२८ जुलै, २०११

Blogger's back!

Things hadn't been working here since early this afternoon, but I wrote an email and it seems to have resulted in a restoration of all the malfunctioning functions within 15 minutes.

Thanks, Blogger!

२३ टिप्पण्या:

mesquito म्हणाले...

I thought that last post was just depressing the hell out of everybody.

chickelit म्हणाले...

wv = blout Portmanteau word from blog + clout

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

It's working, but with hiccups,...

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

Whew. I thought that Blogger had been turned off by Geitner because of the great default.

Sprezzatura म्हणाले...

Didn't Althouse say that it would cost her hundreds of dollars a month to pay for the Swedish site? And, I thought there was some jabber about thirty thousand dollars for something or other.

Is it possible that Blogger is providing services w/ a value in excess of ten thousand dollars a year?

I wonder how much money is generated for them in return? Maybe they're raking it in. Maybe Althouse is a charity case.

The demanding, gimme gimme tone that she uses re Blogger makes me think that she thinks she is making them a lot of dough. But, she may be a big internet ingrate.

I dunno.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"But, she may be a big internet ingrate."


edutcher म्हणाले...

If you decide to go, many here will be willing to move boxes for you.

kimsch म्हणाले...

If you decide to go, many here will be willing to move boxes for you.

And we'll even provide our own pizza and beer!

wv: stsalso

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

I was this {} close to ending it all. Don't ever do that again.

Sprezzatura म्हणाले...

I'm earnestly wondering if you cost them more or less than you make for them.

Sure, that's a Booorrrinnnggg quandary.

But, it's not boring if we learn that you never realized you may be living on someone else's dime. It'd be interesting if you never considered that you may be ungratefully living off the google dole. That's revealing.

Or, maybe you know w/ crushing certitude that google makes a ton of dough off of your site. Presumably they have a way of making dough on your traffic. Maybe, they make so much today that the costs associated w/ the expected perpetual maintenance will still be offset, to Google's net benefit.

How much would they need to be making today? Ten, twenty, fifty, a hundred grand a year?

Like I said, I dunno.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

pb, you obviously don't understand the economics of big websites like Blogger. Give it a rest.

JAL म्हणाले...

@kimsch And we'll even provide our own pizza and beer!

Speak for yourself kiddo.

chickelit म्हणाले...

Your Google woes look mighty suspicious.

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

It was me. They said they would not let you back up unless I gave them my phone number. Eventually I relented. 876-5309

kimsch म्हणाले...

@JAL - since we're moving boxes remotely, we really don't have much choice other that to provide our pizza and beer... but then we get the toppings/brands we prefer.

wv: diped

Christy म्हणाले...

Let's party at the other end of the move. I'll bring the Swedish meatballs.

Sprezzatura म्हणाले...

"you obviously don't understand the economics of big websites like Blogger. "

Truer words were never written.

But, nobody understands the economics of Blogger twenty or thirty or fifty years from now. After data structures have completely changed several times, and folks are experiencing the tubes in a way we can't even imagine today, I'd say your archive could in practice become toast. At least it will be toast in any meaningful way as the proverbial needle on the sitemeter meter (assuming it still functions w/ the future tubes) will never budge.

And, it's entirely possible that well before this scenario plays out, Google will have dumped the Blogger brand completely, at which point the toastification will be complete and irreversible.

If you truly want to maintain this blog indefinitely, you need to be willing and able to pay the price, rather than hoping that others (e.g. Blogger) will continue to pick up your tab.

AST म्हणाले...

How nice to have clout. When I was notified that my blog had been taken down as a spam site, I couldn't even get an acknowledgment beyond an automatic form response.

AST म्हणाले...

I feel so lonely.

Sprezzatura म्हणाले...

I forgot that Google isn't evil.

So of course they'll be maintaining the accessibility of your data after you're traffic is gone.

Silly me.

Don't worry AST, I'm sure your personalized response and solution is on the way. They care about you, because they're not evil!

Sprezzatura म्हणाले...

your or you're


Paco Wové म्हणाले...

pb&j - why the need to be a passive-aggressive tool about this?

अनामित म्हणाले...

Welcome back! If you are a professional blogger you need to have professional look,to able do this you need tuxedo best to fir your style.