२८ जुलै, २०१३

"But Mr Stach’s biography also shows Kafka’s lighter side."

Topic sentence of a paragraph that continues thusly:
On holiday with a mistress, he feels almost sick with laughter. In the last years of his life he meets a crying young girl in a park who explains that she has lost her doll. He then proceeds to write her a letter a day for three weeks from the perspective of the doll, recounting its exploits. With his final mistress, Dora Diamant, Kafka has no doubt that he wants to marry her. She even inspires him to recover his interest in Judaism.
Do those 3 points really show a lighter side? 1. Sick with laughter. 2. A creative but creepy extended interaction with a child encountered in the park. 3. Interest in marrying a woman who reconnects him to his religious roots.

To be fair, there's no assertion that the side is light. Only that it's lighter than the other side. Dark gray is lighter than black.
(Here's the book.)