a guy should know the difference between eyeliner and mascara.

If Cuomo had asked if he wore mascara, it might make sense.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

But maybe Cuomo doesn't know the difference between eyeliner and mascara… so there's that.

n.n म्हणाले...

Wrong. So wrong. The problem is not inequality, but progressive morality, which is accompanied by market and social distortions.

The crisis facing America is a departure from traditional morality in favor of authoritarian leverage (e.g. democratic). However, the defining human rights issue of the modern era is the normalization of elective abortion.

As for economic inequality, that is only as relevant as progressive cost of living. Redistributive change is recycled change is change with a diminishing return.

Unknown म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Brent म्हणाले...

Inequality. Yeah, that's a winner.

Democrat National Committee Playbook.

Forward by Steve Benen, writing as "Rachel Maddow"

Chapter One. First Principals:

1 ● Set the population demographic you desire against other Americans. Divide Americans, and Democrats will conquer.

2 ● Accuse your opponents of seeking to divide the country, instead of seeking to bring us together.

3 ● Be partisan at every opportunity - demonize your opponents.

4 ● Accuse your opponents of being partisan.

5 ● Do not engage in unemotional and fact-based discussions of issues. Stay away from factual discussions at all costs.

6 ● Accuse your opponenets of not "facing the facts"

7 ● Feel free to lie and dishonestly characterize your opponent(s) and your opponent's (s') take on the issues.

8 ● Accuse your opponent of lying. Immediately. Lead with the charge of "lying". Before your opponent does anything whatsoever.

9 ● Ridicule your opponent, without mercy, or any consideration of what your opponent does. If your opponent changes his/her stance on an issue, ridicule them there as well. See Chapter 3, "Demonizing Your Opponent".

10 ● Accuse your opponent of always seeking to demonize you and your comrades. Explain that with all of the important issue facing _________, my opponent(s)choose to focus instead on _______, ________, ________, and _________ (always list 3 or more items - it is far more impressive to the low information demographic you are seeking to control).

Unknown म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Larry J म्हणाले...

The phrase "economic inequality" ranks alongside "living wage" as derivatives of the old saying, "From each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs."

The Godfather म्हणाले...


"I'm glad I'm not young anymore" [imagine the French accent].

Paco Wové म्हणाले...

"The left ... demonstrates they're terrible at choosing the best policies to achieve their goals."

My first thought, on hearing that Obama is going to focus on the horrors of Income Inequality! in the SOTU speech this week, was "You've been President for 5 years now, and this alleged 'problem' has been getting 'worse' all that time – maybe it's your policies that are making it worse, no?"

rhhardin म्हणाले...

Inequality is diversity.

garage mahal म्हणाले...

But maybe Cuomo doesn't know the difference between eyeliner and mascara… so there's that.

Why is Cuomo is asking that question in the first place? Just wants to know? Does he like eyeliner?

Andrew Cuomo would be absolutely frightening as leader of the free world. I actually stand with the Tea Party against Cuomo. And I'm not joking. But only in New York, and certain restrictions apply. This guy is cray cray.

PackerBronco म्हणाले...

Maggie Thatcher said it best when she pointed out liberals would rather the poor be poorer provided the rich were less rich.

PackerBronco म्हणाले...

The income inequality that I'm worried about is the inequality between incomes in Washington DC and the rest of the country.

n.n म्हणाले...


Yeah, they are trying to destroy diversity. No more "wise Latinas" or "audacious Obamas", which may be a good thing, but at an unacceptable cost to human dignity.

My guess is that their population control protocol (e.g. abortion, promiscuity, homosexuality) has failed to sufficiently reduce the problem set. They are desperate to manage the problem of a growing population which does not necessarily favor their interests.

Fen म्हणाले...

"And the trees were all kept equal
by hatchet, axe, and saw"

Seeing Red म्हणाले...

If the rich are so concerned about the poor why are they still rich?

Rusty म्हणाले...

Seeing Red said...
If the rich are so concerned about the poor why are they still rich?

That's the question the president are going to ask in the SOTU address.

Answer: Wealth, the acquisition of which, isn't a zero sum game.

jr565 म्हणाले...

Seeing Red said...
"If the rich are so concerned about the poor why are they still rich?"

If the liberals are so concerned about the poor, why are the poor still poor?

jr565 म्हणाले...

There's also sexual inequality. Why are some not getting as much tail as others.
We can talk about sharing the wealth if rock stars and movie stars and politicians share their groupies and hookers.
There's also fame inequality. Why is Justin Bieber getting all this coverage when there are people in the world getting no coverage.
There's also square footage inequality. Why do some have to live in small NY apartments while others get to live in sprawling mansions? Shouldn't NY require landlords to rebuild all apartments so that they are the exact same size, or make people living in big houses live instead in small apartments?
And then of course there's the penis/breast size inequality. Why are some people packing while others are forced to compete with less.
Shouldn't those with big breasts be forced to have breast reductions, and the fat removed put into peoples breasts who need it?
That's just scratching the surface of the obvious inequalities.