९ जुलै, २०१२

British judges says Samsung tablets don't infringe on iPad because they "are not as cool.”

Samsung lacks the simplicity of Apple. Or as the judge put it — with a Samsung-like failure to simplify — they "do not have the same understated and extreme simplicity which is possessed by the Apple design."

५० टिप्पण्या:

Paddy O म्हणाले...

Can "cool" be taxed?

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

Will Samsung incorporate this into their advertisements?

Your hipster doofus children won't borrow your Samsung Tablet because it's not as cool as an iPad. So you can get your work done.

prairie wind म्हणाले...

I do not understand Apple-worship.

edutcher म्हणाले...

Jobs would be so jazzed to hear that.

Crimso म्हणाले...

There's been a cooling trend with Apple since 1998. The satellite data are definitive.

Bill म्हणाले...

Apple products are designed for tech morons who are incapable of using normal computers. Their simplicity--and inability to be upgraded (esp with the new Macbooks) is highly irritating.

The Galaxy Nexus is a faster, more capable and vastly superior smartphone.

Ann, you're what the techies call a "Fanboy" (or girl, in this case). No matter what shit Apple puts out, you'll still buy it, because you drank that Kool-Aid a long, long time ago.

Steve Jobs was a prick. He was a thief. He hardly gave any money to charity and was a selfish bastard. Why he gets all the credit for the design of Apple products is beyond me, considering Ives was the one who created their trademark look.

Palladian म्हणाले...

Looks like Bill here couldn't afford an iPad!

Palladian म्हणाले...

And you're wrong, Bill, Ives didn't come up with the aesthetic either, it's jacked from Dieter Rams.

kjbe म्हणाले...

Your hipster doofus children won't borrow your Samsung Tablet because it's not as cool as an iPad. So you can get your work done.


madAsHell म्हणाले...

All the kewl kids know how to spell fanboi !!

अनामित म्हणाले...

Apple'd better leave competitor Samsung alone, else it'd provide covers for an Anti-Trust lawsuit that would let greedy politicians get to its billions dollars reserves.

CWJ म्हणाले...

My experience with more recent apple products is that on first impression they are very slick and seemingly intuitive. So I can see how the judge was swayed. But once you have a need that does not fit what apple wants to do, much less how apple wants to do it, it becomes pushing a rope uphill.

Auto correct on steroids.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Its a post-Roberts judgement..

.."not our job to protect the people from the consequences of their commercial choices".

I can plagiarize away.. as long as its sloppily... not word for word and comma for comma.

Tibore म्हणाले...

Is "not as cool" truly a substantive element of that judges' opinion? Or is it a throwaway line mean to represent an aesthetic judgement on the sum of the actual differences between the two products?

Or in short: Did those judges really base their opinion on the device not being as "cool" as the IOS devices? I really have a feeling that they didn't.

BarryD म्हणाले...

"Your hipster doofus children won't borrow your Samsung Tablet because it's not as cool as an iPad. So you can get your work done."

Given what Samsung did in their entertaining and effective iPhone-mocking ad some months back, I'm nearly certain that this will be the crux of an ad campaign.

Tim म्हणाले...

Who, besides the affected parties, gives a rat's ass what British judges say about anything, anytime?

BarryD म्हणाले...

"He hardly gave any money to charity and was a selfish bastard."

Maybe not, but his own magical thinking literally killed him, too. So I think that he got his, if you think that he deserved to "get his". Whatever.

I always thought he was a huckster, but that the iPad is a pretty good product as well. It's also a product I'd have no reluctance to replace, as soon as I like something better. Loyalty to a company like Apple is for suckers.

BarryD म्हणाले...

"Who, besides the affected parties, gives a rat's ass what British judges say about anything, anytime?"

Makers of mens' wigs. Damn near the only market for the things, any more.

Palladian म्हणाले...

Who, besides the affected parties, gives a rat's ass what British judges say about anything, anytime?

Nearly half of the Supreme Court!

Nathan Alexander म्हणाले...

I have an iPad 2 because after months of research, no one else has anything close to the ease/functionality/performance of GarageBand.

If Android or Samsung or someone would get on the stick and offer an inexpensive and powerful DAW on the Android platform, I'd switch in a heartbeat.

Tim म्हणाले...

"Nearly half of the Supreme Court!"

Ok, yes - I stand corrected.

Besides the affect parties, assholes give a rat's ass about British judges.


Sigivald म्हणाले...

Bill: Stupid "tech morons" who want small, lightweight computers rather than access hatches! Curse them!

Me, I prefer a good laptop to start with, with enough RAM and an SSD, so I don't need to "upgrade" anything for its entire lifespan.

Apple will provide that happily. So will, if you prefer it to come with Windows rather than OSX, Samsung and various other makers.

Not one of those "Ultrabooks" is really "upgradeable" like a dictionary-sized legacy low-end laptop.

(But, hey, because "shit" and "Kool-Aid"... wait, what's the opposite of Fanboy, someone who has an utterly irrational hatred of something?

Hmmm. You might want to look at that glass surrounding you before tossing rocks, y'know?)

Known Unknown म्हणाले...

Given what Samsung did in their entertaining and effective iPhone-mocking ad some months back, I'm nearly certain that this will be the crux of an ad campaign.

Let me know how great it is the next time you lose your stylus.

Known Unknown म्हणाले...

Makers of mens' wigs. Damn near the only market for the things, any more.

They're not even full fucking wigs. They're little things that look like a rat died on your head.

WV: orgasmig <---- Wait, what?

अनामित म्हणाले...

Bill: How much have you given to "charity"? How do you know Steve Jobs hardly gave to charity? Have you seen his tax returns? Apple's money is the shareholders', not his to give. Anyway, what is "charity"? How about to a charity whose CEO makes over $200,000 a year? It's much more charitable for Steve Jobs to spend his and Apple's money to create jobs to hire workers who pay taxes.

Btw, it doesn't matter who actually created the trademark look, as long as he was employed by Apple, it is Apple's. Steve Jobs chose that particular design, Steve Jobs was Apple.

P.S. Unlike charitable people such as Kaiser, Buffett and Soros who were "Stimulated" with hundreds of millions of taxpayers' money; the uncharitable Steve had never appropriated a dime from the taxpayers.

P.S.2: The charitable billionaires love to manipulate charity organizations with their donations, and use the donations as covers to deduct quite a bit of taxes, i.e. stiff the taxman and buy clout with their tax money.

Jose_K म्हणाले...

Is "not as cool" truly a substantive element of that judges' opinion?
why not' it is about money.
What is pornography? id ont know but i recognize it when I see it. And you can be jailed becasue of it

Orion म्हणाले...

Just remember, THIS is what awaits the Apple-addicts:

The horror! Fortunately, *I* have a BlackBerry! :P


Sofa King म्हणाले...

Btw, it doesn't matter who actually created the trademark look, as long as he was employed by Apple, it is Apple's.

Dieter Rams is not and never has been an Apple employee.


BarryD म्हणाले...

"Let me know how great it is the next time you lose your stylus."

The ad campaign?

I don't think I've owned a Samsung product in my life. But I can acknowledge a good ad campaign when I see one.

Penny म्हणाले...

A tactile judge, eh?

I suppose that bests a political judge.

अनामित म्हणाले...

SK: Dieter Rams is not and never has been an Apple employee.

What is your point?

"Rams states that Apple Inc. is one of the few companies designing products according to his principles."

Rams said "according to his principles" not that Apple took his design.

Automatic_Wing म्हणाले...

All very well and good, but how did the judge's teeth look? Better or worse than fake Kate Middleton?

Alex म्हणाले...

The next iPhone will look like a Katana.

Alex म्हणाले...

Apple's iPhone division makes more revenue then all of Microsoft. Talk about humiliation!

Orion म्हणाले...

It IS? Cool! What are they going to call it?

iHack? iSlash?

I want!!


Michelle Dulak Thomson म्हणाले...


Who, besides the affected parties, gives a rat's ass what British judges say about anything, anytime?

Well, you could start with people facing libel suits.

Michelle Dulak Thomson म्हणाले...

ADDED: Yes, those are "affected" parties. But the so-far-unaffected parties who don't know whether their work can be banned worldwide because it flouts British libel law aren't, yet. Though there seem to be noises about making the law more, er, sensible.

jr565 म्हणाले...

Bill wrote:
Apple products are designed for tech morons who are incapable of using normal computers. Their simplicity--and inability to be upgraded (esp with the new Macbooks) is highly irritating.
Hey Bill, guess what Mac users can do (if they so choose) run Windows. Guess what Windows users can't do. Run OSX.
So, I can do everything you can do, you can't do everything I can do. If I want to run a windows specific program, I just have to install Windows on my machine. If you wanted to run Final Cut Pro, you'd have to.... er... er....

Alex म्हणाले...

jr - guess what apple won't allow me to install OS X on my hardware. THey want me to overpay for their hardware.

jr565 म्हणाले...

Alex wrote:
jr - guess what apple won't allow me to install OS X on my hardware. THey want me to overpay for their hardware
I will agree that macs are probably more expensive than they need to be. But you pay a little extra for the added convenience.

the point was about how Mac users are a bunch of morons. I was just refuting the idea by showingthat in fact, with a mac you have options that no one not using a mac has. In terms of versatility, a mac beats a PC cold (if we're talking games I'll grant you, PC's beat macs - but that's the only way that PC's outshine Macs)

Revenant म्हणाले...

I'm mystified as to what about the iPad was considered patentable. Other companies were doing the wireless touchscreen PDA thing for years before Apple got into the market.

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

"Nearly half of the Supreme Court!"

Ok, yes - I stand corrected.

Besides the affect parties, assholes give a rat's ass about British judges.

Fortunately, the US Supreme Court is a lot cooler than any British Judge.

Sofa King म्हणाले...

Hey Bill, guess what Mac users can do (if they so choose) run Windows. Guess what Windows users can't do. Run OSX.

An owner of Apple hardware who is running windows is a "Windows user," by definition, making that statement self-evidently false.

What you really meant to say (since "Windows" doesn't run OSX, obviously) is that people who haven't purchased their hardware from Apple are legally locked out of Apple's software market. Which is true, but should not be a point of pride, I think.

Joe Schmoe म्हणाले...

Jesus, does every Apple thread have to degenerate into Fanbois v. MS Troglodytes? I use both. They're fucking tools, not some status badge of coolness or intellect.

Apple's riding high now; 10-12 years ago it was on life support. Predictions of MS's demise are greatly exaggerated; annual revenue of $70B+ is nothing to sneeze at. It continues to have record quarterly earnings into this year. One tech pundit said it best: "If Microsoft's revenue is Wow, Apple's is Holy Shit!"

jr565 म्हणाले...

Sofa King wrote:
An owner of Apple hardware who is running windows is a "Windows user," by definition, making that statement self-evidently false.
But they're also a Mac user. Perhaps some chose macs because they saw that it afforded them more versatility tech wise. Hence, not the technical retards that are being alleged.

What you really meant to say (since "Windows" doesn't run OSX, obviously) is that people who haven't purchased their hardware from Apple are legally locked out of Apple's software market. Which is true, but should not be a point of pride, I think.
Microsoft chose to license their software out to other companies who made the hardware, Apple didn't. Apple wanted to maintain control of the whole experience from the OS to the hardware so as to maintain consistency. Until recently, it was Apple that was in the doldrums because of that decision.
Windows still has the majority market share, and not how many PC companies are out there producing laptops that run Windows only. Microsoft still gets their cut if you buy Windows and put it on your mac, so I don't really see the issue.
If you want the Apple experience you buy a Mac. (but you can also enjoy the Windows experience).

jr565 म्हणाले...

Apple products are designed for tech morons who are incapable of using normal computers. Their simplicity--and inability to be upgraded (esp with the new Macbooks) is highly irritating.
If you can boot into Windows, then you are capable of using normal computers, since, but for the change in keyboard keys, Windows is Windows. If you can use both OSX and Windows you are not a tech moron.
I will agree that lack of upgradability is a bit annoying, but in retrospect, how much have I upgraded my laptop since getting it? If you are worried about upgradability, max it out when you buy it. Then you don't have to upgrade later.

jr565 म्हणाले...

For Sofa:
My original statement:
Hey Bill, guess what Mac users can do (if they so choose) run Windows. Guess what Windows users can't do. Run OSX.
I was talking about hardware. Perhaps it would have been better to say "Hey bill, guess what people who won a Mac can do - run windows. Guess what people who own a PC can't do. Run OSX.

トリー バーチ(tory burch) म्हणाले...

当店で取り扱う商品はなんとセンスを見せています。シンプルなデザインでブランドの上品感を見せている――【Tory Burch】。その新作ハード・Iphone4/4S専用ケースは老ショップの人気NO.1!ニューヨーク発のブランドなんだけど、今や全世界の幅広い女性から注目を浴びてるTory Burch iphone ケース!裏面のみのiphone ケース marc Jacobs各ボタン部分が空いているので完全対応!夏らしいポップカラーに魅了され、しかも、洋服に合わせやすい!つけてみないと、わからない可愛らしさよ!

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