Althouse, Sixty Grit called me by my real name on here and I am scared. He has been doing some investigatory work on me. I think he is kind of obsessed. Every post I make he responds with some really mean awful comment. He hates me and he is going to hurt me.
Just watched Rick Santelli try to explain elementary economics to Ezra Klein.
When will Santelli realize that the likes of Ezra Klein cannot be reasoned with, will never learn, can never learn? The hard left does not get reality, will never "get real." The rest of us have to ignore the hard left, because the rest of us live in the real world.
I am contacting all of my loved ones to know of the situation and to make sure the rare clumber is in good hands after my death.
It has been a pleasure and a honor to have participated in the Althouse Blog all these years.
It was a wonderful outlet for me and I will think of it kindly when I am in God's arms.
Please, I beg of you, when I am gone, and you speak of me and you will, be kind.
And if this terrible tragedy becomes a movie I demand Brad Pitt to play me or James Franco or Matt Damon. I also request that Ashmit Patel, of Bollywood fame, play my amazing Indian husband. BUTTT, he needs to have a real and authentic British Accent.
We are coming in on our private jets to help the people of Wisconsin. Not all of the people, of course, just the poor, the sick, the seniors, the most vulernable. We help them in their struggle against the Reichwing, Rethuglican, Tea Bagging Scott Walker. We will help them by shouting pithy things and the we will fly away on our private jets, content taht we have done well.
What little media coverage there is, is giving the schoolyard Obama view, that is, dissing Standard & Poor's. Still, our new S&P rating (AA+ from AAA) is equivalent to a truckload of s--t hitting the fan. Hard.
Maybe someone (DBQ?) will do the math, converting .10 basis point (minimum) into a typical home mortgage, or that super-green Chevy Volt loan.
So, I am invited to the pre-b-que at the WH. Many K-street consultants are there. The talk goes like this: - The GOP is fooled into over-confidence. We got them just where we want. Pretty soon we will have their ---- and their hearts will follow. - The GOP nominee is None of the Above. Can you think of diversity there? (No.) Can you think of any vision there? (No.) Etc.
I mean the consultants from K-street were very laid-back. It was almost surreal for me, since I have a GOP client. They are predicting the GOP defeat by over 60% points. It is incredible. One consultant said that the GOP just lost the WH due to the debt discussion.
Damn, that George W Bush is one powerful m.f. He keeps ruining the economy long after the effete Barack H Obama took over, and now this!! Maybe if the Dems quit dissing W, he'll hold back on practicing his omnipotent powers.
Titus. I will happily take the slothful Clumber as i am the only commenter who knows wat a Clumber is or looks like. I will permit the animal to accompany me on my fancy shoots. Excellent food and multiple spots in the manse for naps.
The only place leaded fuel is still used is in aviation fuel for piston-engine aircraft. But at least it gets finely dispersed in the air, instead of concentrating among those unfortunate enough to live alongside freeways.
God, I love it. CNBC's former monetized airhead and current CNN anchor Erin Burnett just told Anderson Cooper there's nothing to worry about re S&P's downgrade.
Maybe you will remember when some years ago MSNBC first tried to sell Soledad O'Brien as some kind of computer expert. Until even their AOL-audience figured out she didn't know one end of her motherboard from the other.
That is a relief. No self respecting Obama voter would be caught dead on a corporate jet. Well except for Obama and his corporate pals. That is somehow different.
I see "gentle mountains" in the distance of the airport pic. Ms. Althouse is going to buy that damn house in the desert she blogged about the other day.
I don't think she commented on the downgrade. (It's Friday, she's pre-pre-recorded)
Fox is no different when it comes to summer weekends; virtually everyone is at the beach and/or partying in the Hamptons. And no downgrade will bring them back, even the first downgrade in American history. I mean, these people need accountants just to balance their checkbooks.
"Ren, shouldn't you really save those jokes for the Bears?"
I may despise the Bears, but there's mutual respect between the teams and fans. The Vikings are an embarrassment to the NFL and their games are painful to watch. Purple uniforms? A disgusting stadium with a roof that can't even stay up? Yeah, the crap comparison is quite fitting.
(About whom, when she was running for office, the media felt it necessary to inform us, does not shave. Can anyone even imagine the media (or any republicans!) deciding that information was appropriate about even the most craziest Dem out there?)
I was at the Coop and saw someone who wasn't quite local looking commenting on the cold-brewed latte. Perhaps surprised that such a thing could be found in Middleton. Tall, thin, blond wearing a hat. Something made me think, "I wonder if that could be Titus". The next day you posted that you were stocking up on organics at the Coop. Didn't mean to freak you out.
Those *are* desert-y looking mountains in the background. I was going to say that the sky looked sort of like that down here, today. Are we playing "Where in the World is Ann Althouse?"
It's not Albuquerque, though. Not facing West. It could be a smaller airport but I don't think that's the view west from Double Eagle either.
I don't think she commented on the downgrade. (It's Friday, she's pre-pre-recorded)
Fox is no different when it comes to summer weekends; virtually everyone is at the beach and/or partying in the Hamptons. And no downgrade will bring them back, even the first downgrade in American history. I mean, these people need accountants just to balance their checkbooks.
Granted, the interviews were from earlier in the week, but she was live there.
Synova said...
Those *are* desert-y looking mountains in the background. I was going to say that the sky looked sort of like that down here, today. Are we playing "Where in the World is Ann Althouse?"
It's not Albuquerque, though. Not facing West. It could be a smaller airport but I don't think that's the view west from Double Eagle either.
Maybe those two crazy, romantic kids flew back to CO to do something else on the mountaintop.
PS If memory serves from our one quick trip there, Albuquerque is ringed by higher terrain.
"Also she spent some time again ranting about how the housing bubble was all the credit rating agencies fault to start with, which is B.S."
Actually, it isn't B.S.
The structured financiers figured out that the ratings agencies were using historical probabilities to rate the tranches of each mortgage backed security.
In other words, the ratings agencies were not looking at the actual loans in each structure pool.
Once the wall stree guys figured that out, they started slipping sub-prime loans into the pools.
Low and behold, the tranche ratings didn't change.
So they started to slip in more sub-price crap.
Ratings on tranches didn't change.
Then it turned into a wholesale rout. The structured financiers couldn't get enough sub-prime "lead" loans to turn into "gold."
The mortgage originators, like Countrywide, realized they could sell every sub-prime loan they took, so they dropped their standards.
Their brokers dropped their standard.
Speculators realized that they could get any loan they wanted, and started to borrow and borrow for homes in California,
The funds that were restricted from purchasing anything but AAA kept buying the AAA tranches.
The mortgage securities were paying such a large spread over the risk-free interest rate offered by the Fed (since, btw, the dot-com bubble burst), that the banks could not refuse from holding them.
They'd borrow for nothing, buy the AAA mortgage securities, and get 4% for hardly any work.
Even the ones the knew the mortgages were filled with dog food couldn't lay off 'em.
The machine hummed right along until the sub-primes started to default.
Then the gig was up.
And the one pinch point, the ratings on the mortgage security tranches, if gotten right, would have prevented it all.
@irene: no, i don't think that is what is now styled as "missoula international airport", aka johnson bell field. the scare quotes are kind of cheesy on my part, since it really is an international airport, but the commercial aviation traffic is slow that moniker is more than a little pretentious.
i had my first airplane ride there, in about 1959 or so, in a ford tri-motor.
"PS If memory serves from our one quick trip there, Albuquerque is ringed by higher terrain."
Not to the West. To the East the mountains are right up to the city. To the West there are some low lava burned cliffs, mostly flat land, and five or so volcanic cones and some mountains in the distance. The mountains to the North would look low-ish like that, on the horizon, even though Mt. Taylor is taller than Sandia Crest (the craggy peak to the East of ABQ).
Colorado is likely a good bet. There seems to be trees.
As I say, The Blonde and I were only there once for a couple of days, as we were thinking of retiring there. I liked it, but she didn't care for the highway on stilts around the city.
I thought the Rio Grande valley was pretty (we were there in January); we'd driven up from Phoenix to Flagstaff, then across; and then we drove down to Socorro and then back to Phoenix.
Standard & Poor is the same outfit that downgraded Lehman Bros on the day they went belly up, aren't they? I think the Stock Market might like this move.
I think that Quayle has the gist of it right. Wall street types are very aggressive about making money. Very aggressive. They make money, a lot of money, by gaming whatever system of rules is in place. Exactly how does high frequency trading increase the wealth of the Republic?
1. Colorado Springs 2. Scottsdale, AZ 3. Tuscon 4. Santa Fe 5. Orange County 6. Burbank 7. Pomona 8. St George Utah 9. Albuquerque 10. Tuscon 11. Taos 12. Cheyenne
We were thinking it could be Reno (maybe)
Or somewhere in California.
That bluff looking thing is are clouds, right? Is that everyone's take on the butte looking thing?
As a suggested cut when SuperCongress swings into action, how about some massive savings on Presidential lifestyle - like making him pay for his golf, or no more trips out of the country (or the D of C) for First Families, or a big cutback on the ex-POTUS Livin' Large budget?
I am tall, blonde and thin but I don't drink coffee or purchasing any wine or beer.
I am definitely not local.
But I go to the Middleton Coop every day to get an amazing salad.
And yes, I swim at the Harbor Athletic Club every day.
I am coming out, but thankfully I am leaving in a couple of weeks.
Please don't hate me anyone. I am actually really a little concerned about some Sixty Grit guy knowing my name. He hates me bad. He responds to everyone of my comments here and I truly believe he wants to kill me.
Other than that I am super, thanks for asking. I just don't want him to harm the rare clumber in front of me before he kills me. That would destroy me because I really love dogs and my rare clumber is really really nice.
And yes, I swim at the Harbor Athletic Club every day.
@Titus: I just looked at a map and put 2 and 2 together. That club is in Middleton. It is very near a restaurant called Captain Bill's. It wasn't called Captain Bill's when I lived there--it was called the "Hatchcover" IIRC. There used to be a very cool artesian spring around there when I was a kid. They couldn't cap it so they just let it flow into the lake. Is it still there?
I see where Eric Cantor is quoted in the WSJ as saying that in the debt talks with Obama and his aids, he realized for the first time just how many European-style (my characterization)ideological lefty "true believers" there were; that the facts of tax rates and revenue streams were beside the point and that it really was all about "social justice" in their eyes--that they really did live in an alternate M.C. Escher universes from the Elephants--when one said: "Some people just make too much money."
Scary stuff--pure unalloyed European socialist sentiments/weltanshruungat at the very least--the politics of envy and class warfare. But why should anyone be surprised after Obama unabashedly SOUGHT OUT an out-and-out-Communist (Van Jones) and installed him as his "Green Czar." After all, what sort of people does one expect someone tutored by a card-carrying Communist to surround himself with?
The Obamaoids are like Genghis Khan.One simply didn't negotiate with the Golden Horde; one either totally submitted to their demands or fought to the death. But even if successful in defense, knowing full well that they would be back next year with an even bigger army.
To defeat Communists and socialists/Statist "true believers they must be crushed root and branch, or else they will lie dormant for decades like the seeds of desert flowers, awaiting only a few drops of rainwater to spring into full bloom again. Worse, the core Communist "true believer" utopians are shape-shifters of the first order. Witness their transmorgification from mere Stalinists worshiping dialectical materialism by transferring their affection and ardor to the green movement (eco-Stalinists now) under cover of worship of their new religion: "environmentalism."
Quayle, that is a nice summary of the problems with CDOs. Then rating agencies sold their reputations. Fannie and Freddie also played a big part but that was earlier when the ball first got rolling. AS for a cite, Nicole Gelinas' book, "After the Fall", is a good place to start.
I'm pretty sure Christine O'Donnell, former witch, is a Republican.
She wasn't the best candidate but she would be a far better Senator than the dope who won the election. I don't think she believes in magic in economics. The Democrats do.
If anything happens between Sixty Grit and you, can I have the rare clumber? My kid keeps asking me for a dog. It doesn't do anything gross like eat its own poop does it? Because I hate that in a dog.
I was driving home from work yesterday morning just after sunrise. There were large puffy clouds off to the west, and the light of the rising sun tinted them a bright pink. One was shaped like a camel; I could see the head and neck to the left and the humped back to the right. By the time I got home, the pink color was almost gone, and the camel's head and neck had stretched straight out horizonally, and I realized that it was now a lumpy elephant trumpeting through its trunk.
This just illustrates the human propensity to seek patterns even where none exist. Intellectually, I realize that it was just a cloud of water vapor, but the eye sees what it sees.
Regarding the black wilding mob attacks on whites at the Wisconsin State Fair, one wonders what the black unemployment rate is in Wisconsin? A lot of those folks (probably at least 95% of the ones old enough to vote) were Obama voters, ones like that gal who thought Obama was going to pay their mortgage, etc. Instead, they can't get a job, even with one of "their own" in the White House. No wonder they're bitter and antisocial.
Elections have consequences. In this case, the consequences include sky-high unemployment and economic catastrophe.
And as we all remember, the numbers were quite clear that the test scores of black students in Wisconsin's unionized schools were far worse than in Texas and Virginia where collective bargaining was illegal. I guess all of those white people protesting at the state capitol to keep them trapped in a system that yields such terrible results must really piss them off.
Congress created the system, and the speculators reacted like speculators do.
The ratings agencies just failed to raise a public outcry, though one may also be justified in asking why they did not, and if Congress and Administration(s) exerted pressure on them to keep quiet.
The Democratic Party leadership and the MSM are like the climate "scientists," they have so much invested in the theory that if the models don't work out, it must be that the data are wrong and need to be "adjusted." It can't be that the theory is wrong to start with; admitting that would be just to painful to be borne.
I stumbled on my potato recipe on Meade's blog. Did he try it out? He could have told me he was putting it up there and that would have made me very happy. But thanks anyway!
Quayle did not describe CDOs, he gave a broad description of the MBS market. Entirely different things. The rating agencies failed miserably in pegging the risk of all the tranches of all types of real estate debt. The perfect storm of a belief that real estate values would rise forever coupled with the fiction that everyone should own and not rent, hitched to cheap rates and a craving for returns on the part of bomd investors led to this
The downgrade wont, but should, be meaningful. Obama should be required like every other of his type to give up his credit card and start using a devit card.
A lot of those folks (probably at least 95% of the ones old enough to vote) were Obama voters, ones like that gal who thought Obama was going to pay their mortgage, etc. Instead, they can't get a job, even with one of "their own" in the White House.
For the Dems, these people are political cannon fodder. Helping them become adequately educated and attain decent gainful employment is out of the question. It's important to keep them down and believing it's all "the man's" and the Republicans fault so they will voted Democratic. Once they make a decent living, their votes become less secure for the Dems.
China - "International supervision over the issue of U.S. dollars should be introduced and a new, stable and secured global reserve currency may also be an option to avert a catastrophe caused by any single country," Xinhua said.
If you knew what policy positions she put out during the primary (compared to O'dumbo) you would see it differently. She certainly cares about the people and the country more than O'dumbo and certainly more courageous and intelligent. She would not have sold you out to the Wall Street, insurance companies, and others who have made a puppet out of O'dumbo. If you were averse to all Democrats, then you didn't have a choice in the 2008 election, none. A dog with a Democrat label would have won.
Freeman, we've been using those "igloo freezer packs" to keep cool. Looks funny to have this blue gel package strapped on the back of my neck, but keeps me frosty cool.
ROFL, thanks for the laugh.. Let us see you donate your SS checks to your church assuming you paid into it. Maybe the way things are going you won't have any SS checks. Then again, you don't need your 'commies' to help anyway, right?
She may love her country, too bad she doesn't love the United States of America. She is a communist to her very soul, if she has one.
The question is "Would she have been better than Obama?" The answer is "Yes, much better." That is why in the primary, I voted in the Democratic primary for Hillary. It was obvious a Democrat was going to win the presidency. We might as well try to get the best one we can.
I am very sorry to hear about the helicopter crash in Afghanistan.
I grew up in cities and towns associated with Air Force Bases and oftentimes actually on them. Climbed around airplanes for as long as I remember. Went to sleep by the comforting roar of B-52 Stratofortresses performing continuous touch 'n goes. I do not have a pilot's license and never had an interest in getting one. Nevertheless, because Barksdale AFB donated a retired flight simulator to my high school science department, a program was hastily developed to use it whereupon my entire science class was run through force-learning all kinds of technical poo like mixing fuel with levers and such. Additionally, my dad enrolled me in CAP on the base, which at Barksdale is a serious militaristic BFD, uniforms and everything. I didn't like it.
Scene 2: As a student, I befriend an ex Navy pilot who promptly took it upon himself to show me how to fly, by way of braggadocio, I suppose. He didn't know, and I didn't mention, the earlier simulator training and the CAP, episodes I absorbed but would just as soon forget. (Too science-y for my silly self, technical things, maps, math, weather and all of that.) One of our flights was a short circular route around the city, out of and back to Centennial airport in a rented fixed-wing Cessna 172. It's like a VW with wings. Slow because the wheels do not retract so there is all that drag down there. I was to plan the flight, perform the walk around, the check off, taxi out, take off, fly around, and land.
The altitude of Centennial is obviously a mile. The day was quite hot. Air pressure low. High altitude + hot air + low pressure = low density, very little air to flow over and under the wings. By normal circumstances the plane will leap into the air at 60 knots rotation speed (the front nose wheel spins off the tarmac), but on that day the plane strained to lift at 80 knots, so thin was the air that day. I was instructed to hold the speed at 80 knots and hold it I did. The plane barely lifted off and then ever so slowly crept upward. Gaining altitude was so achingly slow it was freaking me out. During the brief flight around the city, my instructor told me he never saw anyone hold it so steady. The whole point was to impress IFR (instrument flying). Other than the plane's instruments, which are minimal, apart from the "Hey I can see my house from here," there is little to hold one's interest, it's actually a bit boring. Then I landed and taxied back.
(I could not tell you if this photo here is Centennial airport or not.)
This concludes my Centennial airport-related anecdote.
It was so hot that it felt a lot like standing too close to a fireplace and not moving back.
I note that Little Rock set an all-time record high this week. Fayetteville tied their all-time high. Fayetteville also set their all-time record low this past winter.
At some point, the heat will abate. It has up here.
If you knew what policy positions she put out during the primary (compared to O'dumbo) you would see it differently. She certainly cares about the people and the country more than O'dumbo and certainly more courageous and intelligent. She would not have sold you out to the Wall Street, insurance companies, and others who have made a puppet out of O'dumbo. If you were averse to all Democrats, then you didn't have a choice in the 2008 election, none. A dog with a Democrat label would have won.
Have to disagree on all points. This is the same sort of nonsense you hear from some "Conservatives" who will tell you how much they miss Willie and what a pragmatist and centrist he was. Compare the first two and last two years of his Administration with the middle four. The bookends he ran by himself, the middle years were all Dick Morris because he wanted to be re-elected and didn't want to go to jail.
Wall Street started its love affair with the Demos on her husband's watch - consider Robbie Rubin. And the Clintons only have rich friends.
As to loving her country, this is the woman who "pledged allegiance to the America that is yet to be". And Sixty Grit is on the money as far as her being a small c communist - she's no different than Little Zero in believing she knows what's best for us peons.
Remember, It Takes A Village - with a large, intrusive, imperious government.
As to courageous and intelligent, her primary campaign was as big a mess as her turn as Healthcare Czarina (or as AR Education Czarina). She couldn't make a decision.
And I stand by the idea she'd have imposed HillaryCare and at least one stimulus because that's the way Willie still claims he killed the Bush Recession (actually, it was Congress allowing George Mitchell's Soak-The_rich luxury tax expire that did it).
The question is "Would she have been better than Obama?" The answer is "Yes, much better."
I think if Hillary were elected president in 2008, Obama would've gotten it later. In the meantime we'd have to endure his waiting-in-the-wings majesty. Better to get it all over with.
How do we get the fastest, most effective change of behavior to these racially-motivated beating riots and wildings that law-breaking black youth and black young adults are increasingly committing on non-blacks in Mid-West to East Coast America?
With jail time and the threat of jail time currently insufficient to change behavior, why not public beatings? Beatings would quickly communicate humiliation, shame, and, if done effectively, create a continued climate of fear of wrongdoing. Added to a shorter but still required incarceration, beatings would put a quicker stop to the growing black wildings gang mentality. Beating the guilty is really the only appropriate punishment for someone involved in the deliberate physical beating of an innocent human being. Of course there will be some who would use a personal beating to pump a rap career, but most young blacks would definitely turn away from the possibility of such punishment. That is what history has repeatedly shown to be true.
So, the question is: how many more white and other non-black Americans are you willing to let be beaten by unpunished black youth? What number of innocent victims should be permanently disabled, scarred and killed because they are not black before reaching your indignation threshhold?
FWIW, a very popular punishment in this country at least until the Mexican War (and probably a little afterward) was 39 lashes ("40 stripes less one"). Banishment - usually with the threat of hanging if they came back - was another.
WV "dearrom" What techies who are a little too much into their machines call memory.
Ok, I have my solution, which I'm certain would work and also certain would never be seriously considered:
Once a perp is found, eliminate all public assistance to his family. The adults might finally wake up. I'm sure they're not all on welfare, but enough of them are to send a real message.
Why is it barbaric? It is far more merciful and beneficial in the long run to society and the perpetrator. The fact that it was previously misused in this country does not make it wrong as a solution. We still lock people up even though some have been locked up wrongly.
I don't usually think of you as someone given to political correctness, Fen . . .
How many more white and other non-black Americans are you willing to let be beaten by unpunished black youth? What number of innocent victims should be permanently disabled, scarred and killed because they are not black before reaching your indignation threshhold?
RE: the killed SEALS and others-- "Their deaths are a reminder of the extraordinary sacrifices made by the men and women of our military and their families, including all who have served in Afghanistan,” the president said.
"A reminder". It's not about the dead SEALs; it's about us, and what we can remember. Obama projects his narcissism on the rest of the populace.
Chase: I don't usually think of you as someone given to political correctness, Fen . . .
I'm sorry, I don't remember you. Are you posting under another name? Because your posts re public beatings of blacks by the Law smells like bait to me.
Fen, we have talked to each other on this blog before. Google me here.
It's not bait. I'm dead serious about this growing problem. And it is not blacks only -it's for anyone involved in an assault that results in physical harm against another. It is effective when administered properly. It is medically safe and far more humane for both the society and the perpetrator.
Honestly - discuss it. Unless you cannot think past political correctness.
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१३३ टिप्पण्या:
Oh my, another "Black Swan" has landed... dressed in neon.
Now, about that mortgage you were...
Or, exactly when does impeachment become a viable option?
Via Instapundit:
New "youth policy" at Wisconsin State Fair: This time, black people will actually be arrested for their wilding crimes.
Gee, maybe if you're deciding on a vacation spot, black racist Wisconsin racial attacks isn't the place you'd want to take your kids to.
Althouse, Sixty Grit called me by my real name on here and I am scared. He has been doing some investigatory work on me. I think he is kind of obsessed. Every post I make he responds with some really mean awful comment. He hates me and he is going to hurt me.
I am afraid he is going to "get me".
What if he murders me?
Than what? What is your responsibility?
That would fucking suck.
Althouse takes small airport taxpayer subsidized trip ;)
"... exactly when does impeachment become a viable option?"
Just slightly before Dallas becomes an option.
They always take out their own.
From the stable of Althouse's private jets.
"black racist Wisconsin racial attacks"
The new Google keywords that will kill Wisconsin businesses and put Wisconsin out of work.
Just watched Rick Santelli try to explain elementary economics to Ezra Klein.
When will Santelli realize that the likes of Ezra Klein cannot be reasoned with, will never learn, can never learn? The hard left does not get reality, will never "get real." The rest of us have to ignore the hard left, because the rest of us live in the real world.
Gasp, are those corporate jets?
I am contacting all of my loved ones to know of the situation and to make sure the rare clumber is in good hands after my death.
It has been a pleasure and a honor to have participated in the Althouse Blog all these years.
It was a wonderful outlet for me and I will think of it kindly when I am in God's arms.
Please, I beg of you, when I am gone, and you speak of me and you will, be kind.
And if this terrible tragedy becomes a movie I demand Brad Pitt to play me or James Franco or Matt Damon. I also request that Ashmit Patel, of Bollywood fame, play my amazing Indian husband. BUTTT, he needs to have a real and authentic British Accent.
Many thanks.
Pause to have an adult beverage in the S&P Downgrade Lounge. You can see the future from there.
Titus, after you are gone, all Althousians will think of you every day when they pinch a loaf and a small tear will fall.
We are coming in on our private jets to help the people of Wisconsin. Not all of the people, of course, just the poor, the sick, the seniors, the most vulernable. We help them in their struggle against the Reichwing, Rethuglican, Tea Bagging Scott Walker. We will help them by shouting pithy things and the we will fly away on our private jets, content taht we have done well.
What little media coverage there is, is giving the schoolyard Obama view, that is, dissing Standard & Poor's. Still, our new S&P rating (AA+ from AAA) is equivalent to a truckload of s--t hitting the fan. Hard.
Maybe someone (DBQ?) will do the math, converting .10 basis point (minimum) into a typical home mortgage, or that super-green Chevy Volt loan.
Lamar, that is all I ask.
You are too kind.
Bless you my friend.
Now I need to retire to my office and proceed to get all my financial matters in order.
So, I am invited to the pre-b-que at the WH. Many K-street consultants are there. The talk goes like this:
- The GOP is fooled into over-confidence. We got them just where we want. Pretty soon we will have their ---- and their hearts will follow.
- The GOP nominee is None of the Above. Can you think of diversity there? (No.) Can you think of any vision there? (No.)
I mean the consultants from K-street were very laid-back. It was almost surreal for me, since I have a GOP client. They are predicting the GOP defeat by over 60% points. It is incredible. One consultant said that the GOP just lost the WH due to the debt discussion.
How'd you get that picture of my backyard?
Damn, that George W Bush is one powerful m.f. He keeps ruining the economy long after the effete Barack H Obama took over, and now this!! Maybe if the Dems quit dissing W, he'll hold back on practicing his omnipotent powers.
Little Ezra suggested that we need more fairness in the markets. Rick had to remind him that it's their money to do with what they want.
What did I say the other day about crypto marxists who suck at the crypto part? They seriously would love to make an example out of some kulaks.
Titus. I will happily take the slothful Clumber as i am the only commenter who knows wat a Clumber is or looks like. I will permit the animal to accompany me on my fancy shoots. Excellent food and multiple spots in the manse for naps.
I take it that Meadhouse flew to the state fair to avoid "unruly youths." Good move.
Titus...your name is not Titus? I suspect you have nothing to fear from Sixty Grit. Other than perhaps disapproval of your comments.
But if any thing ever happens to you we will not forget you. Please will you stadium drawings to Ann so she can post them.
Stevie, all us old guys are obsessed with you. You're a loaf-pinching hottie.
Where is the tax man?
Didn't Obama threaten this fleet?
The only place leaded fuel is still used is in aviation fuel for piston-engine aircraft. But at least it gets finely dispersed in the air, instead of concentrating among those unfortunate enough to live alongside freeways.
MarkG said...
Stevie, all us old guys are obsessed with you. You're a loaf-pinching hottie.
8/5/11 9:38 PM
Titus' real name is Steve?
To answer Almost Ali. NEVER. Clinton knocked the impeachment ball out of da' ball park.
Monica Lewinsky made a whole bunch of lawyers look like idiots.
And, da' House lost republican members. Including Rogan, who was a conservative republican star from California.
So, if you want to know about impeachment, check the cemetary. Because it's been interred.
And, Boehner and McConnell took the GOP chances and shoved them down the toilet for 2012. (Believe it. Or not.)
Gave away the store because obama promised not to cut their dicks off. And, they were promised "they could keep their pork."
Sometimes a long, thick jet plane is just a jet plane
Meadhouse is readying its getaway to... where?
I have a feeling there won't be too many safe havens if things really start to come unstuck.
Almost Ali said...
Or, exactly when does impeachment become a viable option?
Right after the judge ordered Little Zero to lift the moratorium on drilling in the Gulf, about a year ago.
Watch for Timmy to start spending more time with the wife and kids.
Almost Ali said...
What little media coverage there is, is giving the schoolyard Obama view, that is, dissing Standard & Poor's.
Greta is the exception.
America's Politico said...
I mean the consultants from K-street were very laid-back.
So was the Wehrmacht on 6/22/41.
PS A grand shot, Madame, but it's made for riding off into, not flying into.
(your parents didn't let you watch any Westerns as a kid, did they?)
God, I love it. CNBC's former monetized airhead and current CNN anchor Erin Burnett just told Anderson Cooper there's nothing to worry about re S&P's downgrade.
Maybe you will remember when some years ago MSNBC first tried to sell Soledad O'Brien as some kind of computer expert. Until even their AOL-audience figured out she didn't know one end of her motherboard from the other.
Gasp, are those corporate jets?
No, one of them is a corporate turboprop.
Any reporter ask TurboTax Timmy if he has paid his back taxes yet, lately?
Seems to me that they had ought to check.
I don't have TV anymore and I don't miss it one bit. In fact, not running across CNN while channel surfing is a significant lifestyle improvement.
I'll miss football though. Maybe I can watch some Vikings games online.
Big Mike said...
Gasp, are those corporate jets?
No, one of them is a corporate turboprop.
8/5/11 9:50 PM
That is a relief. No self respecting Obama voter would be caught dead on a corporate jet. Well except for Obama and his corporate pals. That is somehow different.
I see "gentle mountains" in the distance of the airport pic.
Ms. Althouse is going to buy that damn house in the desert she blogged about the other day.
"I'll miss football though. Maybe I can watch some Vikings games online."
You could also take a dump and stare at that for 3 hours. Wouldn't be much of a difference between the two.
Ren, shouldn't you really save those jokes for the Bears?
edutcher said...
Greta is the exception
I don't think she commented on the downgrade. (It's Friday, she's pre-pre-recorded)
Fox is no different when it comes to summer weekends; virtually everyone is at the beach and/or partying in the Hamptons. And no downgrade will bring them back, even the first downgrade in American history. I mean, these people need accountants just to balance their checkbooks.
(Oops - Greta is on NOW)
"Ren, shouldn't you really save those jokes for the Bears?"
I may despise the Bears, but there's mutual respect between the teams and fans. The Vikings are an embarrassment to the NFL and their games are painful to watch. Purple uniforms? A disgusting stadium with a roof that can't even stay up? Yeah, the crap comparison is quite fitting.
Ezra Klein is an economic genius compared to most Democrats. They all believe in magic.
Ok, now I'm pissed.
"Ezra Klein is an economic genius compared to most Democrats. They all believe in magic."
I'm pretty sure Christine O'Donnell, former witch, is a Republican.
"Ok, now I'm pissed."
I'd be pissed, too, if I had to root for the ViQueens.
Yeah, but she's a *former* witch.
(About whom, when she was running for office, the media felt it necessary to inform us, does not shave. Can anyone even imagine the media (or any republicans!) deciding that information was appropriate about even the most craziest Dem out there?)
I don't think anyone took Christine O'Donnell seriously. She was a lunatic, through and through.
I suspect you have nothing to fear from Sixty Grit
Yea Sixty is probably just constipated again. Can't say as I feel his pain, so to speak, but I bet it isn't any fun either.
Eveel Private Jets!$!!$11$1!!$!
Quick!! Tax them to death and kill the General Aviation industry in the USA.
oh. that was the plan, wasn't it?
I was at the Coop and saw someone who wasn't quite local looking commenting on the cold-brewed latte. Perhaps surprised that such a thing could be found in Middleton. Tall, thin, blond wearing a hat. Something made me think, "I wonder if that could be Titus". The next day you posted that you were stocking up on organics at the Coop. Didn't mean to freak you out.
The diversity hire has ruined our credit. Nice job Libtards.
van Susteren not only commented on the downgrade; it was her main topic, and she is repeating her show again in O'Reilly's time slot.
Also she spent some time again ranting about how the housing bubble was all the credit rating agencies fault to start with, which is B.S.
They failed all right, but if you drive drunk, and the cops don't catch you, and you get into a wreck, it is your fault, not the cops'.
Do you swim at Harbor Athletic Club?
Those *are* desert-y looking mountains in the background. I was going to say that the sky looked sort of like that down here, today. Are we playing "Where in the World is Ann Althouse?"
It's not Albuquerque, though. Not facing West. It could be a smaller airport but I don't think that's the view west from Double Eagle either.
Almost Ali said...
I don't think she commented on the downgrade. (It's Friday, she's pre-pre-recorded)
Fox is no different when it comes to summer weekends; virtually everyone is at the beach and/or partying in the Hamptons. And no downgrade will bring them back, even the first downgrade in American history. I mean, these people need accountants just to balance their checkbooks.
Granted, the interviews were from earlier in the week, but she was live there.
Synova said...
Those *are* desert-y looking mountains in the background. I was going to say that the sky looked sort of like that down here, today. Are we playing "Where in the World is Ann Althouse?"
It's not Albuquerque, though. Not facing West. It could be a smaller airport but I don't think that's the view west from Double Eagle either.
Maybe those two crazy, romantic kids flew back to CO to do something else on the mountaintop.
PS If memory serves from our one quick trip there, Albuquerque is ringed by higher terrain.
Your knowledge of the country may be better.
I don't think anyone took Christine O'Donnell seriously. She was a lunatic, through and through.
I actually believe she would be doing a better job than Stuart Smalley. Less a lunatic, bedsides.
"Also she spent some time again ranting about how the housing bubble was all the credit rating agencies fault to start with, which is B.S."
Actually, it isn't B.S.
The structured financiers figured out that the ratings agencies were using historical probabilities to rate the tranches of each mortgage backed security.
In other words, the ratings agencies were not looking at the actual loans in each structure pool.
Once the wall stree guys figured that out, they started slipping sub-prime loans into the pools.
Low and behold, the tranche ratings didn't change.
So they started to slip in more sub-price crap.
Ratings on tranches didn't change.
Then it turned into a wholesale rout. The structured financiers couldn't get enough sub-prime "lead" loans to turn into "gold."
The mortgage originators, like Countrywide, realized they could sell every sub-prime loan they took, so they dropped their standards.
Their brokers dropped their standard.
Speculators realized that they could get any loan they wanted, and started to borrow and borrow for homes in California,
The funds that were restricted from purchasing anything but AAA kept buying the AAA tranches.
The mortgage securities were paying such a large spread over the risk-free interest rate offered by the Fed (since, btw, the dot-com bubble burst), that the banks could not refuse from holding them.
They'd borrow for nothing, buy the AAA mortgage securities, and get 4% for hardly any work.
Even the ones the knew the mortgages were filled with dog food couldn't lay off 'em.
The machine hummed right along until the sub-primes started to default.
Then the gig was up.
And the one pinch point, the ratings on the mortgage security tranches, if gotten right, would have prevented it all.
@irene: no, i don't think that is what is now styled as "missoula international airport", aka johnson bell field. the scare quotes are kind of cheesy on my part, since it really is an international airport, but the commercial aviation traffic is slow that moniker is more than a little pretentious.
i had my first airplane ride there, in about 1959 or so, in a ford tri-motor.
quayle, that's interesting. cite please?
"PS If memory serves from our one quick trip there, Albuquerque is ringed by higher terrain."
Not to the West. To the East the mountains are right up to the city. To the West there are some low lava burned cliffs, mostly flat land, and five or so volcanic cones and some mountains in the distance. The mountains to the North would look low-ish like that, on the horizon, even though Mt. Taylor is taller than Sandia Crest (the craggy peak to the East of ABQ).
Colorado is likely a good bet. There seems to be trees.
Take your word for it.
As I say, The Blonde and I were only there once for a couple of days, as we were thinking of retiring there. I liked it, but she didn't care for the highway on stilts around the city.
I thought the Rio Grande valley was pretty (we were there in January); we'd driven up from Phoenix to Flagstaff, then across; and then we drove down to Socorro and then back to Phoenix.
Gorgeous country.
Colorado is likely a good bet. There seems to be trees.
Agree. Southwestern part. Four Corners or within 100 mile radius.
Ah but do we know it's actually a sunset?
Not DIA. Wyoming somewhere? Cheyenne?
Standard & Poor is the same outfit that downgraded Lehman Bros on the day they went belly up, aren't they? I think the Stock Market might like this move.
I think that Quayle has the gist of it right.
Wall street types are very aggressive about making money. Very aggressive. They make money, a lot of money, by gaming whatever system of rules is in place.
Exactly how does high frequency trading increase the wealth of the Republic?
"The Coop in Middleton". That sounds so weird.
Not DIA. Wyoming somewhere? Cheyenne?
We've a;ready ruled out:
1. Colorado Springs
2. Scottsdale, AZ
3. Tuscon
4. Santa Fe
5. Orange County
6. Burbank
7. Pomona
8. St George Utah
9. Albuquerque
10. Tuscon
11. Taos
12. Cheyenne
We were thinking it could be Reno (maybe)
Or somewhere in California.
That bluff looking thing is are clouds, right? Is that everyone's take on the butte looking thing?
As a suggested cut when SuperCongress swings into action, how about some massive savings on Presidential lifestyle - like making him pay for his golf, or no more trips out of the country (or the D of C) for First Families, or a big cutback on the ex-POTUS Livin' Large budget?
I am tall, blonde and thin but I don't drink coffee or purchasing any wine or beer.
I am definitely not local.
But I go to the Middleton Coop every day to get an amazing salad.
And yes, I swim at the Harbor Athletic Club every day.
I am coming out, but thankfully I am leaving in a couple of weeks.
Please don't hate me anyone. I am actually really a little concerned about some Sixty Grit guy knowing my name. He hates me bad. He responds to everyone of my comments here and I truly believe he wants to kill me.
Other than that I am super, thanks for asking. I just don't want him to harm the rare clumber in front of me before he kills me. That would destroy me because I really love dogs and my rare clumber is really really nice.
Anyone notice the pic Drudge is running of Obama? Looks like he is about to burst into tears.
Christy said...
Anyone notice the pic Drudge is running of Obama? Looks like he is about to burst into tears.
Drudge does that all the time. That not a flattering photo of Carlos Slim either.
A friend sent me this great video of Nigel Farage taking down some Eurocrats; Enjoy!
When you land at this airport, is there a tower? Or can a pilot just fly in and out ... because everything's so level. And, flat.
Real pilots need mountains to strut their stuff!
Would you like to see a video of an epic meltdown? Aging guitarist cannot get his song right, throws a scouser rage. NSFW.
That mountain in the background sure is a butte.
Since that "butte" is actually a cloud species called cumulus buttus, I take back my earlier predictions.
I was had.
And yes, I swim at the Harbor Athletic Club every day.
@Titus: I just looked at a map and put 2 and 2 together. That club is in Middleton. It is very near a restaurant called Captain Bill's. It wasn't called Captain Bill's when I lived there--it was called the "Hatchcover" IIRC. There used to be a very cool artesian spring around there when I was a kid. They couldn't cap it so they just let it flow into the lake. Is it still there?
Google has a nice tribute to Lucille Ball's 100 birthday.
I see where Eric Cantor is quoted in the WSJ as saying that in the debt talks with Obama and his aids, he realized for the first time just how many European-style (my characterization)ideological lefty "true believers" there were; that the facts of tax rates and revenue streams were beside the point and that it really was all about "social justice" in their eyes--that they really did live in an alternate M.C. Escher universes from the Elephants--when one said: "Some people just make too much money."
Scary stuff--pure unalloyed European socialist sentiments/weltanshruungat at the very least--the politics of envy and class warfare. But why should anyone be surprised after Obama unabashedly SOUGHT OUT an out-and-out-Communist (Van Jones) and installed him as his "Green Czar." After all, what sort of people does one expect someone tutored by a card-carrying Communist to surround himself with?
The Obamaoids are like Genghis Khan.One simply didn't negotiate with the Golden Horde; one either totally submitted to their demands or fought to the death. But even if successful in defense, knowing full well that they would be back next year with an even bigger army.
To defeat Communists and socialists/Statist "true believers they must be crushed root and branch, or else they will lie dormant for decades like the seeds of desert flowers, awaiting only a few drops of rainwater to spring into full bloom again. Worse, the core Communist "true believer" utopians are shape-shifters of the first order. Witness their transmorgification from mere Stalinists worshiping dialectical materialism by transferring their affection and ardor to the green movement (eco-Stalinists now) under cover of worship of their new religion: "environmentalism."
Quayle, that is a nice summary of the problems with CDOs. Then rating agencies sold their reputations. Fannie and Freddie also played a big part but that was earlier when the ball first got rolling. AS for a cite, Nicole Gelinas' book, "After the Fall", is a good place to start.
I'm pretty sure Christine O'Donnell, former witch, is a Republican.
She wasn't the best candidate but she would be a far better Senator than the dope who won the election. I don't think she believes in magic in economics. The Democrats do.
Serious Titus, you should post those stadium sketches. Have Ann scan them for you. It will help us remember.
If anything happens between Sixty Grit and you, can I have the rare clumber? My kid keeps asking me for a dog. It doesn't do anything gross like eat its own poop does it? Because I hate that in a dog.
I was driving home from work yesterday morning just after sunrise. There were large puffy clouds off to the west, and the light of the rising sun tinted them a bright pink. One was shaped like a camel; I could see the head and neck to the left and the humped back to the right. By the time I got home, the pink color was almost gone, and the camel's head and neck had stretched straight out horizonally, and I realized that it was now a lumpy elephant trumpeting through its trunk.
This just illustrates the human propensity to seek patterns even where none exist. Intellectually, I realize that it was just a cloud of water vapor, but the eye sees what it sees.
Regarding the black wilding mob attacks on whites at the Wisconsin State Fair, one wonders what the black unemployment rate is in Wisconsin? A lot of those folks (probably at least 95% of the ones old enough to vote) were Obama voters, ones like that gal who thought Obama was going to pay their mortgage, etc. Instead, they can't get a job, even with one of "their own" in the White House. No wonder they're bitter and antisocial.
Elections have consequences. In this case, the consequences include sky-high unemployment and economic catastrophe.
We are so screwed...
I'd guess Albany NY.
And as we all remember, the numbers were quite clear that the test scores of black students in Wisconsin's unionized schools were far worse than in Texas and Virginia where collective bargaining was illegal. I guess all of those white people protesting at the state capitol to keep them trapped in a system that yields such terrible results must really piss them off.
KAPA Centennial Airport, about 20 miles southeast of Denver. I've flown into that airport countless times and the view is unmistakeable.
Please read and repost if you can.
Nowhere To Turn For Victims of Months-long, Government-caused Disaster
It is B.S.
Congress created the system, and the speculators reacted like speculators do.
The ratings agencies just failed to raise a public outcry, though one may also be justified in asking why they did not, and if Congress and Administration(s) exerted pressure on them to keep quiet.
The Democratic Party leadership and the MSM are like the climate "scientists," they have so much invested in the theory that if the models don't work out, it must be that the data are wrong and need to be "adjusted." It can't be that the theory is wrong to start with; admitting that would be just to painful to be borne.
I wonder when Ann would put up a post like this? Or would she dig her heels in and vote for you know who again?
'You know who' for President
wv: 'wished' How I wished you know who was president!
I stumbled on my potato recipe on Meade's blog. Did he try it out? He could have told me he was putting it up there and that would have made me very happy. But thanks anyway!
S&P shoots Senator Chuck Schumer.. ;)
For those of that missed it and don't know what I'm talking about.
You would think at trillions of dollars a year our guvemt could afford the Senator some protection.
Its an outrage ;)
Why did the first news of the death of 31 Americans in a single incident come from the President of Afghanistan?
Quayle did not describe CDOs, he gave a broad description of the MBS market. Entirely different things. The rating agencies failed miserably in pegging the risk of all the tranches of all types of real estate debt. The perfect storm of a belief that real estate values would rise forever coupled with the fiction that everyone should own and not rent, hitched to cheap rates and a craving for returns on the part of bomd investors led to this
The downgrade wont, but should, be meaningful. Obama should be required like every other of his type to give up his credit card and start using a devit card.
Is that Centennial Airport in Denver?
A lot of those folks (probably at least 95% of the ones old enough to vote) were Obama voters, ones like that gal who thought Obama was going to pay their mortgage, etc. Instead, they can't get a job, even with one of "their own" in the White House.
For the Dems, these people are political cannon fodder. Helping them become adequately educated and attain decent gainful employment is out of the question. It's important to keep them down and believing it's all "the man's" and the Republicans fault so they will voted Democratic. Once they make a decent living, their votes become less secure for the Dems.
pm317 said...
I wonder when Ann would put up a post like this? Or would she dig her heels in and vote for you know who again?
'You know who' for President
I don't think "You know her" would have done much better. We'd certainly have been stuck with HerllaryCare and at least one stimulus.
David said...
Why did the first news of the death of 31 Americans in a single incident come from the President of Afghanistan?
Because Little Zero was hoping if DC said nothing, no one would notice?
Boy, do I miss Reagan.
Or either of the Bushes.
Meadhouse is on their way to Alaska? Or Hawaii?
I'm pretty sure Christine O'Donnell, former witch, is a Republican.
But Nancy Pelosi, a current witch, is a Democrat.
As are Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson-Lee ...
Another excellent description of the lead-up to the mortgage melt-down is The Big Short.
I was astounded to discover how long ago it was possible to know that a melt-down was inevitable.
Toss this into the mix,
25 of our guys killed in A-Stan were SEALs - according to Ace, from Team 6.
No word on whether this had anything to do with the bin Laden hit.
China - "International supervision over the issue of U.S. dollars should be introduced and a new, stable and secured global reserve currency may also be an option to avert a catastrophe caused by any single country," Xinhua said.
Why did the first news of the death of 31 Americans in a single incident come from the President of Afghanistan?
Because DHOTUS was busy with his hip-hop birthday barbecue.
edutcher said...
If you knew what policy positions she put out during the primary (compared to O'dumbo) you would see it differently. She certainly cares about the people and the country more than O'dumbo and certainly more courageous and intelligent. She would not have sold you out to the Wall Street, insurance companies, and others who have made a puppet out of O'dumbo. If you were averse to all Democrats, then you didn't have a choice in the 2008 election, none. A dog with a Democrat label would have won.
As a suggested cut when SuperCongress swings into action...
Congress-critters are leasing vehicles as high as $1400 a month (hybrid SUVs)
Agree with pm317. Hillary is as corrupt as they come, but she actually loves her country.
Yesterday I went to a conference and had to do some walking between buildings for different meetings.
It was so hot that it felt a lot like standing too close to a fireplace and not moving back.
Freeman, we've been using those "igloo freezer packs" to keep cool. Looks funny to have this blue gel package strapped on the back of my neck, but keeps me frosty cool.
Sixty Grit said...
ROFL, thanks for the laugh.. Let us see you donate your SS checks to your church assuming you paid into it. Maybe the way things are going you won't have any SS checks. Then again, you don't need your 'commies' to help anyway, right?
She may love her country, too bad she doesn't love the United States of America. She is a communist to her very soul, if she has one.
The question is "Would she have been better than Obama?" The answer is "Yes, much better." That is why in the primary, I voted in the Democratic primary for Hillary. It was obvious a Democrat was going to win the presidency. We might as well try to get the best one we can.
(I did vote for McCain in the general election.)
I am very sorry to hear about the helicopter crash in Afghanistan.
I grew up in cities and towns associated with Air Force Bases and oftentimes actually on them. Climbed around airplanes for as long as I remember. Went to sleep by the comforting roar of B-52 Stratofortresses performing continuous touch 'n goes. I do not have a pilot's license and never had an interest in getting one. Nevertheless, because Barksdale AFB donated a retired flight simulator to my high school science department, a program was hastily developed to use it whereupon my entire science class was run through force-learning all kinds of technical poo like mixing fuel with levers and such. Additionally, my dad enrolled me in CAP on the base, which at Barksdale is a serious militaristic BFD, uniforms and everything. I didn't like it.
Scene 2: As a student, I befriend an ex Navy pilot who promptly took it upon himself to show me how to fly, by way of braggadocio, I suppose. He didn't know, and I didn't mention, the earlier simulator training and the CAP, episodes I absorbed but would just as soon forget. (Too science-y for my silly self, technical things, maps, math, weather and all of that.) One of our flights was a short circular route around the city, out of and back to Centennial airport in a rented fixed-wing Cessna 172. It's like a VW with wings. Slow because the wheels do not retract so there is all that drag down there. I was to plan the flight, perform the walk around, the check off, taxi out, take off, fly around, and land.
The altitude of Centennial is obviously a mile. The day was quite hot. Air pressure low. High altitude + hot air + low pressure = low density, very little air to flow over and under the wings. By normal circumstances the plane will leap into the air at 60 knots rotation speed (the front nose wheel spins off the tarmac), but on that day the plane strained to lift at 80 knots, so thin was the air that day. I was instructed to hold the speed at 80 knots and hold it I did. The plane barely lifted off and then ever so slowly crept upward. Gaining altitude was so achingly slow it was freaking me out. During the brief flight around the city, my instructor told me he never saw anyone hold it so steady. The whole point was to impress IFR (instrument flying). Other than the plane's instruments, which are minimal, apart from the "Hey I can see my house from here," there is little to hold one's interest, it's actually a bit boring. Then I landed and taxied back.
(I could not tell you if this photo here is Centennial airport or not.)
This concludes my Centennial airport-related anecdote.
But how about something more interesting than all that? Here is a happy little amateur song about "rotating your owl for science."
Is it me or does it seem that every top 40 pop song now days is "featuring" so and so..
Can anybody sing by themselves anymore?
I wonder if Crack has noticed the same.
@Lem Is "featuring Pit Bull" actually a feature?
It was so hot that it felt a lot like standing too close to a fireplace and not moving back.
I note that Little Rock set an all-time record high this week. Fayetteville tied their all-time high. Fayetteville also set their all-time record low this past winter.
At some point, the heat will abate. It has up here.
Thats another thing.. a real pit bull would be a lot better.
/via Belmont Club
pm317 said...
edutcher said...
If you knew what policy positions she put out during the primary (compared to O'dumbo) you would see it differently. She certainly cares about the people and the country more than O'dumbo and certainly more courageous and intelligent. She would not have sold you out to the Wall Street, insurance companies, and others who have made a puppet out of O'dumbo. If you were averse to all Democrats, then you didn't have a choice in the 2008 election, none. A dog with a Democrat label would have won.
Have to disagree on all points. This is the same sort of nonsense you hear from some "Conservatives" who will tell you how much they miss Willie and what a pragmatist and centrist he was. Compare the first two and last two years of his Administration with the middle four. The bookends he ran by himself, the middle years were all Dick Morris because he wanted to be re-elected and didn't want to go to jail.
Wall Street started its love affair with the Demos on her husband's watch - consider Robbie Rubin. And the Clintons only have rich friends.
As to loving her country, this is the woman who "pledged allegiance to the America that is yet to be". And Sixty Grit is on the money as far as her being a small c communist - she's no different than Little Zero in believing she knows what's best for us peons.
Remember, It Takes A Village - with a large, intrusive, imperious government.
As to courageous and intelligent, her primary campaign was as big a mess as her turn as Healthcare Czarina (or as AR Education Czarina). She couldn't make a decision.
And I stand by the idea she'd have imposed HillaryCare and at least one stimulus because that's the way Willie still claims he killed the Bush Recession (actually, it was Congress allowing George Mitchell's Soak-The_rich luxury tax expire that did it).
The question is "Would she have been better than Obama?" The answer is "Yes, much better."
I think if Hillary were elected president in 2008, Obama would've gotten it later. In the meantime we'd have to endure his waiting-in-the-wings majesty. Better to get it all over with.
How do we get the fastest, most effective change of behavior to these racially-motivated beating riots and wildings that law-breaking black youth and black young adults are increasingly committing on non-blacks in Mid-West to East Coast America?
With jail time and the threat of jail time currently insufficient to change behavior, why not public beatings? Beatings would quickly communicate humiliation, shame, and, if done effectively, create a continued climate of fear of wrongdoing. Added to a shorter but still required incarceration, beatings would put a quicker stop to the growing black wildings gang mentality. Beating the guilty is really the only appropriate punishment for someone involved in the deliberate physical beating of an innocent human being. Of course there will be some who would use a personal beating to pump a rap career, but most young blacks would definitely turn away from the possibility of such punishment. That is what history has repeatedly shown to be true.
So, the question is: how many more white and other non-black Americans are you willing to let be beaten by unpunished black youth? What number of innocent victims should be permanently disabled, scarred and killed because they are not black before reaching your indignation threshhold?
why not public beatings?
1) thats what barbarians would do, and
2) public beatings of blacks by the Law conjures up images of 40 lashes, nooses in trees and burning crosses.
Not happening.
FWIW, a very popular punishment in this country at least until the Mexican War (and probably a little afterward) was 39 lashes ("40 stripes less one"). Banishment - usually with the threat of hanging if they came back - was another.
WV "dearrom" What techies who are a little too much into their machines call memory.
Ok, I have my solution, which I'm certain would work and also certain would never be seriously considered:
Once a perp is found, eliminate all public assistance to his family. The adults might finally wake up. I'm sure they're not all on welfare, but enough of them are to send a real message.
thats what barbarians would do,
Why is it barbaric? It is far more merciful and beneficial in the long run to society and the perpetrator. The fact that it was previously misused in this country does not make it wrong as a solution. We still lock people up even though some have been locked up wrongly.
I don't usually think of you as someone given to political correctness, Fen . . .
The question STILL is:
How many more white and other non-black Americans are you willing to let be beaten by unpunished black youth? What number of innocent victims should be permanently disabled, scarred and killed because they are not black before reaching your indignation threshhold?
RE: the killed SEALS and others-- "Their deaths are a reminder of the extraordinary sacrifices made by the men and women of our military and their families, including all who have served in Afghanistan,” the president said.
"A reminder". It's not about the dead SEALs; it's about us, and what we can remember. Obama projects his narcissism on the rest of the populace.
Chase: I don't usually think of you as someone given to political correctness, Fen . . .
I'm sorry, I don't remember you. Are you posting under another name? Because your posts re public beatings of blacks by the Law smells like bait to me.
To repeat one of the comments:
"That's a hoot!"
Fen, we have talked to each other on this blog before. Google me here.
It's not bait. I'm dead serious about this growing problem. And it is not blacks only -it's for anyone involved in an assault that results in physical harm against another. It is effective when administered properly. It is medically safe and far more humane for both the society and the perpetrator.
Honestly - discuss it. Unless you cannot think past political correctness.
Okay. Sorry about that.
We've had a rash of Leftists using sockpuppets to moby.
I still don't agree that your idea would work. Its too late for that, all you would do is create martyrs (Rodney King).
Besides, a bullet is cheaper.
I just recommended the lash as a punishment for that bad dad on the other thread. I have no idea the race/s involved there and do not care.
Somebody's got to put the race hustlers on /ignore if this society is to avoid self-immolation.
If its the restaurant I think it is, my wife and I spent our most recent wedding anniversary there. The Perfect Landing.
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