२१ जुलै, २०१२

"I think they knew they messed with the wrong girl."

"... Priscilla Dang was jogging in her Vancouver neighborhood last Friday when she was approached by two teenagers on their bikes. One pulled in front of her as the other groped her from behind...."

An interesting contrast to Liz Gorman, who was also groped by a passing bicyclist. She got a column in the Washington Post written about her:
Liz Gorman did what the others didn’t.

After she was sexually assaulted on a D.C. street in the middle of the day, she not only called police, she also wrote a blog post about the way she was violated. The response was incredible....
Priscilla Dang did not blog about it.

४५ टिप्पण्या:

Sorun म्हणाले...

The 18-year-old was arrested while the younger suspect was turned over to his parents.

Got turned over to his parents? Is attempted sexual assault equivalent to shoplifting up there in BC?

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

But, what if she used her powers for evil? She might go mental some day and who will Gotham call?

Moose म्हणाले...


Dumb Plumber म्हणाले...

More effective.....Kick Balls!

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

Dang. Ms Dang will just have to turn in her hands and feet to make the city safe from deadly force. Bloomberg will think of that by tonight.

The frontier based culture in Washington State still favors individuals taking care of themselves. You never know when a drunken Nez Perce will attack.

Sydney म्हणाले...

They pulled a knife on her. Good thing one of the witnesses nearby had called 911. It might not have had as good an ending.

Brian Brown म्हणाले...

Note that her reaction goes against everything that these stupid "public service" announcements suggest, which is, be a willing victim.

What these idiotic public service people don't understand is that predators like this try and attack targets they think are soft and will not resist.

Wally Kalbacken म्हणाले...

Always bring a Smith & Wesson to a knife fight!

Michelle Dulak Thomson म्हणाले...

Sorun, not Vancouver, BC; Vancouver, WA. Yeah, I know, it's confusing.

wv: yTmous 19. A relative of Mighty Mouse, I presume.

madAsHell म्हणाले...

Washington State still favors individuals taking care of themselves

No, not true at all. It's government completely paralyzed by the collective.

Chip S. म्हणाले...

Dang, girl!

edutcher म्हणाले...

If memory serves, part of the discipline of Kung Fu is that its use is supposed to be the absolute last resort.

Thrashing the 2 jackanapes(es?) may have been satisfying emotionally - and probably got at least one dangerous thug off the streets, but it may not have been strictly honorable in that she struck the first blow.

Aridog म्हणाले...

edutcher ... where did you get that "honorable thing" idea? I think you are either misinformed or mistaken. She did NOT strike out first, she reacted to being both blocked and groped, a physical assault.

My bit of time in martial arts taught the objective was not to have to use force, but if you did, then use it to perfection.

Once touched by an assailant there is no martial arts protocol that I know of that says retreat or wait until you are lying on the ground.

Cedarford म्हणाले...

They should have plastered both boys photos up.
That they didn't strongly suggests the two were from a race that the media does not want to "leave a wrong impression of, increase Racism" by running mugshots or by adding to any physical description of certain crime suspects.

And the younger one, who was also part of a sex and physical attack on the women with a knife coming in play....should not have just been turned over to his parents.

Juvenile Justice youth sex offender program for him.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

She didn't kick punk-ass on her own....
Somebody else did that.

ndspinelli म्हणाले...

Aridog, edutcher is an idiot. Just let him spout his idiocies and ignore as best as possible.

Sorun, I had the same thoughts as you regarding the 16 year old. I know we don't want to copy Canadian healthcare. Maybe we should add law enforcement to the "do not copy" list.

ndspinelli म्हणाले...

AprilApple, LOL!

Valentine Smith म्हणाले...

Training training training. Repetition repetition repetition.

We're all bugs. Better to be a wasp than a honey bee.

dreams म्हणाले...

"That is when the second teen pulled out a knife, said Dang, and her instincts kicked in telling her to back off and play it safe"

A knife will tend to have that effect which is why I always have one in my pocket.

Chip Ahoy म्हणाले...

My favorite part of that whole thing was where Drew Barrymore was tied up in a chair an duct tape over her mouth had lips drawn on it with lipstick and her American flag lighter didn't work so she said "Stop!" as the bad guys were advancing, and she told them how she intended to kick their asses with her hands tied behind her back because her trusty lighter didn't work, see that was movie irony because the lighter was untrustworthy at the moment she needed it, and she does perform those marvelous deeds she described to them, one by one knocked them all out. And freed herself. And then here's the part that kills me.

Kills me.

The music switches to Billie Jean and the actress Drew Barrymore moonwalks out of the room and she can't even moonwalk!

And viewers across the globe who can moonwalk are all simultaneously enraged and throw tomatoes at the screen.

David म्हणाले...

Liz Gorman may think she lives in a nice neighborhood but it seems she does not.

My five daughters and stepdaughters have not reported similar experiences over the years. At least not on the extensive basis that Ms. Gorman seems to have attracted. I wonder if her fear is communicated in some subtle way and makes her more vulnerable.

Or maybe Washington is just showing its Europeanization. My girls did learn to be a bit more wary and defensive when in Europe, especially France, Italy and Russia.

I also literally once had to rescue one of my daughters from two guys on a beach in the U.S Virgin Islands. She was late for dinner and it gave me a bad feeling, so I went looking for her. Glad I did.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

I always use feng shui.

Cedarford म्हणाले...

ndspinelli said...

Sorun, I had the same thoughts as you regarding the 16 year old. I know we don't want to copy Canadian healthcare. Maybe we should add law enforcement to the "do not copy" list.

Your thoughts are misplaced. It was Vancouver Washington, not the more notable Vancouver, BC.

Imagine the "hate crime!" news coverage there would have been to promote "The Narrative" if two sex-crazed white or Asian teens groped a number of innocent nubian princesses on the streets of DC or Vancouver. With one instance of the oppressor race teens then attacking and pulling a knife on the nubian princess for defending herself.

Then nothing is done with the 16-year old but turn him over to his oppressor race parents.

Would have made the Saint Trayvon protests pale in comparison....

edutcher म्हणाले...

Aridog said...

edutcher ... where did you get that "honorable thing" idea? I think you are either misinformed or mistaken. She did NOT strike out first, she reacted to being both blocked and groped, a physical assault.

It was part of a demonstration I saw years ago. The idea was, if someone comes at you, you block them with sufficient skill to let them know you can take anything they have and give it back in spades.

The Blonde isn't kung fu, but her judo and karate skills are such she did the same thing when her then-husband came at her with an axe.

YMMV, of course.

PS nd is mad because some us are mature enough not to hold Bloody Sunday against Ann for the rest of our lives.

That, and everybody doesn't share his ideas about certain John ford movies.

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

I think the two cases are a lot more different than althouse suggests. Groped by a passing bicyclist in DC, who is momentarily within range, vs. the case in BC where she was able to grab onto one of her assailants.

G Joubert म्हणाले...

Is attempted sexual assault equivalent to shoplifting up there in BC?

Vancouver, Washington is located in Southern Washington state and is a Portland, Oregon suburb. More than 250 miles from BC.

Gary Rosen म्हणाले...

If he were trying to be consistent C-fudd would leap to the defense of the attackers on the grounds "she was asking for it". That's his usual stance, defending molesters like Polanski and Sandusky as well as exonerating pedophile clergy claiming the victims were gay and willing.

n.n म्हणाले...

A teachable moment. Fortunately, the teacher was qualified to give instruction.

Rabel म्हणाले...

This calls for a song.


Cedarford म्हणाले...

Rosen crawls out of his sewer hideout to snipe.
I don't have any liking of Polanski..just that he settled with the girl he fucked, she wants no trial...and far too much time has past to dreg up a "morality trial".
Sandusky was a bona fide pedophile.
The Catholic priests were not pedophiles, but gay pederasts that sought out willing gay adolescent boys. (And the gays managed to pull a PR masterstroke in convincing the public that gay chickenhawking and the thousands years old tradition of gay pederasty had nothing to do with the Catholic priest scandal. See, that the priests were gay and victims gay and it was in almost all cases consensual ....had nothing to do with it...it was pedophilia..Yeah, thats the ticket!!)

chuckR म्हणाले...

A friend lives in DC and for many years enjoyed an evening stroll. Never had a problem. Two mastiffs approaching a total weight of 350# were a very visible and peaceable deterrent. My wife recalls joining her - and them - one evening and having a group of yout's cross the street to the other sidewalk.

Carnifex म्हणाले...

There's an article in todays paper about a minor aged girl who got drunk and was molested by 2 underage males, and they took pictures that they showed around/emailed/twitted etc. The boys cut a deal with the DA and are getting off lightly, so the girl twittered their names, which were protected because of their ages. Now the DA is threatening to put the girl in jail for longer than the 2 boys combined.

Something is very wrong with this scenario.

David म्हणाले...

Just what is wrong with the scenario, Carniflex? Articulate. And just what was the nature of the molestation? Unwanted touching? Penetration? A kiss on the playground? Molestation is a deliberate obfuscation of the facts.

ndspinelli म्हणाले...

Mea culpa about my geography mistake. Thanks,

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

Now the DA is threatening to put the girl in jail for longer than the 2 boys combined.

If the DA is an elected position, I don't see how this won't be used against him.

iqvoice म्हणाले...

I googled and found a video. Priscilla Dang not only kicks ass, but she is a hotty too.

rcocean म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
rcocean म्हणाले...

I'm all for girls kicking the shit out of gropers but I notice the only reason she wasn't knifed is because bystanders rescued her.

Peter म्हणाले...

The sexual assault on Liz Gorman was over so quickly that she wasn't even able to get a description of the attacker. She could have had Priscilla Deng's kung fu skills and it wouldn't have made a difference.

Peter म्हणाले...

Imagine the "hate crime!" news coverage there would have been to promote "The Narrative" if two sex-crazed white or Asian teens groped a number of innocent nubian princesses on the streets of DC or Vancouver. With one instance of the oppressor race teens then attacking and pulling a knife on the nubian princess for defending herself.

Yet there's no mention of race in this case, which involved two presumably white teens (Josiah Sullivan and Michael Huston) trying to sexually assault an Asian woman.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

They way the boys attacked Ms. Dang suggests to me that this wasn't their first time. Am I the only person who thinks this? Was this the first time any woman fought back, or even reported the assault?

I approve of women fighting back. We will never know how many young women are dead today because left-thinking counselors taught whole generations of them not to fight back.

Gary Rosen म्हणाले...

Thanks, Fudd, for confirming everything I said.

अनामित म्हणाले...

That's great, she's a goddess, but not everyone can be a kung fu master. No shame in blogging about it either.

Kirk Parker म्हणाले...


"I'm all for girls kicking the shit out of gropers but I notice the only reason she wasn't knifed is because bystanders rescued her."

Not the only reason, no: the prior reason is that she fought back against her assailants, but not with nearly enough force. If she'd done it right, neither of them would have been able to pull anything on her.

karrde म्हणाले...

@Peter, I am told that some martial arts involve improvement in the way that the mind reacts to shocking events.

Giving the practitioner the ability to react in a situation where a non-practitioner would be exhibiting slack-jawed shock.

Since I'm not a practitioner of any martial art, maybe I shouldn't be talking. (Or maybe I should take one up.)

Under that possibility, I wouldn't be too hasty to draw judgement about the similarity of the timing.

However, you've missed the biggest dissimilarity between the two events. The Washington, DC event had one attacker. The Vancouver, WA event had two attackers.

That changes the tactics for both attacker and defender, and likely changed the timing/approach of the assault.