३ नोव्हेंबर, २०११

"We now know and have been able to trace it back to the Perry campaign that stirred this up, in order to discredit me and slow us down."

Says Herman Cain, who if he's not sure the oppo drop came from Perry is an immense hypocrite.

By the way, who dropped the "Niggerhead" story on Perry? Did we ever find out?

४८ टिप्पण्या:

Known Unknown म्हणाले...

Who has a computer, a mouse, internet access, and doesn't give a shit?


The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

Keeping in mind I have never voiced support for a Cain presidency:

How does accusing Perry make Cain a hypocrite, Ann?

Andy म्हणाले...

Could Cain have handled the news regarding the accusations about his sexual harassment any worse?

Tom from Virginia म्हणाले...

If Sarah Palin does not get back into this race, its Romney/McCain all over again and we are screwed.

Scott M म्हणाले...

AA, can you please ban this thread's author? "N*****head" is offensive to me.

machine म्हणाले...

uh, because he is making accusations based on "facts" he is unsure of...like he claims his accusers are doing...

Much like his claim that this is all based on the racism of liberals, but he has no facts to prove it...

Pastafarian म्हणाले...

I'm surprised you didn't type "N*ggerhead", Althouse. I thought that this was the one word that shall not be named.

Pastafarian म्हणाले...

Shit, ScottM beat me to it.

machine म्हणाले...

Sarah Palin is in the race...using the name Herman Cain...

A proud to know-nothing "outsider"...

Tom from Virginia म्हणाले...

Yeah but .... Palin could beat Romney and the rest of this crowd cannot.

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

A hypocrite is an actor playing a role.

That is what campaigns boil down to: roles played at by actors.

But Cain has offered to boldly come out and say what he believes whether it is a safe move to make or not.

Now let Perry make his countermove, if he has one.

Someone has decided to feed re-cycled garbage into the Slander-o-matic journolistic brood of vipers.

So what can you disprove about your choir boy campaign's connections, Ricky.

David Yosifon म्हणाले...

Very classy ocassion to ask precisely that question in precisely that way, Anne. But then, your a classy public intellectual.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"How does accusing Perry make Cain a hypocrite, Ann?"

Cain yelling Perry smeared me is smearing Perry.

David Yosifon म्हणाले...

you are, not your (i'm a classy grammatician).

LarryK म्हणाले...

Here's why Cain is wrong, and why this accusation is going to come back and bite him in the a** (don't want to offend any of the delicate sensibilities of others on this thread)


The supposed leaker in Perry's campaign has therefore not only denied it, but has denied it to Politico, the very same publication that printed the original allegation. This matters because the one person who knows who leaked this story is the Politico reporter who broke it, and that same reporter has now published an e-mail from someone who denied he was the leaker. No way this would have happened if the reporter knew that Anderson was his source. There's no reason to take that risk and commit outright journalistic fraud, because it could easily come back to bite him in the patootie.

I don't know or particularly care whether Cain sometimes got a little suggestive in the workplace - on balance, he's a bad candidate on the merits, who wings it far too often and hasn't really done the homework he must to be credible as a Presidential candidate. But I'm beginning to think that the reason he's so slippery on this issue is that he's got something to hide.

Carol_Herman म्हणाले...


This was known about Cain. And, was probably part of the cocktail party chit-chat since the 1990's.

Monica's "bright shining light" on sex in the Oval Office ... only makes this sort of stuff interesting to hear.

And, other than name calling Perry, who is more favorably perceived by lots of Americans ... What is Cain hoping to achieve?

Heck, if you want to see perfidy. Just look at how Obama handles the Mideast!

As to the "rumors" ... they'll turn out to be true.

Boehner going after "Solyndra" for the kinds of loans it received ... overlooks that CONGRESS makes all those loans (i.e. EARMARKS) ... possible!

Just the stupid party, again, shooting off in the wrong direction.

Voters, it seems, got very serious in Colorado, and beat down the White House, and the tax "increasers." POWERFULLY!

But it's crickets as far as getting a lying politician to tell you the truth about what's really going on.

The first party that can connect on TRUTHFUL information ... will win the popular vote. (Not the same as the Electoral College vote.)

Cain "blaming" Perry is funny. (But not to Perry!)

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

The Niggerhead story was presented to Cain with an are you offended prompt.

He answered that no he was not offended by Perry, but he did wonder how long ago the white paint was applied, and that, yes it is an offensive word per se.

Was he supposed to pretend the word was not offensive? Then how could he appeal to his un-brainwashed black voters?

That became a "Herman Played the Race Card" proof according to the silver tongued Journolisters.

Acknowledging race issues exist in American history is not playing the Race card.

Perry and his Texas mafia do despise hispanics and blacks. Why shouldn't they, since those groups have never shared political power in Texas.

PatHMV म्हणाले...

Did Cain seriously think he could run for President and not have this come out? Take your lumps and deal with the problem, Mr. Cain, rather than whining about who leaked it. You should have gotten it out there yourself, much earlier.

Spread Eagle म्हणाले...


The supposed leaker in Perry's campaign has therefore not only denied it, but has denied it to Politico, the very same publication that printed the original allegation. This matters because the one person who knows who leaked this story is the Politico reporter who broke it, and that same reporter has now published an e-mail from someone who denied he was the leaker. No way this would have happened if the reporter knew that Anderson was his source.

No problemo. Perry easily could have done this through an intermediary so he could maintain deniability.

Spread Eagle म्हणाले...

But my first bet is still it came from the Romney campaign.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Ann Althouse --

"Cain yelling Perry smeared me is smearing Perry."

Not if Perry smeared him.

Titus म्हणाले...

What a mess.

A pretty mess on my dress.

Titus म्हणाले...

This is the least of Cain's problems.

He thinks China "may" be developing nucs.


अनामित म्हणाले...

Andy R. said...
Could Cain have handled the news regarding the accusations about his sexual harassment any worse

Yes. He could have done it just like Bill Clinton or John Edwards.
but then the MSM wouldn't have cared. By the way Edward's trial is underway for his 'handling'.

cubanbob म्हणाले...

I like Cain but this is a major fail. Even if true, shut up about it. Let others speculate, but be quite. If you win the nomination you will need his support. If you lose the nomination by looking classy you get to comeback again, like Romney. As for the sex charges, just tell the truth. After Clinton and Edwards unless Cain is a serial rapist it doesn't mean anything. In all likelihood, he just got sued for some bullshit and settled simply because the cost of litigation is so outrageous that as a business matter its just cheaper to pay off than pay the lawyers. But he could use that as a teachable moment on why loser pays ought to be the norm and not the exception.

Now being the cynical person that I am, I suspect the democrats are behind this, do they really want to run an incompetent black, an affirmative action hire who is past his Peter Principle against a self made black man?

LarryK म्हणाले...

Spread Eagle- the problem is Cain's camp is saying it came directly from Anderson, not the Perry campaign more generally. Maybe the Cain folk will revise and extend their remarks once again, but for now Anderson is supposedly their smoking gun, and both he and Politico are denying it.

Pastafarian म्हणाले...

Carol Herman: "Boehner going after "Solyndra" for the kinds of loans it received ... overlooks that CONGRESS makes all those loans (i.e. EARMARKS) ..."

You're overlooking the fact that Obama steered these loans, to a company whose primary investor was one of his biggest political contributors; and that it was the President's puppets at he DOE who gave private investors (like that contributor) priority in the bankruptcy, in front of taxpayers.

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

Titus...Cain answered a question about the Chinese military development being a new threat. He said the new threats were development of nuclear propulsion in aircraft carriers and submarines.

The man worked for the Navy on missile carry and trajectory analysis of the Red Chinese missiles long after the Reds had gone nuclear.

Do you believe he now has Alzheimers?

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

LarryK...Perry is a 90% probability for the source of the garbage dime dropped on Cain.

Everybody knows that without demanding CSI level proof.

Now Perry has to endure a few days when he is off message from Cain's counter, which was made out in the open with bold authorship.

Maybe Cain just does not have enough pawns handy to send out to do his attacks. He does them himself out in the open.

Mark O म्हणाले...

Palin can't beat any of them. That's one of the reasons she's not running.

Scott M म्हणाले...

LarryK...Perry is a 90% probability for the source of the garbage dime dropped on Cain.

Isn't this a difference without distinction? It would have come out eventually.

Right is right! म्हणाले...

This is why it has been stupid for the Republicans to court Negros in the first place. They have no character and just can not keep IT in their paints. Good riddance!

Right is right! म्हणाले...

BTW, I will not vote for the McCain wannabe Romney. I could vote for Perry/Santorum/Newt/Paul/Bachman. I will not vote for a RINO like Romney. I will vote third party.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Hide the women and children.

I can't believe they're letting this animal run around loose

Herman Cain (if that's his real name) needs to resign immediately, and his assets seized, pending the conclusion of the investigation.

अनामित म्हणाले...

"Palin doesn't know Africa is a continent"

something we all learned in 3rd grade

"Cain doesn't know China has nuclear capability"

something we all learned in 4th grade

"Obama thinks there are at least 57 States"

something we all learned at Harvard

Paul म्हणाले...

What goes around comes around, eh Cain?

cubanbob म्हणाले...

Maximum Twine said...
BTW, I will not vote for the McCain wannabe Romney. I could vote for Perry/Santorum/Newt/Paul/Bachman. I will not vote for a RINO like Romney. I will vote third party.

11/3/11 11:36 AM

No doubt you were one of the morons that voted for Perot twice and stayed home in 08. Thanks for nothing.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Maximum Twine is a moby. We've seen him here before, and he always pretends to be conservative and says something racist. Please recognize this, and ignore him.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Maximum Twine is a moby. We've seen him here before, and he always pretends to be conservative and says something racist. Please recognize this, and ignore him.

edutcher म्हणाले...

Herman needs to remember that, as things stand, there's just as much reason to believe David "Astroturf" Axelrod is behind this as much as anybody else.

He's playing Politico's game, rather than noting the woman who couldn't wait to come forward has now refused to come forward, and should be focusing on 9-9-9.

Andy R. said...

Could Cain have handled the news regarding the accusations about his sexual harassment any worse?

"Ah did not have sekshul relayshuns with that woman, Miss Lewinsky".

There's the benchmark.

Mary Beth म्हणाले...

If Curt Anderson knew about the sexual harassment charges because they had discussed it in a previous campaign, why wasn't Cain prepared for it in this one? Did Cain just tell Anderson about it and then not bother to come up with a response?

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

Herman is right up there with Husband Kimmell in incompetence.

They are the ones to blame for being attacked successfully, not the Japanese Navy nor the Perry Campaign.

Cedarford म्हणाले...

traditionalguy said...
Titus...Cain answered a question about the Chinese military development being a new threat. He said the new threats were development of nuclear propulsion in aircraft carriers and submarines.

Nice try, trad guy.
Perhaps Cain misspoke, but as opposed to what you think your guy said, I saw the quotes. He said the two things he was concerned about was that:
1. China was seeking the technology for a nuclear capability.
2. China was seeking to also rival the USA by building more aircraft carriers.

He probably "misspoke", like on the electric Border fence....

But it came out "nuclear capability for a Bomb" AND also they were seeking to build more aircraft carriers.

China has no aircraft carriers. They are converting a oil-powered ex Soviet attempt at an aircraft carrier to a Chinese one and plan two oil-fired ones for the near future.

They have deployed nuclear propulsion subs since 1974.

Cedarford म्हणाले...

Spread Eagle said...
But my first bet is still it came from the Romney campaign.
Tend to doubt that. Cain is not hurting Romney - he is hurting Perry by stealing over half Perry's goober voters so far.

Cui bono?

Cain benefits Romney's chances.
Cain hurts Perry.
Cain is not ready for primetime..and all indications are the Dems would love to run against Rev 2.0 of Alan Keyes.

Besides Perry benefiting from this, you could say Newt and the excretable Santorum could benefit if the Cain and Perry camps assembled on the main street at high noon, blasting away at one another with 6 shooters. Escpecially Newt, who BTW, has decades long ties to all the K-Street lobbyist players.

Scott M म्हणाले...

China has no aircraft carriers.

They will soon, oil-fired or not. How long do you suppose it will take a country with the will, who also happens to already have the propulsion technology, and is currently flush with cash, to accomplish a nuke carrier?

Cedarford म्हणाले...

Tom from Virginia said...
If Sarah Palin does not get back into this race, its Romney/McCain all over again and we are screwed.

The rightwing Goddess Palin trailed Obama, head-to-head by the largest margin of any Republican "possible" - I think 26 points behind - back at the time when she said she wasn't going to run but stay making millions in her little rightwing media empire.

Her messianic true believers do want their Goddess still, but there was no interest in her by the pros - given her dismal poll numbers.

As for Romney, he is not the bumbling, high-tempered dimbulb Senator For Life McCain was. Had the far right "RINO!" callers been around when Reagan ran in 1980, they would have had RINO and flip-flopper labels slammed all over Ronnie.
1. Signed the most liberal abortion and divorce laws in the nation.
2. Flip-flopped over 10 years from every New Deal Democrat position he once believed in.
3. Worked with Demon-Crats regularly. Had Demon-Crat friends, some even gay!! - in Hollywood and Sacramento!
4. Actually wanted stinking lousy blue collar democrat union workers to vote for him.

Right is right! म्हणाले...

The big boss party insiders are now clearing the field of all of the small governemnt true conservative candidates so that they can have their Big Goverment Republican candidate Mitt Romney.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

It's hard for me to comprehend that we're already in the silly season, where the voters get played for fools by acting like that's what they are.

There is no story here, but how Cain handles this non-story is the talk of the town. This is the public being played, and nothing more.

I swear, sometimes the American public appears to get more ignorant by the day.

"We won't get fooled again?"

Yes We Can!