Daily Mail brings news of a local high school where kids were taught that "minorities had historically been oppressed by white people."
According to handouts..., 'white privilege' in the class was defined as a 'set of advantages that are believed to be enjoyed by white people beyond those commonly experienced by non-white people in the same social, political, and economic spaces...'....
[One] parent became alarmed after seeing the handouts provided to her 18-year-old son... “I felt it was indoctrination,” she said. “This is a radical left agenda and ideology that is now embedded in our school.”
I hate the use of schools for to indoctrinate children, but what
exactly is the problem here? The students should be taught American history, and racial oppression is a big part of telling the story fairly and accurately. Maybe the name of the class — "American Diversity" — is misleading, in that it suggests a happy rainbow. That said, I'm not surprised to see parents fretting that the teachers are doing political indoctrination. I understand and share this mistrust.
२२३ टिप्पण्या:
223 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Any discussion of oppression that implies that only whites have oppressed people is indoctrination.
All people, of all colors, everywhere oppress others, of all colors, everywhere.
If a class does not acknowledge this universal truth, it is indoctrination.
The objection, I think, is that "white privilege", as it is taught, is an axiomatic, not empirical, proposition.
I think the problem is a tense situation. It's historically accurate to teach that minorities were oppressed in the past; the problem is the notion that the oppression continues in the present and will continue if unchecked.
So the opposite of oppressed is what? To be favored?
Who gets the favored treatment is always of interest in a Just world.
But it is always a small group of insiders. It is never a majority of people or it would no longer be seen as a favor.
If the Victim Card is being played for insider favors,how is that just?
It was not all white people who oppressed non-white people. It was some people who happened to be white and who did this in one historical period. The racialist teacher is teaching current racial guilt for all white people today, merely by being white. This includes you, professor. I wager that this idea is being taught at your law school.
white privilege is a myth for the vast majority of white people. Something that I doubt any liberal white teacher is aware of.
It was not all white people who oppressed non-white people. It was some people who happened to be white and who did this in one historical period. The racialist teacher is teaching current racial guilt for all white people today, merely by being white. This includes you, professor. I wager that this idea is being taught at your law school.
The problem here, Althouse, is the focus on white guilt.
If you've traveled anywhere, you've discovered that the majority ruling and prevailing is the normal mode of human society, not an odd phenomenon worthy of comment.
Whites aren't remarkable. They just won in the U.S. If any other ethnic group had won, they would have been far worse in their dealings with minorities and probably would never have bothered to deal others in.
That's the problem. I have the feeling that the kids are being taught that whites are uniquely sinful. In fact, I'll bet on it.
The obvious problem is that it fails to teach the central point, which is that this is part of every race and ethnicity, that it is a human, even biological trait that is absolutely not anything special about whites, unless you want to teach that they are probably the one race that has sacrificed the most, and tried the hardest to suppress this hard-wired failing.
but what exactly is the problem here?
The problem is exactly, that the are singling out the "white" race as being the sole oppressors of other races.
The problem is that they are dividing the students by "race" when we are supposedly trying to unite people.
The problem is that they are distorting and lying about history when people throughout the eons have been oppressing each other, using each other as slave, selling their neighbors into slavery. Aztecs, Arabs, Chinese, Japanese. All guilty of oppression.
The "set of advantages enjoyed" are ALWAYS appropriated by certain sets in society over others. The Incas had privileged classes. African tribes have kings. India had the moguls.
The exact problem is that the schools are teaching propaganda, lies and are deliberately turning children against each other. Poisoning the minds of the children with lies.
Teaching it this way implies that the racism of other races is somehow justified, which is what the racism devil is counting on for survival.
Althouse, you're being disingenuous (I think) in suggesting that this is a unique manifestation of this crap.
In fact, we've lived through a 60 year long white guilt festival.
So, on another level, I'd imagine the parents are thinking: "Enough is enough! Shut up with this bullshit!"
Does defecating one's self to death in Andersonville Prison, as my g.g.g.grandfather did, count as white privilege?
The other problem, exactly, is that they are teaching that all "whites" are a homogeneous group and that "white privilege" must extend equally to all white people.
Faulty logic taught by morons who have been taught by morons. Some white people are privileged. You are white, therefore you have the same level of privileges that some white people enjoy.
Define white people, by the way.
White people oppress each other quite nicely, thank you. Ask the Irish or Welsh about it.
Yes, so as everyone is saying, the problem is that it's teaching a lie, but that is so very easy and satisfying. It's liberal porn.
The student is 18 years old, when should parents stop being helicopter parents? What are they going do when the kid goes off to college?
If they're sending the kid off to college to be browbeaten with this bullshit, they are wasting a ton of money, or encouraging their kid to saddle himself with outrageous debt for no gain.
Don't send your kid off to college for this browbeating. That would be my advice. Suggest they go to business or trade school.
The student is 18 years old, when should parents stop being helicopter parents? What are they going do when the kid goes off to college?
I agree with Chickelit, in that it's historically correct that there was oppression. To focus on oppression that may or may not happen in today's world could be discussed and debated as opposed to teaching it as a given situation.
Sorry ST, made a correction.
Maybe the class should be renamed "An Introduction to American Measles Blankets".
Shout took my idea, but it's the truth.
This has been going full bore for 50 years (remember "Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee"?") and this is the kind of stuff that "distinguished educator" William Ayers and his pals at Columbia have been really working toward.
Anything and everything to destroy pride in this country.
Does defecating one's self to death in Andersonville Prison, as my g.g.g.grandfather did, count as white privilege?
Also, regarding white guilt. I don't buy into that. I have nothing to be guilty about personally, and I am not responsible for the past actions of generations before me. If I were, then the poooooor oppressed minorities should be thanking me since US Grant is a distant ancestor and during the Civil War my Quaker ancestors were active in helping the fugitive slave.
You're welcome.
You can take your "white" guilt and stuff it.
Europe became the home of Christianity centuries ago and Christian nations have done well economically and socially. It is not a white thing, it is a Jesus thing. Contrast traditionally Christian nations in the West with traditionally Islamic or Buddhist nations and the data is clear. Christianity is good for productivity and civilization.
This is most interesting to me in China, the nation with the most Christians (80 to 130 million believers who are willing to risk jail to worship Jesus)is currently working to inhibit the growth of Christianity. Good luck with that. Believers have overtaken the number of COmmunist Party members for about a decade, the future of China will be interesting as the nation becomes more and more saturated with Christian ethics and ideals. Not to mention the Holy Spirit. 8)
So if you want to help people from different traditions be more succesful and civilized, evangelize them. This is not about race, it is about spirituality.
The student is 18 years old, when should parents stop being helicopter parents?
Well, it seems to be government and liberal hive mind agreement that "children" can be on their parent's insurance until the age of 26....I guess 26 years old is when.
I think they present the oppression as if it is the only thing that occurred. IOW, if you read the syllabus, you would barely know at the same time other important stuff was happening like the Industrial Revolution, the Lewis & Clark Expedition, etc.
By the way, the title of the class, American Diversity, makes it clear that this is an indoctrination class.
The world "Diversity" is understood by just about everybody to mean forced education in the superiority of the demands of blacks, gays and women. Classes in "Diversity" are part of the enforcement process of the sexual and racial quota systems. Such classes were developed as an attempt to camouflage the reality of the exitence of the quota systems.
That's what it's about. Does anybody doubt this?
ST, et al are on tgt. This is NOT about instruction about either the history of race relations or an attempt to sensitize whites to "walk in other's moccasins" in order to improve the "sociolcultural atmosphere." Rather it is a blatant guilt-tripping brainwashing attempt to instill white guilt and make whites feel that they should apologize for their very existence. That, and with the additional objective of instilling resentment in minorities over both real and imagined "insults" to their current "status."
Whenever two groups at vastly different levels of development encounter one another, things rarely will turn out well for the less-developed group.
From the standpoint of the indigenous population, the European settlement of the New World was an invasion from the future, as in terms of technical development the Europeans were about 4,000 to 5,000 years ahead of the Native Americans. The European settlement of Australia was even more extreme, with a gap of about 25,000 years. It's harder to quantify the gaps with the African slave trade as there were many different cultures involved, but it too was substantial.
The student is 18 years old, when should parents stop being helicopter parents?
This comment is especially amusing when you consider that a 30 year old Georgetown law student was demanding a Federal mandate for free birth control and was a speaker at the Democrat National Convention.
"...racial oppression is a big part of telling the story fairly and accurately."
I disagree. Racial oppression is the norm around the world and all throughout history. The white people of America (and the rest of the West) are notable for being the ones who voluntarily OUTLAWED racial oppression. To teach that the history of America is significantly all about mean white people is 180 degrees wrong...the history of America is about white men FREEING non-white people.
Further, I don't know how you can really claim that white Americans "oppress" non-whites, when all non-whites have been free to leave the country any time they want for the last 150 years. What kind of "oppression" can you call it when blacks, for example, choose to stay here when they've had the option for generations to go live among their own people and away from the awful, oppressive whites?
I thought we were supposed to be beyond all this race thing, no?
From the pictures accompanying the article and the tone of the article, I'd imagine that this is a school district that is mostly white.
Why should the school district be teaching these kids to feel guilty about something?
Shouldn't they be teaching those kids to be the best they can be and to advance their self interests?
How about "believed to have been?"
They're using Robert Jensen materials?
Doomed, that class is doomed.
I'll bet the programs culminates in an explanation of how criticizing Barack Obama is the modern version of this.
I'm beginning to suspect I'm even more of a racist than they think. I have never had such disdain for any President as I do for the current one, and he is half black, I'm told. I wish it was just my racism. That would be a wonderful revelation. Instead every day I'm shown a man who lies more often and in larger ways than any person, private or public, that I have ever seen. A man so unfit for the responsibility he's been given that it physically hurts to look at him. I see a man who has no compunction about openly insulting me and my country on a daily basis for cheap power plays and self aggrandizement.
Maybe it's racism, but I'm fair - I despise his white half just as much. How did this happen? I was actually happy we elected a "Black man" in 2008. I had had high hopes that we would get lucky and all the bullshit would come true. Instead, he made me a racist. Opportunity lost.
Yet he surrounds himself with white males....It's almost like the 1st 4 years was for show.
He did not, however, believe the course was meant to brainwash students politically but only to stimulate 'the thought process.'
“I don’t believe he intended to indoctrinate anybody,' he said.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2263136/School-class-teaches-white-people-oppressors.html#ixzz2ILUh4sdZ
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Do they teach that the oppression was the starting point? And that US society worked through overcoming it due to principles about men being equal and the societal mindset evolving to match the principles of fairness and equality stated in the constitution and held as standards of virtue to aspire to in life?
Or do they just teach an "America racist" theme?
That's the real question. The bad should be taught with the good, but all elements should be included. Overly "hagiographic" narratives are bad, but so are relentlessly negative ones. Warts and all cannot ignore the "and all" part of the narrative. And the history of inequality is not only that it existed, but that America had a then unique characteristic that allowed such to be overcome. We forget that it hasn't always been the norm around the world for that to be true. And it's important to recognize that.
So, teaching oppression? As long as it's teaching and not indoctrination, I'm for it. But I'd also be damn sure to verify that it's the former if I were a parent.
"...what exactly is the problem here? The students should be taught American history, and racial oppression is a big part of telling the story fairly and accurately."
The problem is not in the history but in the use of the present tense: "'white privilege' in the class was defined as a 'set of advantages that are believed to be enjoyed by white people beyond those commonly experienced by non-white people in the same social, political, and economic spaces...'...." Except for affirmative action and other officially sanctioned practices, systemic racial prejudice is not a characteristic of American society today. It is important to recognize that reality just as it is important to recognize that isolated instances of racial prejudice still occur.
Circle the wagons!
I think that class should hold a diversity bake sale.
If they don't push white guilt in school, how the hell is the New York Times supposed to maintain its subscriber base?
The school has to, it's one-sided.
My known ancestors were, so far as I can tell, all white people. Most of them were disadvantaged. They were poor and had limited educations. Most were highly subject to the whims of history and the powers of the wealthy and educated. They were separated from loved ones, died in wars, were exiled from their native countries, died young from disease and overwork, lived from hand to mouth without power and in two cases spent extended times in prison camps.
The last two or three generations have been better for a considerable percentage of the descendants, and much better for a few. No doubt this opportunity for improvement would have been considerably less until even more recently had we not been white.
But now this opportunity is available to everyone, if only they can take it. The playing field is not level. Check out the pretty girls in the photo in the article and consider their advantages. Now being black can be an advantage too, if one so choses.
Oppression? It existed and still exists. But the most amazing part of the story is how here in America people can overcome it. We do overcome.
Teach that too and you can have all the oppression studies you want.
I think a great lesson on racism would be the entire story of the ubiquity of slavery in the World including where it still survives. That would set students straight about what it really is, and how naturally human it is. To learn that it's seed lives in everyone. Attempting to ascribe it to any one group is just another form of it that you are succumbing to. This is the personal lesson that is worth teaching. Otherwise you are actually teaching an excuse for tolerating it in yourself and others.
They do not respect individual dignity other than their own. They do not respect human life other than their own. They exploit and manufacture differentials and gradients to acquire democratic leverage in order to advance their political, economic, and social standing. The people who direct and support this are fundamentally corrupt.
Whatever happened to distinguishing between science and philosophy?
Why is recall of history, human rights, and civil rights a selective, selfish enterprise?
Whatever happened to the scalpel approach to analysis and action? Are scalpels (and vacuums) now only used in the premeditated murder of developing human life from conception to birth?
It is simply amazing how the worst offenders of human and civil rights are capable of hiding in plain sight behind a cloak of "good intentions", "good will", and good marketing.
As for teenagers (or adults) accepting responsibility for their own lives, that's a new concept, isn't it? It's certainly not Democratic. It does not engender the acquisition of democratic leverage. Perhaps the ruling minority interest no longer requires real leverage. Perhaps they are capable of manufacturing it through manipulation of perception (e.g. indoctrination).
"The student is 18 years old, when should parents stop being helicopter parents? What are they going do when the kid goes off to college?"
Bad stuff has happened in American history.
It can be taught within the context of the entire palette of American history, or it can be concentrated on to the point of naval gazing and self-guilt -- thus depriving the student the information and cognetive ability to draw connections and patterns, as well as a true understanding of the topic.
A professional historian
but what exactly is the problem here?
The problem is that the summary "teaching that minorities had histoically been oppressed by white people" is not accurate. Teaching historical fact is fine.
But "white priviledge" philosophy is not historical, it's current. The principle was developed specifically to justify current discrimination against whites, essentially arguing that guilt for historical oppression somehow taints current whites including children.
They're telling our children that because white people did something to minorities before they were born anyone sharing that skin color deseerves to be discriminated against now. And if you object it proves you a racist.
We're guilty for our own actions, not for the actions of others who share our skin color.
And, of course, it's all based on that lie of universal "white privilege".
These morons never heard of "No Irish Need Apply".
Eddie Murphy did an all-time classic skit about this as "Mr. White".
It eviscerated the idea of white privilege in the form of handouts, by showing Murphy in whiteface getting bank loans without collateral, free merchandise from shops, etc., merely because he was white. Obviously, this does not happen in the real world, and even the most rabid Studies prof doesn't think they do.
So if there is "privilege" it's not much different from other sorts of privilege people might enjoy, based on their looks, accent, alma mater, height, weight, church membership and any number of other factors that open a door here or there.
Fair? I guess not. But insurmountable? No. And the unique experience of ethnic minorities? Not hardly.
They're telling our children that because white people did something to minorities before they were born anyone sharing that skin color deseerves to be discriminated against now. And if you object it proves you a racist.
Evidently 700,000 dead white people to end slavery wasn't sufficient penance. Perhaps every white family should give their first born to a minority family as an indentured servant for ten years.
The great methodological flaw now infecting many historians is the application of today's societal standards, ideologies and morals to past eras.
Seeing people through your own worldview instead of trying to see it through the people of the past distorts your perception of what happened. It is also lazy.
These morons never heard of "No Irish Need Apply"
Well there had to be some standards.
Young America's Foundation, which also overlooked the curriculum with the parent, called the course 'race-baiting.'
Club 100, “Where Activism Counts!” is a program of Young America's Foundation and is the Conservative Movement's first and only campus activist rewards program.
Your Conservative Activism Made Easy
At this one-of-a-kind conference, you will have the opportunity to:
Meet like-minded peers from across the country,
Learn from top professors and leaders in the Conservative Movement,
Discover ways you can champion conservative principles at your school and beyond,
Walk in President Reagan's footsteps as you tour his beloved ranch- Rancho del Cielo,
and more!
STUDENTS: Join *our* indoctrination camps!
"No Irish Need Apply" still prevails in the porn industry, I believe.
Colonel Angus said...
Evidently 700,000 dead white people to end slavery wasn't sufficient penance. Perhaps every white family should give their first born to a minority family as an indentured servant for ten years.
It's racist to believe members of a race all share certain negative characteristics. Except whites. Then it's racist not to believe all members of the race share certain negative characteristics.
Personally my favorite element of the theory was trying to claim planning ahead is white priviledge. The left quickly stomped on that since they knew it was so ridiculous it risked the public scrutunizing their ideas. But it will be back eventually.
As to 'white priveledge', anyone here every taken a civil service exam?
I have, it was very eye opening, and permanently dispelled such myths for me.
I hope you understand the difference between a club that people voluntarily join and a high school class.
Teaching about white privilege and oppression also teaches white superiority.
Chip S. said...
"No Irish Need Apply" still prevails in the porn industry, I believe.
Worse, it's sexist--Plenty O'Toole could have cleaned up.
People oppress people. Sometimes by outright violence, sometimes by making them so dependent upon their rulers that they live in fear of freedom. White people don't have any special aptitude for oppression.
Historically speaking, the United States is actually really bad at oppressing people. The whole country nearly destroyed itself because most of the population couldn't get the knack of enslaving other races.
jamrat said...
Does defecating one's self to death in Andersonville Prison, as my g.g.g.grandfather did, count as white privilege?
I don't know. My ggggradfather was a captain with the confederacy. He owned slaves. After the war. His slaves were freed and worked for him for wages.
They're not a union, Garage.
All of this is reflective of a fact that the multi-culti types on the left absolutely REFUSE to accept; namely that minorities are just that--"minorities" in society founded and largely developed by white Christians. This historical fact and their resultant current condition are what minorities steadfastly refuse to accept. Rather, in the absence of de jure legal discrimination and/or much easily identifiable de facto either, they seize upon the very fact of the social imprint left by whites by dint of their numbers as evidence of "structural" discrimination in everything from standards of beauty to the names of high schools. This is like me emigrating to Japan and complaining that all the store fronts and street-signs are in Japanese and calling that "structural racism."
Dimwit Garage rolls in to say:
"STUDENTS: Join *our* indoctrination camps!"
So in his world, the political belief in conservatism is equivalent to a racial philosophy that all whites have special privileges based soley on the level of the level of pigment in their skin.
Your proud display of your racism and ignorance is disgusting. Especially coming from a fat lilly white honky from Wisconsin.
The doctrine of "white privilege" is perfidious. It presents a situation where you can't *not* be racist and you can't *not* be oppressed, because it removes all necessity for any sort of racist action or even thought, and presents reality as inflexible: meaning if you're on the shitty end, you're screwed.
Old school racism could be defeated, new school racism can not.
The high school in question (Delavan-Darien) is 63% white and 33% Hispanic. It has 11 Black students (1.4%).
I wonder how the teacher would respond if asked if the Spanish were white?
How is teaching a class about American Diversity when you don't use diverse materials?
I thought the class was about Diversity.
Except of thought.
When that last census came around I got so worked up you'd have to say I was quite mad. Things like that show me conclusively I'm a real crackpot. I was so offended by the line of questioning I went insane and scribbled all over it the pages. I answered minimally and traduced maximally all over the pages and envelope and stamped it. Then tore it open made adjustments and stamped it again. So it was all torn and taped up and marked all over the place and overstamped like a total retard mangled it. I expected to be audited but nothing came of it.
And now, I must admit that I do find it interesting to see what is done with those numbers. Holding in mind If the source numbers are only partially bogus as I would make them. The demographic shifts extrapolated really are interesting. But it makes me ill knowing there's so much money involved with tracking these things. I wonder how many generations until those numbers are perfectly meaningless, and the answer is as long as there's money involved then untold generations.
When you're in Google Earth and sailing through the streets of Washington DC so many of those houses there near the capitol have things that pop up that say what organization is in them, if you have that feature turned on, and you get the impression of a line drawn between that the property with a hook in the Government Houses that are the central feature of that map. And you gain a very strong impulse to go snip snip snip as you're sailing the streets and these places accumulate to the innumerable, snip, cut, rip, burn, chainsaw, brrrraaarrraaarrrraaarrrr, snip, snip snip.
Colonel Angus said...
These morons never heard of "No Irish Need Apply"
Well there had to be some standards.
Funny how they went by the boards when there were wars in Mexico, the South, and the West to be fought and railroads to be built.
Of course, it helped they were expendable.
The problem is the focus on whites as the exclusive villains. Other races are as oppressive or worse against 'others', and those histories are always excluded from the indoctrination - meaning that the 'history' is deliberately edited.
To me, the issue with diversity classes are that the assertions that are made in these classes are often over broad. There is all sorts of oppression in this country that is not race based, and not all minorities are oppressed. They don't teach about the oppression of other groups like Catholics, poor white Southern evangelical Christians, trailer trash, rednecks, non-Ivy League School graduates, Jews, etc. These classes promote an agenda more than they promote understanding.
"'white privilege' in the class was defined as a 'set of advantages that are believed to be enjoyed by white people beyond those commonly experienced by non-white people in the same social, political, and economic spaces...'...."
I wanted to examine this statement a bit. What it describes is... equality. The assertion made is that in a situation of EQUALITY white people are still guilty of privilege and oppression. Same social, same political, same economic spaces.
And still no victory.
The high school in question (Delavan-Darien) is 63% white and 33% Hispanic.
The behavior and effect of the Conquistadors should be heavily covered. It would create a good foundation for privilege and oppression in the Americas.
And of course we're doing a lot of assuming about what the class actually involves.
But I think that the "code words" are pretty well understood and I doubt that any of us are wrong.
AEH said...
Maybe the class should be renamed "An Introduction to American Measles Blankets".
You mean what the British officer, Lord Jeffory Amherst, reportedly did during the French and Indian War (1754-1763)? Incidentaly, that was a war before the United States existed as a nation. Are you talking about those blankets? Should Americans feel shame for what this British officer allegedly did?
The town of Amherst, Massachusetts was named for him, and the university was named after the town. Should they change their names to avoid being associated with him?
So everyone has jumped on the idea that not all whites are privileged.
That's true.
The other half of the equation is that not all minorities/non-whites lack privilege.
Disproven both ways.
Of course, it helped they were expendable.
Not the archers. Arrows cost money. Use up the Irish, the dead cost nothing.
Money quote of that movie. No pun intended.
The teacher is using Robert Jensen's material.
Look him up.
Professor, the term "racial oppression" is a very loaded term dating from the last 40 years or so, and invites taking sides in the current political wars.
I guess my ancestors were lucky. My g.g.grandfather rode down from the wilds of Michigan to join a regiment in Ohio where he had grown up, and he survived, though with a war injury that would plague him for most of the next 60 years. And, his wife and her sisters back in Ohio worked hard throughout the 1850s for ending slavery (and, yes, all of them most likely voted for Lincoln). And, as Republicans, they opposed Jim Crow, the Klan, and supported the Civil Rights Acts.
But some of my ancestors, and all the ancestors of many people I know, were not here at that time, and many were discriminated against when they arrived here. Hard work over a long period of time resulted in their assimilation.
And, for some of them, now considered privileged whites, the discrimination was during our lifetimes. I had a Jewish girlfriend in graduate school who went to Brown because it was one of the only Ivys at the time w/o a Jewish quota. And, then was upset that I had a number of friends from Lake Forest (Ill), which at the time still prohibited Jews (but not Blacks) from living there.
Italian, Irish, etc. have also gone through the same sort of discrimination when they arrived here. And, now we have 2/3 of the Supreme Court being Roman Catholic, and 1/3 being Jewish, with no Protestants whatsoever. Yet, these other ethnic groups that went through their own discrimination, and yet adopted and assimilated, are now considered "white" and thus guilty somehow of discriminating against minority ethnic groups. And, I think that we are seeing the same sort of thing happening with a lot of Asians, who work hard, sacrifice, to attain the American Dream, and, as a result, are more and more considered the equivalent of White, and thus subject to the same White Guilt, despite being the objects of discrimination almost as brutal as that faced by Blacks (and probably much worse than faced by Hispanics).
I agree with the posters above who suggest that this push for justifying "diversity" through rewriting history is indoctrination, and I would suggest that the reason for this is the desire by some demographic groups for continued racial spoils, and the agreement with this by many, of not most, progressives in order to maintain their own power.
Jensen is active on alternet.
So, now we know what this shit is all about.
@President Pantsload
I know that I'm your Raison d'être, it's obvious to me you can't wait to start your day seeing if I'm around posting anything. I get all that, and I guess I should be flattered. But, really, the stalking thing is getting a bit creepy. Sorry, but I'm really not interested. I don't roll that way number one, and you're neither smart, witty, or charming.
Have you tried dipshitmingle.com?
bagoh20 said...The obvious problem is that it fails to teach the central point, which is that this is part of every race and ethnicity, that it is a human, even biological trait that is absolutely not anything special about whites, unless you want to teach that they are probably the one race that has sacrificed the most, and tried the hardest to suppress this hard-wired failing.
Sorry I'm late to this party because...BINGO!
And the irony is, whites get the most blame precisely because they are the least blameworthy.
Because they have done the most introspection, undertaken the most attitudinal and behavioral adjustment (cost be damned) that the lazy thinker concludes they have the most to adjust.
Via Insty: LOLOL
THEY TOLD ME IF I VOTED FOR MITT ROMNEY, WASHINGTON WOULD LOOK LIKE MAD MEN — AND THEY WERE RIGHT! Second-Term Exodus Leaves Zero Hispanics in Cabinet, Few on Dems’ Bench. “Forget all the caterwauling about women (a bit of which, admittedly, came from me). The impending departures of Labor Secretary Hilda Solis and Interior Secretary Ken Salazar leave President Obama’s Cabinet with zero Hispanics, setting off nervous tremors among Latinos and underscoring the inch-deep Democratic bench in that demographic. . . . The political irony of Obama’s situation has got to tickle Republicans. They may be having trouble winning the votes of minorities and women, but they are doing noticeably better than Democrats when it comes to diversity in the jobs that typically lead to bigger things. High on the GOP roster are two Hispanic senators (Marco Rubio of Florida and Ted Cruz of Texas) and two Hispanic governors (Brian Sandoval of Nevada and Susana Martinez of New Mexico).”
Maybe the Dems should ask if they can borrow some binders from the GOP.
Responding to your mindless lefty trolling on a semi public forum is not stalking. Mocking you, your weight problem, the yearlong idiocy of your Walker indictment predictions, your union fetish, and your unfitness as a parent are not stalking.
You can be flattered, you can be upset, you can cry, you can whine, you can do whatever you want, but I will continue to post whenever, however, and about whatever I please.
Free speech douchebag, Obama hasn't taken it away yet.
"Moghal" is a variant of "Mongol" and refers to the Afghani warrior people of Mongol origin that conquered most of India in the early 16th century - about contemporary with the Spanish conquests in the Americas.
So that was a "minority" oppressing a "majority" as have been the several conquests of Han China by the Mongols and other tribes from the north.
For that matter, note that the Old Norse - those commonly, but erroneously referred to as "the Vikings" - did not arrive in the Scandinavian countries until the time of the Great Migrations.
The British Isles were largely Gaelic speaking when the Romans arrived, but the Celts could not have arrived there but a few centuries before. Britain became a Roman province and a part of Rome, but then gave way to another wave of war like "minorities" from Denmark and northern Germany, who imposed their "Anglo-Saxon" dialects on the language.
How many times did you refresh the page to see if I commented, pantsload?
This isn't a dating site bro. For realz.
Larry J said...
Maybe the class should be renamed "An Introduction to American Measles Blankets".
You mean what the British officer, Lord Jeffory Amherst, reportedly did during the French and Indian War (1754-1763)? Incidentaly, that was a war before the United States existed as a nation. Are you talking about those blankets? Should Americans feel shame for what this British officer allegedly did?
Considering the germ theory of disease was about 100 years in the future, I've always been a little skeptical of that story.
machine said...
Circle the wagons!
They're onto us!!!
Colonel Angus said...
Of course, it helped they were expendable.
Not the archers. Arrows cost money. Use up the Irish, the dead cost nothing.
That's what the overseer said to Horace Greeley.
It's always amusing when the libruls deem themselves worthy to judge those from another era through the lens of a contemporary sensibility. Such conceit contributes to their impulse to sneering condescension and moral superiority....as if they would have behaved differently had they lived in those times.
It's just fine today to trash that oppressive syphilis-ridden whitie, Christopher Columbus. What the hell. But putting yourself in his time, he made an historic voyage that was an achievement no contemporary librul today, who was a filthy forelock-tugging broomsweep back in the day, could have done.
And then we ignore the empirical fact that Western Europeans produced a far better and more prosperous world for more people than any of the ragtag ancestors of our contemporary professional whiners could possibly have done. I mean, seriously! Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Stravinsky and Durufle were not genius great masters by dint of white privilege. But it had something to do with them being white Europeans. Similarly, it's no accident that those masters couldn't have produced the genius output of Louis Armstrong, Art Tatum, Miles Davis and Oscar Peterson.
Believe me, I could very happily have awakened one morning to discover that I was a blind, fat black guy if I could play like Art Tatum.
It's not about privilege. It's about winners and achievers.
- Krumhorn
The problem is not in the history but in the use of the present tense: "'white privilege' in the class was defined as a 'set of advantages that are believed to be enjoyed by white people beyond those commonly experienced by non-white people in the same social, political, and economic spaces...'...."
Believed to be. It's not what is, it's what some idiots think is. So instead of teaching these idiots what reality looks like, let's feed their misconceptions and jump through hoops to ameliorate the yoke of nonexistent responsibility for others' misfortune. Brilliant.
My college freshman son just finished his "diversity requirement". Finding a class with a high signal-to-noise ratio was difficult, but not impossible. Settled on Cultural Geography. His semester project was a geneology chart. Was actually kind of fun doing the research.
My page refreshes much faster than those with more pigment in their skin.
I think it is part of white privilege.
When is that "pretty soon" Walker indictment coming?
"Any discussion of oppression that implies that only whites have oppressed people is indoctrination.
All people, of all colors, everywhere oppress others, of all colors, everywhere.
If a class does not acknowledge this universal truth, it is indoctrination."
Wow. 1st comment nails it. Well done.
My page refreshes much faster than those with more pigment in their skin
Have you tried stormfront.org for mating possibilities? Just trying to help.
How about some corollary studies on what happens when the oppressor leaves town? Read a bit about the status of African road systems with and without the British or the Dutch or the French. Look at the status of security, life itself, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Look at archival pictures of the cities in that country fifty years ago and then today. 864 Km of paved roads in the Republic of the Congo. 2700 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 11,000 in Kenya, 680 miles in a county twice the size of Nevada.
Or Haiti.
(At a Wal-Mart) "They were told to go and count the number of dolls that were representative of blacks as opposed to whites."
Do you think that they compared that to the ratio of whites to blacks in the community?
Have you tried stormfront.org for mating possibilities?
Or Wisconsin for that matter ;-)
The indoctrination is necessary in order to accomplish the oppression against whites, now the milch cows for paying reparations.
Obamaphones, section 8 housing, food stamps, welfare, health care, etc., etc.
They own us now.
Down to the last light bulb and bullet and 32 oz soda.
Lincoln freed the slaves, Obama made us slaves.
edutcher said...
Larry J said...
Maybe the class should be renamed "An Introduction to American Measles Blankets".
You mean what the British officer, Lord Jeffory Amherst, reportedly did during the French and Indian War (1754-1763)? Incidentaly, that was a war before the United States existed as a nation. Are you talking about those blankets? Should Americans feel shame for what this British officer allegedly did?
Considering the germ theory of disease was about 100 years in the future, I've always been a little skeptical of that story.
I don't know if the story is true or not. It's possible they knew something about how diseases spread without knowing about germs but that's speculation on my part. Every time I search for information about giving disease tainted blankets to Indians, the Amherst story is the one I find most consistent and one that appears to have some historical evidence supporting it.
Have you tried calling child protective services to move your daughter to a family with better dietary habits and lack of obesity? Could be good for her diabetes.
Just trying to help.
Inga - you only defend this class because it jives with your world view of white guilt.
Have you tried stormfront.org for mating possibilities?
You know what garage, there is a place for pigfuckers like you - Democrat Underground.
...maybe there should be a discussion on "Successful Communication with Minorities and Women"...in the "Burwell Plantation" room...
oh wait...its booked...nevermind.
Oh, go to hell, machine.
I ain't playing that lefty game no more.
The left wants us dead or in shackles, the rest of your 'conversation' crap is just cover, pap, BS for the rubes.
So screw you.
The Wikipedia Larry J links to is rather tendentious.
The story I have read is that a town/fort somewhere in the wilds of the then West was in dire straits surrounded by hostile Indians and sent a message to Amherst asking for military help, and he wrote back saying he had no troops to spare and suggested that the town/fort should put out the infected blankets.
A copy of this letter exists, I think.
They did know infected blankets could spread the disease. Whether it was actually done in this case is not known, nor, for that matter, whether Lord Amherst's letter reached the addressee.
Several stories about putting out infected blankets have been around, but as far as I know, none have been verified.
But, really, the stalking thing is getting a bit creepy.
Are you and Inga related?
As stated merely responding to your scattered and incoherent thoughts is not stalking. If you don't want anyone to notice you, why are you here?
maybe there should be a discussion on "Successful Communication with Minorities and Women"..
Fuck you. I am a woman. I am not a minority and I am not part of some monolithic block of human cogs that you (being progressive libtards) can use as tools and as an excuse for your personal agendas.
If you want to communicate with a woman, you might consider that that person is an individual with distinct life experiences, wants and desires.
No wonder you guys hardly get laid.
As stated merely responding to your scattered and incoherent thoughts is not stalking.
The sick and twisted little troll is obsessed with every comment I make, and even in threads I don't comment. From what he thinks I look like, to creepily commenting what he thinks my daughter's illness is.
Definitely not normal behavior, but perhaps normal to a sick and bitter hag like you.
Maybe they're trying to correct the white privilege imbalance by putting all the non-white kids in real classes while the white kids are taking diversity studies.
I can't believe parents put up with the subpar education these bureaucracies give their kids.
I'm with garage. That's creepy.
Inga - you only defend this class because it jives with your world view of white guilt.
Actually, I believe that Inga has exempted herself from the guilt and placed herself in one of the oppressed classes... women.
Alex, you're doing the righty Moby today?
Coincidentally, a young teacher called Rush this afternoon and indicated that from the first day of her first education class at college, the main topic of every class was that whites were massively racist today, that all evil was caused by white people, and that students had to show solidarity with these views if they expected to pass educstion classes. just part of the indoctrination in BRA [black-ruled America]
The problem is the privilege of Eddie Murphy in "Beverly Hills Cop."
He walks into a hotel without a reservation and lying about his identity. When he can't get a free room he screams racism using vulgar terms and wins.
Eddie wins in the movie and the lesson is quite clear: scream discrimination and white wimps will French themselves.
Not funny.
No wonder you guys hardly get laid.
Well, maybe it's not the best tactic... but, fuck it, the lefties use that one all the time!
So, why not?
Alex, did I defend the class? Or are you just busy Mobying? One never knows.
As for that weirdo President Pantsload, yeah he is very very creepy Garage. It appears he has tired of stalking me and now has moved on to you.
Also bringing Garage's daughter into it again today as well as yesterday, very despicable. Do you think it gives you more credibility? Do you think it makes to sound sane?
This commenter is no better than the troll Whoresoftheinternet.
After 50 or so comments, things really go to hell, don't they?
Or become more entertaining, depending on your point of view.
Also bringing Garage's daughter into it again today as well as yesterday, very despicable. Do you think it gives you more credibility? Do you think it makes to sound sane?
No more sane than you sounded when you decided to randomly bring my husband into a previous conversation and speculate about how we have sex.
Backatcha. Sauce..goose...gander.
DBQ?! What the hell are you yapping about, gawd are all of you people going crazy here?
garage has a daughter?
Is it sorta like Te'o girlfriend? A virtual daughter?
DBQ?! What the hell are you yapping about, gawd are all of you people going crazy here?
Anybody who posts after the 50th comment is certifiable and should not be allowed to own a handgun!
It's telling. Yesterday garage makes a comment about my sister, and today suggests that I would be happy dating from a white supremacist website. Yet they go into victim mode whenever they get punched back at. Here's our resident Manti Te'o jumping in to call me despicable. I'll take that as a compliment.
My days of buying into one-sided civility have been over for a while now. I don't care if they call it "creepy", "stalking", or any other of their hypocritical have you no decency bleatings.
If that bothers some of the more reasonable commentors on this site like Freeman, so be it. If people get offended, good, these are extremely offensive times we live in. You should be offended.
Shout, never forget Oop, who claims to be from Austria (just like Somebody Else), is the one who says he/she/it can't sit in judgment of the guys at Auschwitz.
(it all makes sense now...)
PS Larry, Amherst may have done it, but did he understand the import of it?
After Fort William Henry fell and the Indians attacked the evacuating British and American under french "protection", they broke into the stockade and scalped the dead in the cemetery. As a smallpox epidemic was what forced the surrender as much as anything else, when the Indians carried the scalps back to camp, the tribe was decimated by Spring, yet I never heard of anybody throwing the scalps of people dead of smallpox at the Indians.
It's Friday afternoon, Inga.
Sane people are out getting drunk and trying to get laid!
White privilege, huh.
When does it start?
There's no reason to be civil anymore, much less sane.
White privilege, huh.
When does it start?
We start with a brunch at the local country club.
Yeah, ST, dontcha know all of us libs here have virtual children. Imaginary even. Some of us aren't real, I'm a reading bot and I know where President Pantsload's computer lives. I'm paid by the DNC and paid VERY well.
Thanks for confessing, Inga!
You didn't say whether you'd had a boob job!
Every president in my lifetime has been a President Pantsload!
And Edutcher, I know where your computer lives also, be afraid, be very afraid.
ST, reading bots don't need boob jobs, they built me like a brick shit house.:)
Methinks the fat cow doth protest too much.
Nobody (to my knowledge) has ever accused you of not existing, or even of being paid. What a terrible investment in a drink addled sow to nonsensically rant on a blog. If anyone was paying you it would be the conservatives.
What I do accuse you of, is inventing children whose lives and professions just happen to give you a club to swing at reasoned conservative arguments on a variety of issues when you are flummoxed by logical arguments.
Instead it's the "oh my combat medic daughter thinks" appeal to emotionalism and the moral authority of a child. It's a lot like Obama's little propoganda show yesterday actually.
edutcher said...
Shout, never forget Oop, who claims to be from Austria (just like Somebody Else), is the one who says he/she/it can't sit in judgment of the guys at Auschwitz.
Forget the personal story. The real objection is that she's a loon who somehow thinks she's qualified to sit in judgement on others' reasonableness.
President Pantsload, yes my children are nonexistent, you got me, I confess.
But now you know this means war, I am sending Trojan Horses and viruses and computer plagues of epic proportions to you. You don't know when they will hit. :)
--No more sane than you sounded when you decided to randomly bring my husband into a previous conversation and speculate about how we have sex.--
Shameful, Inga, isn't your party supposed to stay out of bedrooms?
Jesus, this entire group of commenters needs to throw down a few drinks, smoke a Doobie, shuck the duds, and go to it!
Seeing Red, yes it would be shameful if it were true. I'm afraid that our dear DBQ has succumbed to the awful RNC virus that's been raging here since the election. Y'all should've taken precautions and gotten your shots, back in November.
ST, you are quite reasonable today, I like it when you're mellow, nice.
Well, unless she actually pulls the comment out....
Well Seeing Red, I wish she would go look for it. I don't think for a minute I would concern myself with DBQ's sex life.
Inga said...
And Edutcher, I know where your computer lives also, be afraid, be very afraid.
You mean you're the creep that hacked my email account?
Lessee now, what can we do about this...?
First, I can talk to Ann about having you banned the way J was. Then I'm sure there's some controlling legal authority...
PS Marshal, I was just being whimsical and indulging in a little risible Godwin Alert.
I hate the use of schools for to indoctrinate children, but what exactly is the problem here? The students should be taught American history, and racial oppression is a big part of telling the story fairly and accurately.
Maybe it's the difference in the very definition of white privilege. You say history, but the text from the class says "believe to BE enjoyed" not, "believe to have once BEEN enjoyed." That's not history. That's right now.
This is a backhanded way to make white students feel guilty for nothing other than the color of their skin...something I thought we weren't supposed to be doing.
Shouting Thomas said...
Jesus, this entire group of commenters needs to throw down a few drinks, smoke a Doobie, shuck the duds, and go to it!
Not even with your dick.
Bagoh20 said ...
I was actually happy we elected a "Black man" in 2008.
Based upon what I've read of yours previously, I assume that comment is rhetorical. I don't think you've a racist bone in your body from the things you've said here over time.
However, if you actually meant that comment literally, then I'm wrong and have been fooled.
Maybe it's just me, but I think we should feel happy to elect a good man or woman, with a record of accomplishment and integrity, regardless of race or hue. That is what MLK said and it is what I believe, and I am off that era.
This is cultural Marxism, pure and simple.
Whites and their culture are dominant, all other cultures are the "other". You are guilty by the accident of your skin color, race and culture. No one in the "other" can be guilty of racism, since they are only asserting their "otherness".
A lot of people make a good living peddling this poison.
This is cultural Marxism, pure and simple.
Whites and their culture are dominant, all other cultures are the "other". You are guilty by the accident of your skin color, race and culture. No one in the "other" can be guilty of racism, since they are only asserting their "otherness".
A lot of people make a good living peddling this poison.
Read a bit about the status of African road systems with and without the British or the Dutch or the French. Look at the status of security, life itself, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Look at archival pictures of the cities in that country fifty years ago and then today.
A current joke in Zimbabwe:
What did we use before we had kerosene lanterns?
'Synova'wrote, "The doctrine of "white privilege" is perfidious. It presents a situation where you can't *not* be racist and you can't *not* be oppressed, because it removes all necessity for any sort of racist action or even thought, and presents reality as inflexible: meaning if you're on the shitty end, you're screwed."
It also segues inevitably and inexorably into the "blacks (and presumably other protected class members) cannot be racist" meme.
From which it follows that just about anything a protected class member says (no matter how outrageous) or does (even if criminal) must be justified.
Perhaps the only leak in this self-reinforcing ideology is the need to explain why having such low expectations of protected class members is not in itself racist?
In any case, what such courses really teach how to handle the mandatory diversity training you're likely to face in your workplace- which is, keep your head down and if called upon, just speak whatever lies you're supposed to say.
What could be more American?
Not "cultural Marxism," but "crtical race theory."
Sure Edutcher, just like you imply things about me and mine that are not true. You are a fool of epic proportions and I do believe Althouse is sick of you and your comparisons between herself and your imaginary wife "the blond" you continually made until she slapped you down the other day. That was amazing.
You know what? I think some liberals here are beginning to get sick of the stalking and bullying and are beginning to fight back.
IF you believe I am a reader bot, then yes you should be afraid. If I believed that you would shoot all liberals in some basement as you said a couple months ago, then I should be afraid.
You know what? I think some liberals here are beginning to get sick of the stalking and bullying and are beginning to fight back.
Haha, as if the liberals here have done anything but be utter arrogant trolls from Day 1. You included Inga The SHit.
Synova said...
The doctrine of "white privilege" is perfidious. It presents a situation where you can't *not* be racist and you can't *not* be oppressed, because it removes all necessity for any sort of racist action or even thought, and presents reality as inflexible: meaning if you're on the shitty end, you're screwed.
Old school racism could be defeated, new school racism can not.
Quite accurate.
After marxist-socialist WEB Duboise came up "white supremacy" in the 1910s and called for blacks to abandon Booker T Washington "uplipt and education" in favor of confrontation and rely on the "class struggle" - things laid fallow aside from the profound damage blacks self-inflicted on themselves in discounting hard work and education.
But in the 60s, a cabal of New Leftists resurrected the idea under "white skin privilege" - and the cabal was mainly Jew communists like Noel Ignatiev and fellow travellers like Theodore W Allen. It was pushed hard by marxist fronts like the SDS in the mid-60s and soon became formalized in black and Jewish left academics as "Critical Race Theory".
The fact that all young black and white students are now force-indoctrinated to some extent in the guilt of whites and the racism "just being white" entails...
Is one of the few true, great victories of the New Left, militant blacks, and the jewish communists that orchestrated much of the 60s leftist movements.
AS Synova said, it is designed to be something that is presented as an unalterable fact of class and racial identity that Guilty Whiteys have no defense against when they and their ilk are condemned for all they and the evil white race have done.
Again, for those who are dense:
Posting opinions that offend or upset you in a virtual semi-public forum is not stalking or bullying.
You are not a victim, you are a sloppy saggy old woman sitting at a computer screen.
You speak for no one except yourself, and what you think carries no more weight than what anyone else does on this site.
Repeating your woe is me victimhood routine does not change any of these facts.
And Eddutcher, perhaps I should send that comment of yours about shooting liberals in basements to the FBI, CIA, or Homeland Security, hmmmm, which one would be appropriate? I took a screen shot of it ya know Ed.
Synova said...
The doctrine of "white privilege" is perfidious. It presents a situation where you can't *not* be racist and you can't *not* be oppressed, because it removes all necessity for any sort of racist action or even thought, and presents reality as inflexible: meaning if you're on the shitty end, you're screwed.
Old school racism could be defeated, new school racism can not.
Quite accurate.
After marxist-socialist WEB Duboise came up "white supremacy" in the 1910s and called for blacks to abandon Booker T Washington "uplipt and education" in favor of confrontation and rely on the "class struggle" - things laid fallow aside from the profound damage blacks self-inflicted on themselves in discounting hard work and education.
But in the 60s, a cabal of New Leftists resurrected the idea under "white skin privilege" - and the cabal was mainly Jew communists like Noel Ignatiev and fellow travellers like Theodore W Allen. It was pushed hard by marxist fronts like the SDS in the mid-60s and soon became formalized in black and Jewish left academics as "Critical Race Theory".
The fact that all young black and white students are now force-indoctrinated to some extent in the guilt of whites and the racism "just being white" entails...
Is one of the few true, great victories of the New Left, militant blacks, and the jewish communists that orchestrated much of the 60s leftist movements.
AS Synova said, it is designed to be something that is presented as an unalterable fact of class and racial identity that Guilty Whiteys have no defense against when they and their ilk are condemned for all they and the evil white race have done.
Inga said ... [in a recurring theme]
You know what? I think some liberals here are beginning to get sick of the stalking and bullying and are beginning to fight back.
Ou ou..."stalking" and "fight back" and stuff. Hubba hubba.
Alex, no one here takes you seriously, dummy. You can only Moby so much without it coming back to bite ya in the ass:)
Inga said...
Alex, no one here takes you seriously, dummy.
Probably not her most self-unaware comment. But for anyone else it would be embarassing.
Inga - you're a laughing stock on this blog.
Aridog, you think what President Pantsload and WhoresoftheInternet have been posting, appropriate? You want those two to represent you as a conservative?
If so you got a problem.
Alex, no my dear dummy, you are not taken seriously by either conservative or liberal alike.
Inga - that I don't have your respect is meaningless. That I don't have the respect of certain right wingers on this blog also means nothing to me.
Off you go, you tired old bitch.
I represent no one but myself.
No representation without taxation.
I tried to bring peace and understanding to this blog, but you folks are just Spoilin' For a Fight.
Ah well, I let myself be sucked in by the madness that is called the Althouse comments section again. I'm off to do something sane.
Yeah Alex, that's not normal.
Bye for now ST, muwhaaa, you've been a good boy today;).
You know what? I think some liberals here are beginning to get sick of the stalking and bullying and are beginning to fight back.
Oh, brother. Try being a conservative. You have no idea what bullying is like.
Inga sez ...
Aridog, you think what President Pantsload and WhoresoftheInternet have been posting, appropriate? You want those two to represent you...
You words, Inga, not mine...your imagination & projection in other words. I have said no such thing.
I seldom react to anything you say until you redundantly go in to stalking meme ... which is actually amusing given its history here.
As for others who on occasion criticize what one says here...that's their privilege. Alex took a fair shot at me the other day and I don't recall getting all offended. His/her opinion, or anyone else's, has as much weight as mine...maybe more. In fact, I acknowledged I can be a prick.
I'd suggest you just give the "stalking" and "fight back" stuff a rest...it is bemusing at best...and demeans you. This is the Internet, not a UFC/MMA octagon.
I will try hard not to mention it all again, Really. I'll try.
As you were...
I call it as I see 'em. I'm like the umpire on this blog.
There is no white race. Elizabeth Warren is not white. Barack Obama is not black. Race is an obsolete concept.
And if we were to look at who is employed and who is graduating from college and we didn't blind ourselves with the concept race, then what would we see? What behaviors work in this culture?
Or put it another way - if you look at late 19C pictures of leading Europeans and Americans, you see them wearing dark suits and serious expressions - bankers, artists, capitalists - while in pictures leaders of indigenous and aboriginal groups are very colorfully dressed. But in the late 20C leaders of these indigenous and aboriginal groups are wearing the suits and serious expressions in pictures while artists and capitalists are increasingly colorful and self indulgent in dress. The two groups are identifying each with the other as the other was in the 19C. So to me that means they are more one than they are able to see.
Ahhh, Inga doesn't see individuals, she sees groups. I don't think you really want the community organized that way.
Aridog, you think it's appropriate for President Pants load and Whoresoftheinternet to bring Garage's small child into it? Did you even read what he has said now several times regarding Garages child?
I don't care about being attacked, expect it here, but to bring in a small child with an illness, do you think that a moral upstanding ethical thing to do?
Alex said...
I call it as I see 'em. I'm like the umpire on this blog.
Fair enough ...and like umpires and referees, you blow a call now and then :-))
And unless you folks here condemn such tactics as used by those two despicable commenters such as President Pantsload and Whoresoftheinternet, you condone it.
Take a stand, be the moral people you like to think yourselves to be.
Inga said...
Sure Edutcher, just like you imply things about me and mine that are not true. You are a fool of epic proportions and I do believe Althouse is sick of you and your comparisons between herself and your imaginary wife "the blond" you continually made until she slapped you down the other day. That was amazing.
Sorry, kid, Ann knows The Blonde is very real (I also believe she was under a bit of a strain for some reason and gave a rather out of proportion response).
And Eddutcher, perhaps I should send that comment of yours about shooting liberals in basements to the FBI, CIA, or Homeland Security, hmmmm, which one would be appropriate? I took a screen shot of it ya know Ed.
I'll just bet. You guys (all 1 or 2 of you) lurk and copy down everything ,don't you (miserable way to spend one's life).
But that doesn't address the fact some malefactor hacked my email. What I said was generic (as you know if you really have the screen shot), so you can do whatever you want - might be interesting to see how many of you there really are.
But some jerk did hack my account, so I'd step lightly with the threats, were I you.
Edutcher, if you treat other people the way you treat some folks here, no wonder your account go hacked, too bad for you. And do not even attempt to tell me to tread lightly, YOU tread lightly, I am not kidding about calling the FBI or whoever I need to about your comment regarding shooting liberals in basements.
Inga said...
And unless you folks here condemn such tactics ... you condone it.
Seeing Red said...
[You know what? I think some liberals here are beginning to get sick of the stalking and bullying and are beginning to fight back.]
Oh, brother. Try being a conservative. You have no idea what bullying is like.
Leftists seem to believe that if one single place is not wholly dominated by leftists it's a problem that must be rectified. But it's beyond bizarre that people who do nothing but attack whine about being bullied.
Well Seeing Red, I wish she would go look for it.
If I knew how, I would. It was something to the effect of "can you imagine her (me) and dumbplumber having sex....eeeeewww." Not that you would remember being, probably, in a booze induced black out. In addition since you delete half of your comments soon after they are made when in that particular state it is likely that it has gone down the memory hole.
Stalking and being big ole meanies.....ooooh. Nasty nasty conservatives. Won't anyone stand up for poor Inga and Garage??? Anyone?
Inga said...
And unless you folks here condemn such tactics as used by those two despicable commenters such as President Pantsload and Whoresoftheinternet, you condone it.
Take a stand, be the moral people you like to think yourselves to be.
Boo F'ing Hoo.....
You do not get to dictate to me what I do or do not condone, just because you say so.
I do not condone your ignorance about the myriad topics that you continue to comment upon. Even when your ignorance is demonstrated to you repeatedly you do not acknowledge, or alter your positions. You are a partisan.
The other trolls around here are more likely to shout squirrel to distract from the thread, and generally behave in a deliberate attempt to thread jack. The essence of trolls.
If anything, I am disappointed in those that continue to rise to the bait, knowing full well that it is a waste of time. Maybe not understanding that if a troll is not fed, it goes away for lack of victims to throw their stinking piles of feces upon.
In other words, STFU unless you have something pertinent to say, and get over yourself. Grow a thicker skin, or stop playing the game. The world is not going to go all soft and nice just because you get butthurt at childish taunts, and acting the victim only diminishes you.
the problem is with the "white privilege" argument, not that that there was white supremacy.
Oh and Edutcher AS IF you know Althouse well enough to know whether she was under some sort of "strain" when she slapped you down when you continually are comparing her to your imaginary wife, "the blond". I bet she simply was sick of it and smacked you good. Your inappropriate comments about her in red leather and whips is weird too to say the least.
I'd stop doing that if I were you. Unless you like her slapping you down.
Inga.... just fuck off. This blog is a free for all. I am not responsible for what anyone else says here. So once again...
Nope, I might keep talking all night.
DBQ, give a fucking link or it's a lie. You post a comment with no link back? I can make shit up too and say you said it.
Inga is like that OLD crank at the coffee shop who drives all the customers out.
Inga, shaming went out in the 60s.
That you and I notice more of your prog fellow travelers have to use the concept of "shaming" to get your way or for us to shut up says more about your side.
Your side, not ours. No judgments.
Your side coarsened the discourse, not ours.
I arrive to see that the blog has been converted to a chat room. Serious topic, unserious commenting.
The way shaming works is to expose the "bad people" to the supposed sideline sitters who typically have no opinion on issues and will suddenly feel OUTRAGE! That's what Inga and her ilk attempt to do.
And DBQ, you drink wayyyy the hell more than I do, that I know.
The last time I had any alcohol was on election night and that was two chocolate Martinis.
So fuck you, go shoot some squirells, and put them in the deep freeze so they will be fresh for the Apokalypse.
Nah, I'm done now, that was so cathartic.
Inga said...
I bet she simply was sick of it and smacked you good
There's the tried and true Inga tactic of manipulating others against themselves. Some people never get past middle school emotionally. no tmatter how old they get.
Inga said...
Oh and Edutcher AS IF you know Althouse well enough to know whether she was under some sort of "strain" when she slapped you down when you continually are comparing her to your imaginary wife, "the blond".
Matter of fact, I do.
Ann and Meade even know The Blonde's real name.
But I think it's just fascinating that, given the provocation, you'd threaten someone with a call to the Gestapo.
So, which is whose counterpart?
Up close, you are a scary piece of work.
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