Wisconsin State Journal columnist purports to detect "hypocrisy" after a University of Wisconsin researcher is arrested for growing marijuana in his university lab, when the university teaches beer brewery and has a big ice cream making plant.
Fat-choked dairy products in general are a focus of much study at the university, which regularly provides technical assistance to Dairy State dairy producers.Care to think about the Wisconsin economy without beer and dairy products? And the notion that more marijuana would help us out of our obesity... I'm having trouble with that line of reasoning. Wouldn't you keep eating or eat even more? Seems like your argument demands a focus on the drugs that make you skinny....
Given its status as the drunken-driving capital of the United States, and federal statistics that put its obesity rate of 27.7 percent, Wisconsin’s love affair with beer and ice cream might be far bigger threats than a couple joints.
What drugs make those skinny rocks stars dreadfully skinny?... I've always assumed that the drugs make them forget to eat, or maybe they can't afford food or the drug drives down appetite. What drugs do this?... I want to add some authentic detail into a play I'm involved with....So, there you have it. What you want is: heroin. Bonus: You'll be growing a very pretty flower!
The classic rock hard drug is heroin, which would definitely cause that gaunt look, and coke would be the 2nd choice. I would research those drugs...
Google "coke bloat". Makes you skinny, except in the face and tummy....
Heroin. If you're talking about the standard Janis-Joplin-oh-my-god-she-looks-like-a-skeleton-but-damn-she's-still-kinda-hot thing, it's heroin. If you're going for the where-are-her-teeth-and-what's-that-purple-thing-on-her-lip thing, methamphetamine.
Okay, all you nonhypocritical University of Wisconsinites: Cultivate your gardens!
७६ टिप्पण्या:
just for the record. hard core heroin users don't appear any different than meth users except they're a lot mellower. hard core heroin users crave candy, anything sweet. At least that has been my experience. Not as a user. God knows I've done a lot of other stuff, but I've known a few heroin addicts.
Why no mention of brats?
Last I looked, beer and ice cream don't damage your chromosomes.
ADD medications. Heck, they'll even prescribe those to people to treat obesity.
In grad school I knew a chemist who secretly made ecstasy in the lab. His name was Highsmith. You can't make this shit up.
An employee should not be using his employer's equipment for any unauthorized purpose. The relative morality of the output is irrelevent. Was he tending his crop while on the clock?
The rock and rollers I know are all fat fucks.
Except for Big Joe, who rides his bicycle 30 miles a day and counts his calories. He used to be the fattest until he got serious about physical fitness in retirement.
Young rock and rollers are skinny. Old rock and rollers are fat fucks, unless you're making big money like Springsteen. All that money keeps you motivated to go to the gym.
You bet your ass.
... I wonder if people would get upset if a cop uses his state issued firearm to murder someone. Hey, what did his employer EXPECT him to do with that weapon?
Care to think about the Wisconsin economy without beer and dairy products?
Care to think about the Wisconsin economy with legal marijuana and hemp? Re-legalizing it will not only cut spending but also increase revenues...win-win, no?
Unfortunately, since both the Repubs and Dems (as well as our hostess of this blog?) beleive that the all-natural herb is more dangerous than cocaine, "thinking" about it is all that will happen until another political party becomes a national power.
Last I looked, beer and ice cream don't damage your chromosomes.
Last I looked, neither does marijuana.
Aren't you the same guy who, in a different thread, made the claim (without providing any sources to back it up) that ganja (which isn't a deadly substance) is more dangerous than tobacco (which is a deadly substance)?
'cause last I looked, the main cause of marijuana killing people is when the cops shoot 'em for having it...
Good beer (Unlike most sewage produced in the USA) is "liquid bread".
""Our results provide further evidence that marijuana use has a direct effect on executive function, and that both age of onset and magnitude of marijuana use can significantly influence cognitive processing," says Gruber. "Given the prevalence of marijuana use in the United States, these findings underscore the importance of establishing effective strategies to decrease marijuana use, especially in younger populations," she says."
It makes you stupid and lazy, like everyone already knew.
Still, I cannot support its use being a crime in adults.
Cheese and beer aren't the issue, but cafeteria libertarians, who only give a damn about pot, but few other freedoms.
It's a shame that our federal government has done such a good job of brainwashing the sheeple into believing fat is fattening - which it is not. Unless, of course, you mix it with white flour and sugar - now we're talking fat - as in, fat ass, fat belly.
Good butter, from grass fed cows, is one of the most nutritious foods you can eat. I eat at least a stick a day.
How is it Keith Richards is still alive? The Rolling Stones are the skinniest, old fart, rock band around. And, they never went through a "fat" phase. Must be the cigarettes.
It makes you stupid and lazy, like everyone already knew.
That claim has been around for a while. It has also been claimed that it kills brain cells; makes men grow tits; is more dangerous than tobacco; and black people who smoke it will get uppity and actually dare to look a white man in the eyes.
Lots of Reefer Madness claims are out there in order to justify this War on Drugs, aren't there?
"Cultivate your gardens!"
How to make your own beer ice cream.
You are too stupid to have read my quote, which cited a study showing exactly what I said, and too lazy to engage in a real discussion.
The study talked about rewiring the brain, not killing cells, not that you care.
And you are one serious racist to be saying that about blacks. Fucking asshole leftist as usual.
I've never seen "Janis Joplin" and "kinda hot" within any number of words of each other. She was a disgusting piece of wreckage in every image I saw of her.
Why does the left seek to vilify cigarette smokers and producers and glorify the smokers and producers of pot?
If pot is widely legalized, will it then become fashionable to hate greedy marijuana manufacturers and shame pot smokers who create health problems through second hand smoke?
I encourage my people to use the company equipment to make things for themselves. It promotes creativity, moral, loyalty, and they occasionally discover a new way of doing things or develop a new capability for us. They have to do it on their own time, and pay most of the the cost of the materials, but it's very important for people to enjoy where and what they do for a living, to make it a personal skill they take pride in and use for more than just getting a paycheck.
Sounds like the writer was high...
I also see we have the obligatory 'Grow hemp because it's good for the economy' nonsense.
Nothing hemp does can't and isn't done by newer products that are cheaper and better.
'Grow hemp'? Grow up. The ONLY reason people want hemp grown is to use it to get high.
The ONLY reason people want hemp grown is to use it to get high.
Yes, and... ?
What's the problem?
You are too stupid to have read my quote
I read your quote. Seems like more of the same ol' stuff we've been hearing for decades.
which cited a study showing exactly what I said
You didn't cite a study, but rather you just cut&pasted a quote without linking it to anywhere.
and too lazy to engage in a real discussion.
Seeing how you seem to beleive that "real discussions" involve calling people names, you're right...I don't wish to engage in that. But it has nothing to do with "laziness"
If you are sincere about having a discussion about the dangers...alleged and otherwise...of marijuana, then perhaps we can do so. But your constant put-downs and cussing seems to indicate that you don't want to have a good faith discussion, but rather you are simply seeking an argument/fight.
And you are one serious racist to be saying that about blacks
I wasn't the one who made those claims, but rather was just repeating some of the many reasons that have been given in order to justify keeping this herb illegal.
Fucking asshole leftist as usual.
Cussing, name-calling, AND a false label of "leftist"? Typical behavior for Pogo. But thanks for showing everyone what you consider to be a "real discussion". It is very insightful.
That link re: chromosomal damage doesn't actually support your statement. It seems to state that it does cause chromosomal damage, but argues it is irrelevant because of the conditions under which it is observed ("test-tube", which is always a great term to toss around when discussing clastogenicity and mutagenicity). I agree with your legalization ideas, but that webpage makes statements that have me suspecting that California will have to declare marijuana a carcinogen.
Hypocrisy: the one unforgivable crime for the small and silly.
Link provided as a public service:
Human study shows greater cognitive deficits in marijuana users who start young
That link re: chromosomal damage doesn't actually support your statement.
I thought that this statement, from that link, summed it up pretty good:
Test-tube methods of creating chromosome breaks with cannabinoids could be duplicated with aspirin, Valium, and many other pharmaceutical drugs. Moreover, DNA samplings of large populations of heavy users in cannabis-friendly countries have failed to show any abnormalities in chromosome structure.
It seems that claiming marijuana is more dangerous than tobacco is akin to saying aspirin is more dangerous than tobacco.
No reason to be cordial to you. You have been a lying bastard on every post. Bad faith, as always. Why cater to your nonsense and assholiness?
No one discussed blacks except you, so you are a racist fuck. Own it.
Why does the left seek to vilify cigarette smokers and producers and glorify the smokers and producers of pot?
If pot is widely legalized, will it then become fashionable to hate greedy marijuana manufacturers and shame pot smokers who create health problems through second hand smoke?
Also, if pot is legalized, shouldn't pot growers be forced to deal with the same regulatory structure as cigarettes and drug companies?
Pogo: Why cater to your nonsense and assholiness?
"Assholiness". I like that. I've been using the form "assholery", but your coinage adds a little shade of sanctimony ("...holiness") to the meaning, which more accurately conveys all the nuances of the modern asshole.
Marijuana contains higher levels of various toxins than tobacco smoke:
The scientists found that ammonia levels were 20 times higher in the marijuana smoke than in the tobacco smoke, while hydrogen cyanide, nitric oxide and certain aromatic amines occurred at levels 3-5 times higher in the marijuana smoke, they say. The finding is "important information for public health and communication of the risk related to exposure to such materials," say the researchers.
Pot lowers immune response based on 2010 study. Perhaps, not something to give to cancer patients then.
He's the Purple Pen Q uin. Look. Not a real word, but how clever is that? Not at all you say? Well everyone says that. But you're not the Purple Penquin, are you?
Marijuana is addicting for some (though not as high a level of addiction as say cigarettes)
"I thought that this statement, from that link, summed it up pretty good:"
Trust me, that's a very poor summary. A great deal of work has been done on the question of whether any particular substance is mutagenic, clastogenic, teratogenic, etc. The utility of "test-tube" model systems is demonstrable in some cases but not in others. Yes, many pharmaceutical substances appear to cause chromosomal damage under at least some circumstances, but do not appear to be linked to cancers via epidemiological studies. Others, though, are known (or very strongly suspected) to cause cancers. I will again suggest that it is entirely possible that the State of California may have to force marijuana producers to label their product as "cancer-causing." And I find that highly (see what I did there?) amusing.
You have been a lying bastard on every post
You've made this claim many times before, and like I've told you before differing with your opinion doesn't mean people are lying.
Also, as I have asked before, if you have any actual examples of a statement of mine being factually incorrect then please link to the statement(s)as well as say what you find to be incorrect about it. I've never claimed to never make a mistake, and sincerely welcome the chance to be able to correct anything false/untrue I have stated.
No one discussed blacks except you, so you are a racist fuck. Own it.
Nothing hemp does can't and isn't done by newer products that are cheaper and better.
For some things, perhaps. Especially since the supply-chains and infrastructure are currently set-up for the other raw materials (such as oil, lumber, cotton, and soybeans) that hemp can compete with. But given how hemp can grow in far greater places than those other plants are able to/available in, the costs would drop as the supply-chains get rolling. (ie: instead of having to transport our oil from the MidEast, farmers in the MidWest can grow it.)
Google-up Economics of Hemp. Lots of good info out there.
'Grow hemp'? Grow up. The ONLY reason people want hemp grown is to use it to get high.
Actually, ya can't get high off of hemp. And was Uncle Sam urging people to grow it just 'cause he wanted to get high?
Seriously, while it is true that most folks first become aware of hemp while sitting in a cloud-filled circle of friends that doesn't change the fact that it is a very versatile plant that, if legal, would be a huge economic boon for our country.
Crimso: the state of California ALREADY labels new cars with Prop. 65 warning stickers, in addition to bars, parking garages, and pretty much every office building I've been in in the last decade.
If anyone in CA is in the neighborhood of a pot dispensary, could you inform us if the shop is posted with a Prop 65 sticker?
Care to think about the Wisconsin economy with legal marijuana and hemp? Re-legalizing it will not only cut spending but also increase revenues...win-win, no?
Not gonna happen. For reasons I explained elsewhere.
"sincerely welcome the chance to be able to correct anything false/untrue I have stated."
Oh, bullshit.
No one mentioned blacks and marijuana except you.
It was an asshole provocation, impugning racism on those who disagree with you. It's evil, and a typical example of how you argue in bad faith on every post you write. Like other leftists, you can't help yourself.
Even in your BS response above ("Oh, really?") you can't just admit you threw the racism crap in here as a firebomb, even though no one mentioned it but you.
You're evil. You foment evil. You promulgate evil. Your enjoy evil. So there's no reason to offer you any reasoned arguments. They are all wasted on people like you.
"You're evil. You foment evil. You promulgate evil. Your enjoy evil. So there's no reason to offer you any reasoned arguments. They are all wasted on people like you."
Takes one to know one...
We've seen the enemy, asshole, and he looks a lot like you. Loser.
"No reason to be cordial to you. You have been a lying bastard on every post. Bad faith, as always. Why cater to your nonsense and assholiness? No one discussed blacks except you, so you are a racist fuck. Own it."
What a fucking little man who can't communicate without his racist vulgarities.
*Stop stalking the blog and commenters who disagree with you and go out and find yourself a job????? Yes, you, ya dumb fucker. You're a loser, you're a cunt, you're here to toss nasties about hoping they'll stick to someone or another.
Go find something else to do than to use your pottymouth spewing hatred toward other commenters who have bigger vocabularies, bigger worldviews, and younger hearts beating strong.
You're not wanted here anymore *Pogo old fart. *Go away so we have a better chance of winning, without crapmouths like you on our team.
*"It makes you stupid and lazy, like everyone already knew.
Still, I cannot support its use being a crime in adults.
Cheese and beer aren't the issue, but cafeteria libertarians, who only give a damn about pot, but *few other freedoms.*"
Most of us would accept stupid and lazy. Loudmouth dumbfucks like you need to drink something down fast so you pass out and simply shut the fuck up already.
You've helped enough already Pogo. Go away like a good puppy dog now? Surely you'll get a reward treat if you'd only learn to obey...
Those Prop 65 signs (Carcinogens present) are posted in virtually every business in CA, and for having on hand the same substances you have in your own home. According to that you really can't come out of the womb in CA without endangering yourself, but of course even the womb isn't safe unless Mom is standing on top of a mountain somewhere out of the sun, and holding her breath.
Such crap, like that never goes away once started. California is covered with warning signs of all kinds that nobody ever reads, and accomplish nothing.
Stupid rules like those at Hostess where bread and Twinkies couldn't be delivered by the same truck, put them out of business. CA will go bankrupt, but our stupid rules will stay forever. It's just another problem with the public sector - they never go out of business.
"It's just another problem with the public sector - they never go out of business."
We fear letting the failures fail. WE bail them out.
Not your fault your marraige ... failed. Not your fault you got no education and are still a lawn worker, competing with physically stronger immigrants.
Not your fault you can't compete verbally, without someone cutting off your opponent. Only then can you tell your one-sided ... truths.
Poor white boys.
We really should have stopped bailing them out in the Boomer generation. Now they're all ... "retirees" collecting from the government, which yep, will never go out of business taking care of america's aging boys...
What a fucking little man who can't communicate without his racist vulgarities.
*Stop stalking the blog and commenters who disagree with you and go out and find yourself a job????? Yes, you, ya dumb fucker. You're a loser, you're a cunt, you're here to toss nasties about hoping they'll stick to someone or another.
Go find something else to do than to use your pottymouth spewing hatred toward other commenters who have bigger vocabularies, bigger worldviews, and younger hearts beating strong.
You know, it takes some nerve to write like that in the course of calling someone else a "pottymouth." So I'll credit you with nerve. Not with much else, though.
"sincerely welcome the chance to be able to correct anything false/untrue I have stated."
Oh, bullshit.
No one mentioned blacks and marijuana except you.
It was an asshole provocation, impugning racism on those who disagree with you. It's evil, and a typical example of how you argue in bad faith on every post you write. Like other leftists, you can't help yourself."
I like to call this one ... "White Man Wanking..." Can you guess why?
Love the irony-impairment of the loony- left. Leaping to Penguin's defence, Mary proves Pogo absolutely right.
"You know, it takes some nerve to write like that in the course of calling someone else a "pottymouth." So I'll credit you with nerve. Not with much else, though."
Hi there pussy,
It's a rather effective technique. You turn the words back on the vulgar motherfucker. Let him see how catty and ... cunty his bigbad ugly hate talk looks when others flip the table...
Notice, the pussyboy shut his trap rather fast when confronted in kind.
Meanwhile, if you were able to read HIS vulgarities and continue, then I'm sure you're not just selectively spotting mine. Church ladies who really don't want to read vulgarities opted out of this thread long ago...
Plus, pussies like you don't need practical help. You'll always have a hierarchy, someont to "complain" to, to protect your virgin ears.
I just shut the motherfucker up fast and effectively. You want me to apologize for that, because my words offended you?
Fuck that noise.
Go impale yourself, you liberal lovely...
Some of us are playing to win, not to impress the lovely pussies here in need of special verbal protections...
Michelle Dulak-Thomson : San Francisco Classical Voice
Michelle Dulak-Thomson is a violinist and violist who has written about music for Strings, Stagebill, Early Music America, and The New York Times.
You're a black pussy cat in environs like that???
No wonder you're so confused about which person is on your team and which is not... what an elitist "job", 'bout as far as leaf-collecting as one can get, eh?
Wait... there's more:
"George Thomson, conductor, musician, etc -- biography
George Thomson has enjoyed a multi-faceted career as a conductor, ... his wife, musician and writer Michelle Dulak Thomson, and two cats, Lili and Charlie."
That's the most feminine looking "straight" man, if indeed your husband is straight, honey.
No wonder you come here for the vulgar butch talk.
Nobody likes it when others stick their noses in where they don't belong?
You hear me, Ms. Dulak-Thompson? Don't address others, lest you're prepared for them to properly address you. Get it?
You elite thinkers can catch on to practicalities once introduced, I'm sure of it.
Take care now. No need to call me out further until I speak to you first. (Thanks for respecting that common courtesy that I'm sure you would want extended to yourself.)
Mary is so stupid I'm beginning to suspect Inga has a new username. There couldn't be two of them.
You're a black pussy cat in environs like that???
No wonder you're so confused about which person is on your team and which is not... what an elitist "job", 'bout as far as leaf-collecting as one can get, eh?
Enh. Grow up already. My "elitist 'job,'" as you style it, is "piecework." I write CD reviews. They run about 800 words each, for which I am paid fifty bucks per. I do a couple of these a month; I would do more if my editor would send me more work. Yeah, total f'in' easy street here.
You can read them at the link you provided yourself. I do flatter myself that they don't suck; I know what I am talking about. (I play violin and viola professionally too -- another really cushy profession with all sorts of bennies. )
For what it's worth, I spend rather more time collecting leaves than I do writing reviews. At least, I did; the last leaves from the big maples and oaks finally fell about a week back, so there's a respite now. All we have to worry about now is the neighbor's fir tree, which sheds needles into the drainage grate in front of the garage.
So if you're an underpaid writer violist working in an elite environment, why exactly do you feel yourself qualified to weigh in on black folks and their use, or nonuse, of marijuana??
I thought you were a pussy of color, and thus butting in to defend your special knowledge. Do elite string players and those married to or writing about them have much traffic with the maryjane black crowd? Hmmm...
Not interested in reading your work. That's not my world, nor my interest. Do share on your knowledge of blacks and pot though -- since you jumped in to make this thread about you...
(Did you once have a black musician "friend" who smoked weed or something? Still trying to figure how your special world merges here.)
You know, Mary, you must be an absolute laugh riot at parties, with that winning manner of yours.
Broomhandle is wrong. You can't possibly be Inga. Inga isn't nearly so stupid, nor so nasty.
"Broomhandle said...
Mary is so stupid I'm beginning to suspect Inga has a new username. There couldn't be two of them."
Not ploopusgrrl.
Not broomhandle-up-my-ass.
Not INga, Olga, or Vulva.
Just Mary. Posting here honestly, riling up the fakers...
"Michelle Dulak Thomson said...
You know, Mary, you must be an absolute laugh riot at parties, with that winning manner of yours.
Broomhandle is wrong. You can't possibly be Inga. Inga isn't nearly so stupid, nor so nasty."
Didn't we tell you nicely to shut the fuck up already? You ain't never invited to no parties of mine, so let it rest.
Get your old man to take you out, so you can stop worrying about my words, my parties, and my responses.
Don't make me have to tell you again not to address me directly, pussy bitch. I'll get out the water bottle then, and you won't be finding this interaction so funny, wet pussy .
Go away nicely now, and stop with the catty black act. We ain't buying your noise.
I do flatter myself that they don't suck;
Stop flattering yourself already. Your husband might have talent -- you're given some jobs to keep you busy in your down time from nuturing and caring for the cat-children...
(No babies yet? That's practical.)
So if you're an underpaid writer violist working in an elite environment, why exactly do you feel yourself qualified to weigh in on black folks and their use, or nonuse, of marijuana??
I thought you were a pussy of color, and thus butting in to defend your special knowledge. Do elite string players and those married to or writing about them have much traffic with the maryjane black crowd? Hmmm...
Mary, I didn't "weigh in" on marijuana or Black people. All I said -- all I said -- was that it took some nerve to call someone a "pottymouth" while sprinkling F-bombs and C-bombs all over the place.
"All I said -- all I said -- was that it took some nerve to call someone a "pottymouth" while sprinkling F-bombs and C-bombs all over the place."
Yeah, but you fucking said it to ME. Pogo gets a fucking pass on vulgarities, but when he gets confronted in kind, you want to take up with me?
Nose out bitch. I hate the coarsened language more than elitist you, I am sure.
My way shut the mother fucker up. Your way, precious pussy, defended his superior take on blacks and marijuana use, whereupon he pulled out the tough-guy talking to shut down another person.
One more time: YOU addressed me. Not interested in conversing with your pussy. Get it? I know all I want to know from a fast Google move.
Now fuck off already, and stay in your pretty strings world. This is not about you, and I'm not interested in your thoughts on blacks, musicians, pot, or selective offense at vulgar language.
How can I make that more fucking clear to your pretty little head?
"You're evil. You foment evil. You promulgate evil. Your enjoy evil. So there's no reason to offer you any reasoned arguments. They are all wasted on people like you."
Feel better now, Mary? Did that make your life momentarily less shitty?
Is everyone aware jr565 produced, directed, and starred in Reefer Madness? He is the Ed Wood of cannabis propaganda.
Feel better now, Mary? Did that make your life momentarily less shitty?
We can but hope. Golly.
Mary's a sister. You'd be angry too if you knew you'd have to spend the rest of your life defending Barky.
Whoa, how'd I miss this thread? LMAO!
FYI, Broomhandle is as much a loon as Mary. No offense Mary dear.
impugning racism on those who disagree with you.
WTF? Did you actually read what I wrote? I wasn't talking or implying anything about you or anyone else on this thread, but rather simply mentioning a few of the many silly claims that have been made about marijuana.
What leads you to think I was talking about you personally? Do you also think I was referring to you personally when I brought up men growing tits?
You're evil. You foment evil. You promulgate evil. Your enjoy evil.
Yada, yada, yada.
You got any actual examples of posts where I am lying or you just gonna bark all day, lil' dog?
That claim has been around for a while. It has also been claimed that it kills brain cells; makes men grow tits;
All this in anecdotal so as they say take it with a grain.
The tits thing actually happened to a couple of habitual smokers that I knew. one of em was a guy.
is more dangerous than tobacco;
Wasn't there a study that claimed it was just as bad as unfiltered cigarettes? Emphfysema is emphfyema no matter what you smoke.
A kid worked with many years ago would come to work high. His life revolved around his chronic. He basically had just one job which was to operate a very simple machine. Every day he would come in and ask what he was to do that day. I'd tell him same thing as yesterday. the answer was always OK what was that?
It might not kill brain cells but it sure isn't a memory enhancer.
One of the most effective arsenals in the liberal's arsenal: pretending that two disparate things are exactly alike.
Blurring boundaries, slightly shading the meaning of words to facilitate the comparison, focusing only on surface similarities instead of the deeper nature of an issue, false equivalencies, ignoring context, picking the scope where a similarity exists while ignoring the scope where all the differences lie...
See, alcohol alters mood, so it is exactly like marijuana that alters mood!
And obesity is bad, so ice cream, because it contributes to obesity, is bad, too. And since by some estimates, obesity causes billions of dollars of health care problems, that means that since society accepts ice cream, it must accept marijuana or be hypocritical.
Of course, fully ignored is legality, deception, the notion that adding/increasing one specific problem does nothing to ameliorate the other problems claimed.
But none of that matters. All that matters is giving the Non-Accountability Class their talking points of plausibility.
Mary a sister? Mary is not even a woman.
My understanding of the subject is that marijuana smoke holds more carcinogens than tobacco smoke. But few people smoke as much marijuana as those who smoke tobacco i.e 20 to 40 cigarettes a day. And many people who use marijuana either eat or vaporize it due to the health concerns regarding the smoke.
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