६ मार्च, २०११

A big mix of stuff from the protests today.

Meade shot, I edited:

0:00 — Meade acquires a flag
0:20 — "No snakes?... So service snakes are allowed?"
2:00 — The "Union/Power" chant ends and Meade starts the National Anthem
3:00 — Flash forward to a second Meade-led National Anthem that took place later in the day (with Meade appearing on screen)
3:15 — Back to the morning National Anthem
3:53 — A speaker wants to "Stop Scott Walker and his minions"
4:45 — A man in shorts holds a "yucky face" sign
5:04 — "They used duct tape"... "That was us."
5:38 — "Go Packers"
5:58 — Dog wearing a sign "I'm smarter than Scott Walker... and once I ran straight into a post"
6:17 — Meade encounters the one guy who might be with the Tea Party doing cleanup
6:48 — "I'll go see if I can shake things up"
6:50 — "Working people of the world revolt"
7:37 — "I just got drafted into the Army of Davids"
7:57 — The thing that Meade resents more than anything
9:21 — Meade disses MSM to a citizen of Wisconsin
10:43 — A child does what many children are doing when brought in by adults see the demonstration: gazes up into the dome
10:48 — George, the St. Bernard
11:13 — A protest song praising the fleebaggers for "sneaking 'cross the border." (Can you believe this guy is wearing a red sweatshirt with white letters that don't say "WISCONSIN" but "NEBRASKA"? Nebraska!)
12:36 — Criticizing Walker because "he's not really one of us"
13:19 — Palm tree!
13:31 — "Stop the Imperial Walker"
13:14 — Drummer boy

६७ टिप्पण्या:

Chip Ahoy म्हणाले...

Why donchya sing Days Go By once in awhile, huh?

Reagan म्हणाले...

I'm as liberal as they come, but those drums fucking suck. Does every asshole in the world think they have good rhythm? They don't. Seriously, just stop!

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

You know what was nice?

I was in Milwaukee volunteering all weekend and didn't hear diddly-squat about Madison. That's what was nice.

Not quite true. Some guy from Waukesha was bitching about how it was gonna cost $7M to clean the Capitol.

People are so credulous.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Wow, Meade... You are turning into a regular Michael Moore with dat video camera of yours...

Emil Blatz म्हणाले...

Meade needs a "Smoothee" - a small Steadicam device for holding an iPhone or other small video capture device. It is a stabilization device that costs ~ $180, and would be a nice touch to add to your great videos.


Of course, by the time it ships, the circus may have left town.

Palladian म्हणाले...

"They don't. Seriously, just stop!"

I think what more protests need is HURDY-GURDIES!

"Wow, Meade... You are turning into a regular Michael Moore with dat video camera of yours.."

No, Meade can still see his toes.

As a Fat American I can make these sorts of jokes, see.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"No, Meade can still see his toes."

Michael Moore was right there yesterday, in the rotunda... rotund in the rotunda.

Palladian म्हणाले...

A decidedly non-jocund moribund rotund advocates unsustainable pension-fund in the rotunda.

I'm a Shaaaaark म्हणाले...

Yes, he was. He was basically saying that America is awash with cash, but The Rich are not sharing it. Funny thing - I don't see HIM handing out any of HIS millions.

अनामित म्हणाले...

They don't make musicals like they used to, do they?

Palladian म्हणाले...

"Funny thing - I don't see HIM handing out any of HIS millions."

But he wears a baseball cap and doesn't shave! He's ONE OF US! "The Rich", as we all know, wear top hats and spats and buffet street urchins with their ebony walking sticks.

verification word: matubbia

Emil Blatz म्हणाले...

They say you learn something new every day, and I just learned the tags for a hyper-link which works in this blog. Which is another way of saying that, earlier, I meant to say:

Steadicam Smoothee

As for the musical crap captured in Meade's video, I guess That's Entertainment!

Jeff with one 'f' म्हणाले...

Nebraska! This Nebraskan officially apologizes for that Nebraskan.

I can only speculate that the Bad Nebraskan is in Wisconsin in an effort to find a midwestern state that is nicer to institutional lefties than our native working-class "get 'er done" homeland.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

Poster suggested by Ann Coulter: Gov unions: the mafia without the work ethic.

Wear that around.

Watch for anything ironic to happen.

John0 Juanderlust म्हणाले...

That was classic with the national anthem. I think it is possible that crowd would follow any leader who took initiative in the center of the rotunda. Next time see if they will join in singing Inagodadavida.
Although, I do think it was proper and ironic to do the Star Spangled Banner. That was one of the most unexpected, cool things I've seen in awhile.
You do have talent.

Alex म्हणाले...

I am still in shock at how in just 4 years LGF went from being a sane, center-right blog to indistinguishable from Daily Kos. How da frak did it happen?

commentor म्हणाले...

Anthem lol. The Achilles heel of any American crowd.

"There he is! Kill 'im!!!"

"Oh say can you see..."

[angry mob's eyes glaze over as they dutifully crank out the N.A.]

Clairvius Narcisse म्हणाले...

perhaps meade's next video could show how he got a ticket to the governor's speech. that would be nice. yeah.

deborah म्हणाले...

Clairvius, what is your logic behind insisting that Meade disclose information on the ticket acquisition?

caplight म्हणाले...

Clavius. I agree that Meade should disclose his benefactor who provided him with a ticket for the governor's speech. I think he should reveal the name right after Barak Obama releases his birth certificate and college and law school transcripts.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Think of Clairvius as Andrew Sullivan and the ticket as Trig Palin, and it all falls into place.

Unknown म्हणाले...

Nice of the union slugs to give the clean-up crew a day to clean up their mess before coming back to make more mess.

PS Anent 7:57


What were you two doing during the game?

अनामित म्हणाले...

Alex: "I am still in shock at how in just 4 years LGF went from being a sane, center-right blog to indistinguishable from Daily Kos. How da frak did it happen?"

Patronage; to those from whom he desired attention with the basis being (I think) 'everyone likes to be liked' (the usual attention thing) ... in the final days when I visited the saner, more rational posts weren't carrying much sway with Charles J. anymore ...

(Full disclose: Former LGF lurker and infrequent poster)


Shanna म्हणाले...

MY first thought is good lord, are they ever going to stop protesting?


Issob Morocco म्हणाले...

I guess that Cornhusker Crooner "Escaped to Wisconsin".

अनामित म्हणाले...

Some guy from Waukesha was bitching about how it was gonna cost $7M to clean the Capitol.

People are so credulous.

Especially when something is reported in the left-leaning Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, which is our source for the $7MM information.

Lincolntf म्हणाले...

Aw crap, I guess I'll have to spend another day watching the Madison moonbats trashing places and hollering inane slogans. Before I catch up on the latest, does anyone know if the Fleebaggers are really about to return? I think I heard that somewhere last night. Maybe that would be the beginning of the end of this sad little freak show.

KCFleming म्हणाले...

I can no longer abide watching people demand to be overpaid.

Like watching MTV's Sweet Sixteen fiascoes, where all you want to do is flush the birthday girl like a petulant goldfish.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

Market wages would be a nice idea.

You get market wages by not having a union.

The market wages might be higher and might be lower, but their virtue is that they're market wages.

The wages in turn regulate the number of teachers produced to what's actually needed.

That means some people doing something more worthwhile, if there are now too many; or more people drawn into teaching, if there are now too few.

No central planning authority gets involved.

And of course no central planning authority to lobby and corrupt.

Corruption is very expensive for everybody else. They sell your $500 laptop for $10, to get the $10.

The Dude म्हणाले...

Let us review - Peter Yarrow, Jesse Jackson and Michael Moore. Talk about D-list celebri-douches - is that the best you can do, Wisconsin? Really?

This of course requires the "two mediums and an extra large punch line", but that would probably offend Trooper. No offense, big buddy - producing enough material to clothe Michael Moore would keep looms in China running for a month.

TosaGuy म्हणाले...

I was in Madison all weekend for work. I stayed away from the capitol and other than a few buses seen heading down E. Washington Ave on saturday and the local hotels filled with outstate police working the circus, I didn't hear a peep about the protests.

As I've said before, most people have withdrawn to their echo chambers and the protests as currently configured have devolved to the point of diminishing returns.

MamaM म्हणाले...

perhaps meade's next video could show how he got a ticket to the governor's speech. that would be nice. yeah.

A Ticketer
A Squawker (Sc-Walker)

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

Especially when something is reported in the left-leaning Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, which is our source for the $7MM information.

Wasn't there something in the Saturday (Sunday? I was at a swim meet all weekend and all the days run together) that said $300K?

That said, the fact that you read something in the paper and it aligns with what you hope to be true doesn't make it true.

Fen म्हणाले...

Madison: That said, the fact that you read something in the paper and it aligns with what you hope to be true doesn't make it true.

Cute. But the fact is that no one is hoping it costs that much. More likely, the quote was presented from a Lefty newspaper because the Libtards wont accept anything from "faux".

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

I'm a Shaaaaark म्हणाले...

The suspended superintendent of New Holstein schools is facing child pornography charges in Calumet County.

Last month Christopher Nelson was arrested in in Milwaukee for trying to solicit sex from a minor. He has been suspended from his job with the school district without pay.

TosaGuy म्हणाले...


The initial article in the JS cited the 7 million. A newsblurb in their rolling article update section lowered the figure.

If you read the on-dead-trees version, you got the initial $7 million figure.

Doesn't remove the fact that the dude in Waukesha was wrong, but he thought he was right because he had seen the info in a particular edition of the newspaper he read.

I've been fine with the newspaper for the most part. The J-S has been 60/40 in favor of the Dem side, which is a vast improvement from their usual 80/20 slant. Their worst article was a Politifact that played semantic gymnastics with the word "broke". In their definition, broke does not mean that the state has more bills then money to pay them--the WI situation. It means the state has no money, period.

I'm a Shaaaaark म्हणाले...

From Chris Larson's FaceBook:

Sen. Miller's comments are taken out of context in the Wall Street Journal article just released. Dems will return when collective bargaining is off the table. That could be soon based on the growing public opposition to the bill and the recall efforts against Republicans. Unfortunately, the WSJ fished for the quote they wanted, skipping this key step in logic: we won't come back until worker's rights are preserved.

अनामित म्हणाले...

rhhardin: "Market wages would be a nice idea.

You get market wages by not having a union. ..."

This is an especially intriguing idea considering that the sixth Tenet of classical liberalism runs thusly:

6. Private property

Society should generally encourage the private accumulation of property rather than place restrictions on it. This implies an economy of free markets, equality of opportunity in the market, and competition. In sum, liberalism defends capitalism.

- - - - -

All 7 Tenets laid out here: http://jan.ucc.nau.edu/~jo52/POS254/libtenets.html


Dust Bunny Queen म्हणाले...

the fact that you read something in the paper and it aligns with what you hope to be true doesn't make it true.

The fact that you read anything at all in the paper, doesn't make it true, since most of the time the reporters are just making shit up to suit THEIR own world views.

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

So why can't the Republican Senators say that bargaining is off the table, get the Democrats back, lock the doors, and then vote on the original bill?

I've been wondering that. Politicians are liars, so what's one more lie?

Triangle Man म्हणाले...

How are unions and guilds not part of a free market? The only organizations that are permitted in a free market are those created by employers?

Triangle Man म्हणाले...

I can no longer abide watching people demand to be overpaid.


Are you talking about the post Althouse made about psychiatrists yesterday? I have the same thought about physicians too.

Aridog म्हणाले...

Ah, the Wisconsin "revolt" ... "labor" bothers and sisters fighting the man!! Continuing entertainment until the next Lady Ga Ga show.

Flashbacks in rhetoric to formulative days of the UMWA, the UAW, the USW the AFL & CIO, and so forth. Richard Trumka of the AFL-CIO imagines his legacy is that of John L Lewis and Walter Reuther.

Yeah, right on!! Wisconsin school teachers are paid with script and forced to live in company houses and shop in company stores, work in unventilated mines, or on high rigging without safety lines, ...(pause here for catching of the breath) ....

Oh, wait ...

Sorry, I was just swept up in frenzy by the ringing words of Richard Trumka and Michael Moore.

I momentarily imagined there was some similarity between the Wisconsin public employees and historic manual and skilled trade laborers who had real problems to overcome ... and still do if you consider the miners at the Upper Big Branch Mine in West Virginia.

Nah, the Wisconsin "we be po po pitiful show" is too amusing.

Dust Bunny Queen म्हणाले...

How are unions and guilds not part of a free market? The only organizations that are permitted in a free market are those created by employers?

Private unions in private industry ARE part of the free market. If the Unions demand too much and the company has to raise it's price of goods on the market and then the company can't make a profit, the business will fail or the employees will need to back off on their demands. This is how the free market works.

Pubic unions in Government where there is no competition for the goods and services that the Government provides. In fact we don't get to choose the Governmental goods and services that we have to pay for.

There is no free market in the Public Union sector. If the cost of goods and services increases due to Union demands, the government just FORCES us to pay more.

There is no comparison between Public and Private Unions.

Until you understand this......you have no understanding of anything at all.

I'm a Shaaaaark म्हणाले...

There is no comparison between Public and Private Unions.


PaulV म्हणाले...

Triangle, why do you support union cartels? Do you think corporate cartels are part of a free market?

PaulV म्हणाले...

Triangle, why do you support union cartels? Do you think corporate cartels are part of a free market?

Henry म्हणाले...

Guilds don't exactly have a sterling history in regards to a free market. Think "barrier to entry." How far back are we talking about?

Fen म्हणाले...

Although $300,000 in tax dollars is not a paltry sum. Its too bad we can't bill the teachers union for that.

Ah but wait, we are indirectly. How many teachers getting laid off will cover the $300,000? One? Two?

Triangle Man म्हणाले...

Until you understand this......you have no understanding of anything at all.

LOL! This is going on cafe press.

Triangle Man म्हणाले...

Triangle, why do you support union cartels? Do you think corporate cartels are part of a free market?


I was responding to this:

"You get market wages by not having a union. ...""

This implies that unions are anathema to the free market. I think unions were a natural market response to poor wages and working conditions.

commentor म्हणाले...

Price-fixing cartels are a natural response to prices being too low.

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

Why aren't these protester unionized? The working conditions and pay are deplorable. Every single worker protection won in the hard fight is being violated by whoever is running this protest. They should sue for back pay and overtime. And clearly, they are not an equal opportunity employer. Union!...Power!

KCFleming म्हणाले...

@Triangle Man said...
Are you talking about the post Althouse made about psychiatrists yesterday? I have the same thought about physicians too."

Then we agree, don't we?.

Calypso Facto म्हणाले...

I made the same point in a local paper, Fen. Using the union's cost quote of $49,000 per teacher, 7 teacher positions just got eliminated by the clean up work in the Capitol.

And of course the clean up costs are dwarfed by the security costs, estimated at more than $5 million so far, and the legislative costs of $1 million per day wasted by absentee Dem Senators.

PacoThe Ridiculous म्हणाले...

Wait...didn't Ann in a previous warn against taking someone else's property? ...so it was OK for Meade to "borrow" that flag??

...and didn't Meade take signage attched with tape off that Civil War memorial?? Aren't experts only supposed to handle delicate granite like that?

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

Although $300,000 in tax dollars is not a paltry sum. Its too bad we can't bill the teachers union for that.

If only free speech was actually, you know, free.

Lincolntf म्हणाले...

That's baloney, MM. My free speech has never once left a stain on a National Monument. Anyone else?

KCFleming म्हणाले...

"My free speech has never once left a stain on a National Monument. Anyone else?"

My son vomited at Grant's Tomb when he was 3.

Aridog म्हणाले...

"There is no comparison between Public and Private Unions."

Exactly. (Just to be redundant)

One organizes for a share of the proceeds of capital, the other organizes for a share of taxes.

Triangle Man म्हणाले...

7 teacher positions just got eliminated by the clean up work in the Capitol.

Or three working-hours of the new Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation.

Triangle Man म्हणाले...


Yes, we do.

Calypso Facto म्हणाले...

Or three working-hours of the new Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation.

Awesome! Cuz that's 1/6th the hourly rate of the Dept. of Commerce that WEDC replaces.

Meade म्हणाले...

Paco said...
Wait...didn't Ann in a previous warn against taking someone else's property? ...so it was OK for Meade to "borrow" that flag??

The flag I liberated was abandoned property.

...and didn't Meade take signage attched with tape off that Civil War memorial??

Both signs sullying the Civil War memorial were "attached" with cordage. Watch the video again and you'll see that I broke one cord and untied the other.

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

My free speech has never once left a stain on a National Monument.

Any time a person demonstrates with a group, there are costs involved. If a government truly values free speech, it's going to absorb those costs.

The alternative? Why yes, you can hold a huge rally on the National Mall. Please submit a cleaning deposit of $1.5M in advance.

MayBee म्हणाले...

MadMan- the Park Service can, in fact, ask organizers to post a bond when they apply for permits to hold rallies at the Mall or memorials in DC.

The bond is to pay for staffing and maintenance.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Thanks for sharing information about pedicure cleaning and the meeting. Your blog has always been a source of great beauty tips.
