"But she did say, 'Are you sure?'"/"It won't hurt, did it?"
Comments at Wonkette, after a post by Jesse Taylor mocking me for criticizing the University of Wisconsin for closing down central campus yesterday for an Obama rally which students could attend only if they went to the Obama campaign website, provided email addresses and phone numbers and clicked a button marked "I'm In."
Sexual remarks to tear down a woman? Imagine if conservatives did that to a liberal woman.
SECOND THOUGHTS: I wish I'd reacted a different way and, instead of focusing on insults to me, found a funnier place. When you put the phrase "I'm In" into a sexual context, as those commenters did, the metaphor becomes Obama as the unsatisfied girlfriend who can't even feel the man's love. Within this metaphor, the students who wanted tickets were forced to give what is now perceived at the sexually humiliating affirmation "I'm In."
१६० टिप्पण्या:
Imagine if conservatives did that to a liberal woman.
Yes, we would have to imagine that...'cause it never happens.
It must be that new civility I keep hearing about.
It's ok, I kinda doubt there isn't anything you won't forgive and forget if it comes from the left. Your experiences at the protests alone would have been enough to scar me for life.
insignificant Althouse minutiae ...
@purple Well, yes, I was thinking of Sandra Fluke when I wrote that.
Anyway, I know there's a big difference between getting slammed on big radio and in the comments to a popular blog.
But Fluke was arguing for birth control coverage (which introduced the issue of sex, covering the expenses of sexual activity, which set up Rush's satire), whereas I wasn't talking about sex at all. In this case, with me, because I'm a woman, they thought of using sex to try to hurt me.
That's actually different.
That commenter is a sexist asshole.
That said, I propose a new Internet rule. You can't make a shoe-on-the-other foot argument (imagine if a liberal/white person/etc. had said that) or otherwise profess offense or outrage at an anonymous blog comment. On both sides we commenters say all sort's of crazy shit, it's just understood.
Yeah I double-negatived. Doubt there IS anything.
"insignificant... minutiae ..."
That's what she said.
hmm, it's not like Allie/Inga et al has not been called any childish/sexist names at (((this))) blog.
"On both sides we commenters say all sort's of crazy shit, it's just understood."
The difference between my comments section and the comments over there is that over there the commenters all take the cue from the blogger and jump on whatever train the blogger says to get on board. They go in the direction pointed and they make it nastier and stupider. They read the post as if it just said: Time for 1-minute hate against Althouse.
That's not what the comments around here are like. I would never begin with a post as stupid as Taylor's, but if I did something like that and seemed to identify a target, and my commenters thought they were picking up a cue from me and introduced sexual attacks on that target, depending on the details, I would delete.
I would feel bad if a satirical blog post of mine produced such stupidity in the comments. I expect better comments, and when a bad trend like that develops early on, the whole point of the post gets lost.
But then my point would never be: hey, look at X, we hate her.
The author at the blog is just wrong on substance.
While Althouse did indeed complain about the inconvenience of the rally, she did not call to shut it down.
Might have missed something. But, I don't remember Althouse calling for the rally to be cancelled.
The free speech martyrdom thing kinda loses its impact when you're crying wolf.
hmm, let me rephrase before anal retentive MDT shows up ...
hmm, it's not like Allie/Inga et al has been called any childish/sexist names at (((this))) blog.
hmm, it's not like Allie/Inga et al has been called any childish/sexist names at (((this))) blog.
hmm... Inga's pretty damned good at name calling herself. She does it with relish.
Althouse is right that when she says something, we are as likely to pile onto her as to play along with her - if not even more so.
In this case, she may not have outright called for the event to be cancelled, but she certainly indicated the idea of hosting it never should have been entertained in the first place, and she was right. It is absolutely inappropriate for a publicly funded university to host a partisan political rally.
Apparently 873,000 jobs were created this month, the highest one month jump since 1983.
On an unrelated note, I have this bridge in Brooklyn I've been looking to unload.
I hope you don't really expect compassion from progressives. Unless you are directly aiding their cause, you are (1) not really a woman and (2) therefore can be dehumanized by their language and actions. Besides, questioning the wisdom of the UW poobahs obviously means your a wingnut conspiracy theorist (whether you posit one or not).
I look forward the the University extending the same access and direct support to the Romney campaign.
"Sexual remarks to tear down a woman? Imagine if conservatives did that to a liberal woman."
In Barack Obama's America, double-standards aren't only the norm, they are cherished.
So let's make sure we reelect Obama, and get those standards cemented in place!
day full of cable news has informed us that everyone hates Barack Obama now after he didn’t straight pimp slap Mitt Romney last night.
Wonkette is still around?
From the Sandra Fluke situation, the line to "slut" is direct. Woman needs 3000% more for birth control than any other living being. Knee-jerk response: Jesus, lady, how many varsity football teams do you plan on taking on this year?
Now that knee-jerk response is both a.) too easy to be really clever and b.) imprecise, because a woman would have the same amount of birth control for 1 sex partner or 1000. But anyway, the response at least has a reasoning to it.
Whereas this, and the kind of vicious attacks rained down on Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, and Sarah Palin, are more like: I don't like what you say so I'm going to just put you down with the same putdown people have used against women for thousands of years. Which I think is vastly less excusable.
"Might have missed something. But, I don't remember Althouse calling for the rally to be cancelled."
He links to the post of mine that compares it to the way the 2010 rally was handled when Biddy Martin was chancellor.
At least he links to that. He doesn't show any sign of having read that with any understanding.
He doesn't even understand how the Mayer letter made it to Instapundit. He think we emailed it to Instapundit.
Maybe Jesse Taylor is under a lot of pressure to crank shit out, but he should get his facts right. Certainly the facts that are right in front of his face.
There is a little thing called "actual malice." Look it up.
Someone over there said they would "tap you"-that's a compliment.
because I'm a woman, they thought of using sex to try to hurt me.
Or because they are guys, they thought of using sex 'cause it is a usual subject for 'em to make cracks about. And yes, I know jokes of this nature are taken a lot differently between guys&gals. It is crude and rude, but I don't think it was meant to be harmful/hurtful to you.
I'd try to explain guy-humor a tad more, but I'm just a regular worker and it has been suggested that folks-like-me shouldn't have the audacity to be joking with an academic....so I ain't sure how discussions about humor would fit in with those type of "Town vs Gown" dynamics.
As long as no actual jokes are told, would it be ok?
I got through a couple of sentences of the Wonkette article. It's also offensive because it's so ridiculously stupid.
When you post in an echo chamber, you have to be so very out there to be thought of as "clever"
I thought, Zero being the First Lesbian President, all his supporters were supposed to be out.
Ann Althouse said...
insignificant... minutiae ...
Probably all he ever hears on a date.
shiloh said...
hmm, it's not like Allie/Inga et al has not been called any childish/sexist names at (((this))) blog.
Oop's fascination with his/her/its own ass seems to generate much comment.
5 will get you 10, that's who Hatman is on weekends.
Not to mention shilol.
Making sex jokes about Jesse Taylor that mentioned his homosexuality would be crossing the line, however.
"Althouse is right that when she says something, we are as likely to pile onto her as to play along with her.."
Now, THAT's cruel neutrality.
Wonkette is a dim little tart. And by tart, I'm not implying anything about her sexual behavior. I'm talking about her potty mouth.
These women are so sad. They've managed to reduce feminism to this little box of salacious outbursts. Norman Mailer at his prime (ugh) couldn't have done more to denude the notion of female empowerment: worse, the thingies are doing it to themselves.
Texas... Tennessee... same thing.
Althouse, your flock is trying their best w/inane ((( deflections ))) to defend your hypocritical lack of a point in this insignificant minutiae thread.
The site "Wonkette" is still around. Ane Marie Cox has moved on.
Inga is busy drying off from the Obama Rally.
shiloh said...
Althouse, your flock is trying their best w/inane ((( deflections ))) to defend your hypocritical lack of a point in this insignificant minutiae thread.
And the little weasel can't say anything beyond what somebody gave him to paste in.
How is not having a point (which she has, btw), hypocritical?
Central Control is going to have to start explaining those words of more than 2 syllables to him.
PS Still waiting for him to tell us what a train wreck mittens was Wednesday.
Fluck did say she spent $1000 a year on birth control. From what I can tell, the only birth control that expensive is 1,000 condomns. Fluck is spending a lot of time on her back, and she wants me to pay for it.
Imagine that happening?!
Ann Althouse are you seriously saying that this has never happened to me right here on your blog?
it's a buttfucking site, designed to attract democrats. what do you expect?
I see a parallel here with the Muslim's rule that the testimony of a women or an unbeliever in a court case cannot being given any credit against a Muslim man's testimony.
In the Progressive's Bubble of Slander the testimony of a conservative or of a suspected unbeliever cannot be given any credit against a Progressive's assertions.
I wonder if this is the same Jesse Taylor who was arrested for sexual assault in Madison, Wi in May 2011, see;
maybe I should dig a little deeper to confirm, but hey - the other side doesn't.
Ann Althouse are you seriously saying that this has never happened to me right here on your blog?
Well, Inga, you are a ditz.
And, you throw shit with the best of 'em.
If you want the damsel in distress treatment, clean up your act.
I'd click over to see what all the hubbub is about, but then I would add to the site's hit count.
It is one thing to sassy with humor, but reasonable people know where the line is before sassy becomes belittling.
Good humor is what you can tell to your grandma, or if grandma accidently heard it, she would just roll her eyes a bit, tell you to behave, and then give you a wink.
Professor Althouse,
You seem to be making two points: (1) a blogger is responsible for the comments she generates, and (2) your blog is less mean-spirited than Wonkette.
That goes too far for me. It's true that your insults tend to be slightly more elliptical than Wonkette's, but you can be fairly mean-spirited yourself. And while there is usually a critical mass of interesting comments on your blog, a substantial number are about as stupid and nasty as it comes. You're not in a good position to blame other bloggers for things said by their commenters.
Again, that particular Wonkette commenter was a complete asshole. But if you're complaining about Wonkette's mean-spiritedness in general, and blaming them for the comment, that's essentially the pot calling the kettle black -- even if it's true that in this case the pot is more of a charcoal.
...that's essentially the pot calling the kettle black...
In the age of the interest, every kettle is black.
There are no non-black kettle's left.
And, that's probably RAACIST! too!
Oh, look, shiloh's back!
Got tired of your garage mahal disappearing act, did you? So tell us, o wise one, what's your excuse for why Mittens took Little Black Jesus' ass, kicked it, handed it back and kicked it again the other night?
Minutiae, blessings, LOLLOLLOL. . .
shiloh: your attention to this blog, in particular to your apparent fascination with Ann's post topics and commenters, is indicative of a severe lack of significance in your life.
You are not clever, insightful, original and certainly not interesting. Over the years there have been much better trolls than you, so you aren't even good at being bad. Perhaps you think you are being annoying, and that's a good way to get shots in.
That should be in the age of the friggin' internet!
Damned keyboard!
Well, Althouse isn't even "trying" to be clever anymore. She's rational enough to know her lack of a point in this thread is a lost cause.
May this thread RIP!
Allie Oop was initiated into the comments here with a hazing worthy of the FAMU Band.
She has now gone on to be fully admitted under her new name of Inga, and she keeps right on being her very intelligent and sincere liberal self.
Great discussions have come from the interaction of Inga with the hyper- cons. She gets it.
That said, the Professor has the best brain in blogging. I actually feel sorry for her attackers.
Uh oh.
It is going to become all about Inga again.
AF: Swing and a miss, step out of the box and try again
Get with the program.
The Nutty Professor was the victim this time.
Pay attention.
It is going to become all about Inga again.
Yes, that's her tactic. Weepy sentimentalism over her own problems.
Don't bogart that victimization beyootch.
ST, and you are amongst the worst of them. When I am kidding around, kidding in return isn't the problem. There have been numerous times I've been serious when arguing or discussing a point, and several male conservative commenters use sexual language, not just innuendo to bash me, to demean me.
Althouse has posted blog comments that deal with human sexuality, she sometimes says fuck, does that make it right to mock her using sexual innuendo, or even outright sexual harrasment, as you ST and a couple others have done to me here on this blog?
Anybody else remember the Berkeley House Whore slur?
I like the Nutty Professor bit.
But Nutty Perfesser would be even better.
Put a little Beverly Hillbillies spin in there for the Althouse Hillbillies.
Nope, the point is that you're fucking hypocrites, how's that for bad language?
Not to suggest in any way that I approve of the Wonkette comments.
Well, Althouse isn't even "trying" to be clever anymore.
How ironic
Althouse has posted blog comments that deal with human sexuality, she sometimes says fuck, does that make it right to mock her using sexual innuendo, or even outright sexual harrasment, as you ST and a couple others have done to me here on this blog?
You got me crying. Poor girl.
Inga said...
Imagine that happening?!
Ann Althouse are you seriously saying that this has never happened to me right here on your blog?
Poses the martry who started the sexualization by telling people to kiss her ass and discussing how much fun it was.
Didn't see much of Shiloh recently. I wonder what happened. I watched MSNBC all night last night for laughs. They were basically administering fluids and painkillers for the faithful, so I guess Shiloh feels better today. Unfortunately, in the rematch, Romney is just gonna open up all those stitches again and raise up new swelling on the old bruises. But you can always go back to Maddow, Shults, and Co. who will sooth you, and tell you it doesn't matter, and it didn't really happen and that wasn't Romney, but some ringer impersonating him. Your guy just isn't good enough. This is gonna be painful for you.
This is like the all Inga station.
All Inga...all the time.
a) Interesting that the commenter at Wonkette who left that is named "ProgressiveInga." Co-inky-dink?
b) Poor Inga/Allie does receive abuse here -- at the hands of an obvious moby, whoresofthe something-or-other. It would be interesting to see which liberal regular hides behind that screen name.
c) The author of the post didn't make this shitty remark, a commenter did; but did you notice how the author teed it up for him with the last line of his post? He knew exactly what he was doing with his "...because...I don't know" coy bullshit.
d) It shouldn't be surprising that leftist men hate women. Most men on the left are only progressive because they're such sorry beta-males that they have to politically grovel to easy hippie-chicks in order to get any action at all. And as a result these beta-males resent women for making them jump through such hoops.
Shouting Thomas said...
hmm... Inga's pretty damned good at name calling herself. She does it with relish.
Sometimes she can be very frank, but she still can't cut the mustard.
Althouse, are you a damsel in distress today? I thought you had the biggest set of balls on the ineternet for a blogger chick.
I don't know what you girls are whining about. Most recently, I was told just the other day on here to "eat a dick". In fact, I bet if you tallied it up, the men on here get more sexual attacks than the women. You girls are just jealous. And yes, I think there are a lot of closet gays on here. My own closet has a mirror on the inside, so no need to come out.
They have a nice picture of you.
Baron von Zemo said:
All Inga...all the time.
Allie, Allie, Axon-Free
deborah said...
Althouse, are you a damsel in distress today? I thought you had the biggest set of balls on the ineternet for a blogger chick.
It does seem wrong for her to point out the double standard as part of her critique. A couple of days ago her response to csomeone doing that was something like "Mom, they're doing it too".
But I guess she disagreed with that comment, so it was totally different.
Marshal, when I said kiss my ass, I didn't mean my real ass.
But commenters here knew that but decided to make it a sexual request by me to them. I played along at times because it diffused the situation somewhat and was even a bit comical. BUT the ST decided to take it a step further and seriously sexually harrass.
You think you are justified in sexually harassing me and Lindsey because we may have uttered a comment that may have been of a sexual nature now and again?
"She asked for it" mentality. Right. A female commenter here , especially liberal ones , better damn well act like a Puritan, otherwise they are fair game for sexual harrassment, it seems.
I didn't complain before, because I didn't want to draw yet more attention to it, but now is just the right time. If it's wrong that they did the same thing to Althouse there, it's equally wrong that Althouse commenters do it to a liberal woman here on her blog.
In the case of Sandra Fluke there was an apology from Rush for some of his over-the-top comments. In your shoes, Professor Althouse, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for any sort of apology from Wonkette or anyone else from the left side of the blogosphere.
Also unlike Fluke, I have a suspicion that if an apology was offered you would graciously accept it. Fluke, you might remember, rejected Rush's apology as "dubious and inadequate" when it was at the very least indubitable.
It's too complicated to follow, and there's no promise of reward for working it out.
Althouse is offended and who knows why.
Pastafarain , I haven't even read Wonkette, and anyone that is using that moniker is most likely a Moby attempting to smear me and Althouse at the same time, my best guess is ... Wait for it... Baron Zemo, aka Trooper. Pretty low, I'd say. I recently stopped commenting on his blog because I discovered he was Trooper York. I guess he thinks he's paying me back.
Oh what a tangled web we weave, I'm glad Meade and Althouse knows what may be up with Baron Zemo. He does not comment in good faith.
Another comment ... "These fuckers work for a publicly funded college and appear to be too stupid to understand that their continued employment is likely dependent upon a Democratic administration. Sigh, I guess it would be my advice that get their resumes over to University of Phoenix. The are going to need lots of adjuncts to pick up the slack."
You see, Ann? You have to vote for Democrats because only Democrats will keep you employed. You are so ungrateful.
Allie-Inga, if you want to play with the boys by saying kiss my ass, you can't expect a nuanced and fastidious response.
David, I don't actually. It was a couple of days later that Shouting Thomas took that exchange a step further to actual sexual harrasment, in a different thread.
Wonkette has always been leftish, but when did it morph into DU?
Inga said...
Marshal, when I said kiss my ass, I didn't mean my real ass.
But commenters here knew that but decided to make it a sexual request by me to them. I played along at times
Bullshit. You made the reference numerous times, and used the resulting banter to lash out at people critical of you. You were playing a game when you brought it up, and you're playing one now.
You think you are justified in sexually harassing me and Lindsey because we may have uttered a comment that may have been of a sexual nature now and again?
I defy you to find one instance of me sexually harassing anyone on this blog, any other blog, or in meatspace. One.
"She asked for it" mentality.
You did ask for it when you baited whores - a moby - so you could play the victim and use the reult to criticize conservatives. Plenty of people have stood up for you, frankly more than you deserve considering your only contributions are insults and lies.
Inga: You think you are justified in sexually harassing me and Lindsey because we may have uttered a comment that may have been of a sexual nature now and again?
The problem with that position, Inga, is that you want it both ways (and I do not mean that as a sexual innuendo.) You can be ha-ha-ha raunchy when you want and then a tender flower when something offends you, or you want to act as if it does. I'm no fan of harassment, or even of raunchy talk, since it's usually so unoriginal. But people do reap what they sow, and not always in equal proportions.
Ugly, ugly stuff.
BUT the ST decided to take it a step further and seriously sexually harrass.
Now, your just being a fucking asshole, Inga.
Up yours!
"... sexually harassing me and Lindsey..."
That would be the same Lindsey whose screen name just happens, by an even more amazing co-inky-dink, to be the same name as a somewhat obscure but not entirely unknown porn star?
She's trying to goad someone into saying something sexual about/to her with her screen name.
And yes, I know the name of every porn star on the internet. You knew I would, don't act surprised.
Inga, so when you said "commenters here" you actually were referring to one commenter, and one incident?
I seem to have missed any pervasive harassment on this blog. Even the usual male bashing is somewhat muted here.
First, it's the crybaby thing.
Now, it's the damsel in distress bullshit.
What's next, Inga?
You must have been a real horse's ass in the workplace, Inga.
Jesus... People still read Wonkette? And take her seriously? I thought she'd retired or whatever...
It's really about taste, judgment, and class. Rush didn't have them vis-a-vis Fluke, and the commenter at Wonkette doesn't either.
But what it is NOT is some kind of trope for sexism. Either modern women are or are not too fragile and delicate to withstand kibitzing critics with poor taste, bad judgment, and lacking class. I'm betting they are, and you too.
"Insignificant Minutiae" is my porn name.
Mine is "Harry Dingus."
Let's see...
Inga's standard replies recently have become
You must have a small dick!
Kiss my ass!
And the problem is that people are "harassing" the poor baby.
Like I said, this woman must have been some horse's ass in the workplace.
So did you complain?
I kid:
Sexual remarks to tear down a woman? Imagine if conservatives did that to a liberal woman.
I hate that argument. Don't you have a real defense?
And speaking of sexual put-downs, where's this outrage when Inga or somebody (you even) go for the small dick capper?
Very selective,...
Whoresoftheinternet is not a Moby, go read his blog which spews white Supremicist crap for several years now. If he were to be a Moby he went to great lengths to make it appear so.
Inga, I've been through the LPN program.
You must have been some sort of asshole on the floor of the nursing home.
I've met your type.
It's all about you. When you can play the sadist, you enjoy it. When you get it in return, you cry like a baby and run to the supervisor to tattle.
Marshal, when I said kiss my ass, I didn't mean my real ass.
Yeah, because nobody's got lips THAT big!
I'm sorry -I'm outta here - this is NOT the thread for me,....
Any mention by me of someone having a small dick is after a conservative male commenter brought it up. Since I was being accused of saying this when in fact I hadn't, I thought why not? I'm already being accused of it.
Even saying someone has a small dick doesn't rise (ahem) to the level of sexual insult conservative male commenters (ST) here, have engaged in in the past few days.
Crack, you are one of the biggest hypocrites, you cry like a little girl when commenters here call you on your foolish Mormon fear mongering, brave principled man that you are.
The difference between my comments section and the comments over there is that over there the commenters all take the cue from the blogger and jump on whatever train the blogger says to get on board. They go in the direction pointed and they make it nastier and stupider.
Very true. I've noticed the above on several liberal blogs. Posts are just an "It's time to gang up and pick on ....." No offense intended to Ann, as she draws in the commenters, but the comments here are what keep me coming back. There's generally some good discussion, upon which I'm always proven correct and morally superior to everyone.
You're both an intentional sadist and a big crybaby, Inga.
If you can't take it, go away.
You like to throw shit, but you don't like having it thrown back at you.
Typical crybaby girl.
And, as usual, Inga, you big crybaby, you've moved this topic to a discussion of your hurt feelings.
Jesus, you're a piece of work.
Wonkette, under Anna Marie Cox, was amusing. Her joke was an interest in drink and anal sex, which worked its way in to undermine every serious political event.
Somebody bought the wonkette name and she went somewhere else with a less amusing schtik or I would have heard of it.
Seeing Shouting Thomas complain about someone else being a "big crybaby" is really-really funny.
Now. Now. We shouldn't take pleasure in someone else's pain. Unless, it's your's, of course. ;)
Inga said...
Whoresoftheinternet is not a Moby, go read his blog which spews white Supremicist crap for several years now. If he were to be a Moby he went to great lengths to make it appear so.
Since this is my accusation and she responded to nothing else I wrote I conclude she's withdrawing her earlier accusation I sexually harassed her and/or Lindsey. Baseless accusations of sexual harassment reveal the accuser as an unprincipled liar willing to say anything regardless of its relationship to truth. This is a strong reason never to engage Inga's - or other dishonest person's - sexual banter. Inga initiated it as a hook, knowing at some point she'd be in position to make the accusation.
Marshal, I never said YOU did any sexual harassing, why did you assume I meant YOU?
Ann, I think you've summed up the entrenched left. It is all very emotional and they don't disagree with conservatives they hate them because they are evil.
BTW - I imagine saying stuff like that to a liberal woman nearly every day. In my case, it'd be a libertarian saying stuff like that.
We are adults, no?
Are some commenters here not able to engage in a serious discussion/ debate without bringing in sex to insult?
Do some commenters here not have the ability to disengage themselves from a sexual banter type conversation to a serious discussion? If a woman has ever engaged in sexual banter does that now mean that is fair game to use her sexuality against her, to demean her in a serious conversation?
Some here want a woman to act like a Puritan at all times, otherwise " she asked for it" in every OTHER situation. THAT is sick and disgusting.
The Crack Emcee said...
And speaking of sexual put-downs, where's this outrage when Inga or somebody (you even) go for the small dick capper?
Because my dick is big enough not to be intimidated by a big mouthed yenta.
Inga said...
Marshal, I never said YOU did any sexual harassing, why did you assume I meant YOU?
I didn't assume, your 10:58 comment addresses me. That comment directs the sexual harassment accusation to "you".
Futher, if you weren't addressing me in that part of your comment the only other possible meaning of "you" is Althouse commenters, which is even more ridiculous.
But run from your stupid accusations, it's what you're best at. Have you recalled why you accused Romney of taking a 77k tax credit for his horse? I presume you're giving up on the "tax credits for offshoring jobs" now that the President has proven himself a fool for making the same accusation. Do you want to make it official?
This microdickaphobia has got to stop! Sometimes it's just an optical allusion because you have really huge balls. But even if it's real, it's genetic like being gay or wearing shorts. Some compassion would be nice.
"leslynn said...
I'm confused. Was "disgusting," what you said, or "disgusting" that she refused to engage you on it."
Revealing that leslyn supports baseless accusations of sexual harassment. I first wrote surprising, but considering it further I concluded it really isn't. The left's mantra is By Any Means Necessary, and they mean it.
To have any credibility about sexual joking/inuedo/mockery, the very first rule you Must have is to make yourself the target most of the time. I find it easy because I am so bad at sex.(like that).
Then whatever anyone else says to you , hell you've already heard it or worse(and I have).
Besides, if you're secure in your sexuality, then what ever anyone else says IS a joke.
That's the best revenge!
Inga doubles down: A female commenter here, especially liberal ones, better damn well act like a Puritan, otherwise they are fair game for sexual harrassment, it seems.
Some here want a woman to act like a Puritan at all times, otherwise "she asked for it" in every OTHER situation. THAT is sick and disgusting.
Who here are Puritans? Why this obsession with religion and sexuality? I'm getting suspicious about your identity.
To have any credibility about sexual joking/inuedo/mockery, the very first rule you Must have is to make yourself the target most of the time. I find it easy because I am so bad at sex.(like that).
Then whatever anyone else says to you , hell you've already heard it or worse(and I have).
Besides, if you're secure in your sexuality, then what ever anyone else says IS a joke.
That's the best revenge!
Inga said...
Imagine that happening?!
Ann Althouse are you seriously saying that this has never happened to me right here on your blog?
And LOL even louder at the deafening silence from Althouse right now.
Optical illusion/allusion, is there really any difference?
Inga said...
If a woman has ever engaged in sexual banter does that now mean that is fair game to use her sexuality against her, to demean her in a serious conversation?
If you're trying to apply this fact pattern to yourself, shouldn't you first engage in a serious conversation?
This microdickaphobia has got to stop! Sometimes it's just an optical allusion because you have really huge balls. But even if it's real, it's genetic like being gay or wearing shorts. Some compassion would be nice.
shiloh obviously is such a dumbshit that he doesn't get the difference between blog OWNER egging commenters on to engage in name-calling vs people doing it on their own. I swear shiloh has pigshit in his ears.
Wait... so Ann is supposed to delete/ban anyone who engages in name-calling? What about free speech?
This microdickaphobia has got to stop!
Phallologists call this condition microphallophobia. It often presents alongside macrovaginaphobia, at least in heterosexual pairs.
When I am kidding around, kidding in return isn't the problem. There have been numerous times I've been serious when arguing or discussing a point, and several male conservative commenters use sexual language, not just innuendo to bash me, to demean me.
You can kid, others can not. So you're a hypocrit that hates being treated the way you treat others. Good luck with that, but it doesn't seem like you deserve any sympathy.
Obviously I disagree with sexually demeaning comments and I am on record as having NEVER used them on this blog. Sure I've called names, I'm played moby. But I've NEVER done the crass shit.
Progressive misogyny isn't the exception to the rule.
It IS the rule.
Inga does get treated kinda harshly here. You can find more than suitable material to blast her with than her girlie bits.
Apparently 873,000 jobs were created this month, the highest one month jump since 1983.
I am astonished that some people might think the BLS might skew statistics. Especially when Obama is reeling from a bad debate.
Perhaps this data shouldn't come from a gov't agency, since they have not shown a level of trustworthiness.
Allie... the problem is you conflate 2-3 bad apples with the other 25 people who regularly post here. Whereas you go to Wonkette or Daily Kos and they're all fucking bad apples.
Apparently 873,000 jobs were created this month, the highest one month jump since 1983.
Which is why Obama will get re-elected. If the incumbent does not have a really truly BAD economy and he at least makes noises that HE CARES he'll get a 2nd term.
Of course cue the lefties who say Obama created those jobs.
It is all very emotional and they don't disagree with liberals they hate them because they are evil.
Few conservatives think liberals are evil. Naive, dim, and not imaginative --- but evil? No.
Their policies, however...those are really, really bad.
Wonkette, under Anna Marie Cox, was amusing.
Gots to vehemently disagree. Cox has never been witty or amusing.
Alex, the thing is, I don't read those blogs. The only political blog I read consistently is Althouse.
Has Obama ever run a business? Oh yeah he was a community organizer.
Allie... let's not pretend like Althouse is bigger than those blogs. They have much more influence and the commenters are truly vile.
Ana Marie Cox was always vile.
So why aren't you a conservative yet, Ann? Considering you work in an environment where people think like this and mull around the blogosphere were people think like this then do you think your cruel neutrality is worthy of this kind of merit? Or are you just going to remain in the murky middle and let them use you as a foil?
So why aren't you a conservative yet, Ann? Considering you work in an environment where people think like this and mull around the blogosphere were people think like this then do you think your cruel neutrality is worthy of this kind of merit? Or are you just going to remain in the murky middle and let them use you as a foil?
Methadras said...
So why aren't you a conservative yet, Ann? Considering you work in an environment where people think like this and mull around the blogosphere were people think like this then do you think your cruel neutrality is worthy of this kind of merit? Or are you just going to remain in the murky middle and let them use you as a foil?
Yeah, when are you going to join up with rational, reasonable, sane people like Methadras?
If NPR and PBS is defunded by the Bainiac, then Big Bird will be available.
Althouse should bid on a Big Bird Blog.
We have enough characters here to fill all of the roles.
"So why aren't you a conservative yet, Ann?"
It's incredibly powerful the "liberal" self-identity. Even when the label lost all meaning and actually became the antithesis of itself, it still feels much safer than conservative.
Admitting you're conservative is for a liberal like admitting you really aren't a nice person. Many (probably most) conservatives like me have no problem admitting we have liberal areas of our personal philosophy.
If you think about what Obama openly represents and actually does like having a mentor and pastor that, if he was white, would be considered a white supremacist. Then to see Obama on video blatantly race bating when he thought nobody would see it. How does she respond? To attack those who expose the racism in that. She voted for this guy knowing, but excusing the racism used to get him elected. ALL you have to do is reverse the color of his skin, and he would be offensive to her sensibilities as a liberal. A conservative is offended either way. She is no conservative.
bagoh20 concludes: She is no conservative.
I've always thought Althouse was more conversative than conservative.
Few conservatives think liberals are evil. Naive, dim, and not imaginative --- but evil? No.
You left out stupid.
Althouse calls us ugly and is amazed how we can not see ourselves as being ugly. Here's your prism, take a look:
She voted for this guy knowing, but excusing the racism used to get him elected. ALL you have to do is reverse the color of his skin, and he would be offensive to her sensibilities as a liberal.
Exactly the way I see it too. That's the prism. I still believe in the dream to judge people by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.
Oh, Ann, so thin-skinned. You can be a better sport than that.
leslyn said..."Althouse, no attribution to Alpha Liberal for finding this for you?"
Nope. I didn't get there that way. I got there through Site Meter, where I see which sites are sending me traffic. Wonkette was, unlike many Althouse haters, decent enough to link. I'm sure I sent him more traffic than he sent me, though, so it was a wise commercial choice. Wonkette is a very commercial enterprise. It doesn't represent any real human being's honest thoughts or artistic expression.
As for Alpha Liberal... haven't noticed him even being around recently.
Wonkette is funny. The best comments in the intertubes.
Quite the flattering picture of Ann there.
She voted for this guy knowing, but excusing the racism used to get him elected. ALL you have to do is reverse the color of his skin, and he would be offensive to her sensibilities as a liberal.
One of these days, someone is going to help me to understand why behavior is or is not repulsive based on the color of one's skin.
It must have to do with "nuance," because it surely has nothing to do with ideals of moral behavior, or concepts of equality under the law, or anything else.
Truly, 2 + 2 does equal 5 to some.
The difference between my comments section and the comments over there is that over there the commenters all take the cue from the blogger and jump on whatever train the blogger says to get on board. They go in the direction pointed and they make it nastier and stupider.
Talk about being self-unaware. Sheesh.
This is like the all Inga station.
All Inga...all the time.
Only if you let it be. Don't talk about her. Don't respond to her.
the sexually humiliating affirmation "I'm In."
More humiliating response: "Are you sure?"
Dust Bunny Queen said...
This is like the all Inga station.
All Inga...all the time.
Only if you let it be. Don't talk about her. Don't respond to her.
You're doing a heckuva job with that one, Brownie!
That's what she said.
First, it's the crybaby thing.
Now, it's the damsel in distress bullshit.
What's next, Inga?
Trying to gather groups to pit against each other.
Threatening to sue for a)harassment b)stalking c)something else....because her daughter is a lawyer.
Flouncing off in a huff.
DBQ, I only flounced into the shower, to get ready to go somewhere. Really DBQ, this idea of yours that you bring up repeatedly is getting ridiculous. I am gathering my forces to pit one group against another?
You dearie, never fail to flounce in a "bash Inga" session. You talk about junior high mentality and try to attribute it to me, but you are consistent with your assertion that there is some "war" happening and I am gathering forces.
I find it odd that you continue to focus so much attention my way, why don't you take your own advice and be the first to ignore me, that would be a welcome development. If not I will begin to think you have some odd unhealthy fixation with me. There, if that doesn't make want to you ignore me, nothing will, so flounce off dearie, that would make the Queen Bee happy.:)
Since you're back Inga have you recalled why you accused Romney of taking a 77k tax credit for his horse? I presume you're giving up on the "tax credits for offshoring jobs" now that the President has proven himself a fool for making the same accusation. Do you want to make it official?
Or do you just want to run away again?
And DBQ,
Did I say anything about sueing anyone for sexual harrassment? Where did you pull that out of, your derrière?
Marshal, how many times now have I told you, no I won't engage you. I have no interest in discussing anything with you, I've repeated this at least three or four times now over the last few weeks Marshal.
Hey Inga!
Inga said...
Marshal, how many times now have I told you, no I won't engage you. I have no interest in discussing anything with you, I've repeated this at least three or four times now over the last few weeks Marshal.
I don't expect you to anwer Inga, I expect you to run away. You pretend you're ready to debate and these side issues are such distractions, but the truth is you lie and when it's pointed out you run. Aren't you working on your thesis that because men in Afghanistan treat women poorly the American Christian Right want to turn American women into sexual slaves?
Run Inga, run.
That's what she said.
The water was cold!
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