It said the NATO summit “may create unrest or another national security incident. The American Red Cross in southeastern Wisconsin has been asked to place a number of shelters on standby in the event of evacuation of Chicago.”What's going on?
According to a chapter spokesperson, the evacuation plan is not theirs alone.
“Our direction has come from the City of Chicago and the Secret Service,” she said.
You know I'm already agitated about the potential for Chicago folk to come up to Milwaukee to vote in the Scott Walker recall election. (Remember: "Chicago is up in the house!"/"Everyone left is from Chicago"?) The Wisconsin courts, conveniently, have blocked the voter ID law.
And now there's this secret evacuation plan, with the City of Chicago and the Secret Service — the Secret Service, will there be prostitutes?! — working together? And Milwaukee is the evacuation zone?
Sorry to verge into the conspiracy-theory area of thinking, but why isn't this evacuation plan story big news?
ADDED: Instapundit links and says "Well, I did have a post last week, though this sounds bigger." That link goes to this:
Residents of a Chicago condo whose building will be in the eye of the NATO storm are being warned that they should move out for the weekend ... or risk being trapped inside by rioters.Wow.
९४ टिप्पण्या:
It's not a big story because the sock-puppet media doesn't want to make The Chosen One look bad. What other president has intentionally left this country this open to terror and foreign attack?
People from Ill wouldn't be able to vote in WI if there was a requirement to show ID.
Just saying.
PS - Do you feel like this is coming up a LOT in recent months? I'm wondering if the enhanced publicity of Holder's "justice" department striking down Voter ID laws has brought this issue up into the zeitgeist in a new way.
Ann loves to throw the red meat at her Althouse Hillbillies. It is actually quite funny now that she has become so obvious about it.
"red meet"
That's when you and your friends convene your committees.
Wondering if "Jay Retread" has any real argument? Probably not. If he had anything at all, he wouldn't feel the need to infer stupidity among others.
That there is an alert regarding potential evacuation of Chicago is significant news whether there is a recall conspiracy to it or not.
Jay corrected his typo before I got my joke in.
It'd make the radical left and the OWS crowd look bad if they publicize it, AND it'd draw attention to the voting points you mention; why do you think?
But his "typo" was still seen by us "Hillbillies"
The response to a specific piece of news is simply: if you care about that you're a hack.
How about addressing the actual news?
And you know damned well that if Bush were President something like this would get plenty of attention.
Distraction alert: Don't keep talking about Jay.
Let's get back on track and talk about the post.
"Run Hillbillies! Run! You're working' on Althouse's Farm some more!"
We're not talking about it because Obama digested dog.
But the Professor wants us back on topic. I'd say that there is a type of story generally that doesn't attach to the political players properly: stories about Presidents golfing, First Ladies vacationing, Secret Service johnning, etc. These sound like stories that can hurt the POTUS or a candidate, but they don't, outside the base. Nobody in the middle really thinks it's Obama's fault that the Secret Service reneged on paying a prostitute.
The NATO summit story is in that class. I remember stories about all of the past POTI travelling in Europe and shutting down big districts with their extravagant motorcades. These were big stories for the local countries involved, but not in the USA, because c'mon, it's the leader of the free world. Get over it.
I agree with the Professor that this NATO summit story deserves attention, but the problem is that the villain (worldwide aristocratic bureacracy) is too diffuse to attract serious MSM attention.
I am insulted. I am a Rube, and resent the whole Hillbilly thing.
I also live in the Milwaukee area, and the local coverage has been as scant as the national.
We are used to invasions from our Southern neighbors, but usually for Cubs games and lake homes, not NATO driven panic.
Personally, I like the FIBS. They have a great orchestra and awesome museums, and when they are on I-94 they generally drive fast enough to draw the attention of the gendarme away from the locals.
I would like to know what the definition of "major trouble" is. The folks I see on TV protesting these and other summits tend to be shiftless hippies who do their fair share of damage, but don't really scare anyone.
"Where are you Hillbillies! I said RUN you mindless Althouse porch dwellers!"
Behind the Cheddar Curtain, I can just see Althouse & Meade standing at the Ill-Wisc boarder, pitchforks and brats in hand invoking curses and furiously shaking their fists to keep us unworthy Chicagoans out of Milwaukee or Racine.
Hey we had to put up with your D state senators for a couple of weeks last year, why isn't turnabout fair play?
Its Operation Chaos Obama Style.
"Operation Chaos," (Rush Style) is a political call to action with the initial plan to have voters of the Republican Party temporarily cross over to vote in the Democratic primary and vote for Hillary Clinton,
"Operation Chaos," (Obama Style) is a political call to action with the initial plan to have protesters temporarily occupy/riot the city of Chicago as long as the protest/riot does not blame president Obama for any of the conditions causing their demands.
One ostensible reason not to talk about evacuation is that it would help make that the protesters' goal, which is why "you know damned well that if Bush were President something like this would get plenty of attention."
There's a NATO Summit in Chicago? No kidding? Why? Is Obama throwing a bone to the IL tourism industry?
Has the SE WI dog track closed down (think it was near Kenosha)? If the pups are still running, that would make a good shelter with abundant food supply.
woo hoo...wv actually shows words, not the little box w/ an x.
An evacuation plan for Chicago? That is a joke. Anyone who has been in Chicago during even non-rush hour time knows that evacuating the place is BS. Here's the plan:
1. Get the VIP's out.
2. If possible, get some of the people who were going to vote against Walker in the recall.
3. Prepare a Presidential photo op on the ruins of Chicago once it is safe for him to return.
4. Find the VP.
Seems like the advice to Chicagoans is either "Lock yourselves in" or "Get out of town."
The Wisconsin courts, conveniently, have blocked the voter ID law.
Welcome into the Conspiracy Theory ridicule world, as Obama's Revolution nears its sell by date this November.
But the Conspirators are Obama's Czars at HSA and TSA and their extras provided by SEIU and ACORN. They are conspiring to put on a show of suppressing civil disobediance at levels not seen since the NYC draft riots of July 1863.
NATO Summits are beyond meaningless. Except, even as Fast and Furious was carefully planned for a purpose, they offer a carefully planned crisis as a cover story for suppression of Community Organizer induced riots.
The Obama Conspiracy needs his crisis so that it can implement its carefully planned suppression techniques with drones, concentration camps for the "evacuated", and transportation check points for locking down any response from citizens that use roads.
So there is a Marxist Conspiracy and its headquarters are located at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, DC.
Ipso, I just pictured the Professor and Meade, American Gothic style.
I'd do a photo thing if I knew how. That would be cool.
Ecacuate to Milwaukee? Seriously Milwaukee? The only thing that keeps Milwaukee from being even more boring than Philidephia is Summerfest. Stil it's safer than Chicago.
Then there's always.....
can you?
can you?
Do the Kenosha
The reason why the press is not reporting it is because they have a conflict of interest.
The press are trying to balance what would help Obama (in this case rioting) and an appearance of effort to inform the public.. which would hamper efforts to have a contained riot.
Its a tough call.. not as tough as the call to kill Bin Laden mind you.. that was really tough.
"Man, you Althouse Hillbillies are lazy slugs this morning. She lets you drink your hooch and then sleep on her porch don't she? And this is how you reward your queen? You just lay there snoring?"
Put some lather into it you lazy Hillbillies. Really work it up!"
I can't believe that the Democrats are going to bus in SEIU goons from Chicago to vote for Walker's opponent in the recall, but that looks like the plan.
BTW, that's what happened in Iowa in '08. The Unions bussed in people from Calumet City on up to caucus for Obama in these little Iowa towns. Naturally, the Propaganda Ministray (aka, the MSM) suppressed news of these goings on.
Obama wants Walker out of the way because enforced union dues are a huge cash cow for the Democratic Party. Democrats also HATE the notion of Voter ID laws because they can't do fraud very easily that way.
Ecacuate to Milwaukee? Seriously Milwaukee? The only thing that keeps Milwaukee from being even more boring than Philidephia is Summerfest. Stil it's safer than Chicago.
Excuse the f**k out of me?
Philadelphia has the Phillies, at the very least, and used to have the Rocky Statue.
When was the last time the Brewers stole a freight train?
Okay, you have the Packers, but they don't play games in Milwaukee anymore.
"Section9, that's better. Keep working' it. Knaw on it until you have the guts stuck between your teeth."
"Where are you Hillbillies! We need to get this thread up to 200 by noon!"
People who live near the location of the NATO Summit in Chicago are being told to leave their homes because they cannot be protected from rioters.
Not much coverage about this, is there? The media in Rahm's city is pretty low key about this.
What kind of rioters protest NATO meetings, anyway? Anarchists? Who has a beef with NATO?
It sounds organized enough to cause the police, et. al. a lot of concern. Enough concern to publicly discuss evacuation.
Interesting. It sounds as though the media really doesn't want to publicize the fact that when trouble arrives, the police won't be there to help. You're going to be on your own.
I can't believe that the Democrats are going to bus in SEIU goons from Chicago to vote for Walker's opponent in the recall, but that looks like the plan
I remember wingers all churned up about all the fake recall signatures that were surely going to happen. "Hitler!" Mickey Mouse!" "This person signed 80 times!" How did that turn out? The WIGOP is running more fake Democrats in recall elections than fake signatures found. Being crushed with so much embarrassing fail you'd think they would rethink some of their conspiracy theories. Not to mention the fact that photo ID won't prevent the sort of voter fraud they think is going on in the first place.
Not to rain on a good Saturday morning conspiracy parade, but isn't this what the secret service, et. al. is SUPPOSED to be doing? You might think that they had been screwing up lately and wanted everyone to know they were doing their job or something.
Some animals are more equal than others...
I'm gonna have to disagree with the Professor on this one. The run up to various summits and the possible unrest has rarely been covered in depth in my memory. The reason we are talking about BO eating Bo is because the economic news is so dismal and the whiff of corruption of this administration has become a stench. The MSM must remain loyal to the party narrative at all costs.
I guess it is a good thing that our President failed in his bid to win the olympics for Chicago then, since a NATO summit stretches it's security ability so much.
A plan to evacuate? Heh.
Not, I am sure, the regular folks. But the Obama donors? And the rest of the politically connected?
Yeah. I can believe that.
But if it does happen, what we'll see on the news will be the twenty-five normal folks who were mistakenly allowed on the buses headed north.
garage: "Look! Squirrel! Shiny object!"
I do wonder why these same people who say "ID isn't necessary for voting" require voting for, literally, every other possible activity.
They should go ahead and tell their bank to not require any ID verification for somebody to access their accounts. Be consistent!
Distraction alert: Don't keep talking about Jay.
Let's get back on track and talk about the post.
He's trying his hardest to "...SQUIRREL!" this thread, ain't he?
The ARC hasn't tipped The Blonde yet, so it can't be that big.
And, if Lem's right, Dictator Zero should be careful for what he wishes. Richard Daley suppressed the riot at the Chicago Convention in '68, but the public still went Republican in the next 5 of 6 elections.
PS Since the subject of dogs has come up again, Zero may think it's cool to berate the Romster for carrying his dog on the top of his car 20 years ago, but what does he have to say about the fact Milton carried out an amphibious rescue of a dog 9 years ago.
And the family of 6 that owned it!
Plenty of innocent Americans will get their heads cracked open, pepper sprayed, blasted with sound cannons, simply for exercising their first amendment rights. All sorts of horrible bills are being introduced that take away freedoms like NDAA, SOPA, CISPA, and instead of speaking out against these real intrusions, the right wing in this country fever dreams about some people being bussed up to Milwaukee to vote. It would be nice to see the right just once stand with the few liberals speaking out against real assaults on liberties. You can legitimately attack Democrats at the same time as they are complicit as well.
The Obama Administration has attracted more than its fair share of alarmists proclaiming that the skies are (soon) falling. Plans must be made for every contingency. President Obama is often absentminded and aloof; on most issues there are 3-4 factions, each clique instigating projects, vying for Obama's approval. The ensuing fog of fog muddles the minds and favors those who have a penchant for destroying what is in order to construct what can't be.
Wisconsin had better have a plan in place for making the Chicagoans go back post-crisis.
I never did "The Kenosha", kid.
Garage said: It would be nice to see the right just once stand with the few liberals speaking out against real assaults on liberties.
I stand with Garage. No, seriously.
I'm feeling an Althousians road trip to the NATO summit.
Garage is right, let me say it again.
"All sorts of horrible bills are being introduced that take away freedoms like NDAA, SOPA, CISPA, and instead of speaking out against these real intrusions, the right wing in this country fever dreams about some people being bussed up to Milwaukee to vote."
This. CISPA: I mean, I have yet to see a good argument on behalf of CISPA. What a naked abrogation of rights, a bill that openly legalizes the sharing of private citizens' information between corporations and government.
This bill speeds up the already speeding process to work the country according to Science Fiction tales like "The Running Man."
If you're preening lots about "freedom" (my favorite was when a drunken Rick Perry said at a campaign event: "I love to talk about freedom")and you are either unaware of, or unconcerned by CISPA, then you lose credibility points.
>>Why aren't we all talking about the "secret plan to evacuate some residents of Chicago in the event of major trouble during the NATO summit next month"?<<
Er, maybe because it's a SECRET plan? I'm not in the disaster-response business, but I would be surprised if groups like the Red Cross don't have contingency plans that we never hear about, because the possible disaster didn't happen.
This. CISPA: I mean, I have yet to see a good argument on behalf of CISPA. What a naked abrogation of rights, a bill that openly legalizes the sharing of private citizens' information between corporations and government.
I would proudly march with the Tea Party against CISPA. Where are they on this? As unpalatable as it may sound, I think the only way these intrusions die the death they richly deserve is some sort of alliance between left and right. [The one thing government fears the most].
It would have been easier to get the VIPS out of downtown had Daley not done his midnight bulldozing of Meig's Field. Just sayin'.
All these evacuees are going to have to pass by me on the way from Chicago to Milwaukee. I'd hope they wouldn't stop and stay. Stop and shop, drop some dollars in town, but then continue on...
My daughter is a patient at Comer Children's on the south side. They said that, if possible, we should avoid scheduling appointments during that week because of 'possible disruptions and traffic issues'
On the other hand, the main advantage I see in Milwaukee is that it's upwind--- I guess as an Indiana person, I'd better figure out what my 'dirty bomb in Chicago' plan of action is ....
carl, you are absolutely right. The Blonde volunteers for the ARC and they do have procedures in place for all sort of ghastly happenings.
garage mahal said...
Plenty of innocent Americans will get their heads cracked open, pepper sprayed, blasted with sound cannons, simply for exercising their first amendment rights.
It would be nice to see the right just once stand with the few liberals speaking out against real assaults on liberties.
Um, are we talking about anything like the way the hooligans "spoke out" in Seattle?
You want people to stand with you, the first thing you do, after you quit calling them Nazis for disagreeing with you, is stop acting like the SS on Kraistallnacht.
We know the Occupation intends to raise Hell there (maybe a few more nightsticks to the head will get Hatman to see the light).
Why should any respectable person want to get involved with that?
PS Plenty of Conservatives have spoken out against NDAA, SOPA, and CISPA. Maybe it's the Lefties that are late to the party.
PPS garage, the Tea Party works very hard to keep its focus on fiscal responsibility (I think you know this).
They figure if they get into other things, it will only turn out to be a distraction.
We know the Occupation intends to raise Hell there (maybe a few more nightsticks to the head will get Hatman to see the light).
What you are saying is your hate for a group of people is greater than you value your own freedoms. That's pretty pathetic. It gives tyrants like Rahm Emmanuel and Michael Bloomberg complete legal authority to bust YOUR head open, in American streets, in broad daylight, for any reason they want. Why can't you see that? Do you need a nightstick to the head from Rahm Emmanuel to fully realize that? If the Tea Party wanted to protest Rahm Emmanuel, they're okay with being kettled into tiny Orwellian named "First Amendment Areas", arranged by Rahm Emmanuel? Fuck that.
"some sort of alliance between left and right. [The one thing government fears the most]."
God stone the crows. I'm floored. From Garage!
I can't imagine how an alliance with the left would work in practice, but I'd make a deal with the devil to shove Government back in its box.
I really appreciate these paranoid conspiracy theory posts.
I think it's an important underexplored part of the conservative/Althouse political world view.
That's it, Andy R, I think sarcastic snark is definitely the way to go. I know you were probably considering dozens of other rhetorical strategies and arguments, but I think you chose well, as usual!
I mean, sarcasm never fails!
By the way, I just thought of a great drag name for you:
Andy Rogenous.
"What you are saying is your hate for a group of people is greater than you value your own freedoms."
I have seen little evidence that the "Occupy" people are fighting for my freedoms.
Besides, rioting, being smelly and performing lame Brechtian street theater really does very little to protect freedom in the long run.
Since when is Wisconsin Dells a secret?
Andy Rogenous.
Thanks. I may end up using this in an art project.
Also, what part of my comment did you think was sarcastic? I really do think that delving into beliefs about paranoid conspiracy theories is a useful way to understand certain people and I welcome the opportunity here.
Speaking of CISPA, it's too late in the House, but you can still contact your Senators and urge them to vote it down. And if it should pass there with amendments and go to conference, urge your Representative and your Senators to vote against the conference bill.
"Thanks. I may end up using this in an art project."
Cool. I'm partial to Rosetta Stone, myself.
You're always sarcastic. It's your tone. It makes people hate you. Young people often think that sarcasm is the answer to anything.
You're always sarcastic.
What part of my comment did you think was sarcastic?
I have seen little evidence that the "Occupy" people are fighting for my freedoms.
One of the very few groups actively protesting horrendous bills being discussed and passed in Congress. Not the point though; the point is when you're okay with the government bashing OWS protesters in the head for no reason, you're also okay with the government bashing your head in for no reason.
Look at the NDAA OF 2012, which codified into law some really bad shit, virtually unknown to the public. Consequently, this law can be used by authorities to detain (forever) anyone the government considers a threat to national security and stability – potentially even demonstrators and protesters exercising their First Amendment rights.
That, I assume, includes the Tea Party as well. Or any other group.
"Besides, rioting, being smelly and performing lame Brechtian street theater really does very little to protect freedom in the long run."
Frankly I think it actually damages freedom by providing convenient excuses for crack downs. I sometimes wonder if the Occupy movement isn't a false flag operation entirely.
"One of the very few groups actively protesting horrendous bills being discussed and passed in Congress."
Does "protesting" really do any good? The groups and people that have done the most to productively combat these various bills (SOPA particularly), have not been "Occupy" types.
Protesting is generally a meaningless activity designed to satisfy people's social urges.
"... . It would be nice to see the right just once stand with the few liberals speaking out against real assaults on liberties..."
That's pretty funny garage. Last time I checked its conservatives that demand a smaller and less intrusive government. It's leftwing dolts like you who want government control over everything and then cry like a pussy when **shocker** they start exercising control.
I swear leftists are the stupidest people on the planet.
Chicago has a duty to retreat.
Hmmm. Add to this that the Obama admin moved the G8 summit to Camp David, which was to be held in Chicago right before NATO, and you've got a very sinister scenario.
"... One of the very few groups actively protesting horrendous bills being discussed and passed in Congress..."
Why isn't Obama vetoing these horrendous assaults on our liberty garage? I mean you voted for this guy.
garage mahal said...
We know the Occupation intends to raise Hell there (maybe a few more nightsticks to the head will get Hatman to see the light).
What you are saying is your hate for a group of people is greater than you value your own freedoms. That's pretty pathetic.
No, what I'm saying is that the First Amendment gives us the right to peaceable assembly to petition the government for redress of grievance.
Busting up downtown Chicago doesn't fall into that category. You want to organize a non-partisan, peaceful march about this stuff - more power to you.
The Occupation way isn't the right way - legally or otherwise. The Freedom Riders won people's respect because they didn't try to start a civil war; they made their case on the basis of the soundness of their arguments - something the Left hasn't tried in almost 50 years.
You want respect, you have to earn it. Acting like a hooligan never earned anybody's respect.
How much respect does somebody like Hatman have around here?
I came from somewhere further south to Milwaukee and I know that no plan will be needed to make those guys evacuate back. It's cold here; it's April and it's cold. Yeah, I know, It's "chilly", "not warm yet". It's cold. I think Chicagoans will go south. If they don't, I suggest that we have them occupy Bradley Beach where the wind comes sweeping down the lake. And send them cold beers, courtesy of the 1%. Let the Cold Games begin.
That's pretty funny garage. Last time I checked its conservatives that demand a smaller and less intrusive government.
But you're fine with the government deciding when, where, and how you can voice your displeasure with the government. That's not small and less intrusive government.
Brings up a good question: why is the government always okay with righty protests, but will bring in militarized swat teams to monitor 12 hippies sitting on a campus sidewalk?
I'm happy to give garage credit where due. He's dead right on CISPA, and the other mutations in the pipeline. I have no problem finding common cause despite opposition in other areas.
All this barking about, "Yeah, well YOU did/said this!" or "Occupy/Tea Pary did/said that!" loses focus on the fact that there is an awful lot of liberty eroding and abolishing crap rolling down the tracks at us.
My kiddo's school year (Columbia College) was shortened, due to NATO (and G20, that was since moved to Camp David). So, some more evac, properly imposed by the school, and it was about 6-months back that they announced it. Next week is the end of it for her; it'll be doubly good to have her back home. (no fire arms allowed up there, don't you know).
I mean, shit, people. We get it. Tea Partiers are Tea Partiers, and Occupiers are Occupiers and never the twain shall meet.
Great. Now having said that, figure out how you're gonna work the problem, ok?
It's not that hard.
"... But you're fine with the government deciding when, where, and how you can voice your displeasure with the government. That's not small and less intrusive government..."
Who said I was fine with it? Maybe try not to just make shit up as part of your discourse.
"....: why is the government always okay with righty protests, but will bring in militarized swat teams to monitor 12 hippies sitting on a campus sidewalk?.."
Maybe cause righty protests get permits, follow the law and don't shit on police cars. Here's an idea, maybe if you guys didn't act like fucking savages during your protests you wouldn't get arrested. And since when is it a right to build a shanty town in a public park to whine about your student loans?
Grow up.
"I sometimes wonder if the Occupy movement isn't a false flag operation entirely."
Trust yourself.
"Brings up a good question: why is the government always okay with righty protests, but will bring in militarized swat teams to monitor 12 hippies sitting on a campus sidewalk?"
Because, like you, "hippies [there have been no hippies since the late 60s] sitting on [any] sidewalk" are anarchists capable of physical as well as visual, olfactory and moral violence.
And garage, why isn't the Hope and Change guy you voted tor vetoing these bills? Or once he signs them you'll become the partisan hack you are and tell us how wonderful they are?
Yeah, I love it when big government liberals start whining about how mean government can be.
"... Tea Partiers are Tea Partiers, and Occupiers are Occupiers and never the twain shall meet..."
That's because Tea Partiers are busy working and Occupiers are banging on drums, shitting in the park and demanding someone pay their bills.
I think the Govt, at least, is disinclined to talk about the plans because they don't want the whole world coming to Chicago because they hear that that is where the action will be.
Evacuating Chicago is a terrible idea because it would be a complete fiasco. Evacuating a huge city is an enormous challenge that is fraught with peril. Houston was able to do it (I was in it and was amazed at how well the people behaved in a very difficult situation) but Chicago would most likely screw it up completely.
BTW, when Houston took large numbers of refugees from New Orleans, a bunch of the NOLA refugees stayed in Houston, kicking off a major crime spree. Don't trust Rahm, he will try to dump as many perps as possible on dumb, trusting Wisconsin. Wisconsin should make sure that it moves the refugees back to Chicago after the "crisis" is over.
Don't trust Rahm, he will try to dump as many perps as possible on dumb, trusting Wisconsin.
Hey, from Rahm's point of view, it's worth a try! After all, it worked for Castro...
Odd, as a fairly senior IL National Guard officer - actually working this event - I think I would have heard something about an official plan to evacuate? Maybe the Red Cross could simply explain why the heck they are saying such things.
Trust me, if there was an evacuation plan, I'd already have Mars Cheese Castle in my AOR.
Why do you permit that racist piece of crap Jay retread to post here?
He keeps calling us "porch monkeys"
From the Urban Dictionary:
"A derogatory way of describing an person of African decent
hey porch monkey--you got the money you owe me for the crack rock I sold you?"
Yes, I know he actually tried to dress it up as porch dweller but we know what he means.
I don't like it and you need to take this little shit down a peg or two. DO NOT allow his racism to pollute this blog.
John Henry
I see some people are getting it. You aren't.
Forget right/left on things like CISPA.
I meant already get it. Not getting it.
"Secret plan"? Some secret if it was under discussion with the Wi Red Cross and now everyone else is supposed to be talking about it.
it sounds like the kind of remote contingency planning that paramilitary agencies always do. Like the contingency plans to strike (either first or retaliatory) against enemies far and wide that are SOP in most military organizations.
In order to talk about the plan, you'd have to know what it contains and what contingencies, if they occur, are supposed to trigger which responses. Not knowing any of that, and seeing no details in the story or this thread, I'd say that any conversation about the "secret plan" will lkikely be short and uninformative. But that doesn't mean it can't be fun for those who enjoy that sort of thing.
Maybe I haven't cared about the pan to evacuate Chicago because I don't care about Chicago. If chicago, and Chicagoans were bombed and napalmed down to bedrock and then salt sown into the dust that would eventually become soil I'd go, hmmph! and pour myself another cup of coffee.
and, yeah, I'm a redneck. Actually it's not our ecks that are red, it's just the reflection from the backs of our ears.
I'm sure there are some actual decent humans in chicago but I've never met one. All I've seen are overweening pricks who move down here and then tell us how much better it was up there. and then get pissed when we tell 'em "if it's so much better there, GO BACK!
Well..,it is not big deal at all especially if the place was so good compare to our houses.
houses for sale chicago illinois
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