Obama could not stop this pipeline if he wanted to. This leg of the pipeline from Oklahoma to Texas was in the works. He doesn't have the authority to stop it.... He's just glomming onto it. It's like trying to be present when the Ten Commandments are given at the burning bush and claiming you wrote 'em.Note: The burning bush and the 10 Commandments are separate events in the Bible. Back to Rush:
I'm almost speechless here with the absolute brazenness of this. I wouldn't be surprised if Obama says, "I've laid more pipe than any president except Bill Clinton." That's where we're heading with this. The guy who steadfastly opposes drilling for oil and has not issued any permits to speak of, particularly since Gulf oil drilling moratorium -- the guy who has made his name opposing the Keystone pipeline -- is now out taking credit for it....Several paragraphs later:
And that's why I think it isn't gonna be long before Obama starts bragging about how much pipe he's laid. He'll start comparing himself to other presidents. "I've laid more pipe than any president except Bill Clinton." He's gotta throw Clinton in there for credibility.See? That's a scripted joke. Said twice, word for word the same. There's no question "laid pipe" is slang for having sexual intercourse. It's not unusual for Rush to throw sexual double entendre into his monologues. He has a way of saying things very clearly and pausing so that listeners who enjoy that kind of thing can laugh and his more puritanical listeners can not notice or pretend they don't notice.
Now, I don't really have a problem with him saying this, and I don't think it's like using an inaccurate prostitute metaphor over and over to make fun of a student who isn't much of a public figure. I think we should make fun of Presidents, and the joke is straightforward hilarity, not a component of a confusing argument about health care insurance. So it's funny, and it's against not one but 2 Presidents, and I always appreciate reminders of the way Bill Clinton treated women. In fact, I think Rush's joke may be a salvo in the much-vaunted "war on women": You think I'm bad to women? Remember how awful Bill Clinton was!
The trouble with that is it's very hard to say anything negative about Barack Obama's interaction with women. (Remember when Christina Romer tried? (She got her double entendre wrong!)) If you have to dredge up Bill Clinton, maybe it's not worth doing. But there is a larger, significant enough, point: The Democratic Party wants women to think it's all about women's interests, but they will subordinate these interests to their political interests whenever the interests diverge. That was the horrifying spectacle of the Lewinsky scandal.
१०८ टिप्पण्या:
Interesting analysis, Professor. I am glad you listen to Rush Limbaugh; saves me the trouble. :)
I am guessing Mr Obama's campaign is targeting the women's vote. I suspect he figures the black vote is in his pocket. Not a bad strategy given the number of women voters.
And BTW--I have never hear the ophrase "laid more pipe" used in a sexual entendre, but perhaps I am too sequestered. Laid? clearly. More pipe? doubtful.
The trouble with that is it's very hard to say anything negative about Barack Obama's interaction with women.
Hillary Clinton's campaign would disagree. It got so nasty, I think even Bill weighed in on it.
No one wants to think of Limbaugh laying his pipe.
The poor victim who has been laid by that pipe.
At least money was likely involved for the victim.
I don't see how Hillary could complain. Obama admitted she was likeable... enough.
/via ABC News, and this is just the first hit of of hundreds returned for "hillary clinton sexism from obama"
Pro-Clinton blogger Taylor Marsh writes that words like this, in her view, indicate "a way of thinking about women. A way of demeaning women in power; even saying we’re not up to the job. Seriously, Senator Hillary Clinton is a woman running for president. Not some emotional menopausal diva popping pills because she’s depressed she broke a nail."
"Claws"…"feeling down"…I find it hard to envision Obama using the same language if he were facing, say, former Sen. John Edwards, D-NC.
Limbaugh is repulsive. What a creep. I cannot understand why otherwise intelligent people listen to that classless pig.
Assuming the reference is to women you might consider how Larry Sinclair takes the point...
Not that it matters, but:
The burning bush and the giving of the Ten Commandments are two separate events, but if I am not mistaken, they both occur on the same mountaintop (Sinai).
Ok, that is a new one on me too, Titus. Guess that shows that I am getting old, no more pipe laying for me. Can't dig the trenches.
inaccurate prostitute metaphor
it is outrageous to compare lawyers to whores.
I thought "laying pipe" was going to the bathroom (#2). I still think that's what Rush meant here, too.
WAPO: "In early Obama White House, female staffers felt frozen out"
Romer is quoted by Suskind saying, after being excluded by Summers at a meeting, “I felt like a piece of meat.”
Analyzing jokes usually makes them less funny, or not at all funny.
I'm a little surprised Rush didn't use the "drilling" metaphor too. Maybe he's saving that for when Obama allows a drilling permit.
On the personal and superficial level, Obama seems to treat women OK. Otherwise, women are just tools for him to manipulate for his own aggrandizement and purposes.
It is a very old joke and Obama walked right into it. He and his wunderkind speechwriters apparently did not spend enough time in taprooms or they would have heard this joke many times.
I cannot understand why otherwise intelligent people listen to that classless pig.
Because it pisses off people like you.
What DADvocate--I suspect Mr Obama, in light of rising gas prices will (1) open the strategic petroleum reserve, (2) approve the keystone pipeline; and (3) loosen restrictions on drilling. But he will wait, I suspect, until Romney clinches the nomination and starts attacking Mr Obama's ham handing handling of American energy policy.
As a tangentially related issue: does "fracking" carry any sexual connotations?
Geez, are women still pretending that calling them sluts offends them.
That should be ridiculed out of public discourse forever.
It offends them only if they think they can get something for it, like everything else. It's a tiresome political posturing, tiresome because the MSM uses it for a narrative, and that's aimed again at women.
It drives out everything else, which after all is the point.
~N. said...
Limbaugh is repulsive. What a creep. I cannot understand why otherwise intelligent people listen to that classless pig.
3/23/12 8:59 AM
Even more so when applied to the zero and those who have and will vote for him.
Ann when it comes to Ms. Fluke, how is asking for others to subsidize her sex life make Rush wrong on his comment? I mean if even her lover won't pay for the pills....
As for laying pipe, you have to be smoking a pipe to believe anything Obama has said about drilling for oil and gas. The only thing he is laying is the zillion tons of manure the American people.
Remember in November "its the economy stupid!"
So...selfish people listen to Limbaugh, then...? Okay. Makes sense.
As a tangentially related issue: does "fracking" carry any sexual connotations?
It does if you're a BSG fan.
I cannot understand why otherwise intelligent people listen to that classless pig.
We can only hope that his radio waves are not being picked up in space and monitored by another intelligent race somewhere. How embarrassing that would be.
Scott: OK, admittedly I am a bit out of touch with current events, but what the hell is "BSG."
Obama called a woman reporter "sweetie" and this is supposed to be a common occurrence in his past. But of course his past is really not up for discussion or vetting.
As far as those that don't know "laying pipe" is a euphemism for having sex...really? Maybe you need to be older. But even Jon Stewart knows
I don't think the things Bill Clinton did to women are funny. I think the Clintons are pigs. Hillary is a leftwing Alinsky pig. Bill is just a pig. I have no idea how this nation finds either one remotely "likable".
"I am guessing Mr Obama's campaign is targeting the women's vote. I suspect he figures the black vote is in his pocket. Not a bad strategy given the number of women voters."
No need to guess. Next to Black voters, as a cohort of the electorate, single women have the second highest propensity to vote Democrat.
"Feminism" hasn't empowered them; it has tied them to the Democrat plantation. However, women's propensity to vote Democrat decreases with marriage, children, and accrual of property and wealth, i.e., as the their world becomes less about them, and more about the things for which they are responsible.
OK so there's miles of double entendres here -- but -- give Rush credit for pointing out how unbelievably ludicrous this person who was the savior of America, not to mention the world, is. Obama SAID: his administration has added enough new oil-and-gas pipelines to "encircle the Earth and then some."
Old Pipeliner by Rodney Crowell is one of my favorite songs. www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUJPnS0tp9s
Limbaugh used to be reliably brilliant analyzing the left and Dems, and funny too. And he was one of the very few places you got to hear the conservative viewpoint.
He's really lost his A game, but is still OK, and retains a very loyal residual audience. He's not nearly as funny as he once was, and, of course, with the internet and growth of talk radio [which he greatly facilitated with his success], he's no longer a lone voice.
The real master of the double entendre was Groucho Marx--No one, not even Mr Libaugh, comes close
Code words: When I was in Thailand, we used to call it 'working on the railroad'. Laying Thais.
We can only hope that his radio waves are not being picked up in space and monitored by another intelligent race somewhere. How embarrassing that would be.
Now you're worried about what space aliens think of us? We can add them to Obama's Apology Tour. I'm sure NASA or some agency has the capability to been Obama's message to the universe. THAT would be embarrassing.
"I have no idea how this nation finds either one remotely "likable"."
That's easy. Free shit at someone else's expense, and as Nina Burleigh, a former White House correspondent reminds us so pithily: "I'd be happy to give him a blow job just to thank him for keeping abortion legal."
It's just that simple, that selfish, that ugly.
I'm almost speechless here with the absolute brazenness of this.
Old Blowhard has never been speechless or even almost speechless.
And as he's proven in many aspects of his life, he lacks self-control.
This should clear things up for you.
Heart Willard: to whom are you referring?
How embarrasing that would be.
You should worry when they pick up broadcasts from Bill Maher, Randi Rhodes and Ed Schultz, not to mention your own fatuous bloviating. They'll nuke us from orbit as the only way to be sure.
ScottM--thanks. I clearly need to get out more :)
"Sewers under rose beds ..."
Considering Clinton's record for veracity and braggadocio, I did not take this as any more than a reference to that.
"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar..."
As a tangentially related issue: does "fracking" carry any sexual connotations?
Only in the re-booted Battlestar Galatica TV series.
I know the Prof is doing her own riffing on Rush and Obama and sexual innuendo, but Obama is the guy getting under my skin more and more.
Obama is a joke. A sick one. His ignorance in many areas is understandable as he did not grow up as an "American" regardless of where he was born.
The problem isn't just his ignorance, it is his inability to recognize his ignorance and his *unwillingness* (inability?) to be teachable.
Breitbart has an piece up on a 1995 interview quoting Obama in some Hyde Park rag in which he is pontificating on his experiences travelling (!?) and how that sensitized him to the fact that the the "5%" controlled the world and how income inequality was the big problem.
A one trick pony who uses anybody willing to search his blank screen for their personal, secret messages -- men, women, black, white, green, whoever -- to make sure that he gets everyone on the same page: Subsistence living for everyone in the world. Just to be fair.
Well, except him and Michelle and his buddies.
Maybe those illuminati nuts are on to something afterall.
So keep up the chatter about the silly sexual innuendos and the stupid free contraceptives crowd and forget to focus on the man who is unmaking America before our very eyes.
If I wanted my kids to grow up n Europe I would have moved there.
And as he's proven in many aspects of his life, he lacks self-control.
Why can't he be a paragon of discipline and virtue like the rest of us? I bet he smokes cigarettes in the back room.
So far on oil tactics Obama has only blown smoke, flat lied and claimed phony statistics about American oil production that he has always stubbornly opposed.
I bet that Obama will not change doing that for election purposes. I believe Obama wants to win using those tactics or he somehow loses face.
Marxist doctrine is a hard taskmaster.
But if anything can fool the American people all of the time it's Obama's smile.
First time I ever heard it was in the movie "Grumpy Old Men", where Burgess Meredith's character John Gustafson proclaims (from IMDB):
[Bragging about his sexual escapades] I've laid more pipe in this town than Wabasha Plumbing.
...as he's proven in many aspects of his life, he lacks self-control.
Bullet Point 4 off the MediaMatters talking points memo.
At least Rush uses his own material.
"I cannot understand why otherwise intelligent people listen to that classless pig."
Reminds me of Pauline Kael, film critic of the the New Yorker, who said in 1972 "I don't know anyone who voted for Nixon".
Nizon won with a landslide.
Boy was I wrong--I thought the comment was directed at our fearless VEEP, Mr Biden.
We have a VP?
As a tangentially related issue: does "fracking" carry any sexual connotations?
Only if you like BattleStar Galactica - used in both the 1970s version and the 2000s reboot.
Also this:
Gawd. Who cares. Rush seems to be making a point about Obama's political opportunism, which I guess could be sexually parodied when considering his willingness to now 'jump into bed' after playing 'hard to get'.
But no one gets past 'laid pipe'. Instead of Obama being labeled a flip-flopping opportunist, we get treated to faux outrage about Rush.
What do lefties think about Obama's reversal on the pipeline project? Nah; that would be like discussing a real issue. The retort instead from the party of nuance: Rush sucks!
Never having watched battle star galactica, I guess I will have to one of the Hitler parodies to 'splain it to me.
Does this mean if the FDA condemns cured meat products we're going to get "hide the salami" jokes?
Breitbart has an piece up on a 1995 interview
The stupid in the comments over there just burns.
That is why the 'rules' regarding ridding ourselves of this cancer should not apply . . . he does not play by the rules . . . a threat to America has to be dealt with and if they block the accepted methods of impeachment and voting, then what are our options? Will the military be up for the task of a coup?
Laying pipe is a man's phrase that says we see women as useful earth to be plowed through for our purposes...you know that evil purpose that uses women to bear men's babies.
Only the Dems permit women use of recent advances in birth control and abortion to free them from men's evil purpose forced on them by Saint-orum and the Pope.
Rush is kicking the Dem's hornets nest again. He won the last time.
For What It's Worth, I give you the uninspiringly titled: Obama's War on Women.
Since it's all about silly gender politics anyway.
Likley one your sockpuppets, Garage.
Aren't you always complaining that Occupy rapists and Union thugs are plants?
Projection. Its all making sense now.
I have a feeling that, like GodZero, Willie may not have laid as much as he wants people to think, but, given Zero's almost Clintonesque lies about his energy policy (Rasmussen has him at -17 today so the more he talks about it, the less good it does him), what Rush said pretty much fits what the public at large thinks of our second Sociopath-In-Chief.
Roger J. said...
Heart Willard: to whom are you referring?
Probably Zero, but it could be the former Sociopath-In-Chief as well.
women's propensity to vote Democrat decreases with marriage, children, and accrual of property and wealth, i.e., as the their world becomes less about them, and more about the things for which they are responsible.
Right. In most elections, single moms vote Democrat, married moms vote Republican. For reasons that don't need explaining.
Pigs who use phrases like "laying pipe" while bragging about their sexual "conquests" (is it a conquest if it you paid for the sex, Rush...? Don't think so...) are not men who are speaking about marriage and family and an openness to life. I would imagine, actually, that Rush Limbaugh has more aborted biological progeny than Bill Clinton, if he really wants to go down that road.
"Men" like Limbaugh see women as objects, not as human beings.
Last time I checked, conservatives weren't the bunch who were promoting sex as merely another extra curricular activity, or implying men and women should be using each other as sex toys.
That is what Limbaugh does and who he is.
I wouldn't have that trash into my home, much less around my daughters. That there are people who consider themselves conservatives who hang on his every word is appalling.
Reminds me of Pauline Kael, film critic of the the New Yorker, who said in 1972 "I don't know anyone who voted for Nixon". Nixon won with a landslide.
Classic. George Will calls this the Left's "Gorillas in the Mist" knowledge of the other half of the electorate. Like animal researchers crouched behind bushes, observing the behavior of apes. Trying to discern what makes them tick.
It's the result of a simple fact: It's much easier to go through life shielding yourself from conservative views than liberal ones. Just avoid Fox and talk radio and you're in bliss. Meanwhile, news media, film, music, theater, academia, etc. pump out steady streams of liberal thought. Impossible to avoid, but I think forces one to challenge his views more often, and avoid the Left's Pauline Kael moments.
Just another example of poor Rush's pipe envy.
But of course he and the Republicans will do and say anything, including lies, to cover up the recent reports that cite the increase in drilling in all areas, and yes the laying of more pipe lines during the Obama administration. For the first time since the Truman era we have become an exporter of oil, while reducing our own consumption.
"I wouldn't have that trash into my home, much less around my daughters. That there are people who consider themselves conservatives who hang on his every word is appalling."
I think the same thing could be said re liberals hanging on every word of bill clinton, Bill Maher, and Jon Stewart.
I would imagine, actually, that Rush Limbaugh has more aborted biological progeny than Bill Clinton, if he really wants to go down that road.
Yes, because innuendo inserted into a monologue about energy and politics means he wants to discuss abortion.
You'd have to lay a lot of pipe to connect those thoughts.
Roger J.
Shouldn't it be 'lain' more pipe?
garage mahal said...
Breitbart has an piece up on a 1995 interview
The stupid in the comments over there just burns.
From you thats pretty rich!
roesch/voltaire said...
Just another example of poor Rush's pipe envy.
But of course he and the Republicans will do and say anything, including lies, to cover up the recent reports that cite the increase in drilling in all areas, and yes the laying of more pipe lines during the Obama administration. For the first time since the Truman era we have become an exporter of oil, while reducing our own consumption.
3/23/12 10:15 AM
The only reason we are currently exporting gasoline is because we currently have spare refinery capacity, thanks to the democrat's trashing of the economy and the nearly 45% reduction in the US daily gasoline consumption compared to the daily consumption while Bush was president. You are entitled to your opinions but not your facts.
Ah well you could say that Obama has "bombed" more than Curtis LeMay.
And yes the "laid pipe" joke was tasteless. El Rusho is sometimes simply El Bozo.
Althouse wrote:
The Democratic Party wants women to think it's all about women's interests, but they will subordinate these interests to their political interests whenever the interests diverge.
Not just the Democratic Party. The whole feminist intelligentsia lined up behind Clinton on this matter, denying the truth of Starr's indictment, attacking and denigrating the victims of Clinton's sexual assaults and predations, in one infamous case positing the "one free grope" rule. The only feminists who dared criticize Clinton were marginal figures who became even less visible as a result of their rebellion. And all because Bill Clinton was a Democrat who made all the approved barks and whimpers whenever the word abortion was spoken.
Cub my opinions are based on data or facts-- please read some recent reports, which you will not find on Fox, on the topic of increased drilling from this mornings front page story in NYT to the industry BIC alliance.
So...selfish people listen to Limbaugh, then...? Okay. Makes sense.
So...the entire world not putting N's preferences as one's top priority is selfish, then...? Okay. Makes sense.
But no one gets past 'laid pipe'. Instead of Obama being labeled a flip-flopping opportunist, we get treated to faux outrage about Rush.
What do lefties think about Obama's reversal on the pipeline project? Nah; that would be like discussing a real issue. The retort instead from the party of nuance: Rush sucks!
I don't really think that Obama is a flip-flopper. He really hasn't done anything to expedite or allow any pipelines to be built. My understanding is that this was a small chunk of pipeline that required Corps of Engineering approval, based on purely technical grounds. In other words, Obama and his people would have had a hard time killing it, even if they had wanted to. And, yes, other pipeline has also been laid during his term, but again, his Administration would have had a hard time killing it.
The leg of the pipleline from Canada is still dead, because it does require his approval, since it crosses our border and is therefore international.
What we have here is another knowingly empty gesture by Obama that allows him to portray himself as exactly the opposite of what he actually is. In other words, you always have to look at what he and his Administration actually do and have done, and not what they say they will and have done, because they are often liable to be almost complete opposites.
This is no different. Gas prices are skyrocketing, and there is almost nothing that this Administration has done to bring them down since it came to power, and a lot that it has done to drive them up, including putting massive reserves off limits to drilling, killing the part of the pipeline that would bring in Canadian oil, mishandling the Middle East, etc. And, yes, both Obama and his Secretary of Energy are on record as preferring much higher oil and gas prices in order to drive us to "green energy" alternatives.
There is a lot of information and facts in this area that need to be overcome before the next election by Obama and his people if he wants another term of office. This is going to require a massive disinformation campaign, funded in part by that billion dollar war chest of his.
Please check out the federal government's income from land lease agreements starting in 2007 or 2008 to the present. The government's numbers are perfectly clear and quite startling. Then get back to us and tell us we're doing everything we can do or that the president isn't either misrepresenting what's going on or taking credit for things he has little to nothing to do with.
the nearly 45% reduction in the US daily gasoline consumption compared to the daily consumption while Bush was president. You are entitled to your opinions but not your facts.
The reduction amount surprises me, and I can't find anything (recent) via google that includes data from beyond 2008. Do you have a link?
Cub my opinions are based on data or facts-- please read some recent reports, which you will not find on Fox, on the topic of increased drilling from this mornings front page story in NYT to the industry BIC alliance.
Cleverly ignoring that the additional drilling was not because of anything that the Obama Administration did, but despite it. While the Administration was locking up larger and larger parts of the public lands (including our ocean shelf) from drilling, drilling was increasing primarily, if not almost exclusively, on private land.
Sure, they may have tried to regulate the drilling on private land through declaring such land "wetlands" based on the water required and resulting from drilling (as the government tried to do in the recent Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency case (ok, not a completely accurate analogy, but...) But, other than that, their only real argument for taking credit for most of the new drilling is in driving up the cost of oil and gas through their "green energy" policies and failure to adequately address the problems in the Middle East, thus making the drilling more economic - except that much of the increase seems to be a result more of recent advances in fracking than anything else (and which the Obama Administration has made noises about trying to limit through the EPA).
I dont fault Mr Obama for the current spike in gas prices--He can do nothing about them; I do fault him for doing nothing to address the longer term energy issues--He has done nothing productive, and in fact,pursued mostly counter productive policies.
A photo op in front of pipe, couple with some outrageous lies isnt going to fly when americans go to the gas pumps.
"roesch/voltaire said...
Cub my opinions are based on data or facts-- please read some recent reports, which you will not find on Fox, on the topic of increased drilling from this mornings front page story in NYT to the industry BIC alliance."
No the facts, all areas of energy production under fed control, oil, NG, and coal, are down. all.
garage mahal said...
Breitbart has an piece up on a 1995 interview
The stupid in the comments over there just burns.
Whereas you provide the same service here,
Shouldn't it be 'lain' more pipe?
Should be but it isn't. Not anymore. Even the vaunted OED has admitted that lain, slain and those other nifty participles have lost ground to those clumsy sounding regularized forms. In a few decades they'll be considered archaic. A shame, really.
It's all part of democratizing language. Why force people with already woefully limited vocabularies to struggle with irregular conjugations when they can just slap on an "ed" and be done with it? How else can the Obama vision of higher education for everyone come to fruition unless higher is effectively lowered? If we don't totally purge American English of those silly Victorian formalisms how can we continue to have moments of academic brilliance like this.
The only reason we are currently exporting gasoline is because we currently have spare refinery capacity, thanks to the democrat's trashing of the economy and the nearly 45% reduction in the US daily gasoline consumption compared to the daily consumption while Bush was president.
I guess when you're unemployed you're not driving around a lot.
So when you look at it from that angle the president's energy policy is a great success!
It's all part of democratizing language. Why force people with already woefully limited vocabularies to struggle with irregular conjugations when they can just slap on an "ed" and be done with it?
"Christmas? You mean Xmas. You must be using an archaic version like when you say 'ask' instead of 'axe'."
"Xmas, huh? Well, let me axe you a question."
"... Limbaugh is repulsive. What a creep. I cannot understand why otherwise intelligent people listen to that classless pig..."
Same reason people listen to classless pigs like Bill Maher, Olbermann or Ed Schultz.
"... Scott: OK, admittedly I am a bit out of touch with current events, but what the hell is "BSG.".."
Scott, I can see that we need to do an intervention.
Scott, I can see that we need to do an intervention.
We can strap him down and watch the new series together. It looks to push the boundaries, visually, of what can be done with a TV show.
"... We can strap him down and watch the new series together..."
Roger, this is for your own good.
The IER spins it one way, but there is this:
During recent congressional hearings many Democrats cited a recent report from the Interior Department showing that over 70% of the offshore acres the industry has leased from the federal government are sitting idle.
Onshore, nearly 60%, or 22 million acres in total, aren't producing any oil or gas.--
Hoosier and Scott--you'll have to provide the venue as I dont have a TV--
Appreciate your concern for my lack of modern cultural awareness--it also kills me on the NYT and WSJ weekend crosswords.
Rush's humor is always intended to offend those who try to enforce a politically correct de facto standard for speech - mostly liberal academics and liberal columnists.
He intends no malice toward the female news anchor he refers to as an "anchorette" or a "babette". So he really doesn't seem to give a shit if the politically correct class think it is sexist.
It's refreshing that there's somebody left who refuses to self-censor to comply with the politically correct tyrants who think everybody except white hetro males are hyper sensitive cream puffs that can't take a tiny bit of needling.
it also kills me on the NYT and WSJ weekend crosswords.
Plus, as awful as it sounds, you'll be ineligible for the chick magnet that is an official geek card.
roesch/voltaire said...
Cub my opinions are based on data or facts-- please read some recent reports, which you will not find on Fox, on the topic of increased drilling from this mornings front page story in NYT to the industry BIC alliance.
3/23/12 10:43 AM
If you are relying on the NYT then its already game over. Try a real and credible source and not a mouth piece for the party. Try reading Investors Daily for one. Drilling is up on already producing fields, but for the rest of the story as Paul Harvey used to say the democrats have not lifted on drilling in areas that have known reserves but are not currently drilled due to federal rules and regulation. Remember ANWR? Back then when Bush tried to get area permitted for drilling the left said no, not enough it would take ten years. Well ten years have passed and there alone is a million barrels a day not being produce. And that is but one of the known reserves that are currently not being drilled thanks to the progressives.
Funny thing, four years ago when there was a run up in oil prices to $147 a barrel all Bush had to do was lift the moratoriums on drilling throughout most of the nation and the price per barrel drop by more than half. The left as always is too stupid to understand this. But interesting is how you dodged replying to the daily gasoline consumption figures, a real and non-spinnable measure of the economy and instead sprout the party talking points. SO who does the average person believe? Obama and the left or their lying eyes?
Remember in November 'it's the economy. stupid!"
roesch/voltaire said...
The IER spins it one way, but there is this:
During recent congressional hearings many Democrats cited a recent report from the Interior Department showing that over 70% of the offshore acres the industry has leased from the federal government are sitting idle.
Onshore, nearly 60%, or 22 million acres in total, aren't producing any oil or gas.--
3/23/12 11:44 AM
Oil companies aren't stupid enough to drill in areas that have no oil or gas. They take blocks that are put up for leasing and do a few test drills for exploration. But the best known areas aren't put for lease. Lets see if the Democrats cite all the areas that have know deposits of oil and gas that have not let out for leasing.
ScottM: LOL--are you telling me that possibly doing the sunday crossword in gets me geek card, that, in turn, is a chick magnet? Damn--why didnt I know this.
"That was the horrifying spectacle of the Lewinsky scandal."
How about John Edwards? (Cheating, with a prostitute, on his mistress, with whom he was cheating on his cancer-stricken wife!)
How about Chappaquiddick? (Ted Kennedy takes time to sober up and do some damage control strategizing while Mary Jo Kopechne runs out of air pocket!)
Obama and Chu have stated publicly their desire for higher fossil fuel prices. Obama killed Keystone and his Interior Dept. put the breaks on drilling in the Gulf, defying court orders in the process. He regularily berates the oil and gas production industry as not paying their "fair share" of taxes.
This dog and pony show now, 8 months before an election, is an insult to our intelligence.
To appease N, perhaps we could ask President Romney to appoint as Energy Secretary that famous female expert on frigid pipe laying in Wasilla Alaska...Little Sure Shot herself, Point Guard Palin.
Never mind. That sort of sounds sexist too.
She has noticed that Bombastic Rush is going General Patton on us. When he wants to really get across his point, he speaks it in vulgar words.
You know you're thinking about this way too much, right?
"Shouldn't it be 'lain' more pipe?"
No. You're mixing up "to lay" and "to lie."
lie... lay... lain
lay... laid... laid
You "lay pipe." You don't "lie pipe."
Sandra Fluke makes me throw up, Rush doesn't. Kapisch?
When I saw Sandra Fluke's face, I already knew she's make a perfect Inner Party member. She's accept 2+2=5, as long as she got to have all the hedonism she wanted. Sandra Fluke is the face of a generation of self-inflicted slaves.
Sandra Fluke makes me throw up, Rush doesn't. Kapisch?
Sure. Some guys like women. Other guys prefer guys. There's nothing wrong with that as far as I'm concerned.
I like how everyone glosses over the "has not issued any permits to speak of" when this an outright lie. Bachmann already got a pants-on-fire for basically the same claim; maybe they can just append Rush's name to the headline: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2011/mar/29/michele-bachmann/michele-bachmann-claims-there-has-been-just-one-ne/
politifact itself is not error free, and you link to a year-old ruling.
Got something newer, because currently the increase in drilling is a result of private land access.
And Gail, you realize the source that initiated that no-drilling-on-federal-lands meme retracted the article due to mis-interpretation of stats?
I feel more like Yacov Smirnoff every day: I love this country!
Where else could a fat wiseguy who's had four wives make millions by chastising the loose sexual morality of two guys who have managed to limit themselves to one wife apiece? And all for an audience of guys on Viagra.
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