It's too late. The opportunity to demean and slander the Pizza Joker before his talents became known has missed him. The Psalm 91 force is active in him.
Romney is sweating it out and praying for a Perry resurgence while the GOP minions frantically push up the early primary dates.
So Cain becomes Romney's VP.. All numbers are pointing to that. What will happen to the Hispanic vote and Rubio? Obama should chuck old man Biden and put Rubio on his ticket.
I wonder why Bachmann hasn't caught fire? She's a genuine conservative, very well informed, experienced in how Washington works and most important of all, fearless. Could it be the average yurtz can't get past the fact that she's a small statured female? Yup.
Cain wins 43%? Well, gee, that would be helpful if there was a big credible third party challenge on the left, huh?
It has to be repeated: In the last election cycle, we castigated Barack Obama as a candidate with no experience, and boldly insisted that his color didn't make up for his lack of credentials. Experience matters, we said. And it still does! Applying that standard even-handedly—as we must if we have a shred of intellectual honesty—dooms Cain, because while business experience can substitute for political experience, Godfathers is a minnow.
Could it be the average yurtz can't get past the fact that she's a small statured female? Yup.
That's not my problem with her at all. The comment like turning 9-9-9 upside down, however snarky she meant it, is indicative of the "yeeuch" factor for me. But what do I know? I'm just an average yurtz.
Yeah. It is interesting how you'll hear critiques of the various Republican contenders that seem to assume that he'd be running against a faultless, popular incumbent.
When an incumbent is popular, it's true. A challenger would have to be perfect -- beyond perfect -- to have any chance of winning.
But we're not looking at a popular incumbent, nor one whose popularity is trending up, either.
This Cain thing is right in line with what I predicted when Obama won: that we had seen our last white male president.
In liberal society, once someone other than a white male occupies a highly symbolic leadership position, that position "belongs" to non-whites/women. To have a white man occupy the position would be "reactionary", would be "going backwards". "Progress" is defined as white men disappearing from positions of symbolic leadership.
Example: there has not been a white Secretary of State since Warren Christopher in 1996. We've had white women, a black man, and a black woman. In such a highly visible position we will never have a white man again as long as liberalism is tha prevailing political culture, as it is in all of the West. The only exception might be a white male progressive who is suitably contemptuous of white men.
Example: the Superintendent of any school district with a significant non-white population. It must always be a non-white, or at most a white woman. A white man could not possibly understand the "unique needs" of non-whites.
And now with Obama, the Presidency. From now on it will be blacks, hispanics, and white women.
This will continue until liberalism (the idea that all human beings are equal, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, etc) is expunged. I predict it will happen when the oppression of white men reaches the level that it has in South Africa, or when the country is invaded by a stronger society not hamstrung by egalitarian racial and gender nonsense.
Example: the Superintendent of any school district with a significant non-white population. It must always be a non-white, or at most a white woman. A white man could not possibly understand the "unique needs" of non-whites.
I am not sure what you mean by 'significant', but Madison has a white male Super.
And: does Madison have 35 or 40 percent or more non-whites? My point on school supers applies only to districts with significant non-white populations.
Madison Man: If the students in Madison are 20% African American where are their parents? They are certainly not out protesting because I never see them in Althouse's photos. Could they be conservatives?
I don't know what "weenie" has to do with his progressivism.
I do not believe that a progressive hive like Madison, if it has more than 50% non-whites in the public schools, would choose anything but a progressive white male to lead the public school system. It's impossible he would be conservative; it's unlikely he would even be independent. I'm not going to spend time researching his political background but I would bet money he is plenty liberal.
That would make sense if all the candidates had the same goals. As it stands, the choice between Cain and Obama is the choice between a man who has extolled the practice of carpentry without ever nailing two pieces of wood together, and a man with a long and successful career as an arsonist.
* Dr. Steve Gallon, District Administrative Director — Miami/Dade Public Schools, Miami, Florida * Dr. James McIntyre, Chief Operating Officer — Boston Public Schools, Boston, Massachusetts * Dr. Daniel Nerad, Superintendent of Schools — Green Bay Area Public School District, Green Bay, Wisconsin
Adding anti-black to your anti-Jew stance, Jolly? Explain to us again how the majority of bankers/financiers are jews--say 75%--in urban areas the # may be higher.
(psst...I don't really think you're anti-black. Just anti-Semitic, homophobic, and basically just a bigot in general who usually can't be relied upon to string three correctly spelled words together)
Squat tard--that's not racism except to a dyslexic yokel such as yourself. Ive actually read the 999 hype and realize what BS it is---your little Caint hype here doesn't mean shit. He'll lose. As far as racism--lets check some of Cain's comments on hispanics (or yours and most of the Ahouse).
as with most teabugs you're just too stupid for politics, masonic trash.
One thing that is annoying is the assumption by many that Cain supporters do so because he is black. That is simply not the case.
I love Cain, Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice and Walter Williams and would even if they were white.
I firmly believe I would still be behind Cain if he were white. Cain is not an affirmative action candidate. Cain is able and the fact that he is black is just the cherry on top.
STL is not even close to Chicago in culture, food, music, long a list do you want?
You don't read entire comments other than your own, do you Jolly? If you do, that flaccid frontal lobe of yours doesn't have much in the way of short term.
By the way, please explain how the majority of bankers/financiers are jews--say 75%--in urban areas the # may be higher.
Oh, and this time, throw in your pathetic attempt to walk it back. Or are you going to double-down on stupid and lying...again?
Ah admitting you're a...homo, Scott? That was obvious--Larry Craig sort of GOPer. U go sistah!
IM not h-phobic in your ugly , cheap quasi-PC jargon--opposed 8 in CA. You just don't know fock about politics (or my views, or what I do), like most WASP idjuts
Ah the commenter known as J, rears his ugly head again, still playing checkers when the game is chess.
So as near as I can figure from J' spewings he doesnt like jews, gays, masons, mormons, or wiccans--The only thing I dont understand is the wiccan thing--they seem pretty OK to me, but clearly J's calculus is four bubbles off plumb.
Rather like Mr Obama who has managed to make Jimmy Carter look good, J has manage to rehabilitate Cedarford's image.
J: dude you continue to solidfy your image--nothing but insults which are now laughable. No orginality anymore. You got to up your game sonny. Its just pathetically trite. You just have to apply yourself when your mommy gets up up from your nappy poo.
Puercos? you mean puerco? Continued illiteracy in a least three languages. Try harder dude. Take another lithium hit and increase your Ritalin
Hey now, leave “J” alone…how many of us are illiterate in three languages? I’m off to my urban synagogue credit union, my Rabbi/Financier Mordechai Goldstein is the best! Anyone have some shekels they wish to invest with us?
Cain has experience as a telemetry specialist with the Navy, then went to work for Coke, followed by Pillsbury. Coke & Pillsbury are not "minnows" -- whatever that is supposed to mean. Cain worked for two of the largest brands in America, which experience led him to be a trouble shooter for Burger King (owned by Pillsbury) and Godfather's (owned by Pillsbury). His experience at Godfathers showed him it was undervalued and he led a leveraged buyout from Pillsbury with his management team. After that he was a regional Fed chairman. Yeah, that stacks up so well against the mighty "community organizer" and "just got to the Senate" resume of Mr. Obama. Better yet, Cain is unflappable and as we've learned over the course of Obama's failure to sell healthcare or any of his "jobs" bills, the President is very flappable. All we need to do is coax out his peevish, professorial side during a few debates before America has seen enough. Assuming, there are American's left who HAVEN'T seen enough of Obama yet.
Follow-up note: I don't expect an answer, becuase it would require you to address your obvious bias when reporting polls. Especially with Rasmussen, which is known to be particularly inaccurate.
AJ Lynch said... Jeez, these candidates will present a huge dilemma for Cedarford.
=============== Not really. I like Herman Cain, Alan Keyes in one of his more lucid moments, and Larry Elder. I thought Condi Rice was qualified for her position - though the Cheney and Rumsfeld memoirs show she was in way over her head.
My objections are to brain-dead conservatives that think it is "genius" to advocate barring white men from office when you could select a black or a female with less, even inadequate qualifications to:
1. Make MSM and liberals heads explode! 2. Lose, but really send a message. 3. Harebrained belief that running Keyes against Obama would "surely split the black vote"! Or "Our Sarah!!" will sweep up all the woman's votes.
With Herman Cain, you have a darker Pat Buchanan, without Buchanan's 'inside the White House years'. Talkshow personality, no elected office experience. Executive experience ended in 1996 when his Board asked him to step down. Not qualified for office of the President, not in this gadawful mess. A lesser spot, perhaps. I think Cain is smart and probably can do an excellent job in a less demanding position, commensurate with his talent and lack of experience.
The new stupid in conservatism? Those that see pretending to elevate blacks and females above loathsome white males in an effort to do affirmative action ju-jitsu on the opposition. All they end up doing is buying into affirmative action and further legitimating it. Especially when joined with the new stupid in Tea Party - "send Joe the Plumber to the White House, or better a black version!! - He may lose, but boy, nominating him would sure send a message to Obama at his 2nd Inauguration!"
Rasmussen is actually known for accurate predictions of election results.
That's why you'll see whichever candidate/party isn't polling well claim that Rasmussen is inaccurate.
I don't believe Rasmussen's polls are generally interested in the positions and opinions of the "public", but rather in the positions and opinions of voters. His methodology has, at least until now, proven to be quite good at determining who the voters are.
He may lose, but boy, nominating him would sure send a message to Obama at his 2nd Inauguration!"
Seems like you were striking roughly the same tone just before Nov 4 2010, C4. My money's on control of both houses, if not a filibuster-proof Senate, and the White House regardless of who the GOP runs.
Ah the commenter known as J, rears his ugly head again, still playing checkers when the game is chess.
Oh, is that what he's doing? And here all this time I thought he was just some filthy little faggot busy sucking his own shit off some other faggot's dick.
The genius of Cain's plan is that even though everybody will be paying taxes, and even though the poor will pay more, they should still have more money to work with because businesses will be able to lower their prices commensurate with their lower 9% corporate tax rate. Of course the overall success of the plan is contingent on significantly reduced government spending, and even more importantly, significant reductions in regulations, which will enable even further reductions in prices along with increased production, business expansion, and hiring.
The more I mull this plan over in my head the better I like it, though it certainly has its warts and flaws.
Any reason you don't mention the MSNBC/Wall Street Journal Poll that came out on Friday which had Cain losing to Obama by 11%?
10/17/11 2:26 PM Chris said... Follow-up note: I don't expect an answer, becuase it would require you to address your obvious bias when reporting polls. Especially with Rasmussen, which is known to be particularly inaccurate.
10/17/11 2:29 PM
Althouse is using a respected, accurate pollster and you are quoting a house organ of the democrat-communist party. And no, do not confuse the WSJ opinion section with the reportage. If it MSNBC its nothing but commie crap.MSNBC is to legitimate news what a turd is to the milk tank.
A boxing championship fight between a heavy weight and a bantam weight!
Half a league, half a league, Half a league onward, All in the valley of Death Rode the six hundred. "Forward the Light Brigade! Charge for the guns!" he said. Into the valley of Death Rode the six hundred.
Forward, the Light Brigade!" Was there a man dismay'd? Not tho' the soldier knew Some one had blunder'd. Theirs not to make reply, Theirs not to reason why, Theirs but to do and die. Into the valley of Death Rode the six hundred.
Negroes to right of them, Negroes to left of them, Negroes in front of them Volley'd and thunder'd; Storm'd at with shot and shell, Boldly they rode and well, Into the jaws of Death, Into the mouth of hell Rode the six hundred.
Its going to be a very entertaining election season, particularly watching the progressives going down in flames. Fasten your sealt belts boys, its gonna be a bumpy night.
Hey J: douche bag. As we quakers say: fuck thee. You just are not doing the insults better asshole--you insult handbook has gotten past the see spot run part?
J: you are trolling for tuna--you always rise to the bait. But bring it on dude. Your insults dont have the zing they used to--you have become a caricature.
get enough of those black pieces down to the last row, and death can crown them.
There are a few men who have as much Presidential experience as Obama.
It would be political suicide for POTUS to run on his experience. It will be political failure in any regard, but that would turn the win into a landslide.
Ah jay--you looked up your thesaurus insults--is that the best you can come up with? gotta tell you son--you look weaker and weaker with every post.
You really do have to try harder--there's no zing in them and you like a pathetic asshole. But keep cranking them out but put the handbook down and deal the insults from the heart man--they may sound better than the shit you are spewing.
Im here to point out the errors and injustice of TP-GOP policies.
Although, curiously, you fail to defend yourself when challenged when you're factually incorrect. I suppose all that time spent being a published author and professional editor doesn't leave you much extra for writing coherent arguments or spelling words correctly.
It would be political suicide for POTUS to run on his experience. It will be political failure in any regard, but that would turn the win into a landslide.
I agree. My point is that to compare Cain of 2012 to Obama of 2008 ignores reality. Are people really not aware that Obama was elected President in 2008 and has been serving since '09?
Simply stated J is a fucking idiot. that Ms Althouse hasnt banned him is testament to her dovotion to free speech (except for the N work which seems to give her the vapors)
As for J, I love fucking with him, as its more fun than pulling the wings off of flys.
Come on J: give me your best shot dude.
(did I mention I dont have a tee time until 5;30 so my fuck with J time is limited)
Mad Man--do really believe Mr Obama's policy positions as POTUS have reflected well on him? Of course he has been POTUS since Jan 2009--but it appears to me he has a reverse Midas Touch--occupying the position means he has longevity in the seat--it doesnt mean he has learned anything.
I'm beginning to think O is a super secret republican dirty ops operation operative. No one by accident can be so wrong so consistently. He has to be a republican Manchurian Candidate, an agent of such fiendish cleverness that even the democrats are fooled as part of an operation to collapse the democrats for the next 40 years.
cuban bob: did I say that: I mean I could have--did I tell you I was medio cubano? dad born in Havana and family was in the cigar industry and based in Ybor city.
Roger J. said... cuban bob: did I say that: I mean I could have--did I tell you I was medio cubano? dad born in Havana and family was in the cigar industry and based in Ybor city.
I am waiting for cuba to open up so I can visit.
Unfortunately we have been waiting since 1959 for Cuba to open up. Fidel is 85, hopefully he will kick the bucket in the next five years.
When Cuba opens up, I am flying immediately to buy a beach front home in Varadero Beach. Endless white sugar sand beach with a good breeze while I relax with my fine cigar after a delightful lunch of cold lobster chunks and shrimp and afterward sipping a really good aniejo rum along with mi cafecito y tabaco.
I remember as a little kid watching giant manta rays leap out of the ocean and the sand that glistened for miles and the water so clear you could see the fish.
I wish Castro would just hurry up and die along with his brother Raul and his illegitimate son Hugo Chavez so both Cuba and Venezuela can finally progress again. Besides I ain't getting younger and I want to enjoy my vacation home ASAP. Heck if Obama and the democrat-comunists don't further destroy the economy (and hence my business) I might be able to have two vacation homes, one in varadero beach and one in North Carolina, NC for the summer and fall for the leaf turning and Cuba for the winter. One can dream.
sorepaw said... If it comes down to that, Obama vs. Herman Cain for President, 2012, will not much resemble Obama vs. Alan Keyes for US Senator from Illinois, 2004.
Obama finally has a widely known track record.
And Cain is a very different candidate from Keyes.
10/17/11 4:53 PM
Even Alan Keyes has a chance this coming election. Now if the republicans want blow the brains out the democrats can you imagine a Cain/Col. Alan West line up against Obama/Biden or whatever other fool Obama replaces Biden with?
cubanbob - Now if the republicans want blow the brains out the democrats can you imagine a Cain/Col. Alan West line up against Obama/Biden or whatever other fool Obama replaces Biden with?
Yes! Wouldn't want to sully the ticket with a hint of white or hispanic and undermine the moral authority that Republicans get by going solely black!
Why not Condi, if you are trying to play affirmative action ju-jitsu and make "liberal's heads explode!!" Black, female, AND gay!
That way right-wing morons would not only lose but serve to make affirmative action permanent. Talk about a Party of Stupid!!
I suppose like perky Christine O'Donnell, Sharron Angle, and Alan Keyes - It Would Sure Send a Message!! to Obama, the Democrats, and the next 3 Supreme Court Justices Obama and Goldman Sachs put in to replace Ginsburg, Scalia, and Kennedy.
Cuban Bob--I also have a place in the Bahamas, and I can tell you the the Bahamian is scared shitless when Cuba opens up--all the expatriates will be moving to Cuba which is a beautiful country.
It will kill the Bahamanian tourist industry: Me? going for a place on the Isle of Pines which is one of the best bonefishing flats in the world
Ropa vieja, vaca frita, platanos maduras, and frijoles negros for days. :)
So is Cain benefiting from the MSM conspiracy to deny the nomination to Romney? Or is Romney the guy the MSM really wants nominated, and Cain has thrown them off their plans?
Cedarford said... cubanbob - Now if the republicans want blow the brains out the democrats can you imagine a Cain/Col. Alan West line up against Obama/Biden or whatever other fool Obama replaces Biden with?
Negrophobia aside, whats the problem with two conservatives that happen to be black? It isn't going to be a permanent condition. So relax. So far I would rather take a shot with someone who comes reasonably close to being a real fiscal conservative than a RINO who I know that is going to be a wuss on cutting spending and taxes.
Roger J. said... Cuban Bob--I also have a place in the Bahamas, and I can tell you the the Bahamian is scared shitless when Cuba opens up--all the expatriates will be moving to Cuba which is a beautiful country.
It will kill the Bahamanian tourist industry: Me? going for a place on the Isle of Pines which is one of the best bonefishing flats in the world
Ropa vieja, vaca frita, platanos maduras, and frijoles negros for days. :)
10/17/11 6:09 PM
Would also put the hurt on Puerto Rico and the DR.
Ropa vieja with rice and beans is wonderful but a bit heavy if you want to go fishing. Save it for dinner or for a nice siesta. Goes good with a nice Rioja.
There are a few men who have as much Presidential experience as Obama. One of them is eligible, per the Constitution, and I don't think he's running.
Actually, two of them are eligible. If George H.W. Bush were twenty years younger and inclined to run, Obama would be pissing his sharp-creased pants in fear.
But people on the left don't like to remind voters about the other eligible ex-president, the one who not only was one of our five worst presidents but who has shaped up as possibly the worst ex-president in our nation's history. Ladies and gentlemen, I present ... James Earl "Jimmy" Carter, Jr.!
C'mon, Jimmah! All those "Progressives" out there want an alternative to Barack Obama, now that the Lightworker has proven to be as bright as a dead firefly. Run, Jimmah! Run!
"I know what I’m about to say is impolite, but Herman Cain strikes me as something of a jerk and an ignoramus. He has made absolutely outrageous statements about Muslims, immigrants and homosexuals; he takes the most extreme position imaginable on abortion. Indeed, I have never, ever seen him acknowledge the idea that complexity exists in the world…or that an ability to weed through complex issues might be a qualification for the presidency."---Joe Klein.
My expectationb is that most all commenters here detest Joe Klein, they you know who he is. But I confess to wondering anyway, what people think of this paticular quotation?
A conservative could say the same thing about Obama, only of course we'd be called racist or insensitive. But it would be a hell of a lot more valid said about Obama than said about Cain. It would just be applied to the opposite end of the spectrum, to Obama's stupid leftist worldview.
But I can think of examples where Obama has openly acknowledged what Klein calls "complexity in the world." I bet you can, too. His words on abortion, actually, reflect this. Can you think of instances where Cain, since running for President, has acknowledged complexity? His speeches and interviews look to me like a list of, it's-all-so-very-simple-and-everyone-knows-it kind of solutions. Is there something about Cain I am missing, here?
Can you think of instances where Cain, since running for President, has acknowledged complexity? His speeches and interviews look to me like a list of, it's-all-so-very-simple-and-everyone-knows-it kind of solutions. Is there something about Cain I am missing, here?
No. It's precisely what the jerking knees here love about him. His is a mindset they share.
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१०७ टिप्पण्या:
Can you imagine the venom from the MSM and Dems if it were a Cain/Rice ticket?
Cain is Able.
You realize that you sound like a campaign staffer. Cain for President! Cain for President!
That's got to smart.
Cue the next Hitler's bunker video:
"Nein! Nein! Nein!"
Our black guy is better than your black guy!
It's too late. The opportunity to demean and slander the Pizza Joker before his talents became known has missed him. The Psalm 91 force is active in him.
Romney is sweating it out and praying for a Perry resurgence while the GOP minions frantically push up the early primary dates.
But Romney's arrows will miss too.
Jeez, these candidates will present a huge dilemma for Cedarford.
Our black guy is better than your black guy!
So you want to raise taxes on the middle and lower classes to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy in this country?
That is the 9-9-9 plan.
If this is the plan/message, Cain will lose...
Our black guy is BLACKER than your black guy, which makes him better.
So you want to raise taxes on the middle and lower classes to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy in this country?
Or we could just raise taxes on all of the quarter-millionaires!
I've been out of touch for a while. What about this Perry fellow from Texas?
That is the 9-9-9 plan.
What about this Perry fellow from Texas?
His staff makes excellent commercials.
I was listening to some radio pundits last night while driving around, and as they talked about Cain's weaknesses, something kept hitting me...
But he'd be running against OBAMA!
There wasn't one thing they mentioned, where Obama wouldn't score lower.
Interesting times.
Happiness is never having to admit that you were wrong.
The next 12 months or so should be quite interesting.
wv - eatized
So Cain becomes Romney's VP.. All numbers are pointing to that. What will happen to the Hispanic vote and Rubio? Obama should chuck old man Biden and put Rubio on his ticket.
I wonder why Bachmann hasn't caught fire? She's a genuine conservative, very well informed, experienced in how Washington works and most important of all, fearless. Could it be the average yurtz can't get past the fact that she's a small statured female? Yup.
Didn't Herman say at one point, "Send a real black man to Washington"?
I love it!
BarryD said...
I was listening to some radio pundits last night while driving around, and as they talked about Cain's weaknesses, something kept hitting me...
But he'd be running against OBAMA!
There wasn't one thing they mentioned, where Obama wouldn't score lower.
And he's doing so well, too. Rasmussen's Approval Index has him in the -20s again.
Not to mention the fact there's all these big states where GodZero's approval is in the tank.
VA 40
FL 39
NV 42
NC 40
NM 46
IN 42
CO 44
NJ 44
PA 36
OH 46
NY 35
CA 46
CT 48
WV 28
Cain wins 43%? Well, gee, that would be helpful if there was a big credible third party challenge on the left, huh?
It has to be repeated: In the last election cycle, we castigated Barack Obama as a candidate with no experience, and boldly insisted that his color didn't make up for his lack of credentials. Experience matters, we said. And it still does! Applying that standard even-handedly—as we must if we have a shred of intellectual honesty—dooms Cain, because while business experience can substitute for political experience, Godfathers is a minnow.
Could it be the average yurtz can't get past the fact that she's a small statured female? Yup.
That's not my problem with her at all. The comment like turning 9-9-9 upside down, however snarky she meant it, is indicative of the "yeeuch" factor for me. But what do I know? I'm just an average yurtz.
Curse those racist conservatives, voting for somebody to unseat a Black President and all...
Yeah. It is interesting how you'll hear critiques of the various Republican contenders that seem to assume that he'd be running against a faultless, popular incumbent.
When an incumbent is popular, it's true. A challenger would have to be perfect -- beyond perfect -- to have any chance of winning.
But we're not looking at a popular incumbent, nor one whose popularity is trending up, either.
This Cain thing is right in line with what I predicted when Obama won: that we had seen our last white male president.
In liberal society, once someone other than a white male occupies a highly symbolic leadership position, that position "belongs" to non-whites/women. To have a white man occupy the position would be "reactionary", would be "going backwards". "Progress" is defined as white men disappearing from positions of symbolic leadership.
Example: there has not been a white Secretary of State since Warren Christopher in 1996. We've had white women, a black man, and a black woman. In such a highly visible position we will never have a white man again as long as liberalism is tha prevailing political culture, as it is in all of the West. The only exception might be a white male progressive who is suitably contemptuous of white men.
Example: the Superintendent of any school district with a significant non-white population. It must always be a non-white, or at most a white woman. A white man could not possibly understand the "unique needs" of non-whites.
And now with Obama, the Presidency. From now on it will be blacks, hispanics, and white women.
This will continue until liberalism (the idea that all human beings are equal, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, etc) is expunged. I predict it will happen when the oppression of white men reaches the level that it has in South Africa, or when the country is invaded by a stronger society not hamstrung by egalitarian racial and gender nonsense.
Example: the Superintendent of any school district with a significant non-white population. It must always be a non-white, or at most a white woman. A white man could not possibly understand the "unique needs" of non-whites.
I am not sure what you mean by 'significant', but Madison has a white male Super.
And I'll bet he is as progressive a white male as they come, right?
I said the only acceptable white males are those who are highly, visibly committed to liberalism, to destroying the power of white men.
And: does Madison have 35 or 40 percent or more non-whites? My point on school supers applies only to districts with significant non-white populations.
He's actually kind of a weenie. I don't think I'd call him progressive.
Near as I can tell, Madison schools are a little less than 1/2 white, about 20% black, almost 1/3rd hispanic, a 1/10th Asian.
(which I would call significant)
Sorry to break your theory with, you know, data.
Madison Man: If the students in Madison are 20% African American where are their parents? They are certainly not out protesting because I never see them in Althouse's photos. Could they be conservatives?
I don't know what "weenie" has to do with his progressivism.
I do not believe that a progressive hive like Madison, if it has more than 50% non-whites in the public schools, would choose anything but a progressive white male to lead the public school system. It's impossible he would be conservative; it's unlikely he would even be independent. I'm not going to spend time researching his political background but I would bet money he is plenty liberal.
Experience matters, we said. And it still does!
That would make sense if all the candidates had the same goals. As it stands, the choice between Cain and Obama is the choice between a man who has extolled the practice of carpentry without ever nailing two pieces of wood together, and a man with a long and successful career as an arsonist.
OK I see the Madison Metropolitan School District is 55% non-white.
I also see the the President of the School Board is a black man.
The other members of the school board are five white women.
And one token white man.
The 3 finalists when Nerad was hired:
* Dr. Steve Gallon, District Administrative Director — Miami/Dade Public Schools, Miami, Florida
* Dr. James McIntyre, Chief Operating Officer — Boston Public Schools, Boston, Massachusetts
* Dr. Daniel Nerad, Superintendent of Schools — Green Bay Area Public School District, Green Bay, Wisconsin
Two were white, one was black.
His quack-economic plans make Ron Paul seem like a level-headed moderate.
Which one do I vote for to prove I'm not a racist?
Adding anti-black to your anti-Jew stance, Jolly? Explain to us again how the majority of bankers/financiers are jews--say 75%--in urban areas the # may be higher.
(psst...I don't really think you're anti-black. Just anti-Semitic, homophobic, and basically just a bigot in general who usually can't be relied upon to string three correctly spelled words together)
Squat tard--that's not racism except to a dyslexic yokel such as yourself. Ive actually read the 999 hype and realize what BS it is---your little Caint hype here doesn't mean shit. He'll lose. As far as racism--lets check some of Cain's comments on hispanics (or yours and most of the Ahouse).
as with most teabugs you're just too stupid for politics, masonic trash.
One thing that is annoying is the assumption by many that Cain supporters do so because he is black. That is simply not the case.
I love Cain, Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice and Walter Williams and would even if they were white.
I firmly believe I would still be behind Cain if he were white. Cain is not an affirmative action candidate. Cain is able and the fact that he is black is just the cherry on top.
STL is not even close to Chicago in culture, food, music, long a list do you want?
You don't read entire comments other than your own, do you Jolly? If you do, that flaccid frontal lobe of yours doesn't have much in the way of short term.
By the way, please explain how the majority of bankers/financiers are jews--say 75%--in urban areas the # may be higher.
Oh, and this time, throw in your pathetic attempt to walk it back. Or are you going to double-down on stupid and lying...again?
Ah admitting you're a...homo, Scott? That was obvious--Larry Craig sort of GOPer. U go sistah!
IM not h-phobic in your ugly , cheap quasi-PC jargon--opposed 8 in CA. You just don't know fock about politics (or my views, or what I do), like most WASP idjuts
or what I do
Well, we know you can bench 450.
the majority of bankers/financiers are jews--say 75%--in urban areas the # may be higher.
Scary, huh hayseed. Thats a claim which can be verified, and has. Not Hitler-ish at all except to a little bag of emotional shit like you.
Ah the commenter known as J, rears his ugly head again, still playing checkers when the game is chess.
So as near as I can figure from J' spewings he doesnt like jews, gays, masons, mormons, or wiccans--The only thing I dont understand is the wiccan thing--they seem pretty OK to me, but clearly J's calculus is four bubbles off plumb.
Rather like Mr Obama who has managed to make Jimmy Carter look good, J has manage to rehabilitate Cedarford's image.
Hey little satanist--lets see yr GRE scores, fag
"IM not h-phobic"
Nope, just another gay-baiting lefty, who's not h-phobic. (Geez, hate to think what you'd write if you *were* h-phobic.)
Scary, huh hayseed. Thats a claim which can be verified, and has.
Ah. Doubling down on stupid AND lying. Awesome.
Im playing chess Roger J. You're just too stupid to know when youve been checkmated.And yeah don't care white trash masons. Sry way it is, puercos
J: dude you continue to solidfy your image--nothing but insults which are now laughable. No orginality anymore. You got to up your game sonny. Its just pathetically trite. You just have to apply yourself when your mommy gets up up from your nappy poo.
Puercos? you mean puerco?
Continued illiteracy in a least three languages. Try harder dude. Take another lithium hit and increase your ritalin.
The new superintendent of schools in New Orleans is a white man. He's even named John White.
Tone of News Coverage for all candidates. Only 9% Of President Obama’s News Coverage Positive.
Perry - 32% positive
Cain - 28%
Romney - 26%
Obama - 9%
So much for the 'liberal' media.
"You just don't know fock about politics (or my views, or what I do)"
Spoken like a true knuckle-dragging mouth-breathing parasite.
You, like the others, will be used for traction.
The black flag awaits.
Dont Tread: far to slippery for traction without a liberal application of sand
@Dont Tread
Yeah, I figure that given his/her penchant for deciding what other people do and/or believe, he/she has finally jumped the shark with that comment.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Puercos? you mean puerco?
Continued illiteracy in a least three languages. Try harder dude. Take another lithium hit and increase your Ritalin
Hey now, leave “J” alone…how many of us are illiterate in three languages? I’m off to my urban synagogue credit union, my Rabbi/Financier Mordechai Goldstein is the best! Anyone have some shekels they wish to invest with us?
Simon said, "Godfather's is a minnow."
Cain has experience as a telemetry specialist with the Navy, then went to work for Coke, followed by Pillsbury. Coke & Pillsbury are not "minnows" -- whatever that is supposed to mean. Cain worked for two of the largest brands in America, which experience led him to be a trouble shooter for Burger King (owned by Pillsbury) and Godfather's (owned by Pillsbury).
His experience at Godfathers showed him it was undervalued and he led a leveraged buyout from Pillsbury with his management team. After that he was a regional Fed chairman.
Yeah, that stacks up so well against the mighty "community organizer" and "just got to the Senate" resume of Mr. Obama.
Better yet, Cain is unflappable and as we've learned over the course of Obama's failure to sell healthcare or any of his "jobs" bills, the President is very flappable. All we need to do is coax out his peevish, professorial side during a few debates before America has seen enough. Assuming, there are American's left who HAVEN'T seen enough of Obama yet.
Any reason you don't mention the MSNBC/Wall Street Journal Poll that came out on Friday which had Cain losing to Obama by 11%?
Follow-up note:
I don't expect an answer, becuase it would require you to address your obvious bias when reporting polls. Especially with Rasmussen, which is known to be particularly inaccurate.
Especially with Rasmussen, which is known to be particularly inaccurate.
Correct: Republicans consistently outperform Rasmussen.
Wait, that's not what you meant?
AJ Lynch said...
Jeez, these candidates will present a huge dilemma for Cedarford.
Not really. I like Herman Cain, Alan Keyes in one of his more lucid moments, and Larry Elder. I thought Condi Rice was qualified for her position - though the Cheney and Rumsfeld memoirs show she was in way over her head.
My objections are to brain-dead conservatives that think it is "genius" to advocate barring white men from office when you could select a black or a female with less, even inadequate qualifications to:
1. Make MSM and liberals heads explode!
2. Lose, but really send a message.
3. Harebrained belief that running Keyes against Obama would "surely split the black vote"! Or "Our Sarah!!" will sweep up all the woman's votes.
With Herman Cain, you have a darker Pat Buchanan, without Buchanan's 'inside the White House years'. Talkshow personality, no elected office experience. Executive experience ended in 1996 when his Board asked him to step down. Not qualified for office of the President, not in this gadawful mess. A lesser spot, perhaps. I think Cain is smart and probably can do an excellent job in a less demanding position, commensurate with his talent and lack of experience.
The new stupid in conservatism?
Those that see pretending to elevate blacks and females above loathsome white males in an effort to do affirmative action ju-jitsu on the opposition.
All they end up doing is buying into affirmative action and further legitimating it.
Especially when joined with the new stupid in Tea Party - "send Joe the Plumber to the White House, or better a black version!! - He may lose, but boy, nominating him would sure send a message to Obama at his 2nd Inauguration!"
Rasmussen is actually known for accurate predictions of election results.
That's why you'll see whichever candidate/party isn't polling well claim that Rasmussen is inaccurate.
I don't believe Rasmussen's polls are generally interested in the positions and opinions of the "public", but rather in the positions and opinions of voters. His methodology has, at least until now, proven to be quite good at determining who the voters are.
He may lose, but boy, nominating him would sure send a message to Obama at his 2nd Inauguration!"
Seems like you were striking roughly the same tone just before Nov 4 2010, C4. My money's on control of both houses, if not a filibuster-proof Senate, and the White House regardless of who the GOP runs.
Roger J
Ah the commenter known as J, rears his ugly head again, still playing checkers when the game is chess.
Oh, is that what he's doing? And here all this time I thought he was just some filthy little faggot busy sucking his own shit off some other faggot's dick.
Roger J
J: You got to up your game sonny. Its just pathetically trite. You just have to apply yourself when your mommy gets up up from your nappy poo.
Of course when she does get him "up" you have to allow for a few extra minutes of cuddle time.
It's only because voters think they will get free pizza.
The genius of Cain's plan is that even though everybody will be paying taxes, and even though the poor will pay more, they should still have more money to work with because businesses will be able to lower their prices commensurate with their lower 9% corporate tax rate. Of course the overall success of the plan is contingent on significantly reduced government spending, and even more importantly, significant reductions in regulations, which will enable even further reductions in prices along with increased production, business expansion, and hiring.
The more I mull this plan over in my head the better I like it, though it certainly has its warts and flaws.
Chris said...
Any reason you don't mention the MSNBC/Wall Street Journal Poll that came out on Friday which had Cain losing to Obama by 11%?
10/17/11 2:26 PM
Chris said...
Follow-up note:
I don't expect an answer, becuase it would require you to address your obvious bias when reporting polls. Especially with Rasmussen, which is known to be particularly inaccurate.
10/17/11 2:29 PM
Althouse is using a respected, accurate pollster and you are quoting a house organ of the democrat-communist party. And no, do not confuse the WSJ opinion section with the reportage. If it MSNBC its nothing but commie crap.MSNBC is to legitimate news what a turd is to the milk tank.
Cain versus Obama!
A political/racial subway series!
A boxing championship fight between a heavy weight and a bantam weight!
Half a league, half a league,
Half a league onward,
All in the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
"Forward the Light Brigade!
Charge for the guns!" he said.
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
Forward, the Light Brigade!"
Was there a man dismay'd?
Not tho' the soldier knew
Some one had blunder'd.
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die.
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
Negroes to right of them,
Negroes to left of them,
Negroes in front of them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of hell
Rode the six hundred.
Its going to be a very entertaining election season, particularly watching the progressives going down in flames. Fasten your sealt belts boys, its gonna be a bumpy night.
You don't write Roger J, Joejoe, squattard,etc--you grunt, like swine. The A-house usual.
Cuban Bob: great transliteratin of Alfred Lord Tennyson (and I did spell that right but forgive me)
No, that's you Pagan, and yr boy Billy Bob--your faggot son, Pagan, aka Byro Mort, crowley filth. Heh heh.
Hey J: douche bag. As we quakers say: fuck thee. You just are not doing the insults better asshole--you insult handbook has gotten past the see spot run part?
J: you are trolling for tuna--you always rise to the bait. But bring it on dude. Your insults dont have the zing they used to--you have become a caricature.
get enough of those black pieces down to the last row, and death can crown them.
Yeah, that stacks up so well against the mighty "community organizer" and "just got to the Senate" resume of Mr. Obama.
Is Cain traveling back in time to run against Obama in 2008?
There are a few men who have as much Presidential experience as Obama. One of them is eligible, per the Constitution, and I don't think he's running.
Lets ask "Pagan" boy aka Byro about...his mummy Barbara, now dead nearly 20 years.
What happened to her, wicca swine? one's quite sure. Mysterious death...and her sonny Byro the only one present. More to come!
Mad Man: its not clear from demonstrated performance that Mr Obama could find his way out of the white house bathroom
There are a few men who have as much Presidential experience as Obama.
It would be political suicide for POTUS to run on his experience. It will be political failure in any regard, but that would turn the win into a landslide.
Not here for some fratboy kicks Roger Retard .You're no Kelsey Grammer-like wit anyways--you're just another teabug-yokel
Im here to point out the errors and injustice of TP-GOP policies. (And .to mock swine like you, Squattard, and Byro the occultist queer)
I fear J is past simple prayers, maybe a novena to help him purge his demons.
Ah jay--you looked up your thesaurus insults--is that the best you can come up with? gotta tell you son--you look weaker and weaker with every post.
You really do have to try harder--there's no zing in them and you like a pathetic asshole. But keep cranking them out but put the handbook down and deal the insults from the heart man--they may sound better than the shit you are spewing.
Im here to point out the errors and injustice of TP-GOP policies.
Although, curiously, you fail to defend yourself when challenged when you're factually incorrect. I suppose all that time spent being a published author and professional editor doesn't leave you much extra for writing coherent arguments or spelling words correctly.
It would be political suicide for POTUS to run on his experience. It will be political failure in any regard, but that would turn the win into a landslide.
I agree. My point is that to compare Cain of 2012 to Obama of 2008 ignores reality. Are people really not aware that Obama was elected President in 2008 and has been serving since '09?
Simply stated J is a fucking idiot.
that Ms Althouse hasnt banned him is testament to her dovotion to free speech (except for the N work which seems to give her the vapors)
As for J, I love fucking with him, as its more fun than pulling the wings off of flys.
Come on J: give me your best shot dude.
(did I mention I dont have a tee time until 5;30 so my fuck with J time is limited)
Mad Man--do really believe Mr Obama's policy positions as POTUS have reflected well on him? Of course he has been POTUS since Jan 2009--but it appears to me he has a reverse Midas Touch--occupying the position means he has longevity in the seat--it doesnt mean he has learned anything.
All those who think J should step out of the closet, unzip your pants and say "here, faggy faggy faggy."
Roger J. said...
I'm beginning to think O is a super secret republican dirty ops operation operative. No one by accident can be so wrong so consistently. He has to be a republican Manchurian Candidate, an agent of such fiendish cleverness that even the democrats are fooled as part of an operation to collapse the democrats for the next 40 years.
cuban bob: did I say that: I mean I could have--did I tell you I was medio cubano? dad born in Havana and family was in the cigar industry and based in Ybor city.
I am waiting for cuba to open up so I can visit.
Roger J. said...
cuban bob: did I say that: I mean I could have--did I tell you I was medio cubano? dad born in Havana and family was in the cigar industry and based in Ybor city.
I am waiting for cuba to open up so I can visit.
Unfortunately we have been waiting since 1959 for Cuba to open up. Fidel is 85, hopefully he will kick the bucket in the next five years.
When Cuba opens up, I am flying immediately to buy a beach front home in Varadero Beach. Endless white sugar sand beach with a good breeze while I relax with my fine cigar after a delightful lunch of cold lobster chunks and shrimp and afterward sipping a really good aniejo rum along with mi cafecito y tabaco.
I remember as a little kid watching giant manta rays leap out of the ocean and the sand that glistened for miles and the water so clear you could see the fish.
I wish Castro would just hurry up and die along with his brother Raul and his illegitimate son Hugo Chavez so both Cuba and Venezuela can finally progress again. Besides I ain't getting younger and I want to enjoy my vacation home ASAP. Heck if Obama and the democrat-comunists don't further destroy the economy (and hence my business) I might be able to have two vacation homes, one in varadero beach and one in North Carolina, NC for the summer and fall for the leaf turning and Cuba for the winter. One can dream.
sorepaw said...
If it comes down to that, Obama vs. Herman Cain for President, 2012, will not much resemble Obama vs. Alan Keyes for US Senator from Illinois, 2004.
Obama finally has a widely known track record.
And Cain is a very different candidate from Keyes.
10/17/11 4:53 PM
Even Alan Keyes has a chance this coming election. Now if the republicans want blow the brains out the democrats can you imagine a Cain/Col. Alan West line up against Obama/Biden or whatever other fool Obama replaces Biden with?
cubanbob - Now if the republicans want blow the brains out the democrats can you imagine a Cain/Col. Alan West line up against Obama/Biden or whatever other fool Obama replaces Biden with?
Yes! Wouldn't want to sully the ticket with a hint of white or hispanic and undermine the moral authority that Republicans get by going solely black!
Why not Condi, if you are trying to play affirmative action ju-jitsu and make "liberal's heads explode!!" Black, female, AND gay!
That way right-wing morons would not only lose but serve to make affirmative action permanent. Talk about a Party of Stupid!!
I suppose like perky Christine O'Donnell, Sharron Angle, and Alan Keyes - It Would Sure Send a Message!! to Obama, the Democrats, and the next 3 Supreme Court Justices Obama and Goldman Sachs put in to replace Ginsburg, Scalia, and Kennedy.
Cuban Bob--I also have a place in the Bahamas, and I can tell you the the Bahamian is scared shitless when Cuba opens up--all the expatriates will be moving to Cuba which is a beautiful country.
It will kill the Bahamanian tourist industry: Me? going for a place on the Isle of Pines which is one of the best bonefishing flats in the world
Ropa vieja, vaca frita, platanos maduras, and frijoles negros for days. :)
So is Cain benefiting from the MSM conspiracy to deny the nomination to Romney? Or is Romney the guy the MSM really wants nominated, and Cain has thrown them off their plans?
Cedarford said...
cubanbob - Now if the republicans want blow the brains out the democrats can you imagine a Cain/Col. Alan West line up against Obama/Biden or whatever other fool Obama replaces Biden with?
Negrophobia aside, whats the problem with two conservatives that happen to be black? It isn't going to be a permanent condition. So relax. So far I would rather take a shot with someone who comes reasonably close to being a real fiscal conservative than a RINO who I know that is going to be a wuss on cutting spending and taxes.
Roger J. said...
Cuban Bob--I also have a place in the Bahamas, and I can tell you the the Bahamian is scared shitless when Cuba opens up--all the expatriates will be moving to Cuba which is a beautiful country.
It will kill the Bahamanian tourist industry: Me? going for a place on the Isle of Pines which is one of the best bonefishing flats in the world
Ropa vieja, vaca frita, platanos maduras, and frijoles negros for days. :)
10/17/11 6:09 PM
Would also put the hurt on Puerto Rico and the DR.
Ropa vieja with rice and beans is wonderful but a bit heavy if you want to go fishing. Save it for dinner or for a nice siesta. Goes good with a nice Rioja.
MadisonMan wrote:
There are a few men who have as much Presidential experience as Obama. One of them is eligible, per the Constitution, and I don't think he's running.
Actually, two of them are eligible. If George H.W. Bush were twenty years younger and inclined to run, Obama would be pissing his sharp-creased pants in fear.
But people on the left don't like to remind voters about the other eligible ex-president, the one who not only was one of our five worst presidents but who has shaped up as possibly the worst ex-president in our nation's history. Ladies and gentlemen, I present ... James Earl "Jimmy" Carter, Jr.!
C'mon, Jimmah! All those "Progressives" out there want an alternative to Barack Obama, now that the Lightworker has proven to be as bright as a dead firefly. Run, Jimmah! Run!
Better the devil you don't know.
@murgatroyd, actually the one I forgot was GHWB! The only thing I did with Carter was to make sure he was still alive, but I remembered him.
"I know what I’m about to say is impolite, but Herman Cain strikes me as something of a jerk and an ignoramus. He has made absolutely outrageous statements about Muslims, immigrants and homosexuals; he takes the most extreme position imaginable on abortion. Indeed, I have never, ever seen him acknowledge the idea that complexity exists in the world…or that an ability to weed through complex issues might be a qualification for the presidency."---Joe Klein.
My expectationb is that most all commenters here detest Joe Klein, they you know who he is. But I confess to wondering anyway, what people think of this paticular quotation?
A conservative could say the same thing about Obama, only of course we'd be called racist or insensitive. But it would be a hell of a lot more valid said about Obama than said about Cain. It would just be applied to the opposite end of the spectrum, to Obama's stupid leftist worldview.
Pagan Temple:
But I can think of examples where Obama has openly acknowledged what Klein calls "complexity in the world." I bet you can, too. His words on abortion, actually, reflect this. Can you think of instances where Cain, since running for President, has acknowledged complexity? His speeches and interviews look to me like a list of, it's-all-so-very-simple-and-everyone-knows-it kind of solutions. Is there something about Cain I am missing, here?
Can you think of instances where Cain, since running for President, has acknowledged complexity? His speeches and interviews look to me like a list of, it's-all-so-very-simple-and-everyone-knows-it kind of solutions. Is there something about Cain I am missing, here?
No. It's precisely what the jerking knees here love about him. His is a mindset they share.
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