৬ আগস্ট, ২০১৩

"I find it so entertaining a small group of whack jobs wants me expelled from UW-Madison."

"Can I only say what the crazy women approve of?"

১৪টি মন্তব্য:

Gahrie বলেছেন...

So what do you think Althouse?

Isn't this guy only guilty of saying the same thing you did, only using alpha male vocabulary?

Carl বলেছেন...

Being a Twitter phenom is about as beta as you can get without starring in a push-up bra commercial.

gadfly বলেছেন...

I don't understand the attraction of or interest in tweets. Most are as foul to me as the SOB's that brought down Althouse comments.

I don't think that the Millenniums are reading Althouse and I certainly never read Jezebel.

Chuck Berry was right:

Just let me hear some of that rock'n'roll music
Any old way you choose it
It's got a backbeat, you can't lose it
Any old time you use it
It's gotta be rock - roll music
If you wanna dance with me

Drago বলেছেন...

Carl said...
Being a Twitter phenom is about as beta as you can get without starring in a push-up bra commercial.

I believe it was called "The Manster"

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"Isn't this guy only guilty of saying the same thing you did, only using alpha male vocabulary?"

What of mine are you referring to?

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"I don't understand the attraction of or interest in tweets. Most are as foul to me as the SOB's that brought down Althouse comments."

Exactly. You're on a big platform without having built up a readership of your own.

At least with Tweets, no one has to follow you, but maybe you feel like you're in the biggest chatroom of all time.

In my comments, when they were unmoderated, people appropriated the readership that I had cultivated for almost 10 years, working on it every single day, to get whatever they felt like saying out, which was often trying to ruin the "room" for everyone else.

Many -- most -- of the commenters contributed, but that only made it a more attractive place to try to destroy.

There are several individuals who know they were destructive, and they did it deliberately, and there are many others who are mad at me for shutting down the open house party.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

What of mine are you referring to?

Your description of your male readers as "losers", "beta males" and "whiners", and your exhortation that we "man up".

Gahrie বলেছেন...

there are many others who are mad at me for shutting down the open house party.

Some of us at mad at you for completely disrespecting a large part of your readership/commentariat.

Meade বলেছেন...

Your description of your male readers as "losers", "beta males" and "whiners", and your exhortation that we "man up".

Go back and read that post and you will see that the only male readers who she described as being "losers", "beta males" and "whiners" were "losers", "beta males" and "whiners". And they proceeded to lose, whine, and cry like children told that, no, we will not be going back to that particular playground because you have thrown tantrums every other time we've gone there.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

Maybe it's because I'm getting old but to me Twitter is just for twits. As I see it if you have the time to get vexed by tweets from the bitter-clingers you have no life.

Crunchy Frog বলেছেন...

Go back and read that post and you will see that the only male readers who she described as being "losers", "beta males" and "whiners" were "losers", "beta males" and "whiners".

You and she might have thought she was being specific to a concrete set of individuals, but she also couched everything in a "You know who you are" (instead of just having the stones to name names) form of rhetoric that implied that everyone who wasn't absolutely ecstatic with the outcome of the SCOTUS rulings were losers, whiners, and beta males, simply for having the temerity to voice their displeasure.

But YMMV, natch.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

@Crunchy Frog, really, you should go back and read it. You're making an assertion about what I said, and you're propagating a misreading. I said: You lost that case, now, don't be a loser in the general sense, and I suggested ways to be positive going forward. Anybody who chose to say, but I am a loser in that general sense, is responsible for self-defining. For them to go on to be outraged that I would call acting like a loser acting like a loser is -- as I said at the time -- particularly lame, because it's a situation in which they were satisfied to be the winners in the past, and they weren't sympathetic to those who were on the losing side back then. Karma. I laughed at them, and I'm not sorry.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

You're making an assertion about what I said, and you're propagating a misreading.

If he, and I, are misreading you, we are in good company. At least 75% of the posters on your site got the same idea we did.

You were being a poor winner like the Left usually is.

Carl বলেছেন...

I think I have to amend my top comment, thus:

Being a Twitter phenom is about as beta as you can get without starring in a push-up bra commercial, and only slightly more so than getting hurt 'n' mad about being shut out of a blog comment section.

I mean, good grief. When I leave comments my mental attitude is that I'm graciously contributing something for free for which the blogger ought to be freaking honored to pay. I don't know why I do it. Maybe I feel like helping the promising ones along. Or maybe it's an act of charity, to compensate for my venial sins, like a 15th century baron endowing a bridge or Lady chapel after a little too much droit du seigneur.

Anyway, if some blogger wants to categorically refuse my generosity, that's his loss and I can't imagine getting mad about it. Amused, maybe.