A neighboring hotel's staff alleged voiced [sic] concerns about having to recently escort hotel employees to and from bus stops late at night due to inappropriate behavior, such as public masturbation, from street protesters.Imagine paying for an expensive hotel right next to Madison's glamorous convention center and then not being able to walk alone from the hotel to the convention center.
२७ ऑक्टोबर, २०११
Public masturbation at Occupy Madison?
Here's a paragraph in a UW student newspaper story about the Occupy Madison protesters:
८२ टिप्पण्या:
This is what Democracy looks like.
That behavior is encouraged in Obamavilles...must not judge kiddies.
I knew it! I've been calling Madison Liberals wankers since February.
I'm not sure what's worse, continual drum beating or public penis beating. Maybe they're all one and the same. Dicks.
due to inappropriate behavior, such as public masturbation
What rule draws out inappropriate from a student newspaper.
It's political speech.
A comment on how we're being jerked off by "big banks" and rich people (like Meadthouse).
You all seem to be assuming the offenders are men. Sexists.
When these things happen, no one ever considers that perhaps he was doing it very well, and should be applauded. It's freakin art, you rubes. And it would even better if it was better subsidized, but noooo. The powerful 1%s don't like it. Damned Nazis.
"Back-Off, Jack-Off!--I'm wise to the rise in your Levis.."
Occupy Madison is relocating onto Olin Terrace until Monday when Freak Fest is over, and they can request a new permit for 30 on the Square.
How will anyone know that Freak Fest is over if the OM crowd moves in?
Also, why doesn't some enterprising Madisonian just request a permit for 30 on the Square to frustrate OM?
That's why it's always a good idea to bring your children to these protests.
"Look little Johnnie and Nancy, that's what a pervert looks like."
"Whose cock? MY cock!"
@t-man: If it were women doing the masturbating I'm sure that there would be accompanying titillating photographs. Ipso facto men.
Isn't a circle jerk a form of protest? Should we be surprised by this behavior from the protesters? Were females involved? We need more details.
Do you expect the protesters to care about or respect mere hotel workers? Working people are so much easier to care about in the abstract than in reality.
Has there been a drop in convention bookings after all that's gone on there this year?
Funny, I thought the entire Occupy _____ "movement" was public masturbation...
Pali wins.
I'm going home to sulk.
This "movement" is made up of rapists, paid protestors, and public masturbaters.
It is like, popular, you know!
That's no worse than the woman in NY who had a gallery set up so that she could give birth as a performance.
Beat your drum and beat your meat. Poop in a stairwell and cum on the street.
My girlfriend is amused at the posting. She is wondering what the final number of comments will total and if it will beat out (pardon my pun) the the total number of comments on other postings. Her presumption being most commenters to the lovely Ms. Althouse's site are men and men's fixation with...well never mind, she's getting obtuse now. And a bit too mirthful.
To paraphrase Dadvocate and echo Palladian:
Isn't a protest a form of circle jerk?
Working people are so much easier to care about in the abstract than in reality.
Occupy Wall Street kitchen staff protesting fixing food for freeloaders
"The Occupy Wall Street volunteer kitchen staff launched a “counter” revolution yesterday -- because they’re angry about working 18-hour days to provide food for “professional homeless” people and ex-cons masquerading as protesters.
For three days beginning tomorrow, the cooks will serve only brown rice and other spartan grub instead of the usual menu of organic chicken and vegetables, spaghetti bolognese, and roasted beet and sheep’s-milk-cheese salad."
Imagine paying for your apartment or house and not being able to sleep at night from all the drumming, not being able to step outside of your door without stepping over shit, urine and garbage, not being able to let your children outside, not being able to walk to your bus stop to go to work without being physically harassed.
Imagine that the law and powers that be, that YOU pay taxes to support, are unwilling to help you or to stop the harassment.
Now, imagine that you are sick of the entire thing and take matters into your own hands to protect yourself, your property and your family.
Imagine that.
they’re angry about working 18-hour days to provide food for “professional homeless” people and ex-cons masquerading as protesters.
Yet they have no problem with people working 18 hours days and having more tax money taken away to provide for more government.
Funny that, huh?
they’re angry about working 18-hour days to provide food for “professional homeless” people and ex-cons masquerading as protesters.
Wait...wait....I'm confused.
According to the sisty uglers Love and Mitocondria there are no criminal elements or fake protesters at these 'events'. Everyone is dedicated to the cause and there is no crime or any bad vibes at all.
Peace will rule the Planets And Love will rule the stars .....right?
Economic justice! Free tax payer subsidies for public masturbation. Damn those bankers.
"Imagine that."
The protesters are a bit like a bunch of kids in the back seat, waving their hands in the face of another kid, making silly faces, sounds, and being extremely annoying.
When told to stop, they say, "What?! I'm not touching him!"
That's precisely what the euphemism "nonviolent protester" is about in this case. Honestly I don't even know who they're protesting anymore. It's like they can't actually get themselves to protest their politicians, so they have these vague settings where they mostly annoy the real 99%.
As a former Anthropology major in college....eons ago....I find the social and tribal dynamics within the OWS groups fascinating.
While they protest whatever and profess to want to change society, they are creating in microcosm the same societal units and have the same problems, dynamics and internal issues as every society has.
The rebellion of the cooking staff, the drumming group, the finance committee. Next a police force.
All human societies eventually and inevitably fall into the same patterns and have the same group dynamics. No matter how 'different' the OWS types think they are, they are just repeating the same ingrained homo sapiens pattern of culture.
If I were a college professor in the Anthro field I would look at this movement as a wonderful opportunity for a study and assign it to my class.
It wasn't one of the protesters, it was one of the "homeless".
We all know the protesters come from good homes.
PS I stand by what I said yesterday. Every item like this is another 10,000 Republican votes next year.
That NY Post article is hilarious. These kids are bitching about doing work for nothing, in order to feed the homeless, while they are demanding that others give them more, for doing...nothing.
"Professional homeless." "They know what they are doing." If someone used those phrases at a meeting for homelessness advocates, they'd be run out of town.
I thought the protests would fall apart after a few days. But they are sticking together. Now I know why.
It really all depends on who was doing the masturbation.
If they were hot, then it would be hot.
If they were not hot, definitely not hot.
"What do we want!!?? A tissue! When do we want it?? Now!"
Imagine Dust Bunny having sex with her husband ewwww, she would rather engage her conservative friends here at Althouse.
She's such a nice warm loving kind of woman, her nature so sweet ,so kind, why she's the sugar of the earth. So representative of Althouse conservative commenters. She publicly jacks off her male friends here, joining in their circle of political erotica.
Dumb Bunny, I laughed my ass off yesterday when love so astutely said you were an unhappy mean spirited woman.she forgot to mention , self congratulatory rude bitch.
the address of the clinic where Scott is hospitalized so you can send your postcards to support him and his family through these difficult times:
USMC Scott Olsen
Highland Hospital
1411 East 31st Street
Oakland, CA 94602
Just imagine if the press covered OWS like they did the tea parties. Without a compliant press no democrat would ever be elected outside of San Fran, NY and Madison.
While they protest whatever and profess to want to change society, they are creating in microcosm the same societal units and have the same problems, dynamics and internal issues as every society has.
ONION: Marxists' Apartment A Microcosm Of Why Marxism Doesn't Work
So representative of Althouse conservative commenters. She publicly jacks off her male friends here, joining in their circle of political erotica.
Does whoever's face is in your picture know that you are associating these words with their face?
G said...
Beat your drum and beat your meat. Poop in a stairwell and cum on the street.
Mitochondri-Allie said...
Imagine Dust Bunny having sex with her husband ewwww, she would rather engage her conservative friends here at Althouse.
She's such a nice warm loving kind of woman, her nature so sweet ,so kind, why she's the sugar of the earth. So representative of Althouse conservative commenters. She publicly jacks off her male friends here, joining in their circle of political erotica.
Sounds like Jeremy with a sex change.
Mitochondri-Allie said...
Imagine Dust Bunny having sex with her husband ewwww, she would rather engage her conservative friends here at Althouse.
In other words, instead of trying to speak about a "movement" you can't explain or defend, you'll come here and fling poo and call names.
We get it. Trust me, we do.
This is what conservatives look like! Have fun in your jack off circle guys and gals.
The rebellion of the cooking staff, the drumming group, the finance committee. Next a police force
From the New York Post article linked above:
"A team of 10 security volunteers moved in to the trouble-prone southwest section of Zuccotti Park in a show of force to confront them."
"unhappy mean spirited woman...self congratulatory rude bitch"
Have you heard of the expression "pot calling the kettle black"?
Jesus, mitochondri. Where did all that bile come from?
Public masturbation at Occupy? Isn't that redundant?
(Superfriends Announcer Voice)
MEANwhile, over at Occupy Portland;
Organizers of Occupy Portland say they fear as much as $20,000 donated to the group through a PayPal account has disappeared.
They also say the group’s finance committee has hijacked the demonstration’s Internet domain name and filed for incorporation against the wishes of the group’s decision-making body.
Sounds like a faction inside staged a web and financial coup. The fact that they incorporated makes the irony layer cake simply too delicious not to enjoy.
Reality Bites indeed, but I think that was about Seattle.
"Does whoever's face is in your picture know that you are associating these words with their face?"
Better be careful, SK - remember, as the mother of a brave fighting woman, Allie has Ultimate Moral Authority. And is a Patriotic American. She told everyone so in her spittle-flecked flameout yesterday.
And honestly - public masturbation as a form of protest? Every time I think the left has hit bottom, they pull out the excavator and tunnel deeper.
Who would have guessed that they have trouble controlling their urges??
Have fun in your jack off circle guys and gals.
At least it's guys and gals.
Does this blog post pass the 3 part test for obscenity?
Whether "the average person, applying contemporary community standards", would find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest,
Whether the work depicts/describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct specifically defined by applicable state law,
Whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value.[3]
The truth is now out there...the occupiers are a collection of sexually frustrated loners, trying to beat their adversaries into submission.
oes this blog post pass the 3 part test for obscenity?
You forgot to remove the footnote reference from your copypasta.
The professor also inquired about how it might feel to pay for an expensive hotel room and yet not be able to get in or out without having to walk a gauntlet of occupiers.
It would not be a good experience.
The people working in the hotel are the very people with whom the occupiers profess "solidarity." They are the ones being harmed by any slowdown in business. Not that that would bother the occupiers.
I am so sad that you seek to demean those poor souls who are just speaking the truth to power.
If my son were alive he would be right there in the front line beating his meat for America!
Attention OWS'ers nationwide- Urgent bulletin... Operation "Occupy Disabled Vagina" has been uncovered in Ohio! Immediately deploy Plan B, "Occupy Your Palm"!
If any further proof was needed that these are indeed garage's peeps this is it.
Zizek said before OWS in NY that they could all have sex with animals, so why couldn't they have socialism?
new york said...
the address of the clinic where Scott is hospitalized so you can send your postcards to support him and his family through these difficult times:
USMC Scott Olsen
(Blah, Blah)
Sorry Cochise, but lots of Vets are out there and only one got knocked hard in the nogging battling police. And 1/2 to 2/3rds of the cops they were attacking happen to be Vets/Reservists as well.
That he is a Vet is of only minute interest. No doubt if it had been someone else we would have heard that Elise Thackery a puppy rescue worker and vegan soup kitchen volunteer - had been hit on the noggin.
Never a good idea to be part of a violent clash with cops. Shit happens. And no former Marine is addressed as USMC _______, anymore than a former AF person has letters addressed to him or her as USAF________.
"It's political speech."
If so, we're fortunate that First Amendment precedent permits government to restrict its time, place and manner.
Hey, even collectivists have to take care of the 'individual' every now and then.
Pasta, that bile came from a couple of weeks ago when the good Althouse folks here gave me hours worth of hate and bile regarding my daughter and her service in the military, because I sated she was a liberal and folks here didn't want to believe that it was true, no liberal would ever serve in the military.
Dust Bunny was so kind as to say what an hateful woman I was for defending my daughter. Turn around is a bitch.Love has Dust Bunny pegged , I find her as unlikeable as you folks probably find me, I really am not going to hold back in giving tit for tat anymore.You people do not lay fair. When fighting with alley cats , the claws will come out.
That's right Christopher in MA, you can expect more of my flameouts. MAN that felt SO DAMN GOOD!
And so they compare these people with the TEA PARTY?
OWS seems to have lots of perverts, criminals, bums, and left wing Move-On.org holdovers.
Sure don't sound like the TEA PARTY to me!
More like trailer trash.
Wow. Go away for a day for work and Mitrocondria has a mental break down and vomits all over Althouse's comment section.
Dust Bunny was so kind as to say what an hateful woman I was for defending my daughter.
I never said anything about your daughter. YOU are the one who keeps waving her around like a bloody shirt to try to claim some sort of authority.
I did state that you are a hateful woman. (Probably also mentally ill as well.) Difficult to dispute that when we look at the quality of your posts.
Ah well. Such is the internet.
Oh the wonderful kind , caring Dust Bunny. Love really handed you your ass yesterday didn't she, I'm so glad, it needed to be said. I will henceforth spare no words when dealing with you. I have never felt better than after telling you off, expect more in the future, as it is warranted whenever you post some hateful crap.
Pardon me, Madam Professor, but I thought all you women were taught from a certain age to take a quick glance down and loudly say "Oh! Just like a penis -- only much, much smaller."
I'm disappointed.
@Mitochondriac, I never doubted your statement that your daughter is both serving in the military and a liberal. Her service gives her a degree of moral authority, and not merely because she is capable of handling a weapon.
But. None. Of. It. Conveys. To. You.
I think its fishy. Hiding behind an avatar of your daughter in dress uniform is a red flag.
Mitochondri-Allie has been using her daughter's service to block honest criticism of her own political beliefs.
Its not something a military mom would do.
Poser: hate and bile regarding my daughter and her service in the military, because I sated she was a liberal and folks here didn't want to believe that it was true, no liberal would ever serve in the military.
No one ever said that.
Again, you are using her "service" as a rhetorical device to shield you from criticism.
The more you do that, the more I think you are a fraud.
We all wish to demonstrate our existence and its significance. If you really wish to put an exclamation point on your existence, public masturbation is the way to go. The down side is that it tends to subvert the significance of such existence. I certainly hope that this doesn't catch on and become the new slut walk.
Still, it's better than bongo drums.
Mito's writing style has J's handwriting on it. I call sock puppit.
My friend and fellow gold star Mom Mitzie is right.
You are a nasty piece of work Dust Bunny Queen.
Why don't you have your husband clean out your pipes instead of boring us with your simpering drivel.
Go cook something....you...you...housewife!
"You people do not lay fair"
This is utter bullshit. Just about everyone guy I know here would be happy to screw both twins equally well. Neither need feel slighted in the least.
Note the freak "Mito.'s." ugly, insulting posts here. It's a male--a white trash salesman aka "Byro" ,in Sac Ca. Acting female online is part of its schtick--it creates dozens of bogus accounts (g*y, ethnic, macho, etc--it's "Titus" as well and many others) . Booted off DU and other sites.
The scumbag posts here.
No "frank"--in fact it's you, Byro the dyslexic-AZ acidhead.
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