"... no intellectual woman with an ounce of self-respect would flop around in the mud with an imbecile like Meade."
The people over in the Isthmus forum are trying to understand Meade.
ADDED: That's from page 5 of a thread that begins with the question why the forum — called "Daily Page" forum or "TDPF" — doesn't seem to have any participants who are "non-white." By page 3, there's some bizarre race-baiting about intelligence, in which — you figure out why — it is demanded that Meade admit he is less intelligent than Barack Obama.
ALSO: If you really want to go deeply into the background here, the subject of the thread "TDPF: whites only" is a play on an earlier thread "South Carolina GOP: whites only," which began "South Carolina's population is nearly 30% black. Yet in yesterday's voting, blacks made up approximately 1% of the electorate. It's remarkable how little discussion there is about this...." In that conversation, Meade tells the good liberals of the forum that they are displaying "covert racism," and much defensive posturing ensues.
१७३ टिप्पण्या:
Very classy.
Porn stars are short.
"No intellectual woman." What a bunch of bitter, old, shriveled, provincial credentialed biddies. And yes, I'll include the males. Meade stimulates you. I'm surprised those intellectuals keep forgetting the brain is the sexiest organ.
That is some really strange stuff.
(I didnt know meadhouse was into mud wrestling though) Must be true--it was in the local rag.
The old I can see no benefit and therefore none can possibly exist line.
How many levels of bigot are reflected in the quoted statement anyhow.
How about the slam toward non-intellectual women?
It's interesting to me to see what insults are ready to hand among people who are supposedly "for the people."
They really seem to take issue with the fact that Meade's not an academic. The whole thread reeks of snobbery and "classism".
The left's self-conception as open-minded and egalitarian is hilarious.
What I found most interesting was the "even if" introductory clause--
The writer seems to have a thing for large proportions. Enlightened feminism, I am sure.
In other words... is the right anti-intellectual, or is the left elitist at such a fundamental level that it's transparent to them?
Sounds like you have a stalker.
Can't we focus on the silly, sometimes nasty but always meaningless squabbles on this blog without being linked to the same elsewhere?
BTW Professor, which photo best describes Meade, A or B?
"Even if he has the proportions of a porn star..."
At first, this sentence made no sense to me. Then it occurred to me that this woman is using an archaic spelling of the word "pron". I wonder if she says "ask" when she means "ax".
In a related line of though, is there a feminine version of a e-peen? Would it be an e-veen? Her's is certainly showing.
Wow. When I found out that I'd never be black I didn't take it anywhere near that badly.
Well Meade,
Nice backhanded compliment I guess :)
A genuine intellectual woman would be a leftie, besides.
Green-eyed monsters rising up and showing their envy. Meade is a lovely fellow - and they can only wish they had a man like that in their corner. Bitter clingers to old ideas and norms of love and inspiration. the intellectual argument has been lost when they sneer at personal relationships. lol
Jealousy is a fear of losing a loved one to someone else. It causes a resentful suspicion of a rival's influence.
The Professor probably doesn't understand jealous people.
You have to feel sorry for these Phds. I suspect they have no one to pamper them, to share romantic meals together with them, to share life plans together, to play and have fun with with, to complement them, and to end the day together with pillow talk.
Meade was blessed to find a woman as smart as the Professor, and she is blessed to have him. I think I am getting jealous too.
Intelligence is a fine thing. But intelligence gets its ass kicked by character and kindness every day of the year.
And in the years I have read Meade's posts I have noted a cogent mind.
But intelligence is over rated, generally by people who have an inner fascist that is looking for an excuse to come out.
Envy is not just a perfume.
Besides Larry, does Ann have any friends? Weird.
it is demanded that Meade admit he is less intelligent than Barack Obama.
Most 8th graders are more intelligent than Obama.
I'm impressed. But was he also ever the governor of a state like, oh, I don't know, Texas?
Heh. Someone knows precisely where to insert the needles.
Is there a "tolerant and compassionate Madison" tag?
They are pretending Obama was a good student!
Um, how would they know?
PS, Obama was never a constitutional law professor which is also falsely asserted.
I went to Cornell... Ever heard of it?
This one is priceless:
pjbog: You're not sure if you're more intelligent than a Harvard Law grad and former Constitutional Law professor from the University of Chicago who went on to become the President of the United States?
Affirmative action admit with a crummy GPA passed on to graduate, NOT a Consititutional Law Professor but a "senior lecturer" (see: University of Chicago statement, and elected POTUS because of his skin color.
Thats "intelligent" ? And even more hysterical, the libtards use their pretend Obama to Appeal to Authority (argumentum ad verecundiam).
I wonder how many of those posters were convinced --- CONVINCED --- they were smarter than Bush.
I love that Harvard Business is, somehow, a cakewalk school.
/fixed link
University of Chicago statement
"The University of Chicago released a statement on Thursday saying Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) “served as a professor” in the law school—but that is a title Obama, who taught courses there part-time, never held, a spokesman for the school confirmed on Friday."
Also, who knew that Althouse, somehow, SINGLE-HANDEDLY killed the prestige of the UW Law School.
That's some impressive power our blogmistress has here. No other faculty hired since she arrived matters at all. It's ALL Althouse at the UW Law School.
I actually picture huge statues of Althouse in the front of the main building and paintings of her in every lecture hall staring down at students and lecturers alike.
"And even more hysterical, the libtards use their pretend Obama to Appeal to Authority"
Its up there with the "orphan begging the court for mercy" nonsense.
"Sociologists will study Meadehouse for years....." wtf- is it so odd to them that two people met on line and later married? Or is it assumed Althouse is too high class[a law professor!] for Meade?
Jeez - sounds like they believe in an American caste system.
Also- did Meade reply "What you mean If?"
They're just jealous. I know I am!
"Sociologists will study Meadehouse for years....."
wtf- is it so odd to them that two people met on line and later married?
Tribalism. Liberals don't like one of their own marrying outside their "race". Meade is conservative, so Ann is a heretic.
Tribalism is the father of racism. So its no surprise they get defensive when Meade calls them out for their soft bigotry.
"... no intellectual woman with an ounce of self-respect would flop around in the mud with an imbecile like Meade."
Therein lies the problem: Self respect. Fools like that confuse narcissistic self inflation for genuine self respect. It's evident in the way the congratulate themselves for being on some higher intellectual level, when in fact they're just piglets wallowing in the mire of self congratulation. Just telling themselves they're better doesn't make it genuinely so. And having an entire thread to bash on Meade (and raise their impression of their own self worth) just means they're surrending to being captured in his orbit. "Oh, Meade's an object for study" "Oh, Meade will be look at by epidemiologists in the future".
Meade should ask them if they truly enjoy the bitch position. Seems like they surrender to it willingly; no one forced them to create and participate in that thread.
"... no intellectual woman with an ounce of self-respect would flop around in the mud with an imbecile like Meade."
Tell them: "Once you go Meade, you never have need"
It's offensive to compare Meade to Obama. It's not close. Obama's just not that smart.
"I actually picture huge statues of Althouse in the front of the main building and paintings of her in every lecture hall staring down at students and lecturers alike."
I bestraddle the law school like a colossus.
I love the way we're slamming those idiots by questioning their intelligence after they demonstrated a complete lack of class by questioning Meade's intelligence.
Stupid libtards, we'll show them!
I'm always interested in the way liberals, when in the cocoon (which TDPF is), let all sorts of illiberal things show. They don't think it shows, because they're amongst people who are supporting each other.
Here's the phrase "flop around in the mud" to refer to sex. Sex is dirty in that image. But if you confront the about it, they'll assure you they are not puritanical and repressed about sex. They're sex positive!
They're not.
Tribalism. Liberals don't like one of their own marrying outside their "race". Meade is conservative, so Ann is a heretic.
WTF?? The Professor is a libtard?
It's always sex with those people!
"The people over in the Isthmus forum are trying to understand Meade."
Really, I think they're trying to NOT understand Meade.
And as for race... in a thread about race, this one commenter has a post in which he's talking about penis size, intelligence, and calling someone a "monkey." Why were all those notions rolling around in his head at exactly the same time? Now, he's talking about a person he thinks is white being a monkey and an idiot and having a huge penis... so he thinks he's not letting you see anything racist.
A case study in blindspots.
"... no intellectual woman with an ounce of self-respect would flop around in the mud with an imbecile like Meade."
Therein lies the problem: Self respect
Hillary never divorced Bubba.
Althouse, you should save such posts for later in the day. I have just had breakfast, and now I am slightly ill from reading that Isthmus thread.
Meade thrusts a stick into the anthill, and the drones go CRAZY! "Ohhh look at the big stick! We are in danger! Attack the stick!"
Im betting they assume Meade "controls" the professor ala Rasputin. The concept of a marriage of equals who aren't identical seems beyond their grasp.
Meade is Isthmus' Columbo.
"The people over in the Isthmus forum are trying to understand Meade."
In the episode, by the time the contemptuous murderer tries to understand Columbo, it's too late and their goose is already cooked.
Sorry, I love Columbo, and it endears me to Meade.
In addition to sucking at arguing, the left has no sense of humor. None. Zero. Zilch. As such they'll never, ever get someone like Meade.
Paging Ron Jeremy--service call needed at the Isthus
It's stuff like this that makes me love living in Madison. People in the entertainment industry get paid millions of dollars to come up with material that's not half as funny. Unintentional comedy is priceless.
this one commenter has a post in which he's talking about penis size, intelligence, and calling someone a "monkey." Now, he's talking about a person he thinks is white being a monkey and an idiot and having a huge penis... so he thinks he's not letting you see anything racist.
To be fair, Professor, I think the ideas were framed as an "either or" proposition (i.e., the attraction of Meade is that he has a jumbo johnson OR that he's a "trained monkey").
I'm always interested in the way liberals, when in the cocoon (which TDPF is), let all sorts of illiberal things show.
Amen times ten. The thing that bugs me the most is when a conservative figure is outed as a closet homosexual, or merely exhibits traits which are associated with homosexuals (see Michelle Bachmann's husband), and then the lefty talking heads make all sorts of crass jokes about them being gay. This from the supposed champions of gays. Hypocritical opportunistic asswipes.
In addition to sucking at arguing, the left has no sense of humor.
Very true, which is why all of the world's great comedians are conservatives!
The thing that bugs me the most is when a conservative figure is outed as a closet homosexual...and then the lefty talking heads make all sorts of crass jokes about them being gay.
Absolutely! The libtards were soooo unfair to Ted Haggard, weren't they?
The Isthmus Forum thread, much like the "Episcopal Church" banner that is floating around the internet, is so spot on in its confirmation of stereotypes that I am left wondering whether it is just really good satire.
A bunch of lily-white liberal elitists all talking about how they don't have a black friend on the site? I really do have a hard time believing that anyone could be this unaware about how they come off.
Next thing you know they'll start talking about that time they drove to a soup kitchen in a limo.
"Ann Althouse said...
I bestraddle the law school like a colossus."
Somewhere, someone just said "Hawt!". ;)
Seems to me Althouse is not an intellectual woman.
She is a woman intellectual. I think the woman part prevailed when she and Meade got together.
They don't seem to get that man-woman thing very well at Isthmus. It's elemental. They're "intellectual."
TDPF is a pathetic stew of moldy leftist cliches and faux, post-modern irony. Trying to get interesting conversation out of the Forons is as pointless as asking Soleil, the beautiful blond dog, to solve a differential equation. I know, when you see an intellectual, emotional and moral trainwreck on the web it can be hard to look away, but look away Meade, look away! You're casting pearls before swine.
Did Meade ever purchase SR-22 auto insurance in Illinois and expect his car to be repaired by insurance company funds after an accident?
Then not only is he smarter than Obama, he's a better lawyer.
"Yet in yesterday's voting,[even though they are 30% of the population} blacks made up approximately 1% of the electorate."
No, they made up 30% of the electorate. We have open primaries in SC--no party affiliation in registration. Anyone can choose to vote in a given primary if they want to.
It was when the Democrats controlled South Carolina that blacks were excluded from the electorate.
It's so cool the way liberals embrace and nurture diversity.
They always look first to the content of one's character, before ever even thinking of looking at artificial factors like a person's race, religion or ideology.
That whole "sifting and winnowing" through all sides of an issue are what makes a university community so intellectually stimulating.
Well, enough time on that. I'm going over to the linked Isthmus site now to read the comment thread.
More covert racist code. The well endowed mud wrestling monkey is easily manipulated, and you're blonde. Jungle fever redux.
"To be fair, Professor, I think the ideas were framed as an "either or" proposition (i.e., the attraction of Meade is that he has a jumbo johnson OR that he's a "trained monkey")."
I agree. He's not actually picturing a monkey with a huge penis. But the monkey and the huge penis are inside his head simultaneously when the topic is race. I don't think that's mere coincidence. It's revealing. And it's not about Meade.
Nothing new here. I see that with my liberal friends on facebook all the time. The hierarchy is Ivy League school with law degree. Then Ivy League school with degree. Then top 10 school. Then college degree from any accredited school. Then everyone else. And below all that would be a conservative with a advanced degree at a Ivy League college. And so on. Ergo, a conservative with a MBA is dumber than a liberal with a high school diploma. Which is why actors are so much smarter than Republicans.
It's rhetorically pulling the gun and shooting yourself in the foot.
I don't know and I don't want to start a fight, but I suspect that more often than not it's Meade who introduces Ann to something new, interesting, substantive, fun, and challenging. That's the kind of man she would be attracted to. The commenters over there seem more like the kind who need a man to reaffirm what they think they already know. They would have that degree right over the headboard, so you don't start to wonder why you're there.
OK, these old broads are jealous because Ann, beauteous and brilliant in her own, snagged herself a stud. Not some dried-up old academic, but a man of the soil, tanned, muscular, and virile. It drives them insane that he is also witty and intelligent enough to charm and intrigue her and not some henpecked dork, afraid of his own PC shadow.
As for comparisons, GodZero apparently needs to be led by the hand when making decisions whereas Meade saw the woman and boldly took her (they probably wish he'd do them in similar fashion).
I ♥ Willard said...
Can't we focus on the silly, sometimes nasty but always meaningless squabbles on this blog without being linked to the same elsewhere?
BTW Professor, which photo best describes Meade, A or B?
Sounds like ♥ has some adequacy issues of his own.
Althouse, as long as you stand by your man, as per usual, everything else is irrelevant ...
take care
" I know, when you see an intellectual, emotional and moral trainwreck on the web it can be hard to look away, but look away Meade, look away! You're casting pearls before swine."
That's why I bring the pearls over here. To cast them before... what do you call people who appreciate pearls? Barbara Bushes?
They would have that degree right over the headboard, so you don't start to wonder why you're there.
A point of order, sir. It would be on the ceiling. Putting it on the headboard insinuates the man being on top. Or in front...(in which case you're probably right)
The Daily Page Forum is an open sewer wherein our liberal brethren can spew their bilge tanks of hate under the cover of anonymity.
We know the Meadster is smarter than those commentators, but why is Obama afraid to release his grades and scores? No way to compare Obama to Mead, just the TELEPROMPTER.
A lot of characters over there representing themselves and themselves only.
Not right to smear a whole bunch of people over one's anonymous comments. Should we think poorly of all the con's due to Synova's screeds, for example? Nope. Wouldn't be prudent.
George Bush wrecked the economy. Barack Obama is fixing it.
"Very true, which is why all of the world's great comedians are conservatives!"
You're right most of them are liberal, and cowards, with none of them able to make fun of the POTUS just because he's half black. They fear that Obama's black half might not be up to taking the criticism. Even among comedian's, where being irreverent is the job, the liberal mind can't imagine people of color being equals.
"George Bush wrecked the economy. Barack Obama is fixing it."
That reminds me the cable guy was supposed to be here yesterday between 9am - 7pm, and he never showed up. Thank God, I can cancel my cable.
Bush was a legacy admission at Yale and a pretty mediocre student.
Obama was an affirmative action admission to undergrad, law school, and the Presidency.
He's demonstrated no scholorship, and has been the worst President in modern memory.
George Bush wrecked the economy. Barack Obama is fixing it.
Um, no, no Bush did not.
If the economy is getting better, then why has the number of Americans on food stamps increased by 3 million since this time last year and by more than 14 million since Barack Obama entered the White House?
Thanks for particpating.
Oh, and if the economy is getting better, then why are there 6 million less jobs in America today than there were before the recession started?
I'm always interested in the way liberals, when in the cocoon (which TDPF is), let all sorts of illiberal things show. They don't think it shows, because they're amongst people who are supporting each other.
Exactly. The echo chamber effect.
We run into this every time we go to visit with my family. Most of whom live in high income, practially 100% white and asian population, yuppiefied and high tech jobs etc etc.
The family knows to keep away from some topics inorder to enjoy each other. Everyone else just assumes that you agree with them. In order to keep things pleasant, we must bite our tongues and switch the conversations to other topics.
The bigotry towards anyone who is not just like them is overwhelming. The condescention towards the "poor" and "ethnics" is astounding.
Take this test from "Coming Apart by Charles Murray ....How Thick Is Your Bubble.
"Not right to smear a whole bunch of people over one's anonymous comments."
AL get w/the program as this blog only deals w/inane conservative generalities about liberals.
Indeed, Althouse has it down to a science! :-P
Again, Althouse voting for Obama notwithstanding. :D ie pay no attention to my many inconsistencies lol er the man behind the curtain, Meade.
Well at least they spelled the name right.
As for the rest of it-- I can't possibly begin to understand, because I really really really don't care.
It's interesting, though, how Althouse and Meade have become modern nobility there in Madison. I think they are entitled to their position, even if Meade doesn't have the proportions of a porn star.
As for the haters, they will always hate. That's what they do. Too bad you can't censor them, Althouse!
wv: "prebay" - Towing a boat on a road.
"Very true, which is why all of the world's great comedians are conservatives!"
Actually, the funniest people of the last 20 years - Greg Gutfeld, Dennis Miller, Matt Labash and PJ O'Rourke - are conservatives (Colbert arguably belongs on this list too, but he's the exception that proves the rule).
AlphaLiberal said...
George Bush wrecked the economy. Barack Obama is fixing it.
Yes, that's why the GDP was 1.7% last year and will be again this year while 1.2 million dropped out of the workforce last month.
Alpha is one of those Lefties who thinks Zero is smarter than Meade.
Meade chose Ann.
Zero chose Michelle.
Do the math.
Quite appropriate that in a thread about Meade, conservative whining about Obama would surface. Shocking!
ok, ok, as that's every thread at Althouse. My bad! :)
shiloh, nice reference to HRC standing by her man who cheated her. Was he a crook or just crooked?
Shiloh said:
"AL get w/the program as this blog only deals w/inane conservative generalities about liberals."
Scroll down a couple of posts and check out the one about xylo pop.
Wanna retract?
To cast them before... what do you call people who appreciate pearls?
They are commonly known as Billingsleys, thank you.
Ann Althouse said...
I'm always interested in the way liberals, when in the cocoon (which TDPF is), let all sorts of illiberal things show. They don't think it shows, because they're amongst people who are supporting each other.
Here's the phrase "flop around in the mud" to refer to sex. Sex is dirty in that image. But if you confront the about it, they'll assure you they are not puritanical and repressed about sex. They're sex positive!
They're not.
2/3/12 9:01 AM
Ann you have a manly man and they don't. Nothing but a bunch of whinny bitches who can't get a man they want and resent you for having what they secretly want. If Meade was on the market how many of them would actually turn him down. Probably none.
Althouse: I'm always interested in the way liberals, when in the cocoon (which TDPF is), let all sorts of illiberal things show. They don't think it shows, because they're amongst people who are supporting each other.
I'm always amazed by how Elightened Elites can be so ignorant and bigoted. And never see it.
But if you confront them about it, they'll assure you they are not puritanical and repressed about sex. They're sex positive
Why is it that people who claim to have sophisticated views re sex are always so hung up on it? Grow up and move on already.
PaulV said...
shiloh, nice reference to HRC standing by her man who cheated her. Was he a crook or just crooked?
Both, actually.
Re the diversity issue. Hahaha.
I just went to a meeting the National Parks Service held for anyone in the community in the western part of NC to discuss plans for managing use of non- motorized use of the trails (cyclists [hi Meade], hikers, equine, birders, photogs, etc.)
Over 100 people. Not a single person of color.
Now. Understand that many of the folks who do the above have moved in from outside the area to start with (Northeast, Florida, some upper midwest). So not only could this be a "not representative of the local community" issue, it appears that even among the enlightened sustainable living crowd one might point out a diversity issue.
But then again, one doesn't have to do anything of the sort.
It's hard for the left to think "Different strokes for different folks."
In Utopia all the people are the same.
Meade has Injun blood!
I heart willard, if you're proud of how Marcus Bachman was treated by the press, then that says a lot about you.
Regarding the political affiliations of comedians, you know some data I don't? Comedy today tends pretty apolitical. Bill Maher, sure, but nobody's watching him and even he has to skewer a lefty now and again just to stay semi-relevant. People don't want political extremism in their comedy.
Regarding lefties having no sense of humor, you're making my point.
Meade has more things in common with Todd Palin.
Have you noticed?
Not a bad thing.
Jay, I think you mean "6 million FEWER job"... but the point still stands.
(Sorry, it's a pet peeve of mine)
AlphaLiberal: George Bush wrecked the economy. Barack Obama is fixing it.
Plebe Obama turns in D work, Alpha promotes it to a B+.
All because Obama is the "right" skin color.
That's been the pattern of Obama's life. Gotta say, that must suck for him, knowing that everyone knows you know what a fraud you are.
DHOTUS. Diversity Hire of the United States.
Not qualified for the job. Selected because of his skin color. Cuts work to play golf.
Can't handle the workload. Grows frustrated then bitter then angry. Blames the system, blames Bush, blames Whitey clinging to guns and God. Files EEO complaint against America. Gets promoted to UN General Sec so he can be someone else's problem.
And he's trashed the economy. Small businesses are avoiding risk until he is out of office. The economy will not recover until he leaves.
"HRC standing by her man"
Now a Hillary deflection lol
Mrs. David Vitter
Mrs. John Ensign, btw, special props to Ensign who fucked the wife of his top aide.
Mrs. Larry Craig, who obviously took a wide stance re: hubby's homosexual proclivities. ;)
etc. etc.
Pointing to a negative economic statistic to a lefty is a "whine". They use "whine" when they cannot use "hypocritical" their other go-to rhetorical foil. Hard to make GDP hypocritical so to reference GDP is to whine.
But when your entire intellectual foundation supports a few static beliefs with a facade of sanctimony reason and logic are just too much trouble.
Shiloh still thinks sexual discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual assault are "just about sex".
Its like a barrel perma-stocked with fresh fish.
Would Titus take a romp in the hay with Meade?
Liberals aren't very good at discerning satire and other subtle humor. Amazingly though, liberals can discern coded racism quicker than kiss a duck.
I must give liberals credit for comoing up with the best system yet for keeping the darkies down. 50 years of the Great Society and we have a huge percentage of blacks in prison, in poverty, undereducated, on food stamps, etc. Good job, Democrats.
George Bush wrecked the economy. Barack Obama is fixing it.
Wow. Obama's fixing the economy the way an incompetent mechanic fixes a car. Wheels out of balance, timing advancement wrong, valves out of adjustment, alignment pulling hard to the left, fuel system feeding the cylinders unevenly, air in the brakes lines,...
Poor Michael as he's still pissed I took him to the woodshed in a previous thread.
btw, thanx for the shout out last night! :)
Althouse please ~ give Michael a hug! :-P
Shiloh? Woodshed? WTF. Delusional as well as stupid. Try and write something on this blog that requires some thought and stays on the topic at hand. We know what you think of conservatives and we know you think you are funny and pithy. But you aren't. Your inadequate education and poor reasoning are too much on display. Really, you should have gone on to college. Woodshed that you childish asshole. Cheers.
"Ann Althouse said...
I bestraddle the law school like a colossus."
Somewhere, someone just said "Hawt!". ;)
The surreal bowling alley scene from,"The Big Lebowski" just popped into my head.
What are you,Ann, five feet nuthin'?
I wouldn't take it too seriously, Ann. Some of the most narrow minded, bigoted people I've ever met have Phd after their name.
Michael, took to the woodshed is Lefty for, "I really got taken down on that one, so I tried to change the subject".
Pay it no mind; as you've undoubtedly noticed, the Lefties lose all the time here because those damned facts are against them.
Michael, on/topic like say ...
Shiloh is fucking up this blog.
take care, little buddy
Meade the "un-credentialed?" No advanced degrees? How very, very sad. What an unendurable cross to bear! Just how DO you go on, Meade? You must realize that suicide is your only option, don't you?...in order to atone for your unacademic sins...I pray for you..
I've noticed that in academia at least "intelligent" = "left-wing". All intelligent people are de facto left-wing. If you're conservative, you are automatically considered to have demonstrated that you're not intelligent. And if you're intelligent, you should be in charge. Actual experience counts for nothing.
Also - Ann, you're avoiding the obvious question regarding Meade. Do tell!
Whenever shiloh says "take care" I always have the urge to say "fuck you, too".
John said...
Jay, I think you mean "6 million FEWER job"... but the point still stands.
When I was typing that sentence I had fewer and changed it to less for some unknown reason.
Shiloh: On topic on a thread that begins with the English words: "This is an open thread with no photograph."
Jack Ass.
DADvocate said...
...quicker than kiss a duck.
I've never heard that expression before. Mind if I start using it?
on/topic like say ...
Shiloh is fucking up this blog.
take care, little buddy
There "are" no topics in one of Althouse's free form cafe posts. Anything is discussed.
Learn the rules, sugar.
However, back to the porn star stuff.....
LOL RonF! Back circa 1995 when I was in my early 50s I had an uber-feminist college co-ed lefty with whom I used to have long debates in the neighborhood watering-hole give me the ultimate in back-handed compliments when she once said: "How can you be conservative, VX, (me with the PhD and she yet to get her BA) you seem fairly smart!"
Quite appropriate that in a thread about Meade, conservative whining about Obama would surface. Shocking!
This isn't a thead about Meade's attributes, it's about lefties attitudes.
Mind if I start using it?
Go for it.
Michael, and yet you felt compelled to make a complete fool of yourself, by makin' a childish personal attack which everyone ignored, even Althouse's flock.
Again, it's easy to ignore someone unless you've really struck a nerve or are obsessed like edutcher, Fen, Jay, Scott M and yourself ...
cue Michael replying to this post hence, ergo therefore makin' himself look like a bigger fool, if possible.
ok, ok, Michael probalbly can't resist calling me an asshole/jackass yada yada yada one more time.
Hey, if it makes him feel better! :D
I don't understand any of this beyond conflating academia with intelligence. Everything follows from that. Along the way you get a really good academic question. Why did blacks make up 1% of the electorate when South Carolina's population is nearly 30%? I think I could answer that. I would start out, "Okay here, let's have a look through your lens. Gimme that." *pantomime telescope, in out, back forth, up down, concentrate on thread on floor, zoom in, refocus, zoom in real close, milk the pantomime for every drop of comedy, keep going beyond that until it's not funny any more, keep going, keep pantomiming concentrating on that thread on the floor, adjust position and keep it up until it comes back to being funny. Yes, here are ...
Seeing Red said...
Quite appropriate that in a thread about Meade, conservative whining about Obama would surface. Shocking!
This isn't a thead about Meade's attributes, it's about lefties attitudes.
Why do you think he's trying to change the subject?
Especially since we tell the truth about GodZero here.
Can't allow that.
shiloh said...
Poor Michael as he's still pissed I took him to the woodshed in a previous thread.
Oh yeah!
Another thread where a barely literate and incoherent moron pats himself on the back and uses the phrase "conservative sheep"
So original.
unless you've really struck a nerve or are obsessed like edutcher, Fen, Jay, Scott M and yourself
This is the second time in as many days, shiloh, that you've mentioned my name in the context of something I'm not even involved with.
Your obsessed knickers are showing.
Again, the constant conservative whining at Althouse is somewhat amusing if taken in moderation.
Plus the childish conservative personal attacks adds a certain je ne sais quoi/joie de vivre! :D
Doesn't this
David said...
Meade thrusts a stick into the anthill, and the drones go CRAZY! "Ohhh look at the big stick! We are in danger! Attack the stick!"
just reek of innuendo?
Could we have this conversation about the liberal craziness, and not Meade, his stick, and where he sticks said stick?
Sorry, I was just taking a stab a satire by sticking it to Dave. Next I'll work on alliteration.
No, they made up 30% of the electorate. We have open primaries in SC--no party affiliation in registration. Anyone can choose to vote in a given primary if they want to.
Right you are. Since 95% of Blacks voted for 0bama in 2008, 5% didn't. Then 5% of 30% is 1.5% of the electorate. Why would Republicans dedicate any effort for 1.5% of the vote?
Michael, may I make an editorial suggestion?
Michael Haz said...
It's so cool the way liberals embrace and nurture diversity.
They always look first to the content of one's character, before ever even thinking of looking at artificial factors like a person's race, religion or ideology. or dick size.
Unless, of course, you have any sense of decorum, decency or civility, in which case you would forgo my suggestion.
"Why would Republicans dedicate any effort for 1.5% of the vote?"
Like why would Obama's team concentrate on VA, NC, IN in 2008.
Oh wait!
It broadens the playin' field ie it makes the opposition spend extra $$$ in IN/VA/NC etc.
btw, there's no percentage in just quitting ie not trying.
Big picture as just continue to ignore minorities and voila! soon Hispanics/Latinos will be the majority ethnic group before you know it.
Be afraid, be very afraid!
Either Reps have a big tent or don't ...
Obama had (44) campaign offices in IN, whereas McCain had zero.
somebody doesn't know the difference between (or meaning of) je ne sais quoi and joie de vivre.
and one of my groupies doesn't understand sarcasm.
"And as for race... in a thread about race, this one commenter has a post in which he's talking about penis size, intelligence, and calling someone a 'monkey.'"
So many dog whistles, all going off at once. How confusing that must be!
Sarcasm only works if it's apt.
Je ne sais quoi might apply, joie de vivre, in this case, fits about as well as le chapeau de mon canard.
And quoting stats from four years ago is quite irrelevant since Little Zero is hemorrhaging support from blacks and Hispanics.
His "groupie" just threw another rotten tomato at him.
edutcher, my little groupie, when you're in a hole, stop diggin'
But it's ok to remain obsessed! :)
Again, the constant conservative whining at Althouse is somewhat amusing if taken in moderation.
LOL. You are by far the biggest whiner of all, constantly whining about what other people are saying. Worse, you're frequently off-topic. Worst of all, you whine about the exact same thing over and over and over again. You are boring.
Feel free to call me Dirk.
Sofa King, thanx for takin' the time to say ~ You are boring.
Meade said...
Feel free to call me Dirk.
Did you know, in Dutch, Dirck means Dick?
(well, Richard, actually, but...)
You must feel quite gratified, so many distinguished women lusting after you.
It must be a heavy burden to bear.
I should recommend a review I wrote on Amazon for "Living with a Giant Penis" that was cited on Cracked.com this week. Meade needs that tome.
Professor, I see I'm logged into this system as my late wife, Miss Emily, but this is husband John- AKA backhoe.
I'm more a passer-by to your place but you run a good site and you took in a stray dog- that tells me all I need to know.
I've run into that infantile elitism all my life with both my wives. I had to get a GED due to medical problems and never finished college- I had to go to work. Started as a machinist, weldor ( that is archaic but correct ) and mechanic.
My first wife graduated summa cum laude' and was a businesswoman. We were partners in her businesses. When I was courting her she had a fighter pilot, a bartender, and an artist vying for her attention. Somehow she picked me. Yeah, she died young, too.
Miss Emily was First Flute, Principle Chair in the symphony orchestra south of here. Her swains were a jeweler, a MENSA member, and a Rhodes scholar. Yet, she picked me.
There's more to the measure of man or woman than IQ, formal education or social standing- there are such things as love, honor,and character. And nothing beats a good sense of humor.
And just to toss race into the mix? I'm part Cherokee Injun- how's that for diversity?
Seeing that picture of your Meade with that stray dog tells me all I need to know, about the two of you. Ignore the petty snobs- they are not worth your time.
My kindest regards.
I bestraddle the law school like a colossus.
"Colossus" of course is also Micheal Hiltzik's nickname for the enormous state-funded monolith that dammed the Colorado, and which created the life-giving waters of Lake Mead.
Thanks, Backhoe. I'm sorry to hear that your first wife died young and glad to hear that you have found a new love.
Don't worry that people taking swipes at Meade gets me down. It doesn't at all. We just have more laughs around here.
I'm very able to judge intelligence without looking at a resume. And it's not even raw IQ that matters. It's all the things that sync with what you want to talk about and how you look at the world and respond to it. I've been around plenty of supposedly extremely intelligent people in my life, and I wouldn't want to have to live with most of them. It wouldn't even be pleasant.
"and I wouldn't want to have to live with most of them"
That creates a picture of living with "most of them" simultaneously, which amuses me... as an image.
I mean any given one of them.
I was very much into living alone. Solitude in the home was a way of life for me, and I liked it and had no ambition to change that. It's only because of Meade that I did.
I do not know Meade's educational background, but I do remember a chap with only two years total formal education who did tolerably well for himself.
Benjamin Franklin.
Sounds like ♥ has some adequacy issues of his own.
I'm female. Nevertheless I'm flattered that you spend so much time thinking about me even if I appear as a man in your fantasies.
Ann Althouse said...
"and I wouldn't want to have to live with most of them"
That creates a picture of living with "most of them" simultaneously, which amuses me... as an image.
I mean any given one of them.
I was very much into living alone. Solitude in the home was a way of life for me, and I liked it and had no ambition to change that. It's only because of Meade that I did.
If I may say, Madame, it seems to have done you a world of good.
Where we once saw only dimly lit coffeehouses, now we're treated to the beauties of WI in all seasons and the many events in the Madison area.
You may have liked being alone, but you love the life of being with someone you love.
It shows in everything you put on the blog.
I heart willard, if you're proud of how Marcus Bachman was treated by the press, then that says a lot about you.
Hello, Straw Man!
Regarding the political affiliations of comedians, you know some data I don't?
How have all of you managed to miss or ignore the BIG STORY here...
LarryK believes Dennis Miller is one of the funniest people of the last 20 years!
Does anyone else think an intervention is warranted?
Does anyone else think an intervention is warranted?
Miller is one of the best "anchors" SNL ever had. You may not like his politics, but the guy is truly funny.
I'm going to get down to basics:
Even if one can assume that someone who has a college degree--elite or otherwise--is intelligent, it doesn't mean one can assume that someone who DOESN'T have a college degree isn't intelligent, or even as intelligent. Nor does it mean one can assume that a college graduate who didn't attend an elite college is less intelligent than one who did.
I hate this sort of bullshit, and believe you me, having grown up in college towns on college campuses (both my parents have advanced degrees, obtained during my childhood, and my father was a tenured college professor) I've encountered plenty of it.
There's nothing worse than snobby stupid.
Or stupid snobbery.
"I bestraddle the law school like a colossus."
LOL! Alt-zilla.
Altzilla v. Isthmothra.
You people are being incredibly culturally insensitive. It's pronounced, Altzirrah.
Miller is one of the best "anchors" SNL ever had. You may not like his politics, but the guy is truly funny.
I guess this explains his amazingly successful career in comedy!
Hey, WTF? How is it possible that Miller didn't make the list of The 25 Best "Saturday Night Live" Cast Members Of All Time? Must be libtards voting, right?
edutcher said...
"It must be a heavy burden to bear."
Not really. I try to work out and eat light.
How cool it would be to be married to a woman who loves you exclusively for having a fabulous penis. There's so much negotiating that goes on with all that other stuff.
Hey, WTF? How is it possible that Miller didn't make the list of The 25 Best "Saturday Night Live" Cast Members Of All Time? Must be libtards voting, right?
You're making a lot of assumptions in those two questions. Good luck with that.
Oh, Scott, please help me understand how one of the greatest comedians of the last 20 years (Dennis Miller) didn't make the list of "The 25 Best "Saturday Night Live" Cast Members Of All Time"?
Hey, I just checked a handful of "Greatest Comedians of the Decade" lists and Dennis Miller isn't on a single one of them! What gives? Are all these lists created by biased libtards?
Oh, Scott, please help me understand how one of the greatest comedians of the last 20 years
Please show me where I said this. If you want to know why he didn't make the SNL top 25, I assume because it's highly subjective and people who think, like I do, that he was one of the best anchors were not asked in sufficient numbers to impact his inclusion on that list. That seems pretty straightforward.
You appear to be working yourself into a froth. Please eat some soup and wrap a hot towel around your head. You'll be fine.
Scott, you can't say that about I ♥ Willard. He says he's a she.
Which makes him not a froth, but a frothy mix.
Where's Hatman? He's the expert on this.
Having watched Miller's HBO show always found him quite funny back in the day before he became truly political and entrenched as a fixednoise conservative "analyst" ;). Yea, when he just proclaimed himself a Libertarian like Maher. Miller was about as good as any of SNL's anchors at "reading" his material.
'cause who knows who writes the comedy material ie originality on SNL, Real Time, Daily Show, etc. but Jon Stewart is a pretty good at ad libbing on live tv.
The SNL crew who could do political impressions were/are the best as Tina Fey created a cottage industry w/her mama grizzly verbatim material. :) I digress.
John Cleese: palin funnier than Michael Palin
carry on
So, if only Lefties are funny, guess who's the biggest joke of all?
Please show me where I said this.
How can you be so very confused about an exchange into which you inserted yourself? I didn't accuse you of saying Miller is one of the greatest comedians of the last 20 years. However you felt compelled to defend the poor confused soul who made the claim. Now you're scrambling to try to extricate yourself from the conversation. I encourage you in this endeavor, but please don't linger over it.
Have a great day!
He says he's a she.
Poor edutcher. He's still struggling with a very basic concept.
Now who doesn't understand sarcasm?
it is demanded that Meade admit he is less intelligent than Barack Obama.
Based on his Harvard credentials I used to think Obama was pretty smart too. Then two things happened. I realized (1) that he still hasn't released his student transcripts (why not if he's so smart?) and (2) I finally got around to reading a book of his that wasn't ghost-written by Bill Ayers.
Despite its embarrassing (and revealing) obsession with race, Obama's first book, "Dreams from My Father," is engagingly written. His second book, "Audacity of Hope," has no wit, imagination, vivid imagery or anything else that indicates the workings of a remotely interesting mind? (Bill Ayers, where were you?)
Conclusion: the only interesting thing about Obama's mind is that it's right between two out-sized ears.
Meade is "Bwana Dik"!
My dick is a monster
Give me your heart.
My dick is a Harley
You kick it to start.
My dick is a dagger
I'll poise at you babe.
My disk is a reamer baby
To steam up your snatch.
Steam it! Ream it! Cream it!
-Zappa (of course).
I'm intrigued by how many of you think of Ann as an intellectual. I never got that. She's never said anything that made me go "Hmmm," but - if anything - left me aghast at the lack of intellectual heft a law professor can display. I don't say this as a diss - everybody doesn't have to be "heavy" - but she's always struck me more as just throwing out light-weight observations, than actually challenging us (or me) to think.
Has she written an important paper, etc., I missed?
As someone said, above, intellectual combat doesn't appear to be her forte', as she will run - or hide - when pinned down on something. I've never seen her concede a point - a sign of intellectual honesty - when wrong. As a matter of fact, she seems to relish sitting in such a position, which does add a bit of "whatever" to the blog (and her overall persona online) but also hardly qualifies.
I find much of what goes on here to be "clever" - which isn't the same thing as "smart," and explains the endless arguments with the likes of Garage Mahal, and diversions into the intricacies of race (worthless) and religion (if you're willing to debate the Trinity you need help,...). All it proves to me is that college, or a law degree, is a great way to get a good paycheck and snooker others into "believing" there's more going on than it appears. I mean, Ann's a feminist. Come on. That's like if I was Al Sharpton. Is it any wonder Obama appealed to her? They're not that different.
“Sounds like ♥ has some adequacy issues of his own.”
I'm female. Nevertheless I'm flattered that you spend so much time thinking about me even if I appear as a man in your fantasies.
So only men can have “adequacy issues”? I think not.
I bestraddle the law school like a colossus.
Too funny! What an image!
I'm going to act as a bit of a dull spoiler though, by pointing out that the original “colossus” (the Colossus of Rhodes — one of the seven wonders of the ancient world) — despite how he (the sun god Helios) was often depicted — never did “bestraddle” the entrance to the harbor of Rhodes.
But maybe you do bestraddle the law school!
(Also, the “rays” coming out of the head of the sun god are exactly like those emerging from the head of the Statue of Liberty in New York harbor!)
Word usage, Michael. "His" is used for men, "her" for women. It really isn't particularly complicated.
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