(Photographed on February 25th at the Wisconsin Capitol protest. Note the wrong kind of tape. And the presumption that people are complete idiots.)
५ मार्च, २०११
"Guides for Talking on the Telephone."
(Photographed on February 25th at the Wisconsin Capitol protest. Note the wrong kind of tape. And the presumption that people are complete idiots.)
Wisconsin protests
८८ टिप्पण्या:
Good to know.
What William and Irene said!
But... but... but... we only used non-harmful painters' tape! No one was using other types of tape! It's a set-up by the tea party and Scott Walkerhitler!!!!
The presumption is made due to the audience of the last couple of weeks.
PS Be nice, Irene.
I wonder why someone thought the sign necessary?
Progressives, making our lives better.
Sunday is going to be a terrible day. The Tea Partiers will be accosted by the Unionistas, who will object to the Tea Partiers cleaning up the wonderful trashy mess left behind, with gentle and kind caring, by the Unionistas.
So, I hope Professor "A" and the ever present Meade, of Meademedia fame, show up to document Unionistas rioting.
We know the marshal's (sic) organized clean ups after AA noted the mess left the first day. Shame works.
WV: puric - cleaner used to clean up tape residue on marble
Something I've noticed more of in recent years: When my phone rings, and I answer, and the person who's calling has obviously reached a wrong number, more times than not, he/she doesn't apologize, doesn't say anything - they just hang up. It's as if they're terrified that if they say one syllable, I'll somehow be able to form a mental image of them, or something.
WV: tabsti.
It's masking tape, moron. Painters' tape is not the only low-adhesion tape in existence. Also the sign is a joke.
Where was this? If it was stand alone, than it makes little to no sense. If it was part of a section of posters dictating phone banking it'd be a bit more understandable...
This poster must have been put up sometime after last Sunday, as we made a very, very strong point of using only blue painters tape. If we (and by that I mean the regulars, or information station fellows) saw any tape up that was of a different type we switched it.
We recognized that other tape might be harmful on the third day, and went through and replaced all the tape that had been up there.
If you notice this type of tape being used, you should report it to an officer. We don't have a station setup anymore to help protestors keep aware/take care of the building, but either officers or Marshals might still know where some blue painters tape is floating around. If not, eh, grab a bit of blue tape off another poster and replace the adhesive on this one.
(edited for better wording)
This is a bizarre sign. The only place this sign would make any sense at all might be in a classroom for people who are recent immigrants or mentally challenged.
I wonder if there was something written on the other side of this sign.
If there was a protest message written on the other side, I'm guessing that this was a piece of re-used poster board. After it fell down, someone put it up the wrong side out.
And the presumption that people are complete idiots
It's no longer a presumption now, is it?
Wisconsin Union Protesters have proved they are complete idiots.
Actually, from the color and translucency, that looks like drafting tape, which should peel off leaving no residue.
Seriously, this sign should be on every billboard in America. I judge my kids' friends by their telephone manners.
This sign was intended for private media.
Meade, how did you get access to the governor's speech?
Same way as nearly everyone else who was in the gallery - a legislator gave me a ticket.
Dylan, good post. Thanks for the info.
Which legislator gave you a ticket?
When it comes to cell phones, the presumption is understandable. Except that it is not so much idiocy as casual rudeness.
Blue painter's tape - its the tape recommended by union protesters by 4 to 1 in our recent survey...
The sign is for those super-genius revolutionary workers at Noodles. :-P
Why is anyone surprised at the wording of the sign in a land where a simple aluminum step-ladder comes with SEVEN (7) different kinds of safety-stickers these days..
"Same way as nearly everyone else who was in the gallery - a legislator gave me a ticket."
The plot thickens.
That looks like packaging tape.
Never saw any drafting tape like that, and in any case, drafting tape is hard to come by these days. Drafting is all done on computers now.
People are complete idiots:
They will call without stating their names - or even saying "hello" - and then start to make requests of you.
That shit is not winning!
@virgil .... Even foam coffee cups now have "caution contents may be hot" plastered on the side.
Effect of Nanny Bloomberg spreading west (and north and south).
To make sure it's hot; stick the cup in the microwave and give it 20-30 seconds.
The Nanny State is full of nannies, after all.
Was it next to a pay phone? Do they even have pay phones in the Capitol?
When a blogger posts a photo or link without substantial comment, it is reasonable to view it as a provocation similar to performance art.
Meade was asked "Which legislator gave you a ticket?"
Clairvius: Here's a concept for you: none of your business.
Were you hoping that it was a legislator who had an opinion you disagreed with or one who had taken a contribution from one of the KOCH BROTHERS thus contaminating anything that Meade said or captured on tape?
What difference does it make "which" legislator provided the ticket?
Dylan, thanks for the info. However, why do people think it's ok to tape signs all over a state building? The fact that you thought about what kind of tape to use is laudable. The fact that nobody thought that graffiti taped all over the capitol might not be a good idea..not so much.
P.S. Would I be allowed to take my painters tape and pro Walker signs to the rotunda?
Unfortunately, these instructions ARE necessary for a huge number of people. When I answer a call on my cell that I can tell is a wrong number, the caller will often angrily demand, "Who is THIS?" as if they think I'd stolen the phone from whoever they were trying to call. If I respond, "Who's calling ME?" they'll generally hang up without answering. If I say politely, "I'm afraid you've reached the wrong number," they won't say, "Oh, sorry," or any of the other things people used to say when they had inconvenienced somebody by dialing the wrong number -- they'll either refuse to believe it and demand one more time to know who I am, or they'll hang up on me.
Likewise, in my job I get calls from members of the public. People rarely start off reasonably by saying something like, "Hello, my name is __ __ and I'm calling to find out __ ___." Instead I get a hostile, "Who's this?" even though I just gave my name as part of the way I answer the phone. If I want to know the caller's name, I always have to ask. Hardly anyone routinely says please and thank you -- nobody under about 40, that is. I realize how crotchety this sounds but honestly, I wonder, what the heck are people thinking? What the heck have they been taught?
"What the heck have they been taught?"
Not much of anything, for the most part. But at ever higher prices.
Kids and their attempts at hipster, ironic expressions.
I bet the guy who wrote this sign was wearing skinny jeans.
How to wipe your bottom:
thank you for your words of concern. why don't you follow your own credo and stay out of it. if you detest my post then please skip over them in the future.
frankly, i don't care if the legislator that procured the ticket for meade shares my worldview. the koch brothers are not an issue here.i am simply on a quest for the truth.
i made it my business when meade decided to go off the rez and started trolling another blog. it's a simple and straightforward question yet meade is unable of unwilling to answer. i'm pretty sure the answer would not reveal any great revelations about the inner workings of politics in the great state of winsconsin, but i have become intrigued by the fact that meade is so very evasive on this topic.
kisses and rainbows,
Where is the sign with instructions on writing a thank you note or a condolence note? How about the "Take off your hat when you are indoors" note? The "What to wear to church or the theatre and it's not jeans and tennies" note?
As long as we are telling people how to do the things their mothers should have taught them when they were 8, let's go all the way.
So . . . in a building full of government workers who have to interact with the public on a regular basis . . . this sign.
Strange how you focus on this particular poster in the Capitol among so many interesting posters to choose from.
Again, belittling.
Not neutral, not constructive.
Mocking, belittling.
Why February 25th? You've been in the capitol more recently.
What does this say about your values, Professor?
Disappointing. Especially coming from a teacher.
I think edutcher has it right, at the 10:31pm mark.
It is telling that this sign is displayed in the capitol.
I think we might all have questions for the sign maker pertaining to the necessity of this sign.
"Disappointing. Especially coming from a teacher."
You! A law professor!
Chris: Strange how you focus on this particular poster in the Capitol among so many interesting posters to choose from.
Idiot. If you were anything but a partisan shill, you would have noticed all the others signs she's taken pics of and blogged about.
What does this say about your values, Professor? Disappointing. Especially coming from a teacher.
How pathetic that you think this is a clever attack.
Chris, Strange how you never focus on the negative behavior of the protesters and stranger still that you do not yourself report on what is happening and why. I gather you are in Madison luxuriating in the efforts of others without the energy or desire to participate. Strange, that. Why don't you hie yourself down there and show us some of the really good, clever, artistic signs that were left behind by the artists?
You deliberately ignore the scores of other pics Althouse has posted in order to make a dishonest and childish point. What does this say about your values, Chris? Disappointing, especially coming from a shit-for-brains anonymous pissant on the Internet.
Presumptions assumed are from observing those around you.
These people ARE idiots and hang exclusively around other idiots, therefore they assume everyone is just as stupid at they are.
Bubble people.
CN: But it doesn't matter where Meade, a citizen, got the ticket or from which other citizen. Perhaps if you were not so obnoxious someone might have proffered you one.
You go, Ann. I feel a big boost for Walker and the union-busting movement with that whole tape thing. Public sentiment should break their way any day now.
@Thers, if it's a joke then the joke's on you.
I've done a fair amount of stone rubbing transfers in my time and drafting tape does not adhear to hot/cold or moisture variable surfaces such as stone or marble for more than a few minutes...it lifts itself off...and it's only slightly less acidic than masking tape. Not a good choice for preservation or curating.
Guess again, Carnac.
And the sign is up there because??????
This sign was intended for private media.
Private media? Who comprises this "private media"? To whom do they report? Who pays them and by who's authority do they operate "privately" on public property?
Me thinks you are just making shit up...but thanks for playing Josh.
"Dylan, thanks for the info. However, why do people think it's ok to tape signs all over a state building?"
They didn't pop up until the second day, and at first they were just signs like notifying people where the bathrooms were, or what was going to happen tomorrow.
The reason people put them up in the first place is the same reason people make signs on sticks for protests; it's a very short quick way to make your opinion, voice, or simple idea heard. Sure, you could stand in a place and shout out "Remember, this is a peaceful protest" for twelve days straight, or you could put up a sign.
I don't see why it being the state building makes it immune to having posters put on it. I can see how one might think that, but I think in order to believe that you have to consider the building to have a higher value than the thousands of protestors walking through daily.
"The fact that you thought about what kind of tape to use is laudable."
Why? People were using scotch and masking tape the first day or so, and we realized early on that those adhesives might cause damage to the marble. Hence, we replaced all that tape with blue painters tape, which shouldn't leave any damage at all.
We made a point at the info station to make sure everyone used that tape as well, all to avoid possible harm to the building.
"The fact that nobody thought that graffiti taped all over the capitol might not be a good idea..not so much."
Graffiti implies we left rude or damaging messages all over the capitol... which isn't true in the least. There were a few vulgar signs, but those were usually caught quickly and removed. You're bound to get a few bad apples when you have thousands of people.
Graffiti would have been spraying messages on the wall, or carving initials into the marble. Writing phone numbers on the bathroom stalls.
Signs you can take down. With signs we can have our peaceful protest, and then when it's over, everything can go back to normal, as if nothing happened.
We goofed up a bit, obviously, on placement of a few signs (this one, veterans memorial (the bob lafollette was beautiful though, with roses and lots of signs of admiration for the fellow under his bust)), but after notification of error, we always made sure to fix it.
We have nothing but respect for the building, and are doing our best to work to make sure it can return to normal after all this is over.
clairv - you write as though your are retarded.
WV: lingingl - sibling of the chicom piano player so beloved by Ocommie.
the presumption that people are complete idiots is the foundation for everything the left believes in.
Nice revisionism Dylan, but we all clearly remember the hostility, the vulgarity and the hatefulness of the protesters. Whether you deliberately inflicted costly damage on a public building or not, we saw what you people were all about when you were waving your Walker=Hitler signs and screaming at everyone who disagreed with you.
Hopefully now the self-obsessed and petulant children who have been embarrassing Wisconsin for almost a month will disappear from public view (until the next "big thing" stirs them from their basements). They are the worst America has to offer and the sooner we forget about them, the better.
Dylan, thanks for your thoughtful reply. I understand that you all are trying hard, but I'm not convinced that those signs don't make that beautiful building look trashy. You say that there are always a few bad apples. Did you, personally, give that kind of leeway to the tea partiers that were so villified for a few ignorant and distastful signs?
You do not say if someone wanted to put up a pro-walker sign would be allowed.
You see, I have been a "worker" my whole life. I paid my own insurance or went without. Pension. None, nadda. Yet, my tax dollars are paying for yours. Where's the fairness in that?
Why, when folks like you talk about workers rights are mine not considered????
@Dylan, may I ask what your day job is? Are you a teacher? UW student? Professional protester for left-wing causes? Your wording implies that you are out-of-state.
My impressions of Dylan.
He/she is well meaning however is deluded and sees things through a very young viewpoint and has a single focus vision of the world.
He/she doesn't have a job, doesn't own a house, doesn't pay taxes other than maybe some minimal income tax (if he/she even has a job), doesn't purchase his/her own insurance.
As Marilee intimated, he/she doesn't respect the rights of workers who are not Unionized workers. The definition of 'worker' doesn't include others.
The things that he/she is saying on this blog that sound reasonable and kindly are probably not in line with his/her real world actions visa vi people with opposing viewpoints. When confronted with his/her polar opposites carrying signs, the civility level would be much different.
He/she doesn't understand the meaning of the word "laudable".
Someday, after growing up and facing real life and having personal responsibilities....he/she will look back on this episode with chagrin (and hopefully) shame.
LOL verification word: signon
OK...OK! I will.
3/6/11 12:01 PM
Dylan, thanks for your thoughtful reply. I understand that you all are trying hard, but I'm not convinced that those signs don't make that beautiful building look trashy.
To be honest, I think it looks more beautiful than it ever has before. Beyond the marble and, really, really beautiful architecture, the personalities and creativity that come out of most (not all) posters is really invigorating. For example, the entire passageway leading up to the Governors office was completely covered in 8.5x11 printed out sheets of paper of peoples stories on why the bill will hurt them.
Anyone who goes to the capitol right now is not going to see the marble. This is a incredibly unique moment in history, and I think most people walking through recognize that. The posters have all been taken down on the 2nd-3rd-4th floors at this point, and a lot were captured by the Historical society to put in museums.
I can agree, it probably looks trashy if you ignore the message and motivation behind the posters, but circumstance and individuals considered, it's nothing short of a beautiful little display.
"You say that there are always a few bad apples. Did you, personally, give that kind of leeway to the tea partiers that were so villified for a few ignorant and distastful signs?"
Yep! I really, really hate it when people find the one person out of a thousand that carries the hitler sign and makes them the poster child for a group. I completely disagree with the Tea Party on almost all of their platforms and ideas, but I'm not going to say they're all hicks, or idiots, or obsessed with Obama being a Muslim commie nazi. I know plenty of professionals, (and damn good ones at that) who are tea partiers. I think they're wrong, but I'm not going to vilify their movement because of a few stupid signs here and there.
"You do not say if someone wanted to put up a pro-walker sign would be allowed."
I didn't say that because the point hadn't been raised. There's been very little presence of the tea party since the protest began (besides on the Sunday two weeks ago when they had their rally, obviously). That said, if someone wanted to put up a sign pro-Walker, no one would slap it out of their hand or stop them. At least none of the police, marshals, and 99% of the protestors wouldn't.
I couldn't guarantee a long lifespan of said poster, but we would supply them with tape and wouldn't disturb them if they wanted to hang it up.
"You see, I have been a "worker" my whole life. I paid my own insurance or went without. Pension. None, nadda. Yet, my tax dollars are paying for yours. Where's the fairness in that?"
I've seen this argument a lot, and I don't understand why the response isn't fight for better insurance terms yourself? It seems kinda backwards to me to think that just because some other people have better benefits than you do, that they should have those removed. Especially when those people are just middle class.
"Why, when folks like you talk about workers rights are mine not considered????"
Where do you work? Fight for some more workers rights. Stand up and ask for those benefits. I know that's being idealistic, but it still makes a lot more sense than complaining about other people.
Though we're leaving the area I'm expertise in and entering the general debate of the bill in which I doubt either of us will convince each-other that they are wrong.
If you want to get a better idea of what types of messages were used and displayed, check out the flickr group of the Protest at:
This group is a mass collection of any and all photographers who went to the rallies, so it's pretty far reaching and pretty good.
I think what the righties are missing when bitching about the pensions they lack or the benefits not given in the private sector, is the fact that improvements in working conditions generally follow what the unions fought for. Like the forty-hour week as opposed to its 72-hour predecessor? Thank the unions! (And if you don't, go ahead and work around it. It's fine to be a soulless robot with no appreciation for leisure and other vital aspects of life. Work all you want. But don't expect the larger culture to embrace the least pleasant vision of life or work to make pointless drudgery the standard).
Dylan, it's not just a "few bad apples", it's the entire movement that's dirty. It's the Government protesting against the people and it's absurd. From the howling idiot in MA telling his Union supporters to "get bloody",
to the bottom-feeding race hustlers like J. Jackson comparing a 5% contribution to a health care plan with slavery, to the worthless parents who hung "Don't Teabag Me" signs on their children. All of them are a disgrace.
Just now back from the Capitol. Signs are down on every floor and none are allowed to be stuck back up. Maintenance crews were at work, when I arrived at 9, using razor blades, soapy water, and rags in an attempt to remove different types of tapes and adhesives. I was physically assaulted when I videotaped some of the removal process. Clearly, there are parties who are quickly trying to coverup the official cleanup operation. There is an attempt to mollify someone's embarrassment. AA will have a video up soon. I'm heading back over to see what I can see.
"Why, when folks like you talk about workers rights are mine not considered????"
Where do you work? Fight for some more workers rights. Stand up and ask for those benefits. I know that's being idealistic, but it still makes a lot more sense than complaining about other people
@ Dylan.
I was self employed. My husband has been self employed all of his life and still is. We have had several small business over our lifetimes, including owning a restaurant, a furniture manufacturing business and a plumbing business (for the last 20 years). We pay 100% of our expenses. No 'big brother' looks out for us.
Do we not count as workers? (Of course not. Not in your world). Where do I go to get my 'special rights'. There is nowhere for us to 'stand up and ask for benefits'.
We don't have days off. We don't have paid vacations. We work as many hours a week and as many hours a day as it takes. We work on Saturdays, Sundays, Christmas, Thanksgiving.
We will NEVER hire another person or create a job for another person again for the very reasons that you think that the workers are "entitled".
We are nothing more than a cash cow to you and the union leeches who demand that we pay higher and higher taxes so YOU can have benefits.....and we are sick of it.
We are sick of YOU and your greedy needy ways.
Have a nice day and enjoy your protest.
"I was physically assaulted when I videotaped some of the removal process."
But I have it on very good authority that there is no mess and that the Union members/protesters are 100% peaceful. How confusing to my wee little brain.
Is Dust Bowl Queen seriously trying to portray business owners as more aggrieved than laborers, the majority of whom make nowhere near as much in any form of compensation as she does?
Oh woe is me!!!
This is like listening to the slaveowners bitch about about how good the slaves had it. Slaves, after all, were "cared for".
Anyway, keep up the good work on scooping "Poster Tape-Gate", Meade. I see a Pulitzer in store for you down the road.
Do we not count as workers? (Of course not. Not in your world).
Business owners themselves prefer to classify themselves differently. Stop pretending that the "special treatment" of labor doesn't have to do with the business owners seeing themselves as special and entitled.
Where do I go to get my 'special rights'.
See above. Also see, greater access to the political graft system, more money to personally bribe public officials with - including promises of creating "economic prosperity", lobbies created entirely to implementing the whims of every industry that exists (including financial services), etc., etc., etc.
It takes a whopping case of mindblindness to not see all that.
There is nowhere for us to 'stand up and ask for benefits'.
So I guess the SBA, Chamber of Commerce and every lobby that has bought and sold Congress and held the legislative bodies by the balls to dance in concert with the wishes of the business owners whose interests are represented by them, can now be disbanded - seeing as how ineffective (verily, non-existent) you find them.
Good to know.
Ahhhh so many people to respond to.
I'm sorry, but I've spent almost every day at the capitol since this began. I must have missed all the hatred when we were cleaning the floors at night with rags, or when we were chatting with the cops over how incredible the whole situation was, or when we were chanting "Thank you! Thank you!" to all the cops, steel workers, teachers, and fire fighters, or when we printed off a couple hundred "Remember: this is a peaceful protest" signs and put them everywhere we could, including on our persons and on the drummers.
On single occasions, I'm sure there have been some confrontations. Overall though, the only hate I've seen has been directed at Mr.Walker for ignoring all this and still refusing to negotiate.
And yes, yes, I hate the Hitler signs too. Both sides openly do this, it's a incredibly stupid comparison (as is the comparison of this protest to that of Egypt and even worse, Lybia), but that doesn't make it the face of the protest, or mean that it represents the protests point.
I don't think you'll take my word for any of this though. So, instead I'll just recommend this;
If you really believe the protest has been violent, hateful, vulgar, and hostile, kindly go to the Capitol and talk to any of the capitol police who've been there since day one.
@Dylan, may I ask what your day job is? Are you a teacher? UW student? Professional protester for left-wing causes? Your wording implies that you are out-of-state.
Haha. How so? For what statements posted on little blogs online are worth, I'm from Southern Wisconsin born & raised. Went to the same high school as both Feingold and Ryan, though not at the time they were there.
"If you really believe the protest has been violent, hateful, vulgar, and hostile, kindly go to the Capitol and talk to any of the capitol police who've been there since day one. "
How about I just wait a few minutes for Meade to post his account of being physically assaulted while watching the clean up? I'm sure that "won't count" for some reason or another, but I'm curious as to the position/job title/capacity of the person who did the assaulting. If it was a State employee, all Hell should break loose.
"How about I just wait a few minutes for Meade to post his account of being physically assaulted while watching the clean up? I'm sure that "won't count" for some reason or another, but I'm curious as to the position/job title/capacity of the person who did the assaulting. If it was a State employee, all Hell should break loose."
Because one instance of violence doesn't mean the entire protest has been a ball of hate and vulgarity?
Ask a cop. They're good people, they've been there since day one, both day and night.
Ask a cop. They're good people, they've been there since day one, both day and night.
They are good public union employees.
Because one instance of violence doesn't mean the entire protest has been a ball of hate and vulgarity?
Amazing how often this magical "one incident" keeps recurring. Kinda like the "one" Walker = Hitler sign actually looked like dozens of different signs being held by dozens of different people over the course of a dozen days.
Dust Bunny, I was going to post the same thing. Self employed. Am not a business owner, just a private contractor. No worky, no money. Ironic that a small business owner is vilified by Mr. Dental Hygiene. Is he comparing you to a big buisness? Puleeese.
@Dylan, thanks for your non-answer. May I take it, then, that you are a professional protest organizer?
Whether you realize it or not, Walker is absolutely right not to "negotiate" with the teachers. The teachers unions have themselves made it perfectly clear that there can be no -- as in not any -- meaningful educational reform until the NEA and the AFT and any other rag-tag teachers unions out there are completely and utterly broken. What you are seeing in Wisconsin is only the first skirmish in a long war that you must lose, because the alternative is that only the wealthy limousine liberals and country club Republicans will be able to educate their children properly, by sending them to expensive private schools.
Dylan: Where do you work? Fight for some more workers rights. Stand up and ask for those benefits. I know that's being idealistic, but it still makes a lot more sense than complaining about other people.
What you seem to not acknowledge is that sometimes, the answer is "no".
And if it doesn't come from the boss when you ask for them, it might come from the layoff notice when you've gotten more than your employer can afford.
See, for example, the UAW workers who worked for Saturn or Numi.
See also, "Jobs Americans Won't Do". I mean, we need illegal immigrants for those low-paying jobs, right? Why don't Americans just ask to get paid more?
Why is anyone surprised at the wording of the sign in a land where a simple aluminum step-ladder comes with SEVEN (7) different kinds of safety-stickers these days..
The wording on ladders comes from lawsuits defended and lost. I am a bit surprised that aluminum ladders exist at all, considering the number of ladder users unaware that aluminum conducts electricity. And this is minor compared to people who put stepladders on uneven ground, walk up the non-step side, stand on the top and try to reach something, or even sit or stand on the paint can holder.
Next time you buy a stepladder, consider that a good chunk of the price goes to compensate idiot fellow users.
I was self employed. My husband has been self employed all of his life and still is. We have had several small business over our lifetimes, including owning a restaurant, a furniture manufacturing business and a plumbing business (for the last 20 years). We pay 100% of our expenses. No 'big brother' looks out for us.
And if you were stricken ill this second, what hospital would you go to? A for-profit or private not-for-profit hospital? Or a tax-supported government hospital?
Is he comparing you to a big buisness? (sic)
Is she comparing herself to someone employed by a big business?
I once had a 5-gallon bucket (some kind of plaster) with a warning sticker that depicted two little legs sticking out of the upright pail, as if to warn of the hazards of bucketing your toddler for transport. Always cracked me up.
The toddler bucket notices may seem ludicrous to you, Lincoln, but I they highlight a danger that is not readily apparent.
It doesn't take much liquid in the bottom of a 5-gallon bucket to drown a toddler who falls into the bucket.
It's not like it happened once. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has received reports of over 275 young children who have drowned in buckets since 1984.
The CPSC site gives some very specific reasons that these buckets are dangerous to toddlers.
At 14-inches high, a 5-gallon bucket is about half the height of a young child. That, combined with the stability, makes it nearly impossible for top-heavy infants and toddlers to free themselves when they fall into the bucket head first. A child can drown in a small amount of water.
Children are naturally curious and easily attracted to water. At the crawling and pulling up stages while learning to walk, they can quickly get into trouble. CPSC believes that bucket drownings happen when children are left momentarily unattended, crawl to a bucket, pull themselves up, and lean forward to reach for an object or play in the water.
Parents and caregivers who are using 5-gallon buckets for household chores are warned not to leave a bucket containing even a small amount of liquid unattended where a young child may gain access to it. A child can drown in the time it takes to answer a telephone.
I screen my calls. If you want me to answer the phone, should I be in, you have to leave a message. Most of the time people hang up. I suspect they're trying to sell me something.
BTW, I'm not about to spend 15 bucks a month for caller id, especially when so many people block it.
Leftards are idiots. A communications device that has been in America now for 100 years or so still mystifies them that they require instructions on the protocols of its use.
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