६ मार्च, २०११

"I met only two people there this afternoon who I could possibly identify as Tea Party."

Writes Meade (a propos of "It's Time to Take Out the Trash Day").
One of the two, as it turned out, I misidentified - he is a Wisconsin public service employee - and the other refused to say whether he was or wasn't Tea Party.

So where were the Tea Party Take Out the Trashers? My theory now is that perhaps there were in fact tens of thousands of Tea Party people there today and they were all dressed in costume as Indians, hippies, teamsters, Chicagoans, communists, and Democrats.

Ann is editing this afternoon's raw video which includes a short clip of my encounter with the possible Tea Party dude who was picking up trash and didn't want to talk to me.

Why do Tea Party dudes hate me?

८७ टिप्पण्या:

Anga2010 म्हणाले...

You might be a little too confrontational.

Triangle Man म्हणाले...

Meade, perhaps you should go to journalism school and learn the authoritative interviewing technique as well as the acceptable viewpoint. Otherwise, I would say that perhaps not being a "news babe" is working against you.

Marilee म्हणाले...

Tea Party dude..if he was that..is wary of talking to folks unknown. Tea Pary dudes and dudettes not very trusting since the war on them last year. Tea Pary dude savy.

Marilee म्हणाले...


Whippet म्हणाले...

Hmmm.. It seems the fleeing 14 who subverted Democracy feel that they have sufficiently changed taxpayers opinions so now they'll return...suckers.


अनामित म्हणाले...

Some here, not sure who, might say you need an Enigma machine to figure out what they really said....or left unsaid.

BushWalkerPalin/tea party types are funny that way....some say-not sure who.

retire05 म्हणाले...

Maybe they read your wife's criticism of them before they ever arrived at the Capitol?

Nah, TEA Partiers have no reason to worry just because they have been beaten, had fingers bit off, been slandered by the MFM, called everything but human beings.

CoffeeNut म्हणाले...

I don't think Meade is too confrontational. He minds his own business until he is confronted by someone else. Not backing down is different than instigating

shiloh म्हणाले...

TP'ers might know you and AA are the establishment, in every sense of the word ie wannabe rebels w/out a cause.

One may have noticed, TP'ers have no use for mcconnell, boehner, cantor, scott brown, snowe, collins, lugar etc. etc. as they want total purity in their beck/limbaugh/hannity far right message ...

Pretenders need not apply.

solo estoy diciendo

and this total puritanical/extreme right meme of the (((birthers, deathers, truthers, 10thers, 14thers, secessionists yada yada yada))) should work out nicely in 2012 as it did for


in 2010, eh.

winger bat shit craziness yesterday, today and tomorrow ...

so it shall be written, so it shall be done

Again, how did Obama get sooo damn lucky!

Toad Trend म्हणाले...


"TP'ers might know you and AA are the establishment, in every sense of the word ie wannabe rebels w/out a cause.

One may have noticed, TP'ers have no use for mcconnell, boehner, cantor, scott brown, snowe, collins, lugar etc. etc. as they want total purity in their beck/limbaugh/hannity far right message ..."

Not even close.


"...winger bat shit craziness yesterday, today and tomorrow ..."

अनामित म्हणाले...

So where were the Tea Party Take Out the Trashers?

Meade, dude, I think you were the Tea Party Take Out the Trashers.

Who else is motivated enough to drive to the Captiol to pick up after fat Leftist Occupationistas? Especially with gas prices as they are...

shiloh म्हणाले...

DT 2012, thanx for sharing your eloquence!

Whippet म्हणाले...

"We are now looking at returning to the state capitol and requiring the senators to take a vote and have them declare who they're with — the workers or the governor," Mr. Miller"

I cant wait till the Republicans say ...It's all for the taxpayer.....which is everyone! Really stupid move by the Dems.....

I'm a Shaaaaark म्हणाले...

So, The Fleebaggers are planning to return, eh? I guess their delaying tactic so that all the unions (who supposedly agreed to make concessions) could get their contracts done before the bill passes is completed.

Whippet म्हणाले...

Seems it worked out pretty good for Republicans in 2010. Or have you forgotten already? How many tea party participants do you know personally?

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

Did you hear that when Meade got home tonight, he asked Mrs Meade how many handsome, erudite and diplomatic Tea Partiers she thought were over at the Capitol tonight. She answered, "One less than you think."

अनामित म्हणाले...

Fleebaggers returning? Oh my... Time to stomp on the bleachers and cheer "IT'S ALL OHH-VER! BOOM BOOM BAH BAH BOOM! IT'S ALL OHH-VER!"

wv: "polosi" - A more high-brow, equestrian Speaker.

अनामित म्हणाले...

This whole sordid episode reminds me of a Bowie song, which I've forgotten.

PaulV म्हणाले...

Shiloh, it seems you are ignorant of the fact that Rs picked up 63 House seats and 6 Senate seats. It is predicted that 2012 will be more of the same. How many WI state senate seat did your boys win in 2010? Was it one?

garage mahal म्हणाले...

Fleebaggers returning? Oh my... Time to stomp on the bleachers and cheer "IT'S ALL OHH-VER! BOOM BOOM BAH BAH BOOM! IT'S ALL OHH-VER!"

I doubt it. There are more counter-protesters meeting Joe the Fake Plumber and the Koch sponosred Bus Tour, and even more people waiting in lines to sign recalls than there are out supporting Walker.

When your opponent is drowning, throw them an anvil.

Almost Ali म्हणाले...

Why do Tea Party dudes hate me?

You look VERY suspicious, like some pushy liberal from New York, a man who's quite familiar with the 92nd Street Y. And what goes on there.

To change that perception, try wearing something to the contrary on your sleeve, like; Impeach Obama.

Or: Never Give A Taxpayer An Even Break!

Jane म्हणाले...

I watched the video of one Tea Party guy interviewed Friday on Fox and Friends, and he said that they were going to clean the grounds only and that they were afraid to touch the marble.

Whippet म्हणाले...

We'll see....And you do know that the teacher's union has some of their pensions investednwith Koch owned companies don't you? No? TPM and Daily Kos didn't tell you that? And George Soros is just a kind, sweet man who hasn't supported any leftist groups, right? Your Hypocrisy knows no bounds.....

Unknown म्हणाले...

Meade, it may have something to do with that cold. Nobody wants Commie germs.

shiloh said...

TP'ers might know you and AA are the establishment, in every sense of the word ie wannabe rebels w/out a cause.

Yes, so establishment they recited their vows to each other on a Colorado mountain top.

One may have noticed, TP'ers have no use for mcconnell, boehner, cantor, scott brown, snowe, collins, lugar etc. etc. as they want total purity in their beck/limbaugh/hannity far right message ...

Tea Partiers want results, so Boehner, McConnell, and Cantor need to be a lot less circumspect than they are in demanding budget cuts. Just as any laggard employee, the boss is reminding them results are expected.

As for Lugar and the Weird sisters From Maine, they are RINOs (you'd think he might know this, but Kos only seems to think he's worth last month's FUD) and have betrayed the Party and the Cause too many times.

PS That's why they'll all be primaried in '12 - the worst thing that could happen to all the Kos trolls.

Whippet म्हणाले...

Link to the Koch sponsored bus tour please?

shiloh म्हणाले...


Congrats to Reps in 2010!

But generically Reps won nationwide by (5) million votes in 2010 as (29) million Obama 2008 voters stayed home. Let's see if moderate independents are still "enthused" about Reps (2) years from now. Presidential elections come down to choices and the incumbent has huge advantages and ironically ...

the newly elected Republican governors in OH, PA, VA, NJ, NM, FL, MI and yes WI may work in Obama's favor depending on what Reps do re: job creation.

And Scott Walker is also trying to pass legislation making it harder to vote in WI ie Reps are all about voter suppression, eh.

Time will tell as a couple days is an eternity in politics.

When you find yourself in the majority, it's time to pause and reflect and concentrate like a laser beam on creating jobs as Reps are still obsessed w/social issues ie abortion, planned parenthood, Muslim boogeymen, gay rights suppression, etc.


It would behoove Reps to concentrate on the (((Big Picture))) and not minutiae.

carry on


and edutcher is still hangin' on my every word and I remain truly honored! :)

Whippet म्हणाले...

Reps are about voter suppression how? Presenting an ID to vote? Oh, yeah that will supress tons of voters. Since ACORN is still struggling to rebrand itself they just might be unable to commit as much voter fraud as in the past. And we'll see how successful the New Black Party is at vote suppression in 2012....and I wonder how many Milwaukee Democrat politicians children will be arrested for voter suppression in the next election as in the past...And on and on and on........

Whippet म्हणाले...

Damn iPad keyboard.....New Black Panther Party...

David53 म्हणाले...

even more people waiting in lines to sign recalls than there are out supporting Walker.

Call me Shiloh, but I don't get it. Let's assume you get enough people to sign a recall petition, then what?

No petition for recall of an officer may be offered for filing before the expiration of one year after commencement of the term of office for which the officer is elected.

So a year from now you can have a recall vote. Do you think the state senators will stay out of Wisconsin that long? I don't think Walker is going to blink.

It will be like when Obamacare passed, once the public unions are busted, you're screwed.

अनामित म्हणाले...

How much more should you tax the rich to pay for restoration of tax-payer funded marble leftist damaged by taping a poster "tax the rich" on it?....just wonderin'

shiloh म्हणाले...


One of the great things about the Rep party is even when they win an historic wave election in the House as they did Nov. 2010, they continue to (((whine))) about meaningless minutia ie ACORN which no longer exists 'cause wingers successfully portrayed ACORN as one of their many boogeymen and it disappeared.

Please AA conservatives, I beseech you, update your winger talkin' points as regards to relevancy ...

kimsch म्हणाले...

David 53 any Dem senator who was re-elected in 2010 has been in the office to which he/she was elected for more than a year. The only Senators not subject to recall at this time would be brand new ones.

wv: skicarne

ski meat?

garage mahal म्हणाले...

Call me Shiloh, but I don't get it. Let's assume you get enough people to sign a recall petition, then what?

These are recalls for 8 GOP State Senators. The "then what" should be self explanatory.

David म्हणाले...

"Why do Tea Party dudes hate me?"

He thought you were black.

अनामित म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
अनामित म्हणाले...

sorry, edit dat:

If you want to know what Reps are all 'bout, you need look no further than who among them has indicated their intention to run for President and, among those, who is being taken seriously:

Huckabee is running. And he shits on Natalie Portman. Because she's a lesbian. Or at least she plays one in the movies.

Gingrich is running. He wanted to summarily execute all drug dealers. And he set up the most grotesque episode of fiscal irresponsibility our Congress has ever seen. (Remember how we were facing the "problems" of perpetual surpluses and paying off the debt too early in 2000-1??? Remember?!!! What happened??!!! It was Bush II and Tom DeLay leading the spending spree, but Gingrich set the wheels in motion...)

Romney is running. He wants to make us all act like Mormons. No thank you, Sir!

Meanwhile Gary Johnson and someone from the Paul family are probably running, but they're not taken seriously by Reps because they don't want to host a spending party like it's 1999. Bashing Natalie Portman's fetus is sooo much more important to run-of-the-mill Reps than getting the country in order.

shiloh म्हणाले...

At least huckabee is foolishly addressing an actual live human being, whereas Quayle attacked a fictional character Murphy Brown lol.

btw, Natalie's a babe ...

Lincolntf म्हणाले...

Huckabee is a bonehead, that's not news.

AmPowerBlog म्हणाले...

RELATED: 'Ha! Fleebagging Democrats to Return to Madison!'.

David53 म्हणाले...

These are recalls for 8 GOP State Senators. The "then what" should be self explanatory.

OK, it's self explanatory that the procedure will take months.

It will be interesting.

TosaGuy म्हणाले...

I think people are withdrawing to their respective echo chambers. I also think that the protests have reached the level of diminishing returns.

Gas hits $4 bucks and people will lose even more interest.

Unknown म्हणाले...

shiloh said...

and edutcher is still hangin' on my every word and I remain truly honored! :)

Then he must enjoy me blowing his drivel to Hell; all I do is take a few shots at the more ridiculous ones...

The rest I leave to everyone else.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

Or, Meade, perhaps the Tea Party people showed up, discovered that there really was little or nothing to pick up in the way of litter -- which was, after all, what you and the Professor had been writing -- and shrugged their shoulders and returned home.

As you would do, if the shoe were on the other foot.

I confess that I'm really surprised at the attitude you and the Professor have taken relative to the "Time to Take Out the Trash" event. It's as though you're taking it personally that they didn't believe what you and she posted. I would have thought that the two of you were above that.

Synova म्हणाले...

"As for Lugar and the Weird sisters From Maine, they are RINOs (you'd think he might know this, but Kos only seems to think he's worth last month's FUD) and have betrayed the Party and the Cause too many times."

Not that the Party or the Cause are what it's all about. Well, the cause, maybe, and certainly the cause before Party.

In fact, where Shiloh most misunderstands is in seeing it as a *purity* effort instead of simply not caring about supporting the Party at all. If the Party is destroyed, so be it.

shiloh म्हणाले...

So which bonehead are Reps gonna pick in 2012 ~ mittens or huckabee?

Inquiring minds want to know ... as mittens has the MA health care issue bugaboo and huckabee, at times, makes glenn beck look rational.

Quite the conundrum, eh.

You bet'cha!

My pick (2) years out: huckabee as mittens is DOA in the South.

carry on

Carol_Herman म्हणाले...

I don't think people hate you Meade. They just don't like to be "categorized." A lot of people went to the Capitol, today, because they were outraged at the "union" spectacle. But these people aren't "troops from the Tea Party." Just regular folk. Who aren't trying to harm the walls with razor blades!

Where did so many people get cowboy and indian costumes?

sure. A long time ago, when I was a kid. my parents bought me cap guns. And, cowboy outfits. And, I even remember someone having a fully feathered indian headdress.

Maybe, with a little digging, we will find out more about the people. Who came to protect their Capitol. And, who don't see each other as Tea Party members.

How could that be? They probably think Tea Party members pay dues. And, send money to candidates in primaries?

You know, teaching is similar to doing this video taping. Not comfortable in the beginning. Has a learning curve.

A little less pigeon holing? A little more time for people to tell you what they are really thinking, without you judging them?

TosaGuy म्हणाले...

With regard to recalls.....Credible candidates are needed. Where in this mess has a single Democrat emerged as a leader that is recognizible across the state and isn't a Madison liberal? Feingold's name is tossed out, but he just lost a statewide race and no one confuses him with someone who they would want in charge of something.

What if the recall makes it on the ballot in a year....and Scott Walker wins. Then he is even stronger politically.

Not a lot of clear strategic thinking going on with the Dems right now.

The Senators would be advised to put this behind then and get to work reshaping the big budget bill. The have a chance to use the union rage in some of those battles.

Synova म्हणाले...

The fact that someone started a recall petition drive really doesn't mean anything at all. Anyone could do it as part of a political show. If they get enough signatures in their own district (it does have to be registered voters in their own district, right?) to actually have a recall vote, then that means something.

Has that happened yet?

And after that, it's down to the vote itself.

Martin L. Shoemaker म्हणाले...

I don't know Wisconsin election law. Doesn't a recall petition have to include grounds for a recall? And by grounds, I mean more than "We lost, so we want a do-over."

If grounds for recall are required, what are the grounds cited in these 8 petitions? And how do they stack up against "Vacated your seat for a month and refused to perform your statutory duties and comply with the rules of your house"?

If grounds aren't required, then I expect to watch as Wisconsin dissolves into an endless series of recalls.

अनामित म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
अनामित म्हणाले...

Recall don't matter. It's small potatoes.

What is big potatoes is that this has focused the Democratic just as the 2012 elections appear on the horizon.

Democrats have their battle hymn now. It is "Glory to the Worker!" We must save the American Worker! We are on the way to doing so-- after all, look at all the economic progress that Team Obama made after the country was left in the middle of the economic shitstorm by W and Cheney! Economic indicators will be starting to look somewhat decent by 2012; you can count on Team Obama to do everything possible to make it so between now and then... or, if that's not really possible, they can always tweak the numbers or spin them in such a confusing way that the public gets the impression that we're well into a solid recovery. Plus that whole health insurance reform thing was all to help American workers, as are the new regulations on the financial services industry.

Unknown म्हणाले...

As someone whose seen you filming people on three occasions now, it's all about your approach. The questions probably irk a few people too, but those are completely fair and reasonable.

If you ask people if they can be filmed, it's one thing. When you video tape a conversation without the other parties consent, it's bound to raise some suspicions. I'm not saying you have to, but it's a matter of courtesy.

I think a lot of people are on edge because their worried about accidentally saying something silly and becoming the face of the movement, not everyone can be a gifted orator the spot. Especially in this age of video editing, people are going to be incredibly wary about saying anything to a camera, let alone one from a unknown source.

I guess just try asking someone before filming a conversation between them. Make it known what they say might be put on the web later, and promise not to do any editing tricks. That might ease the initial tension and allow the interviewee to relax.

ContraMan म्हणाले...

After your great work over the past two weeks, you guys are in danger of becoming self-satirizing. Even Glenn Reyolds, a constant supporter of your superb amateur journalism, is finding your latest soap opera on the cleanup of the rotunda not quite up to Watergate as a gripping and continuing narrative.

As they say, move along now, there's nothing more to see here. And thanks for all your fine work.

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

And we're still going broke right now, and failing at what we do pay for, and our leaders are hiding, but hey how about that tape at the capitol and razor blades and janitors and soap?

Known Unknown म्हणाले...

Quayle attacked a fictional character Murphy Brown lol.

What's odd is that Candice Bergen later admitted that Quayle had a legitimate point about her single-motherhood portrayal on television.

Nichevo म्हणाले...

Shiloh, who are you really? Anybody run a make on this guy? Your verbal tics are beginning to remind me of J. "Solo estoy whatever?" Or the classic, "Eh?" What are you, Canadian? Signoffs are bush in Blogger. They certainly make you reek with insincerity. And the (((punctuation))) trip? What's up with that?

And you just started laying this stuff on...so if you were J, I'd suggest that they are adjusting your meds pre-trial. But someone who is into looing up blogger IDs would have to opine, I can't be bothered. I just know you're lumpy.

But really, what is it? Do you have any idea of making a positive contribution? What would you even think of as a positive contribution? What am I, what is anyone, supposed to take away from your participation here? Do you think you will change one mind here with your antics?

Is it trolling - do you think you will deprive AA, or Meade, or one opponent here, of one minute of life or billable hours or sleep, or one dollar of wealth, or one FLS of self-esteem? What are you about? Is this just what you do on break between net-pr0n fap sessions while healing? Maybe it's the steroid creams that are driving you up the wall.

And really, honestly, do you think we need you to tell us that Natalie Portman is a hot piece of ass? Gee, what a scoop. Shhh...I heard water is wet...pass it on...but you didn't hear it from me. Diciendo indeed!

Oh, BTW, it's minutiae. Minutia is the singular. I'll assume it was a typo, but see, when you play the highbrow me-better-than-you game, you gotta up the standards (e.g., Trooper York can sleep sound, LOL).

...Oh and as Steve Jobs would say, One more thing.

PALIN PALIN PALIN!!! Yes apparently she has been fightclubbed (Ellsworth Toohey has shown you the way - stop talking about her you dopes) for now - but that won't save you.

Please, Huckabee, as if. If we (whoever "we" may be) are that stupid then maybe your boy should have his full innings to drive Western Civilization into the ground. Romney leaves me cold but whatever, I might be able to pull the lever for him without puking.

I just with you would give us one honest unspun answer to one simple question - are you really happy with Obama? - and one followup - if not, is your discontent for any other reason that he's not leftist ENOUGH?

TW: holut. It's a holut of crap you waste our time with.

Henry म्हणाले...

No one can deny that a certain amount of overtime was paid today, yes?

As for the Tea Party cleanup crew -- you live with the publicity stunt; you die with the publicity stunt.

It's always comforting to assume your opponents are lousy human beings, but even if they are lousy human beings, they may not be lousy in the way you assume.

They may be lousy people who clean up after themselves.

Or they may be good people who are misinformed.

About blue tape, for example.

Or cleanup day.

Tyrone Slothrop म्हणाले...


Awesome. Awesome, awesome, awesome.

Does anyone have a theory about who shiloh was before (s)he was J? How does it feel to wear out one's name?

It reminds me of how the term "liberal" got so much baggage attached to it that liberals started insisting on being called "progressives"

Whippet म्हणाले...

ACORN, the corrupt tax-grubbing phony non-partisan group that is was has been reforming under different names. Cons who can't make a living the way normal people do have to keep cheating the system to suck off hard working Americans. You need to pay more attention to the corrupt liberal groups you are so enamored with to not look so uninformed. it doesn't become you.

shiloh म्हणाले...

you guys are in danger of becoming self-satirizing.

'Ya think!


and Nichevo, you seem more obsessed about me than edutcher, if possible.

btw, I'm sure the majority of AA's lemmings would tell you DNFTT and are quite upset you made a rather longgg post all about me lol as I'm only here for my own amusement.

And no, AA probably could care less re: most of her posters, let alone one of the few who disagrees w/most of her daily political meme.

The yin and yang of political blogs as this is not rocket science and the best you can hope for is occasional entertainment.

But I do get a chuckle some think I've posted here previously. Full disclosure: One of Nate Silver's winger regulars at his old site, Bart DePalma had this site on his recommended blog list otherwise I probably would not have found my way here.

Damn you Bartles! ;)

btw, Bartles was totally obsessed w/Obama like most of AA's flock.

and now you know some of the rest of the story ...


ok, I'll help you out a tad even though I've previously said all of this at AA: Obama has been a disappointment in many areas ie financial reform, Afghanistan, tax cuts for the rich, etc., but considering the alternative in 2008 and the current Rep alternatives he's doing "ok" as again, elections come down to choices.

Gore Vidal said to David Frost (30) years ago there's isn't a spit of difference between Dems/Reps once they get elected ie most are only worried about getting re-elected ie raising $$$ from PACS, special interests, lobbiests to pad their war chests!

and so it goes ...


So Nichevo, Tyrone thinks you're awesome ~ too funny!

btw, being awesome at a political blog and $2 will get you a cup of coffee.

Whippet म्हणाले...

Several of the Dem senators can be recalled earlier than the Republicans can...You might want to worry about your own first and let still sane people worry about our Republicans. So Yes, the then what is pretty self explanatory....
No link to the Koch bus tour you speak of? Didn't think so... 5.5 million invested by the teachers union in Koch companies? No comment? didn't think so....so smug yet so......uninformed. I see a pattern here...

Dust Bunny Queen म्हणाले...

And Scott Walker is also trying to pass legislation making it harder to vote in WI ie Reps are all about voter suppression, eh.


What is so hard about having identification? I have to do it to rent a car, fly on a plane, cash a check or check into a hotel.

None of those things are as important as voting.

So what's the BFD about showing your idenity when voting?

There is no suppression of voting except for those who are trying to illegally vote.

shiloh म्हणाले...

and dp04 is still obsessed w/ACORN.


Whippet म्हणाले...

Thank God it's not rocket science or you sure wouldn't be here!

Isn't it hysterical how people who think they are so intelligent really are awfully stupid....like most of the protesters who looked like really bad cheerleaders at a losing game. No common sense and no sense of what the real world is like. Even when it hits them between the eyes like in the last election, they still can't grasp the concept...

granmary म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Dust Bunny Queen म्हणाले...

about meaningless minutia ie ACORN which no longer exists 'cause wingers successfully portrayed ACORN as one of their many boogeymen and it disappeared.

Just because you don't see the cockroaches in the kitchen, doesn't mean that they don't exist and don't come out to crawl all over the place when you aren't paying attention.


Trooper York म्हणाले...

I have been away for about seven hours selling dresses and the needle hasn't moved a bit.

We need to change the subject because this is getting Super Boring.

shiloh म्हणाले...

dp04 ~ now you're just embarrassing yourself w/your incoherence!

take care

Whippet म्हणाले...

and you are still uninformed on ACORN...even more shocking! We'll see how their lack of influence and voter fraud hurts you in the next election!

David53 म्हणाले...

Bartles was totally obsessed w/Obama like most of AA's flock.

and now you know some of the rest of the story ...

Like your obsession with AA.

Funny how that works.

And so it goes...

Whippet म्हणाले...

Good one dust bunny...
Apt description....cockroaches is perfect!

Whippet म्हणाले...

Incoherence is your middle name. Love it when leftists can't debate.....they always resort to what they know best, being smug asses.

I love the arrogance of the lefties. They have all the answers yet they know nothing! LOL!

Whippet म्हणाले...

Night all...We'll see what tomorrow brings for the 14 Dems on the lam...this could be fun.

Palladian म्हणाले...

"There is no suppression of voting except for those who are trying to illegally vote."


garage mahal म्हणाले...

No link to the Koch bus tour you speak of?

Did you try looking yourself? Go to americansforpropserity.com You can't miss it.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Don't Tread 2012 said:


"TP'ers might know you and ...

How difficult a concept is this anyway?

Taxed. Enough. Already.

Who started it all?

Rick Santelli: Tea Party Rant 'Best 5 Minutes Of My Life'

Where did LimBeckHan get involved in this?


अनामित म्हणाले...

Ann, are my posts with links getting stuck in the spam filter?

- txrxqa


अनामित म्हणाले...

Test - test ... it looks quite possible that coming in through OpenId using Wordpress creds that posts with embedded links may get be getting deep-sixed ...

Just wanted to enter into the record the infamous Santelli (Rick) rant on CNBC that kicked off the Taxed Enough Already (T-E-A) movement (since it appears that some attribute that to Limbeckhan):



Triangle Man म्हणाले...

"Stand Against Spending. Stand With Walker" Bus Tour Stops in Mulwaukee, Kenosha, Sheboygan

Old folks love bus tours!

Triangle Man म्हणाले...


Wisconsin Constitution
Article XIII, §12
Recall of elective officers. Section 12. [As created Nov. 1926 and amended April 1981] The qualified electors of the state, of any congressional, judicial or legislative district or of any county may petition for the recall of any incumbent elective officer after the first year of the term for which the incumbent was elected, by filing a petition with the filing officer with whom the nomination petition to the office in the primary is filed, demanding the recall of the incumbent.

Triangle Man म्हणाले...



Article XIII, §12 ¶(1)
(1) The recall petition shall be signed by electors equalling at least twenty-five percent of the vote cast for the office of governor at the last preceding election, in the state, county or district which the incumbent represents.

Martin L. Shoemaker म्हणाले...

Triangle Man,

So no more cause is required than "I want a do-over"? Man, I see the chaos in Wisconsin escalating... Of course, 25% is going to be a mighty high bar to clear.

Thanks for the cites!

Fen म्हणाले...

dpreston04: Shiloh, incoherence is your middle name. Love it when leftists can't debate.....they always resort to what they know best, being smug asses.

When Shiloh pulls this shit, just remember you're dealing a man approaching 60. A failure at Life.

Fen म्हणाले...

dpreston04: Shiloh, incoherence is your middle name. Love it when leftists can't debate.....they always resort to what they know best, being smug asses.

When Shiloh pulls this shit, just remember you're dealing with a man approaching 60. A failure at Life.

shiloh म्हणाले...

My winger groupie Fen is still obsessed w/everything I post.

All is well!

btw, I'm seeing double for nothin'

When Shiloh

3/7/11 9:55 AM

When Shiloh

3/7/11 9:56 AM

Every liberal at AA should have their own disgruntled conservative groupie as god knows there's enough to go around ...

Nichevo म्हणाले...


Shiloh is not incoherent. As you will note if you read carefully, he agreed with everything I said.

Nichevo म्हणाले...

Oh yes, and Tyrone, thanks! LOL, Shiloh can never take that away from me :>

The funny thing is he thinks that took effort and reflects obsession. That was a throwaway. Let him pray I get bored and don't do a special on him. Or maybe he likes getting pounded in the ass - after all, he IS a Navy man (((wink wink)))