Not long before the crowd of 100 protesters stormed the building (or was let in by the police), Meade got through the line and into the building. I've edited the video he shot, which shows the conditions of the hallways and even a men's room — and everything looks quite clean and undamaged. In the rotunda, the protesters have formed a circle and are discussing what they will do — and it seems they are aware that they are about to receive the judicial order to leave. Should they stay?
२०७ टिप्पण्या:
207 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»(The Crypto Jew)
Yes, stay there’s nothing better than watching smelly hippie and hipsters being tased and pepper-sprayed and then cuffed and forced to eat the non-vegan baloney sandwich in the county lock-up!
Does Meade have his new meadea credentials? Or will he be tossed with the rest of the occupants?
Go home!
Staying only helps the conservative / Republican / EVIL opposition at this point!
Please go home?
I 've seen a couple of items saying it's going to cost $7.5 million to clean up the Capitol, so somebody's missing something.
I'm sure you are trying to be as accurate as possible, but how come the disparity? Is the AG lying, do you think?
See this bullshit that conservatives like edutcher are pushing? $7.5M to clean up the Capitol??? They lie! And they will lie and contort the truth even worse if the protesters decide to disobey the court order to leave! Don't give them the opportunity! Don't be fodder for Limbaugh and his fucking ilk! LEAVE!
Julie doesn't want to hear his heroes and heroines are just more Lefty pigs. I linked to a story out of the WI AG office.
And I also asked Ann about it since there's a disparity here.
But Julie doesn't want to hear it.
Like the union slugs and the rest of the Lefties, if free speech doesn't work in your favor, drown it out.
We've certainly seen plenty of that the last few days.
If you'd like to see a live shot from inside the Capitol, follow the link to 'Live on Wisconsin sleep-over? ' listed near the top of this page:
I can't believe that it would cost more than several thousand dollars to clean up the capitol building (not that i'm saying this is pocket change).
An old school mom with a bucket of warm water, Murphy's oil soap and elbow grease would go a long way.
Wouldn't the marble be pretty resistant to damage?
wv: lickt (the status of the remaining protestors)
Althouse is hurriedly editing out all images of used Kotex as we speak.
Althouse: "It's like you were purposely trying to get a shot of a used Kotek in each shot!"
Meade: "It's like Rush said, they were EVERYWHERE!"
Yeah, Julius, it's evil to balance a budget so that people who are currently children are not burdened with promises by people now, and so that old people in future decades aren't relying on money that simply will not be there.
But, Julius, if that is evil, then what is good?
Rule by mobs, not by laws.
What's not to love.
How for is the nation going to go in this direction?
Greece is the rosy scenario.
The ultimate end game of the state run to public sector workers and the redistributive state is Weimar Germany.
make that:
How far is the nation going to go in this direction?
Greece is the rosy scenario.
The ultimate end game of the state run to please public sector workers and the redistributive state is Weimar Germany.
hey edutcher,
According to his resume, the fat guy with the dirty feet pictured at your link is a US Army veteran (1979-1985).
He looks like he could use some practical help.
Marble is prone to staining and not generally used in applications like kitchens, as opposed to say granite. Its also relatively soft and easy to scratch. Of course the term is generic and there are a number of varities. Bottom line is its not good to treat it like a normal wall.
My sources tell me Peg Goldschlager said that the Capitol is closed until Sunday, and that protesters are getting arrested because they don't want to leave.
Marble, especially 100 year old marble, is porous, and easily damaged. It's not as strong as granite, and you have to be careful what you use to clean it. Chipped marble would have to be replaced, and the marble is getting more rare (ie what was used in it originally) so replacements are expensive. Any Sharpie grafitti will need removing, any tape ( even painters tape) left on for weeks will cause damage that may be hard to see but will need cleaning and such.
Then, once you get all the crap off it, it is dull and has to be shined/polished etc which is time consuming as all hell.
This ain't like marble countertops at home. This is a hundred year old National Historic place that MUST be restored. Part of the estimate came from the National Park Service, so while it may seem high, it might NOT be all that high. Specialty work is expensive.
it's evil to balance a budget so that people who are currently children are not burdened with promises by people now,
But it's OK to change the climate by turning fossil fuels into CO2?
When Floridians live only in houseboats, then you'll care I suppose.
SteveR and Shaark -
thanks for the marble update.
Love it that there is always someone on the comment page here that can provide useful info
(The Crypto Jew)
But it's OK to change the climate by turning fossil fuels into CO2?
And when there’s any SCIENCE behind AGCC mayhap I’ll worry…
"But it's OK to change the climate by turning fossil fuels into CO2?"
Shitty budgets have immediate effects and can potentially be corrected with wise decisions and tough choices.
But we could spend trillions, ruin our economy and still barely impact the climate, right?
Ever seen marble tombstones at a cemetery. They are worn. The cheap granite ones wera better.
They are unemployed and unproductive and are hurting themselves by not getting an education (if of school age), vocational training (if not) or by looking for a job (if education is not their deal).
Let them stay as long as they want.
CNN Live stream....(play by play)
Tasers, being ineffective agianst the Freedom Fighters Kotex armor, Suits of the Round Rotunda discuss options....
Availablitlity of a Jedi Master to convince them to want to leave to rethink their lives is currently being batted around....
Law enforcement appear to be protesting the use of The Force against the protesters...
ha, Jason!
Used Kotex would definitely stain the marble.
Should they stay or should they go?
You maybe like to read judgie's order?
Arrest them all, sentence them to community service cleaning the capitol. Two birds, one stone.
But it's OK to change the climate by turning fossil fuels into CO2?
I'm pretty sure that leap of science doesn't make for a good counter. Try again, think of it as if a jury was listening and needed to be convinced and we'll just say its a civil case.
It sounds like Grand Central Station, but with fewer people. I heard the announcement "no drumming." "No chanting." And, no one was hanging from the second story.
The crowds are also gone.
Ya know what? The UNIONS made it UNPLEASANT! So that while no one says the bullhorns made the crowds go away; yes, they did, indeed do this.
Oddly enough, because it sounds like Grand Central Station, I fail to see the beauty in the architecture. But that's just me.
And, I come here because I'm curious. And, it is so easy to get Maede's videos up. Very grateful for all you've done.
Also, when the Governor gave his speech, the police were changed to the STATE police. But it's the local guys, again.
Up to the politicians to figure out their next steps. (Seems the quorum isn't really an issue. Because it wasn't an issue back in 1971.) Good work by law professors!
I want to announce an important one time only offer.
If Dose of Sanity will leave a Kotex on the professors desk before class I will send him fifty bucks. And put a little ketchup on it.
No better yet an anchovy. Yeah that's the ticket.
It's easier for the kids to pay down the deficit if they don't have to tread water.
I've never come across anybody more obsessed with the condition of bathrooms.
Are you sure about this "citizen journalist" thing? I'm really getting the impression that your interest in bathroom design is greater than your interest in politics and reporting.
By the way, 3M recommends ScotchBlue™ Painter’s Tape for Multi-Surfaces – 2090 for use on marble.
Meade: Has Flip Camera, Will Travel (Downtown to the Capitol)
Any tape leaves a residue on marble that must be carefully, and professionally removed. It is not just slapping another coat of paint on a wall.
Once that residue is removed, the marble must be carefully polished using a special polish and is best done by hand. And yes, marble become more porous with age, so the damage done by sticky tape happens very quickly.
Yes, the squatters should be required to leave or should be given three hots and a cot for a couple of weeks until a judge can get around to them. And the bill for restoring the Wisconsin State Capitol should be sent to Organizing for America and the unions. Why should the people of Wisconsin have to bear that expense?
This whole episode makes me ashamed of the people of Wisconsin, especially the police.
former law student said...
hey edutcher,
According to his resume, the fat guy with the dirty feet pictured at your link is a US Army veteran (1979-1985).
Hey, fls, irrelevant. Not to mention, his resume. Anybody can put on an Army T-shirt.
But I said nothing about him. The pic came with the piece.
PS Troop, you must love thin ice.
If all else fails, bring up global warming.
The DoA has until 3/8 to comply with the order. Gives them time to figure all this crap out. Looks like the last of the dirty homeless ones are being arrested, and the drunk driving former AG turned union boss is claiming "victory".
(The Crypto Jew)
If all else fails, bring up global warming.
OR the Children…..
Obviously our host is enamored with this protest stuff from her youth, free speech and all. But, you know what they are protesting for is not admirable. It's robbing people of their future in order to continue to overcompensate a select group of people at the expense of others, many of whom are hardworking, and in need of the money being wasted. It's just plain wrong. They are trying to do something that will hurt a lot of innocent people financially in the long run. They are asking for fiscal disaster.
Sure they have the right, just like the Westboro Baptists, but that does not make me all warm and fuzzy about either. Not all protests are equal.
It's not protesting itself that's valuable. The value of free speech is the good it can do to keep people free. We may have to accept it all, even when it's wrong or evil speech, but don't confuse the means with the ends. History has it's share of young protester fighting to achieve bad or even evil results, and I wish they would have been told so by the good people around them at the time.
Yes, FLS, you can use Painter's tape on Marble. They ALSO say not to leave it on for longer than a day or two, or it could damage the surface. How long have many of those signs been up?
former law student said...
By the way, 3M recommends ScotchBlue™ Painter’s Tape for Multi-Surfaces – 2090 for use on marble.
Excellent advice for the next protest; a little late for this one.
Also, a lot of the participants aren't going to hear this advice from you (I doubt many of them hang out here), so you need to find a way to spread the word to a bunch of individuals who make their own signs (for the most part) and likely bring their own tape. That blue stuff's not something most people have lying around, so they're liable to grab whatever they have at hand.
"If Dose of Sanity will leave a Kotex on the professors desk before class I will send him fifty bucks."
It'll be like the mark of Zorro.
The bathrooms look to be in surprisingly good shape, which leads me to believe that the ceiling in the rotunda has survived this episode as well.
Not that those filthy hippies could piss that high up if they tried.
Tape on marble. Wow.
Does it get any pettier?
Where's the substance behind all this concern for decor and appearances? Or is that all there is?
"When Floridians live only in houseboats, then you'll care I suppose."
Do you realize Florida was under water before boats existed or people for that matter? I wonder why.
But it's OK to change the climate by turning fossil fuels into CO2?
Obama flies his personal trainer to D.C. from Chicago multiple times a week, how's that working for you?
Can you call in Chip and the Boys for an episode of Queer Eye for the Protesting Demonstrator's Bathroom Needs Guy?
"When Floridians live only in houseboats, then you'll care I suppose."
Living on the water, in a boat, in Florida, is bad news. Who knew?
Queer eye for the monster with one eye. In the capitol rotunda's facilities.
wv: suction. (Somehow there's a relation). ;-)
The substance for the concern is that the capitol building is on the national historic registry for several reasons, including the decore. Anyone who doesn't value the importance of a historical site is an idiot, IMHO.
You have to admit that at least the kids today have learned something from the previous generation. We boomers are worst generation ever, and it looks like we passed it on successfully. Yea!!!
It's a nice site whose structure should be preserved and, I'm sure, won't dissolve from the tape as if exposed to some super duper acid bath.
It's robbing people of their future in order to continue to overcompensate a select group of people at the expense of others, many of whom are hardworking, and in need of the money being wasted.
I know, I know. But how do we get our money back from the investment bankers who all but destroyed our economy?
But it's OK to change the climate by turning fossil fuels into CO2?
Yep. Otherwise we'd be in the middle of an ice age. Weren't you paying attention when they warned us back in 1979?
Man, former law student, you are deep in "Change the subject" mode tonight!
Ritmo, if you had bothered to read the entire comment thread, you'd understand the nature of the concern about the marble. So you're just lazy or really stupid and likely both.
Or just have more of a life. Sorry 'bout that, Steve. But thanks for the reading tip!
@C4BDH / Ritmo / Squirrel Boy -
You should see how violently anal conservatives get about coasters. I heard William F. Buckley once shot a dude dead in his living room for putting down an Iced Tea on his coffee table without anything underneath...
This is how the world ends... not with a bang, but with a whimper.
I'd like to point out that for years and years, the coal-fired Charter Street Heating Plant and the Capitol Heat and Power Plant have been putting out tons of SO2 and NOx, which in the presence of water vapor easily becomes marble-etching sulfuric acid.
So before making the protesters pay up, demonstrate that they made the marble worse than it was before they arrived.
If you have enough time in your life to comment, you probably have enough time to read the other comments. I assume the idea of using acid on marble was a weak attempt at a joke.
MLS: We're talking about leaving our kids a big debt to pay. Some two trillion dollars of the debt went to bail out the bankers and to try to recover from the damage they called. So I would say I'm on topic.
damage they [the bankers] caused.
So before making the protesters pay up, demonstrate that they made the marble worse than it was before they arrived.
Who said anything about making the hippies pay? Someone just pointed out that the cleanup effort will cost the taxpayers some money. Which it will, undoubtedly. Why are you arguing this point?
But how do we get our money back from the investment bankers who all but destroyed our economy?
Hmm. Good question. How about this. For every dollar they contribute to Obama's next presidential campaign, they have to contribute a matching dollar to the US Treasury? That should about bring us back to balance, should it not?
Hey I finally figured it out.
What do we have here?
A bunch of kids got together and are really messy throwing their stuff all over the place and making a mess and leaving the place looking like a tornado hit. They are pigs and they are leaving their used Kotex pads all over the place.
They have turned the Wisconsin State Capital into the "Jersey Shore" house.
Why are you arguing this point?
People should pay for the damage they cause: no more and no less.
Everything you need to learn about life you can learn from reality TV.
I guess that makes the Professor and Meade out to be Ronnie and Sammie.
The laid back cool MadisonMan has to be DJ Paulie D.
And of course that makes our pal Roachy-volare out to be the one and only Snookie.
Actually, there isn't going to be a second Obama campaign. I've heard a rumor that the people who wrote Stuxnet plan to hack into Obama's teleprompter and have him read LBJ's speech declining to run for reelection.
Eff em and make them get out or arrest their dumb asses. Enough is enough and it's time to clamp down on them.
"I know, I know. But how do we get our money back from the investment bankers who all but destroyed our economy?"
I know, I know. So you see it too. These protesters are like people protesting to let investment bankers keep their gigs going and the money rolling in, and just screwing the taxpayers in the process.
I knew you were just acting dumb before, but you really are getting it.
My co-workers are really starting to get into the Jersey Shore.
The show, that is.
Just for you old fogies who don't watch MTV here is a brief introduction to the Jersey Shore.
The quality of a national treasure is important, I get it. It's a pretty building.
OTOH, I think the idea of maintaining the exercise of democracy in some sort of pristine state is a metaphor. A metaphor for something that doesn't exist.
Hey even Wolf Blizter is into it when the Situation appeared on the "Situation Room."
So before making the protesters pay up, demonstrate that they made the marble worse than it was before they arrived.
The entire building was extensively renovated not that long ago, so I think it's a reasonable inference.
I mean I think the rest of the nation is getting a little bored of ths mess. Clean it up already for crying out loud.
The cops throw out more bums every night when they close Grand Central for the night.
Enough already with all these posts.
I mean fucking Celebrity Apprentice starts this Sunday.
I hear Nene Leakes bitch slaps Star Jones and Garey Busey and Meat Loaf start Sumo wrestling and fighting so much that Trump wets himself and calls the cops.
Let's get back to America's Real Priorities here!
Remember what made this blog popular in the first place. Just sayn'
Whatever the condition of the building, it remains "occupied". Republican supporters not allowed.
Neatness does not make it okay to close the building to those with opposing views. (imho)
If Meade want's to keep being Jimmy Olsen send him out to a Cheesemaking contest or something.
Remember "Blessed are the Cheesemakers."
OTOH, I think the idea of maintaining the exercise of democracy in some sort of pristine state is a metaphor. A metaphor for something that doesn't exist.
Hell, maybe next time we'll occupy the Guggenheim. Glue some posters to the Kandinskys. It's all just one big crap shoot anyhoo. Anything goes in the name of democracy? What's that? We broke a few eggs? All part of the plan.
Once upon a time, was a die hard Big Brother fan.
BB2 Will Kirby and BB8 "Evil Dick" Donato were unsurpassed as both had a GAF attitude and ended up winning.
At the reality forum I frequented, about 80% of its members despised Evil Dick, which made it that much more fun when he won lol.
Much like most of AA's conservatives despise Obama.
Some folks really, really take their reality tv seriously, god love 'em.
More Americans care about Reality TV and will be watching American Idol and Jersey Shore tonight than give two shits about this bullshit in Wisconsin.
As it should be.
This is Wisconsin's problem. They are showing you they can't handle the truth.
They are so fucked up that when their team wins the Super Bowl they made the NFL go on strike. What's up with that?
Yes. The Guggenheim, far from being just a great museum and a cultural institution for righties to bemoan and demean, is actually a house of government.
Enjoy your nice shiny government, SK, filled with guys with their blow-dried and Brylcreemed hair, and other nice, superficial things on the surface.
Meanwhile, let's kill the earth to squeeze more dollar bills out of it. Junk the landscape and turn the pastures into sprawling concrete lanes filled with box malls. Incredible aesthetic, that.
Get over yourselves already. Get a big fucking hose and wash it down like they do the fuckin West Fourth St Subway stop every night. So a couple of homeless people get washed out of the station. They can use the bath for crying out loud.
SNAP OUT OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They have some really hot Spanish Chicks on the "Real Housewives of Miami."
It's like one of those telenovellas come to life only without the giant bumblebee.
Conservatives 4 Better Dental Hygiene said...
I just ran into a waitress in Philadelphia who thought that the long lines of text tattooed across both clavicles, from shoulder to shoulder, prominently displayed on her exposed neckline, 4 inches above the collar of whatever shirt she was wearing, was too personal a message to even reveal what work it came from.
How do you know it was from some work, then? I assume that means a song or poem or book? Was it clearly a quotation? Or did she admit where it came from in general, but then demur on specifics?
Meanwhile, let's kill the earth to squeeze more dollar bills out of it. Junk the landscape and turn the pastures into sprawling concrete lanes filled with box malls
Sounds like a plan. But I won't hire any union workers. Just sayin.
Okay, but the judge is also ordering the building to be opened to the public during business hours. Starting at 8AM, t'marra.
Also, the judge is ordering a "permit system" to be placed on people who want to get into the building. How does this work?
If you want to see your representative in the legislature, you make an appointment. And, when you get to the building, the appropriate office is called. Sometimes, they come downstairs to get you.
It still seems like a much smaller crowd.
And, it's nonsensical for those who keep the building clean, to want $7-million to remove duck tape residue.
Come on! Every single public school has posters put up for one reason or another. Duck tape is not the problem.
It also looks like signs have come down ... and new ones have replaced them.
Will the Capitol ever go back to being what it was? What lingers? What will the voters do "next time?"
While "work stoppages" for unions is nothing new.
Heck, what town in America wants to look like Detriot?
NFL Players, including the Super Bowl Champion Green Bay Packers, will dissolve their own union to demonstrate their support for Scott Walker.
Linked: 'Protesters Storm Wisconsin Capitol!'.
Well done, Wisconsin! We are Wisconsin!
Also, we have about a dozen palm trees all around ther Capitol, after Fox News aired deceitful footage falsely alleging violence in Madison - WITH PALM TREES IN THE BACKGROUND!
Busted! Fox News lies! turn it off!
Way to go, peaceful protesters of Madison!
OH! And Walker's actions were unconstituional. Weren't the TPers all about the Constitution? Hmmm....?
She said it was from a song - even revealed the genre, and then demurred on the specifics.
I'll leave it at that. Just thought it was weird to feel that something that prominently displayed had a provenance too personal to explain.
Ritmo said.....
I just ran into a waitress in Philadelphia who thought that the long lines of text tattooed across both clavicles, from shoulder to shoulder, prominently displayed on her exposed neckline, 4 inches above the collar of whatever shirt she was wearing, was too personal a message to even reveal what work it came from
That reminds me when Marcus Camby was on the Knicks and he got this big tatoo all over body with chinese characters that he thought was an ancient chinese proverb.
Only it turned out to be the reciepe for General Tao's chicken.
He never heard the end of that one.
Interesting aside re: BB2 was w/4 contestants left 9/11 occurred and they couldn't be told the news.
Was rooting for Nicole, but Hardy foolishly eliminated Bunky instead of Will Kirby and rest, as they say, was history!
carry on
Also, we have about a dozen palm trees all around ther Capitol, after Fox News aired deceitful footage falsely alleging violence in Madison - WITH PALM TREES IN THE BACKGROUND!
Which just goes to show that you never actually saw the clip you are alleging.
See, the day that was aired, there were union protests in other places besides Wisconsin. Fox, like other networks, covered those protests. While Fox was discussing/reporting on the union protests occurring in other places, they showed footage from those protests in other places.
One of those places was in California. Where they have Palm Trees.
Hope this helps.
I once used painter's tape for a condom, so I can testify that, yes, it does damage fine marble. But it heals if buffed lightly.
Oh yeah. AlphaLiberal will be Angelina.
She was the one that left the pad on the floor. Just sayn'
I knew a girl who was really excited about getting Chinese characters on her lower back as a tramp stamp that translate into "FUCK ME HARD!"
That was cool. At least then you could make up a story.
I mean, you could make something up if you didn't want to reveal the literal translation.
Roughly translated from LibSpeak as "Self-pwned" or "own goal".
Bullshit. They did not storm, they entered - jubilantly after Scott Walker's EXPENSIVE police state was rolled back.
The people in a free society can do that sort of thing.
And the last protestors have peacefully left. A few perhaps who will exercise civil disobedience. There are serious issues afoot and I praise them.
We won freedom and the right wing sneers. We have:
No more escorts to walk through halls.
No more special access for friends, lobbyists of Republicans.
No more long waits to enter.
Republican Party, meet the rule of law.
The freedom to rally in the peoples' house once again.
Celebrate, Americans! It's like the fourth of July!
Although, tramp stamps being what they are, you'd wonder why someone wouldn't care to reveal the literal translation.
I guess we tend to interpret tramp stamps for their metaphorical translation... i.e. the meaning behind their placement.
Conservatives 4 Better Dental Hygiene said...
I'll leave it at that. Just thought it was weird to feel that something that prominently displayed had a provenance too personal to explain
Reminds me of Goths (and other rebellious youth before them) who dress and style outrageously so that they can shock other people and laugh about how judgmental those people are -- and then get all upset when those people judge them. Especially when those people are potential employers.
Render unto Cheezers, that which is Cheezer's!
Give Madison's capitol back to all her peoples.
Well you know Titus has a Tramp Stamp that says "Enter Here" with an arrow.
Or at least that is what Jeremy said at the last commenter meet up.
Arrest them all. First plant them HARD on their faces and then put the cuffs on super TIGHT. Then a little baton massage on the way to the paddywagon. :-))))
Imagine what those tramp stamps will look like when those girls are ....oh I don't know...60 years old....hello....anyone...Buellar?
Why the hell is Colbert having a fit over PALM TREES hell he tried to stick a camel in there.
Ya. She got really pissy about it. Not a whole heck of a lot of other Goth-like flourishes on her, though.
Philadelphians can be a weird bunch.
Bullshit. They did not storm, they entered - jubilantly after Scott Walker's EXPENSIVE police state was rolled back.
Actually, they entered after a Wisconsin judge ordered the ones inside to be removed.
Judge Orders Protesters To Be Removed From Wisconsin Capitol
Mar 3, 2011 ... MADISON, Wis. — A Wisconsin judge ordered the removal Thursday night of pro-union protesters who have camped out in the state Capitol for ...
Celebrate, Americans! It's like the fourth of July!
Agreed, because the Declaration of Independence was first and foremost a statement against the yokes of government.
Cry freedom, Alpha! The power of public servants to insulate themselves from economic reality and to grant themselves favored treatment has come to an end.
So far, another week of political and legal timidity.
I see we're even recycling: Hey, if you don't watch out, we're going pass parts of the bill (what's old is new again).
Suggestions of a constitutional crisis, floating warrants, fines and penalties - all manner of dubious process, on the fly.
Grow some balls you brave 19 - outlaw collective bargaining now.
Try writing de moder's voice of one of those broads-you know the psychic one.
"Wad du chu want to tell me abod him. Ho'dz da sax."
It's like Al Pacino in Scar Face as an old transvestite.
Trooper York said...
Imagine what those tramp stamps will look like when those girls are ....oh I don't know...60 years old....hello....anyone...Buellar?
Have you heard what's going down at all those "retirement" communities in AZ?
wv = "ouspunc" Hey at least it wasn't oudespunk
I remember my buddy in school who was the first guy I know of to inform me of the idea of getting the stamp of someone cutting the grass above a girl's bush.
And, it's nonsensical for those who keep the building clean, to want $7-million to remove duck tape residue.
Come on! Every single public school has posters put up for one reason or another. Duck tape is not the problem.
I've been to the WI Capital Building. WOW - your public schools must be really, really nice! Teachers' contracts specify they have to work in marble catherdrals?
Just remember, Seventeen Machos: Karl Marx predated the Founders. He was a court aide to King George.
Maybe sax should be
We won freedom and the right wing sneers. We have:
No more escorts to walk through halls.
No more special access for friends, lobbyists of Republicans.
No more long waits to enter.
Republican Party, meet the rule of law.
The freedom to rally in the peoples' house once again.
The decision was a partial victory for protesters, because Albert determined that the policy restricting public access violated constitutional rights and ordered the state to re-open the Capitol with greater public access by 8 a.m. Monday.
Although it was not detailed in his written order, the judge issued an oral order in court allowing the administration to institute permitting procedures that limit the times and locations where rallies can be held in the Capitol.
Actually, what it sounds like is you can be in there, but you can't be douchebags and rally without permits, and you can't be using drums, vulvazulas, and be obnoxious assholes anymore.
Film Review.
It's a movie about a building in Madison Wisconsin. There's a bunch of people inside and they've been in there for a long time. They seem to be talking about how they're going to get out.
They have a lot of reading material in there, but it's all rather monotonous and the people are starting to get bored. Plus you have to be kind of tall to read it because it's all taped up on the walls and it gets higher and higher. So if you're a little kid then just forget it. They kept the place fairly clean and everybody seems polite. Except sometimes when apparently they were loud and banged on rudimentary instruments and chanted noisily, but that part is not in this film.
My favorite part is the boxes of OTHER CLOTHES, GLOVES AND MITTENS, SCARVES, HATS. It makes you wonder how people lost them and it makes you feel a little bit sorry for all those cold hands and heads and necks and other parts. I am very concerned about the people who lost all those items.
The end.
OTOH, here's political reality, and right from the lion's den.
What's a "vulvazulas?"
Is that what that Professor used in that sex ed class or what.
Snookie:Aaaaarrrggghhh. I have a pain in my vulvazula!
The Situation: Yo they got pills for that bro.
AlphaLiberal said...
Well done, Wisconsin! We are Wisconsin!
Also, we have about a dozen palm trees all around ther Capitol, after Fox News aired deceitful footage falsely alleging violence in Madison - WITH PALM TREES IN THE BACKGROUND!
Busted! Fox News lies! turn it off!
Of course, it would be too much to ask for a link.
Bullshit. They did not storm, they entered - jubilantly after Scott Walker's EXPENSIVE police state was rolled back.
And here the police have spent the past week proving they're in the unions' pocket.
Frankly, it looks like Alpha's got the WI Capitol confused with Judge Vinson's ruling on ZeroCare
Conservatives 4 Better Dental Hygiene said...
I remember my buddy in school who was the first guy I know of to inform me of the idea of getting the stamp of someone cutting the grass above a girl's bush.
Now you're just trying to make ironrailsweights* cry.
*Or whatever his handle is, not sure I got it right. And when you have to asterisk a joke, it kinda ruins the joke, I know...
Strangely enough ironweightsironrails real name is Peter.
Oh well, Martin. It's the thought that counts. ;-)
Ahahaha! Meade almost pulls a Larry Craig at 5:35. Lol.
Make that 5:32.
I'm a stickler for precision when it comes to timing events in YouTube videos.
Today is the 20th anniversary of the Rodney King beating that led to the most recent episode of The L.A. Riots.
You pussy-ass Cheeseheads didn't even burn down a single building or kill anyone. I really can't take your bitchin' seriously without a little better effort than this. Some unspent 22s, and used tampons? Isn't that backwards? Is that all you got? For God's sake go home. Mom's making you some soup.
I aim my cheese byproducts in your general direction!
It's time to unleash the Wisconsin jackboots on these thugs.
Can anyone spare a pair of "Wisconsin jackboots" to unleash on Alex?
Well if we need jackboots I think we really should talk to Cedarford. Just sayn'
"I aim my cheese byproducts in your general direction!"
Hey, what does that tramp stamp say? It looks like: "Fleebagger Hotel 2011", but I'm not taking a closer look.
Good thing this isn't going on in Minnesota. I mean, imagine how scary Minnetonka Moccasined Thugs would be.
Spring Break starts tomorrow, at the University of San Diego.
No wonder the Madison building has lot its student protesters.
Probably just the start of Spring Break. (Though universities do try to work it out so that all the schools don't empty at once.)
If we had about 100 slobs making a mess in a public building in New York City shouting nonsense and acting like assholes you know what we would call it.....Thursday.
Hippie chicks were hot in 60s and 70's. Were any of these protesters worth faking the cause for?
I've come the painful realization that I've been psychologically conditioned by commenter avatars. I've noticed a small but undeniable spasm of revulsion shudder through my body whenever I see pictures of William F. Buckley smiling, George W. Bush gesturing with his hand, the Brazilian flag, grey human silhouettes against white backgrounds, black Labradors sitting ass-to-ass, Rita Hayworth, Voltaire... Perhaps it's all part of some nefarious psychological experiment, like with Beethoven's music in "A Clockwork Orange". Is there a way to undo this terrible mental damage, to sever the connections that have been made between benign, pleasant worthies and painful, dull, irritating and stupid internet entities?
I mean, whenever I see a picture of John Wayne, I think of titties.
I have a hintergedanke Palladian is onto something..
Palladian said...
I've come the painful realization that I've been psychologically conditioned by commenter avatars.
Brain branders & searing suckers the lot of them.
" Is there a way to undo this terrible mental damage . . ."
You could watch Chris Mathews and Rachel Maddow every day for a year. You will probably long for Ritmo, Garage et. al. when that is over.
Personally, I never really liked Emilio Estevez even before he became the wine and cheese boy serving appetizers at Althouse.
AlphaLibtard: Also, we have about a dozen palm trees all around ther Capitol, after Fox News aired deceitful footage falsely alleging violence in Madison - WITH PALM TREES IN THE BACKGROUND!
Alpha is easily confused. What we have is
1) FOX talking about union protests across the country with video tagged as "Union Protests".
2) then FOX talks about protests in Madison with video tagged as "Madison, WI"
Its only "deceitful" if you are an idiot.
C4-BDH said..Personally, I never really liked Emilio Estevez even before he became the wine and cheese boy serving appetizers at Althouse.
Oh come on could you not like Repo Man?
Apparently students have occupied Wheeler Hall at UC Berkeley; the Chancellor closed the building. News item here.
Of course. How could the Bezerkeleyans not join the carnival.
I wonder if we'll be seeing Jerry Brown as Hitler signs?
This repo man is way more entertaining.
I wonder if we'll be seeing Jerry Brown as Hitler signs?
There's always room for Jello Biafra...
wv "rackin" = Charlie Sheen's new Twitter slogan!
And that Members Only jacket of his has GOT to go.
Come on, Palladian. I know that you're not all that adept at fashion either, being more of a design guy. But even you'd have to admit that Chip Ahoy is pulling off the impossible - he's making Carson Kressley look good and sullying the reputation of gay mens' fashion sensibilities.
wv: pechrich. Yes, it's rich.
This repo man is way more entertaining.
Utterly derivative I'm afraid. Life imitating life and all.
Here's your daily dose of Charlie Sheen, chickie!
Amazing with billions in backing that Walker couldn't find something better than the Low Rent a Keystone Cop operation he has working for him now. The state has turned on him, recalls in the works, and Fat Boy in NJ now says he loooooooooves him some collective bargaining! Let me out of my cage!!!
I really just wanted to show you the picture but the link directed me to a pop-up.
oops a little scitzoid there... i try again:
What a sensible and reasonable judge that Judge Alpert is! Kudos to him!
Now let's see if the conservatomanics like Walker are as serious with regard to cutting spending as they claim to be... I suggest they start with the War on Drugs... declare that it is "stupid" and find y'er tigerblood and stop spending $$$ on the persecution of y'er fell'er citizens. After all, if states like Wisconsin can't afford teachers' unions, how can they possibly afford to prosecute and jail people for ingesting unpopular substances?
Then the national conservatomaniacs can also stop spending money on their overseas ventures. After all, Wikileaks has done ten times more to spread democracy and Western values throughout the non-Western world than G. W. Bush ever did... and Bush had eight years, while Team Assange had less than half that time! So stop wasting OUR money on the military and on foreign countries and on defense contractors! Waste! Waste! Waste!
Repo Man! Harry Dean Stanton is god.
About the whole kotex mess....did anyone take a camera in or visit the women's restroom? I have daughters and I have to say.....visiting their rooms at camp was quite an was disgusting...and none of them minded who saw it!
Former law student....if you want some of that investment banker cash....either go get a job there or hit up your hero Obama for all the campaign contributions he got from them...or go work alongside many of them in the many government Depts they've been given jobs at...
Apparently you didn't read all of what Christie said. He like collective bargaining if the people have a seat at the bargaining table....he's on our side. Not yours.
Actually, Bobby Bacala is on Tony Soprano's side.
Sheen is no Keith Richards--not even close.
Sheen is just addicted to the fleeting euphoria that come with his spurts of creativity. It will be sad when the well runs dry, or swells to unbearable pain.
Profligate, not prodigal.
yashu said...
Repo Man! Harry Dean Stanton is god.
You know it!
Sheen is so much more energetic, poetic and creative in his outrageousness. Richards is playing a different game, and it's definitely a less entertaining one.
I never watched, much less cheered on the lame-ass shows that brought Sheen access to his drug of choice and the lifestyle accompanying it. In fact when I look back on it, I'm not even sure that he's all that great an actor.
And I like that Sheen, whatever his issues, faults and murky ability to steer clear of his death wish, is unapologetic about living with two young women.
What gets me are all the people moralizing about how this represents his love of prostitutes and lack of respect toward women.
Hahahaha! As if the bitch who married, divorced him and took all his money wasn't the real prostitute - without even a clue as to what respect means. Lol.
As I said, it's amazing how much surface appearances mean to people.
Did I mention that Denise Richards is a less talented actor than even Sheen himself? As if that's even possible?
I never watched, much less cheered on the lame-ass shows that brought Sheen access to his drug of choice and the lifestyle accompanying it. In fact when I look back on it, I'm not even sure that he's all that great an actor.
For one thing, CS owes everything to his father, unlike KR.
OMG, I just found the most amazing photograph of little Jonny Erpenbach as an 11th grader in an old yearbook of mine. Should I post it? Naw, I'd hate that if somebody did that to me.
The good thing about Wisconsin is that everyone who helps clean up the capitol building will get to relax in the hot sun underneath a bunch of those famous Madison palm trees afterward.
Julius -- You are such a tool. Which national opinion magazine came out flatly in favor of drug legalization after its review of the issue?
Five bucks says you won't figure it out.
The good thing about Wisconsin is that everyone who helps clean up the capitol building will get to relax in the hot sun underneath a bunch of those famous Madison palm trees afterward.
There are some palm trees in Madison
I'm sure Fox hates Madison too.
Keith Richards is living proof of better living thru chemistry and indeed a miracle of modern medicine ...
I was born in a cross-fire hurricane
And I howled at my ma in the driving rain,
But it's all right now, in fact, it's a gas!
But it's all right. I'm Jumpin' Jack Flash,
It's a Gas! Gas! Gas!
I hear the click-clack of your feet on the stairs
I know you're no scare-eyed honey.
There'll be a feast if you just come upstairs
But it's no hanging matter
It's no capital crime
I can see that you're fifteen years old
No I don't want your I.D.
I can see you're so far from home
But it's no hanging matter
It's no capital crime
Oh yeah, you're a strange stray cat
Oh yeah, don'tcha scratch like that
Oh yeah, you're a strange stray cat
Bet your mama don't know you scream like that
I bet your mother don't know you can spit like that.
Mick Jagger was asked in the late '60s if he could see himself rock 'n' rollin' when he was (60) and w/out skipping a beat, he said yes.
What a longgg strange trip it's been ...
Julis, Sixteen Candles sez that if National Review favored a position, all Republicans fell in line and made it law!
I've always believed that mathematics is a good way to become truly smarter. So, I give this math problem to you dumb leftists:
Add up all the money Wisconsin will spend each year on illegal drugs for the next 10 years. This we will call A.
Now add up all the money it will spend on unfunded pensions, overpaying public servants, providing free health care and retirement funding and other luxurious benefits for public servants. This we will call B.
Now perform this function: B - A.
Julis, Sixteen Candles sez that if National Review favored a position, all Republicans fell in line and made it law!
There may not be much support for ending the drug war, but I'd wager there's more on the right than there is on the left. I'd say that most conservatives I know really don't care if you toke up; just don't come back demanding a handout because of your own poor choices.
And I always thought that using weasel words like "unfunded" and "overpaying" only in reference to the things you personally think shouldn't be paid for or funded (as opposed to tax breaks and other graft) were a sign of arguing in bad faith.
But let's not let political reality, as confirmed by even a Rasmussen poll, get in the way of Sixteen Candles' faith.
I wonder if anyone will get in trouble for this.
It seems to me that Sofa King declares, that for each person below the poverty level, he can determine precisely the single, self-induced cause of their income woes!
That must make your judgmental contempt a lot easier. Very convenient.
I'm sure in the drug-free society that Nancy Reagan told us was so wonderful, there would be no poverty whatsoever!11!!!1!
please take the latest poll
It is only being sent to Anti-Walker people.
DO NOT trust any polls.
Here is your violence in Madison. A Legislator tackled for trying to enter the capitol.
That's it.
It's a regular police state down there, costing millions.
Alpha -- I know. The state is also taking hundreds of millions of dollars from taxpayers each year and diverting the funds for the retirement and health care of payroll cronies. Also giving them salaries well above what they are worth. Thousands of these cronies work six-hour days and have 20 hours a year of vacation.
Let's protest, you and me. Let's stop this absurd government overreach by these fascist pinheads.
Ha! Should I get a tattoo on my lower abdomen that says "Weed Whacker"?
(Meaning that when it comes to anecdotal personas versus crank personas: this C4 man is way more entertaining.)
Raw Video: 12 News Camera Captures Lawmaker Being Tackled By Police..
That looked staged..
Lets say you are a legislator.. Don't you know how to enter the capitol after hours? under special circumstances like a legislative standoff?
Sure.. After a court order saying people should only be granted access during regular hours.. you rush the door while officers are obviously guarding the entrance (why else would there be so many officers around a door?)
Instead of calmly identifying yourself b4 seeking entrance, the way the situation calls for, you don't do any of that and you rush to the door.. while conveniently a news camera just happens to be filming.
Julius: "See this bullshit that conservatives like edutcher are pushing? $7.5M to clean up the Capitol??? They lie!"
Who is lying Julius? Is edutcher among them?
"please take the latest poll
It is only being sent to Anti-Walker people.
DO NOT trust any polls.
I only trust VOTING polls myself, Cindy. But then those vote-overseers are Gov-mint people too, no? Chicago-style ... here we come!
former law student said...
But it's OK to change the climate by turning fossil fuels into CO2?
Your utterances get dumber by the minute.
This whole episode really has gotten you leftists on the brink of insanity.
It's a regular police state down there, costing millions.
So you're for these "protesters" going home, right?
I know, I know. But how do we get our money back from the investment bankers who all but destroyed our economy?
Oh man that's great.
You're cracking.
This is fun to watch.
Then the national conservatomaniacs can also stop spending money on their overseas ventures.
Um, dummy, you must have missed it, but the Democrats controlled congressional spending from Jan 2007 to Jan 2011.
They spend over a trillion on "overseas ventures" in that time.
Epic flail.
I noticed the food, unprotected, open to bacteria. Where are the Food Safety advocates when you need them.
That alone, is a health code violation, that if a business did, they would be subject to fines and potential closure until such time as the operation was brought back to code.
Gotta say on that front Ann, they are a bit pig-sty-esque and a health risk due to food poisoning.
War is peace
Freedom is slavery
Ignorance is strength
A mob is "what democracy looks like"
I'm gonna miss the Madisonian drama when it's over. It's been performance art of every possible far-left trope.
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