The lawsuit, against Catholic University, which got rid of coed dorms, is based on D.C.’s Human Rights Act. Scalia, speaking at Duquesne Law School, said:
“Our educational establishment these days, while so tolerant of and even insistent upon diversity in all other aspects of life seems bent on eliminating diversity of moral judgment — particularly moral judgment based on religious views...
“I hope [Duquesne] will not yield — as some Catholic institutions have — to this politically correct insistence upon suppression of moral judgment, to this distorted view of what diversity in America means.”
More on the lawsuit here:
Catholic University spokesman Victor Nakas [said] DC’s Human Rights Act... “forbids a school from denying or conditioning the use of facilities for a discriminatory reason. The single-sex residence policy that we are phasing in treats both sexes equally, so there is no discrimination.”
The reason for the sex segregation, Nakas said, was "to curb the abuse of alcohol and to stymie development of a 'hook-up' culture."
७१ टिप्पण्या:
I wanted co-ed dorms when I was a Freshman. When I think all those good looking babes I could have boinked...
The tears fill my eyes.
Anyway, thank Goodness someone now understands its a constitutional right.
Go to Hell Scalia.
Sorry, make that 'Human right'. Why limit it to America?
The reason for the sex segregation, Nakas said, was "to curb the abuse of alcohol and to stymie development of a 'hook-up' culture."
And we all know that this is wrong and must be stopped.
In fact, how can anyone deny the injustice of sex-segregated rooms? We must FORCE men and women to share rooms.
For diversity.
It's a free market.
CU should be able to make single sex dorms available to its students. Those (whose parents) want co-ed, can go elsewhere.
let the market pick the winning options.
The single-sex residence policy that we are phasing in treats both sexes equally, so there is no discrimination.
But it doesn't treat both "orientations" equally--it obviously discriminates against heterosexuals. Oops, I forgot: we're not a "protected class," so we don't have any rights.
If no facility can be denied to any person for discriminatory reasons hasn't exclusivity been outlawed?
What right does a Catholic church have to exclude those who would worship by sacrificing a virgin from the premises?
Why do people go to college? To get drunk and screw around. You pays your money and you choose a college with coed dorms. US News & World Report should weight those factors far more than they do.
Scalia's marriage is without birth control. I think he has something close to a dozen kids.
It wasn't so long ago these were considered regular sized families. And most of them lived in small apartments. With few bedrooms. And, one bathroom.
All the "morality" in the world, doesn't change the fact that families came together. And, among other things, saw the laundry hung out to dry. Became aware that mom wore unusual corsets and "things that held her tits."
Dorms that are "coed" are just like this!
Men can take it! And, so can teenagers who never grew up in homes with lots of brothers and sisters.
It's not a "PC" style! It's NATURE. It's how it is! And, cooperation doesn't always come to be among siblings.
But when it does, it's a beautiful thing.
Real self control is not a religious item! You'd be surprised how many atheists have self-control even better than "not leaving children's behinds, alone."
I agree Drill Sarge, its all about the free market. I recommend Catholic University include a free Wet Bar and hot tub - with its Co-ed Dorm rooms.
That'll bring 'em in.
Cha-ching $$$.
In the late 1970's while Dallin H. Oaks (former professor of law at the University of Chicago Law School) was serving as president of Brigham Young University, the federal government sent a letter demanding the university make its dorms co-ed. Oaks sent a telegram: “Re your letter. Go to hell. Strongly worded letter to follow.”
So what are the chances that this lawsuit goes all the way to the Supreme Court? Wouldn't Scalia have to recuse himself?
No person should ever be appointed to a life time job.
Meanwhile, Rutgers is moving in a more progressive direction:
The new option — called gender-neutral housing — was created at the request of gay, lesbian and transgender students who objected to Rutgers rules that require undergraduates to choose roommates of the same sex.
"I’m really glad they did it, although I wish it wouldn’t have taken as long," said Aaron Lee, a Rutgers senior who is a self-described transgender student. "We live in a world where in order to be considered a human being you have to be male or female, and not everyone fits into that kind of binary. It’s important to have spaces where people don’t necessarily have to worry."
God forbid the Catholic Church be allowed to stand on its principles.
It's imperative as many young people as possible wreck their lives so they can be sacrificed on the altar of the Welfare State.
PS For once, Titus gets it right.
But, of course, for the wrong reason.
Are Catholics the last American religion that still has some balls? Most have let themselves be neutered so they are indistinguishable.
rcocean said...
I wanted co-ed dorms when I was a Freshman. When I think all those good looking babes I could have boinked.
It's not clear that having the girl share the shower room and the toilet increases odds of a boink. You are not necessarily at your best in your own dorm.
Boink odds generally go up with a little distance. Plus if you want to leave after, you have someplace to go. (And she has a place to send you.)
Sorry you missed out on so much boink back in the day. It was far more plentiful than is now supposed.
Oh Those Straights Make Me S-O-O-O Impatient!
Stuck in the binary,
When there's a whole world to explore!
Limited horizons,
So retrograde, hateful and full of deplore.
So catholic schools must have coed rooms but public school must have separate pools for muslims women
Because, you see, the resolution to every concievable social dispute lies in the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution.
Don't elite schools have special dorms for approved ethnicities?
It's been over 30 years Ann. Has Lincoln stood up?
Instead of college, if a kid goes off to a big city. And, finds a job. They'll sleep in quarters cheap enough that they can pay the rent. It's going to be "co-ed." In the sense that other apartments have other people in them. Kids cope by locking their doors!
I'm so unimpressed with this argument, you have no idea!
Hmmm ... they have women-only gyms in my town. How is that OK and not this?
It's Fish Friday.
You know, you can get co-ed births, if a woman becomes pregnant with twins. The twins are fraternal. And, she gets one boy and one girl growing inside.
It's true some kids can't cope with college! Some kids will turn to drink and drugs. Has NOTHING to do with how the college sets up its dormitories!
My cousin, who was born in 1929, was one of the first kids to go to college. She and her family lived in Boston. I think she went to the University of Boston. She graduated in 1950.
To add insult to injury she still remembers a math class ... where the professor said "I don't want any of the females to ask me questions. They are all here to get married, so they can ask on of the fellas in this class."
It used to be considered "clever" when men behaved like arrogant pigs.
Oh, by the way, before Harvahd began admitting women, women were admitted to the "sister college," Wellsley ... (spell it however you like.)
The dorms for the women had "jailers." Who made sure none of the men got in (through the front door.)
So men climbed in through the window. Panty raids were a very big deal.
Oh, yeah. The women had to be check back in at night at 10PM.
Sex didn't happen. SUPPOSEDLY. (Except that it did.)
I love the way "PC" gets blamed for the changes that came about ... because the youth said BULLSHIT. STOP THE BULLSHIT. Do not trust anyone over 30.
rcocean, I thought the same thing...
Until I had daughters.
before Harvahd began admitting women, women were admitted to the "sister college," Wellsley ... (spell it however you like.)
I believe the correct spelling was R–A–D–C–L–I–F–F–E.
Who's bringing the lawsuit? A law professor, that's who. Let's hear John Banzhaf express astonishment:
Banzhaf said today in a statement that he was “astonished that a justice of the nation’s highest court would single out and pre-judge a legal proceeding which could set an important precedent, and could one day even come before the U.S. Supreme Court.”
Banzhaf added: “It obviously isn’t frivolous if a Supreme Court justice thinks the legal action might force Catholic U to change its policy.”
There's two things I draw attention to. First is the question of Banzhaf's motivation. Banzhaf thinks his lawsuit "could set an important precedent". The little man wants to make a name for himself.
But he's feeling insecure, for all that. "It obviously isn't frivolous," he says, and why would he say that? How exactly is the non-frivolity of his lawsuit so obvious? The prof protests too much.
campy said...
before Harvahd began admitting women, women were admitted to the "sister college," Wellsley ... (spell it however you like.)
I believe the correct spelling was R–A–D–C–L–I–F–F–E.
9/26/11 7:41 PM
Nice catch. It never ends with Ms. Herman does it. Maybe Carol will opine again how those co-eds moms never told them about Aunt Flo visiting...
Rickey Branch
Why does John Banzhaf have standing? Or is he just advertising for a client?
"I think he has something close to a dozen kids."
Ah, good man. I'll bet he can afford to raise them, too.
Another tempest in a pisspot
Don Scaliaberg has about as much to do with authentic catholic tradition as like Mittens Romney has with authentic Jeffersonian traditon (hint for the A-tards---nada).
Catholic University has the right to decide whether it wants coed or single-sex dorms. This lawsuit is absurd and should fail.
And Carol Herman is still an imbecile. More news at 11.
If a man finds a woman at college and they want to have sex ... they will.
Dorm-mates know enough not to come in the rooms that are actually shared. (Since private dorm rooms would be a luxury.)
And, if I remember, correctly, (I think it was at Rutgers), one male homosexual set up an encounter with another. WHILE the roommate who wasn't in the room ... set up a video camera.
Caught like this, and embarrassed, the student jumped off a bridge. And, now his parents are suing the taxpayers of New Jersey.
The kids that set up the deceptive video were forced to drop out.
What's WRONG about Scalia's view is that he's peddling HIS religious views. Showing everyone he never quite learned how to capture the essence of the US Constitution. Which wouldn't go and co-opt catholic views. Or mormon views. And, if we're lucky ... certainly not mohammed's views.
Not only that, but after all these years serving on the Supreme Court ... he hasn't discovered there's a world past puberty.
(Chris Christie is also Catholic. Let him come on board. Just what the GOP needs ... in an environment people aren't thrilled with getting the Pope's views on things. Let alone someone who can't give you GOOD REASONS why and where the Vatican has been wrong.)
Puberty happens!
Sex has been on-going for humans ... someone (at Instapundit), calculated we're going back 150,000 generations. (All before fertility clinics. But NOT fertility rites!)
People today have lost sight of the fact that up until modern times ... kids were getting married as soon as puberty set in. There were brides at 12.
And, there were dads at 15.
Humanity coped.
Today, everything about "having babies" is postponed. But little girls are still given Barbie's.
On the one hand we're sexualizing our little girls by the time they turn 4.
But we have them postponing childbirth.
You know what you don't see at colleges? (Menstruation huts.) And, delivery rooms ... where the babies would be born. Instead of seeing this all postponed ...
It's not just about condoms!
It wasn't so long ago, if a woman survived childbirth ... she'd be a grandma by the time she turned 35.
Shorter Carol:
- Catholics Bad
- Sex Good
- Constitution good; except when Catholics interpret it.
-Keep those Catholics away from the Constitution.
I still think the same thing and I have a daughter. Which is why my Kid is NOT going to a Co-ed dorm.
I don't think 19 year old boys have changed much.
It's so nice to have the state watching out for us, what with our elected officials being so mature, wise and reasonable, and us being such misbehaving and rueful little children.
"No person should ever be appointed to a life time job."
I thought it a bad move when dictators appoint themselves "President for Life". You're just asking for it.
Carol_Herman never had a daughter.
That makes all the difference.
Nothing else is important here.
Mitt Romney should not make any Harvard jokes about Obama.
I am no Obama fan but please Mitt, give us a break.
No eastern elite shit either.
You are eastern elite you dumb fuck.
Nakas is right, and I am so glad Scalia points out the core reason why.
Apparently we have a right to everything but sanity.
Do peeps in flyover country really believe his shit?
I hope not.
There are so many videos of him to make those flyover state patriots quake in their shitty shoes.
Perry needs to destroy Mitt about this shit because it is so preposterous.
None of what I wrote says I love Obama though!!!!!!
Christie get your fat ass out of the donut shop and run.
Titus wrote: You are eastern elite you dumb fuck.
Uh, you've kinda become that too, Titus. Just sayin'
I acknowledge that Chick.
Titus, I love you man (not in a gay way), but you are still a country hick (and I mean that in a good way). You were impressed with tapas in Cambridge, in 2011. If that is not country hick I do not know what is.
You can take the Titus out of small town, Wisconsin, but you cannot take the small town, Wisconsin out of Titus. All the rare clumbers in the world will not change that.
You sort of remind me of a girl holding two suitcases who stopped me in Port Authority (off the bus from Minnesota it turned out) who asked me if she was in "New York, New York."
You cannot make this stuff up. I assured her she was in New York. I do not know what happened to her, but she probably ended up being a hooker.
I am Eastern Elite and Country Hick.
I am a dichotomy.
All my friends (from the East Coast) call me Ellie Mae, from The Beverly Hillbillies.
I did have an excellent education and have worked at fab. companies.
So Yes, I am very red neck, hick, dumbfuck...but yet I am Eastern Elite. I come from very blue collar, non educated background. Hell, my parents each had no electricity or indoor plumbing at their farms.
Does that make sense?
They are all here to get married
My grandfather, an honest, and thus non-rich lawyer, refused to pay for college for his 2 daughters, saying they'd just get married afterwards (this was 1940). So my grandmother quit playing the organ at his Episcopal church for free and took a paying gig at her (former) Baptist church to put her daughters through Women's College, now UNC-Greensboro. My aunt is 87 and still unmarried.
And you are absolutely correct, Mitt Romney is Eastern Establishment. Granted he grew up in Michigan, and went to undergraduate school at Stanford and BYU, but his dad (George Romney for Carol Herman) was a governor and CEO of AMC. Mitt did go to Harvard for his MBA/JD degree and was govenor of Massachusetts. So yeah, while not born in the east, he was certainly part of the establishment.
I do not know when Mitt became aware of tapas, but since he did his missionary stint in France who knows? Maybe he did a jaunt over to Spain and checked it out in a bar (looking for lost converts and tasty appitizers).
Yes it does make sense Titus. Being from little town, Wisconsin is not a negative but a positive. Just like growing up in Brooklyn is a plus if you later move to live in "the city."
Just do not become one of those douchebags who get all obnoxious after living in the big city for a while. Of course you live in Boston, which is sort of a red headed step child of a city.
My sister's husband works in HVAC.
I have no breeding.
My father worked in construction in farming and his brother's worked as Janitors for the State of Wisconsin.
My mother's sisters were married to farmers. One at the age of 15 and the other at the age of 16-and they were brothers! They never graduated from high school. Their farms are worth millions though. Their name is Hahn, which is a famous name in Deforest Wisconsin. My mom waited until she was 19 to marry.
My father was going out with Darlene Ballweg, who owns a bunch of Car Dealerships in Wisconsin, but her mother didn't like my father, who was wild, so Darlene went to Europe for a year. Darlene is a very very rich woman in Wisconsin.
My father was incredibly handsome and the girls loved him. He is still very handsome and the girls still love him.
I am my father, or so my mother says.
rcocean said...
I wanted co-ed dorms when I was a Freshman. When I think all those good looking babes I could have boinked...
The tears fill my eyes.
Anyway, thank Goodness someone now understands its a constitutional right.
Go to Hell Scalia.
9/26/11 6:11 PM
You have any daughters at college? Thirty five years and daughters changes ones perspective from horndog heaven to daddy's nightmare hell.
There is a difference between "being" eastern establishment and knowing how to deal with them on their home field at their own game. Romney is the latter of these two.
Titus is is that history from Wisconsin that is your real treasure. Not being impressed by Boston tapas.
The rare clumber however is a cool dog. Normally I am not impressed with a designer dog, but a rare clumber is actually an old and treasured breed.
What is tapas, the new humus?
Freed4Pres @7:40 PM:
rcocean, I thought the same thing...
Until I had daughters.
rcocean @9:04 PM:
I still think the same thing and I have a daughter. Which is why my Kid is NOT going to a Co-ed dorm.
I don't think 19 year old boys have changed much.
Seems to me this is one of those things that depends entirely upon how you look at the world: As a miscreant child or as a responsible parent.
For the last 40 years or so our institutions have chosen the miscreant child's view, particularly where I live, on the west coast. If anything, I'm shocked that this is still being debated elsewhere after all these years.
Even shorter Carol: @#$%zx#$m.@%!!!~~
Co-ed dorms are a constitutional right?
That's plainly goofy.
It just figures.
And Carol Herman, please take your meds or whatever and reduce your output. You've forced me to read the "so-and-so said" titles so I can skip your posts, and it's getting annoying.
Seek treatment for your logorrhea immediately.
I love the phrase "diversity of moral judgement." A handy phrase, that. Of course it can mean the Nazis are ok, and yes, in this country, they are permitted, too.
They can even have their own colleges.
The Adolf Hitler School of Watercolor and Sculpture.
Few would attend, at first.
I support the school in this.
For the record: oligonicella is Oligonicella. Too much problem with Blogger and now they won't unlock the account without my phone number. Piss on that. WordPress doesn't do caps.
Comment at 8:28 was mine. It simply said "I support the school in this".
I did not delete it.
oligonicella is Oligonicella. Too many probs with Google. Now they insist on my phone number. Piss on that. Sorry for the little OT here.
Carol Herman said, “People today have lost sight of the fact that up until modern times ... kids were getting married as soon as puberty set in.”
BUT the issue isn’t whether the policy is a good idea, it’s about whether they should not be permitted to do it. After all, it’s not as though there are no alternatives- just about every other school does not have sex-segregated dorms. And if it’s truly a bad idea, they’ll wind up without students.
I would argue that the strength of Western Civ historically has been that it had multiple seats of authority. As in, even King Henry was forced to go to Canossa. In most of the modern period, authority has been shared between government, churches, and business- all of which have authority (although each of a very different sort).
And that’s a good thing, to avoid a monopoly on authority. Freedom of conscience is a precious thing. And it is an overbearing government that would tell a religious school (however nominally that school is actually religious) that it must violate its religious principles in order to exist.
Government has truly grown too large, too rich, too intrusive, just too much. Its reach and size needs to be constrained if we are to retain any civic culture that exists outside of it.
(Oh. And I am not now, and have never been, a member of the Roman Catholic Church or of any organization that is associated with it.)
Carol Herman said, "People today have lost sight of the fact that up until modern times ... kids were getting married as soon as puberty set in."
B*ll sh*t. There have been places and times where that was true, but to present it as the blanket case for the pre-modern world is steer guano of the highest order.
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