5:51: It's LBGT time. A video, with Obama saying we need to see a man with a man or a woman with a woman as equally worthy as a man and a woman. Then a young man named Zack Wahls — from Iowa — says he was raised by 2 moms, and: "I'm awesome at putting the seat down."
5:55: A really sweet and charming video about the woman who started the "Fired up/Ready to go" chant in Greenwood, South Carolina, some 4 years ago, Edith S. Childs. Ah, it's on line: here. Watch it. I liked that.
5:58: "They really got through the gay stuff quick," I observe.
6:01: Jim Messina, the Obama campaign manager is begging us for money. There's a sob in his voice. He sounds genuinely desperate.
6:28: Foo Fighters emote. [ADDED: Meade says: "This is kind of depressing music, and it goes along with the whole convention.]
6:32: The Foo Fighters are singing "I never wanna die" over and over. It's this song, "Walk":
I never wanna dieNo, no... that's not an argument for a politician's reelection.
I'm on my knees
I never wanna die
I'm dancing on my grave
I'm running through the fire
Forever, whatever
I never wanna die
I never wanna leave
6:34: Now, there's this really gloomy video. Faces on a dark background. Woebegone people agonizing about how they "did everything right," and yet they are "one mistake away from losing the little that we have."
6: 47: An. act.tress. Kerry. Wash.ing.ton. I'd never heard of her before, but she's emoting big time, like she's talking to a bunch of idiots who never think about politics. But politics is thinking about us, she says ominously. Uh, we're the people watching the convention. We're not your Hollywood friends. "The other side" — "side," pronounced as a series of trembling, upscaling notes — "wants. to. take. our. voi.ces. a.way. and render us. invisible" — big wagging finger — "but we" — "we," rendered in the trembling, upward 4-syllables for a 1-syllable word, like she's really trying to scare us — "are not. invisible." Her doe eyes scan the crowd. Did they understand? Did they com.pre.hend? Did they fath.om the depths of. my. words? [ADDED FROM THE COMMENTS: Fiftyville said: "I loved Kerry Washington's statement... 'You may not be thinking about politics, but politics is thinking about you.' If you have to steal, Dems, why steal from Yakov Smirnoff?"]
6:57: Scarlett Johansson. So the beautiful actresses are all getting dumped in an early hour. Unlike Kerry Washington, the actress Johansson is able to act like a normal person. "We are the generation who feel our voices haven't been heard," she says, repeating something Chelsea Clinton said earlier in the convention. Johansson enthuses about voting. It's a speech that seems more appropriate to a bunch of young kids. And, sorry, I don't understand the basis for this whole generation believing that their "voices haven't been heard." You get to vote. Like everyone else. Why do you feel there's more of an entitlement than that? If you have something to say, say it. You kids have the whole internet. Twitter. YouTube. My generation didn't have that. What's this "no voice" business?
7:04: Debbie Wasserman Schultz aids a woman who is struggling to walk onto the stage. With great effort, she struggles to blurt out the words of the Pledge of Allegiance. My God, it's Gabby Giffords. Many tears run down many faces.
7:09: "As a Catholic woman, I take reproductive health seriously," says Caroline Kennedy, reading the script robotically. She complains about states putting restrictions on "access to reproductive health care."
7:13: Jennifer Granholm, "from the great state of Michigan, where the trees are just the right height." (She lifts Mitt Romney's gentle joke about home, and Meade and I disagree about whether she's showing some affection for her fellow Michigander.)
7:17: Granholm has a good (if unfair) line — referencing Romney's supposed lack of concern for auto-industry workers — "The cars get the elevator, and the workers get the shaft." You have to know that Romney had a car elevator installed in one of his homes.
7:21: It's "actress Eva Longoria." Not sure why Caroline Kennedy and Jennifer Granholm broke up the parade of actresses. Longoria sounds like an intelligent person who actually has followed politics in the normal way that people who like politics follow politics.
7:43: John Kerry. American exceptionalism demands an exceptional President, and that President is Barack Obama, he says.
8:05: As a tribute to servicemen and women goes on at the convention, email from Obama comes in, saying, "Ann -- Before I go on stage to accept the nomination, there's one thing I need to say... Can you pitch in $25 or more right now?"
8:44: Jill Biden warmed us up to think of Joe Biden as the embodiment of human caring, and now Joe Biden is doing the same for Barack Obama. He tells us he "loves" Obama. Obama was "gutsy."
9:40: Obama is giving his speech. Here's the whole text. His inflections are polished, but nothing is jumping out at me as different from what I've heard him say many times.
9:55: "We, the People, recognize that we have responsibilities as well as rights; that our destinies are bound together; that a freedom which only asks what’s in it for me, a freedom without a commitment to others, a freedom without love or charity or duty or patriotism, is unworthy of our founding ideals, and those who died in their defense." Is that controversial?
10:03: The word "hope" appears 15 times in his speech. The last 3 come near the end: "And I think about the young sailor I met at Walter Reed hospital, still recovering from a grenade attack that would cause him to have his leg amputated above the knee... He gives me hope. I don’t know what party [various heretofore mentioned] men and women belong to. I don’t know if they’ll vote for me. But I know that their spirit defines us. They remind me, in the words of Scripture, that ours is a 'future filled with hope.' And if you share that faith with me – if you share that hope with me – I ask you tonight for your vote." Other people give him hope, the Bible refers to hope, and if you hope like he hopes, you should vote for him. Because... hope!
10:17: The speech ends, and there's a flurry of confetti. No balloons, because an indoor presentation hadn't been planned. Obama steps forward and waves. There's a closeup of his face and I think I see his lip curl with a bit of disgust, and I rewind and ask Meade to interpret the face and he says: resignation. Subjectively, we think we see in his face that he knows he's going to lose. Michelle and Malia and Sasha come out, looking perfectly glossy and pretty, and then there's Biden and Jill and Mrs. Robinson and various other relatives, milling around, waving a bit, and then the long view of the stage shows they've clumped toward the rear wall. Why are they huddling there? The shots of the crowd show some ecstatic delegates — all women — and many stolid/dispirited faces — male and female. At one point there's a hitch in the Bruce Springsteen music — a silent gap — but then it plays again. And now they're gone.
10:26: The Cardinal wanders out to the lectern. He's got his benediction written out on folded sheets of paper. "Help us to see that a society's greatness is found, above all, in the respect it shows for the weakest and neediest among us." He thanks God for giving us those "inalienable rights — life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." He thanks God for "the gift of life" and asks that we be given "the courage to defend it." In subtle defiance of the convention's abortion-rights theme, he says: "We ask your benediction on those waiting to be born, that they may be welcomed and protected."
11:03: The Democrats didn't have anything oddball, like Clint Eastwood. Nothing surprising. Nothing to talk about. Speaking of nothing, on Intrade, Obama re-election shares today experienced a 0.0% change. Oh! I checked back, now he's down 0.2%. (Romney is up 0.7% on the day.)
11:12: I just realized I fast-forwarded through Charlie Crist. Looked like another white male governor. I forgot about the whole former-Republican thing. Does anyone really care?
७८४ टिप्पण्या:
784 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Wasn't the Wisconsin she knew supposed to speak out loud and clear when they recalled Scott Walker? Oh, wait.
The Wisconsin she knows has a Republican governor, a Republican Senator, and how many republican congressmen?
And one of them is running for Veep?
His parents made him shovel to help people. Note what did not happen. He did not have to pay a fine or a tax for not helping, nor was he jailed for not doing it.
What is Wisconsin's biggest export product?
So where does everyone think the MSM punditoids will rank the big speech? Top 3 All Time in the History of Human Oratory, or higher?
Blogger Kirby Olson said...
What is Wisconsin's biggest export product?
Cold air.
"Top 3 All Time in the History of Human Oratory, or higher?"
For sure. But in the "Public Official, Female, Open Lesbian" Division.
Obama almost lets it slip out that he, too, is a sitzpinkler. Not that we're surprised.
Gay stuff is seriously not ready for prime time. Funny how all the way leftist stuff is getting shunted into the crap slots. C'mon, Dems! Own it!
I agree that Edith Childs is charming, but I found that video to be very sad. When you look at the difference between everyone's expectations 4 years ago, and the reality today, you see that Obama is all chant and no change. I'm fired up that Obama is "ready to go" out of the White House.
This instantaneous connection between Obama and somebody getting help from a taxpayer program...
It is good that Tammy Baldwin introduced WI to the Pres. He obviously avoided it all year. Maybe his excuse is that he doesn't know where it is.
Personally, I favor legal gay marriage, and I couldn't disagree more with Obama's statement.
"we need to see a man with a man or a woman with a woman as equally worthy as a man and a woman" is neither a true statement, nor should it be a prerequisite for legal gay marriage.
We don't NEED TO SEE jack. It shouldn't matter how we FEEL about things. Different people will feel differently, and THAT IS THEIR RIGHT.
It's not the Federal Government's place to define marriage, EITHER by telling gay couples they can't have access to the same contracts and other aspects of our civil court system as straight couples, OR by telling people how we need to see things.
And frankly, the greatest barrier to legal gay marriage is this idea that government intends to force us all to feel a certain way about it.
How about we agree Pres. Obama can continue giving presidential speeches for the next four years, but Mitt Romney can do the actual work of being President. Pretty sure Pres. Obama would go for that. He'd still get all the adoration.
This guy saw Obama shake hands and his life changed for ever.
Chef Mojo said...
"Gay stuff is seriously not ready for prime time. Funny how all the way leftist stuff is getting shunted into the crap slots. C'mon, Dems! Own it!"
It's a political ghetto.
Give the homosexuals profile within the convention hall, at a time in which no one is watching; word gets out in the gay community that Obama and the Democrats gave them their due, but MSM doesn't highlight it, and middle America doesn't get creeped out by Obama putting Titus and Failed Hat Mannequin on display for them to see.
Even the Democrats can pull this off.
"Pretty sure Pres. Obama would go for that. He'd still get all the adoration."
Especially if Romney did all the work Obama misses playing golf and practicing his bowling.
I think people are sick of giving the democrats money considering how much of our money they have already wasted.
Any word yet from the Foo Fighters that tonight's performance is just another gig, with no implications of political inclinations?
"Especially if Romney did all the work Obama misses playing golf and practicing his bowling."
Why doesn't he just bow out?
Jimmy Carter has been getting more popular since he was summarily tossed out of office. At least the DNC thinks so -- which I guess isn't a good indicator -- but it seems that, in general, he's a good deal more popular than he was n 1980. That's a low bar.
If Obama retires, since he's young, he can be the god he always wanted, within a few decades, and be young enough to enjoy it.
So Eva Longoria is stumping for Barry tonight, and she's dating Mark Sanchez.
She sure is good at picking losers!
What is Wisconsin's biggest export product?
Probably toilet paper.
The problem with Dems saying that man and man togther in a relationship is just as good as a man and a woman because it is all about lifestyle choice, being happy, and enshrining the right to CHOOOOSE on all relationships...
Is the 'ol slippery slope Scalia warned about.
Why not a man and his 5 wives?
Why not a man who is happiest, embraces freedom and the right to choooose....by knocking up 33 bitches that bear his biodaddy fruit and all without the encumbrances of marriage?
Or a woman that wishes to stay unmarried, for maximum freedom and choice....but wants to pool all benefits that come from marriage with her two partners in their informal lesbian Triad??
Why was it brief and out of primetime?
Because substantial parts if the key Democrat demograohic groups are pissed as hell about the gay agenda being jammed down their throats by the inside influencers of the Party.
The problem with Dems saying that man and man togther in a relationship is just as good as a man and a woman because it is all about lifestyle choice, being happy, and enshrining the right to CHOOOOSE on all relationships...
Is the 'ol slippery slope Scalia warned about.
Why not a man and his 5 wives?
Why not a man who is happiest, embraces freedom and the right to choooose....by knocking up 33 bitches that bear his biodaddy fruit and all without the encumbrances of marriage?
Or a woman that wishes to stay unmarried, for maximum freedom and choice....but wants to pool all benefits that come from marriage with her two partners in their informal lesbian Triad??
Why was it brief and out of primetime?
Because substantial parts if the key Democrat demograohic groups are pissed as hell about the gay agenda being jammed down their throats by the inside influencers of the Party.
"Why doesn't he just bow out?
Can't admit failure.
Affirmative action fosters a false sense of accomplishment and esteem.
So, because he won't do the right thing, the voters will have to take responsibility.
And, after far too many of them screwed the pooch last time, it's only fair they do so.
We'll see who is willing to step up.
She sure is good at picking losers!
A Latina Cougar.
Thanks for sharing the video Ann. It was sweet and totally clarified this campaign season. President Obama has been urged to bring back the 2008 feeling...
it isn't going to happen because...
He doesn't believe it anymore. He knows he can't deliver the goods he actually believed he could deliver.
Joe Schmoe said...
"So Eva Longoria is stumping for Barry tonight, and she's dating Mark Sanchez.
She sure is good at picking losers!"
Second-rate actress hanging with second-rate QB and third-rate president. I'd say she's hitting her average.
History will show that the Democratic Party sided with LBGT civil rights. Althouse sided with the bigots.
So that's why Tammy Baldwin got a speaking gig. She's a part of the gay stuff. Not a big surpise.
... My goodness. Someone is retweeting old tweets from Crist: "Pres. Obama and Dems ignored the will of the ppl and passed a partisan-gov’t run HC bill."
Hey.. why is Cobain playing drums and the drummer is singing?
I see a lot of the KosKidz are expecting a 20 point bounce after the convention.
(the little animal is a piker; he said 11)
They should live. Given the mess this convention's been (I hear it's clear as a bell in Charlotte tonight), they'll be lucky they don't get a drop.
And that's before the jobs report tomorrow.
BTW, if letting Clint do his thing last week was such a mistake since it took the spotlight off the nominee, as all the trolls told us, wasn't having Willie speak the same mistake?
Ann Althouse observed...
"They really got through the gay stuff quick," I observe.
Did Slobbering Barney speak yet?
I heard he was bumped from last night.
He and Halo Joe are the only ones I want to hear.
"History will show that the Democratic Party sided with LBGT civil rights. Althouse sided with the bigots."
My lesbian sister is "married," has kids, etc. A die-hard Dem, but the only civil rights she's fighting for now are some tax breaks and a few other monetary benefits. Yawn. They have plenty of money.
Just watched CBS News. It's remarkable how upbeat they were; even the botox princess. Norah O'Donnell was quite flushed and animated, but it was all about Bill Clinton and his speech last night.
"Althouse sided with the bigots."
Uh, yeah, where "bigots" = "no special rights."
Run with that as you will. It doesn't mean nearly as much as you hope it does.
Jim Messina, the Obama campaign manager is begging us for money.
Sounds like your average televangelist or public television fund drive, without the Masterpiece Theater.
"...but it was all about Bill Clinton and his speech last night."
Excellent! So Norah O'Donnell joins David Gregory in standing up in the media crowd, shouting, "I am NINA BURLEIGH!"
Wow. This guy is going to really try to sell "Republicans walked away from compromise" on the day Woodward's leaks are read by everyone?
I'll bet those folks who did everything right forgot to floss.
Notice what most of those accomplishments have in common? Oh right. They're based on Bush's policies and plans. (Well, except for rigging the system for GM.)
Sorry Rep Clyburn - Toyota is the #1 car company and FORD was not returned to dominance by the government because FORD didn't take bail-out money.
The Dims should just play this RNC video tonight. No need for a repeat performance from Obama.
This girl was a toddler when Kerry got beat.
... Wow. So, I guess anyone who votes Romney/Ryan are NOT people. That's an epic speech fumble.
Scarlett Johansson! Now the Dems are breaking out the top tier intelligentsia.
"I'm not going to tell you WHO to vote for, but let me send you to a partisan vote registration site."
Now the Dems are breaking out the top tier intelligentsia.
Dumb as a brick.
Oh, so, I guess, she DID decide to tell us who to vote for.
Boy, that Woodward book is really not making the President look very good at all. No respect shown, even to his own party.
I don't know whether to salute you for doing this or to think that you need a mental health check up.
I can't watch this stuff; the lies and hate coming from Dems is truly appalling.
Apparently Willie scored only as well as Ryan did in the ratings.
Now it looks like his ratings went up after the game ended, and so Nielsen has come out with "revised" numbers.
Get ready for a lot of this the next 2 months.
PS I see Slobbering Barney was on between 4:30 and 6 EDT.
So Ann was right.
Nothing to look forward to now but Joe.
I think the best tweet about the Woodward book is from Iowahawk about Pelosi putting Obama on mute while he rambled so that Congress could work that got the tag: #StrangeNewRespect
Dumb as a brick.
Yeah, but what a brick!.....sorry.
Patrick said...
Boy, that Woodward book is really not making the President look very good at all. No respect shown, even to his own party.
Why should he?
After all, he takes a walk across the Potomac every day.
Democrats having fun! Don't you wish you were a Democrat? Hmmmm?
Chip is missing all the entertainment.
Yeah. I'd like to be a Democrat. Then they'd consider me part of We the People. I'd like it if the party in power considered me a person.
Kerry Washington really screwed up that line.
Of course in Pelosi's case, it might have been better for everyone if she'd just continued listening, and not doing anything else. He is a man in love with himself. Michelle can see it in his eyes.
Gabriel Giffords, beautiful.
Allie: not even a little. 'Course calling me a Republican isn't exactly on the mark either, but it's much closer.
Market up almost 250 points. Apparently the European Central Bank is doing its version of stimulus. Like the whole "International Community" is getting together to shove Barry over the finish line.
re Woodward: Pelosi putting him on mute would be a funny SNL skit, not that it will ever happen.
Ooh. Civility!
AllieOop said...
Democrats having fun! Don't you wish you were a Democrat? Hmmmm?
Been there, done that. You?
Gifford was amazing and charmingly sweet.
Yep, still a Democrat, still having fun, Chickie.
Gabrielle Giffords reminds me of something. Something about civility, the President saying we all need to be nice, quit vilifying the other side and all of that. Must explain the lack of comparisons to Hitler, Nazis, Eva Braun this week. Oh wait.
I guess that explains this.
I was so inspired, my family and I threw Hillary under the bus.
Woman rights.. women this and that..
When you had a chance to nominate a woman for president, you passed.
Yep, still a Democrat, still having fun, Chickie.
There was a short dreaming window for Kerry too.
Thank you, Ann, for suffering through this so I don't have to.
I still think Teddy was thrown under the bus because of a quid pro quo for Caroline to get Hillary's old senate seat. Maybe she'll get an ambassadorship for this speech today.
Obama doesn't put teachers - excellent or no - into any classrooms, local school districts do.
Cedarford said...
The problem with Dems saying that man and man togther in a relationship is just as good as a man and a woman because it is all about lifestyle choice, being happy, and enshrining the right to CHOOOOSE on all relationships...
Is the 'ol slippery slope Scalia warned about.
Why not a man and his 5 wives?
Why not a man who is happiest, embraces freedom and the right to choooose....by knocking up 33 bitches that bear his biodaddy fruit and all without the encumbrances of marriage?
Or a woman that wishes to stay unmarried, for maximum freedom and choice....but wants to pool all benefits that come from marriage with her two partners in their informal lesbian Triad??
Why was it brief and out of primetime?
Because substantial parts if the key Democrat demograohic groups are pissed as hell about the gay agenda being jammed down their throats by the inside influencers of the Party.
According to the few gays I know this is PRECISELY what they want: that anyone in any number can get married, including kids and animals.
Yeah, seriously. Their point was it is not up to the government to say who and what can married.
Wasn't her father killed by a guy who advocated the same government today's Democrats advocate?
Why is the accent on that Puerto Rican delegate who boasts she's lived in El Bronx for forty years so frickin' thick? Because she don' wan' 'sim'lay, that's why!
Obama doesn't put teachers - excellent or no - into any classrooms, local school districts do.
They use "cops" as props too.. as if cops had anything to do with the fed.
Ann says:
"Why do you feel there's more of an entitlement than that? If you have something to say, say it. You kids have the whole internet. Twitter. YouTube. My generation didn't have that. What's this "no voice" business?"
The entertainment industry is very similar to the victim industry. I think that's one reason so many in hollywood are drawn to the democrat party.
... This guy speaking? He's treating people like idiots.
RNC - people of the living room.
DNC - people of the den.
Tax payer funded abortion. You go with that, democrats. Call it whatever you'd like.
"Guts to help us?" It doesn't take guts to take money from other people and give it to favored constituencies. That's "rigging the game."
And poured tax money down a rat hole!
... Cars get the elevators, workers get the shaft -- said about man who SAVED MISSING GIRL BY CLOSING HIS BUSINESS
Geez. Will they exploiting this poor woman? Or women in general, I should say.
I am so glad to be free of my Democrat days. I am not a victim. I am free.
Here they go with the class warfare bs again.
Would of been nice if the DNC addressed fatherless in our communities, especially urban and minorities. Remember back 07' President Obama stated 'fatherhood doesn't end at conception'.... Now fatherless is celebrated as having two moms and a toilet seat joke.
He saved so many jobs that unemployment is higher than he told us it would be and GM is failing again.
All while rigging the game.
So where the hell is Biden? Did he speak at all? Dick Durbin is apparently introducing Obama.
Wrong convention.
Allie, that shit is so dumb.
Tell me who doesn't have fun?
But...but...but, GM declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy June 1, 2009.
On July 10, 2009, a new entity completed the purchase of continuing operations, assets and trademarks of GM as a part of the 'pre-packaged' Chapter 11 reorganization.
All emotion - no substance.
That was really a two-minute hate, not just a hyperbolic one I used for humor.
She cant pick a man.. and its going to tell us to pick Obama.
Eva Longoria! Another Democrat intellectual heavy weight.
Lem said...
"Here they go with the class warfare bs again."
Did they ever stop?
Eva, you are in wrong convention.
Shouting Thomas, those whose jobs have been outsourced, homeless veterans, minimum wage subsistence workers, just for starters.
Indigo Red said...
"Eva Longoria! Another Democrat intellectual heavy weight."
You got that right. Top of the curve, no doubt.
That makes her average as compared to all Americans.
Here, have some 18 cups of Koolaid.
"Shouting Thomas, those whose jobs have been outsourced, homeless veterans, minimum wage subsistence workers, just for starters."
And Barack Obama, the Democrats, and magical unicorns farting gold coins are just the ones to help them, too.
OMG.. Romney is all optimism.
At least Longoria lies for a living.
So wait, is it Eva Longoria or Joe Biden who is the intellect of the Democratic party? Hard to tell.
So happy not to be watching this... time to cut out and spend time with my family.
That's infinetely more valuable than listening to these grifters, poseurs, race-baiter and liars run down my country and the people who make it work.
Romney also left Mass. with full employment, and a liberal college professor said his education plan worked.
Sure. Try this.
OMG! Check out Drudge!
Top of the curve can figure out the Democrats' scam is why they're going for left of the top.
... Wait, aren't all these things that he's saying even WORSE under Obama? But, at least Romney got Mass to full employment.
Well, you're probably right about that, Allie.
The Democrats know how to do something about outsourcing?
What should the minimum wage be? $1 million? How does that get paid for?
You've really got the government as Daddy thing going, Allie. And, you've also got the "Republicans are the reason why life is tough thing going, too."
Life is tough, and there is no scapegoat. It isn't tough because Big Daddy won't give you stuff.
Drudge cruel to Hillary...whatthehell, archie, she deserves it.
Hagar said...
OMG! Check out Drudge!
Yeah, watch for Obama to plagiarize FDR's speeches tonight.
The Oopster feels cold without gummint's arms wrapped around her.
That was some pretty pathetic attempt at call and response there.
'Honey Boo Boo' and Bill Clinton's DNC Speech Tie in Ratings
Oh. Look, a political turncoat.
Ricpic and ST, I've never needed the social safety net, but that doesn't mean I would deny it helps others.
The least of us......remember?
No. No. He pretty much left it.
Michiganers in DC are some of the rudest people anywhere. Now, keep in mind, most people once they come to DC get pretty snotty, but for some reason, people from Michigan are The Worst.
Ummm, if you're on minimum wage subsistence, don't you qualify for TANF, EITC, Section 8, food stamps, reduced lunches, heating & electric help, cell phone help, etc.?
The Oopster doesn't feel the pain of millionairesandbillionaires like the folks who own that little dress store on the corner, those filthy plutocrats let's bleed them dry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
... and his plan has made it worse. Let's run that those numbers.
If they didnt want God.. Crist is getting much the same response.
Allie, I'm headed toward retirement.
I'm not looking forward eagerly to being a ward of the state. I'm hoping to avoid that altogether through my own effort.
I'll be receiving less from Social Security than I paid in, unless I live to 150.
I'm hoping to keep Big Daddy Government the fuck out of my life. I know what my life will be like when I reach the point where Big Daddy steps in. I hope I die before that happens.
He's as orange as Angelo Mozilo.
Wasn't that the disaster that Obama took so long to respond to, even the Daily Show and Keith Olbermann mocked him?
Isn't that "the least of it" scolding pretty arrogant, Alie?
How do you know what I do for others?
Answer, you don't.
Thomas, I pray I don't lose my objectivity when I get on SS. My parents totally lost theirs. Seems to go with the territory.
Crist is making those people wish he stayed republican.
are you putting your generosity on the same scale as a social safety net?
Hey! Remember when Obama's campaign said this woman was racist?
And, Allie, the safety net in the U.S. is quite generous.
Not a single Republican that I know of is actually suggesting that we cut off assistance to the needy.
That's a strawman.
Insolvency may, however, kill the golden goose.
You seem unwilling to heed the advice of the great Muddy Waters:
You can't spend what you ain't got
oh god is she going to speak now?
oh god is she going to speak now?
ST, I'm not scolding. Just reminding, but I know it means nothing to many. No I don't bleed for the billionaires.
longest vamp evah!
Why are they bringing up a video of Ferraro, a looser?
Its loosers night.
AllieOop said...
The least of us......remember?
You're confusing the safety net with the ever expanding security blanket.
You know what's cool, are the speakers who talk to the camera instead of the hall.
... Why does the DNC constantly insist that Republicans are sub-humans? John Kerry: Also a failure.
Last time around Obama channeled Lincoln with his faux Lincoln Memerial columns. This time he's going full-blown March of Dames.
AllieOop said...
Shouting Thomas, those whose jobs have been outsourced, homeless veterans, minimum wage subsistence workers, just for starters.
Oh, cram it.
They have fun, too. Hell, I did minimum wage when I was young and I still had fun.
As for "those whose jobs have been outsourced", why not those who lost their jobs because the union wouldn't compromise, or those who lost their jobs because the EPA drove the company out of business? Or the ones who lost their jobs because the company was taxed to death?
As for homeless veterans, wait until Oop and the rest of the Lefties need somebody to demonize. Remember the Dick From Illinois comparing the US Army to Hitler's SS and Saddam's thugs? Didn't hear any Lefties objecting.
Who asked you to bleed for the billionaires?
Allie, try to pay attention to the obvious...
The Great Banking Panic of 2008 was a joint scam run by both parties, and Obama had his fingers in the pie for a decade before the house of cards collapsed.
I'm not saying the Republicans are so great, but you are deluding yourself with this "Democrats are the party of the small guy" stuff.
--The websites of the newspapers Les Echos and Le Figaro reported yesterday that the 75 per cent rate would include other marginal taxes that would in effect render the new rate at 67 per cent. They said it would be limited to salary, with sports and other professional stars able to avoid the tax. ---
That will go over well.
Uh... Obama pretty much followed Bush's foreign policy.
I find Scarlett Johansson very average looking.
Sure, I live in Southern California, so that likely biases my perception of average, but still, she's not better looking than at least 50% of the women I see around town.
There, I said it.
Democrats are the party of the small guy? Whaaaa?
That hasn't been true for a long time.
I loved Kerry Washington's statement at the DNC convention just now that "You may not be thinking about politics, but politics is thinking about you". If you have to steal, Dems, why steal from Yakov Smirnoff?
So Eva Longoria is opening a steakhouse for women in Las Vegas: "A news release envisions the eatery as 'an updated interpretation of the gilded age when wealth and excessive opulence ruled America's upper-class combined with a modern version of art deco to create a feeling of empowerment, especially for female guests.'"
Nice to see such support for the little guy from a Dem spokesperson. I wonder if she's in favor of repealing the Hollywood tax breaks.
You know who also said it was a bad idea to go into Pakistan? Obama. It was a risky idea, until they knew for sure he was there.
"Longoria sounds like an intelligent person who actually has followed politics in the normal way that people who like politics follow politics."
Another perspective below.
"#CHINLEADING: Eva Longoria Speech At 2012 Democratic Convention: I Don’t Need A Tax Break.
Well, then, let’s Repeal The Hollywood Tax Cuts! And, while we’re at it, crack down on that shady “Hollywood Accounting.”
8:42 pm by Glenn Reynolds.
Why don't we ask the MILLIONS of newly unemployed American voters if they are better off, and the millions who have lower income?
ST, my statement regarding not bleeding for billionaires was directed at ricpic.
Doing for others is overrated. Neither a borrower nor lender be is still the wise course. But the Oopster would say "That's cold, that's so cold." I've done for an other to the point of setting him up in business and going damn near hungry in order to do so and we'd both rather not see the other ever again. Bad bad business "helping" people. People are unbelievably strong and better off without your help. Of course a son or daughter is another matter.
... hasn't the entire DNC been about false choices?
Ask a dead men if hes better off?
wtf does that mean?
I'm going to need help professor.. the levels of deceit there are beyond my capabilities to decipher.
... Really? Experience? Remember when experience didn't matter?
No I don't bleed for the billionaires.
All the billionaire's wealth in the country is drop in the bucket compared to the potential of the rest of America.
Why must you scape goats?
Yes, I remember when experience didn't matter, but guess who has it now. 'ko, i'm off to watch Mary Tyler Moore.
Bring on Bama! I'll got do yoga until he comes on.
I had a revelation today... the answer to all those yokels who keep insisting that we can't criticize Bama because he is the first black president.
Clinton was our "first black president!" I was reminded of that today with all the Clinton todo.
So, Bama is our "second black president."
It's OK, then to treat him like any other president... maybe even the way the opposition treated Bush.
... Uh. No. That was Tina Fey. Really Kerry? (Unless he means when she said you could see it from the part closest to Russia, which is, uh, true.)
This is the guy who chose John Edwards as his running-mate, right?
ST, dont'cha know yoga is cultish?;)
Remember when Obama gave a speech to the Legion when he was invited? Oh, wait, he didn't. It's like Kerry expects no one to be basically informed about these things.
The problem with Dems saying that man and man togther in a relationship is just as good as a man and a woman because it is all about lifestyle choice, being happy, and enshrining the right to CHOOOOSE on all relationships...
Is the 'ol slippery slope Scalia warned about.
Funny thing about your argument: it's equally valid if you're talking about blacks marrying white people as it is SSM.
Yeah, don't tell Crack!
This old body needs yoga!
The speeches have just been getting nastier and meaner throughout the convention. At least the actresses (well, except Washington) were nice.
This is getting ugly. Someone call a corpse-man.
Bill O'Reilly just now on FNC: "That was John Kerry, auditioning for Secretary of State."
Obama will politicize anything.
Hey, remember when we weren't supposed to spike the football?
This is a good video/piece. The exact sort that if Republicans did they would be dinged for politicizing the military.
@Allie: The constant, nauseating fixation with destroying the wealthy actually does a disservice in that it keeps the average person from realizing that they too will need to sacrifice something. If the econimoc situation is as dire as Obama and Ryan say it is then all will have to pull together to get out of it. Instead, the Democrats are giving people two options to believe:
(1) The whole problem can be solved if we just tax the rich enough. OR
(2) Nobody should move a muscle to pitch in until after the rich have been decimated.
The first is a fairtale, the second is effectively class warfare.
You might think that option (2) is more "fair", however, it still leaves the question of "what to do next" after every millionaire's head has been put on a pike and spit upon.
That does it, Paddy O. I'm moving. Put me up for awhile?
Holy Christ John Kerry makes my ears bleed raging rivers. He really needs to do nothing other than shutting the fuck UP, from now until forever.
Why would you knowingly subject any audience to that?
Jingoistic chest beating montage. Just shoot me now.
So.. Obama is going to end Vietnam?
How about closing some tax loopholes and repatriating some of the money in those overseas bank accounts for starters, no need to kill or eat any billionaires.
Allie: Taking ALL the money from the top 10% will do nothing. Take it all, you won't change the financial cliff by any appreciable amount.
Everyone knows John Kerry and Barrack Obama honor and value our military more than any Republican ever could.
Why not cut corporate welfare first?
It's always good to hear John Kerry speak, so I am reminded of what an utter piece of shit he is and so I don't regret my vote for a lousy President who nevertheless was still better than Kerry.
The other Kerry, Kerry Washington, came off as an extremely dumb black woman regurgitating Obama propaganda as the most profound stuff she had ever heard in her life. (Likely true, dumb as shewas...And Axelrod and his team of writers and Obama handlers ought to be proud that Washington thinks so much of the product they hand Obama to look at after he gets back from the gof links)
Why not cut corporate welfare first?
-- Because bailing out GM was so awesome.
You just knew garage would show up as soon as the hatefest picked up.
Allie got her talking points.. knock yourself out Allie.
"A man has got to know his limitations!"
Something John Kerry does not know.
How about closing some tax loopholes and repatriating some of the money in those overseas bank accounts for starters, no need to kill or eat any billionaires.
How about SEU nurses get less generous and more realistic pensions in the future?
Lol. Chicken Little thinks non-wealthy haven't sacrificed anything in this recession.
What planet does he live on?
How about SEU nurses get less generous and more realistic pensions in the future?
How about Mr Little stop obsessing over molehills and focus on mountains?
Yes on cutting corporate welfare first. Alas, that will help the GOP.
AllieOop said...
How about closing some tax loopholes and repatriating some of the money in those overseas bank accounts
Funny. The left mocks efforts to save scores of billions because it's insignificant. But give them a chance to confiscate peoples money and suddenly no amount is too small.
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