"Walker addresses a joint session of the legislature tomorrow night, in what will surely be showdown moment between himself and the fleebaggers. If they don’t send someone to provide a quorum at that point, Walker will almost certainly announce layoffs and blame them on Democrats who won’t participate as a minority, but instead insist on dictating to the majority. Unfortunately for everyone, there seems to be no way for fleebaggers to save face at this point. Walker is obviously not retreating from his position — and since he has the votes necessary to pass the bill, he doesn’t have to retreat.
"Eventually, the absent Senators will have to return or possibly end up forfeiting their seats in the legislature. Walker has until the end of June to pass a budget, and it’s difficult to see how the fleebaggers can justify their continued obstinacy, or how they can justify returning after the layoffs and higher debt payments have already occurred. They’d do less damage to themselves now by returning today and declaring a public-relations victory."
These clowns have been goofing off on the taxpayers' dime and shirking their responsibilities. If there are consequences, make sure the public knows who forced them.
Um...what part of Democrat standard operating procedure makes anyone think frivolously spending tax-payer money is going to goad them into doing anything?
Better to have offered a $165 million "investment" in shovel-ready projects in their districts with naming privileges given to the 14 cowards involved. That would have had them in Madison before EoB.
"Walker addresses a joint session of the legislature tomorrow night, in what will surely be showdown moment between himself and the fleebaggers. If they don’t send someone to provide a quorum at that point, Walker will almost certainly announce layoffs and blame them on Democrats who won’t participate as a minority, but instead insist on dictating to the majority. Unfortunately for everyone, there seems to be no way for fleebaggers to save face at this point. Walker is obviously not retreating from his position — and since he has the votes necessary to pass the bill, he doesn’t have to retreat.
"Eventually, the absent Senators will have to return or possibly end up forfeiting their seats in the legislature. Walker has until the end of June to pass a budget, and it’s difficult to see how the fleebaggers can justify their continued obstinacy, or how they can justify returning after the layoffs and higher debt payments have already occurred. They’d do less damage to themselves now by returning today and declaring a public-relations victory."
"Walker addresses a joint session of the legislature tomorrow night, in what will surely be showdown moment between himself and the fleebaggers. If they don’t send someone to provide a quorum at that point, Walker will almost certainly announce layoffs and blame them on Democrats who won’t participate as a minority, but instead insist on dictating to the majority. Unfortunately for everyone, there seems to be no way for fleebaggers to save face at this point. Walker is obviously not retreating from his position — and since he has the votes necessary to pass the bill, he doesn’t have to retreat.
"Eventually, the absent Senators will have to return or possibly end up forfeiting their seats in the legislature. Walker has until the end of June to pass a budget, and it’s difficult to see how the fleebaggers can justify their continued obstinacy, or how they can justify returning after the layoffs and higher debt payments have already occurred. They’d do less damage to themselves now by returning today and declaring a public-relations victory."
BTW: Obama Says States Can Waive Individual Mandate in 2014.
"February 28, 2011 — President Barack Obama announced today that he supports Congressional legislation that speeds up the timetable for states to opt out of healthcare reform requirements such as the controversial individual mandate if they can find equally effective ways to extend insurance coverage to their citizens."
Since the debt crisis means some under-performing state workers will be fired FOR SURE, Walker really is holding all the cards.
As is Chris Cristie.
As did Ronald Reagan. I can remember when the democraps thought they'd go after Reagan with an "impeachment" trial. And, they opened the senate up to IRAN-CONTRA. And, lo and behold, Ollie North became a millionaire! (Because ordinary citizens were distraught to watch this circus on TV.) And, it shut off this "avenue" to the MSM.
Later, yes. Because of Monica, Newt Gingrich was stupid enough to fall for the bait.
But most politicians can "read the tea leaves." IF Obama had any advantage at all, he'd have flown Air Force One into Wisconsin. And, made his opinions known.
SILENCE, however, also holds news.
The unions gambled and lost.
The fiscal impact isn't going to force Walker's hand. But it should make the story HOTTER than it is! It's a windfall for politicians who use this stuff, correctly. (Be funny, if he has to fire the police chief.)
Walker could ask that the union busting bill be tabled or amended. He alone keeps the Democratic senators away.
I think its past time we stop using the adjective "Democratic" when describing these 14.
Let them languish in Illinois until they are recalled and replaced or their residency expires. If they get away with this, whats the point of having elections?
"President Barack Obama announced today that he supports Congressional legislation that speeds up the timetable for states to opt out of healthcare reform requirements such as the controversial individual mandate if they can find equally effective ways to extend insurance coverage to their citizens."
Yah, but my understanding is that Obama will be the judge of whether the proposed alternatives are "equally effective".
Once again, the Democrats are on the wrong side of history,
Two-thirds of a national survey respondents disapprove of the decision by 14 Wisconsin state senate Democrats to flee the state and thereby deny the Republican majority in the body the quorum required to act on Gov. Scott Walker's budget proposals.
"Half of America’s voters favor public sector unions for government workers, but they strongly oppose the tactic by Wisconsin state senators to flee their state to prevent a vote that would limit the rights of such unions," said Rasmussen Reports.
"The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that only 25% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of this tactic, while 67% disapprove. State legislators in Indiana have used the same approach to avoid a vote in their state," Rasmussen said.
"Sizable majorities of Republicans and voters not affiliated with either major party reject such a strategy. Democrats are fairly evenly divided, with 48% approving and 44% disapproving."
The 14 Democrats are using their Senate rules to block passage of a bill they don't like. You folks like it when US Senate Republicans use the filibuster or holds to block bills they don't like, so what's the big deal here?
They should have used it to bomb Obamacare out of the system.
So, we have a new set of rules.
You don't like what the majority votes on, run away. Refuse to vote. Take the voting off the table.
You fucking assholes who keep justifying this shit aren't looking forward to the day when Democrats are in the majority and Republicans decide to follow this precedent.
The 14 Democrats are using their Senate rules to block passage of a bill they don't like. You folks like it when US Senate Republicans use the filibuster or holds to block bills they don't like, so what's the big deal here?
Jesus, what a piece of shit!
A filibuster is a legal tactic that can be ended by a process called cloture.
Hope you eat a big fucking turd when the Republican use this tactic in the future.
FLS: I'm still waiting to see Walker's campaign promise to bust the public employee unions.
He's not busting them.
Although, after seeing them in action these last 2 weeks, he should.
BTW, don't pull the bullshit about the Unions agreeing to anything. The two union leader guys who claim this don't have the authority to do so, and the unions themselves have been renegotiating contracts with increases instead of cuts over the last two weeks. Their actions speak louder than words.
Powerline: Governor Walker's point that union leaders' supposed "offer" to accept pension and health care contributions was one they had no power to make, and one that was immediately contradicted by the actions of unions at the local level where they bargain, is one I have not seen acknowledged in the press.
"the two people that suggested [that] are statewide union leaders. There are 1,000-plus municipalities, there's 400 -- more than 424 school districts, there's 72 counties. I know -- I used to be a county executive for eight years -- I know that collective bargaining has to be done in every jurisdiction. They can't guarantee that. And the actions of those local unions in the past two weeks show that."
" And over the past two weeks even after they made those promises we've seen local union after local union rush to their school boards, their city councils, their technical school boards and rush through contracts in the past two weeks that had no contribution to the pension and no contribution to health care."
"If they were serious about it, they would have offered up contracts that -- that paid something for health care and something more for pensions. But they're not."
FLS: The claim is that Walker was elected to bust the public employee unions. I'm still waiting to see Walker's campaign promise to bust the public employee unions
An influential liberal blogger in Orange County, Chris Prevatt, made the following claim on January 25, 2011 in his post “Busting The Myths About Public Employee Pension Costs,” “For California’s budget, salaries represent 7.5 percent of the total state budget. The costs for healthcare and pension benefits are another 3.7 percent.” If only this were true.
FLS: Again, what proof exists that the voters knew anything about Walker's union-busting plans?
Union flyer and ads during the campaign warned he would "bust" the unions. Maybe the union peeps thought it was just more hyperbolic shit from their leaders to scare them, so they shrugged it off?
Point is, Walker never campaigned to "bust" Unions. And he's not doing so now. But during the campaign, your own people falsely accused him of wanting to do so.
Walker could ask that the union busting bill be tabled or amended. He alone keeps the Democratic senators away."
There is no union busting bill.
Leftists like to think talking points are necessary because you need to reduce ideas to sound bytes for TV coverage. In truth the left needs talking points because their supporters are too stupid to do anything other than parrot their lines.
Probably why Hollywood is so left. They also think learning to say what others have written is a skill worthy of adulation.
Walker and the other Republicans were elected on a "balance the budget, not keep overspending" kind of platform. That is exactly what they are doing. The fact that the public employee unions will be "busted" in the process is simply inevitable. Of course they won't be busted, but they will be weakened which is a good thing since public employee unions are one of the main reasons we are in this fix in the first place.
"Rather than solve the budget imbalance through negotiation, do so by fiat."
Assuming that were true - which is it not - didn't The One say "Hey I won, deal with it" or something to that effect . . ."
We certainly didn't see lefty foot soldiers calling in sick to listen to has been singers and actors. FLS's fallback position: it's outrageous, you're using the same tactics we did!
Walker could ask that the union busting bill be tabled or amended. He alone keeps the Democratic senators away.
There are two things I like about the above statement.
The first is that it plainly states that the left has no interest in discussion or negotiation. It is their way or the highway; end of conversation.
The second thing I like is how it makes the Democratic Party's priorities so clear. To them, it is a no-brainer that it is better for all of Wisconsin to lost money than for government-employed teachers in Wisconsin to suffer reduced bargaining power.
To them, it is a no-brainer that it is better for all of Wisconsin to lost money than for government-employed teachers in Wisconsin to suffer reduced bargaining power.
First of all, anything Walker says publicly must be considered a lie. Second, there is zero evidence I've seen that his claim is even true. The last "deadline" was last Friday.
FLS--is it honestly your position that Walker's agenda is not valid because he did not campaign on it? Really?
you might want to look at Mr Obama's campaign promises and his delivery on those promises--Mr Walker appears to the embodiment of rectitude, and Mr Obama appears to be a charlatan.
You criterion for "legitimacy" is exceptionally flawed.
The Republicans should be making hay while the sun shines. Aren't there a host of bills, noxious to the Left, which are non-fiscal and thus could be passed by the Republicans in house at the present time? I think they got off one or two so far but keep 'em coming, pass one a day till they come back, or pass a hundred a day if there are that many.
You folks like it when US Senate Republicans use the filibuster or holds to block bills they don't like, so what's the big deal here?
Well dummy, first of all "holds" don't "block bills" they block nominees.
Well, Jay, a necessary prerequisite for correcting someone is knowing what you're talking about.
From www.senate.gov
hold - An informal practice by which a Senator informs his or her floor leader that he or she does not wish a particular bill or other measure to reach the floor for consideration. The Majority Leader need not follow the Senator's wishes, but is on notice that the opposing Senator may filibuster any motion to proceed to consider the measure.
Feel free to apologize as graciously as you wish.
The filibuster, of course, is a parliamentary mechanism by which the minority prevents consideration of a bill.
And the Republicans held their ground and refused to play along, biding their time till the next election.
Sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander.
You mean the Wisconsin 14 will remain in Illinois till the next election?
On a more serious note as I mentioned in a previous thread it will interesting to see if the Dems and the protestors in Wisc. can hold onto and sell the idea of "union busting" and "Koch brothers". It seems like a pretty steep uphill battle. It really is interesting to watch; far more interesting than AZ's perennial what new immigration bill can we propose now? (Signs are funnier too. "Tax the rich" seems just as compelling during a Teacher's strike as "Workers of the World Unite". Shame, shame, shame!)
fls, ReidPelosi failed to get a budget done because the democrats were afraid of the voters. As well they should be. There was no R filibuster. The democrats were ashamed to vote for wasteful spending and hoped that they would not be beaten so badly. Sucks for democrats they voters get to vote their asses out.
Tell that to Mitch McConnell. From the Washington Post for Dec. 16, 2010:
McConnell, a member of the appropriations panel, had long championed his own earmarks to the Bluegrass State until last month. But he mounted a furious, and ultimately successful, effort to reject the omnibus legislation, persuading up to nine Republicans who had considered supporting the bill to turn against it.
"In the last 24 hours they've walked away from me," Reid said on the Senate floor Thursday night. The turnabout left the Senate leader short of the 60 votes he would need to overcome a filibuster.
Before McConnell had locked down all 42 Republicans, he was threatening to force the reading of the 1,924-page bill as a delaying tactic.
Hey, those obstructive tactics really help the minority party "thwart the will of the people" and get their way!
Fls: I am not clear on where you stand on the instant problem of the interest savings. You ok with the 160 plus million being sacrificed as a symbol of solidarity?
Since when to democrats give a shit about tax payers, budgets, or reality? The dems are so in bed with the union money laundering scheme - that's all they care about. The democrats do NOT even care if state workers are laid-off.
You ok with the 160 plus million being sacrificed as a symbol of solidarity?
This shows that Walker prioritizes union busting over budget savings. He's not going to drop his demands even if it costs taxpayers an extra $165 million.
Hey, those obstructive tactics really help the minority party "thwart the will of the people" and get their way!
What is most hysterical is you posted this about legislation that was trying to be rammed through after an election which overwhelmingly repudiated the party in power.
Further, you still can't seem to grasp the basic premise that the fillibuster is part of the Senate rules, while absconding to a different state is not.
“Two-thirds of a national survey respondents disapprove of the decision by 14 Wisconsin state senate Democrats to flee the state and thereby deny the Republican majority in the body the quorum required to act on Gov. Scott Walker’s budget proposals.”
Always on the wrong side of history, you leftists...
You ok with the 160 plus million being sacrificed as a symbol of solidarity?
This shows that Walker prioritizes union busting over budget savings. He's not going to drop his demands even if it costs taxpayers an extra $165 million.
Now I know that FLS is really from The Onion! What wonderful satire!
fls; So you have no opinion on the matter, just that Walker's refusal to capitulate is the problem. But he is not being asked by the Dems for anything best I can tell. From what I understand they are out of town. Are they in favor of paying an additional 165 million should their governor remain stubborn? Apparently so and apparently you think that is just fine. 160Million would pay for a lot of teachers who would teach the children.
FLS: That 160 million, by the way, would pay for 3200 teachers making 50K per year. Or you could hire two really smart teachers for 80 million each and you would still be ahead of where the absent Dems will be by remaining "tough" and proving the point that they are stupid as well as cowardly.
This shows that Walker prioritizes union busting over budget savings. He's not going to drop his demands even if it costs taxpayers an extra $165 million.
There's no "over". Breaking public employee unions = cost savings.
I do understand simply using the term and saying, "Yeah, of course that's what's happening, and it's a good thing, too." More is lost by arguing over the word than simply allowing it and pushing, so I think that doing that is actually pretty smart.
But it's really not *actually* all that accurate, is it? There is no proposed restriction whatsoever to organizing a union for public employees.
Not even the "bargaining rights" everyone is howling about are being more than curtailed a wee little bit.
If the union will be *broken* by this, it's pretty much because it's on government life-support to begin with.
This shows that Walker prioritizes union busting over budget savings. He's not going to drop his demands even if it costs taxpayers an extra $165 million.
If busting the union improves the state's bond rating That will save plenty of money.
You ok with the 160 plus million being sacrificed as a symbol of solidarity?
This shows that Walker prioritizes union busting over budget savings. He's not going to drop his demands even if it costs taxpayers an extra $165 million.
2/28/11 6:53 PM"
I would have so much more respect for you if you simply said, "Yes, because we can blame it on Walker."
2) Still waiting for your best shots on http://althouse.blogspot.com/2011/02/none-of-this-is-about-budgets-its-about.html
""None of this is about budgets. It’s about crushing enemies. Unions. Government programs. The social safety net. Abortion. Contraception.""
So you have no opinion on the matter, just that Walker's refusal to capitulate is the problem.
Walker: "Dems! Come back! Or something bad might happen!"
The Dems weigh that against the sure and simple truth that coming back means something bad will happen, unless Walker backs off.
There is no proposed restriction whatsoever to organizing a union for public employees.
Right. They could have a glee club, a bowling league, or even a sewing circle. As long as they don't plan to indulge in collective bargaining* they can just union it up to their hearts content.
*If they capitulate now, nothing will keep Walker from coming back to strip them of their last rights.
Michael, don't be a dolt ;>. The one thing he learned in law school was not to say things against self interest. He will never say or admit anything that would work against him. See, that's why he is avoiding me, because I will defeat him if he engages me man to man.
Pity because it would be cost free here - no IRL impact - and he would gain cred for honesty. He might also learn from it - open your mind enough and something might fall in. But the ultimate danger is that he might, just possibly, change his mind - and that can't be allowed to happen. I would imagine that his real failing in studying law was an inability to see the other side of things. He should have been a debater in high school.
In British English, tabled means to be brought up for consideration. In American English, it means to be set aside and disregarded. This difference in understanding once caused a diplomatic crisis between the American and British governments.
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९४ टिप्पण्या:
Recall em all
Why should democrats care? It's not their money.
Re-posting Ed Morrisey's analysis:
"Walker addresses a joint session of the legislature tomorrow night, in what will surely be showdown moment between himself and the fleebaggers. If they don’t send someone to provide a quorum at that point, Walker will almost certainly announce layoffs and blame them on Democrats who won’t participate as a minority, but instead insist on dictating to the majority. Unfortunately for everyone, there seems to be no way for fleebaggers to save face at this point. Walker is obviously not retreating from his position — and since he has the votes necessary to pass the bill, he doesn’t have to retreat.
"Eventually, the absent Senators will have to return or possibly end up forfeiting their seats in the legislature. Walker has until the end of June to pass a budget, and it’s difficult to see how the fleebaggers can justify their continued obstinacy, or how they can justify returning after the layoffs and higher debt payments have already occurred. They’d do less damage to themselves now by returning today and declaring a public-relations victory."
Damned straight! Put the blame where it belongs.
These clowns have been goofing off on the taxpayers' dime and shirking their responsibilities. If there are consequences, make sure the public knows who forced them.
Um...what part of Democrat standard operating procedure makes anyone think frivolously spending tax-payer money is going to goad them into doing anything?
Better to have offered a $165 million "investment" in shovel-ready projects in their districts with naming privileges given to the 14 cowards involved. That would have had them in Madison before EoB.
Can the Democrats be so stupid as to not return? Even if it is as simple as sending one sacrificial lamb to let the GOP have its quorum?
Re-posting Ed Morrissey's analysis:
"Walker addresses a joint session of the legislature tomorrow night, in what will surely be showdown moment between himself and the fleebaggers. If they don’t send someone to provide a quorum at that point, Walker will almost certainly announce layoffs and blame them on Democrats who won’t participate as a minority, but instead insist on dictating to the majority. Unfortunately for everyone, there seems to be no way for fleebaggers to save face at this point. Walker is obviously not retreating from his position — and since he has the votes necessary to pass the bill, he doesn’t have to retreat.
"Eventually, the absent Senators will have to return or possibly end up forfeiting their seats in the legislature. Walker has until the end of June to pass a budget, and it’s difficult to see how the fleebaggers can justify their continued obstinacy, or how they can justify returning after the layoffs and higher debt payments have already occurred. They’d do less damage to themselves now by returning today and declaring a public-relations victory."
Re-posting Ed Morrissey's analysis:
"Walker addresses a joint session of the legislature tomorrow night, in what will surely be showdown moment between himself and the fleebaggers. If they don’t send someone to provide a quorum at that point, Walker will almost certainly announce layoffs and blame them on Democrats who won’t participate as a minority, but instead insist on dictating to the majority. Unfortunately for everyone, there seems to be no way for fleebaggers to save face at this point. Walker is obviously not retreating from his position — and since he has the votes necessary to pass the bill, he doesn’t have to retreat.
"Eventually, the absent Senators will have to return or possibly end up forfeiting their seats in the legislature. Walker has until the end of June to pass a budget, and it’s difficult to see how the fleebaggers can justify their continued obstinacy, or how they can justify returning after the layoffs and higher debt payments have already occurred. They’d do less damage to themselves now by returning today and declaring a public-relations victory."
Obama Says States Can Waive Individual Mandate in 2014.
"February 28, 2011 — President Barack Obama announced today that he supports Congressional legislation that speeds up the timetable for states to opt out of healthcare reform requirements such as the controversial individual mandate if they can find equally effective ways to extend insurance coverage to their citizens."
While in INdia my pinched loafs smell like curry.
I told my Indian UK husband that I hate the smell of curry and we got into a fight....but we made up.
Now back to the Unions.
Walker could ask that the union busting bill be tabled or amended. He alone keeps the Democratic senators away.
Can the Democrats be so stupid . . . ?
I'm sorry--was that a question?
"Walker could ask that the union busting bill be tabled or amended. He alone keeps the Democratic senators away."
Yeah, just ignore the will of the majority who elected him to do exactly what he is doing.
That's the ticket.
Laughable, fls, just laughable
"Walker could ask that the union busting bill be tabled or amended. He alone keeps the Democratic senators away."
Plus, you say "union-busting" like it's a bad thing . . .
Since the debt crisis means some under-performing state workers will be fired FOR SURE, Walker really is holding all the cards.
As is Chris Cristie.
As did Ronald Reagan. I can remember when the democraps thought they'd go after Reagan with an "impeachment" trial. And, they opened the senate up to IRAN-CONTRA. And, lo and behold, Ollie North became a millionaire! (Because ordinary citizens were distraught to watch this circus on TV.) And, it shut off this "avenue" to the MSM.
Later, yes. Because of Monica, Newt Gingrich was stupid enough to fall for the bait.
But most politicians can "read the tea leaves." IF Obama had any advantage at all, he'd have flown Air Force One into Wisconsin. And, made his opinions known.
SILENCE, however, also holds news.
The unions gambled and lost.
The fiscal impact isn't going to force Walker's hand. But it should make the story HOTTER than it is! It's a windfall for politicians who use this stuff, correctly. (Be funny, if he has to fire the police chief.)
I speed-read it but it looks like a fake savings having to do with which year something happens in.
Real savings comes from layoff notices, though.
At least I think so.
Walker could ask that the union busting bill be tabled or amended. He alone keeps the Democratic senators away.
I think its past time we stop using the adjective "Democratic" when describing these 14.
Let them languish in Illinois until they are recalled and replaced or their residency expires. If they get away with this, whats the point of having elections?
Walker could ask that the union busting bill be tabled or amended. He alone keeps the Democratic senators away.
What a twisted statement! Better known as a damned lie.
The senators fled because they know they'll lose a vote.
Doesn't make a fucking bit of difference what they would be voting on.
The skipped the state because they knew they would lose.
He alone keeps the Democratic senators away.
Isn't that cute?
Remember, "accountability" is something ignorant people like you only shout at elected Republicans.
"President Barack Obama announced today that he supports Congressional legislation that speeds up the timetable for states to opt out of healthcare reform requirements such as the controversial individual mandate if they can find equally effective ways to extend insurance coverage to their citizens."
Yah, but my understanding is that Obama will be the judge of whether the proposed alternatives are "equally effective".
If so, you know how that game will play out.
The senators fled because they know they'll lose a vote.
Bears repeating.
If anyone here is looking for a Ptown rental this summer my cottage is available for a couple of weekends in early June.
3500. a week. Your neighbors will be John Waters, Michael Cunningham and Andrew Sullivan.
The place is on the West End and you can walk to the beach.
Reference checks required.
Thanks dolls.
just ignore the will of the majority who elected him to do exactly what he is doing.
I'm still waiting to see Walker's campaign promise to bust the public employee unions. A commercial, a flyer, anything will do.
Once again, the Democrats are on the wrong side of history,
Two-thirds of a national survey respondents disapprove of the decision by 14 Wisconsin state senate Democrats to flee the state and thereby deny the Republican majority in the body the quorum required to act on Gov. Scott Walker's budget proposals.
"Half of America’s voters favor public sector unions for government workers, but they strongly oppose the tactic by Wisconsin state senators to flee their state to prevent a vote that would limit the rights of such unions," said Rasmussen Reports.
"The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that only 25% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of this tactic, while 67% disapprove. State legislators in Indiana have used the same approach to avoid a vote in their state," Rasmussen said.
"Sizable majorities of Republicans and voters not affiliated with either major party reject such a strategy. Democrats are fairly evenly divided, with 48% approving and 44% disapproving."
No matter, these cowards won't come back...
I'm still waiting to see Walker's campaign promise to bust the public employee unions
And then what?
Even if there were one, you would still be opposed.
I'm still waiting to see Walker's campaign promise to bust the public employee unions. A commercial, a flyer, anything will do.
I still don't get what the fuck you're talking about.
Those Democratic Senators are going to lose the vote on collective bargaining.
The Senate apparently has the legal right to decide this issue.
We have what's called a representative Democracy.
So, what are you talking about, fuckhead?
Wait...I thought Wisconsin has a budget deficit because Walker made giveaways to his fat-cat friends his first week in office.
The 14 Democrats are using their Senate rules to block passage of a bill they don't like. You folks like it when US Senate Republicans use the filibuster or holds to block bills they don't like, so what's the big deal here?
I hope that Republicans remember this tactic.
They should have used it to bomb Obamacare out of the system.
So, we have a new set of rules.
You don't like what the majority votes on, run away. Refuse to vote. Take the voting off the table.
You fucking assholes who keep justifying this shit aren't looking forward to the day when Democrats are in the majority and Republicans decide to follow this precedent.
Hope you choke on it.
The 14 Democrats are using their Senate rules to block passage of a bill they don't like. You folks like it when US Senate Republicans use the filibuster or holds to block bills they don't like, so what's the big deal here?
Jesus, what a piece of shit!
A filibuster is a legal tactic that can be ended by a process called cloture.
Hope you eat a big fucking turd when the Republican use this tactic in the future.
FLS wrote: I'm still waiting to see Walker's campaign promise to bust the public employee unions. A commercial, a flyer, anything will do.
All he needed was the (R) next to his name.
FLS: I'm still waiting to see Walker's campaign promise to bust the public employee unions.
He's not busting them.
Although, after seeing them in action these last 2 weeks, he should.
BTW, don't pull the bullshit about the Unions agreeing to anything. The two union leader guys who claim this don't have the authority to do so, and the unions themselves have been renegotiating contracts with increases instead of cuts over the last two weeks. Their actions speak louder than words.
Powerline: Governor Walker's point that union leaders' supposed "offer" to accept pension and health care contributions was one they had no power to make, and one that was immediately contradicted by the actions of unions at the local level where they bargain, is one I have not seen acknowledged in the press.
"the two people that suggested [that] are statewide union leaders. There are 1,000-plus municipalities, there's 400 -- more than 424 school districts, there's 72 counties. I know -- I used to be a county executive for eight years -- I know that collective bargaining has to be done in every jurisdiction. They can't guarantee that. And the actions of those local unions in the past two weeks show that."
" And over the past two weeks even after they made those promises we've seen local union after local union rush to their school boards, their city councils, their technical school boards and rush through contracts in the past two weeks that had no contribution to the pension and no contribution to health care."
"If they were serious about it, they would have offered up contracts that -- that paid something for health care and something more for pensions. But they're not."
Feeling more like Greece.
I am curious about the size of Walker's hog.
He looks like he may be packing a nice one.
I still don't get what the fuck you're talking about.
OK, fine:
Unsupported claim
just ignore the will of the majority who elected him to do exactly what he is doing.
The claim is that Walker was elected to bust the public employee unions.
Request for factual support
I'm still waiting to see Walker's campaign promise to bust the public employee unions. A commercial, a flyer, anything will do.
Again, what proof exists that the voters knew anything about Walker's union-busting plans? I don't live in Wisconsin.
3500. a week. Your neighbors will be John Waters, Michael Cunningham and Andrew Sullivan.
Tight Ass.
I'm still trying to decide.
Are you warning people, or is that list of names supposed to be attractive?
The claim is that Walker was elected to bust the public employee unions.
You are just whistling out your ass.
The Republicans were elected to a representative assembly and Walker was elected Governor.
Your shitheaded attempt to insist that every issue has to be vetted by the voters directly is a fucking lie.
No matter how many time you tell this lie, it will remain a lie.
I am warning peeps shouting.
They are all uptight fucking fags.
All he needed was the (R) next to his name.
Remembering when the Teamsters Union supported Nixon (R) for President, I'd like more evidence than that.
FLS: The claim is that Walker was elected to bust the public employee unions. I'm still waiting to see Walker's campaign promise to bust the public employee unions
1) Walker was not elected to bust the PSUs.
2) Walker is not busting the PSUs.
But keep playing with your Strawman.
shoutingthomas -- if you think TWM is in error, talk to him.
Lastly before I go, the Unions are done in Wisconsin.
Good riddance.
I could never, or would ever work in an Union environment. Too constraining.
Business in downtown Madison must be thrilled though.
Let's test your knowledge of our political system:
1. Do we elect representatives?
2. Do those representatives vote on issues?
3. Are those representatives required to submit every issue to the voters?
Now, will you quit with the fucking douchebag lying?
An influential liberal blogger in Orange County, Chris Prevatt, made the following claim on January 25, 2011 in his post “Busting The Myths About Public Employee Pension Costs,” “For California’s budget, salaries represent 7.5 percent of the total state budget. The costs for healthcare and pension benefits are another 3.7 percent.” If only this were true.
What Percent of California’s State Budget is Employee Compensation? Part 1 67%
What Percent of California’s State AND Local Budgets are Employee Compensation? Part 2 Even worse, 84%
source: Unionwatch.org analysis
It's not just Wisconsin - there's only one way to save the states money, and California is going to have to reckon with this. too.
Stand firm!
FLS: Again, what proof exists that the voters knew anything about Walker's union-busting plans?
Union flyer and ads during the campaign warned he would "bust" the unions. Maybe the union peeps thought it was just more hyperbolic shit from their leaders to scare them, so they shrugged it off?
Point is, Walker never campaigned to "bust" Unions. And he's not doing so now. But during the campaign, your own people falsely accused him of wanting to do so.
I'm still waiting to see Walker's campaign promise to bust the public employee unions. A commercial, a flyer, anything will do.
And I'm still waiting to see Barack Obama's campaign promise to impose the individual mandate.
We'll both be waiting a long time.
Air France is fab.
Their flight attendants are still hot, what happened to American Flight Attendants looks?
Also, free food, which is good and free liquor.
What more can you ask for?
On demand right at your seat!
Buyers remorse.
I would be sorry I elected this sack of dung too!
1. Do we elect representatives?
2. Do those representatives vote on issues?
You mean, like the Federal budget for the period October 2010–September 2011?
Apparently not. Republicans decided to wait it out till they were in the majority.
C'mon, criticize them!
"Blogger former law student said...
Walker could ask that the union busting bill be tabled or amended. He alone keeps the Democratic senators away."
There is no union busting bill.
Leftists like to think talking points are necessary because you need to reduce ideas to sound bytes for TV coverage. In truth the left needs talking points because their supporters are too stupid to do anything other than parrot their lines.
Probably why Hollywood is so left. They also think learning to say what others have written is a skill worthy of adulation.
You mean, like the Federal budget for the period October 2010–September 2011?
Apparently not. Republicans decided to wait it out till they were in the majority.
C'mon, criticize them!
Have Republicans deserted Congress?
No they haven't.
These dirt bag tactics Wisconsin Democrats are using will be turned on you one day, fls.
Hope you like to eat shit.
"You are just whistling out your ass."
Walker and the other Republicans were elected on a "balance the budget, not keep overspending" kind of platform. That is exactly what they are doing. The fact that the public employee unions will be "busted" in the process is simply inevitable. Of course they won't be busted, but they will be weakened which is a good thing since public employee unions are one of the main reasons we are in this fix in the first place.
The fact that the public employee unions will be "busted" in the process is simply inevitable.
Inevitable, my ass.
Walker's merely invoking Rahm's Law: Never let a "crisis" go to waste. Rather than solve the budget imbalance through negotiation, do so by fiat.
Walker's merely invoking Rahm's Law: Never let a "crisis" go to waste. Rather than solve the budget imbalance through negotiation, do so by fiat.
Walker doesn't have to negotiate because the Republicans won the election.
The Democrats ran away because they knew they'd lose the vote on the floor.
Are you a professional liar, or just psychotic?
Ever word you've uttered on this post is a deliberate fucking lie.
FLS: Rather than solve the budget imbalance through negotiation, do so by fiat.
Bullshit. Walker already tried to negotiate with the Unions. They told him to go pound sand.
Its like Saddam flipping off the UN for 12 years, then running to them for "more negotiations" once the M1A1s were on his doorstep.
The Unions were out of touch and arrogant. They had amply opportunity to avert this. Screw them.
"Rather than solve the budget imbalance through negotiation, do so by fiat."
Assuming that were true - which is it not - didn't The One say "Hey I won, deal with it" or something to that effect . . .
"TWM said...
"Rather than solve the budget imbalance through negotiation, do so by fiat."
Assuming that were true - which is it not - didn't The One say "Hey I won, deal with it" or something to that effect . . ."
We certainly didn't see lefty foot soldiers calling in sick to listen to has been singers and actors. FLS's fallback position: it's outrageous, you're using the same tactics we did!
Walker could ask that the union busting bill be tabled or amended. He alone keeps the Democratic senators away.
There are two things I like about the above statement.
The first is that it plainly states that the left has no interest in discussion or negotiation. It is their way or the highway; end of conversation.
The second thing I like is how it makes the Democratic Party's priorities so clear. To them, it is a no-brainer that it is better for all of Wisconsin to lost money than for government-employed teachers in Wisconsin to suffer reduced bargaining power.
To them, it is a no-brainer that it is better for all of Wisconsin to lost money than for government-employed teachers in Wisconsin to suffer reduced bargaining power.
First of all, anything Walker says publicly must be considered a lie. Second, there is zero evidence I've seen that his claim is even true. The last "deadline" was last Friday.
The 14 Democrats are using their Senate rules to block passage of a bill they don't like.
Laugh out loud funny.
Can you point us to this "rule" please?
ou folks like it when US Senate Republicans use the filibuster or holds to block bills they don't like, so what's the big deal here?
Well dummy, first of all "holds" don't "block bills" they block nominees.
Secondly, the fillibuster is an actual vote you barely literate jackass.
Meaning, it is exactly the opposite of fleeing town.
You mean, like the Federal budget for the period October 2010–September 2011?
Apparently not. Republicans decided to wait it out till they were in the majority.
Um, the Democrats agreed to and funded continuing resolutions.
You are so dumb I kind of feel sorry for you.
Equating "leaving town" to "filibustering" has interesting implications.
For example, it means that the Democrats are currently filibustering a bill that would allow the state to save $165 million by refinancing debt.
FLS--is it honestly your position that Walker's agenda is not valid because he did not campaign on it? Really?
you might want to look at Mr Obama's campaign promises and his delivery on those promises--Mr Walker appears to the embodiment of rectitude, and Mr Obama appears to be a charlatan.
You criterion for "legitimacy" is exceptionally flawed.
The Republicans should be making hay while the sun shines. Aren't there a host of bills, noxious to the Left, which are non-fiscal and thus could be passed by the Republicans in house at the present time? I think they got off one or two so far but keep 'em coming, pass one a day till they come back, or pass a hundred a day if there are that many.
didn't The One say "Hey I won, deal with it" or something to that effect
And the Republicans held their ground and refused to play along, biding their time till the next election.
Sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander.
Oddly enough (hint: the name is really really different) continuing resolutions are not budget bills.
The Republicans refused even to vote for the Defense Appropriations bill -- that is what really got me.
Jay said...
You folks like it when US Senate Republicans use the filibuster or holds to block bills they don't like, so what's the big deal here?
Well dummy, first of all "holds" don't "block bills" they block nominees.
Well, Jay, a necessary prerequisite for correcting someone is knowing what you're talking about.
From www.senate.gov
hold - An informal practice by which a Senator informs his or her floor leader that he or she does not wish a particular bill or other measure to reach the floor for consideration. The Majority Leader need not follow the Senator's wishes, but is on notice that the opposing Senator may filibuster any motion to proceed to consider the measure.
Feel free to apologize as graciously as you wish.
The filibuster, of course, is a parliamentary mechanism by which the minority prevents consideration of a bill.
And the Republicans held their ground and refused to play along, biding their time till the next election.
Sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander.
You mean the Wisconsin 14 will remain in Illinois till the next election?
On a more serious note as I mentioned in a previous thread it will interesting to see if the Dems and the protestors in Wisc. can hold onto and sell the idea of "union busting" and "Koch brothers". It seems like a pretty steep uphill battle. It really is interesting to watch; far more interesting than AZ's perennial what new immigration bill can we propose now? (Signs are funnier too. "Tax the rich" seems just as compelling during a Teacher's strike as "Workers of the World Unite". Shame, shame, shame!)
FLS: The Republicans refused even to vote for the Defense Appropriations bill -- that is what really got me.
Because, like most Democrats, you read the title of the bill and not what was in it.
you read the title of the bill and not what was in it.
Go ahead; read it at thomas.loc.gov, and tell me what doesn't belong.
Bill Text
111th Congress (2009-2010)
fls, ReidPelosi failed to get a budget done because the democrats were afraid of the voters. As well they should be. There was no R filibuster. The democrats were ashamed to vote for wasteful spending and hoped that they would not be beaten so badly. Sucks for democrats they voters get to vote their asses out.
fls, Have the Rs cut some waste out of the Defense bill? Are you for waste?
There was no R filibuster
Tell that to Mitch McConnell. From the Washington Post for Dec. 16, 2010:
McConnell, a member of the appropriations panel, had long championed his own earmarks to the Bluegrass State until last month. But he mounted a furious, and ultimately successful, effort to reject the omnibus legislation, persuading up to nine Republicans who had considered supporting the bill to turn against it.
"In the last 24 hours they've walked away from me," Reid said on the Senate floor Thursday night. The turnabout left the Senate leader short of the 60 votes he would need to overcome a filibuster.
Before McConnell had locked down all 42 Republicans, he was threatening to force the reading of the 1,924-page bill as a delaying tactic.
Hey, those obstructive tactics really help the minority party "thwart the will of the people" and get their way!
Fls: I am not clear on where you stand on the instant problem of the interest savings. You ok with the 160 plus million being sacrificed as a symbol of solidarity?
Since when to democrats give a shit about tax payers, budgets, or reality? The dems are so in bed with the union money laundering scheme - that's all they care about. The democrats do NOT even care if state workers are laid-off.
You ok with the 160 plus million being sacrificed as a symbol of solidarity?
This shows that Walker prioritizes union busting over budget savings. He's not going to drop his demands even if it costs taxpayers an extra $165 million.
The Republicans refused even to vote for the Defense Appropriations bill -- that is what really got me.
Hey, those obstructive tactics really help the minority party "thwart the will of the people" and get their way!
What is most hysterical is you posted this about legislation that was trying to be rammed through after an election which overwhelmingly repudiated the party in power.
Further, you still can't seem to grasp the basic premise that the fillibuster is part of the Senate rules, while absconding to a different state is not.
Carry on in your silliness.
Good times:
“Two-thirds of a national survey respondents disapprove of the decision by 14 Wisconsin state senate Democrats to flee the state and thereby deny the Republican majority in the body the quorum required to act on Gov. Scott Walker’s budget proposals.”
Always on the wrong side of history, you leftists...
I thought FLS was serious until this posting:
You ok with the 160 plus million being sacrificed as a symbol of solidarity?
This shows that Walker prioritizes union busting over budget savings. He's not going to drop his demands even if it costs taxpayers an extra $165 million.
Now I know that FLS is really from The Onion! What wonderful satire!
fls; So you have no opinion on the matter, just that Walker's refusal to capitulate is the problem. But he is not being asked by the Dems for anything best I can tell. From what I understand they are out of town. Are they in favor of paying an additional 165 million should their governor remain stubborn? Apparently so and apparently you think that is just fine. 160Million would pay for a lot of teachers who would teach the children.
FLS: That 160 million, by the way, would pay for 3200 teachers making 50K per year. Or you could hire two really smart teachers for 80 million each and you would still be ahead of where the absent Dems will be by remaining "tough" and proving the point that they are stupid as well as cowardly.
This shows that Walker prioritizes union busting over budget savings. He's not going to drop his demands even if it costs taxpayers an extra $165 million.
There's no "over". Breaking public employee unions = cost savings.
That's the whole point of breaking them, really.
"Breaking" is sort of hyperbolic, isn't it?
I do understand simply using the term and saying, "Yeah, of course that's what's happening, and it's a good thing, too." More is lost by arguing over the word than simply allowing it and pushing, so I think that doing that is actually pretty smart.
But it's really not *actually* all that accurate, is it? There is no proposed restriction whatsoever to organizing a union for public employees.
Not even the "bargaining rights" everyone is howling about are being more than curtailed a wee little bit.
If the union will be *broken* by this, it's pretty much because it's on government life-support to begin with.
This shows that Walker prioritizes union busting over budget savings. He's not going to drop his demands even if it costs taxpayers an extra $165 million.
If busting the union improves the state's bond rating That will save plenty of money.
"former law student said...
You ok with the 160 plus million being sacrificed as a symbol of solidarity?
This shows that Walker prioritizes union busting over budget savings. He's not going to drop his demands even if it costs taxpayers an extra $165 million.
2/28/11 6:53 PM"
I would have so much more respect for you if you simply said, "Yes, because we can blame it on Walker."
2) Still waiting for your best shots on
""None of this is about budgets. It’s about crushing enemies. Unions. Government programs. The social safety net. Abortion. Contraception.""
Bring friends if you wish. I was getting into it.
So you have no opinion on the matter, just that Walker's refusal to capitulate is the problem.
Walker: "Dems! Come back! Or something bad might happen!"
The Dems weigh that against the sure and simple truth that coming back means something bad will happen, unless Walker backs off.
There is no proposed restriction whatsoever to organizing a union for public employees.
Right. They could have a glee club, a bowling league, or even a sewing circle. As long as they don't plan to indulge in collective bargaining* they can just union it up to their hearts content.
*If they capitulate now, nothing will keep Walker from coming back to strip them of their last rights.
fls: no comment on the 169million that could have gone to the teachers?
Michael, don't be a dolt ;>. The one thing he learned in law school was not to say things against self interest. He will never say or admit anything that would work against him. See, that's why he is avoiding me, because I will defeat him if he engages me man to man.
Pity because it would be cost free here - no IRL impact - and he would gain cred for honesty. He might also learn from it - open your mind enough and something might fall in. But the ultimate danger is that he might, just possibly, change his mind - and that can't be allowed to happen. I would imagine that his real failing in studying law was an inability to see the other side of things. He should have been a debater in high school.
In British English, tabled means to be brought up for consideration. In American English, it means to be set aside and disregarded. This difference in understanding once caused a diplomatic crisis between the American and British governments.
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