२८ सप्टेंबर, २०१२

"The Wisconsin Supreme Court said Thursday it wouldn't hear challenges to the state's voter ID law until an appeals court hears the cases..."

"... a setback for Republicans who wanted voters to have to show a photo ID to vote in November's election."

२६ टिप्पण्या:

TWM म्हणाले...

Let the voter fraud begin. Well, continue . . .

vet66 म्हणाले...

May we assume the appellate court won't hear the case until after the election? Sounds like the fix is in.

vet66 म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
cubanbob म्हणाले...

Yes the democrats need this ruling upheld. How else can the senile and the dead have their votes counted? If a race is tight lets guess how many trunk full of ballots are suddenly 'found'.

AllenS म्हणाले...

I've begun to realize that the biggest threat from voter fraud is, and will be coming from absentee voting. How do you check ID through the mail? Unless you need to send in a scan of your photo ID along with your request for an absentee ballot.

Aridog म्हणाले...

For the life of me I cannot understand why voter ID is an issue at all. Why is it offensive that a citizen seeking to vote minimally verify their qualification?

Today, even Walgreens asks for your name, phone number, and birthdate before you get the Walgreens customer discount card...mandatory now for any of their advertised specials.

Now giving someone not entitled to it your full name plus your Date of birth is even dumber than giving them you social security number. Really. With just those two items a half capable grifter can replicate every other ID item you have and clean out your bank account to boot.

But you know what...virtually everyone just gives it all up to Walgreens and thinks nothing of it. I watched a dozen do so yesterday when the policy change (need card to get advertised discounts) was announced at check out. Everyone of of those I watched are among those likely to complain about voter ID.

Me, I suggested they shove it where the sun don't shine and that I'd pass.

machine म्हणाले...

The real voter/registration fraud is by the GOP in Colorado and Florida...

Why is that never addressed here? I wonder...

AllenS म्हणाले...

When I scrap metal, the place that I bring it to, requires a drivers license before they pay you.

Beta Rube म्हणाले...

Marquette students now know how they'll be spending the day.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

Showing an ID to vote should be law of the land.
What's the big deal?
Oh yeah - democrats need a loophole and an excuse to cheat.

Bryan C म्हणाले...

So folks in Wisconsin can have their franchise, their piece of the government as a citizen, left unsecured by that same government to be stolen or cancelled-out by fraudulent means.

But we're told that's just a setback for "Republicans". Democrats are fine with that.

Ignorance is Bliss म्हणाले...


I agree, absentee voting should be a bigger concern.

If it was up to me, you would not be able to request an absentee ballot by mail. You should have to show up and show ID, and give a valid reason for why you can't be at the polls on election day.

The military and people working for our country overseas need procedures available to them that allow them to vote, and guarantee that their vote will be gotten where it needs to go, in time for it to be counted.

cubanbob म्हणाले...

machine said...
The real voter/registration fraud is by the GOP in Colorado and Florida...

Why is that never addressed here? I wonder...

9/28/12 7:54 AM

Right because illegal aliens, the senile, convicted criminals and the dead must have their voting rights protected or how else can democrats have a fighting chance to win?

garage mahal म्हणाले...

Why is that never addressed here?

GOP voter fraud is addressed here. It's just projected onto Democrats.

Fen म्हणाले...

93 year old Viviette Applewhite:

“the state’s voter photo ID law violates the Pennsylvania Constitution by depriving citizens of their most fundamental constitutional right – the right to vote.”

Meanwhile, Viviette has already voted in Florida, Texas, Ohio and Pennsylvania (twice). So when the actual Viviette Applewhite makes her way to the polls on election day, she'll be turned away because someone already cast her ballot.

You see, its vital that her right to vote be protected. Protecting her ballot from identity thieves? Not so much.

SomeoneHasToSayIt म्हणाले...

I blame everyone who voted for Obama, and his ilk at the State level.

Again, this bill should have been named "The One Person, One Vote Assurance Act", which is what it is.

That way, the agenda of people against it, would be exposed more clearly for what they are.

machine म्हणाले...

Well, since the GOP is the party actually getting caught committing actual fraud I guess they need it to have a fighting chance? right?

kimsch म्हणाले...

I voted absentee when I was in the army and then once more in Vermont when I was on bed rest during pregnancy in 1990. The absentee ballots while in the army were by mail, but the one in Vermont was different. I had to have a valid reason (bedrest) and someone came to the house with a ballot and checked my ID. I filled out the ballot, put it in the provided envelope, the guy initialed it and went on his way with the ballot.

edutcher म्हणाले...

Amazing how all the Lefties cheer.

Especially since Barack is sooo far ahead in the polls, you'd think he wouldn't need it.

You have to show a license or valid ID cash a check, but doing it to vote is a violation of our most basic civil rights.


machine said...

Well, since the GOP is the party actually getting caught committing actual fraud I guess they need it to have a fighting chance? right?

Whaddya know?

Mindless automatons really do have a sense of irony.

purplepenquin म्हणाले...

For the life of me I cannot understand why voter ID is an issue at all. Why is it offensive that a citizen seeking to vote minimally verify their qualification?

People I've talked to say that their issue isn't showing an ID, but rather the strict limits that have been put on what type of ID is considered acceptable.

That aside, I find it really topsy-turvey that it is the hard-core right, rather than the hard-left left, that seems to be clamoring for a National ID Card. Strange times indeed...

Darrell म्हणाले...

The Lefties tell soldiers they can send in absentee ballots after the real deadline, so their votes will be discarded. After they are found it, it becomes a simple error.

States issue picture IDs for free to those that can't pay the token fee. Everyone knows why Democrats are fighting this tooth-and-nail. Even Garage (who dumped his Indian chief avatar with the new Warren law license scandal).

Darrell म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Darrell म्हणाले...

Speaking of Elizabeth Warren, when she was selcted, not elected, in the Dem primary process, you needed a picture ID to vote. Hell, to get in the door. OK for me, but not for thee--Motto 209 for the Dem Party.

Darrell म्हणाले...

but rather the strict limits that have been put on what type of ID is considered acceptable.

Yeah. Legal ones.

Clyde म्हणाले...

Oh, those dastardly Republicans! Wanting people to prove that they are who they say they are, and only vote once!

Is THAT what democracy looks like?

Aridog म्हणाले...

Purplepenguin ... as I am sure you know, the federal REAL ID Act passed in 2005, and was sponsored by Congressman James Sensenbrenner (R) of Wisconsin. Ever since then it has been blocked, obstructed, and delayed by edict in highly bi-partisan fashion, both by federal and state politicians.

In March 2011 the U.S. Department of Homeland Security postponed the effective implementation date of the Real ID Act until January 15, 2013.

It appears no one wants a national ID system.

Well some haven't objected, like my state of Michigan, which introduced a REAL ID compliant driver's license long ago (under a Dem administration at the time, no less), containing information also compliant with the Immigration Service's Passport Card (previously the PASS Card).

As some whose private sector, military, and federal career paths have always required government issued photo ID, I find the hooting and hollering amusing. Around 2003 I had to carry 3 separate ID's for various functions, and by 2005, thankfully, it was reduced to one card, the military Common Access Card ... aka CAC card. It will open secure doors, facility gates, access global databases, and likely contained my sperm count from the date of issue to boot.

I no longer have a CAC card...but DoD is considering making one up for retired personnel. Meantime I get by with a driver's license and Passport Card, plus Passport when necessary.

So far all this ID'ing my self has not caused debilitating disease, nor male pattern baldness, nor Erectile Dysfunction.

The pandemonium over ID's is childish bullshit. As I've said earlier, with your full name on what ever document plus your date of birth, you can be identified, tracked and found easily.

Even by Walgreens now. :-))