NPR chooses a good Saturday to polish Obama's image with a puff piece about the President and beer.
Polls show President Obama has been winning that likeability contest. And he's been raising a lot of frosty mugs on the campaign trail, hoping to press his advantage over the teetotaling Mitt Romney.
The strategy could come to a head in the swing state of Colorado.
As President Obama was holding an outdoor campaign rally in Golden this past week, the signature smell of beer brewing washed over the audience, a reminder of the nearby Coors brewery.
Did anything else happen this past week? Anything relevant to the election? I mean, more relevant that that Obama drinks beer and the White House has its own homebrew with "a secret recipe [that] was just declassified with a video on the White House website."
The White House beer is flavored with honey from the first lady's beehive....
Speaking of teetotaling Mitt Romney,
the beehive is an important symbol to Mormons (and Masons):
Freemasons also used the bee and beehive as symbols of cooperative work, and the images are found in early American art and literature. "Many of the founding fathers were Masons, and America had become the new "promised land" of opportunity," says Staker. Many early Mormons were also Masons, including Joseph Smith.
The Book of Ether in the Book of Mormon tells the story of the Jaredites, a tribe that lived at the time of the Tower of Babel in the Old Testament. According to the Book of Mormon, the Jaredites made a miraculous 344-day voyage across the ocean to North America. They brought with them the "deseret" which means "honey bee" in the language of the Book of Mormon.
When Brigham Young and the Latter-day Saints arrived in Salt Lake Valley in July of 1847, Young chose the name "Deseret" for their new home, and the beehive as its emblem, symbolizing the kind of cooperative work that would be required to make the desert bloom....
Mark Twain commented on the Utah beehive symbol in his book on the 1860s American West, Roughing It, "The Mormon crest was easy. And it was simple, unostentatious and it fitted like a glove. It was a representation of a Golden Beehive, with all the bees at work."
७६ टिप्पण्या:
Regular guys don't brew their own beer (as if Obama really handled putting a jug in the closet), only beer nerds other gentry do that.
The White House beer is flavored with honey from the first lady's beehive....
Is that some kind of, uh, pussy whistle?
And what other male aspect might Obama be polishing?
Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
Shoot me now!
Excpected NYTimes and NPR to be in the tank for Obama.
But the public blow jobs are beyond the pale of journalistic responsibility.
Thankfully, every US President that has ever won reelection has done so with more support and more votes than his first election.
Even W got 11 million MORE votes in 2004 than in 2000.
Anyone believe that will happen for Obama this time?
Get ready for November 7 America to say hello to President -elect Romney! And the end of this national downward spiral for America!
The Pro-Obama media are just disgusting.
@joeschmo12of3: I know a number of home brewers who might be classified as "regular guys", one's a guy who works at a tree farm and one's a telephone company line worker. I suppose you could call 'em bear nerds too though.
By the way everyone:
No need to feed the shiloh troll - I already completely spanked him. Everything else he posts is to discourage the eventual winners. But he can't make something happen that America will not vote for, so easy breezy, the trolls been stepped on.
You're welcome.
Obama is a terrible terrible president, but the pro-Obama press would like you to like him anyway.
And oh, by the way, I have a contact in the Obama campaign who just read me most of the internals yesterday in Ohio. Obama's crew is profusely sweating folks - don't believe a thing you read from the Main Stream Media about the O boy being ahead - it's not even close!
Nonapod: I think your buddies are beer fans and also have a nice hobby. But they don't fit the media stereotype of "regular guy" who drinks pitchers of bud lite at sports bars. That being said, having a cool outlet does make them regular guys.
When you're scrambling furiously to cover for a fuck-up of epic proportions, mere bias just isn't enough. You've got to ramp it up to full-blown propaganda.
Brent said...
Agree. I've been paying attention to this stuff for forrty years now, and I have never seen the like. The biggest difference over the past years is that none of the media outlets is making the slightest attempt at even appearing unbiased. It's as if, now that they've been sussed out for what they really are, they no longer see any point in pretending. In any case, this is their last hurrah. They've already lost the contest to the alternative media, including "pro-Romney RW hate sites" like this one.
Something did happen this week.
I know a lot of beer drinkers that shouldn't be in charge of their wardrobe, let alone the country.
And I think the likability ended with the Skippy Gates business.
PS Thank you, Brother Brent. I'm sure Bret, Bart, and cousin Beau could have done no more.
I know the first thing I always base my vote on is if I'd want the candidate over for a beer. Bonus if he has his very own beer recipe. The second thing I base my vote on is the attractiveness of the first lady. For instance, no way would I have voted for FDR..I mean that Eleanor, woof!
Like I totally believe the First Lady is a beekeeper.
I'm surprised no one's mentioned the Muslim angle. Ostentatiously drinking a mildly alcoholic beverage is a subtle way of rebutting the 'secret Muslim' crowd, isn't it? That's particularly important this week, when events and his reaction (or lack of reaction) to them strongly suggest that he's either an undercover agent of radical Islam or a complete and utter incompetent. Of course, we all know he's the latter, but he still needs to discourage those who think he might be the former, and drinking beer is a quick and easy (that's really important) way to do that.
Jeeze, apologies.
She won the beehive hairdo contest.
Well, finally, you've been doing some digging for a change. I'm impressed - even if it isn't an expose' into the dark side of this belief system.
Yes, if you lived here, you'd find the beehive symbol, along with Deseret Industries, and the Zion banking institution.
I was thinking a few days ago that one reason I know my attackers here aren't serious is because they never ask me what I like about it - so their image of it (all good) and what they get from me (all bad) is warped. I don't particularly mind, because I want them to understand the bad, but it's still unreal.
If you're into Mark Twain quotes on Mormonism, my favorite is his description of The Book Of Mormon:
All men have heard of the Mormon Bible, but few, except the elect have seen it or at least taken the trouble to read it. I brought away a copy from Salt Lake. The book is a curiosity to me. It is such a pretentious affair and yet so slow, so sleepy, such an insipid mess of inspiration. It is chloroform in print.
If Joseph Smith composed this book, the act was a miracle. Keeping awake while he did it, was at any rate. If he, according to tradtion, merely translated it from certain ancient and myteriously engraved plates of copper, which he declares he found under a stone, in an out of the way locality, the work of translating it was equally a miracle for the same reason.
The book seems to be merely a prosey detail of imaginary history with the Old Testament for a model followed by a tedious plegiarism of the New Testament. The author labored to give his words and phrases the quaint old fashioned sound and structure of our King James translation of the scriptures. The result is a mongrel, half modern glibbness and half ancient simplicity and gravity. The latter is awkward and constrained, the former natural, but grotesque by the contrast. Whenever he found his speech growing too modern, which was about every sentence or two, he ladeled in a few such scriptural phrases as, "exceeding sore," "and it came to pass," etc. and made things satisfactory again. "And it came to pass," was his pet. If he had left that out, his bible would have been only a pamphlet.
And since you mentioned The book of Ether:
An incomprehensible medley of history, much of it relating to battles and seiges among peoples the reader has possibly never heard of and who inhabited a country which is not set down in the geography.
Then this:
The Mormon Bible is rather stupid and tiresome to read.
About the Mountain Meadow Massacre:
The Mormons were the assassins.
...I left Great Salt Lake a good deal confused as to what state of things existed there and sometimes even questioning in my own mind whether a state of things existed there at all or not.
A state they're happy to leave outsiders confused about to this day,...
Brent - I already realized that shiloh was a distraction. But unfortunately he seems to keep winning.
At a time when it seems as thought Obama wants to be seen as placating Muslim sensitivities... Isn't Obama the beer brewer all wrong?
NPR is not helping.
I don't want a like-able President.
Only beta-males are like-able.
I've lost the link I had to the NPR puff piece on President Bush a few months before the 2004 election. Can anybody help me out and find it again?
Insert spit take here. Honey from FLOTUS' beehive? Uh huh, until I see pictures of the apiary. FLOTUS in a beekeepers suit, and extracting the honey from the combs, I so call bullshit on this.
That is of course unless she learned her craft from Hyde Park and the University of Chicago's long and storied beekeeping tradition, Lol.
Oh btw, before Shiloh, Garage et al. accuse me of racism, apiary doesn't mean what you think.
I am sick, SICK of this lovefest of the media with Obama. How do we get through this? If I were Romney I would leave in disgust and tell the people they can have their fucking media and Obama for another 4 years and go to hell.
While we're at it. Yes, this clearly is the most important news involving the president this past week.
What is up with the Righty journalists? I just watched Journal Editorial with Gigot and they piled on and on on Romney -- it was like rewinding their last week's comments. They didn't say a word about the media lovefest this week of Obama.
This is like a rerun of what went on towards the end of Primary 2008 when we had that feeling of dismay that everything was rigged in favor of Obama. How does Romney or any candidate operate in this stifling environment? Who is going to ask the media -- "have you guys NO SHAME?"
And oh, by the way, I have a contact in the Obama campaign who just read me most of the internals
Is Brent the Anti-"America's Politico"? LOL
Give it up, Dude. NPR isn't biased: Obama really is as AWESOME!!!! as they're telling you.
In fact, they're underplaying His Marvelousness in an effort to be fair.
pm317, I absolutely share your frustration.
Crack, the difference is Mark Twain wrote it as satire. "Roughing It" is eminently readable and doesn't come across quite the way you present it.
CWJ said...
Oh btw, before Shiloh, Garage et al. accuse me of racism, apiary doesn't mean what you think.
Very droll.
PS The only one who thinks the little animal wins around here is Alex.
Our little navel veteran gets his ass kicked and is sent scurrying with his tail between his legs back to Mom's basement so often, largely because his stuff has become wearyingly repetitive, it's become a major participant sport around here.
I think we all should get twitter accounts and clobber the hell out of the sucking media.
Tyrone Slothrop,
Brent said...
Oh come ON - This is nothing compared to 2008. Romney's neither getting pounded as hard as McCain/Palin (nobody's climbing through Paul Ryan's garbage) nor as hard as he should, considering.
There's no John Edwards-type hush-hush campaign going on, the WaPo and L.A. Times aren't lying through their teeth (only to confess AFTER THE ELECTION they were lying through their teeth) and there's no major cult-type activity we're all witnessing (the Mormons are working quietly, compared to the school sing-alongs and Deepak Chopra-like pronouncements in major newspapers).
Long story-short:
You guys are tripping - which you really ought to consider before you criticize me again.
Because, other than conservatives missing the big picture, there's really no comparison,...
And what the hell is this? Muslims in India protesting the fucking video? What is wrong with them? I am sure the Saudis and Pakistan are just eager to drive that wedge there. Have any of you heard about the protests in Pakistan? Nothing.. There is nothing bad going on there? But the news people were quick to say that that Youtube video was banned in India.
Ambassador Chris Stevens was not available for comment.
Crack, the difference is Mark Twain wrote it as satire. "Roughing It" is eminently readable and doesn't come across quite the way you present it.
Two things:
1) A satire of what?
2) You know we're limited for space-per-post so I went with what I wanted to be seen.
I heard on Fox media watch that CBS didn't even run the story of the attack or some such thing and also NYT had the attack story on A4? Fox guys did a good job of highlighting the media bias this week.
Is there a silent majority watching all this? Please tell me there is. It is not just Obama we have to defeat, we have to defeat Obama to defeat the media whores.
Not a word about Barack Hussein Obama's serious lifelong addiction to huffing ciggies.
It just doesn't fit the MSM's intended results from their narrative.
I have now looked at three web pages on "Roughing It" and not one calls it a satire.
It figures he'd be one of those beer brewers that would add honey and chocolate and shit to his beer because he doesn't like the "bitterness". I can imagine he's wearing an apron around his mom jeans listening to NPR while he boils the water. Wotta candy ass!
IMO Crack is beyond reasoning with this election season, but for whatever it's worth--
Duh, the difference is that Obama is POTUS now. The most powerful media bias now is not about demonizing Romney/Ryan as if they were Palin (though they're certainly trying as best they can to do that, and you along with them because in your delusional world Mormonism is the evil bogeyman biggest threat to America), but in the way the MSM filters/ spins/ slants/ mutes/ disinforms re not "election" news but just plain HEADLINE NEWS. Current, fluking urgently burning events.
Whether that's international embassies being stormed, or domestic economic data.
IMO Crack is beyond reasoning with this election season, but for whatever it's worth--
Duh, the difference is that Obama is POTUS now.
Yes, but you don't seem to understand all you're explaining is my point:
This season is NOT as bad as 2008.
If it's because Obama is POTUS now, then fine, but it's not MOST.DISGUSTING.MEDIA.BIAS.SEASON.EVER.
Is there a silent majority watching all this? Please tell me there is.
'Fraid not. The 'silent majority' & the all-powerful Undecideds still get 100% their news from the Legacy Media. The only people who pay any attention at all to Faux Noise or right-wing blogs are people like us who've already made up their minds.
Is it just me, or does it seem a little strange that no one is calling for an investigation on the attack which killed a US ambassador and 3 aides this week? Why was his secret safe house location known to armed militia/Al Qaeda? And why did the ambassador and his team not receive any support in 4 hours? How did that happen?
But Obama is a great guy, totally on top of everything, and he drinks beer! And don't worry, Iran is at least a year away from having the bomb, according to unnamed experts.
Well, Crack, I watched part of Scott Pelley's interview with President Obama this week, and I thought I was going to twow up.
That certainly was the worst I have seen so far.
So. It looks like the White House will answer more questions about their beer than Libya. Fancy that.
Guzzle some gas while you're at it, Barry. Live the dream.
With respect to Roughing It, the book is humorous at times, but not satiric. The parts on the mormons as I remember might be exaggerated, but mainly observations, sometimes wry and pointedly skeptical. There might be some satirical parts sometimes, but I can't remember so I looked it up to scan again. Anyway, here it is:
Well, Crack, you're missing my point. It's arguably *worse* media bias than 2008, because it's not just about the media's presentation of new/ unknown general election candidates, but about the reporting of just plain news, current events-- really effing HEADLINE NEWS current events-- per se.
Well, Crack, I watched part of Scott Pelley's interview with President Obama this week, and I thought I was going to twow up.
That certainly was the worst I have seen so far.
Unless my center-left roomy has the news on, I don't pay much attention to the MSM (I don't even speak to my lefty roomy anymore) but this year's coverage has been pretty mild.
Leftist? Sure, but we expected that, didn't we?
I'm still waiting for Mormonism to make an entrance - that's the elephant in the room. Right now, they must think they can win because they haven't gone there, while I would've been wall-to-wall with the man who thinks there's a Mother and Father God on "Kobal," who thinks Native Americans are the lost tribes of Israel, and Jesus is coming back to build condos in Missouri.
Every time Mitt Romney ever came back to Utah, to ask the "prophets" for their "advice," would be documented - with a campaign ad asking, "Who elected THEM?"
And every time they told him to go against the cult's "teachings" in order to make Romney more attractive to attain presidential power, I'd ask the American people and the cult's followers if Romney or the Mormon leadership actually believed anything they claim to - especially about lying?
Their ties to the Mafia would become well-known, that's for sure.
I'm telling you:
Romney's getting off eeeeeasy,...
The Crack Emcee said...
Crack, the difference is Mark Twain wrote it as satire. "Roughing It" is eminently readable and doesn't come across quite the way you present it.
Two things:
1) A satire of what?
Life and its foibles. If you go through it, Twain skewers everybody, particularly, the image of the rough-and-ready Westerner, tourists in Hawaii (they had them during the Civil War years), and always America's nouveau-riche.
No different from "Life On the Mississippi".
2) You know we're limited for space-per-post so I went with what I wanted to be seen.
OK, I can understand that, but you might have put in some of the drollery regarding the "outhouse harems", etc.
I have now looked at three web pages on "Roughing It" and not one calls it a satire.
Like you, I call 'em like I see 'em.
Well, if beer drinking won't make Muslims riot, maybe this video will. No, it's not the fake video that the MSM and WH is pushing as the cause. It should really piss off Muslims because it tells the story.
Well, Crack, you're missing my point. It's arguably *worse* media bias than 2008, because it's not just about the media's presentation of new/ unknown general election candidates, but about the reporting of just plain news, current events-- really effing HEADLINE NEWS current events-- per se.
No, I hear you, but it's still confused:
I mean, in an election where I've been beaten-to-death by mobs screaming, "IT'S THE ECONOMY, STUPID!" why should anyone care what happens in the Middle East?
I KNOW I was the only person here arguing that the presidency was about more than the economy, and everybody else was calling me crazy.
Who's crazy now?
"And oh, by the way, I have a contact in the Obama campaign who just read me most of the internals yesterday in Ohio. Obama's crew is profusely sweating folks - don't believe a thing you read from the Main Stream Media about the O boy being ahead - it's not even close!"
That's funny - my contact in the Obama campaign tells me they're shitting bricks - not because they're at risk of losing California, but because turn out for the Dems is likely to be so low, the two income tax hike initiatives are likely to lose, Pelosi's hopes of recapturing the House are sure to fail, and legislative Reps could pick up a couple or more seats in each house.
That's what happens when the top of your ticket is a disaster, and the mainstream press can't fool idiot rank and file Democrats to the contrary.
Soon the police will violate the Crack Emcee's probation because of his jihad against Mormons.
Maybe not.
You can say anything you want about Mormons.
But Crack, on this issue (what's happening in the Middle East, and the principle of free speech), Romney the Mormon *has* spoken out-- and been attacked for doing so by the MSM!
So if you care so much about what's happening in the Middle East or the principle of free speech (and how a presidential administration uses its power to suppress free speech), why is priority #1 for you to attack Romney? To demonize Mormons, and help Obama win?
You're constantly pushing this moral equivalence between Mormons and Scientology and Islam or whatever. But there's no moral equivalence! Especially when it comes to free speech. At this moment (the relevant moment) in history, Mormons do not engage in a campaign to suppress or censor or intimidate free speech re Mormonism. Hello, Book of Mormon on Broadway, or Big Love on HBO, among countless other examples. As opposed to the truly evil efforts of intimidation, lawfare (in the case of Scientology) or violence (in the case of Islam) to suppress free speech. Are there any Broadway shows or HBO series about the foibles of Scientology or Islam?
That new movie on Scientology (based on Scientology, but which doesn't even dare to state it outright) is the exception. Whereas the number of movies about Mormons, criticizing or mocking Mormon characters, is endless.
You have a habit of conflating things. You take the content of a religion's beliefs or the character of its historical founders or whatever to define "cult," and then extrapolate that to the present character, role, and societal behavior of that religion as a "cult."
Whoever the historical Joseph Smith was as a man is irrelevant to me, because I'm not deciding to become a Mormon, and because Mormons (neither private citizens nor politicians with governmental power) do not betray their commitment to the American Constitution by using intimidation/ violence to push for censorship. Scientologists and Islamists (and, I would add, Obamaphiles with power over the MSM), are.
So the Big Deal media favor Obama. What is the point in whining about this? On election day, the media types each get one vote like the rest of us. Most of them live in New York or DC or Maryland where the result is a foregone conclusion anyway.
Romney's task is to go around and over the media directly to the voters. It's a tough task because it's intrinsically difficult. It's also tough because Obama has the black vote tied up, which means he has about 95% of 12% of the electorate. Romney has to rack up big majorities with everyone else, not easy with the Republicans doing their best to piss off our largest immigrant group.
So it's tough. Boo-hoo. None of this was unknown six months ago. Or three years ago. It's part of the task in getting a Republican elected President. Only three men have achieve this feat since Nixon resigned. Two of them were named Bush. So it's not impossible. It's just difficult.
Can Romney pull it off? So far that's looking doubtful.
David, I agree with you that whining is pointless. But the point is that it's not about whining: pointing media bias out is part of the "tough" "intrinsically difficult" but essential and necessary "task" to "go around and over the media directly to the voters."
I'm not sure Bush would have won if the revelation of Rathergate hadn't happened. Was Rathergate "whining"?
Democrat pols sure know how metrosexualize manly things. Obama has his wife's honey in his beer. John Kerry ordered a cheesesteak in Philadelphia with Swiss on it instead of whiz wit.
Next week the WH is going to release a picture of Obama sitting on the couch, watching football with his hand down his unbuckled pants.
Next week the WH is going to release a picture of Obama sitting on the couch, watching football with his hand down his unbuckled pants.
Heh Joe Schmoe, did you miss the White House disseminated picture of Obama at the presidential desk grasping, for no apparent reason, a baseball bat? Talk about phallic.
And just coincidentally (speaking of recent events), upsetting Turks.
"So the Big Deal media favor Obama. What is the point in whining about this? On election day, the media types each get one vote like the rest of us. Most of them live in New York or DC or Maryland where the result is a foregone conclusion anyway."
David, I trust that you've never complained about money in politics. Period.
Because that would be the only consistent thing if the bias of the press is irrelevant. If you've complained, ever, about politicians buying elections or about how one guy having more money than the other guy makes it unfair, then you're a hypocrite. Hope you're not.
I would ask Crack to consider the possibility that even as cults exploit individuals, individuals exploit cults. An obvious example is the Freemasons. They profess belief in a whole lot of mumbojumbo, but their real motivation is the chance it gives them to come together, socialize, and find ways to make their lives seem significant and important. By and large people take a pretty keen interest in their own welfare. Im sure that those whose lives don't become better because of lodge activities, simply stop going. If they perceive an activity as self destructive they stop doing it....The obvious exception, of course, is self destructive people. There's a fair number of them, but they are certainly not the majority. At any event, there's no evidence that Mormons are self destructive or that their faith or cult or whatever makes their lives more onerous. To the contrary, there's considerable evidence that they prosper because of their faith and that, in itself, may be the reason for their faith. It's not an irrational belief if it makes you healthy and wealthy.
But Crack, on this issue (what's happening in the Middle East, and the principle of free speech), Romney the Mormon *has* spoken out-- and been attacked for doing so by the MSM!
No, he wasn't attacked for speaking out, he was attacked for jumping the gun.
So if you care so much about what's happening in the Middle East or the principle of free speech (and how a presidential administration uses its power to suppress free speech), why is priority #1 for you to attack Romney? To demonize Mormons, and help Obama win?
First, who said I give a good goddamn about what's happening in the Middle East? Except for the killing of Stevens and Co., I am *completely unmoved* by anything that's occurring. I didn't put Dumbo in office, Ann did, and that was on the promise we'd be loved if she did so, so she made a completely "rational decision" - based on THAT - and voted for the guy.
Second, Romney is a Mormon - not exactly known around Utah as the greatest free speech advocates. So a better question would be, why would YOU want to elect someone from a cult with their record of lying and suppression? Or do you think you can wander around Temple Square without discovering *some resemblance* between Mormonism and Islam?
Give me a break.
You're constantly pushing this moral equivalence between Mormons and Scientology and Islam or whatever. But there's no moral equivalence! Especially when it comes to free speech. At this moment (the relevant moment) in history, Mormons do not engage in a campaign to suppress or censor or intimidate free speech re Mormonism. Hello, Book of Mormon on Broadway, or Big Love on HBO, among countless other examples. As opposed to the truly evil efforts of intimidation, lawfare (in the case of Scientology) or violence (in the case of Islam) to suppress free speech. Are there any Broadway shows or HBO series about the foibles of Scientology or Islam?
Such lies. Oh yeah, the Mormons welcomed "The Book Of Mormon" with open arms didn't they? NOT! They bitched and kvetched but discovered there was nothing they could do about it - and the same goes for "Big Love". (And what is it with you guys and confusing fiction for real life, anyway?) Where's the drama or comedy about how the "church" swindled the Temple Square property?
That new movie on Scientology (based on Scientology, but which doesn't even dare to state it outright) is the exception. Whereas the number of movies about Mormons, criticizing or mocking Mormon characters, is endless.
And how much credence do you give them, yashu, as you try to elect a Mormon to the White House? Do you ever visit or the various cult sites, or is it all defense for you? Is such willed ignorance your idea of being informed?
You have a habit of conflating things. You take the content of a religion's beliefs or the character of its historical founders or whatever to define "cult," and then extrapolate that to the present character, role, and societal behavior of that religion as a "cult."
Hey - I didn't arrest Joseph Smith for fraud - he did that shit all on his own. Excuse me for noticing.
Whoever the historical Joseph Smith was as a man is irrelevant to me, because I'm not deciding to become a Mormon, and because Mormons (neither private citizens nor politicians with governmental power) do not betray their commitment to the American Constitution by using intimidation/ violence to push for censorship. Scientologists and Islamists (and, I would add, Obamaphiles with power over the MSM), are.
No, the Mormons have never killed anyone - either individually or as a group. Wait:
Are we talking about the same cult?
I would ask Crack to consider the possibility that even as cults exploit individuals, individuals exploit cults.
Ahh, the clusterfuck argument. I'd be all for it if they were required to put a sign over the door that said "We're here to exploit you." You know, like some counties require "psychics" to display a sign saying it's all a game. Otherwise, sorry, but - hop matter who's fucking who behind their back - the whole deal is un-American and I'm not going for it.
There's no evidence that Mormons are self destructive or that their faith or cult or whatever makes their lives more onerous.
Utah has the highest incidence of fraud and anti-depressant use in the nation - and one of the highest of child abuse. Not sure if it's THE highest but it's up there.
Why don't you admit you live your life according to Mormon press releases, William?
And what's the matter, William?
Don't you like kids?
Or are you like Mormons and REALLY like kids (wink, wink)?
Does anyone really like a guy who phones it in? A guy who is goofing off when the hard work is to be done?
I don't think so.
Everyday I see Obama in action I like Mitt more and more.
Here's something I wrote about Crack and posted on a thread a few days ago, but I deleted it. Uncertain that I should post it, but it's what I really feel and think and it's been on my chest, so what the hell.
Funny thing is, I bet Crack would agree with at least half of my characterization of his views. (And one reason I'm reluctant to express my description of Crack's views is that I'm echoing, albeit in disagreement, what is most toxic about them. Not to mention feeding an IMO megalomaniacal ego. And just getting into a conversation/ debate I find absolutely futile and tiresome.)
Crack sincerely believes Mormons (defined above all by their Mormonism, and Mormonism defined as a cult, and cultism defined as humanity's greatest evil) are a sinister, toxic, malignant force.
Crack doesn't evaluate Romney as a particular multi-faceted individual with a life history who has other facets than his Mormonism (a personal spiritual relationship as a private citizen to a particular religion). What he feels at the prospect of Romney's election is what I would feel at the prospect of, say, a Nazi's election. In fact, as we know from posts on Ann Romney, Crack actually equates Mormons to Nazis. Not metaphorically, literally-- literally literally, not Biden literally.
There's no reasoning with that. For him (as he's happy to proclaim on a widely read blog like this one), Romney is a member of and represents an evil rapist pedophilic murderous theocratic cult (I'm not exaggerating, he really thinks this), whose members feel no real compassion or fellow-feeling for others, but look down upon them with contempt. Not that morally different from the Manson family, just much more formidable and well-organized and thus "dangerous." Of course, from his perspective, there's no reasoning with us, who don't see Mormons in that way. He thinks we're blinding ourselves to reality.
(No similar extrapolation of pedophilic priests or past depredations of the Catholic Church to Santorum, whom Crack championed.)
This goes way, way beyond e.g. Cedarford's issues with Jews. Someone's joke here about "Protocols of the Elders of Mormon" is frighteningly on the mark. It's unsettling to see this kind of thing up close. You get an idea of how even good people, intelligent people, people you might have liked, can completely lose perspective and in the grip of their delusion come to see a group of human beings not as individuals but as members of an inhuman and threatening organization, as a menace to society… and one can see how some of the awful things that have happened in the past, on a mass or individual level, could have happened.
Normally my comment would Godwin itself, except that it's responding to someone who's in full-on Godwin mode. Crack's martyr complex re Mormonism merits the title "Mein Kampf."
In any case, it's enough to note that Crack would be perfectly happy to see Obama beat Romney (or no more disappointed at that than Romney beating Obama). He's indifferent between them (and my own sense is that he hates Romney more than Obama).
Crack exasperates and angers me, but I also feel sorry for him.
IMHO He's in desperate need of some kind of psychiatric therapy.
You get an idea of how even good people, intelligent people, people you might have liked, can completely lose perspective and in the grip of their delusion come to see a group of human beings not as individuals but as members of an inhuman and threatening organization, as a menace to society… and one can see how some of the awful things that have happened in the past, on a mass or individual level, could have happened.
Do you mean how people, for some odd reason, gather into suppressive groups who lie, cheat, steal, and kill, in order to drive some bizarre idea with no hold on reality into the lives of others who - as individuals - are just trying to get on with it?
Is that what you mean?
If so, when I look at cults, I see the same thing, too. Why did the Nazis push their insanity on us? I have no idea (actually I do but I'm playing along). Why do the Mormons insist on pushing their insanity on us? I have no idea. Why can't you understand that pushing insanity is NOT the way you build a cohesive or functional society? I have no idea.
Except "God works in mysterious ways."
IMHO He's in desperate need of some kind of psychiatric therapy.
Thanks, yashu, that's the best laugh I've had all day. You pay for it, O.K.?
If you can find ANYONE on the planet that can make me accept cultism happily - after my wife and her "peaceful" friends killed three people and walked away free because people like you made excuses for them - you let me know,...
Bad things, terrible things happen to people. Terrible things, tragic and traumatic things, have happened to you.
There is much to be learned from personal catastrophe. But the aftermath is often just as bad or worse-- when a person remains somehow psychologically in thrall to that misfortune, fixated and unable to move on from it. When all the world, all of life, all of humanity, all possibility is only perceptible through the narrow prism of their trauma.
By the way, I'm not speaking from a place of superiority. Believe me, I have my issues too and I'm hardly a postergirl of psychological health.
You annoy and exasperate and anger me a great deal, but I feel a lot of compassion for you too.
So they're brewing mead in the White House.
This is going to please the hippies.
Crack made the following lie:
"Such lies. Oh yeah, the Mormons welcomed "The Book Of Mormon" with open arms didn't they? NOT! They bitched and kvetched but discovered there was nothing they could do about it - and the same goes for "Big Love"."
Do you just pull this stuff out of your butt? Seriously, where did you even come up with that? Can you point to a credible source? I actually know Mormons that watched the Book of Mormon and thought it was funny. Are they so good at suppressing free speech that they have both Hairy Reed and Romney in the spotlight with completely different points of view on the world?
You do realize that your comments consistently smell of or paranoia and conspiracy theories about Mormons, right?
Another wise Crack:
Hey - I didn't arrest Joseph Smith for fraud - he did that shit all on his own . . .
Oh yes, now an arrest proves that someone did the underlying crime he is suspected of. Especially when the arrest is made by a group of citizens that fears the political power you are amassing in their backyard and the strange new religion you are teaching.
Seriously Crack, you are intellectually dishonest due to your hatred of Mormons.
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