१७ मार्च, २०१३

New symptom of Alzheimer's disease that also may speed its progress.

Restless sleeping.

१४ टिप्पण्या:

Sim म्हणाले...

It would be reassuring to see more studies done such as this on a wider scale but, nonetheless, it is informing the uninformed.

chickelit म्हणाले...

I sleep like a fully weaned toddler--through the night.

Whoever coined the phrase "sleeps like a baby" either didn't have kids or forgot the first years.

edutcher म्हणाले...

I haven't slept the night through in

What's the problem, again?

Chip Ahoy म्हणाले...

This is an interesting item and it sound like an interesting subject, but you know what? I am approaching a tolerance level of 0 for any site that puts something between me and the content the site is offering. Any invitation, any question, a paper napkin, anything.

I'm gone in an instant.

It's a shame the site designers decided that is an advantageous thing for them to do.

It's worse on a smaller laptop. Anything that follows along the left side or shoots out with a suggestion as you approach the end automatically sends me right off the page. It chases me off the site. Subject dropped.

This article didn't have a chance to be read because it's smacking me on the head and poking me in the eyeballs to invite me to share it.

Eric the Fruit Bat म्हणाले...

Anybodt tells you booooze doezzn't Kure Altzzzheimerses awn Sain t Pat's day hazzzn't had enuf to drinkses ore izz probably drunkz alraeddzley.

pm317 म्हणाले...

I'm gone in an instant.

Well said. I recently found out that it is called bounce rate.. bad, bad if their intention is to make their readers linger longer..

Crimso म्हणाले...

My mother started having night terrors about 5 years ago. She was diagnosed with Parkinson's several weeks ago. In hindsight, we suspect they're linked.

Parkinson's and Alzheimer's both may be in the class of diseases known as proteopathies. Interestingly, another proteopathy is fatal familial insomnia. That's a disease that is exactly what the name says it is. I'd say it's a particularly nasty way to go, but you probably don't realize it when it's happening.

Emil Blatz म्हणाले...

Lunesta. The best.

William म्हणाले...

Great. Now if I have trouble falling asleep I have another worrisome issue to keep me awake.

Wince म्हणाले...

I take it morning wood is a good sign.

As my whimsy leads me.. म्हणाले...

Crimso, there is a sleep problem called "REM (rapid eye movement) sleep behavior disorder." People with this condition act out their dreams. Normally, we are paralyzed during our dreams, but people with REM sleep behavior disorder can thrash around, or jump out of bed and fall, or hurt the persons they are sleeping with, depending on what is going on in their dreama. Sometimes it is a predecessor of Parkinson's, Lewy body dementia, and some other neurological disorders--sometimes preceding them by a decade or more. I wonder if your mother had that going on.



gadfly म्हणाले...

To publish such an article is mean to us seniors. Now every time I toss and turn, I will remember "Alzheimer's symptom" until such time that I can no longer remember . . . something.

Bruce Hayden म्हणाले...

Well said. I recently found out that it is called bounce rate.. bad, bad if their intention is to make their readers linger longer..

Don't know if it really is getting worse these days, or if IE is just that much worse than Firefox. I have had a stable of maybe a half a dozen sites, including this one, that I constantly check. But, a couple of them have made it on my couple of times a week list just because of all the brain damage they cause everytime I open them up. My basic rule is that if you have to click through a page, or a pop-up page is launched, and I ultimately have to kill it, then I will just not go there, or if I do, not too often.

Yes, I know that everyone seems to want to monitize their web-sites these days, but doing so like Ann does is one of the least obnoxious and intrusive ways of doing such.

I don't think that there are any sites out there that are really worth it to deal with click throughs or pop-ups, at least for me.

Mr. Majestyk म्हणाले...

Bruce, what are the other half dozen sites you check regularly, if I may ask? I ask because the people here, including you, offer some of the best blog commentary I've seen on the web, so I am interested in what websites the people here read.