"In announcing his candidacy, he shared the story of 'a Christmas Eve when my brother and I and our parents exchanged modest gifts — there was no lighted tree as there had been on Christmases past. I remember watching my father open what he thought was a greeting from his employer. We all watched and yes, we were hoping for a bonus check. It was notice that he no longer had a job.... I’ll carry with me always the memory of my father sitting there holding that envelope, unable to look at us. I cannot and will not stand by while inflation and joblessness destroy the dignity of our people.'"
From Scott Walker's "Unintimidated: A Governor's Story and a Nation's Challenge" — a passage found while searching for "Christmas" in my ebooks.
६१ टिप्पण्या:
"Using the average employee’s total compensation, we found that $30 million is the equivalent of 1,568 employees. That essentially matches Walker’s claim of 1,500 state worker layoffs by June 30."
Merry Christmas, Wisconsin!
I would suggest a careful listening of Reagan's first inaugural address.(It's on YouTube, watch the C-SPAN version, about 20 min) He makes it very obvious that his heroes are the average everyday Americans of every political and social stripe. THAT was his key. He didn't alienate people, he was very inclusive. He was also a master at compromise and managed to get a lot done despite never having a Republican Congress. He could do that because he had the constituents of those members of Congress on his side.
Let's face it, Americans don't want to elect a John D. Rockefeller as President.
crosspatch - these days Reagan '81 would be considered a RINO for vilification by the Ted Cruz wing.
Wow. That Scott Walker story has my bullshit meter pegged. Fire people on Christmas Eve? I don't think so. Very, very unlikely.
crosspatch - these days Reagan '81 would be considered a RINO for vilification by the Ted Cruz wing.
Bullshit. Above all else Reagan was a conservative. These days Reagan would be Ted Cruz.
Oso - Even politifact.com rates Walker's statement as "Mostly true" which means it's 1000% true, since that site leans left.
Gahrie - nonsense. Reagan '81 was inclusive, not divisive. Ted Cruz wants to pit people against each other.
@Alex. From a previous post you indicated you were 37 years old. That would put you at about 4 when
President Reagan was first was elected. RINO? You haven't a clue. You couldn't be more wrong.
My spouse tells the story when she was an apolitical, young secretary working in California. She went to her boss when she noticed an increase in her paycheck. She asked if she had received a raise. Her boss said no, it was as a result of the Reagan tax cuts. She's been a conservative ever since.
Alex what did Reagan think of Lowell Weicker?
I submit the same things Cruz thinks of McCain politically.
One of Reagan's advisors basically kicked the lib Weicker out of the Senate and replaced him with good old Joe Leiberman, another lib but one that didn't make folks sick every time he spoke.
Wow. That Scott Walker story has my bullshit meter pegged. Fire people on Christmas Eve? I don't think so. Very, very unlikely.
That's not even the worst part, Oso. Turns out the boss was Mitt Romney!
"As President I would use every power at my command to make the federal establishment respond to the will and the collective wishes of the people."
Reagan said "collective" and "people".
If public employees don’t pay more for benefits...
In doing the math, the memo relies on total compensation (not just wages) for the average state employee: $76,500 per year.
Was there an average cut in benefits calculated, and if so what was the $ amount?
Mitt Romney was such a poor choice.
Still blows my mind that he was nominated after all those flip flops and all that phoniness. When he made his 47% gaffe it only exposed an antipathy towards most Americans that was quite obvious to anyone not obsessed with partisanship.
I pity those who are so desperate to beat team D that they would nominate a democrat just to 'win' whatever it is we would have gained with a President Romney. I'll tell you now it wouldn't have been a smaller government, and it wouldn't have been an end to obamacare, and anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool.
Even today opposition to Romney is called bigotry for no clear reason, and his loss is blamed on an rigged election (with very little evidence). The part of the GOP that handles criticism and failure this way is exactly the same as the part of the democrat party that handles criticism and failure by claiming 'racist' or 'rigged' with no evidence.
At least it opened my eyes to the GOP, saving me time and money as I don't bother with politics at all and certainly won't again for this party.
Mitt Romney fired employees on Christmas day? What a fucking douche.
Dustin - I've already ditched the GOP. Trading in for Libertarian.
" these days Reagan '81 would be considered a RINO for vilification by the Ted Cruz wing."
You're forgiven because you were too young to see how he was hated by the Democrats. "Amiable Dunce" was the kindest thing a Democrat called him.
Now the left has adopted the myth that he was a moderate. He wasn't. You might want to Listen to his speech for Goldwater in 1964.
Reagan was a moderate by today's crazy, batshit insane wing of the GOP. He'd be horrified at the antics of Ted Cruz and Mitch McConnell.
Also in Reagan's day you didn't see Republicans talk about whether rape was really rape. Or call women sluts.
Alex, quit while you are way behind. You comments are bereft of any factual basis.
BTW, who coined the term "rape, rape"?
I'm totally on the mark here. Why is the GOP losing everywhere, even in Texas?
Reagan would, indeed, be labeled as a RINO today. He compromised with the Democrats weekly. His personal views were conservative but he did not shove his personal values down people's throats using the government to do that. He was more interested in pro economic growth policies, strong defense, and evangelizing for the classical liberalism around the world.
In fact, hard line "radical conservatives" didn't like Reagan, particularly in California. Gingrich as late as 1986 was calling Reagan "incompetent". NOW the conservatives wrap themselves in the mantle of Reagan but at the time the far right didn't much like him. Neither the center right nor the far right liked Reagan and center Democrats actually liked him a lot, as demonstrated in his second election win.
Reagan's own words:
"When I began entering into the give and take of legislative bargaining in Sacramento, a lot of the most radical conservatives who had supported me during the election didn't like it.
"Compromise" was a dirty word to them and they wouldn't face the fact that we couldn't get all of what we wanted today. They wanted all or nothing and they wanted it all at once. If you don't get it all, some said, don't take anything.
"I'd learned while negotiating union contracts that you seldom got everything you asked for. And I agreed with FDR, who said in 1933: 'I have no expectations of making a hit every time I come to bat. What I seek is the highest possible batting average.'
"If you got seventy-five or eighty percent of what you were asking for, I say, you take it and fight for the rest later, and that's what I told these radical conservatives who never got used to it.
"[I]n Reagan's day you didn't see Republicans talk about whether rape was really rape."
In Reagan's day Whoopi Goldberg's career had only just begun.
Reagan would often take "half a loaf". He would have done the same thing Ryan did with the recent budget bill, for example. Now Ryan is a "dirty rotten RINO" because Senate Democrats forced him to choose between two bad deals and Ryan went with the one that was least bad. Reagan would have done the same thing.
Ryan is in the true Reagan mold. That's why he's gonna win in 2016.
Like Goldwater, Reagan was not anti-homosexual. It would behoove Republicans, RINO and otherwise, to listen up. It's about the economy and liberty, stupids.
Meade. Exactly right. We need to drop the lifestyle choices in public and concentrate on liberty and the economy. Win. Win the culture afterwards. The fatuities of the progressives should become apparent even to fans of The View. In time. A long march of our own.
The GOP just can't give up the lifestyle stuff. They are utterly obsessed with it.
Just ask any Republican Christian what their #1 priority is and it invariably will be something to do with fighting the culture war.
I remember watching my father open what he thought was a greeting from his employer. We all watched and yes, we were hoping for a bonus check. It was notice that he no longer had a job.... I’ll carry with me always the memory of my father sitting there holding that envelope, unable to look at us.
Oh, come on. He totally cribbed that scene from Chevy Chase in "Christmas Vacation."
Culture varies widely in the US from one state to another. We should leave the cultural purity issues at the state level. At the federal level I believe there are an ample number of issues that Republicans can agree on.
I think we can all agree on a smaller federal government that doesn't try to micromanage the lives of the citizens and dictate our choices; strong defense; sound border security; responsible spending of the taxpayer's money; and not putting future generations into hock for today's desires.
But as for social issues, what works in Connecticut isn't likely to work in Oklahoma and what works in Texas won't likely work in Oregon. We need a set of issues at the federal level that people in all states can agree with and I think we have plenty of those.
crosspatch - tell that to the Ted Cruz wing of crazy nutfuckers.
Alex. Your fatuities underwhelm.
Fact in the culture war. In 1960 around 15% of black children were born out of wedlock. Today around 70%.
Be proud leftie fucks.
Culture war.
"The GOP just can't give up the lifestyle stuff. They are utterly obsessed with it."
Alex, the Rose Bowl parade will feature a gay themed float. And we are obsessed?
You have yet to state a truthful comment in this thread.
Alex, listen to Cruz's interview on Leno. He quite clearly says the social issues are state issues.
Even on Christmas, it's best let the trolls go hungry.
In Reagan's day, Al Gore was pro-life. In fact, Governor Casey was considered a good Democrat, and Sargent Shriver's opinions on abortion were welcome at Democratic conventions.
The war on women wasn't a thing yet.
A lot of former Reagan Democrats have since gone over to the Republican side, because they don't recognize their party anymore...
It's not that Reagan was as liberal as a Democrat-- it's just most Dem's circa 1980 wouldn't be comfortable in today's Dem. party.
Gay parades are a red herring. Just listen to Phil Robertson or any Sunday preacher. It's all fire & brimstone, culture wars with them.
Democrats removed God from their platform. They aren't the welcoming bunch they are portrayed as or that they themselves feel they are.
Social issues arouse passion which inspires work toward change and is quite valuable.
All Democrats have is fear based on bullshit lies about social issues. Saying the GOP should keep quiet on them is disingenuous and evil.
Beyond that any time any social issue question is raised and answered it will be brought up, if it isn't spoken of in the most delicate terms, and used to scare the shit out of the pansies on the left, afraid that they won't be able to buy birth control or Romney will cause their wife to die of cancer for instance.
"If you want rape to be legal vote for Bush."
For someone who supported and supports known rapist Bill Clinton to condemn Bush in terms of rape is cause for much nonviolent ultra-direct disruption of corrupt structures in our society.
Joe Biden said the GOP would enact policies that would result in increased levels of rape, and he supported known rapist Bill Clinton.
All women who support rapist support rape. All men who support rapists support rape. End the denial now, and for God's sake repent.
Alex, our church has a fire and brimstone preacher. He hasn't mentioned homosexuality in years. He preaches repent and salvation; conviction, not condemnation. Sin is sin, no matter the flavor.
Compared to both Reagan and Obama, Romney was better qualified to run a very large government.
That alone will never get a Republican elected.
Thus marks the different responses to tolerance and normalization. Most dysfunctional behaviors, not limited to sexual dysfunction, can be tolerated. They only become an issue for society when there is an effort made to normalize them.
The homosexual couplets don't get it. The heterosexual abortion/choice advocates certainly don't get it. Homosexual behavior can be tolerated when practiced by a minority of the population. State-sponsored abortion is capital punishment of wholly innocent human lives through lethal injection or physical assault. Unlike abortion in the back alley, which is a simple case of premeditated murder, capital punishment carried out by the state is the normalization of denying our inalienable right to life, as well as other Constitutionally guaranteed protections.
From a Christian perspective, the criteria for classifying behaviors for rejection, tolerance, and normalization are obvious. From a secular perspective, they are similarly obvious, but obsession with money, sex, and ego has motivated people to rationalize an alternate reality more suitable to their corrupt disposition.
"Reagan was a moderate by today's crazy, batshit insane wing of the GOP."
I go out to dinner with my kids and all hell breaks loose with the lefty troll. Did you watch the Reagan speech I linked to ? Of course not.
You debate with your inner self while the adults celebrate the holiday.
I go out to dinner with my kids and all hell breaks loose with the lefty troll. Did you watch the Reagan speech I linked to ? Of course not.
I still stand by what I said. Reagan would be considered an utter RINO by Rush Limbaugh's standards. His is the extremist wing that says - "no compromise, not now, not ever". That's not what Reagan stood for. You can continue spouting off your fucking nonsense, but I'll rest assured knowing I'm right.
Alex....you are a shining example of one of Reagan's best quotes.
Well the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but that they know so much that isn't so.
fuck off Rush nuthuggers. You're all utterly worthless piece of shit.
Typical lefty response, Alex. If someone doesn't agree with you, you stomp your widdle feets and pitch a fit, instead of doing your homework and reflecting inward that you may be wrong.
I still stand by what I said. Reagan would be considered an utter RINO by Rush Limbaugh's standards
You can jump up and down on it if you like. It doesn't matter. I was there, I lived it, and you're 100% wrong.
I love it when libtards try to explain Reagan to conservatives. That's almost as previously stupid as secular gays trying to lecture Christians who grew up in the faith about what the bible says about homosexuality and sin.
"fuck off Rush nuthuggers. You're all utterly worthless piece of shit."
Alex. Grace and mercy await you if you choose. May I suggest you stop by a full gospel Evangelical church this weekend. Give 1 1/2 hours of your time. Try it just once.
Wow. That Scott Walker story has my bullshit meter pegged. Fire people on Christmas Eve? I don't think so. Very, very unlikely.
I thought it was a Reagan story Walker was quoting.
Walker's Dad, IIRC, is a preacher. Not the type of person to be let go on Christmas.
Alex has his "truth" and it fits what he wants to believe, but anyone who was an ADULT in the 80's knows that Reagan was utterly reviled by the Democrats and the Left during his presidency and was attacked in exactly the same way that Republicans like Cruz and Rand Paul are attacked.
Blogger Alex said...
fuck off Rush nuthuggers. You're all utterly worthless piece of shit.
12/25/13, 10:17 PM
After but a few posts on the subject, Alex has reached the limit of his wit and now must dip into his near-endless supply of profanity.
PackerBronco. And ungrammatical as well.
@PackerBronco. Exactly right. Reagan was a dumb stooge (see Palin), ready to start WWIII. Instead the Soviet Union collapsed, the Berlin Wall came down and the economy recovered.
I suspect Alex wasn't around for 21% mortgage interest rates either.
Christmas Eve is one of the last working days before the first quarter starts. If a company's been slow to do their retrenching, the day before or after Christmas is sometimes when the dirty is done. My own company did housecleaning a few years ago the week before Christmas. And, for what it's worth, my grandfather got his pink slip on Christmas. It happens. And like I say, it has nothing to do with Christmas. It's all about who and how many are on the payroll when the next fiscal year starts.
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