A comment from Meade, on a post from a few days ago, responding to one Kwach, who had trouble understanding what I was saying about Obama and the concept of eating what you're told. She said:
Because a young boy was exposed to a foreign culture (including unusual food) and didn't balk at trying it, he grew up to be ... what? Someone who has no will? And then he married a woman who would tell him and all the children in America what to eat... Does this childhood lack of will extend to anyone who spends time in a foreign country and doesn't refuse to try the local cuisine, or is it possible that some people eat things I wouldn't dream of (escargot and goat meat, for instance) not because they are mindless automatons but because they're open-minded or even curious? Is it possible that some children are open-minded and curious? Or even obedient to their parents, as we say they should be?Read my post again Kwach. I didn't say that Obama had/has no will. I said that as an author he willfully deprived us of any words on the subject of his will. He says nothing about the degree of compulsion he felt when he "learned" from Lolo "how to eat." Our erstwhile law professor was a student, taking instruction. We don't know how he felt. He keeps that from us. And now, as President, is he a will-less instructor? Does government coerce or does it merely teach... with more or less persuasive incentives... nudges if you
३०२ टिप्पण्या:
302 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»He liked to hang out with the disenfranchised, including the marxists during college.
Marxists were then and are now disenfranchised for a reason.
Useful idiot or true believer, or over at Belmont Club, a recent discussion, is he a player?
Just to correct the record:
Eating dog meat is NOT normal in Indonesia. It's illegal, and you really have to go out of your way to find it. Besides, Obama's standard of living was Middle Class at that time. Hardly someone who needs to resort to eating dog.
"Does government coerce or does it merely teach"
Government teach!?!?!?!?!?!
I don't even know where to begin.
Kwach doesnt quite get it. He/she is so taken with her gastronomic sophistication (and Obama's) that she missed your point entirely. Well, Kwach, you are quite correct: our ever curious president was just as curious and open minded (gastronomically) as you! When given the chance he ate snake and he ate DOG. And he proudly scribbled about it. And then that damn Romney put his dog carrier on the roof of his station wagon! That miserable shit, that dog hater who probably wouldnt have the cultural curiosity to even nibble a dog, put his dog on the roof of the car in a dog box. Wind! Rain! Who knows what was up there flying around in the air!
But Romney's dog was fine. He enjoyed the ride! It was like a chase!
But Obama's dog, Kwach was dead. Eaten by our president to be. Do you see now? A little?
Pity you missed The Fourth Portrait, a beautiful film from Taiwan, shown at the Wisconsin Film Festival where you would have seen a nine-year old child who learned to live with a step father by keeping his mouth shut and eating what was on his plate. I grew up in a similar environment and learned to eat peas, which I hated, because we were very poor and there was rarely ice cream for dessert. When I do mention my childhood diet, I usually just say I learned to like less expensive but healthy roots like beets, turnips and rutabaga.
This is a guy thing. When your dad is teaching you things like this you don't really have a will. You know that this is a time to suppress or ignore your willfulness so that you can learn. You know that you have no gravitas in the situation and that any resistance will signal weakness to your role model. That is to be avoided at all costs.
If I was to recount similar teaching moments from my youth, I too would never think of expressing any resistance. Your personal will disappears from the dynamic in those situations, unless you are a pussy who whined then, and is still trying to justify it. Like I said it's a guy thing.
I would expect a girl to put up a fuss with dad in those situations, but similarly, I suspect there are mother-daughter teaching moments when a young girl automatically suspends any resistance in favor of getting what mom is offering, and appearing ready to grow up.
Zero isn't an instructor, will-less or otherwise. He's a scold.
Like having Santorum for POTUS.
PS I think Fen has a point. Indonesia is the world's largest Islamic country, right?
And Moslems think dogs are unclean, right?
So what would a Moslem be doing eating something religiously unclean?
Not having read the book, I have to ask, was Lolo a Moslem?
Government teach!?!?!?!?!?!
I don't even know where to begin.
Well, first you have to tell the cops they acted stupidly for treating one of your buds badly. Then you need beer. Then you have to stride forth uncaring as the stupid cop helps your disabled bud down the White House steps.
Then the teaching can begin.
I didn't read Obama's book, so maybe someone can tell me: Is there a part in there where the family sits around a table with a live monkey's head sticking up through the table?
"Then you have to stride forth uncaring as the stupid cop helps your disabled bud down the White House steps."
Really? I didn't know about that.
Are there pictures?
The Obama books are political documents, not a true biography of the man.
They should be evaluated as much for what they leave out and how items are presented as much as what parts of the story are presented.
Obama wanted the books to direct the reader to a certain view of him. Since the purpose of the book was to manipulate, rather than inform, then what he does reveal is fair game to be used against him politically.
Quite an obsession with eating dog meat.
You know, they also eat dog meat in Vietnam. Maybe if Romney didn’t dodge the draft and spent some time in Vietnam he may have had the opportunity to try some dog meat. He also may have had the opportunity while on R&R in the Philippines, since they eat dog meat in that country as well.
"The Obama books are political documents, not a true biography of man."
Does Obama call this book his memoirs? He was what, 35?
But Romney's dog was fine. He enjoyed the ride! It was like a chase!
So much Seamus would jump up right into the kennel on the roof! (Romney's station wagon was realllly low to the ground). #Truth
And so happy he showed the family by shitting down the back window.
Anyone know what ever happened to Seamus? Apparently Tagg Romney told some reporters that Seamus ran away in Canada.
Quite an obsession with eating dog meat.
Probably wouldn't have been a whisper about it if Der Hund Esser's people hadn't made hay about Romney's dog up top escapade.
Maybe if Romney didn’t dodge the draft
He didn't doge, he was exempt.
Besides, if you are going to invoke the Chickenhawk meme, you must grant that only vets are allowed to criticize the war effort and related topics like draft dodgers.
ie. if you didn't serve, STFU
We should all bear in mind that the infant Heracles frustrated the will of Hera, queen of the gods, when he strangled two snakes with his bare hands.
Fen said...
"He didn't doge, he was exempt."
He had two deferments for school and one for his time in France.
He also demonstrated in favor of the draft. Easy to do when you don't have to go yourself.
Fen: "...serious discussion about economic remedies to and debt -"
36fsfiend: "Romney put his dog on top of his car! Pet abuse!"
Fen: "Obama ate his dog. Pet abuse?"
36fsfiend: "Waaah. Why are you obsessed about dogs instead of more serious topics like the economy?"
Libtards. They really are this stupid.
Garage. As a dog guy you know that dogs are regulaly transported in trailers and on roof top carriers. No reason to play dumb when you were smart enough to buy a thousand dollar Labrador who will never retreive a duck. A dog is not going to shit on the window because he has been put in a dog box outside the car and you know it.
36fsfiend said...
Quite an obsession with eating dog meat.
You know, they also eat dog meat in Vietnam. Maybe if Romney didn’t dodge the draft and spent some time in Vietnam he may have had the opportunity to try some dog meat.
Wrong, moron. He was in France for most of the Vietnam era on a ministerial mission, a part of his obligation in the Mormon religion.
When he came back, he had a high number in Teddy Kennedy's lottery.
The chickenhawk thing is getting old, particularly since Zero is the one blowing up everything in sight.
Last I heard, the Romster hasn't said much of anything on the subject.
PS How much time in country did you spend?
PPS On Mindanao, they're Moslem, so it would depend where in the islands you took your R&R.
36fsfiend: He had two deferments for-
Again, invoking the Chickenhawk meme disqualifies anyone who didn't serve from supporting/opposing the war effort.
Since you didn't serve, you are not allowed to criticize. This is your own standard, try to live up to it.
"Are there pictures?"
As I responded to Fen, Romney had two deferments for school and one for his time in France.
He also demonstrated in favor of the draft. Easy to do when you don't have to go yourself.
My time was spent in the PI and Korea. They also eat dog in Korea.
They do eat dogs in VietNam and I am sure that had Obama been there he would have sampled DOG because of his adventurous and curious nature. But he wasnt there He was in indonesia where he ate dog.
How old was Obama in Indonesia? I don't know. But if he was 6 or 7 and had internalized an American identity at the time dog eating was foisted on him he would have balked. He didn't balk. He hadn't internalized an identity as an American. He didn't then, doesn't now and is PROUD of the fact. An American identity. That's for squares, bitter clingers, the benighted. The sum and substance of Obama wisdom, hard left wisdom and faculty lounge wisdom coast to coast.
This whole Obama eats dog thing is hilarious on so many levels.
Besides the opportunity to do funny photo shops of Obama eating puppies and the jokes that poke holes into his massive inflated ego, it exposes something rather important.
Either Obama ate dog when he was in Indonesia, even though his Step Father was Muslim and that would have been an unclean act. OR....the whole story was just made up for some reason.
If the story was fake, who made it up? Obama? Ayers? A committee?
Did Obama make up and fake this, then what else did he fake? Is any of his 'biography' true? Who the hell is this man?
If Obama didn't make it up, then who wrote the 'story of Obama' and again how much is true or fantasy.
Who the HELL is Obama?
Woof WOOF!!
"Pity you missed The Fourth Portrait, a beautiful film from Taiwan, shown at the Wisconsin Film Festival where you would have seen a nine-year old child who learned to live with a step father by keeping his mouth shut and eating what was on his plate."
Why is it a "pity"? I had a nice weekend and stayed out of dark rooms. The woods and gardens were beautiful, but you say some foreign, film-festival film was "beautiful." That's what they always say about these small-scale films. Sorry, I'm dubious about all these claims of films being "beautiful."
What's beautiful is my time here on earth, and I'm tired of being bored sitting in a dark room consuming something that's supposed to be good for me.
And why exactly would it be such a great experience to see actors pretending to be a father who was subordinating and oppressing a boy?
To scrape together my sentences I needs must employ the natural method, regressing to the savages so they may give me lessons. Simple and majestic gentlemen, their gracious mouths ennoble all that flows from their tattooed lips.
- Lautreamont
"So much Seamus would jump up right into the kennel on the roof! (Romney's station wagon was realllly low to the ground). #Truth"
Ever heard of a tailgate?
So what is Obama going to do?
No no no...I didn't really eat dog meat. It was a lie in my book.
No no no....I didn't write that in my book someone else wrote it for me and they were confused.
Garage. As a dog guy you know that dogs are regulaly transported in trailers and on roof top carriers.
I've hunted with dogs for a long time. While crating is the best method for transport, I've never seen anyone I hunted with put a crate on the roof. Romney said Seamus would jump up onto the roof of the station wagon and into that crate. You don't buy that do you? It's not the end of the world of course, but there seems to be no end to the lies Romney is willing to tell.
It was a religious obligation, so that gets him a pass in my book.
No different than if Zero got a deferment to go on pilgrimage to Mecca.
As for "demonstrating in favor of the draft", he opposed a sit-in protesting "draft status tests", whatever the Hell they were (all I did was take a physical).
Not even close.
As I say, the chickenhawk thing is old and anybody who wants to raise it needs to get past Willie and his Midnight Mission to Moscow, among other things.
Thanks, TosaGuy. That's hilarious.
"... Whilecrating is the best method for transport, I've never seen anyone I hunted with put a crate on the roof..."
So since you've never seen it, its never happened. I guess the science of canine transportation is settled.
It's hard to decide which attack is best for Obama to make:
Who is the bigger polygamist, the one whose great great grandpappy practiced polygamy, or the one whose Dad did?
Who is worse to dogs, the one who put Fido on top of the car, or the one who ate him?
Who has the stranger religious beliefs, the one who might wear funny underwear, or the one who listened to the preacher say "God damn America."?
"... As I responded to Fen, Romney had two deferments for school and one for his time in France..."
So is a deferment the equivalent of draft dodging? Did you vote for Clinton?
If I had any dog in the Philippines it was disguised as something else.
If I found out I had eaten it, it would not bother me. Which is why this is all so funny.
Is anyone actually offended? It's just funny and its funny because people like garage seem to insist on being so earnest about being offended for Seamus. The best part is getting to make fun of that earnest, oh so earnest outrage.
If Romney’s religious obligation was more important than serving the country back then, then perhaps he should be more worried about his religious obligations now and not be concerned about the presidency.
You know, he’s got some interesting positions on Afghanistan. I wonder if he would still hold those same positions if any of his five sons had their skin on the line.
"Romney said Seamus would jump up onto the roof of the station wagon and into that crate. You don't buy that do you?"
Absolutely, I do. I've known a lot of dogs that I'm certain would respond the same way. Is there any doubt that if they could, dogs would all ride motorcycles. We imagine the crate on top to be scary, but that's because we can imagine being confined and it might fall off. The dog has no such problem with it. They feel safest in a crate and the wind is just a fantastic bonus.
But in Obama's defense, I'm sure that Smokey would have jumped back up on the barbeque too if he had the chance.
I hope you guys never let the Seamus thing rest.
Hoosier Daddy said...
"Did you vote for Clinton?"
It just keeps getting funnier and funnier. The difference between the stories is one is funny and all American and the other is funny and not American at all.
I've hunted with dogs for a long time. While crating is the best method for transport, I've never seen anyone I hunted with put a crate on the roof.
Hunting with dogs, which I have also done many times, is not the same as taking an extended family vacation in a jam-packed station wagon with a bunch of kids and luggage.
Hunting, you usually have a pick up or an SUV with room in the back or several vehicles if you are hunting in a group. The dog(s)can ride in the bed of the truck, crated or not.
My preference is that the dogs are in the pick up bed for the pure reason that they get excited about going hunting and begin to fart and crap in anticipation. Peeeeeuuuuuu.
Why is it any less believable that their dog would voluntarily enter the traveling crate than it would be that your dog would leap into the back of the truck or SUV to go with you?
Oh. And Obama ate a dog or is a big fat liar. LOL
So much Seamus would jump up right into the kennel on the roof! (Romney's station wagon was realllly low to the ground). #Truth
And so happy he showed the family by shitting down the back window.
Anyone know what ever happened to Seamus? Apparently Tagg Romney told some reporters that Seamus ran away in Canada.
A dog may jump into a carrier, they do it all the time.
They won't howver jump into a pot without prompting.
Obama ate a dog and then bragged about it. The sick fuck.
"... You know, he’s got some interesting positions on Afghanistan. I wonder if he would stillhold those same positions if any of his five sons had their skin on the line..."
Good point. Perhaps we should amend the Constitution to require military service as a pre-requisite for eligibility for the Presidency.
36fsfiend said...
If Romney’s religious obligation was more important than serving the country back then, then perhaps he should be more worried about his religious obligations now and not be concerned about the presidency.
Oh, cram it someplace.
If Romney turned down the mission, fiend would be belching stuff about how he'd can't be much of a religious man.
You know, he’s got some interesting positions on Afghanistan. I wonder if he would still hold those same positions if any of his five sons had their skin on the line.
Christ, do any of you people ever get new writers?
By "interesting positions", does fiend mean trying to win, instead of throwing the country back into the laps of the crazies, the way Zero wants?
And Zero doesn't seem to mind endangering the lives of the people we've got there.
Good point. Perhaps we should amend the Constitution to require military service as a pre-requisite for eligibility for the Presidency.
Screw that. Let's just go full-metal-Heinlein. That would probably have the added benefit of reducing the crime rate significantly.
Thank God Zero did not eat a monkey, because that would lead to monkey jokes and that would lead to ............................
HITLER and the KKK.
Whew, close call there.
Obama tasted a doggie biscuit once and complained that there wasn't enough doggie in it.
Why is it any less believable that their dog would voluntarily enter the traveling crate than it would be that your dog would leap into the back of the truck or SUV to go with you?
He said Seamus would leap onto to the roof of his station wagon. LOL
This sounds a lot like his varmint hunting expeditions when he was addressing gun owning skeptics. Er, moose? elk? Whatever it was, he was "delighted" to do so!
I doubt 36 was old enough, Hoosier.
I don’t care what religion a politician practices or if he doesn’t practice religion at all. Just keep their religious beliefs to themselves.
As far as Afghanistan, we’re not going to “beat” the Taliban. If Romney wants to remain there until we “win” then let him sign up five sons for duty.
garage mahal said...
So much Seamus would jump up right into the kennel on the roof! (Romney's station wagon was realllly low to the ground). #Truth
Because the only way to get on to the roof of a car is directly from the ground!!
Do you have any capability of being embarrassed by your continued imbecillic droppings?
36fsfiend said...
As far as Afghanistan, we’re not going to “beat” the Taliban. If Romney wants to remain there until we “win” then let him sign up five sons for duty.
I love watching you dipshits invoke the chickenhawk meme.
Obama never served in the military.
Obama proudly sent more troops to Afghanistan.
You haven't criticized Obama for that at all, bozo.
PS: how does one "sign up their sons" for the military anyway?
You know, he’s got some interesting positions on Afghanistan. I wonder if he would still hold those same positions if any of his five sons had their skin on the line.
Wanting to win = "interesting positions"!
Who knew!?
Democrats always talk about "dog whistles". It's Obama's prefered method of getting dinner.
I don’t use the term chickenhawk. I use the term coward.
Obama sending more troops to Afghanistan because old Dubya decided to go off on a war of choice and not focus on the mission.
Romney can certainly convince his sons to serve if he wanted to. But that will not happen since they follow in their daddy’s footsteps.
By the way, if you haven't seen the dogeater video, check it out, it's hilarious:
I don’t use the term chickenhawk. I use the term coward.
Obama sending more troops to Afghanistan because old Dubya decided to go off on a war of choice and not focus on the mission.
Romney can certainly convince his sons to serve if he wanted to. But that will not happen since they follow in their daddy’s footsteps.
Obama supports the Afghanistan war - understandable
Mitt Romney supports the war - criminal, or something
Do you even reaed what you write, dipshit?
Romney can certainly convince his sons to serve if he wanted to.
Do you have any sons? If you do, maybe you'll reflect on what you wrote and realize just how ridiculous it actually is.
Hey Jay,
Do you know how to read and comprehend English? I didn’t state Romney supporting the war was criminal.
36fsfiend: If Romney wants to remain there until we “win” then let him sign up five sons for duty.
Again, the Libtard assertion that parents determine whether their sons enlist.
Something an actual vet wouldn't never presume.
Because the only way to get on to the roof of a car is directly from the ground!!
I'm curious as to your theory: was there some sort of doggie ladder the Romney's hauled around with them for Seamus? A big step stool they hauled around?
A big step stool they hauled around?
It's called a tailgate and we used it to get up on the roof of the station wagon a lot when I was kid.
Because the only way to get on to the roof of a car is directly from the ground!!
I'm curious as to your theory: was there some sort of doggie ladder the Romney's hauled around with them for Seamus? A big step stool they hauled around?
lol whut
Here's a theory: you're a retard
Q: Why does Obama rub Bo's stomach?
A: to work the spices in
Scott M said...
"Do you have any sons? If you do, maybe you'll reflect on what you wrote and realize just how ridiculous it actually is."
I have nephews who are too young to serve. However, as they get older, I would certainly encourage them to serve as their father and uncles did.
Because of that, I take issue with people who seem so eager for war but are not willing to serve themselves.
Fen said...
"Again, the Libtard assertion that parents determine whether their sons enlist."
If Romney served or his sons were serving now he would probably have a different view of the situation.
That's my opinion as a vet.
Bullshit. You're not a vet. A vet wouldn't never have made the mistake you just did. A vet wouldn't play the chickenhawk card either.
Link to DD214 or STFU, Poser.
Hey Jay,
Do you know how to read and comprehend English? I didn’t state Romney supporting the war was criminal.
That wasn't Jay that said that, so it seems like you're the one with comprehension problems.
Your words may be technically English, but no one can understand the point you're trying to make, so it comes of as gibberish. Maybe to you it us all about the old Marxist question of history, "Who? Whom?" Who supports the war is the important question, not whether the war is good or not.
I have nephews who are too young to serve. However, as they get older, I would certainly encourage them to serve as their father and uncles did.
You said Romney could certainly convince his sons to serve. I don't care how many nephews you have. If you don't have grown (or nearly grown) sons, you don't know how wrong your statement is.
Sidebet that, if our Poser Libtard was ever anywhere close to the military, it was a 3 week stint at basic followed by an OTH for sucking cock or somesuch?
36fsfiend said...
I don’t use the term chickenhawk. I use the term coward.
Obama sending more troops to Afghanistan because old Dubya decided to go off on a war of choice and not focus on the mission.
So in other words, you can't bring yourself to criticize that coward Obama.
I'm shocked by this development.
If Romney served or his sons were serving now he would probably have a different view of the situation.
That's my opinion as a vet.
"It's called a tailgate and we used it to get up on the roof of the station wagon a lot when I was kid."
Scott, you know you have to draw garage a picture.
36fsfiend said...
If Romney served or his sons were serving now he would probably have a different view of the situation.
That's my opinion as a vet.
I don't believe you are a vet.
But that aside, it is so cute that you can't hold Obama to that standard.
I mean, you get to blame Bush.
How does it feel to be an intellectual coward?
garage mahal said...
I'm curious as to your theory: was there some sort of doggie ladder the Romney's hauled around with them for Seamus? A big step stool they hauled around?
Do you ever get tired of being so stupid?
In his book he said he snorted coke and sold it to (and not the coke-a-cola variety.)
Yea, that will come out to soon enough. Dope pusher president.
It's called a tailgate and we used it to get up on the roof of the station wagon a lot when I was kid.
That's not what Romney said. Still, how does that work for a dog? It would jump into the back of the wagon, and then, somehow, jumps onto the roof? Or the dog jumps onto the tailgate that swings, balances itself, and then onto the roof? Either way, that would be a neat trick to teach a dog.
I saw “Jay” at the top of the comment.
Obama supports the war effort and is working to extract us from a difficult situation. We’re not going to beat the Taliban or “win”. If Romney want’s to remain there until we “win” they let his sons join the fight.
Why is that difficult for you to understand?
Jay said...
"So in other words, you can't bring yourself to criticize that coward Obama."
Did Obama dodge a draft?
It's called a tailgate and we used it to get up on the roof of the station wagon a lot when I was kid.
That's not what Romney said. Still, how does that work for a dog? It would jump into the back of the wagon, and then, somehow, jumps onto the roof? Or the dog jumps onto the tailgate that swings, balances itself, and then onto the roof? Either way, that would be a neat trick to teach a dog.
Oh shit you are trying so hard but just managing to sound like a total moron
"That's not what Romney said. Still, how does that work for a dog?"
Give it up, man.
Either way, that would be a neat trick to teach a dog.
We had a '77 (or 78, maybe) Plymouth Volera station wagon. The tailgate went down to horizontal and stopped dead. It turned it into a step, basically.
Our cocker spaniel was able to easily navigate his way up to the roof when we kids were up there.
36fsfiend said...
Did Obama dodge a draft?
No, but see stupid you said: " take issue with people who seem so eager for war but are not willing to serve themselves."
I realize you're just a step above drooling imbecile, but even you should be able to recognnize the difference between dodging a draft (which Romney never did) and not serving in the military.
Jay said...
"I don't believe you are a vet."
You can believe whatever you want.
As far as criticizing Bush, I originally believed in him and voted for him. So I feel I have the prerogative to hold him accountable.
36fsfiend said...
Obama supports the war effort and is working to extract us from a difficult situation.
Now that drivel is funny.
Seriously, why not just say that you're only interested in taking pot shots at Republican politicans and call it a day?
I saw “Jay” at the top of the comment.
Obama supports the war effort and is working to extract us from a difficult situation. We’re not going to beat the Taliban or “win”. If Romney want’s to remain there until we “win” they let his sons join the fight.
Why is that difficult for you to understand?
So your telling me that Obama never had any intention of winning the war? Is there some secret memo you are privy to?
Do you try and make any sense?
"I realize you're just a step above drooling imbecile, but even you should be able to recognnize the difference between dodging a draft (which Romney never did) and not serving in the military."
Romney supported the draft. For him to get a deferment for something other than a valid medical reason is, in my opinion, is a nice term for a dodge.
It would jump into the back of the wagon, and then, somehow, jumps onto the roof? Or the dog jumps onto the tailgate that swings, balances itself, and then onto the roof? Either way, that would be a neat trick to teach a dog.
No, the tailgate opens down and out, like the back of a pickup. Tailgaters put their food on it, or sit on it, but a dog would jump onto it and then onto the roof.
How is that so difficult to picture?
What’s your definition of winning?
We had a '77 (or 78, maybe) Plymouth Volera station wagon. The tailgate went down to horizontal and stopped dead. It turned it into a step, basically.
Our cocker spaniel was able to easily navigate his way up to the roof when we kids were up there.
Really. I'll take your word for it. Sorry to obsess, but I checked google images, and it appears the hatch on those Volare wagons swing open the other way. As do most station wagons.
Jay said...
"I don't believe you are a vet."
You can believe whatever you want.
As far as criticizing Bush, I originally believed in him and voted for him. So I feel I have the prerogative to hold him accountable.
You're a fucking liar.
this is from your youtube account:
"Bush's seven minutes of silence
wonder if Bush would have gotten up if Andy Card told him that one of his daughters was involved in an accident and was in serious condition?"
You never voted for Bush and you were never in the military.
Although I suppose a big dog like an Irish Setter could easily jump onto the hood of a car, too, and then up to the roof.
garage mahal said...
"Anyone know what ever happened to Seamus? Apparently Tagg Romney told some reporters that Seamus ran away in Canada."
Apparently someone from PETA told one of Gail Collins's unpaid interns at the NYT who told Gail Collins's illegal alien personal chef who told her undocumented driver who told Gail Collins that Seamus ran away in Canada when in fact he didn't run away but instead was dognapped by Canadian baby seal hunters known for selling baby seal meat as dog meat to Indonesian black marketeers who get a premium for baby seal labelled as dog because dog meat is illegal in Indonesia and baby seal is not.
So now you know the rest of the story: young Barry Obama thought was eating dog meat (tough) when in fact he was eating baby seal meat (tough) which had been artificially toughened with a marinade of Milorganite compost supplemented with extra lead and mercury (crunchy).
Forget the tailgate, my daughter has a dog. He could easily jump on the roof of a stationwagon without any tailgate, or any help. His problem, being a bit of a dopey dog, he'd probably miss the crate and sail right over onto the front hood.
Afgan'n. Really, either way, Zero or the Mittster, they're both committed to throwing multiple hundreds of billions of Chinese dollars down that rat hole. For nothing. Or maybe the Fed will just ... poof, like magic ... make the money appear.
"You never voted for Bush and you were never in the military."
Believe what you want. Put making statements as such without the facts is ignorant.
"I realize you're just a step above drooling imbecile, but even you should be able to recognnize the difference between dodging a draft (which Romney never did) and not serving in the military."
Romney supported the draft. For him to get a deferment for something other than a valid medical reason is, in my opinion, is a nice term for a dodge.
What a fucking liar you are. You voted for Clinton twice.
"... Obama supports the war effort and is working to extract us from a difficult situation...."
That seems to be a contradictory statement. I used to think supporting the war effort meant winning. If we cant beat the Taliban then he should have pulled us out three years ago
Maybe garage's dogs aren't that smart.
SPImmortal said...
"What a fucking liar you are. You voted for Clinton twice."
Believe what you want. But making statements as such without the facts is ignorant.
BTW, what's your definition of winning in Afghanistan?
"You never voted for Bush and you were never in the military."
Believe what you want. Put making statements as such without the facts is ignorant.
I already gave the facts dipshit, which you snipped out of your comment conveniently.
The only video you have on your youtube account is some ridiculous bolierplate left-wing attack on Bush.
You never voted for Bush, you lied about that, and you falsely claimed you were in the military to lend some fake credibility to your bullshit.
Garage- why don't you think a dog could easily stand in the back when the hatch is open, and get up to the roof from the side angle?
"What a fucking liar you are. You voted for Clinton twice."
Believe what you want. But making statements as such without the facts is ignorant.
BTW, what's your definition of winning in Afghanistan?
Winning in Afghanistan means defeating the Taliban, which was the goal of both Bush and Obama.
Hoosier Daddy,
Obama three years ago stated he wanted to defeat al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, hence the increase in effort. We’ve done that. Time for an orderly withdrawal.
You realize that we are also in the process of ironing out an agreement with Afghanistan for continued support for at least ten years, correct?
SPImmortal said...
"Winning in Afghanistan means defeating the Taliban, which was the goal of both Bush and Obama."
I suggest you read up on the war and it's goals.
If you want to defeat the Taliban are you prepared to serve or have your sons serve? Are you prepared for the increase in taxes to support that prolonged effort?
You realize that we are also in the process of ironing out an agreement with Afghanistan for continued support for at least ten years, correct?
Oh good. That will give both Obama girls time to sign up and head over.
For Zero, I think winning means:
1. Not costing him re-election.
2. Not leaving any video akin to that of us leaving Vietnam where we had peace with honor [and a fast helicoptor with the motor running].
MayBee said...
"Oh good. That will give both Obama girls time to sign up and head over."
The agreement involves military and economic aid. Not troops on the ground.
Garage- why don't you think a dog could easily stand in the back when the hatch is open, and get up to the roof from the side angle?
If the gate swings up, the gate would block the dog from jumping anywhere. If the gate swings horizontally, it would have a hell of a time jumping perfectly straight up from the bed of the wagon, and then onto the roof. I checked, Romney had a Chevy Caprice Wagon, probably mid 70s. I'll see what I can find out.
SPImmortal said...
"Winning in Afghanistan means defeating the Taliban, which was the goal of both Bush and Obama."
I suggest you read up on the war and it's goals.
If you want to defeat the Taliban are you prepared to serve or have your sons serve? Are you prepared for the increase in taxes to support that prolonged effort?
You can't seriously be this dumb. The Taliban are aligned with Al-Qaeda, they made Afghanistan a safe haven for anti-western terrorism, that's the reason the war started in the first place. You can't defeat one without defeating the other.
MayBee said...
"Oh good. That will give both Obama girls time to sign up and head over."
The agreement involves military and economic aid. Not troops on the ground.
Why would we give military and economic aide, if as you so stupidly claim, Al-Qaeda has been defeated and that was the whole reason for coming anyway?
"... Obama three years ago stated he wanted to defeat al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, hence the increase in effort. We’ve done that..."
I thought al qaeda in Afghanistan was routed well before Obama was elected and all the fighting has been with the Taliban.
If the gate swings up, the gate would block the dog from jumping anywhere.
Not in the pictures you linked of the Volare. Once in the back the dog could get up from the side, easy.
Or as I said, an Irish setter could easily jump on to the hood of that car.
Why not just assume he's telling the truth? I mean, what do you think it more likely? The Romneys had to fight to get a 70 lb dog in a heavy crate on the roof of a car?
The agreement involves military and economic aid. Not troops on the ground.
What? We're just going to send money over there, without anybody on the ground to monitor what's going on?
"... I checked, Romney had a Chevy Caprice Wagon, probably mid 70s. I'll see what I can find out..."
It's funny that you think Mitt is making this up but you didn't have much of a problem when your girl Hillary lied her ass off about taking sniper fire in Bosnia.
"If the gate swings up, the gate would block the dog from jumping anywhere."
Does anybody have any idea what the hell he's talking about?
SPImmortal said...
“The only video you have on your youtube account is some ridiculous bolierplate left-wing attack on Bush.
You never voted for Bush, you lied about that, and you falsely claimed you were in the military to lend some fake credibility to your bullshit.”
As I stated, I supported Bush. Past tense. You understand English, correct?
As far as the YouTube video, yes, I believe Bush would have gotten up if Card told him one of his daughters was seriously injured.
America being under attack, not so much important.
"... If you want to defeat the Taliban are you prepared to serve or have your sons serve?.."
Does this mean if I want the government to fight crime I or my daughter have to join the police force?
SPImmortal said...
"You can't seriously be this dumb. The Taliban are aligned with Al-Qaeda, they made Afghanistan a safe haven for anti-western terrorism, that's the reason the war started in the first place. You can't defeat one without defeating the other."
Read up on the status of Al-Qaeda in Afganistan
SPImmortal said...
"Why would we give military and economic aide, if as you so stupidly claim, Al-Qaeda has been defeated and that was the whole reason for coming anyway"
Read up on the agreement.
Hoosier Daddy said...
"I thought al qaeda in Afghanistan was routed well before Obama was elected and all the fighting has been with the Taliban."
No. I would review the list of the al qaeda killed after 2009.
36fsfiend said...
SPImmortal said...
As far as the YouTube video, yes, I believe Bush would have gotten up if Card told him one of his daughters was seriously injured.
America being under attack, not so much important
Hahahahaha, we basically have a 9-11 truther here!!
You have zero credibility.
MayBee said...
"What? We're just going to send money over there, without anybody on the ground to monitor what's going on?"
Same as we do for many other countries, such as Israel.
I believe Bush would have gotten up if Card told him one of his daughters was seriously injured.
Yep you tough leftists (who are routinely caught lynig about their military service and credentials) would have lept up and shouted we're under attack and I'm going to kill the SOB's who did this in a room full of school children!
Also, it is totally like Bush could have done a whole bunch of stuff to stop the hijackings and those seven minutes too!
What I find so funny about you dipshits is the utter transparency in this drivel. Meaning, if Bush would have rushed out of the room, you would have said he was afraid and called him a coward.
Carry on in your silliness now.
"Why would we give military and economic aide, if as you so stupidly claim, Al-Qaeda has been defeated and that was the whole reason for coming anyway"
Read up on the agreement.
I'm questioning your retarded contention that we can defeat Al-Qaeda without defeating the Taliban, not the agreement.
36fsfiend said...
Same as we do for many other countries, such as Israel.
Yeah, it is like totally the same as Isreal, that Afghanistan place!!
Good grief, you people reveal your stupidity in such proud fashion every day.
Hoosier Daddy said...
“Does this mean if I want the government to fight crime I or my daughter have to join the police force?”
Not a valid comparison. War is temporary in nature, or it should be. Crime prevention is a continual effort required by society.
We are not going to defeat the Taliban unless we destroy the country and completely rebuild it. Are you prepared to do that through military service or increased taxes?
"... America being under attack, not so much important..."
Yes because that's exactly what everyone thought was going on.
I remember when they showed the Pentagon being hit and I remarked that I believed we were under attack and three of my co workers and boss just looked at me and rolled their eyes.
36fsfiend said;,
"I don’t care what religion a politician practices or if he doesn’t practice religion at all. Just keep their religious beliefs to themselves.
As far as Afghanistan, we’re not going to “beat” the Taliban. If Romney wants to remain there until we “win” then let him sign up five sons for duty."
Truer words.....
"What? We're just going to send money over there, without anybody on the ground to monitor what's going on?"
Same as we do for many other countries, such as Israel.
leftist crypto anti-semitism with a touch of trutherism.
You're a real winner.
Same as we do for many other countries, such as Israel.
Well, except we haven't been at war with Israel for the past 10 years, don't suspect their leaders are corrupt, and aren't negotiating a settlement with any Israelis that led terrorist attacks on our homeland.
But if we are indeed just going to give Afghanistan money, I guess Sasha and Malia will have to find somewhere else to serve.
I wonder if Obama has fed them dog yet?
Jay said...
"You have zero credibility. None."
Then skip the comments.
"You have zero credibility. None."
Then skip the comments.
It's not a good idea to let liars go unchallenged.
So, what was that about voting for Bush again?
SPImmortal said...
“I'm questioning your retarded contention that we can defeat Al-Qaeda without defeating the Taliban, not the agreement.”
You obviously need to read up the situation and the provisions of the agreement
Hoosier Daddy said...
“Does this mean if I want the government to fight crime I or my daughter have to join the police force?”
Not a valid comparison. War is temporary in nature, or it should be. Crime prevention is a continual effort required by society.
We are not going to defeat the Taliban unless we destroy the country and completely rebuild it. Are you prepared to do that through military service or increased taxes?
No, protecting our country from aggresive acts like 9/11 is also a continuous effort. One that everyone should get behind.
As far as Afghanistan, we’re not going to “beat” the Taliban. If Romney wants to remain there until we “win” then let him sign up five sons for duty."
Truer words.....
You guys are implying that Obama is pulling out because he doesn't wish to send his daughters to Afghanistan.
Is that what you mean to be saying, or is it just happening as you try to hit Romney?
Immortal said...
“I'm questioning your retarded contention that we can defeat Al-Qaeda without defeating the Taliban, not the agreement.”
You obviously need to read up the situation and the provisions of the agreement
As I already mentioned, I'm questioning your idiotic assertion that we were there only to defeat Al-Qaeda and now that's been accomplished so time to go home.
Learn to comprehend
Hoosier Daddy,
The Commander-in-Chief was told the nation was under attack. He’s not one of your co-workers. He didn’t know what type of attack, what other targets may have been threaten. Heck, he should have considered if the location that he was at was also targeted.
On the social context of dog eating.
In the Philippines it is fairly common, is also illegal and has a degree of social stigma in recent times. In places like that of course the law is often seen as optional, and in cases like this where the law clashes with tradition it is rarely enforced.
I think the social place of the practice is probably similar between Indonesia/Java and the Philippines, with the exception of the religious element, though I understand that Indonesian Islamic practice was very lax forty years ago.
In the Philippines (or much of it, I cant answer for the whole of a complex place) this is a male, macho bonding tradition. Dog is a delicacy indulged in mainly by men in the context of social drinking. There is a class of dishes specifically for this purpose (think Spanish tapas), called pulutan. Dog is one of the more costly choices for pulutan, for special occasions or special guests, among the Philippine equivalent of the "good ol' boys".
Dog is definitely not something for the poor and starving.
I think the context of Obamas invitation to indulge in this by his stepfather was a kindly bonding gesture, a rite of passage as one of the guys. Thats how it would be seen in the Philippines. Lolo Soetoro strikes me as being an indulgent, kindly fellow. Who knows, Obama may have turned out very differently, and for the better, if he had stayed in Indonesia.
But....you are all getting distracted by 36 from the REAL and IMPORTANT issue.
Did Obama eat a dog or what?
If he did isn't that worse than Romney taking his dog on vacation?
If he did NOT, then why did Obama write about it. Is he just a big fat pants on fire liar?
Or....did Obama actually write his own books....or not? If not then who did and what is actually true in those political biographies?
I think the context of Obamas invitation to indulge in this by his stepfather was a kindly bonding gesture, a rite of passage as one of the guys. Thats how it would be seen in the Philippines. Lolo Soetoro strikes me as being an indulgent, kindly fellow. Who knows, Obama may have turned out very differently, and for the better, if he had stayed in Indonesia.
Maybe. But he also would have consumed his weight in Golden retriever by now. But then again, he wouldn't have been president.
Yeah, on balance, he was better off in Indonesia
MayBee said...
"Well, except we haven't been at war with Israel for the past 10 years, don't suspect their leaders are corrupt, and aren't negotiating a settlement with any Israelis that led terrorist attacks on our homeland."
You realize we have and will once again provide aid to North Korea, correct?
As far a military aid to other countries, does Saddam Hussein ring a bell?
The Commander-in-Chief was told the nation was under attack. He’s not one of your co-workers. He didn’t know what type of attack, what other targets may have been threaten. Heck, he should have considered if the location that he was at was also targeted.
Just say it you lying turd.
Bush knew.
Maybee, I'm saying that when you don't have "skin in the game" it's less of an issue that troops are still dying over there.
What is the mission anyway? Does anyone really think that our presence there will stop another 911 like attack here?
SPImmortal said...
"It's not a good idea to let liars go unchallenged."
Your demonstrating your ignorance again.
Does anybody have any idea what the hell he's talking about?
If the gate opens vertically, hatchback style, like most SUV's today, a dog would smack into the gate if it tried to jump onto the roof.
I thought you were a scientist?
DBQ- I kinda don't believe the dog story because in the same sentence he says snake meat was even tougher than dog. And I just don't believe that. I've never had snake, but I've had eel, and it is the tenderist thing in the world.
Obama took way too long to write that book, to the point he had to leave his new wife behind while he went to Bali to write. I think he was just writing whatever he thought made him sound interesting.
"Well, except we haven't been at war with Israel for the past 10 years, don't suspect their leaders are corrupt, and aren't negotiating a settlement with any Israelis that led terrorist attacks on our homeland."
You realize we have and will once again provide aid to North Korea, correct?
As far a military aid to other countries, does Saddam Hussein ring a bell?
So, tell me why it's just give them aid for the next decade, considering you claim that the Taliban cannot be defeated and will obviously be running most of the country shortly?
SPImmortal said...
"No, protecting our country from aggresive acts like 9/11 is also a continuous effort. One that everyone should get behind."
So you are in favor of a war tax to support our global war on terror, correct?
Maybee, I'm saying that when you don't have "skin in the game" it's less of an issue that troops are still dying over there.
What is the mission anyway? Does anyone really think that our presence there will stop another 911 like attack here?
Yes, preventing terrorists from having a base of operations like Afghanistan will help prevent terrorist attacks. That seems pretty obvious to me.
Garage. While you are checking on the Chevy wagon Romney's family drove you might be reminded that Romney's father was the president of a company called American Motors. They made automobiles. And station wagons. Because dad was the president they probably drove something better than a Grimlin. The better models had what are known as tailgates where civilized people often laid out food for what they called tailgate parties before games.
Or then again he might have lied about the dog leaping up there. But Obama did not lie about eating dog. Or closing Gitmo.
SPImmortal said...
"As I already mentioned, I'm questioning your idiotic assertion that we were there only to defeat Al-Qaeda and now that's been accomplished so time to go home."
Here's an intro:
"On 20 September 2001, U.S. president George W. Bush addressed the United States Congress and demanded that the Taliban deliver Osama bin Laden and destroy bases of al Qaeda. On 5 October 2001, the Taliban offered to try Bin Laden in an Afghan court, so long as the United States provided what it called "solid evidence" of his guilt, but the U.S. would not hand over its evidence to the Taliban. So on 7 October 2001, the U.S. government launched military operations in Afghanistan."
No, protecting our country from aggresive acts like 9/11 is also a continuous effort. One that everyone should get behind."
So you are in favor of a war tax to support our global war on terror, correct?
No, because spending always increases at faster levels than new revenues. So I'd be in favor of "war cuts".
Maybee, I'm saying that when you don't have "skin in the game" it's less of an issue that troops are still dying over there.
So you think troop deaths increased under Obama because he didn't send either of his girls over there, and unless he's willing to do that in the next four years, he's right to end it.
Funny, when both McCain and Palin had sons over there, it meant nothing to any of you. But now you can practically taste some Romney blood, and you want it.
Ok so the new pre-requisite for the President ordering military action is that he or she must have their child enlist in the military and be sent in with the first wave.
"If the gate opens vertically, hatchback style, like most SUV's today, a dog would smack into the gate if it tried to jump onto the roof."
If, if, if. You are willfully obtuse. Did you not look at my link? Did your family never have a station wagon when you were a kid?
The tailgate folds down, just like a pickup. You've heard of pickups, haven't you?
SP Immortal, guess what, they have bases of operation in Pakistan, should we be crossing the border with coalition troops there too?
"As I already mentioned, I'm questioning your idiotic assertion that we were there only to defeat Al-Qaeda and now that's been accomplished so time to go home."
Here's an intro:
"On 20 September 2001, U.S. president George W. Bush addressed the United States Congress and demanded that the Taliban deliver Osama bin Laden and destroy bases of al Qaeda. On 5 October 2001, the Taliban offered to try Bin Laden in an Afghan court, so long as the United States provided what it called "solid evidence" of his guilt, but the U.S. would not hand over its evidence to the Taliban. So on 7 October 2001, the U.S. government launched military operations in Afghanistan."
Right doofus, after the Taliban refused to surrendur Osama despite certain destruction, anyone with a brain realised that radical Islamic groups are joined at the hip and Afghanistan would always be a safe haven for Al-Qaeda like groups as long as the Taliban were in charge.
You realize we have and will once again provide aid to North Korea, correct?
So you think Obama is going to send Sasha or Malia to the DMZ?
SPImmortal said...
"Just say it you lying turd. Bush knew."
No. I'm saying he didn't know. That's why the more appropriate response would have been to get up, move and get in contact with his chain of command to assess the situation and to get himself into a more secure location ASAP.
Look at picture B moron.
SP Immortal, guess what, they have bases of operation in Pakistan, should we be crossing the border with coalition troops there too?
We hit them with missiles fired from drones. Next question?
I've had dog and snake.
From my limited experience -
Toughness or the relative toughness of dog or snake depends on the preparation, and the specific dog or snake.
Snake and dog are very lean.
What is hard to take is snake pickled/decomposed in wine, a Chinese thing.
"Just say it you lying turd. Bush knew."
No. I'm saying he didn't know. That's why the more appropriate response would have been to get up, move and get in contact with his chain of command to assess the situation and to get himself into a more secure location ASAP.
First you claim you voted for him, then when it's pointed out that you're a liar, you retrospectively feign concern for his safety.
Too much.
The support is intended to aid the Afghan forces in their struggle against the Taliban. It’s also intended to help build the infrastructure of the nation.
The ideas is to build the nation up and educate the populace with the intent of weakening the hold of the Taliban.
SPImmortal, if I recall they already did that( drone attacks) seems like it didn't work, they're still there. They will simply run like ants and make another base, these are extremists and they will keep coming.
Ever heard of the term mission creep?
SPImmortal said...
"No, because spending always increases at faster levels than new revenues. So I'd be in favor of "war cuts"."
What specific war cuts do you have in mind?
Hoosier Daddy said...
“Ok so the new pre-requisite for the President ordering military action is that he or she must have their child enlist in the military and be sent in with the first wave.”
No. I’m just amazed by these individuals who are so eager for continuing wars yet never personally served when the country was in a shooting war and they had the opportunity to serve.
No. I’m just amazed by these individuals who are so eager for continuing wars yet never personally served when the country was in a shooting war and they had the opportunity to serve.
I know, right? Obama himself could have volunteered for the Afghan war. He supported it (he says), and he supported escalating it. Yet he sat home in Chicago rather than taking his opportunity.
SPImmortal said...
“Right doofus, after the Taliban refused to surrendur Osama despite certain destruction, anyone with a brain realised that radical Islamic groups are joined at the hip and Afghanistan would always be a safe haven for Al-Qaeda like groups as long as the Taliban were in charge.”
What was Bush’s initial course of action? If the Taliban surrendered Osama and destroyed the bases would we have invaded? If he didn’t believe that was an acceptable course of action, why pursue it?
The support is intended to aid the Afghan forces in their struggle against the Taliban. It’s also intended to help build the infrastructure of the nation.
The ideas is to build the nation up and educate the populace with the intent of weakening the hold of the Taliban.
But I thought we weren't there to defeat the Taliban, and anyway the Taliban can't be defeated? That's what you were saying earlier.
Please reconcile your nonsense posts/thoughts before you respond again.
MayBee said...
"So you think Obama is going to send Sasha or Malia to the DMZ?"
I have no idea if the Obama girls are going to join the military.
But unlike Romney, their father wants to draw down in Afghanistan and is not jumping at the bit to bomb Iran.
As a vet, I support that course of action.
“Right doofus, after the Taliban refused to surrendur Osama despite certain destruction, anyone with a brain realised that radical Islamic groups are joined at the hip and Afghanistan would always be a safe haven for Al-Qaeda like groups as long as the Taliban were in charge.”
What was Bush’s initial course of action? If the Taliban surrendered Osama and destroyed the bases would we have invaded? If he didn’t believe that was an acceptable course of action, why pursue it?
Yes, if Osama had been surrendered then there wouldn't have been an invasion.
But as we all know they didn't because the goals of the Taliban and Al-Qaeda are indivisible, they simply operate in different milieus.
Romney is eager for war or just for prosecuting the current one?
Strange cause Obama promised to end the Iraq war but took his time getting us out. Ramped up the Afghan war and even got us to bomb Libya which didn't have WMDs, wasn't an imminent threat and didn't attack us.
Last time I checked he never served and Sasha and Milia haven't enlisted.
36fsfiend. Why does your opinion matter more becUse you are a vet?
MayBee said...
"So you think Obama is going to send Sasha or Malia to the DMZ?"
I have no idea if the Obama girls are going to join the military.
But unlike Romney, their father wants to draw down in Afghanistan and is not jumping at the bit to bomb Iran.
As a vet, I support that course of action.
lol you forgot to add "as a vet and a Bush voter". Makes it sound even better.
I have no idea if the Obama girls are going to join the military.
But unlike Romney, their father wants to draw down in Afghanistan and is not jumping at the bit to bomb Iran.
As a vet, I support that course of action.
But Obama already escalated Afghanistan. Did you demand, at the time he decided to do so, that Obama have some skin in the game?
I know both girls were too young to volunteer for the military, but serving the country isn't what you care about. You want it be possible for the father to kill the child with his course of actions.
So maybe Obama could have just sent Malia to school in Afghanistan, or had her live with a diplomat there.
You know, so he had skin in the game.
SPImmortal said...
"First you claim you voted for him, then when it's pointed out that you're a liar, you retrospectively feign concern for his safety.
Too much."
You really must work on your reading comprehension.
I’m just amazed by these individuals who are so eager for continuing wars yet never personally served when the country was in a shooting war and they had the opportunity to serve.
Like Obama? How about when those self-same non-vets actually then go on to start wars (Libya) without Congressional approval? That's pretty amazing too.
I said:
"No. I’m just amazed by these individuals who are so eager for continuing wars yet never personally served when the country was in a shooting war and they had the opportunity to serve."
You said:
"I know, right? Obama himself could have volunteered for the Afghan war. He supported it (he says), and he supported escalating it. Yet he sat home in Chicago rather than taking his opportunity."
Obama supported, as did the majority of the Congress, the effort in Afghanistan. He escalated the effort in Afghanistan since that was initially our primary objective. If Dubya didn't take his eye off the ball and go into Iraq, something Obama didn't support, we may have been able to accomplish our mission in Afghanistan sooner and at less cost.
SPImmortal said...
"But I thought we weren't there to defeat the Taliban, and anyway the Taliban can't be defeated? That's what you were saying earlier.
Please reconcile your nonsense posts/thoughts before you respond again."
We, the U.S., are not going to defeat them militarily. The support is intended to counter the Taliban while building up the country - kind of the "win their hearts and minds" approach using Afghan forces instead of U.S., i.e., infidel forces.
Obama supported, as did the majority of the Congress, the effort in Afghanistan. He escalated the effort in Afghanistan since that was initially our primary objective.
So you think Obama should have skin in the game, right?
Or is it just Romney who should be willing to sacrifice a son for you?
SPImmortal said...
“Yes, if Osama had been surrendered then there wouldn't have been an invasion.
But as we all know they didn't because the goals of the Taliban and Al-Qaeda are indivisible, they simply operate in different milieus.”
Well, assuming Bush had your insight on the situation, why did he even ask for them to surrender Osama and give the Taliban a heads prior to the invasion?
Speaking of having skin in the game, in addition to the President having his kids serve in the military, I would also like to see voter eligibility tied to being a taxpayer. Don't pay taxes, you don't vote.
Instead of showing ID, just show your 1040.
Hoosier Daddy said...
“Romney is eager for war or just for prosecuting the current one?”
Unlike Obama, Romney has stated that we should not negotiate with the Taliban and that we should defeat the Taliban.
Regarding Libya, you may want to read up about the chemical weapon stockpiles that country had. Also, you may want to familiarize yourself we our treaty obligations with NATO.
As far as Sasha and Milia enlisting, too young.
So you are in favor of a war tax to support our global war on terror, correct?
False choice.
I am in favor of ending crony payments to fraudulent "green" companies as paybacks for illegal contributions to Obama's re-election fund, community organizers that commit voter fraud, and entitlement spending that makes people more dependent on the federal govt instead of less.
That will free up plenty of money to defeat the Taliban *and* reduce the debt.
But since you like to point out that full commitment is necessary to support anything politically, unless you donate 100% of your paycheck to the IRS freely and above your taxes, you can't vote for any Democrat ever again. (that's still less commitment than having your kids fight in a war, so it should be easy for you to do, unless you are just trying to score cheap political points through obvious falsehoods).
We look forward to you voting GOP or admitting you are a useless hypocrite.
Your choice.
Having a dog ride in a wind-screened crate on top of a vehicle is not animal cruelty in any way, shape, or form.
That's my professional opinion as a vet.
Michael said...
"36fsfiend. Why does your opinion matter more becUse you are a vet?"
I didn't state that it did matter. However, a couple of commenters here indicated that I couldn't have an opinion about Romney's service unless I had served.
So, I just responding that I have in fact served, not that those commenters will believe me anyway.
did dumbass find any full size 70s chevy caprice station wagons that opened hatchback style?
Actually I'm quite familiar with our NATO obligations and last time I checked, the Libyan rebels were not members of NATO. My memory may be faulty but I don't believe Libya attacked any NATO member either.
It's possible the NATO charter was amended from being a mutual defense pact to jumping into a sovereign nations internal affairs and I didn't get the memo.
Why negotiate with the Taliban when you can pretty much bank on them breaking any agreement. Why not just leave now?
dumbass has gone silent.
As far as Sasha and Milia enlisting, too young.
Of course they can't enlist, but that isn't the issue. We need Obama to have skin in the game. He could just send one to live at the embassy in Afghanistan. Or attend one of the girls schools there.
I agreed with Obama’s decision to escalate in Afghanistan since that was our initial objective in tis war against al-Qaeda. Remember, al-Qaeda wasn’t in Iraq until after we invaded. They responded to our attack there.
I do not want any father to be in a position to make a decision that might get his children killed.
However, if our leaders treated our service members as there own children, they may be less eager for war.
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