A lyric sung today in the Wisconsin Capitol rotunda. I've finally figured out how to add subtitles, so I can call attention to a few things, including where some guy points me out:
Some stills. Man in a reversed "Wisconsin" shirt:
Women with songbooks:
Hanging banners:
१०० टिप्पण्या:
I wonder if they understand the concept of self-parody.
That's it? Those are our opponents?
I feel much more confident now.
Why is "Wisconsin" on that man's t-shirt backwards?
Why is "Wisconsin" on that man's t-shirt backwards?
Easier to read from your rear view mirror as you metaphorically leave him in the dust.
Hey, hey!
Ho, ho!
This balloon pulls up;
I've got to let go!
Are there people who are supposed to be working in that building?
People whose salries you pay?
Don't these people have something better to do? How do they earn a living? More importantly, they don't seem to understand what democracy is all about. What a perpetual annoyance they must be.
Now go away, or I will sing to you a second time, you silly racist teabaggers!
"Why is "Wisconsin" on that man's t-shirt backwards?"
He looks mentally challenged with that vacant look (Alzheimer's or ?), so I would think it's spelled backwards so that he can read what it says when he's standing in front of a mirror.
What's with the middle-eastern yippie ki yay cheer at the end?
We Shall Overcome (Madison Liberals).
Why did these teachers interrupt their summer vacation for this?
"Now go away, or I will sing to you a second time, you silly racist teabaggers!"
The subtitles are great!
Speaking of backwards, apparently Aaron Tobey, the man featured on Drudge who wrote the 4th Amendment on his chest then stripped to protest the TSA, used a mirror like Ashley Todd did (McCain campaign volunteer carved a backward B to frame Obama supporter) and looks to me like he got the 4 backward.
We were happy to have Ann attend our 127th sing along. We've been singing every day M-F from 12-1 since March 11th and are still going strong with no plans to stop until Walker is recalled.
When we recognized Ann, I announced her to our group (I'm that some guy) and said, "she's a lover of democracy." Why didn't she show that part of the video? If you notice, we applaud her when I announced her name.
As for the subtitles, why not show our song book with the actual lyrics? http://www.wnpj.org/sites/default/files/pdf/WNPJ-labor-songbook_20songs.pdf
Some people use creative lyrics (I do). And some people use expressive language. So what?
Singing is very cathartic. We are in the rotunda every day singing, singing for our lives. Most of us have jobs (surprise!) and come during our lunch hour or else have flexible hours. Free speech is a wonderful thing. Where is the so-called silent majority? Not at the Capitol, and not caring about the constitutional abuses of this administration.
Please feel free to come down to the Capitol any day and join in. Your rights are being infringed upon by Walker, and if you don't think you're affected, just wait. You're next. These guys care about billionaires, and that's not you, me, or Ann.
How long until they realize they've not only lost, but they're now complete laughingstocks?
Sorta like the Dali-Obama is?
Or are they that stupid?
Don't bother answering...we all know the answer even as they don't.
I'm beginning to change my way of thinking. I'm seeing all these peeps on the public payroll with lots of free time to sit around doing not so much.
I'm working my life away.
Now let me clear my throat....(DJ Kool style)
Where's my songbook and taxpayer funded paycheck???
Solidarity, wave wave wave.
On principle, I am opposed to rallies that include songbooks.
I've finally figured out how to add subtitles, so I can call attention to a few things, including where some guy points me out...
Thus putting the "cheez" in narciso?
Wow Dirty Hippie, I guess you imagine some lofty reason to be doing this but really its so transparently selfish. There are so many actual ways to help the truly needy and if you are honest and will admit this is for your own financial gain, stashing the proceeds from a second job will help you out long term.
But please this is not about anybody but you and your already very privileged friends.
The maximum unemployment check where I live is $386 a week. Sing about that.
"Singing for our lives...." Now THAT is funny.
Who is left to run the Birkenstock store between noon and 1 pm?
How many of those do you suppose there are in Wisconsin? According to Forbes there are all of 10. And I bet there's diversity of political thought within the 10. Does anyone really think that Walker is pandering for the votes of a handful of rich people at the expense of pissing off an equal number of rich people? I think it's far more likely (and so far demonstrated) that his intention is what he says it is: balance the budget by bringing state expenditures in line.
Oh, did you just throw out that term as a class warfare curse without actually meaning it?
As to this "Your rights are being infringed upon by Walker"...have you called the police? Because if your RIGHTS are really being violated, you know, you should report it.
They are still doing this? If they aren't careful, they will become nothing but a tourist attraction (and a lame one, at that).
The dying lights of liberalism. Complete with ethnic ululation!
When we recognized Ann, I announced her to our group (I'm that some guy) and said, "she's a lover of democracy." Why didn't she show that part of the video? If you notice, we applaud her when I announced her name.
Yet thru this "democracy" U lost and refused to wait 24 months so "democracy" can work again.
These temper tantrums aren't cheap.
SNAP! That's what Walker should do - surtax those 10 billionaires to fund your hissies.
Put that money in a special pot cos you're gonna throw a tantrum any time things don't go your way.
I live in the Peoples' Republic of Illinois. King Richard I I think made sure of a no recall provision when they redid our state constitutin in the 70s.
Backwards is probably like flying the flag upside down?
Or the state is regressing under Walker?
I don't personally sing on my lunch breaks, but it sure pisses off the right people!
When is someone going to point out to them that their "solidarity" is full of moth holes?
Yeah, P.O.ing your enemies is very productive. Stick with that plan.
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with your state? These people are idiots!
Good lord...
For crying out loud, somebody tell these people they lost already.
If they want Wisconsin back, don't they have to earn it by demonstrating that they would be wise stewards of the people's tax money? Instead of doing stupid hippie tricks that went out with the 1960's.
Just thought I'd ask.
Dirty Hippy:
"Where is the so-called silent majority? Not at the Capitol, and not caring about the constitutional abuses of this administration."
The other day they were out in force voting Republican. But they really aren't "silent" - you just don't hear them because of the echo chamber you occupy.
Real Ann Coulter's "Demonic" to understand the left's obsession with sloganeering and the madness of crowds.
The spoiled brattiness of it all just astounds.
Every time I see SOLIDARITY posted by the Wisconsin brats I wince because I wonder what the Polish people think when they see their history mocked.
All "unions" are not created equal.
Did someone forget to explain that to these folks in history class? Oh. Wait. Some of these people *teach* history?
Approximately 347,000 people voted in the Wisconsin recall elections on Tuesday. 183,000 voted for the 6 Republicans and 164,000 voted for the 6 Democrats. In light of this most recent demonstration of the divided nature of the Wisconsin electorate, it is the height of arrogance and selfishness for any side to stake out and claim the Capitol rotunda as its exclusive turf.
Hey, at least they're not damaging property.
Did someone forget to explain that to these folks in history class? Oh. Wait. Some of these people *teach* history?
I hope you aren't teaching anything.
Wisconsin Workers Get Support from Poland's Solidarity Trade Union.
"Where is the so-called silent majority? Not at the Capitol..."
No, they understand how democracy works and they spend their time at the ballot box. Let's see...
They elected:
- A Republican governor
- A Republican Senate
- A Republican Assembly
- A Supreme Court judge you people targeted for defeat
- And a majority of Republican Senators that you targeted for recall (with the results on two current Democrat seats pending)
Making an ass of yourself in the state capitol rotunda ad nauseam because you can't win an election only proves you're sore losers. You don't own Wisconsin by divine right. Sorry.
Daily Planner Entry:
Life, got to get one
This is what entitlement looks like!!
I'm getting tired of all these photos of masturbation.
I put it diplomatically:
Self gratification
Why does my generation embarrass me so?
Masturbation, Phil. I know it when I see it.
Check out the web site for the song book sponsor. http://www.wnpj.org/
It's one stop shopping for all purpose moonbattery.
Singing is very cathartic.
It is a special kind of folk that can make a Simon and Garfunkel song sound even more sophomoric.
The Tea Party Express blew through Wisconsin last weekend with their own, uh, brand of singing. Tea Party Express: The Musical. h/t Abe Sauer
And I still don't understand their birth in the first place. Didn't Obama and Democrats WIN in 2006-2008? The Tea Party should be shutting the fuck up like union supporters?
Now I can't get that damn song out of my head.
We are witnessing yet another attempt of transferring the costs of the economic crisis and of the failed financial policies to working people and their families," Duda wrote.
Ha ha. I wonder if that's what the Poles were thinking in the 1980s when Solidarity stood up against the puppet Russian government?
Interesting that Solidarity once had a membership of over 9 million, now it's around 400,000.
Dirty Hippie:
Cathartic means causing evacuation of the bowels. Based on "rights are being infringed", "singing for our lives", and "constitutional abuses" I think if it is cathartic, then that's what you need, because you are full of it sir.
Here, sing this. A little ditty I put together. I'm one of the "silent majority" but can't make it:
Nothing Lasts Forever! (to the melody of Solidarity Forever!)
We had the fall elections that we lost instead of won
So we grabbed our drums and bugles for some protestin’ fun
Yet our force was weaker than Walker’s awesome strength of one,
Damn our gravy train is gone.
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever,
For our gravy train is gone.
The public finally realized that we are the greedy parasite,
Nobody bought this serfdom shit once our compensation came to light
There’s always something left for us to organize and fight.
But our gravy train is gone.
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever,
For our gravy train is gone.
Here's another
It is we who made you wait forever at the DMV
Because we used start at 10AM and quit at 3:30
Unlike voting to get service you needed a state ID
But that gravy train is gone.
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever,
For our gravy train is gone.
The world that's staffed by idle drones was ours and ours alone.
But that's history too since Walker cut our budgets to the bone.
Now we have to type and file and answer the goddamn phone.
Because that gravy train is gone.
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever,
For our gravy train is gone.
We have taken untold millions that the public toiled to earn,
And the unions took their 10% so that fact was never learned
But because of Walker these are times that we will always yearn
Because our gravy train is gone.
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever,
For our gravy train is gone.
Now our protests sound tired and oh so very lame
We can’t think of anything else to chant but this idiotic “shame”
We resort to a failed Feingold to say who we need blame
But still our gravy train is gone
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever,
Nothing lasts forever,
For our gravy train is gone.
"Singing is very cathartic. We are in the rotunda every day singing, singing for our lives."
I agree with bob above, that is a completely hilarious line. I wonder if it works as a pickup line on petiole oil drenched hippy chicks at the juice bars?
"Singing, singing, SINGING for our lives!"
The only part of this that irritates me is the balloons. That's a pretty rotunda and they are defacing it.
For a long time politics in Texas were the most entertaining but Wisconsin is by far the leader in entertainment value now.
So much sad life in such a small place.
"You're welcome."
You didn't have anything to do with it. I blame Althouse.
I thought you meant the Mullet Express. Sorry.
Oh, bring back Wisconin to me
Where I get goodies for free
I don't have to work
And I act like a jerk
Oh, bring back Wisconsin to me!
I still say the Wisconsin Tourist Board should be picking up on this. "Come to Wisconsin- See the Union Tribe sing and dance in the Capital every day at noon." "Authentic Propaganda made for Real Union People on Display"; "Hold an Actual Leftist Sign". And if people ask where the other (real) Wisconsin people are, just explain that they are all on a large reservation called "Work" and when they come off it they go to the "Beach" or the "Lake," rarely spending sunny days indoors among chill marble columns, except to "Vote", a special tribal ritual for settling disputes which they still firmly believe in.
"oh, bring back my goodies to meeeeeee!"
They won't let go. :)
Ha! Larry J said it first. It's just kind of pathetic.
I could not see the video at work. But having seen it now, those people are more idiotic than I first thought.
Y'know, the singing is great, but the arm-waving is what really makes a powerful political statement.
It looks like a good way for middle-aged lefties to get dates. A few marriages is probably all it's going to accomplish.
I like the descriptive power of the phrase: "As if their lives depended on it." However, this effort does not strike me as worthy of such a description. That is why "singing for our lives" strikes me as so hilarious. Sing for your supper, maybe. Sing for your LIFE? Ridiculous. Everything about this "protest" screams Monty Python to me. Do you suppose it is all just a great joke? Perhaps a film by Christopher Guest?
Dirty Hippie, you are on the political margins. Please deal with that or you'll spend the rest of your life being frustrated and disappointed, even in Madison. Do we really need more crabby, bitter old farts hanging around public spaces?
It appears to be secret writing
It's turning up in Ohio too.
And given that you call yourself "Dirty Hippie," I hope you're not littering the Capitol. There's a history of that there with your comrades.
Best line in the response post - "Singing is cathartic."
MarkG @ 7:07 "It looks like a good way for middle-aged lefties to get dates. A few marriages is probably all it's going to accomplish.":
Might not happen for some Milwaukee Public School system employes -
Over $20,000 of Tax Dollars Spent By MPS on Union Viagra Lawsuit
WV = ablityl - as in "ability" to ....
None of them can sing.
And, the acoustics are worse than terrible!
It's about as cathartic as an enema.
All they do is make ear plugs one of the things you need, should you actually work there ... and this drifts "into" the office space.
Oh. And, at camp these days they have these giant parachutes ... When the kids sing they can also run "under."
I also wonder if, when these people get together and have "reunions" ... if they'll also talk about their red balloon escapes.
And, what it was like when they camped outside in tents. (Until eggs just flew in. Where they didn't realize it was from balconies. They thought it came out of birds.) Like out of Big Bird.
At least in winter you can wear a hat with flaps. The russian furry kind also works wonders for the ears. They're made with real beaver!
WildSwan at 6:32 PM
And, it made me think that at least kids aren't dragged into this, now, on their school bus trips.
Where I remember we used to sing "100 bottles of beer on the wall" ...
If it wasn't for Ann ... nobody would even know about this "sing-a-happy-tune."
TWM @ 3:16: "What's with the middle-eastern yippie ki yay cheer at the end?"
I don't know, but I found the same thing at this video that Crack Emcee at The Macho Response posted today.
Witches Sweep D.C. Clean for Obama
Big Mike @ 4:05pm: +1
Tags: balloons, signs, video, Wisconsin protests, for fuck's sake
wv is... amictu
Well, I have to say that's the least obnoxious demonstration I've seen in that rotunda.
Dirty Hippy said: Your rights are being infringed upon by Walker, and if you don't think you're affected, just wait.
As far as I can tell, there have been no constitutional abuses, no one's "rights" have been infringed upon and the greatest effect Walker's policies have had on Wisconsinites is that a tremendous burden has been lifted from their shoulders.
You perhaps have been too busy seeking catharsis through song, working (although you did not actually say you were one of the most who have jobs) and scrubbing away the dirt to have read the many reports of school districts and municipalities that have gone from red ink to black and are in a position to hire instead of lay off.
But what the heck, soldier on. The law of averages says you gotta win one some time, right?
Who are these people? Seriously.
Adults who are thinking and behaving like children.
Someone needs to tell Anne Laurie Gaylor that The Church of Solidarity is using the Capitol for their daily services.
On the farm the best place for singing was in a silo.
Dirty Hippie is most likely R Chris Reeder, a seldom employed "Independent Performing Arts Professional". My guess is that R's wife Joy is a teacher or works in the UW system and he doesn't want the old gravy train to end.
Leaching off a leach.
Bring Back Wisconsin To Me
(sung to the tune of “My Bonnie Lies Over
The Ocean”)
Wisconsin whose motto was “Forward”
Was populist as it could be
But now the new motto is “Backward”
Oh bring back Wisconsin to me
Bring back, bring back
Oh bring back Wisconsin to me, to me
Bring back, bring back
Oh bring back Wisconsin to me
Though we may be”God’s frozen people”
We bask in the warmth of our plea
Don’t bury my rights in a snowbank
Oh bring back Wisconsin to me
They’re trying to stifle our voices
They’re trying to keep us derailed
They’ll find it’s not easy to do though
McCarthy once tried and he failed
Seriously? I mean it's not even fucking clever.
But really, take a look at these song lyrics. What's pathetic is the idea that their struggle is like the unions from early last century.
Keep singing assholes. Nothing could help our cause, and Walker's, more.
Yeah, I give it a 35. It's old, it's been done, and it's hard to dance to.
"Your rights are being infringed upon by Walker, and if you don't think you're affected, just wait."
Riiight. First them came for the privileged public employees, then they came for everybody and put them in camps and killed them.
As a former public employee, I say you are wildly overstating your position. Disgustingly so, really.
Short wiki (not trying very hard) The Round Table Talks between the government and the Solidarity-led opposition led to semi-free elections in 1989.
I'm sure that's what the WI unions were looking for. And food on their tables.
Does the present day Solidarity Trade Union have any idea how rich the Wisconsin teachers are?
Because here's some
2005 job data to chew on:
Teacher average income -- Net monthly income PPP $1,013 Purchasing power in US - $ 543
Employees, incl. kindergarten and tertiary level teachers, 2004.
Gross (monthly) 2,811 zlotys
Compulsary deductions: 32%
Hours worked (paid for): 25.0
Reported actually worked hours by those in education 'sector': 29.8
So I'll bet a bippy that the Polish unions don't actually know how many flat screen TVs and cars and snow mobiles and square feet their counterparts have in their houses in Wisconsin.
All unions are not created equal. Nor do they serve the same purpose.
Female to your left at end was doing an Arab female call. I recall it in Lean's *Lawrence of Arabia* regaling the fighting force as it leaves Wadi Rum to take Akaba in rear:
OOOK SukieTawdry, where's LotteLenya, Weill's wife and Rosa Klebb?
Garage, you have "lunch breaks?". I thought you were lived by commission. Never heard the term "lunch break" used by an entrepeneur. Odd, that.
You mean this silliness continues???
Wisconsin would be doomed, DOOMED without the bravery and maturity of Walker and his supporters.
These people are spoiled children that need a spanking.
"When we recognized Ann, I announced her to our group (I'm that some guy) and said, "she's a lover of democracy." Why didn't she show that part of the video?"
It's not audible on the video (and I couldn't hear it in person either). The rotunda amplifies sound, but in a noisy, mushy way.
"As for the subtitles, why not show our song book with the actual lyrics? http://www.wnpj.org/sites/default/files/pdf/WNPJ-labor-songbook_20songs.pdf
Some people use creative lyrics (I do). And some people use expressive language. So what?"
So what? It is what it is? I'm showing it fairly. You should appreciate another perspective on what you are doing. I'm sure you feel empowered and inspired, but it looks silly to some outsiders.
We were there because I had a visitor from Texas who grew up in Madison and wanted to check out the protest scene. It's a type of Madison tourism.
As for the lyrics, there are old posts showing the songbook, etc. etc. Seriously, the literary work is just not that interesting. That a man shouted "Go to hell" was interesting.
The Althouse blog is premised on interestingness.
As perceived by me.
ROFL! You just cant make this stuff up!!!
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