Aacchhh you're right, of course. I now note the square stem, which is a trait of Lamiaceae, the family in which Lavandula resides. Veronica is in the Scrophulariaceae family. Serve me up a double portion of humble pie.
Hahaha. Veronica Spicata. Sounds like a stripper. So does Chenin Blanc. Anytime my snobbish wine friends offer a glass of chenin blanc I can't resist saying, "Give it up for Chenin Blanc," then making cat calls.
I think there is some early celebration of the med pot voting results.
Does anyone else here read FlightLevel390? The best aviation blog around, and the site just got pulled off. I thought Tuesday was a bummer, but this is worse.
AP reports movie guy's sentence the day AFTER the election. We learn today that Iran took a shot at one of our drones over international waters almost a WEEK ago. Lilybart reports that CNBC now says we may be heading into another recession.
Like a Friday afternoon document dump, I wonder how many more of these nuggets we're going to get now that the election is over.
Working for a client who is trying to buy an auto repair business. Great guy, completely stymied by how much he's got to go through, not just to buy the business, but what he needs to do in order to have employees. Hoops everywhere.
Homemade pancakes are like a thick batter. The batter will have milk and flour salt and sugar and probably vanilla. Extrapolate from that. Blueberries bleed and turn the batter a weird color. You can hold off and toss the berries onto the pancake after the batter is poured onto the pan. Very specific ratios must be followed. If the batter is too thick or too thin then adjustments are not allowed. In fact, all creativity is disallowed. There are no variations to pancakes. If you change one single thing, this kitten here get's it.
21 trillion eggs 17 B-52's of milk pasteurized to minus 27 degrees Celsius 1 light year vanilla extract 487 billion salts 18 pretzels 42 giraffes of green and yellow wines bake for 400 trees and smash flat with a box of toothpicks.
Serves 81 for 18 minutes each. Serve with ratchets and propellers. Surplus can be frozen for 76 years.
I meant to mention, this only works for the little over half of you guys here who live on the planet were twenty trillion dollars in national debt is not a deciding factor in national elections. I heard you guys were here and thought, hey, maybe they'd like some pancakes bon appétit.
"Does it legally matter where a drone is if someone wants to take it down?"
Yes. We can't violate their air space. Oh, you mean we weren't over their air space? I think I heard something like we were eight nautical miles out and above the water.
Flying stuff. Written by a pilot for a major airline (USAir I think). Beautiful poetic writing, gripping (really) tales of flying coast to coast, with regular dips into the technical aspects of flight and airplanes.
As a storytelling vehicle, I don't think there is anything else approaching it on the web.
Figured I’d share my most poignant memory of election night.
Late, about midnight, I was at the Romney command center at the Boston Garden (across town from the Convention Center where Romney conceded). Much of the volunteer staff had left since all the battleground state polls had closed. Most of those left were watching FoxNews on the jumbotron. I was standing by the national legal team (Ben Ginsberg, et al.) because their monitor was the only one with sound.
Rove was giving his explanation of why it was too early to call Ohio. That the legal team was watching passively told me they didn’t think the vote would be within the “margin of fraud”.
Juan Williams was providing his analysis about how Obama won with the support of the working class, women, blacks and Hispanics. As I looked up, I said to myself out loud something along the lines of “women, blacks and Hispanics are the very ones who are likely to suffer.”
I turned my head. Unbeknownst to me a young intern was standing behind me. He looked black-Hispanic, if I may use the NYT terminology. Admittedly, one of a small representation of minorities there, he was teary-eyed, even more down than many of the young people who put so much time and effort in. (It made me feel more mature, if not old, to be better able to take the loss in stride.)
I got that uncomfortable white guy feeling when I realized, even though I was being empathetic, that I had just blurted out “blacks and Hispanics” when I didn’t know he was standing right behind me. He just looked at me and said in response, “I know”.
Aviation stories are gripping if you have ever been a pilot or wanted to be. The blending of the technical with the human and natural is wonderful, and there is something about flying an aircraft at night alone that is just otherworldly. It's magical, haunting, historical, and sometimes terrifying. I try to avoid reading it now when it pops up in my email. I quit flying planes a few years back, and I'm afraid I'll get pulled back into the most expensive hobby known to man.
Never wanted to be a pilot, but I'm always fascinated by flight. I live close to the airport (relatively, anyway), and I love watching them take off as I drive by. Jumped out of a plane once and figured that's about as far as I needed to take aviation. I was so scared, the first time they told me to jump, I pretended I didn't hear! Ha. I give myself a lot of credit for doing it, though.
Nice story EDH. Tough night. Appreciated the effort from the campaign. I don't know enough to know if it was really well run, or really poorly run. It seems very clear to me that Mitt Romney worked his ass off to become President. Damn shame it didn't happen.
Chip Ahoy, take your recipes and shove them right up your ass.
Here's Chip Ahoy in a previous thread, and it's scary stuff:
Chip Ahoy said... I've never hated a president before. I heard people talking about hating Bush but I had no way to relate. Now I know exactly how they felt about Bush. I cannot stand to see or hear Obama. I'm worse than that girl that cried about bronco bama. I see that face and the revulsion is physical. I see his ladyhands and my impulse is break them. I see a sign I want to damage it. A bumpersticker - destroy it. A window sign -- toss a rock through . Someone mention the name -- punch them.
It's been flat cruel having that face presented every hour of every day of every week of every month for five straight years, that was cruel. And now. And now. Well. Comcast will just have to be cancelled innit. Because I am not having that goddamn arrogant face on my set every single day for another goddamn four years, that just izznt going to happen.
I've never felt this degree of hatred before for anybody but now I do.
Chip Ahoy, you're a fucking nutcase. And you ain't punching anyone, you little fucking internet douchebag pussy. You've never punched anyone out in your life. Go cry in your pillow over an election, like a fucking retard. You had nothing to say when Bush put America on the brink of a depression.
No, I don't need sleep. It's amazing that a party that alienates so many people with their HATE (gays, latins, etc) wonders why they lost an election. You lost because you are a bunch of DICKS. Chip Ahoy is a DICK. Many of you are DICKS and you wonder why you lost. You deserved to lose. Now go cry in your pillows. Obama's not a commie, a socialist, or a Kenyan. He's a perfectly reasonable man who is a centrist in American politics. Bush lied us into war and left us on the brink of a depression, but you all still defend that shit while claiming you know what's best for America. Laughable.
You hillbillies lose because you alienate too many people. Romney won the Confederacy, congrats to you. Maybe you should face reality. Some people are gay and they deserve equal rights. Digest that they exist, have always existed, and always will exist. And on your next vacations, take a trip to the Statue of Liberty and read what it says. You folks claim you support free markets but you wanna put a wall around America. A wall around America goes against everything America stands for, you idiots. And if you're gonna punch people, you're gonna get punched back.
But I am convinced that whomever it is that you are addressing is a "bunch of dicks" because of your capitalization. Without that, I may not have been convinced, so there you go.
LoafingOaf said... You hillbillies lose because you alienate too many people. Romney won the Confederacy, congrats to you. Maybe you should face reality. Some people are gay and they deserve equal rights. Digest that they exist, have always existed, and always will exist. And on your next vacations, take a trip to the Statue of Liberty and read what it says. You folks claim you support free markets but you wanna put a wall around America. A wall around America goes against everything America stands for, you idiots. And if you're gonna punch people, you're gonna get punched back
Fuck you. Cunt you right in the fuckity fuck you dumb fuck. You alienated me for five straight fucking years. Make that nine. Realize gays exist? Equal rights? That's what makes you so goddamn mean and so motherfucking stupid. We mother fucking KNOW gays motherfucking exist you stupid mean black-hearted dip shit. Just fuck you. Now start paying down twenty goddamn TRILLION dollars debt you motherfucking idiot. Oh, hurry up, I'm over here blowing your little brother. We want to get married. And I want wide open borders and free healthcare for everybody. I have my pockets turned out like bunny rabbit ears, take whatever you want. Just as long as I get to keep blowing your brother. Fuck your sister, she's too high maintenance. Fed government can take care of her. I gladly pay for that too if she keeps her distance. You're all retarded. Mean and retarded. And now I'm mean too. Fuck you.You alienated me and that's why I'm keying you goddamn car.
Chip - he wins by getting you riled up. Did you watch Bill Whittle's "New Beginnings" video? Don't give the leftist cunts even one more ounce of your energy. Ignore them.
Bart and Kirk are brothers. Twins. But they're not alike in appearance. Bart told me they are both gay. I met their mother, a beautiful young woman. I think at one time she was a whore, I'm not sure. Bart told me about his background and it seemed very poor. He mentioned his mother did some coke. Once or a few times. Bart and Kirk don't drink or smoke or anything. I wondered, when Bart told me his early circumstances, how such a dreadful plight can produce two such great guys.
Bart is my friend, but I haven't seen him in a decade, at the time cute as a bug. Everybody wants to squeeze Bart like a toy. Permanent smile. Crows feet at his eyes because his smile is permanent. He sings and laughs all the time. We make up songs together. We act absurd. Did, anyway.
Then Kirk shows up, much taller and thin and reedy and quiet. But every time he says something quietly it adds to the thing just spoken so as he speaks he continually builds toward something amusing or interesting and never contradicts or never anything unkind. Both easily given to laughter. Both very kind and sweet.
Kirk opened a portfolio at a party that contained all kinds of colorful objects made of polysomething clay. Little animals. Adorable little colorful clay animals like cartoons. Animals doing things. Anthropomorphized clay animals doing ordinary human things. He sold dozens right there at the party. I dismissed them. I thought Kirk something of a flake like his brother. I had a serious job with responsibilities and these were silly acquaintances.
The next time I saw Kirk, someone asked about his clay animals and he goes, "hang on" and dashed out and came back with his broad portfolio again. Sold more animal pins, broaches, necklaces, rings, etc., and I'm thinking, eh, his hobby again.
The third time I saw Kirk someone at the party asked about his Kirk's Kritters and he whipped out his portfolio and sold dozens of items on the spot without being pushy about it, and without the party missing a beat. I have no idea how much he pulled in, how often he did that, if it was supplemental, or fun, or the only thing he could do or what. All I know is every time I saw Kirk he is a pleasure to be around and he always had his hobby of little clay animals nearby to show if you asked. I think the enterprise grew and turned into a company, and then he sold his company. I don't know for sure because I haven't seen him since. And now it seems his Kirk's Kritters are all little angels and the animals are not seen. Here's a few Kirk's Kritters angels on eBay.
I'm giving an example of basically silly dummkopf whose single skill is making cute little clay animals, a boy who all he ever did that I know of is create those little things over and over and be enthusiastic about his little hobby and I saw money come flying out of nowhere and sticking to him. He didn't actually sell his pieces, he made sure they were available to show, and vooomp, they all sold like hotcakes. I don't know what hotcakes are, they sold quickly. Women especially love the little things he crafted and at $5.00 or $10.00 a piece or whatever, everybody was pleased. He simply did what he wanted to do and cash followed naturally from that activity. I'm sure he gave away tons of stuff too just because he liked making those animals and they pleased his friends.
There wasn't any class envy there. Nor any urgent need for cash that I know of. I don't think Kirk thought, hey this will be my job. I honestly don't know what he was thinking, but boy, did that animal thing take off.
When I show people my pop-up stuff the gears in their minds start turning and they always give me ideas that I could do this and I could do that, always thinking of ways to expand my little thing and I'm all, what? Are you kidding? Then it would be work!
Guy in the business. Guy I've known for 30 years is moving his mold shop to Poland. Selling his house, he's going to keep his hobby farm in Michigan, selling his 10,000 square foot building(good luck with that)and loading all his equipment into shipping containers. He wants to be gone by the first of the year.15 skilled, high paying jobs gone. Poof! Yay Obamanomics! Second guy I know who's done this.
"Obama's not a commie, a socialist, or a Kenyan. He's a perfectly reasonable man who is a centrist in American politics."
Well Bubble-Boy, I couldn't have illustrated the problem any better. Rectal-cranial inversion is yours. We all look forward to you reaching across the aisle this season. And, if you take the occasion to lash out continually as you have after your elective 'victory', you'll find things get even tougher.
No, I don't need sleep. It's amazing that a party that alienates so many people with their HATE (gays, latins, etc) wonders why they lost an election..
Oaf is so right! Anybody who doesn't recognize the Dems as the party of SSM, free abortion on demand, and total amnesty for all illegals is a obtuse dick.
Lyrics to follow along below, and, dig the strings these 60-somethings brought along.
VERSE In this one of many possible worlds All for the best, or some bizarre test It is what it is and whatever Time is still the infinite jest
The arrow flies when you dream The hours tick away The cells tick away
The Watchmaker keeps to his schemes The hours tick away They tick away
CHORUS The measure of a life is a measure of love and respect So hard to earn, so easily burned The measure of a life is a measure of love and respect So hard to earn, so easily burned In the fullness of time A garden to nurture and protect
VERSE In the rise and the set of the sun To the stars goes spinning Spinning 'round the night Oh it is what it is and forever Each moment of memory aflight The arrow flies while you dream The hours tick away The cells tick away The Watchmaker has time up his sleeve The hours tick away They tick away
CHORUS The measure of a life is a measure of love and respect So hard to earn, so easily burned In the fullness of time A garden to nurture and protect (Its a measure of a life) The treasure of a life is a measure of love and respect The way you live, The gifts that you give And the fullness of time is the only return that you expect
BRIDGE The future disappears into memory With only a moment between Forever dwells in that moment Hope is what remains to be seen Forever dwells in that moment Hope is what remains to be seen
OUTRO In the fullness of time a garden to nurture and protect (Its a measure of a life)
I'm confused by the LoafingOaf in this thread, because not too long ago, LoafingOaf declared that the Obama administration's handling of the Benghazi debacle convinced him that he would not support Obama's re-election.
Must be one if those emotional swing voters we hear so much about, swinging back and forth like a dead man on the gallows.
LoafingOaf said... No, I don't need sleep. It's amazing that a party that alienates so many people with their HATE (gays, latins, etc) wonders why they lost an election. You lost because you are a bunch of DICKS. Chip Ahoy is a DICK. Many of you are DICKS and you wonder why you lost
It's amazing that even people who understand how empty the Dem promises are can nevertheless be so unable to understand anything other than Dem caricatures of Reps.
LoafingOaf said... You hillbillies lose because you alienate too many people. Romney won the Confederacy, congrats to you. Maybe you should face reality. Some people are gay and they deserve equal rights. Digest that they exist, have always existed, and always will exist. And on your next vacations, take a trip to the Statue of Liberty and read what it says. You folks claim you support free markets but you wanna put a wall around America. A wall around America goes against everything America stands for, you idiots. And if you're gonna punch people, you're gonna get punched back.
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६९ टिप्पण्या:
It's a new world. Leftists rule.
That's looking like spike speedwell to me. Veronica spicata.
"That's looking like spike speedwell to me. Veronica spicata."
No. It's a type of lavender. We read the label (at a public garden).
Yeah, I don't give a fuck who you fuck.
And if you demand I do, fuck you.
Then I care, as opposed to "{not} giv-(ing) who you fuck a fuck."
So I am a piece of shit hypocrite worthy of little other than an uncelebrated death.
Okay then.
Yeah, I don't give a fuck who you fuck.
And if you demand I do, fuck you.
Then I care, as opposed to "{not} giv-(ing) who you fuck a fuck."
So I am a piece of shit hypocrite worthy of little other than an uncelebrated death.
Okay then.
Aacchhh you're right, of course. I now note the square stem, which is a trait of Lamiaceae, the family in which Lavandula resides. Veronica is in the Scrophulariaceae family. Serve me up a double portion of humble pie.
Now CNBC is reporting that we may be headed for another recession. I could have told you that BEFORE the election.
Silver lining: The 'revenge' voters and their guy OWN IT.
That "......." said "....." so you are not only wrong, but racist and malapropsed prone, in addition to your spelling errors.
Well, Madame, love and beauty.
Cultivating one's garden.
Yes, we need to remember the finer things.
Bob Ellison said...
It's a new world. Leftists rule.
Only if they cheat.
I, for one, welcome our new Democratic overlords!
Striking. Nice interplay of shadow and light.
I'm hoping to get Chicagoboyz back to posts about airplanes. Politics is a dead subject. The lefties have made their bed. Now, find a job.
Any bitches that henceforth don't wish to be labeled as such, I should like to think, won't.
But they will, otherwise they wouldn't be bitches.
Now, where's my Emmy? Never supported him before, but here is to S. Crowder, a bigger man than I.
Located where Patton said he wanted his soldiers, the rough men, to grease his tank's tracks with the guts of dead Germans, is the world flat?
Like Seinfeld is Jew I am German and I can say A.N.Y.T.H.I.N.G. and yet not rate on any honest scale of offendedness.
I fuck Don Rickles nightly. Bitch cunt whore that elderly, stinky ass is, he has guaranteed my prosperous nature will not subside.
Hahaha. Veronica Spicata. Sounds like a stripper. So does Chenin Blanc. Anytime my snobbish wine friends offer a glass of chenin blanc I can't resist saying, "Give it up for Chenin Blanc," then making cat calls.
This thread is either above my head or beneath my contempt. If I understood it I could tell which for sure.
I think there is some early celebration of the med pot voting results.
Does anyone else here read FlightLevel390? The best aviation blog around, and the site just got pulled off. I thought Tuesday was a bummer, but this is worse.
My fantasy football team is doing shitty. I won the league last year, but it seems like offense is down overall in the NFL this year.
Last year, I think with the strike, offensive numbers were much higher. Does Nate Silver have an NFL model?
AP reports movie guy's sentence the day AFTER the election. We learn today that Iran took a shot at one of our drones over international waters almost a WEEK ago. Lilybart reports that CNBC now says we may be heading into another recession.
Like a Friday afternoon document dump, I wonder how many more of these nuggets we're going to get now that the election is over.
Working for a client who is trying to buy an auto repair business. Great guy, completely stymied by how much he's got to go through, not just to buy the business, but what he needs to do in order to have employees. Hoops everywhere.
Does it legally matter where a drone is if someone wants to take it down?
It's not like there's a cabin full of passengers.
Homemade pancakes are like a thick batter. The batter will have milk and flour salt and sugar and probably vanilla. Extrapolate from that. Blueberries bleed and turn the batter a weird color. You can hold off and toss the berries onto the pancake after the batter is poured onto the pan. Very specific ratios must be followed. If the batter is too thick or too thin then adjustments are not allowed. In fact, all creativity is disallowed. There are no variations to pancakes. If you change one single thing, this kitten here get's it.
21 trillion eggs
17 B-52's of milk pasteurized to minus 27 degrees Celsius
1 light year vanilla extract
487 billion salts
18 pretzels
42 giraffes of green and yellow wines
bake for 400 trees and smash flat with a box of toothpicks.
Serves 81 for 18 minutes each. Serve with ratchets and propellers. Surplus can be frozen for 76 years.
I meant to mention, this only works for the little over half of you guys here who live on the planet were twenty trillion dollars in national debt is not a deciding factor in national elections. I heard you guys were here and thought, hey, maybe they'd like some pancakes bon appétit.
Oh, and today I heard a newscaster explain yesterday's plunge of the market as due to fears over Europe and the US "fiscal cliff".
In other words, anything but the election results.
A thick batter.
And getting thicker.
What sort of discussion/posts would an aviation blog have? Pilot stuff? Airline stuff?
All of this stuff out there on the internet, and it never occurred to me that their would be blogs about aviation. But it's so obvious.
"Does it legally matter where a drone is if someone wants to take it down?"
Yes. We can't violate their air space. Oh, you mean we weren't over their air space? I think I heard something like we were eight nautical miles out and above the water.
So we were on the high sea airs, or something :)
Photo looks like the last gasp of color before the long, gray winter. Bleak, cold.
Snow should be coming soon. My kids will be happy.
Flying stuff. Written by a pilot for a major airline (USAir I think). Beautiful poetic writing, gripping (really) tales of flying coast to coast, with regular dips into the technical aspects of flight and airplanes.
As a storytelling vehicle, I don't think there is anything else approaching it on the web.
Sounds cool. Any chance a non-pilot/rare flier would like it?
You would love it.
Er, I mean you would have loved it.
Timing is everything.
Figured I’d share my most poignant memory of election night.
Late, about midnight, I was at the Romney command center at the Boston Garden (across town from the Convention Center where Romney conceded). Much of the volunteer staff had left since all the battleground state polls had closed. Most of those left were watching FoxNews on the jumbotron. I was standing by the national legal team (Ben Ginsberg, et al.) because their monitor was the only one with sound.
Rove was giving his explanation of why it was too early to call Ohio. That the legal team was watching passively told me they didn’t think the vote would be within the “margin of fraud”.
Juan Williams was providing his analysis about how Obama won with the support of the working class, women, blacks and Hispanics. As I looked up, I said to myself out loud something along the lines of “women, blacks and Hispanics are the very ones who are likely to suffer.”
I turned my head. Unbeknownst to me a young intern was standing behind me. He looked black-Hispanic, if I may use the NYT terminology. Admittedly, one of a small representation of minorities there, he was teary-eyed, even more down than many of the young people who put so much time and effort in. (It made me feel more mature, if not old, to be better able to take the loss in stride.)
I got that uncomfortable white guy feeling when I realized, even though I was being empathetic, that I had just blurted out “blacks and Hispanics” when I didn’t know he was standing right behind me. He just looked at me and said in response, “I know”.
I gave him a hug and left.
Aviation stories are gripping if you have ever been a pilot or wanted to be. The blending of the technical with the human and natural is wonderful, and there is something about flying an aircraft at night alone that is just otherworldly. It's magical, haunting, historical, and sometimes terrifying. I try to avoid reading it now when it pops up in my email. I quit flying planes a few years back, and I'm afraid I'll get pulled back into the most expensive hobby known to man.
Never wanted to be a pilot, but I'm always fascinated by flight. I live close to the airport (relatively, anyway), and I love watching them take off as I drive by. Jumped out of a plane once and figured that's about as far as I needed to take aviation. I was so scared, the first time they told me to jump, I pretended I didn't hear! Ha. I give myself a lot of credit for doing it, though.
Nice story EDH. Tough night. Appreciated the effort from the campaign. I don't know enough to know if it was really well run, or really poorly run. It seems very clear to me that Mitt Romney worked his ass off to become President. Damn shame it didn't happen.
ABC has video of our President crying like a baby over his re-election.
You would think that a guy who signs death warrants every Tuesday would hold up a little better.
Guess it all just depends.
ABC has video of our President crying like a baby over his re-election.
Now I don't feel so bad about doing this myself.
Chip Ahoy, take your recipes and shove them right up your ass.
Here's Chip Ahoy in a previous thread, and it's scary stuff:
Chip Ahoy said...
I've never hated a president before. I heard people talking about hating Bush but I had no way to relate. Now I know exactly how they felt about Bush. I cannot stand to see or hear Obama. I'm worse than that girl that cried about bronco bama. I see that face and the revulsion is physical. I see his ladyhands and my impulse is break them. I see a sign I want to damage it. A bumpersticker - destroy it. A window sign -- toss a rock through . Someone mention the name -- punch them.
It's been flat cruel having that face presented every hour of every day of every week of every month for five straight years, that was cruel. And now. And now. Well. Comcast will just have to be cancelled innit. Because I am not having that goddamn arrogant face on my set every single day for another goddamn four years, that just izznt going to happen.
I've never felt this degree of hatred before for anybody but now I do.
Chip Ahoy, you're a fucking nutcase. And you ain't punching anyone, you little fucking internet douchebag pussy. You've never punched anyone out in your life. Go cry in your pillow over an election, like a fucking retard. You had nothing to say when Bush put America on the brink of a depression.
Sounds like you could use some sleep, Oaf.
No, I don't need sleep. It's amazing that a party that alienates so many people with their HATE (gays, latins, etc) wonders why they lost an election. You lost because you are a bunch of DICKS. Chip Ahoy is a DICK. Many of you are DICKS and you wonder why you lost. You deserved to lose. Now go cry in your pillows. Obama's not a commie, a socialist, or a Kenyan. He's a perfectly reasonable man who is a centrist in American politics. Bush lied us into war and left us on the brink of a depression, but you all still defend that shit while claiming you know what's best for America. Laughable.
No, really, you should go to sleep.
Maybe take a nice walk if you're not tired.
You hillbillies lose because you alienate too many people. Romney won the Confederacy, congrats to you. Maybe you should face reality. Some people are gay and they deserve equal rights. Digest that they exist, have always existed, and always will exist. And on your next vacations, take a trip to the Statue of Liberty and read what it says. You folks claim you support free markets but you wanna put a wall around America. A wall around America goes against everything America stands for, you idiots. And if you're gonna punch people, you're gonna get punched back.
You lost because you are a bunch of DICKS
You hillbillies lose because you alienate too many people.
Yeah, definitely get some sleep.
But I am convinced that whomever it is that you are addressing is a "bunch of dicks" because of your capitalization. Without that, I may not have been convinced, so there you go.
LoafingOaf said...
You hillbillies lose because you alienate too many people. Romney won the Confederacy, congrats to you. Maybe you should face reality. Some people are gay and they deserve equal rights. Digest that they exist, have always existed, and always will exist. And on your next vacations, take a trip to the Statue of Liberty and read what it says. You folks claim you support free markets but you wanna put a wall around America. A wall around America goes against everything America stands for, you idiots. And if you're gonna punch people, you're gonna get punched back
Fuck you. Cunt you right in the fuckity fuck you dumb fuck. You alienated me for five straight fucking years. Make that nine. Realize gays exist? Equal rights? That's what makes you so goddamn mean and so motherfucking stupid. We mother fucking KNOW gays motherfucking exist you stupid mean black-hearted dip shit. Just fuck you. Now start paying down twenty goddamn TRILLION dollars debt you motherfucking idiot. Oh, hurry up, I'm over here blowing your little brother. We want to get married. And I want wide open borders and free healthcare for everybody. I have my pockets turned out like bunny rabbit ears, take whatever you want. Just as long as I get to keep blowing your brother. Fuck your sister, she's too high maintenance. Fed government can take care of her. I gladly pay for that too if she keeps her distance. You're all retarded. Mean and retarded. And now I'm mean too. Fuck you.You alienated me and that's why I'm keying you goddamn car.
Chip - he wins by getting you riled up. Did you watch Bill Whittle's "New Beginnings" video? Don't give the leftist cunts even one more ounce of your energy. Ignore them.
Bart and Kirk are brothers. Twins. But they're not alike in appearance. Bart told me they are both gay. I met their mother, a beautiful young woman. I think at one time she was a whore, I'm not sure. Bart told me about his background and it seemed very poor. He mentioned his mother did some coke. Once or a few times. Bart and Kirk don't drink or smoke or anything. I wondered, when Bart told me his early circumstances, how such a dreadful plight can produce two such great guys.
Bart is my friend, but I haven't seen him in a decade, at the time cute as a bug. Everybody wants to squeeze Bart like a toy. Permanent smile. Crows feet at his eyes because his smile is permanent. He sings and laughs all the time. We make up songs together. We act absurd. Did, anyway.
Then Kirk shows up, much taller and thin and reedy and quiet. But every time he says something quietly it adds to the thing just spoken so as he speaks he continually builds toward something amusing or interesting and never contradicts or never anything unkind. Both easily given to laughter. Both very kind and sweet.
Kirk opened a portfolio at a party that contained all kinds of colorful objects made of polysomething clay. Little animals. Adorable little colorful clay animals like cartoons. Animals doing things. Anthropomorphized clay animals doing ordinary human things. He sold dozens right there at the party. I dismissed them. I thought Kirk something of a flake like his brother. I had a serious job with responsibilities and these were silly acquaintances.
The next time I saw Kirk, someone asked about his clay animals and he goes, "hang on" and dashed out and came back with his broad portfolio again. Sold more animal pins, broaches, necklaces, rings, etc., and I'm thinking, eh, his hobby again.
The third time I saw Kirk someone at the party asked about his Kirk's Kritters and he whipped out his portfolio and sold dozens of items on the spot without being pushy about it, and without the party missing a beat. I have no idea how much he pulled in, how often he did that, if it was supplemental, or fun, or the only thing he could do or what. All I know is every time I saw Kirk he is a pleasure to be around and he always had his hobby of little clay animals nearby to show if you asked. I think the enterprise grew and turned into a company, and then he sold his company. I don't know for sure because I haven't seen him since. And now it seems his Kirk's Kritters are all little angels and the animals are not seen. Here's a few Kirk's Kritters angels on eBay.
I'm giving an example of basically silly dummkopf whose single skill is making cute little clay animals, a boy who all he ever did that I know of is create those little things over and over and be enthusiastic about his little hobby and I saw money come flying out of nowhere and sticking to him. He didn't actually sell his pieces, he made sure they were available to show, and vooomp, they all sold like hotcakes. I don't know what hotcakes are, they sold quickly. Women especially love the little things he crafted and at $5.00 or $10.00 a piece or whatever, everybody was pleased. He simply did what he wanted to do and cash followed naturally from that activity. I'm sure he gave away tons of stuff too just because he liked making those animals and they pleased his friends.
There wasn't any class envy there.
Nor any urgent need for cash that I know of. I don't think Kirk thought, hey this will be my job. I honestly don't know what he was thinking, but boy, did that animal thing take off.
When I show people my pop-up stuff the gears in their minds start turning and they always give me ideas that I could do this and I could do that, always thinking of ways to expand my little thing and I'm all, what? Are you kidding? Then it would be work!
Yeah, definitely get some sleep.
You think? I mean, the guy evidently slept straight through the 2010 election-- you'd think that would be enough to last for a while.
Get ready for recession 2.0
This one ain't gonna be pretty like the last one.
The trouble with the left, when you point out that the math won't work, is that when the math doesn't work, they invent scapegoats.
If everybody stood on their toes, everybody could see better. That's leftism.
The tall will then be blamed for failure.
It's a new world. Leftists rule.
Only if they cheat.
That's not a problem.
Lavender, combined with chicken eggs or tundra cotton, among other things, increases your magic resistance.
I've found Skyrim to be quite therapeutic after the election. Hitting things with a warhammer really improves one's mood.
Well. After all that, just let me add that it is a lovely picture, Ann.
Guy in the business. Guy I've known for 30 years is moving his mold shop to Poland. Selling his house, he's going to keep his hobby farm in Michigan, selling his 10,000 square foot building(good luck with that)and loading all his equipment into shipping containers. He wants to be gone by the first of the year.15 skilled, high paying jobs gone. Poof!
Yay Obamanomics!
Second guy I know who's done this.
For Obama, it's going to be so nice for him to finally be able to remove the mask, once and for all.
So, Forward! To our new Soviet Amerika!
There will have to be some Change, though.
"The Star-Spangled Banner"? Too militaristic. "God Bless America"? Too exclusives of the unreligious.
No, our new national anthem is right here.
"Sing to the Motherland, Home of the Free!
"Bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong..."
Kinda gets you right there, doesn't it?
Pinching Loaf uttered
"Obama's not a commie, a socialist, or a Kenyan. He's a perfectly reasonable man who is a centrist in American politics."
Well Bubble-Boy, I couldn't have illustrated the problem any better. Rectal-cranial inversion is yours. We all look forward to you reaching across the aisle this season. And, if you take the occasion to lash out continually as you have after your elective 'victory', you'll find things get even tougher.
You classless little fuckstick.
Blogger LoafingOaf said...
No, I don't need sleep. It's amazing that a party that alienates so many people with their HATE (gays, latins, etc) wonders why they lost an election..
Oaf is so right! Anybody who doesn't recognize the Dems as the party of SSM, free abortion on demand, and total amnesty for all illegals is a obtuse dick.
edutcher wrote
"Cultivating one's garden.
Yes, we need to remember the finer things."
Agreed. Hat tip to Rush for recognizing this.
Lyrics to follow along below, and, dig the strings these 60-somethings brought along.
In this one of many possible worlds
All for the best, or some bizarre test
It is what it is and whatever
Time is still the infinite jest
The arrow flies when you dream
The hours tick away
The cells tick away
The Watchmaker keeps to his schemes
The hours tick away
They tick away
The measure of a life is a measure of love and respect
So hard to earn, so easily burned
The measure of a life is a measure of love and respect
So hard to earn, so easily burned
In the fullness of time
A garden to nurture and protect
In the rise and the set of the sun
To the stars goes spinning
Spinning 'round the night
Oh it is what it is and forever
Each moment of memory aflight
The arrow flies while you dream
The hours tick away
The cells tick away
The Watchmaker has time up his sleeve
The hours tick away
They tick away
The measure of a life is a measure of love and respect
So hard to earn, so easily burned
In the fullness of time
A garden to nurture and protect
(Its a measure of a life)
The treasure of a life is a measure of love and respect
The way you live,
The gifts that you give
And the fullness of time is the only return that you expect
The future disappears into memory
With only a moment between
Forever dwells in that moment
Hope is what remains to be seen
Forever dwells in that moment
Hope is what remains to be seen
In the fullness of time a garden to nurture and protect
(Its a measure of a life)
It's a measure of a life
Performance art from Chip Ahoy.
I'm confused by the LoafingOaf in this thread, because not too long ago, LoafingOaf declared that the Obama administration's handling of the Benghazi debacle convinced him that he would not support Obama's re-election.
Must be one if those emotional swing voters we hear so much about, swinging back and forth like a dead man on the gallows.
Must be one if those emotional swing voters we hear so much about, swinging back and forth like a dead man on the gallows.
Ooooo! Threats!
Get the popcorn!
LoafingOaf said...
No, I don't need sleep. It's amazing that a party that alienates so many people with their HATE (gays, latins, etc) wonders why they lost an election. You lost because you are a bunch of DICKS. Chip Ahoy is a DICK. Many of you are DICKS and you wonder why you lost
It's amazing that even people who understand how empty the Dem promises are can nevertheless be so unable to understand anything other than Dem caricatures of Reps.
Ooooo! Threats!
Similes are frightening!
LoafingOaf said...
You hillbillies lose because you alienate too many people. Romney won the Confederacy, congrats to you. Maybe you should face reality. Some people are gay and they deserve equal rights. Digest that they exist, have always existed, and always will exist. And on your next vacations, take a trip to the Statue of Liberty and read what it says. You folks claim you support free markets but you wanna put a wall around America. A wall around America goes against everything America stands for, you idiots. And if you're gonna punch people, you're gonna get punched back.
Thank you.
I find your ideas strangely compelling.
Do you have a newsletter I can subscribe to?
Palladian said...
Ooooo! Threats!
Similes are frightening!
You know he has no idea what you're talking about, right?
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