ADDED: Imagine if Anthony Weiner were a Republican. (I know, it's such a hackneyed visualization, but it's important here.) The liberal/lefty blogs would be shredding him mercilessly. I'm not saying Weiner's not getting his hair mussed. But if he were a Republican, the feeding frenzy would be of a different magnitude entirely.
IN THE COMMENTS: Freeman Hunt writes:
So the media is just accepting this absurd assertion that all his accounts were hacked? They were all hacked for the purpose of sending a boner photo to some woman in Seattle? And he hasn't bothered to contact law enforcement?Nevadabob writes:
Must be nice to be a Democratic politician.
1) Weiner hasn't reported the alleged hack to the FBI.
2) Facebook hasn't announced any investigation of Mr. Wiener's allegedly hacked account.
3) Twitter (the company) knows the IP address of the computer that really sent the tweet. However, Twitter hasn't announced any investigation. They also haven't released the IP address of the person who actually sent the tweet so we can see if that IP address belongs to the Democrat Rep. Wiener
yfrog knows the IP address of the person that actually uploaded the obscene photograph Mr. Wiener's yfrog account. Thusfar, yfrog has not released that IP address so that we can track down the nefarious hacker who did that. Also, Mr. Wiener could request that they release that IP address to the public so we could help him track down the hacker. But he hasn't.ADDED: Is it news if a politician is unfaithful to his wife? It's not important (unless there's some big hypocrisy involved, as there is with politicians who have made their careers spouting "family values"). But I think it is news when a politician mishandles his internet communications. Minor news, but worth noting.
Mr. Wiener so far refuses to tell us what his own IP address is. And, he is refusing to answer detailed questions that would allow us to determine if the IP address which sent the tweet is at his home in New York.
It's trivially easy to determine if his accounts have REALLY been hacked. Is the FBI investigating? He is, after all, a sitting member of Congress and it is a felony to impersonate a member of Congress. It's also a felony to hack people's Facebook and Twitter accounts.
I'm left to wonder why hasn't Mr. Wiener reported this breach of Homeland Security to the proper authorities? Is it because falsely reporting this would itself be a felony?
And it's really news — serious news — if either: 1. the internet accounts of a politician have been hacked in an effort to destroy the man, or 2. the politician makes the false statement that he has been victimized by a crime. One or the other has occurred in this case (unless I'm failing to see some other option).
Should we all be closing our Twitter accounts lest some devious prankster destroy our reputation? Or has Weiner — for his own purposes — maligned Twitter's business and undermined the Twitter-user's sense of security? I want to know!
AND: If Weiner is lying about his accounts getting hacked, he could be sued by Twitter (and the other companies) for defamation.
ALSO: NBC News reports "Lewd Photo Sent Over Rep. Weiner's Hacked Twitter Account... his Twitter account was hacked." Not that Weiner makes that claim, but an outright assertion that his account was hacked. Twitter is getting slimed here. Does it deserve it?
२७८ टिप्पण्या:
278 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Uh oh...this is going to upset Jay Retread.
The entire statement is so implausible that I can't even begin to mock it.
It's time to bring the Wienerhacker to justice. At the very least there's a seriously disturbed pervert posing as a Member.
Unless a tweet is a reply or retweet, is there usually a greater context that needs to be known to understand them? I thought the point was short, self-explanatory statements.
I'm not saying Weiner's not getting his hair mussed.
oooo...channeling George C. Scott in Dr. Strangelove! "No more than 10 to 20 million, tops! Depending on the breaks."
So the media is just accepting this absurd assertion that all his accounts were hacked? They were all hacked for the purpose of sending a boner photo to some woman in Seattle? And he hasn't bothered to contact law enforcement?
Must be nice to be a Democratic politician.
Democrats have not values, therefore there are no values to defend.
Thus, no matter how big an asshole you are... well, who are you to judge?
Republicans have values and are, therefore, held to the standard of sainthood.
But if he were a Republican, he would be on CNN 24/7, the only topic on Sunday shows.
This is such a bogus story that even Drudge won't touch it. But you can count on Ann ("Andy can I be on your ham radio show now?") Althouse to carry this tainted water for her hero Breitbart. Sick.
If he understood implications correctly, he would have sent a picture of his asshole.
Meh-I don't think the feeding frenzy would be any different without evidence that the politician actually sent the picture. There have been enough high-profile hacks recently, from today's report of PBS getting hacked to Sony to numerous celebrity's social media and e-mails getting hacked that people are less likely to jump to the conclusion that the person did it.
Given that Anthony Weiner is social-media savvy, I find his claim of being hacked reasonably credible absent more information. He'd know that unless he sent the photo as a DM, it would be visible to the public at-large. Which isn't to say that Weiner couldn't have clicked a wrong button or just actually have been that stupid, but the hacking does seem more likely.
Law enforcement is probably not going to get involved over a hacked twitter account, even that of a Congressman. Without evidence of a massive breach of multiple twitter accounts, hacks of social media, especially a format where most communication is public, is given less priority than hacks of e-mail where most communication is private.
NY Congressman Christopher Lee resigned almost immediately after a similar incident. Is anyone calling for Weiner's resignation?
Can you imagine how Weiner is going to be sweating at 11 a.m. EST when Rush comes on?
Drudge hasn't touched this story but I can't imagine that Rush will ignore it; at least he'll use it as a cudgel to beat the MSM for their non-reporting.
Ann Althouse should be ashamed of herself for her role in dragging this innocent girl through the mud. Will Ann do a follow up post apologizing when it is 100% clear that she was smeared by the bumbling Breitbart? Not bloody well likely.
The problem for Weiner is that he lives down to his namesake "wiener" as a flaccid projection of a doogie houser member of congress.
It's more likely that someone hacked his Twitter and yfrog accounts? Then the hacker took a boner in the pants pic and sent it to some girl? And then the Congressman never contacted law enforcement but did delete all the photos on his account?
Sure. That's more likely.
Oh yeah, the feds wouldn't get involved when a Congressman who has Top Secret clearance is hacked. Especially when he used his government-issued Blackberry to tweet. Why would the feds be concerned?
You think that the police won't get involved if someone is defaming a Congressman by hacking is account and impersonating him? You are wrong.
Christopher Lee's face was in the picture and it was not a hoax. That is not the case here where even Drudge won't fritter away any credibility that he has left on it. (Ann is another story. She never had any credibility. She is just a wannabe.)
Huge Big 10 news, Althouse!
Jim Tressel forced to resign at Ohio State!
This probably pushes Wisconsin into first place as the dominant football program in the Big 10.
The question: Is Wisconsin also running a dirty program?
Why is Weiner protecting the "hacker"? All he has to do is let a pro take a peek at his device/computer and all will be revealed. Oh, that's why...
and, Tupac lives!!
And Freeman don't forget this nafarious hacker went out and found himself a skinny white guy who looks a whole lot like Weiner to pose for the picture. And he wanted to embarass Weiner. So instead of just tweeting something racist or sexist or any of the other PC minefields that would have gotten Weiner into trouble, this hacker instead went to all this trouble to send a hard on picture to some random woman in Seattle. Yeah right.
Jim Tressel forced to resign at Ohio State!
This is bad news. They're preempt Rush on WTVN today.
They don't realize how much of the area doesn't care about OSU football.
Everything is fair play in politics. Of course pictures of you at 17 will be tweeted. Just embrace it.
I have nothing good to say about Anthony Weiner however it's quite plausible his accounts were hacked. Howard Stern's producer regularly has his twitter hacked through twitpic so it's not hard to believe someone could do it through yfrog.
"it's quite plausible his accounts were hacked."
OF course it is. But it is very unlikely they were hacked for this purpose. If you can hack him, why go to the trouble of sending the picture when you can just tweet something embarassing? And just what was Weiner, a married 40 something Congressman from New York, doing following a coed journalist in Seattle on Twitter?
I have nothing good to say about Anthony Weiner however it's quite plausible his accounts were hacked.[...]
No, no, no! That's the wrong question. It is not whether somebody's account could, in the abstract, be hacked, but whether, in this specific instance, his accounts were hacked.
You are leaving the most relevant information out of your analysis; certain events already took place yesterday, and even earlier. You are thinking as if those events were irrelevant.
Yes, this young woman should just embrace being slimed by Breitbart and his #1 groupie Althouse.
You people are sick.
How did that little weasel ever find a wife?
I know, I know: Yenta; he paid a thousand chickens, unheard of in Brooklyn. A thousand chickens running crazy up and down Utica Avenue. And the weasel Weiner waiting in the temple.
"Yes, this young woman should just embrace being slimed by Breitbart and his #1 groupie Althouse."
How is she being slimed? She is the victim in this case. It is not her fault Weiner is some kind of devient. Stop trying to change the subject. This is about Weiner and his deviency.
Yes, this young woman should just embrace being slimed by Breitbart and his #1 groupie Althouse.
Jay, you keep crying crododrile tears for the 'young woman', and yet you keep shifting the spotlight from Anthony Weiner, and into her. I wonder why that is.
If he was really hacked, he wouldn't be protecting the hacker. Pretty simple.
Can you imagine how Weiner is going to be sweating at 11 a.m. EST when Rush comes on?
Not today because of the holiday. Maybe tomorrow.
As for his accounts being hacked, those who study such things find the idea rather implausible.
Congressman Weiner’s district is in NY. He is a man of some national prominence, a liberal who is not afraid of taking on conservatives directly. The phone message at his national office is personable and friendly. He is a regular guest on Morning Joe and is not shy about appearing anywhere. His national prominence dwarfs mine of course.
As of this moment 10:03 a.m. EST he has over 45K followers (45737 to be exact) I’m not one of them. He also follows only 194 people.
Until 48 hours ago one of those people was Genette Nicole Cordova tweetname @Gennette Noble the young lady who is at the center of this interesting event.
Just to remind you. Gennette Noble Gennette Nicole Cordova is a 21-year-old college student in Seattle Washington. She writes for the college newspaper. She seems a fairly attractive young girl and until 24 hours ago I knew absolutely nothing about her. I doubt many people on the net did. It would be fair to say that her prominence compared to me is of the same proportion of my prominence compared to Joe Scarborough.
Yet until 48 hours ago she was one of the under 200 people Congressman Wiener followed on Twitter.
Run that through your head for a second.
This entire story is just full of wonderful things to make word play and innuendo
Penis jokes= Weiner, weener, wiener, weenie, member
Constituency Outreach.
Tweet is just funny in and of itself. Of course he doesn't twitter....his staff does it for him. (nyuck nyuck)
Hacking the Weiner (ouch)
And a zillion other zingers on the net in Weinergate. If nothing else the American people have a great sense of humour and a great lack of reverence for our ....standing members of congress.
But if he were a Republican, the feeding frenzy would be of a different magnitude entirely.
Must be nice to be a Democratic politician.
Nail Weiners hide to the wall just like all of the GOP hides, for the same and lesser events, that have preceded him.
Show no mercy.
Up next, Barneys boy-toy at Fannie.
There is a new mood in this country and the Dems are in the crosshairs.
For that I say, thanks Barry, you are destroying the Democrat party from the inside out.
This entire story is just full of wonderful things to make word play and innuendo
Somebody mentioned Weiner should be afraid of Rush Limbaugh tomorrow. Perhaps. But he should really be afraid of Jay Leno tomorrow night. That is what really spread the news into the apolitical mainstream.
Weiner's new campaign song.
Breitbart did not slime the young woman Weiner followed on Twitter--Breitbart deleted the woman's name and Twitter info.
Other blogs outed the young female college student.
Then she jumped into the spotlight herself.
Ann is also such an intellectual phony here. This story is directly tied to Breitbart who has proven himself to be the pusher of hoaxs. The Chis Lee story had no middle man. Ann is such a hack that she pretends they are the same, nevermind that Rep. Lee face was in the photo and this is probably a Google search photo. But Ann knows she can scream "mainstream media!" and all of her little Althouse Hillbillies will come running.
Althouse Hillbilly = intellectually impoverished conservative readers of this blog
Forget "Republican". Yesterday, Andrea Mitchell essentially had to fabricate a smear on Sarah Palin. Can you even begin to imagine the type of elite media coverage on the Palins if either Sarah or Todd have tweeted a scandalous picture to a young, attractive co-ed? Katie Couric may even have come out of retirement for that one!
One thing that everybody knows about retreads is that they tend to blow up.
You are blowing up, right here, right now.
This story is directly tied to Breitbart who has proven himself to be the pusher of hoaxs.
CBS made it trendy to push hoaxes.
Oh I'm happy I am not Anthony Weiner,
That is what I'm glad not to be,
Because if I were Anthony Weiner,
Everybopdy would be tweeting me.
Gee, when was the last time an important Democrat politician was caught grazing on women half his age?
But, by all means, let's have an investigation. And let's see how much Weiner really wants this thing probed.
Jay Retread said...
Ann is also such an intellectual phony here. This story is directly tied to Breitbart who has proven himself to be the pusher of hoaxs.
Oh, yes, the ACORN and Planned Parenthood things were such hoaxes.
I've watched in sheer disbelief as my name, age, location, links to any social networking site I've ever used, my old phone numbers and pictures have been passed along from stranger to stranger.
I'm in sheer disbelief at her disbelief.
Did she think there would never be any consequences for what she does on the Internet? That the information falls away into a black hole and disappears?
Be careful what you put out on the internet as it may come back to taunt you with vicious tweets (/snicker).
This is why I refuse to participate in Facebook or "follow" anyone on Twitter. "Following" evokes the image of the sled dogs who only gets to see the a@@hole of the leading dogs.
Your actions reveal the truth more than your words. If his account was hacked, he would report it. It is illegal to impersonate a federal official. No inquiry, no crime.
This story is pretty minor, but it's always amusing watching a few shills show up to tell us that the most likely explanation is a hack, which is simply incorrect. The hack would have to be multiple accounts simultaneously, and Weiner regained control over all of them in 4 minutes. That sounds more like he clicked the wrong button and meant to send the picture privately.
The claim the police and FBI wouldn't investigate this is also completely incorrect. Weiner has other private messages in this account. This is very similar to the guy who hacked Palin's yahoo account, sent a few messages, and read all her email. The FBI got a proxy service to reveal his real IP, and grabbed his computer, and sent the hacker to prison over it.
They would investigate.
But there's nothing to investigate. Weiner refuses to report this to police, and calls the hacking a distraction, and wants no scrutiny over what really happened, even though it currently looks like he's a computer illiterate pervert who has been in DC too long to know better.
If he's telling the truth, he has everything to gain from an investigation, which would be able to prove someone intruded into his twitter account, after all. The fact some have to merely speculate it was hacked is actually very strong evidence it was not hacked.
If this were a Republican, such obvious conclusions would be headlines in the MSM.
It's still a minor scandal, though. These people elected Giuliani. They don't care. It's sad that an innocent person is being raked over the coals, being accused of being a hacker, when it's pretty clear he did nothing wrong.
I'm curious how Jon Stewart will deal with it if he is not on vaction this week. I think he and Weiner were roommates at one time.
Reminiscent of Brett Favre's text messages. And in the end they were able to track down the culprit.
This new media stuff is hard.
This is such a bogus story that even Drudge won't touch it.
Drudge doesn't update on the weekends.
I think everyone is a little leery of going off the deep end of a Breitbart story after the Sherrod affair. BUT if Weiner is innocent, why doesn't he call the FBI? And why don't the lamestream media ask him that?
The supposed hacker is volunteering to show them his hard drive.
I'm in sheer disbelief at her disbelief.
I dunno DBQ. She's so young, and young people can be pretty naive.
That's what really gets me about these creeps, having a young daughter. It's really predatory for a middle aged guy to go after these girls, who are too young to be called women in my opinion.
I have a daughter in her 20s and though she thinks she's really smart and savvy she's a babe in the woods.
Weiner has a sense of humor and that helps to diffuse the situation. I read the NY Times report and the report that Larry J links to at 10:26. From the NY Times report, you wouldn't believe that there was even the possibility of scandal to this affair......Is sexting now part of the courtship ritual in America? The world gets stranger and stranger.
"I think everyone is a little leery of going off the deep end of a Breitbart story after the Sherrod affair."
Why? Everything Breitbart said about Sherrod turned out to be the truth, and he updated honestly as more info came out. He wasn't the one going nuts on her. That was Beck, who flipped flopped to saying she was not so bad after Obama fired her.
All Breitbart did was show a video of her explaining something she did. Even the first video had that 'this is what I used to do, and I shouldn't have theme'. Though it also had the NAACP audience welcoming racism, and while the NAACP was calling opposition to Obamacare racist (which was the point).
Breitbart got an bull rap from his coverage of the truth.
DaveW said...
I'm in sheer disbelief at her disbelief.
I dunno DBQ. She's so young, and young people can be pretty naive.
That's what really gets me about these creeps, having a young daughter. It's really predatory for a middle aged guy to go after these girls, who are too young to be called women in my opinion.
I have a daughter in her 20s and though she thinks she's really smart and savvy she's a babe in the woods.
It has ever been thus. In the early 60s, before girls were expected to give out in a show of hippie-dippy "love", you saw the same thing.
Why the eagerness to get Weiner? The poor little man was obviously in love...and all is fair in love. Ask Ms Lewinsky and her boyfriend Bill. Outsiders must learn to respect these sexual expressions of intimate lovers.
Good take down of this Breitbart hoax.
If he were a Republican, Republicans would be calling for his resignation, not making excuses for him.
As if we didn't already know it, this latest "contretemps" only solidifies the fact that since at least 2008 when Obama hove on the scene, the MSM has thrown away any pretense of objectivity.--they're so far in the tank for the Donkeys that they've molecularly bonded with its inner-lining.
but the hacking does seem more likely.
No it doesn't. Weiner sending a boner pic to bird with big norks who he follows is much more likely.
Two accounts hacked simultaneously and then control regained within minutes? That doesn't even make sense.
Like I said earlier, he DM'd a message with pic. The cellular provider split the message. One part going private the portion with the pick went public. Weiner quickly realized what happened and took measures to erase the damaging evidence. Had he actually been hacked he'd be SCREAMING BLOODY MURDER AT THE TOP OF HIS LUNGS
Why hasn't Weiner demanded an investigation? Because he knows there is no hacker, that's why.
Jay Retread said...
Good take down of this Breitbart hoax.
Yes, Kos is world-renowned ifor its objectivity.
This is a classic case of "lets call him a pigfucker and make him deny it" politics. Ann is all to happy to be Breitbart's groupie on this.
'I wonder what my boyfriend @RepWeiner is up to.'
Weiner is right.. It never gets old.. it will just get...
Never mind.
"Yes, Kos is world-renowned ifor its objectivity."
When you can't counter the evidence attack the messanger. Look at the evidence you fool.
Remember Occam's Razor. The most likely explanation is Rep. Weiner sent the message.
Less likely - AFTER Rep. Weiner tweeted with a hashtag the Pacific Time of his appearance on a TV news show - someone hacked his Twitter and yfrog accounts, posted a fake image, tweeted it, and "notified" Breitbart.
Option 2, while possible, defies credulity.
I'm jus' sayin'
"This is a classic case of "lets call him a pigfucker and make him deny it" politics. Ann is all to happy to be Breitbart's groupie on this."
Hey now, watch it. I don't think Wiener is pig fucker. I do think the evidence looks like he sent a picture of his wang - or what he wished his wang to be - to a cute 20-something with big hooters.
And as others have said. Why has he not asked for the FBI to investigate the "hacking?" They would do it if he made an official request.
Chip Ahoy said:
"No it doesn't. Weiner sending a boner pic to bird with big norks who he follows is much more likely."
Chip - with succinct arguments like that, you'd have made a good lawyer. But since you use only a few words, you would have had difficulty making a good living at it.
virgil xenophon,
... MSM has thrown away any pretense of objectivity. --they're so far in the tank for the Donkeys that they've molecularly bonded with its inner-lining.
And we know exactly which part of that lining.
The most recent evidence in this unraveling hoax points to that his Twitter account was not hacked but the screen grab of Congressman Weiner's twitter page was faked.
Epic egg on Ann's face!
Though, is that egg or is that Breitbart's...oh, never mind.
Whatever it is Ann, you should wipe it off.
"Option 2, while possible, defies credulity."
Not if you're a "true believer'...remember, almost all who were sentenced to death during Stalin's show-trials steadfastly refused to believe he would do such a thing, even with Stalin's own signature on their death-warrants starring them in the face.
Imagine if Anthony Weiner were a Republican. (I know, it's such a hackneyed visualization, but it's important here.) The liberal/lefty blogs would be shredding him mercilessly. I'm not saying Weiner's not getting his hair mussed. But if he were a Republican, the feeding frenzy would be of a different magnitude entirely.
Feeding frenzy by whom? The Democrats? Yeah, sure. Just as when a Republican gets "caught" the Democrats will go into a feeding frenzy? What kind of insight is that?
By the MSM? Yeah well, okay, conjecture all you want. How much of a victim do you want to be?
You forgot to read the last sentence of the "evidence" you provided.
"If you are unsure how to interpret the results, please do not claim the results of this tool as proof of anything."
"The most recent evidence in this unraveling hoax points to that his Twitter account was not hacked but the screen grab of Congressman Weiner's twitter page was faked."
So Weiner just claimed it was hacked why? Liberals apparently think everyone else is as dumb as they are.
And just what was Weiner, a married 40 something Congressman from New York, doing following a coed journalist in Seattle on Twitter?
Never worry about smearing people with whatever you got. It's all good.
If someone hacked the account, it will be very easy to find who did. We found out who hacked into Palin's e-mail account didn't we? Until that happens, Weiner is responsible for what came out and also explaining why he was following some random coed on twitter.
When I was a prosecutor in the Army we would always catch officers screwing around wit their young enlisted. Their excuse for spending so much time with them was they were "mentoring". Odd how the young attractive females always got all the "mentoring". No one seemed to care about metoring the ugly males in the unit.
It is the same here. There are hundreds and probably thousands of aspiring lefty college reporters out there. How is it that a married Congressman from New York just happened to follow and be tweeting with a gorgous young female one from no where near his district? And then someone just happened to hack his account and then rather than tweeting something embarassing to all his followers, sent an obscene picture that looks just like said Congressman to the one twitter follower that it would both make sense and be embarassing for him to send it to?
Only someone as stupid and dishonest as the posters on the Daily KOS would believe such a story.
Jay Retread said...
"Yes, Kos is world-renowned ifor its objectivity."
When you can't counter the evidence attack the messanger. Look at the evidence you fool.
Everybody here is willing to see this investigated by professionals. Except apparently the "victim".
"Never worry about smearing people with whatever you got. It's all good."
When you are following and chatting with random single young women you have no reason to be doing so with and a picture of an errect penis gets sent from your account to one of the said women, yeah, it looks kind of bad. It is the kind of thing the wife tends to not believe your innocent explination for.
"Given that Anthony Weiner is social-media savvy, I find his claim of being hacked reasonably credible absent more information."
Here is some more evidence:
1) Weiner hasn't reported the alleged hack to the FBI.
2) Facebook hasn't announced any investigation of Mr. Wiener's allegedly hacked account.
3) Twitter (the company) knows the IP address of the computer that really sent the tweet. However, Twitter hasn't announced any investigation. They also haven't released the IP address of the person who actually sent the tweet so we can see if that IP address belongs to the Democrat Rep. Wiener.
yfrog knows the IP address of the person that actually uploaded the obscene photograph Mr. Wiener's yfrog account. Thusfar, yfrog has not released that IP address so that we can track down the nefarious hacker who did that. Also, Mr. Wiener could request that they release that IP address to the public so we could help him track down the hacker. But he hasn't.
Mr. Wiener so far refuses to tell us what his own IP address is. And, he is refusing to answer detailed questions that would allow us to determine if the IP address which sent the tweet is at his home in New York.
It's trivially easy to determine if his accounts have REALLY been hacked. Is the FBI investigating? He is, after all, a sitting member of Congress and it is a felony to impersonate a member of Congress. It's also a felony to hack people's Facebook and Twitter accounts.
I'm left to wonder why hasn't Mr. Wiener reported this breach of Homeland Security to the proper authorities? Is it because falsely reporting this would itself be a felony?
You decide, but let's not pretend that it's difficult to uncover he truth here.
Mr. Wiener is in hiding and refusing to release IP information. That's evidence. And he's hiding it.
lets call him a pigfucker
If you say so.
Looks like a classic case of clicking the wrong button to me, or one of his staffers has it in for him. Could there be a jealous intern in the picture? Pigfucker.
I am kind of upset about Jim Tussel.
What's the big fucking deal about getting free tats/
Sounds bullshit to me.
Chip Ahoy is kind of hot.
Anthony Weiner should be loudly warning all politicians to get away from Twitter. Your account can be hacked with career-destroying fake photos. Your followers can be sexually harassed. And Twitter will do nothing about it.
Where will Anthony Weiner go to get his reputation back?
What if this happened to a revolutionary in Syria? The government could just hack into an account, give false information about a meeting place, and then a massacre could follow.
The people who run Twitter wouldn't do anything to stop it. They do not care about user security.
Jay Retread waves hands furiously, screams that Prof. Althouse and Breitbart are hacks, that the Prof's readers are hillbillies (which I don't take offense at), offers no evidence for his claims, and we're the hysterical hacks?
What must we believe in order to believe that Rep. Weiner tweeted his wiener to a coed?
1. That a sitting US Congressman would be stupid enough to follow high school and college age girls on Twitter. Check--Weiner has, in fact, done both.
2. That a Congressman would be foolish, immoral, and stupid enough to compromise himself sexually. Check. The list of perps is too disgusting to cite, but let's just recall a certain Congressman running a homosexual prostitution ring and leave it at that.
3. That a sitting Congressman would allow his blackberry to be hacked and not be screaming bloody murder for an investigation. Why yes he should, but Weiner isn't. That's unbelievable.
I have no idea if Weiner tweeted his chubby to a coed, but based on the evidence, I'd give that scenario the best odds.
Nevadabob has it exactly right. Twitter and Yfrog could tell you all the IP addresses that accessed those accounts. If one of them is based in Romania or a comcast account in the name of Andrew Breitbart, then fine, Weiner is innocent. IF he was hacked, Weiner should have Twitter and Yfrog release the IP addresses and show the world how innocent he is.
Of course the IP addresses will show his Iphone or home account and end this farce. So I doubt we will be seeing them any time soon.
"Yes, this young woman should just embrace being slimed by Breitbart and his #1 groupie Althouse."
The young woman was slimed by Rep. Anthony Wiener, who crossed the bounds of marital impropriety and moral upstanding by sending lewd photos to her, in the process bringing his own wife's family name (Huma Abidel) into stain and disrepute, along with the innocent student victim of his crime in Seattle.
Huma Abedin must be mortified and embarassed to show her face in public. If not, she certainly should be.
Mr. Wiener should be arrested for his crime and should not be above the laws that we are required to follow.
If we send obscene photographs to students over the internet, we face arrest for our crimes. (Incidentally, I can't define "obscene," but I know it when I see it.) And sending obscenity over the wire using government equipment is a felony - even if you are a member of Congress.
Anthony Wiener should have to face the law just like the rest of us.
The evidence is now out there that this is another Breitbart fraud. I would encourage Congressman Weiner to not give in to this and engage in "lets call him a pigfucker and make him disprove it" politics. He is too classy for that. Let the proper authorities quietly investigate it. Also, let Breitbart and other even more obscure right wing bloggers like Althouse stew in their self created filth.
"Let the proper authorities quietly investigate it."
As opposed to just publishing the IP addresses that accessed his Twitter account and ending the whole thing tommorow.
When you were a kid, did you dream of growing up to be a propeganda hack for the government? Really, is that what you wanted your life to turn out to be? Pathetic. Just pathetic.
"This is such a bogus story that even Drudge won't touch it."
Uh... did you click on my link? It goes to the New York Times!
"Also, let Breitbart and other even more obscure right wing bloggers like Althouse stew in their self created filth."
And the New York Times!
"And the New York Times!"
And, did you see how they din't mention that he's a D? And, they didn't mention that he's a lib? Lamestreem media!!111!!!!!@!!!@!!!!111!!##$$@12!
This is a classic case of "lets call him a pigfucker and make him deny it" politics
"I'm not really saying he's a pigfucker, but there are people with questions!"
It is amazing how the media keeps falling for Bretibart's ratfucking black ops. There is not single moral bone in this guy's body.
"And the New York Times!"
Come on, Ann ... you know the NY Times and their Republican henchmen are the lead co-conspirators in the Vast Right Wing Machine.
I think Tired Jay Retread's logical fallacy of "appeal to authority" just died.
"It is amazing how the media keeps falling for Bretibart's ratfucking black ops. There is not single moral bone in this guy's body."
There's no crying in baseball, Garage. You struck out this at-bat. Get 'em next time.
"It is amazing how the media keeps falling for Bretibart's ratfucking black ops. There is not single moral bone in this guy's body."
It amazing how all liberals have left is ad homnym attacks. Don't bother with the facts Garage. Don't bother with the fact that Weiner could have cleared this thing up this weekend by having Twitter release the IP addresses that accessed his acount. Don't worry that his story is rediculous and makes no sense and smacks of desparation. Nope just attack the source.
You people have lost your ability to think rationally. You have lost the ability to argue your case. You really have gone mad.
The NYT is neutrally reporting what is turning out to be (surprise, surprise) another Breitbart hoax. What you did before that is to push an ugly smear campaign for your boy friend Andy.
Wipe your face off Ann. It is now drippling down your chin.
"The NYT is reporting what is turning out to be (surprise, surprise) another Breitbart hoax."
How come Anthony Wiener won't tell us what the IP address is of his home cable modem?
Then, he could ask Twitter to release the IP address of the device from which the tweet actually emanated. In about 4 seconds, we could track down the hacker for him. We could ask yfrog what the IP address is of the device that was used to upload Mr. Weiner's obscene photograph to yfrog.
Why is he hiding this information that could lead everyone to the real hacker? Why is he now suddenly instead refusing all requests for public comment from reporters?
Why is he hiding?
Jay Retread wrote:
When you can't counter the evidence attack the messanger. Look at the evidence you fool.
Earlier, in this same thread, Jay Retread had written:
Ann is also such an intellectual phony here. This story is directly tied to Breitbart who has proven himself to be the pusher of hoaxs.[...]
You've got to be fucking kidding me.
It thought Weiner liked to embrace his inner Islamist.
How is this a Breitbart hoax.
And how is this another Breitbart hoax?
Althouse Hillbillies are so dumb they probably think that Tupac is still alive.
Althouse Hillbilly = intellectually impoverished conservative readers of this blog
"The NYT is neutrally reporting what is turning out to be (surprise, surprise) another Breitbart hoax"
Now we go from ad homimyn to just flat out lying. There is nothing that indicates this is a hoax. You have no evidence that is a hoax beyond bare assertions and wishful thinking.
Why do you want to be so stupid? What do you care about some second rater from NY you probably have never heard of before he put his junk on twitter? Is it really that important to you that no one on your side is ever held to any standard of behavior by the other side? Are you really that tribal. My God, is there anything that is beneath you?
Any story that has Breitbart's dirty dick beating hands on it, must be assumed to be hellacious hatchet job first. And the Times mentions nothing about his sordid past? Hah. Great reporting there, paper of record.
Should we all be closing our Twitter accounts lest some devious prankster destroy our reputation? Or has Weiner maligned Twitter's business and undermined the Twitter-user's sense of security for his own purposes? I want to know!
Twitter should be very very concerned. This makes their service look horrible.
If they aren't, we should be.
"How come Anthony Wiener won't tell us what the IP address is of his home cable modem?"
I would suspect that the authorities investigating this after the holidays have told him to not make any evidence public. Standard investigative practice.
Thank God his name isn't Anthony Taint!
Oh I'm happy I am not Anthony Weiner,
That is what I'm glad not to be,
Because if I were Anthony Weiner,
I'd be explain' why no police report by me.*
* because a false report is a felony don't you see.
Well, he *should* be cooperating with authorities, shouldn't he?
This hacking claim is a stretch to believe, but I think this will be an instance of the coverup being much worse than the crime.
@DaveW: You have to let them grow up sometime.
Twitter should be very very concerned. This makes their service look horrible.
If they aren't, we should be."
LOL Yeah we have to be really careful. Or maybe not.
"This is a classic case of "lets call him a pigfucker and make him deny it" politics."
No, the photo really did show up in the man's Twitter feed. No one is questioning that. It's a hell of a thing.
So, to go with your "pigfucker" scenario, it's a classic case of a photograph a a pig getting fucked showing up in a man's Twitter feed and people wanting to know how that happened.
"The NYT is neutrally reporting what is turning out to be (surprise, surprise) another Breitbart hoax."
If this is a "hoax" then why is Rep. Weiner himself telling reporters his accounts were hacked?
Mr. Weiner himself does not believe this is a "hoax story."
A hoax is different.
An example of a "hoax" would be like that time when CBSNews' Dan Rather forged up some memos in Microsoft Word and then tried to pass them off as real 1950s memos. That's the definition of a hoax.
In this case, however, even Mr. Weiner admits that this Tweet was sent and that this photo was uploaded to his yfrog account and that is what Mr. Breitbart reported. He won't tell us whether it's his actual penis or not.
I'm not following why you claim this is a hoax? The tweet WAS sent. The tweet WAS sent from Mr. Weiner's real Twitter account. The photo was on Mr. Weiner's real yfrog account. Mr. Weiner is not denying any of this.
The only questions left are which IP address did the Tweet itself come from; what IP address uploaded the obscene photo to his yfrog account; and what IP address is in use at Mr. Weiner's home.
So far, the IP address information - the critical information which could settle this once and for all - is being withheld by all parties.
It's a shame really; maybe the Congress should require IP information to be public so that when rogue members of Congress begin committing crimes with government issue property we can track them down more easily.
"I would suspect that the authorities investigating this after the holidays have told him to not make any evidence public. Standard investigative practice."
Except that he hasn't reported it to the authorities dipshit. Can you at least stop lying?
If Weiner sent the photo himself, I think Twitter has a defamation claim against him.
"Twitter should be very very concerned."
Yes, they should (also yfrog and Facebook). The security of their business model is being defamed by a sitting member of Congress.
I've decided never to use Twitter because of Mr. Weiner's experience and because of what he is saying, and so they've already lost money and audience and influence.
And I have already encouraged others not to do business with Twitter because of Mr. Weiner's claims.
In other words, a tort has occurred.
I am apparently 60 seconds behind Ann's thought pattern.
" I think Twitter has a defamation claim against him."
Are we sure that Althouse is allowed to think about the law on holidays? Holidays seem sort a like furlough days.
"Any story that has Breitbart's dirty dick beating hands on it, must be assumed to be hellacious hatchet job first. And the Times mentions nothing about his sordid past? Hah. Great reporting there, paper of record."
Is this the best hack the Democrat Party could find on a holiday weekend?
Garage, do you have any idea how guilty you make Mr. Weiner look when you attack the messenger with such ignorant viciousness?
You lost this one kid. Guy is a creepy skeever after the kiddies. Give it up and move on.
As I've said before and I hope now you all believe me, that it's easy to be a leftard because being a leftard requires no thought, because being a leftard excludes you from judgment, because any behavior is acceptable behavior, because saying no to anything isn't where it's at with a leftard. It is anathema to them. Weiner is no exception.
Jay's and Garage's interjection of the pig fucker scenario merits further questioning, namely who is the fucker and who is getting fucked, the pig that is.
The photographic evidence, while not dispositive, argues that Weiner is the fucker and the comely coed is the pig
While it's easy to agree that Weiner is a fucker, it seems terribly unfair and sexist for Garage and Retread to label the comely coed as a pig, and by inference, intimate that she had been fucked by the likes of Weiner.
On the other hand, it's possible that Jay, et al, see the coed as the fucker and the Weiner as the pig. Again, it's easy to agree that Weiner is a pig, but quite rude to call someone you've never met a fucker.
They should be ashamed.
There will most likely be no investigation, so now twitter will be on the hook to explain how one of their accounts gets 'hacked' and what measures they will put into place to prevent it from happening again. They will of course know the originating IP of the log on, because it's logged, but they will eat it for Weiner.
I honestly think Retread and Garage have lost it.
Can you believe the amount of spittle on their computer screens?
Should we all be closing our Twitter accounts lest some devious prankster destroy our reputation?
You've got me quite worried. I don't use my Twitter account that much, but what if some hacker got into it and started sending tweets proclaiming my love for hairless women? My reputation would be in ruins forever.
John wrote
"Except that he hasn't reported it to the authorities dipshit."
How do you know that? You don't.
The prime suspects in a hacking job would have to be Mark Foley and Clarence Thomas. Those two guys should be investigated. ;-)
"How do you know that? You don't."
How do you know he has? If he had, why isn't he telling the media he has and making himself look less guilty?
I read the NY Times article, and my impression was that there was nothing to the rumour and that Weiner responded with grace and humor. The more detailed analysis available on the internet indicates a strong hint of impropriety. I don't condemn Weiner for carrying on a flirtation (?) with a cute girl or even trying to cover up such a flirtation. I do condemn the NY Times for writing an article that witholds all the details that are damaging to Weiner......There is every reason in the world for a woman interested in a media career to wish to network with an influential NY congressman. Name is destiny, and Rep. Weiner would have a different identity if he did not welcome the attention of an attractive woman. Depending on the level of intimacy, this might be more or less innocent than it looks. But there's definitely more to the story than the NY Times article indicates.
"Are we sure that Althouse is allowed to think about the law on holidays? Holidays seem sort a like furlough days."
No. I can work at all hours and even involuntarily... it often happens... except on furlough days. It may "seem sorta like," but it's different with respect to whether I am obligated not to work.
"How do you know that? You don't."
Yes we do. Because we've asked. The New York FBI field office spokesman says they are not currently investigating this incident because nobody has made a complaint.
But don't take my word for it. You can call them yourself. Ask for Supervisory Special Agent Tim Flannelly. You can contact him at (212) 384-2715.
Is it his boner?
Having your account hacked doesn't necessarily reflect on twitter, because it might just be an easily guessed password; which would be Weiner's fault, except that Twitter ought to record failed attempts and perhaps lock the account for a while to make password guessing very expensive.
Passwords are very insecure as a method of verification in any case.
Something like a SecureID from RSA or competitors would be better, and would be used by banks etc. if they really cared about customer security.
(You have a key-chain device that displays a number that changes every minute; you log in with that number plus your password. The bank knows what number your device is displaying by what the date and time is. So a hacker needs both your password and the device to log in as you. But that costs money, and banks don't want to spend it on security, or even offer you the choice of paying for security.)
The Dems could turn this into a win-win by pushing Weiner to resign. Afterall, even before this incident, he was an especially hideous and loudmouthed example of a far left librul. By getting him to resign, he gets replaced by another Dem who will almost surely be way less hideous than Weiner.
"Is it his boner?"
The Congressman refuses to say whether it is a photograph of his actual penis that might have been stolen by the alleged hacker.
So, we don't yet know.
But we will eventually.
Chip Ahoy said:
"Two accounts hacked simultaneously and then control regained within minutes? That doesn't even make sense.
Like I said earlier, he DM'd a message with pic. The cellular provider split the message. One part going private the portion with the pick went public. Weiner quickly realized what happened and took measures to erase the damaging evidence. Had he actually been hacked he'd be SCREAMING BLOODY MURDER AT THE TOP OF HIS LUNGS
Why hasn't Weiner demanded an investigation? Because he knows there is no hacker, that's why."
This is the most likely assumption I've seen.
Twitter is getting slimed here. Does it deserve it?
No. Google deserves to be slimed. They still never restored the deletions they made from my blog.
Weiner has been married for less than a year, so it's a little early to be chasing pussy.
It was a repressed and circled-around joke on Imus, when he married a woman named Humma.
He may have only been married for a year. But his wife is white. Two words, Brown Sugar
pbandj said:
"Are we sure that Althouse is allowed to think about the law on holidays? Holidays seem sort a like furlough days."
Once kids in Weiner's circle learned how to spell, I'm sure he heard "wiener jokes."
In Yiddish, there are two words for penis. (But they have different meanings.) One is "schumck." And, the other is "putz."
Here, Weiner is a putz.
Monica, on the other hand, saw a schumck.
I think you have to be a member of congress to have enough time to "twitter" a hundred people.
And, you have to be retired, to spend so much time, here.
Changed tonight's menu. After this weekend, can't hack the idea of hot dogs. Ahem. OH MINE MIND'S EYE, IT BURNS!
Althouse Hillbillies are so dumb they probably think that Tupac is still alive.
Tupac's dead!? Shit!! I wondered why he hadn't put anything new out recently. Damn.
What amazes me is what a poor quality of devient Congress is producing. I understand powerful men often cheat on their wives. I also understand power attracts beautiful women. If I were a Congressman and ever caught in a sex scandal it will be me coming out of the Capitol Grill getting into a limo with some 20 year old beauty queen. So, Senator why are there always two beautiful aids with you? "Well it is for the conversation. That way if there winds up being any, I don't have to be involved"
Instead we get in the words of the imortal COL Bat Guano, some deviated prevert sending pictures of his junk to some coed in Seattle. Just sorry. What a loser.
Maybe it's a Jewish marriage.
("When does a Jewish man stop mastrubating? When his wife dies.")
An almost-throwaway-line from the Professor:
Is it news if a politician is unfaithful to his wife? It's not important (unless there's some big hypocrisy involved, as there is with politicians who have made their careers spouting "family values").
What I think is that it is important regardless of the stripes of the politician involved. This is a failing on its own, and it always says something about the people involved.
But what I find very odd is singling out 'family values' politicians for scorn. Hypocrisy is a relatively minor failing, and an outright necessity in some social situations. Cuckolding your husband or cheating on your wife far exceeds hypocrisy in the many ways human beings fall short of their ideals.
I think that cheating is important in the same way that mishandling information technology is important.
Cheating relates to personal judgment and self-control. Care in communications relates to, well, carelessness and inattention to detail. Shameful secrets can be used as leverage.
While talking about Arnold someone suggested that his failure to be even moderately conservative in the office of governor for the last several years was a good clue that his wife found out then, but only revealed her knowledge now. If that happened or not, it is plausible that this secret could have been held over him.
So it's not a little deal for any politician except in cases of hypocrisy so long as they aren't thumping family values, unless they are a complete public horn dog and can't be shamed.
Maybe it's a Jewish marriage.
("When does a Jewish man stop mastrubating? When his wife dies.")
My wife says she wants to go somewhere she has never been on vacation this year.
I said "Ok how about the kitchen".
The Althouse Hillbillies are claiming that if Weiner does not publicly release his IP address then he is guilty. I think it is more valid that if Twitter does not sue him then he is innocent. After all the congressman has good reasons to not share his IP address with you morons. But Twitter already has Weiner's IP address so they already know that whether has account was tampered with or not.
"Weiner has been married for less than a year, so it's a little early to be chasing pussy."
It is widely rumoured that the marriage is a hoax and that Mr. Weiner is a beard. So, if that's true, his skirt-chasing would not then be very surprising, actually.
It is surprising that he is having personal communications with young girls via Twitter using government equipment paid for by the taxpayers.
That's probably felony misappropriation. I wonder if there are any Republican US attorney's reading today who could shed some light on that.
Twitter's not being slimed here. Through misdirection someone may want to make it appear as if Twitter's being slimed, but whether Weiner's lying or not it's not really Twitter that's being slimed.
The people dissin' the sex drive of white women need to knock it off.
Jay Libtard: When you can't counter the evidence attack the messanger.
Irony much?
OH Come on Deborah. The vision of a wimpy Jewish douche progressive sending pictures of his junk to some fine black coed is just too damned funny not to make fun of.
The people dissin' the sex drive of white women need to knock it off.
To top it off, Huma Abedin is Indo-Persian. Used to be a cutie too, but seems to have lost a lot of weight recently.
RH Hardin, that is precisely why I don't bank online. At this point, not to do so is, in my opinion, a luxury. I wonder how long it will last.
Yeah, Rep Weiner probably should resign. One thing I've noticed in all this is the convenience of a marriage to a male politician in his 30s and 40s. Especially advantageous, it seems to me it seems to them, is the brainy careerist wife. Even attractive. To anyone who pays attention, it's apparent they almost always go out and find their other girlfriend(s). I see it even locally in DC.
No, their sex lives really shouldn't matter. They're weird people, and not understanding that is what keeps blogs like this in business. They are weird and always will be. Their lives seem empty.
Yeah Jay,
A married Congressman's twitter account produces an obscene picture sent to some unsuspecting coed and he has no obligation to show any evidence it wasn't him that sent it.
Got it. The stupid is strong with this one.
Ann your Althouse Hillbillies are a class group pushing the ugly lie that the congressman's wife is really the Secretary of State's secret lover. You must be so proud.
To top it off, Huma Abedin is Indo-Persian. Used to be a cutie too,
Persian women are God's gift to man. This guy is a real fucking devient.
The Althouse Hillbillies are claiming that if Weiner does not publicly release his IP address then he is guilty.
No, they are saying that doing so could prove that he is NOT guilty. You fail at elementary logic.
"The Althouse Hillbillies are claiming that if Weiner does not publicly release his IP address then he is guilty."
No, what we're saying is that he is hiding his IP address and that makes him look guilty. Looking guilty isn't actually guilty, of course. But it looks bad nevertheless.
If Mr. Weiner would answer reporters questions and release his IP information, we could find the alleged hacker for him. No charge.
If Twitter would release the IP address of the person who made the tweet it would be very easy to discover the location from which that tweet was made. And from there, it would be easy to pinpoint the possible alleged hacker (assuming that IP address isn't assigned to Mr. Weiner's cable modem in New York).
If yfrog would release the IP address of the person who uploaded the obscene photo, then we could track that person to his or her location. And from there, probably rule out some guilty looking suspects.
But thusfar, Mr. Weiner won't release information and is now suddenly refusing to answer any questions from reporters at all. It's almost like he wants this story to go away.
That's odd.
You'd think he'd want maximum publicity to catch the hacker who might be at this very moment getting away!
Er, rather, the "alleged hacker."
Persian women are God's gift to man. This guy is a real fucking devient.
Amen, brother.
Oh, John, you missed my point. ST yelling about white women not liking sex; you assuming it's because his wife is white...brown sugar...Puhleeze.
"Ann your Althouse Hillbillies are a class group pushing the ugly lie that the congressman's wife is really the Secretary of State's secret lover."
That is who he is married to? That she is HRC's girlfriend is about as much of a rumor as Monroe being JFK's g/f. I didn't think anyone denied that, at least privately.
"brown sugar...Puhleeze."
Only know what I hear. They didn't write that song out of thin air. ;-)
"... whether Weiner's lying or not it's not really Twitter that's being slimed."
Yes, Twitter is being defamed if Mr. Weiner is lying because he is falsely telling people they can't trust Twitter's account security.
Twitter makes money partly because very famous people trust their security.
Mr. Weiner is claiming that his Twitter account is insecure and easily hacked. If that is true, it is very worrisome for other Twitter users, who would be rightly concerned that if even a sitting U.S. Congressman's verified Twitter account isn't safe and secure, then they might want to reconsider doing business with Twitter.
On the other hand, if what Mr. Weiner is saying is a defamatory falsehood, then he's interfering with Twitter's revenue stream and causing them immense potential damages via his defamatory slander.
That would be a crime and a civil tort as well.
"brown sugar...Puhleeze."
Once you go brown, you never come down, sugar.
lol...okay, I'll let you slide.
Concerning "brown sugar"
Ann, your Althouse Hillbillies are racists to boot. Big surprise.
"Ann, your Althouse Hillbillies are racists to boot. Big surprise."
It is racist to like black women? That will be news to Mick Jagger.
It is racist to like black women? That will be news to Mick Jagger.
It is if you are a conservative!
That is who he is married to? That she is HRC's girlfriend is about as much of a rumor as Monroe being JFK's g/f. I didn't think anyone denied that, at least privately.
Goodness, no. I rise on defense of Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton's heterosexuality.
Not that I know one way or another. My point is that sexual inuendo spreads too easily to be taken seriously.
For example, do you believe that Catherine II practiced orgies, even bestiality? A good number of 'history buffs' believe that. But it isn't true. Weird mysoginistic fag Frederick the Great helped spread those rumors for political gain. What Catherine did was more predestian--get herself a number of young boyfriends in succession. Meh.
So, without solid evidence, I won't even look at the rumors. Not worth the brain power spent.
Fair enough Ruy. I was more tweaking Rtread. I have no idea nor would I care if she was. Of course if a conservative woman kept a female lover Retread and their ilk would be very interested.
A cached version of the "crotch shot" has been found. The EXIF shows it was sent from a RIM (BlackBerry) device.
Congressman Anthony Weiner x-rated photo’s internet CACHE files recovered
So this hacker is especially devious that he/she used a device that is very popular with politicos.
No wonder Weiner's been silent; he's likely waiting to see what other info comes up.
"Is the FBI investigating?"
Let's review, Ann. On a long holiday weekend do we actually believe that the FBI office in charge of this is running and fully staffed 24/7 just to satisfy bloggers with their weiners in a wringer?
And even if this crack early response FBI cyber team is ON THE JOB would they bother to hold a blogger press conference to announce the fact they were actively tracking the source?
This whole story is looking like another Nig on the Pajamas bit of work.
Jay Retread: What do you have against working class Americans from Appalachia? Do you think you are better than those people? Do you think that using the term hillbilly in the way that you do strengthens your "arguments" or otherwise furthers an understanding of why this man "follows" on Twitter a college woman who lives on the other side of the country?
Althouse Hillbilly = intellectually impoverished conservative readers of this blog. Not to be confused with a "Beverly Hillbilly."
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Retread,
I'm sorry to report that Jay has been misbehaving on the internet again. He's been swearing and name calling. I've raised midschoolers, too, and I know they can prove a handful. I'm not writing to be critical. I'm writing out of concern.
While Jay's vocabulary is almost at grade level (8.5), his reasoning skills are well below the average ninth grader, which leads me to wonder if he's ever been tested. I think it's important to address this problem soon. Jay's grades are well below average, and I know that frustrates him. He acts out, and frequently calls his classmates "hillbillies." I know that fourth grade girl from West Virginia did beat him up last year, but, then again, Jay had called her a "pig------."
Let's talk soon.
William Tecumseh Sherman Middle School Department of Special Education
Weiner retains counsel: Weiner spokesman: ‘We’ve retained counsel to explore’ possible ‘civil or criminal actions’
I am not sure why people mention the Sherrod affair as if Breitbart did something wrong there. He put up the footage to show the people in the audience at the NAACP meeting laughing at a government bureaucrat acting in a racist fashion. That is exactly what the tape shows. The audience thinks it is just swell some white guy got the shaft for being white. I am not sure why the racism of a group whose name declares as much was ever in doubt but some people apparently needed the eye opener.
Whether Sherrod later admitted in the same speech she was wrong to act as she did was immaterial to the point being made. I thought all of this had been settled?
Anyway, it is hard to see any of this hurting "Whiner." Barney Frank let a guy running a male prostitution ring bunk with him and got his other bimbo appointed to a supervisory position at Fannie/Freddie. He did all of this and still got reelected. He is still the go-to guy in the press for a lot of issues despite having bragged about "rolling the dice" on the biggest financial scandal in US history outside of Social Security or Medicare.
Given all of that it is hard to see much coming out of Whiner's picture of his crotch bulge (yeah, I know, don't think about that last sentence too much). He obviously hit the wrong button and sent it other than where he intended. His behavior is really only of concern to him and his wife. The cover-up afterwards though is what will get him if anything does.
If he had been smart he would have said he was trying to privately tweet that picture to his wife and hit the wrong button -- thus getting him out of two sources of trouble simultaneously -- but if he was smart enough to think that far ahead he would have a real job instead of living on the dole.
I haven't followed the ruckus closely so maybe there was a reason that excuse wouldn't wash but it seems more plausible than some mysterious Wiki-Dicky group hacking into his account to post a fake picture of his junk.
Jay Retread: But your own posts do not demonstrate thoughtfulness or even a point of view other than a dislike of conservatives. How is that not like being a liberal hillbilly, not to be confused with an intelligent hillbilly? Or do you not have an opinion with respect to his issue other than one in opposition to those who take the trouble to articulate one?
You folks don't actually expect to have a serious discussion with Jay Retread, do you? I'm a newcomer, and even I can see that he's not interested in an honest exchange of ideas.
That's the only way this could get any worse for him!
Weiner: “At a time when the GOP is playing games with the debt limit, a member of the Supreme Court is refusing to recuse himself from matters he has a financial interest in, and middle class incomes are stagnant, many want to change the subject. I don’t,” Weiner said in an email to TheDC. “This was a prank, and a silly one. I’m focused on my work.”
Remember when President Clinton wagged his finger at reporters and told them he needed to get "back to work for the American people."
Yea, this statement of Mr. Weiner sounds a lot like that, doesn't it?
Why does Mr. Weiner all of a sudden want to change the subject from his being the "victim of a hacker attack" to the "debt ceiling?"
Isn't that odd.
If he's really the victim of a federal cyber crime, why does he want to change the subject to the debt ceiling? Isn't he concerned at all about Homeland Security? About Congressional accounts? About cybercrime being used to tarnish Congressmen?
Someone has committed a crime. Either Mr. Weiner is misappropriating federal funds by using government property to stalk innocent young students, or someone has hacked his online accounts.
We need to get to the bottom of this and trying to change the subject just isn't going to work.
It didn't work for Bill Clinton and it's not going to work for Anthony Weiner.
Whether Sherrod later admitted in the same speech she was wrong to act as she did was immaterial to the point being made. I thought all of this had been settled?
With the left, things are never settled. They keep fighting the battle long after we give up.
Consider the following:
1) Watch out for the made-up word 'swiftboating'; leftist politicians routinely use it. We won that one, big time, on the evidence. They are trying to change the historical record by manipulating language.
2) Just this week, there is a new movie coming... about the blacklisting of Hollywood writer. It has been, what, 60 years? And the Communist Party had great influence in Hollywood and the vast majority of the people blacklisted were Communists.
They never give up. They just keep repeating, and try to win by social influence. They have 'decided' to neutralize Breitbart this way, and they'll keep trying the tactic as long as Breitbart is a threat to them.
That second link is hilarious. The spokesman says they are inclined to treat 'the incident' as a prank, but they have retained counsel anyway.... right.
Next watch for 'after consulting with counsel we have decided not to pursue this case'. And they will be right. Imagine being the lawyer for a client trying to cover up a misdeed.
You folks don't actually expect to have a serious discussion with Jay Retread, do you?
No. In my case, it comes down to having a low tolerance for assholes. It is a personal failing.
Shorter Weiner: Lawyering up."
First smart thing he's done. I'm sure his lawyer will tell him to shut his pie hole.
You folks don't actually expect to have a serious discussion with Jay Retread, do you?
Jay still thinks the CBS Memos were real.
I'm enjoying his desperation on this one. I read Jay as comedy.
Why has Breitbart gone silent on this? You would think he would be trumpeting his horn for all to hear. It seems to me he has gone cold on this story. Check his website if you don't believe me. Ann, he has made a fool of you once again.
He keeps calling it a "prank" because he knows the "hacker" lie has already fizzled. Soon he'll explain that it was him who sent the pic, but it was a really harmless "prank".
Oh I'm happy I am not Anthony Weiner,
That is what I'm glad not to be,
Because if I were Anthony Weiner, I'd be explain' to my wife this prank by me.*
* because she can get advice from Hill-ar-y.
I followed Jay Retread's advice, and went over to Brietbart's site. You know, he's got some really great stuff over there.
Thanks for the tip, Jay!
Breitbart's site is, of course, BigGovernment. I don't it is proper for a site named BIG Government to be covering this story. Very, very misleading.
Even without the MSM participating, Weiner's name is already mud. Anyone who can read knows he's lying. The $64,000 question: how many Libs can read?
If that was Weiner the erection was not all.
OH Come on Deborah. The vision of a wimpy Jewish douche progressive sending pictures of his junk to some fine black coed is just too damned funny not to make fun of.
Too close to KAAHHHNNNNN!
"On a long holiday weekend do we actually believe that the FBI office in charge of this is running and fully staffed 24/7 just to satisfy bloggers ...
Yes, in fact, the FBI is manned 24/7 and is aware of this incident. They are fully staffed for any contingency this weekend and are fully capable of investigating Congressional hacking attempts.
The FBI field office in New York is open right now, and you can call them right now.
Adrienne Senatore is the Public Affairs spokeswoman. You can call her at 212-384-3123. Her boss is the New York Media coordinator. His name is Supervisory Special Agent Tim Flannelly. You can call him at (212) 384-2715 in case you can't reach Adrienne for some reason.
If you ask them, they'll tell you they are not investigating any hack attacks on U.S. Congressmen because nobody has filed an official complaint with their office.
Our Homeland Security personnel never sleep and the press office is always available to journalist-bloggers or even just concerned citizens.
I encourage you to call them and ask them about Mr. Weiner. You might want to inform them he's been the victim of a crime, since he hasn't seen fit to call them, apparently.
Ruydiaz wonders if it's proper for a site named BIG Government to be covering this story. Very, very misleading."
Wonderful stuff. Weiner could be the poster boy for shrinking Government: "The AP reports today that Rep. Anthony Weiner, in the wake of a ferocious grilling by the House Ethics Comittee, will voluntarily reduce the size of his already much diminished staff."
"Why has Breitbart gone silent on this? You would think he would be trumpeting his horn for all to hear."
Jeez, Brietbart's got twenty ... count 'em 20 ... linked stories on the front page of Big Government.
Seems like the opposite of silent, Jay. Another allegation from Retread that turns out on simple investigation to be untrue.
But don't believe me, look for yourself:
On the other hand, Rep. Weiner has gone silent, has retained a lawyer to protect him and is refusing to speak with reporters except to say that he will have no further comment and has hired a lawyer to protect him.
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