४ डिसेंबर, २०११

The Althouse that won $100,000 at the Big Ten championship game last night.

Yes, the University of Wisconsin football team eked out a win against Michigan State last night, and we were thrilled and amazed. But I was stunned to see the name Althouse pop up in the context of a football-throwing competition:
Kaitlyn Althouse, an Eastern York High School graduate and Lancaster General College student, won the grand prize scholarship of $100,000 during a halftime competition at the Big Ten championship game Saturday night in Indianapolis.

Althouse won the tuition giveaway, sponsored by Dr Pepper, by throwing the most footballs into a two-foot-wide target five yards away in 30 seconds. Althouse made 10 of the throws, while her competitor, Antron McCullough of Ocklawaha, Fla., made nine.
Click through to see the video showing why she was given a chance. Here's McCullough's video. Good luck to both Althouse and McCullough in the future. One of them had to lose, and Michigan State had to lose. So... onward to the Rose Bowl, where it will be Badgers and Ducks.

२२ टिप्पण्या:

Bartender Cabbie म्हणाले...

Interesting game but not one that mattered.

Temujin म्हणाले...

We don't need no stinkin' badgers. -Sparty

save_the_rustbelt म्हणाले...

heckuva game - although the wrong team won

kjbe म्हणाले...

I don't know, as an alumna, I'm glad we won, but in a way it doesn't really feel "earned". I'm guessing that by Jan. 2, I'll get over it.

drunkdebunker म्हणाले...

Amazing game. Maybe the best college game of the season. I think MSU outplayed UW by a small margin, but this time, "we" won the game with playground miracles. Exact mirror image of the previous match-up. Amazing. We were emotionally drained at the end.

ndspinelli म्हणाले...

Professor, I watched the competition live and chuckled when I saw her name. I was wondering if you saw it. You could tell she was athletic. The dude opponent threw like a girl, not taking anything away from the winner because she kicked his ass and would have beaten many boys. Thanks for the background on Ms. Althouse. We need more altruistic young people like her.

Maybe she's overcompensating because of her conservative name!!

ndspinelli म्हणाले...

The game was exciting. The Badgers will get beat by 2-3 touchdowns in the Rose Bowl. Remember, year in and out the Big Ten is overrated and that is shown every bowl season.

MayBee म्हणाले...

I'm really not being a good sport about this game, and I'm going to have a hard time seeing Badgers flood LA for the Rose Bowl.

I guess my Spartans are just going to have to win whatever bowl game they go to.

And WI is going to have to hope Oregon doesn't watch the tapes to figure out how we stopped Ball and Toon last night. Russell Wilson is an amazing passer, and he really played the game for Wisconsin last night.

Some of the Dr. Pepper winners yesterday brought tears to my eyes.

edutcher म्हणाले...

Agree with nd. If she's a hoopstress, she'll have a good arm and a good eye, and probably good eye-hand coordination.

Bender म्हणाले...

Kaitlyn Althouse won the $100,000?

More like some university won the money. Does anyone really believe that she will receive a $100,000 "education" for that money?

Figure five 3-hour classes per semester, that works out to about $2,500 per class. Are most colleges classes worth that much? Would any sane person pay that much if it were on the open free market? Maybe -- maybe -- they are worth $500 per class, such that most grads receive a $20,000 education that costs them $100,000. In this case, the woman will receive a $20,000 benefit and some university will get a windfall for the other $80,000.

The greatest benefit this woman gets is the lack of student loans.

David म्हणाले...

White chick beats black dude tossing footballs!

Great for both of them.

Kim म्हणाले...

Kaitlyn is my niece. She is an amazing lady and certainly deserves this scholarship! Count yourself privileged to share her name :)

ndspinelli म्हणाले...

Ignite Youth, You are justifiably proud.

Chip S. म्हणाले...

Would any sane person pay that much if it were on the open free market?

I must have missed the news story about ObamaEd forcing everyone to go to college.

Anthony म्हणाले...

Indeed, I was almost hoping the Badgers would lose so Sparty would have to face Oregon. Being out in the Pac 12 I see them a lot and they are very good. They can be beaten though, so there's hope. After all, I remember 1999 when UCLA was supposed to handily beat Wisconsin in the Rose Bowl.

kjbe म्हणाले...

MayBee, I don't know how Oregon's defense matches up, but I do anticipate the Ducks shredding the Badgers defense and special teams.

Real American म्हणाले...

some girl gets a scholarship for throwing footballs through a hole? and I get a big pile of debt? You know how many fucking Dr. Peppers I've had? WTF?

MayBee म्हणाले...

Indeed, I was almost hoping the Badgers would lose so Sparty would have to face Oregon.

I really wanted to see what Nike would do with the uniforms.

madAsHell म्हणाले...

$100,000 scholarship!

We have more colleges, and universities, but the price of an education continues to rise.

At least she's going to be a nurse!

Almost Ali म्हणाले...

Would like to see the video of Althouse making the 10 baskets - if there's a link...

Smilin' Jack म्हणाले...

I went to MSU as an undergrad and got my PhD at Wisconsin, and I grew up in Oregon. I'm conflicted.

Dactyl म्हणाले...

So, no relation then?

[word verification: weaspon. When a weasel makes a shiv out of a spoon, it's a weaspon. Sorry, couldn't resist.]