Meade and I have failed to record so many things that we thought we were catching because of this limitation. There's a button that you push to begin recording, but it's the same button you push to end a recording. If you lose track or if you fail to push it hard enough at some point, you may be turning it off when you think you are turning it on or turning it on when you think you are turning it off.
For example, yesterday, Meade went down to the Capitol Square to see what the singalong was like this week (the day after the special prosecutor announced that no one would be charged in the Wisconsin Supreme Court "chokehold" incident). He came home with a lot of video in the Flip camera, but he was especially interested in one clip.
An angry man, recognizing Meade, rushed up and demanded "What are you doing here?" He called Meade a "son of a bitch." He told Meade he didn't belong there and he should leave. Meade asked "Isn't this a public space? Doesn't it belong to all of us?" and the man answered "Yes, it belongs to us." Another man, seeing Meade, yelled at him and called him "a fucking tea bagger." He also called out: "Death to Republicans!"
But — wouldn't you know? — that is the clip that didn't record!
Now, by paying enough attention to the LED screen on the back of the camera, you can ensure that you are really recording. But when you're shooting a lot of video and things are happening quickly — especially out of doors when it's hardest to see the screen and especially when you need to be looking out for attackers and camera snatchers — you can't check accurately every time.
७३ टिप्पण्या:
I did the same thing on recording things at House on the Rock yesterday!
It is really amazing to see how the left believes everything belongs to them and you can only use it if they agree.
Same thing is true with the Kodak Playsport camera I have. I'm finally getting into the habit of looking for the little red dot that shows on the screen when filming, but I've missed tons of vids I thought I'd gotten. (Reminds me that I have an Althouse-relevant pic from my vacation, must go find and post it.)
BTW, how is that fat hunger striker doing at the Capitol? He must be on Day Seventy something on his "protest".
I went to Taliesin yesterday too and many of the people there had "recall Walker" bumperstickers on their cars.I almost took the tour but at $50+ I decided it would not be worth spending the afternoon with those "hipsters". While the HOTR is not FLW, that carousel is absolutely worth the price of admission.
That happened to me in Madison on February 19th. We were walking around the Capitol on the sidewalk and I thought i had my Flip on, recording the union protesters in the street. It wasn't on. I was so disappointed.
wv: inesse
This is why I love my Super 8 cameras. You absolutely know when the film is rolling.
A video camera could be easily equipped with a component that produces a small, subtle vibration in the body of the camera when recording.
Do you realize how old this makes you seem?
The alternative is to record all the time and have a backup charging nearby.
Its a two man operation ;)
I dunno. I think for the "audio" you should be wearing a recording device on your waistband. And, you make sure it's on.
If anyone points and ask you what it is you could say "a pedometer." I record how much I walk in a day.
I don't think you need the "visuals" to go along with the threatening sound. We've seen that.
As to "someone in the crowd who recognizes you, and then gets violent." Please think back to David R. Graham's piece.
You're not IN legal territory at these events! You're watching something being carried out with MILITARY PRECISION!
So, right off the bat, you should see the team work. These people go out in pairs. And, there's someone watching the parimeter(s) as well.
Perhaps, since what is being carried out is PRACTICED MILITARY MANEUVERS ... wouldn't it pay to think of the "need to watch your back?"
Who else is recording the two of you?
Getting the camera to be more responsive to your touches ... however ... could be a discussion you bring to the camera's maker. Or up at Amazon. Where there are lots of comments about cameras.
Maybe? Maybe, Glenn Reynolds can run something? And, maybe this could be improved on by sound?
So one press (which would tell you the camera is on) ... could have the button light a bit? Or ping? Shutting it off would be DEAD. You'd know the "life has gone out."
But now that the two of you are recognized ... begin worrying that someone can slash your tires.
Ann Althouse said...
An angry man, recognizing Meade, rushed up and demanded "What are you doing here?" He called Meade a "son of a bitch." He told Meade he didn't belong there and he should leave. Meade asked "Isn't this a public space? Doesn't it belong to all of us?" and the man answered "Yes, it belongs to us." Another man, seeing Meade, yelled at him and called him "a fucking tea bagger." He also called out: "Death to Republicans!"
you need to be looking out for attackers and camera snatchers
Sounds like those cameras may need an accessory with a black belt.
PS Anent what Sixty said, The Blonde is forever doing that. "Flustrate" and "expotential" are a couple of her all time hits.
Crazy situation. You guys be careful out there, sounds like the "demonstrators" are getting nuttier and more aggressive as time passes. Some of these people are not right in the head.
Perhaps, since what is being carried out is PRACTICED MILITARY MANEUVERS ... wouldn't it pay to think of the "need to watch your back?"
Great point. It's really courageous to keep going deep into enemy territory dodging bullets and molotavs everyday for her readers. All this without flak jackets or helmets! Althouse blogs about war, and sometimes law.
Get a HD Hero camera and have Meade wear it on his head. Battery lasts for 2.5 hours, 32 gig flash records 9 hours. Hero 960 is $179.
Meade's hands are now free for self defense.
Strange that the mere presence of Meade with a camera would be provocational for some people.
I consider myself a progressive (or to the left of that) but I'd be happy to have you guys over for dinner.
Let me know if you're ever thinking of coming to Fez in Morocco.
And yes, you may bring your cameras, though you would attract police attention if you tried to use them in public here.
Is it possible the rebels have some sort of camera jamming device?
Democrat supporters glue doors shut at a school.
Nice. Civil.
Garage - where were you at the time?
The advantage of recording all the time is that you would also capture a crucial part of any incident.. the beginning.
See phantom chokehold incident.
Those guys screaming for Meade's death and insisting on ideological purity in public spaces probably think fascism is a right wing thing.
What's a little bullying for The Cause, eh garbage?
It is the mob assuring itself by asserting its powers is total against mere individuals.
We saw this happen in the Klu Klux Klan days in the south.
The Governor usually has to call out the National Guard to get their attention.
"molo tav" , congratulating someone in an explosive manner, Hebrew.
It's really courageous to keep going deep into enemy territory dodging bullets and molotavs everyday for her readers. All this without flak jackets or helmets!
Garage makes a good point..
The new civility trumps antiquated ideas like free speech and freedom of movement in public spaces.
Oh so that's why the sex tape is so blurry.
Sixty Grit said...
New word of the day, courtesy of Carol_Herman - parimeter(s), meaning variable boundaries. Use it at least 3 times and you will own it for life.
I thought Captain Wilton Parimeter was the guy in charge of F Troop?
I think they have a statue of him that Meade likes to polish or something like that there.
And Garage may scoff, because after all they are only calling for murder of people unlike Garage, but this will lead to violence. It's going to continue escalating as parasites get more desperate. And it's coming to a town near everybody.
I can't think of a recording device that just has a button. A switch would be nicer.
I suggest Meade carry one of those spy pens with camera functionality as a backup instead something goes wrong with his first camera (such as someone grabbing it). The video won't be nearly as good, but it's a good backup that can be left on the entire time he's out there, and erased unless something interesting was missed on the good camera.
(to use garage's words)
Given the projected extended duration of hostilities.. a light footprint might no longer be justified.. at this juncture.
"Do you realize how old this makes you seem?"
Out here in L.A. we don't usually get that close and people just aren't so neighborly like in Madison.
But I kid. If those protests had happened out here, and you did the fine work you did, you would have lost numerous cameras and you guys would be bloodied or worse.
Madison seems to have a large contingent of stupid and greedy, just like L.A., but yours are really pretty nonviolent. They're like a bowdlerized version of most of the world protests, and that's a good thing. I'm glad you have not been hurt in all of this. Be careful - they aren't all from Madison, and they definitely are not all sane.
Usually the on/off button is the same to eliminate confusion but that assumes that you are looking through the view finder. I understand how in some tense situations you do not want to be seen looking through the view finder as this puts folks off. In my past life, I used a wide angle lens on a camera draped around my neck to record in these situation. Another approach is to make digital recordings in these events so at least you have the audio-- these devices are cheap.. And another suggestion is to be more up front with folks, rather than just getting into their space without explaining your purpose.
"Sounds like those cameras may need an accessory with a black belt."
How about a camera that knows my hand somehow and erupts in spikes if it is removed from my hand?
Or, actually, just make the strap detachable if it is yanked with sufficient force and have it explode indelible ink on the assailant.
Perhaps this is a sign to step away from the protest and find a new hobby.
"...rather than just getting into their space.."
The evil of the Unions and the stupidity of R-V all rolled into one. The public square does not belong to the scum-sucking violent Union thugs, and nobody owes them shit in the way of an "explanation". Get that through your thick head.
"Get a HD Hero camera and have Meade wear it on his head. Battery lasts for 2.5 hours, 32 gig flash records 9 hours. Hero 960 is $179."
That looks great... but Meade is already a target and that thing right on his head would really mark him and invite camera snatchers. I'd like something that could be more subtle (like an attachment to the sunglasses or hat visor.
An angry man, recognizing Meade, rushed up and demanded "What are you doing here?" He called Meade a "son of a bitch."
and this
And another suggestion is to be more up front with folks, rather than just getting into their space without explaining your purpose.
Kinda reminiscent of Prosser/Bradley.
Folks in Wisconsin seem to struggle with the definition of "personal space"
Roachy said.....
And another suggestion is to be more up front with folks, rather than just getting into their space without explaining your purpose.
Wait a minute. You have to explain you purpose in a public area where people are protesting to bring publiciity to their cause? How does that work exactly? If you don't support their cause you are not allowed to film? Not allowed to be there? Not allowed to live in Madison? NOT ALLOWED TO LIVE!
You got to be kidding me.
The Perfesser wrote: I'd like something that could be more subtle (like an attachment to the sunglasses or hat visor.
How about a pen camcorder? I had one that used to work - the video quality was marginal, the audio quality was terrible, but maybe those things have improved.
WV: bralai.
courtesy of the leftist terrorist and commie agitator, Garbage
Taking a little break from stalking Titus, freaky old man?
Think Geek has a video/audio recorder in sunglasses. The quality of the video wouldn't be as good as the Flip.
Move-In Day for my son is Tuesday so I'll be in Madison on Monday and Tuesday with plans to visit the Capitol. Tell Meade to look out for the 6ft. 6in., 250lb black guy...I'll be his bodyguard. :)
Trooper back in the day I have been in some very hostile public demonstrations, including NYC, and found that if I begin talking to folks close to me, explaining that I was just trying to document the process, I was able to survive. And I have been in the center of the co-called mobs in Madison using my Flip camera to record and never had a problem, but if I am recoding a heated exchange, be honest, I try to get their tacit agreement. While I do not agree with threatening any photographer who is working in a public place- including the verbal attack on Meade, it must also be recognized you can tell a photographer to fuck off
In the 2nd Dynasty when you got older, you really did get wiser. Nowadays, you just become more confused and out of it. I'm surrounded by buttons whose pupose I don't understand, music that sounds like noise, and sexual mores that look more silly than even decadent. If the world would just hold still for ten years, I'm sure that I could become well adjusted and knowledgeable about its ways. Won't happen, and I will become increasingly grouchy and discomfited by the world. In some ways I'm similar to a Madison protestor.
Professor, if Meade is going to meet James at the Statehouse, could you record them while Meade and James record whatever they want to record?
It might be enlightening.
LOL, Ann. Reminds me of Nixon fighting the caps on his medicine. I used to think it was funny. Now, I want to throw the damn containers.
Roachy said...
it must also be recognized you can tell a photographer to fuck off
Oh I agree. But to tell someone they should die? That might require a knuckle sandwich. Just sayn'
Not the photographer Meade-- just Republicans and to my knowledge Meade does not consider himself to be a Republican. Yes?
kimsch said...
That happened to me in Madison on February 19th. We were walking around the Capitol on the sidewalk and I thought i had my Flip on, recording the union protesters in the street. It wasn't on. I was so disappointed.
Not to worry. You live in Madison. Lunacy will be on display in public again, and shortly.
This is impractical for your situation but when in crowds I always mount my camera on a sturdy monopod. Sometimes I'll even put a dSLR in the swivel head and use a small bungee to attach a Flip camera.
Plus I hear the monopod makes a great defensive weapon in threatening situations ;)
From what I observed in my little foray into Madison Madness Meade was being recorded anytime there was a confrontation so somebody there has it on their camera or phone. I'm sure if you asked nice they would give it to you because their behavior is never intrusive or disruptive.
James, if you want to meet me at the Capitol next week, just email me and we can plan a time.
roesch, we have never once stuck our cameras in people's faces or just [gotten] into their space without explaining [our] purpose.
Thanks, though, for your, I'm sure, (meant to be) helpful officious intermeddling.
garage mahal said...
Perhaps, since what is being carried out is PRACTICED MILITARY MANEUVERS ... wouldn't it pay to think of the "need to watch your back?"
Great point. It's really courageous to keep going deep into enemy territory dodging bullets and molotavs everyday for her readers. All this without flak jackets or helmets! Althouse blogs about war, and sometimes law.
Glad garage recognizes it.
For the unions, it's been that way for 100 years or so, and they work like the Indians used to - no non-combatants, anything and anyone is fair game.
The disciples of Uncle Saul have the same rules of engagement, BTW.
And the word is "Molotovs".
Ann Althouse said...
"Sounds like those cameras may need an accessory with a black belt."
How about a camera that knows my hand somehow and erupts in spikes if it is removed from my hand?
Or, actually, just make the strap detachable if it is yanked with sufficient force and have it explode indelible ink on the assailant.
I was thinking of a certain blonde someone with law enforcement experience and steeped in the martial arts, but those are good ideas, too.
A. Schmendrick: I don't live in Madison. I live a few hours east and south, below the Cheese Curtain. We went to see what was going on. Ann did catch me in one of her photos, but I missed seeing her and Meade.
roesch-voltaire said...
Not the photographer Meade-- just Republicans and to my knowledge Meade does not consider himself to be a Republican. Yes?
8/27/11 12:06 PM
It used to be said that the only good Democrat-Communist was dead Democrat-Communist. Death to the Democrat-Communists!
"And I have been in the center of the co-called mobs in Madison using my Flip camera to record and never had a problem, but if I am recoding a heated exchange, be honest, I try to get their tacit agreement. While I do not agree with threatening any photographer who is working in a public place- including the verbal attack on Meade, it must also be recognized you can tell a photographer to fuck off."
When people are having a demonstration, they are seeking onlookers. I reject the notion that they have a right to single people out by viewpoint and cut off photography. And when these people step up into our space and insult us or order us to do something, we keep photographing. It's our defense, and they are idiots not to realize that. And if they try to steal the camera at that point, in retaliation, they are committing a crime, and we do not accept that people can deprive us of our liberty by committing crimes against us. We photograph the crime too, and we can report them to the police, with photographs of them committing the crime.
My rule all along, going back to 2004 when I began doing this photography has been: Is the person making a spectacle out of himself? If yes, I photograph if I choose. If no, I am circumspect.
We photograph the crime too, and we can report them to the police, with photographs of them committing the crime.
Yes, you *can* report them to the police, but you don't. You don't report them even when they steal from you or set a fire in your home let alone when they try to grab your camera.
Stand up for yourself.
There are small, inexpensive camcorders you can clip on your clothes,hat, even your ear. They can record for up to several hours at a pop. Turn one on and let it run, they provide useful backup.
Ann... or a can of bear spray in your other hand...
Whata the fuck is "F" troof?
And, IF you think today's world isn't "coordinated" when it comes to doing "street theater" ... you sure ain't wise about street theatre, neither.
One person grabbing your camera? Purse snatcher. And, even they work in teams. So someone "grabs your attention" ... and then someone else grabs your wallet.
"Peram" ... "Perim" ... I don't care. But when I saw David R. Graham's post ... one midnight late ... It dawned on me that it wasn't just Ann's hand that got knocked ...
It got done with military precision.
So, crowds that you take as just being a cluster of indivduals ... maybe, it only fools your eyes to think so?
Oh, it ain't about lawyers ... once you start mapping out strategy.
Or "strat-E-Jerry" ... where I do give Dubya credit. Talking funny wasn't the problem "then." Nor is it now.
But go ahead. You go into battle with a dictionary. PRICELESS.
How does "Voice Activated" equipment work?
A long time ago ... when you used reel-to-reel tape ... And, someone wanted to secretly record conversations ... the "bug" was placed in such a way ... that the tapes would record on their own ... because they were "voice activated.'
Technology still should come to the rescue.
As far as the video camera button issue, seems most all go with a single on/off arrangement. As mentioned previously, using a pair of sunglass cameras that are on continuously would be a decent back-up, though from reviews, suggest they have sound issues.
As far as safety, you are lucky enough to live in an open carry state, exercise that right, and I suspect you and Meade will be treated with a great deal more politeness in public (can't on campus, though, that's a 'gun free' zone by statute).
I would suggest a small shotgun slung over your shoulder (like this one, who can resist pink camo?), with a hip holstered 1911 for back-up.
Can you believe it? I went out today, thought I was taking some cool video -- of muskrats! -- and it turned out I had not pushed the button properly!
Sorry, there are no possible "cool" videos involving muskrats.
For example
(verification word: sucker)
(no, really)
Death to Technocrats!!
Carrying a visible gun alone into a hostile crowd, especially while you're doing something else with your hands, is a guaranteed tragedy in the making.
Why do you think they don't arm prison guards on the yard or attendants in violent mental wards? Same reason and pretty much the same class of people being dealt with.
That was extremely bad advice, don't take it.
Coutour video cameras are operated by an on/off switch, rather than a button. The record indicator is simply the position of the switch since there is no display. (
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