२४ फेब्रुवारी, २०१२

"The girls always make bad decisions and are always losers. Since I'm a girl, then I'm a loser!"

Maybe you shouldn't let your children watch this season of "Survivor," where they've divided males and females into separate tribes.

१० टिप्पण्या:

edutcher म्हणाले...

Don't worry.

I won't.

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

That's why the "girls" need us guys.
We have them convinced of it.

Please don't tell them, or they will not need us, leading to unnecessary loneliness.

T J Sawyer म्हणाले...

The producers must have gone nuts trying to find something this group of women could excel at.

"Let's try a balancing thing, women are naturally good at that."

"Nice try, Mark, what's your next idea?"

rcocean म्हणाले...

You can be a girl, make bad decisions and still not be a loser.

CF:: Hillary Clinton.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...


You can be a girl, make bad decisions and still not be a loser.

CF:: Hillary Clinton.

You're obviously not too familiar with Hillary's story,...

Dante म्हणाले...

As the terminator chick said:

"How are you supposed to know? Fucking men like you built the hydrogen bomb. Men like you thought it up. You think you’re so creative. You don’t know what it’s like to really create something; to create a life; to feel it growing inside you. All you know how to create is death…"

There are some things that women are much more inclined to be good at than men.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe म्हणाले...

If the men were losing would we hear that men are losers?

I doubt it.

LakeLevel म्हणाले...

My guess is the men set up a practice balance course because they know that the Survivor producers have used balance tasks in the past to even out men's physical advantage in challenges.

Steve Austin म्हणाले...

Ann, I like the weekly Survivor thread.

Yes, it has been an embarrassing two weeks for the women, but I see it as less a gender thing and more an age thing.

In most seasons of Survivor, the young and pretty 18 to 26 year olds typically band together in the first few episodes and vote who they consider the really old people off. Doesn't matter whether it is men or women.

Usually what happens though by about the sixth or seventh week is that the really young are also really stupid. And thus they make some fatal mistake and get cast out themselves. This season should play out the same way. You can already see them foreshadowing Colton siding with the middle aged guys to blindside the chippendale crew.

The women I'm less sure of. Not enough middle age types to outvote the sorority sisters at the moment.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

"The producers must have gone nuts trying to find something this group of women could excel at."

Talking. Not listening, mind you, but talking. They could talk the men into submission without even trying.