The police want to make ordinary people wait in line, while media gets right in. Meade says he's "new media." He's with "the Althouse blog." And watch for the indications that the police are on the protesters' side.
"All these people have decided that they are working with us to help with their protest. We're not keeping..."
"You're helping the protesters?"
"We're not keeping you from protesting. We're helping to keep the peace."
१५३ टिप्पण्या:
Time to channel the spirit of Calvin Coolidge...
I mean, what steps do you take when the local police in a state capitol refuse a request to maintain order in state buildings?
Republican state senator Dale Schultz has decide he is going to stand with the people and vote to kill the bill! Thank god for the courageous forteen!
" ... what steps do you take when the local police in a state capitol refuse a request to maintain order in state buildings?"
We are living in a lawless police state where liberals are allowed to break the law with impunity thanks to their union cop friends, while Republicans are arrested and jailed on the flimsiest of evidence and police misconduct.
Well, cops in Massachusetts are making $200,000 a year and they know which crooked politicians got them that money.
You think they're not going to protect their investments?
If you are not a liberal, you will be one soon.
At the butt of their guns.
"We're not keeping you from protesting. We're helping to keep the peace."
Looks like the police are trying to keep the peace, and acted in a professional manner. One way to do that is to maintain control over the entry ways of the building for orderly entry and exit. Nothing particularly noteworthy here, except for the desire to hassle law enforcement and pounce on any stray word that a policeman might say to bolster your cause. Looks like Peter Yarrow wasn't the only one trying to bring back some 60s memories at the Wisconsin capitol.
Did I hear a threat? Did I correctly hear that someone said they saw Mead push an officer?
That is the most dangerous thing we face is that kind of intimidation and misuse of power.
I'm disgusted.
what steps do you take when the local police in a state capitol refuse a request to maintain order in state buildings?
You call in the National Guard to relieve them.
The police shouldn't be taking sides. They should side with the Law. Its the perfect example of why Public Sector Unions should not be allowed.
I say fuck the Wisco cops and slash their pensions as well.
Then maybe they would do their job.
(BTW, Ann, you need to get down to Kinkos and get some press credentials printed up and laminated.)
Maybe Chip can photoshop you an official looking one.
somefeller: Nothing particularly noteworthy here, except for the desire to hassle law enforcement and pounce on any stray word that a policeman might say to bolster your cause.
Unless you're of a mind that police should enforce the law equally, regardless of politics.
You're on board with that, right Somefeller?
I'm disappointed -- came into work and there's no althouse Oscar Live Blog!
"Thank god for the courageous forteen!"
You mean the couragous ones who ran away?
The Wisconsin State Police are nothing more than the armed wing of the Democrat Party and they're protecting the courageous ones denying the people - through their elected representatives - the right to vote.
These police should be arrested and jailed.
Three Stooges,
Moe & Larry use Press engravings while Curly had to use Pull.
If I were a liberal, and the police are in fact refusing to assist in clearing the Capitol, I'd find this terrifying.
So it's OK if the military ignores orders from elected officials that they don't like?
Think carefully about where this road leads...
Second set of "officers" much more reasonable. Besides the cop stuff, I am sick, just so tired of the chanting and the crowds, and the mess in the building. They have turned it from the "peoples house" to a college dorm. Just so weary of it all. They have made their point. Go home now.
Come ON, James Franco and Anne Hathaway!
Hey Jay Retread, even if Dale Schultz votes against the bill the Republicans would still have enough votes to pass it.
If shirking your responsibility as a lawmaker is what you consider to be courage, then I say Wisco Taxpayers should shirk their responsibility and stop paying their taxes. That would qualify to you as courage.
"Did I hear a threat? Did I correctly hear that someone said they saw Mead push an officer?"
You heard the police say that. He did not push them. He moved toward the door. The police weres, I think, making an effort at controlling him and intimidating him into waiting in line to enter the Capitol. The protesters are working with the police and therefore waiting in line. But Meade isn't one of them. He's a citizen journalist. There was a special door for media, but there was not access for new media.
We need to make our own plastic card with a special color stripe, so we can have access to a public building and not get stopped by police who are distinguishing between the mainstream media and the bloggers.
Ann and Larry why do you hate police officers?
You are doing a great job covering this -- thank you.
I must say that, based on this video, Wisconsin cops appear much more polite than New York cops would be while defending the actions of one group of citizens over another's.
I guess the states really are the laboratories of, um, well . . .
Fen says: Unless you're of a mind that police should enforce the law equally, regardless of politics. You're on board with that, right Somefeller?
I don't see any evidence in that video that shows the police are enforcing the law unequally. They are saying that if you want to protest, they won't hassle you. I guess they assumed Meade was a protester, at least at the beginning of their exchange. They didn't ask him about his politics and unless he was wearing something that showed he was against the pro-union protesters, there's no reason to assume they knew his politics.
They saw a guy who was trying to enter through a door he wasn't supposed to and they said stop. They also asked him if he was with the media, and when he said he was, they politely showed him where to go. If he got up in their face or got pushy, he got the response that you'll get from law enforcement when you act that way, regardless of your politics, whether in a bar at closing time (not that I have experience with that context) or a government building.
"(BTW, Ann, you need to get down to Kinkos and get some press credentials printed up and laminated.) Maybe Chip can photoshop you an official looking one."
Yes, exactly. That's what I said. Anyone want to make something look right for us? Send text. We can print and laminate.
Well now. Larry Meade now has a job title. He is lead reporter for the Althouse blog! LOL! Keep a tight grip on those apron strings Larry!
The protesters are working with the police and therefore waiting in line. But Meade isn't one of them. He's a citizen journalist. There was a special door for media, but there was not access for new media.
Yes, he's very special. The police should have known that and given him the appropriate royal treatment. Sorry, the sense of entitlement is coming through pretty strong here.
Unless you have evidence to show that the police don't to have authority over ingress to the capitol and/or evidence to show they are showing favoritism regarding who gets let in, there isn't much in your favor here.
So... print up some Press Credentials and laminate them. Easy peasy.
The people of Wisconsin are now subject to the law arbitrarily enforced on the basis of political belief; if you don't support the beliefs of the union representing the cops, the cops don't have to enforce the law as it pertains to you. Basically, if you're a Republican in Wisconsin, the police can simply stand back and do nothing. The evidence is in: They will give preferential treatment to leftists occupying the Wisconsin State Capitol; deference that they would not show to those that would stand in opposition to them.
If this is indeed the case, they have ceased being the law and have joined the anarchists, and are therefore nothing but scum deserving of no respect.
In fact, if I were a Republican in Wisconsin, I would be taking appropriate measures to defend myself against cops who have chosen sides like this. When the supposed upholders of law and order join the lawless - think Mexico - then it becomes incumbent upon the citizenry to protect itself by any means necessary.
And why were the police and fire exempted from the legislation in Wisconsin?
You could watch the Oscars, or you could watch something better. Mildred Pierce is on TCM right now.
Larry Meade looks like a lying doofus in this clip. Grow a pair will you Larry?
somefeller: Yes, he's very special. The police should have known that and given him the appropriate royal treatment. Sorry, the sense of entitlement is coming through pretty strong here.
You're inconsistent. Why should there be a special door for media? Why should they be entitled but not citizen journalists?
Who owns the uniforms the police wear? If the government agency doesn't, they need to start. Then officers will need to go to the station to change into their uniforms. When they go on strike, and are all fired, we can't have bogus cops playing dress up: we'll know where the uniforms are. The reason the Governor didn't try to strip collective bargaining from the police is he didn't want them striking.
Jay: Grow a pair will you Larry?
Cowardly Libtard. If you were in the same room with Meade, you'd soil yourself.
Hay Retread and somefeller:
Could you please tell us which people are slightly more equal than the others -- before the game starts? So far as I can tell the more equal people are
1) MSM reporters
2) union supporters
3) workers who are not self-employed
Am I missing some categorizations?
Damn good job, Meade! You really... ummm... pushed it with the first group of police officers as far as you could for the sake of the blog and its readers. That was an impressive display of guts.
Obviously the first group of police are not acting as apolitical law enforcement officers. They are wearing the uniform... but as the woman points out, "They're on [the protesters] side." And then there's the fabricated pushing claim, which is clear intimidation. That's very disturbing.
hay --> hey
"Thank god for the courageous forteen!"
You mean the couragous ones who ran away?
The 14 ran away. They bravely ran away! When danger reared its ugly head they bravely turned their tails and fled, brave, brave, brave democrats ran away.
It's just such an honor to have been nominated along with all these New Media giants. I want to thank my beautiful wife, Ann, our beautiful children who mean everything to me. Everything. I couldn't have done this without you. To the New Media Academy, my producers - um... both of them - the Guild, Amazon Prime, Sony, Flip, all our many contributors - I love you and you and you... and youandyouandyou... [sendoff music rises] oh, and did I say my brother, my other brother, and both sisters... BOTH sisters... [escorts come and take both arms] [sendoff music up]... wait! and... and... oh gosh I know I'm forgetting someone... OMG I knew I should've written out notes...
My God, what the hell is wrong with the people in Wisconsin? You sit back and allow a bunch of aged hippies and hippy wannabes desecrate your Capitol building and take up space like squatters and you are not out in front of the Capitol protesting these damned out of control unions?
Ann, you're a lawyer. Why don't you start a class action law suit against these teachers who are failing to do their jobs and creating hardships on the parents?
I can tell you this: we would not be seeing this in Texas. The governor would send in the Texas Rangers and those damn people would leave the Capitol building, or go to jail.
So, Wisconsin, when the unions get their way, and your taxes are raised, again, to pay their tony salaries and the $479,328/yr to the AFSCME president, don't move to Texas and expect to bring your lawless ways to my state. We don't need you, but we will take the businesses you are going to lose because you can't control the unions.
Althouse, how about something like this?
Email me if you want to use it so I can customize it better and send you a hi-res file
This is a bit weak. Police work with protesters and protest organizers all the time to manage events. Happens at anti-war rallies, union marches, and Tea Parties alike. That doesn't mean they are supporting the protesters' causes. Don't get hung up on the wording.
For what it's worth, it seemed to me from the cop's demeanor that he presumed Meade was with the union protesters. The woman who said, "They're on our side" seemed to be under the same impression.
And I fail to see how saying "I'm with such and such blog" should automatically entitle someone to breeze into a cordoned area. Even if it is the Althouse blog. :)
I keep reading "Jay Retread" as "Jay Retard" but that's really overrating him.
According to my Facebook feed, the police are allowing people to stay and the Democratic assemblymen are arranging for free Ian's pizza to be delivered to them inside the capitol.
Also late-breaking on my newsfeed is that Dale Schultz has supposedly decided to NOT back the bill any longer. I tracked this rumor down to the democraticunderground. Anyone else have any news about this? True? False? I'm getting nervous.....
Please Don't Eat the Daisy Grower - The inspiring story of a man with the courage to keep walking, staring George Cloony as Mead and Bonnie Hunt as his loving companion Ann.
Dale Schultz is a courageous hero standing up to the corporate masters!
Am I missing something? It seems the cops are trying to enforce capacity in the building and that there is a line so that as soon as someone leaves then another person can enter.
That does not seem like cops playing favorites to me. Of course I am from Chicago where cops routinely beat on citizens with no consequence.
Jay Retread, I just have to say you are such an incredible pussy. I don't know what your deal is with Meade, but you sound like an whining high school junior who lost the cute girl to the guy who actually had the courage to ask her out to the prom.
Seriously, dude, man-up and try that Craig's List ad again, and maybe you can finally get a girl, too.
"Jay Retread... don't know what your deal is with Meade"
The bitch is JEAL-OUS. Haha. Embarrassing!
Wisconsin is a state of 5 million people. I cannot believe you people from Wisconsin are allowing a bunch of aged hippies and hippy wannabes to take over your state and destroy your Capitol.
So here is the deal; when you watch the pols cave to the unions, and business leave your state for my business friendly, right-to-work state of Texas because those business can't pay the taxes, or the salaries, stay there. You deserve the government, and the taxes, you are going to get.
I'm with somefeller, the cops did a good job of controlling access.
They're cops, it's what they do. God bless 'em.
I also agree that it would be interesting to test the credential vetting process with printed press passes.
Even more interesting would be footage of the mainstream press when they think the mic is off...
For those Althouse regulars with long memories, "Jay Retread" is the re-incarnation of our old "friend" "L.E. Lee", of "Althouse Hillbillies" fame.
Fox news reporter assaulted.
Can I please start loathing the unions now? I've stopped feeling neutral, cruel or otherwise.
Nicely done Palladian.
"Changing the display name of your blogger account does not change your profile number. Therefore, even though you change your display name more often than you change your underwear (at least bi-weekly), all of the comments posted under all of those names still all link back to one profile"
Retire05 Texas has the lowest school scores and WI near the highest. So you are welcome to your hillbilly heaven.
Meade is welcome to have exclusive use of his flabby white whale ass wife.
Excellent point, Meade. Where were the Capitol Police and what exactly had the Madison (I assume) cops "been handed"?
Make sure nobody sees anything compromising the way we've seen at some of the other rallies across the country? Nobody gets in but union slugs and Establishment Media?
And who was the broad telling Meade he had to get in line? Why was she up there with the cops?
Damn, every one of those cops should get the sack!
Ann Althouse said...
"(BTW, Ann, you need to get down to Kinkos and get some press credentials printed up and laminated.) Maybe Chip can photoshop you an official looking one."
Yes, exactly. That's what I said. Anyone want to make something look right for us? Send text. We can print and laminate.
Sounds like something where bloggers need to get together and establish some kind of officially-recognized credential.
PS Of course some phony folksy sees nothing wrong. Uncle Saul always told him the end justifies the means.
I'm not sure you can just make up your own press pass. Contact Dick Wheeler and become a member of the Capitol Press Corps, perhaps?
JayRetard: Retire05 Texas has the lowest school scores and WI near the highest. So you are welcome to your hillbilly heaven.
Thats only because Texas requires ALL of its students to take the tests. Wisconsin does not, so its average is higher.
This is not even sporting.
Yes my memory is too long so I do remember IE Lee who coined the name "Althouse Hillbillies" I believe.
BTW if Meade were part of the old media, he would be too busy to spend time in Wisconsin. He would be asking Republicans important questions like "Do you think President Obama was born in Hawaii?"
That FOX News video is a pathetic attempt at manipulation. It reeks of fakeness. "That guy just hit me," the pro reporter cries, just like a little 8-year-old. And did we see him get hit? Nope!
You can't trust the mainstream media, whether it's FOX News or one of the liberal outlets.
A journalist is somebody who writes daily, or writes on the day.
It has the same root as diurnal.
Has anyone noticed that Ann Althouse is the spitting image of Andy Warhol in drag?
Jay Retread, no, Texas does NOT have the lowest test scores in the nation. Oh, and Wisconsin manages to only graduate 49% of black students. Good job, nothing like a bunch of failed inner city schools.
But here is the deal; Texas has more than its share of non-English speaking students because the government won't do its job. So how about we send those students to Wisconsin and then we can see how high Wisconsin test scores are then.
Maybe Wisconsin should consider paying teachers on a production basis. Seems like their all a bunch of commie wannabes anyway. And what's with the deal about Wisconsin teachers teaching kids classes on collective bargaining? Yeah, that's gonna help those kids when all the jobs have left Wisconsin.
Meade couldn't have got in if he wanted to, because the lines he needed to be in at both the east and west entrances were backed up all the way to the square, when I was there around 3:00. I think I was in the middle of that "FOX LIES!" clip, but I don't remember that reporter being there. The camera guy was laughing.
Sad, Jay Retread is so unsure of its sexuality, or lack thereof, it keeps making an ass of itself.
garage, everyone is laughing at you.
They are there to maintain disorder?
What does the racist union care about black children. Little it seems.
Waaaahhhhh! Do you know who I am? I am Meade!!! I was written about in the NYT with Ann Althouse!
Now let me do whatever I want, you brutal policeman!!!
It's almost like this was Meade's Henry Louis Gates moment.
It's funny watching the way you cons are becoming like the old lefties of yore. ;-)
"You're helping with the protest?!?
What is the problem here? Looks like the police were doing a good job of maintaining order. It's a tough job and they're doing it well, no matter what the arm chair strategists say.
Like the idea of getting media credentials, though!
I agree Jane.
How nice to hear the hateful things that the "teachers" are saying. These are wonderful examples for children(who they are supposed to care about).
"The policeman isn't there to create disorder. The policeman is there to preserve disorder." - Mayor Richard J. Daley, 1968
"Where did, say, NBC, get their press pass?"
Too funny.
If you guys want to take over the big, bad liberal media, it might be a good idea to learn how journalism works.
Apparently, this ain't like science where you can just pull intelligent design and Big Oil "science" out of a hat (I mean, a "think tank"), throw it into the public debate, and call it a day. It looks like you're actually going to have to do some work to be a part of that horrible establishment that you want to change. Horror of horrors!
I don't read it that way -- the cops haven't obviously "taken sides".
The cops _should_ be helping to make a public display of free speech work for everyone.
"Thank god for the courageous forteen!"
Yes, for a Democrat running away is the courageous thing to do.
Haven't you heard, Meade is "private" media!
I guess that's the way of putting it if you believe a fantasy wherein NBC, et al, are not a privately run corporations, but just an arm of the government.
Meade and Althouse, OTOH, (despite sympathizing with the state), THEY are private.
Let the guy in. Let MEADE IN!!!!
I just hope the courageous fourteen have the resolve to stay put for another week while two more Republican State Senators can be pulled from the pockets of their corporate masters!
I see that the Ritmo/C4BDH sockpuppet is back. Time for his PSA, via Pogo:
For those who feel a need to waste their time responding to Ritmo, it's worth reposting a Ritmo comment from one earlier last week, displaying what he's up to at Althouse, and why he comments here:
Ritmo Brasileiro said...It's good to know that the stupidest threads are just ripe for the threadjacking. I'll be sure to leave a trail of turds on every one of the brain droppings here that suit my fancy. Getting you shit-eaters to complain about the taste after opening your mouths wide and saying "Ahhhh..." to every bad idea under the sun is very satisfying, I must admit.
- 10/16/10 10:28 AM"
So... is Meade questioning the right of the people to protest, or the right of the public to allow a police presence to protect the orderliness of the demonstrations?
/ignore Ritmo
"Apparently, this ain't like science where you can just pull intelligent design and Big Oil "science" out of a hat (I mean, a "think tank"), throw it into the public debate, and call it a day. It looks like you're actually going to have to do some work to be a part of that horrible establishment that you want to change. Horror of horrors!"----Yes, C4BDH, you liberals are just so much smarter than us conservatives. It's all hopeless. Strange, though, how you are losing so badly. And you are losing really, really badly. That must really suck for you.
Jeez Fen, blowing your wad so soon on that one?
If you tried harder, even someone as ill educated as yourself might learn how to come up with an actual argument against whatever I have said today that you supposedly disagree with.
Are classes in basic logic available at your local community college?
Meade is new media and Chip's making up badges?
Boy, we're going places now!
I'd say /ignore Fen, but I never found the part where he had anything to say that wasn't spoon-fed to him by Instapundit.
(I refer to Glenn Reynolds because even NRO is a notch too high for his meager level of literacy). ;-)
It must suck, Fenster, to know that even the cops aren't authoritarian enough to protect your propaganda putsch, huh? A bully like yourself must have been aching for a violent showdown, I would think.
Ritmo: [blah blah blah]
And, oh yeah. What somefeller said at 7:25 - and FTW if you want to know. The guy's on a roll. Why can't y'all just listen to him more often? He obviously knows what he's talking about.
Ritmo: "It's good to know that the stupidest threads are just ripe for the threadjacking. I'll be sure to leave a trail of turds on every one of the brain droppings here that suit my fancy. Getting you shit-eaters to complain about the taste after opening your mouths wide and saying "Ahhhh..." to every bad idea under the sun is very satisfying, I must admit."
- 10/16/10 10:28 AM"
[Fen puts fingers in ears].
That's fine, Funny Fen. Better than keeping them in your butt. Or your mouth.
Fen asks: You're inconsistent. Why should there be a special door for media? Why should they be entitled but not citizen journalists?
No inconsistency here. The sense of entitlement I pointed out started with when Meade went up to the policemen and when they told him to get in line with everyone else, he said he didn't want to be like the sheep in the line. It went on with the whole "citizen journalist" nonsense.
It's the job of the police to control the crowds. Unless someone can show that they are letting in only pro-union people (something belied by the earlier entrance of Ann and Meade to the capitol), there is nothing here. The police aren't discriminating by viewpoint. They are saying that if you want to get in the capitol and don't have a press pass, you can wait in line like everyone else.
Regarding the press pass requirement, there's nothing unusual about that. Almost any gathering of a large size will have a separate press line. And Ofc. Krupke pointed it out well when he said that just because someone says they are with such-and-such blog shouldn't mean they get the benefit of all press access. Anyone can claim that and it would undermine the whole idea of crowd control to let that be a reason to get around the ingress controls.
(Hi, my name is Fen and I'm too stupid to come up with any decent arguments on my own and am pretty damn embarrassed that My Leader, AA, thought this video in any way, shape or form helped advance the cause of union busting. So I'll just advance my personal gripe with other commenters here instead).
Whatever makes you feel better, Fen. Did you want a flavored pacifier or is the taste of rubber good enough for you?
Birkel asks: Could you please tell us which people are slightly more equal than the others -- before the game starts? So far as I can tell the more equal people are 1) MSM reporters, 2) union supporters, or 3) workers who are not self-employed. Am I missing some categorizations?[punctuation added for clarity]
Looks like you are missing a lot. The only categories visible here are for general public vs. press. That's nothing noteworthy and I suspect there's another category for legislators and capitol staff. Once again - is there any evidence that pro-union people are being given priority or preference for entry? If yes, there's a problem. If not, there's nothing much to talk about, and I see no evidence of that on Meade's film.
Actually, if you really want media passes, I suggest you solicit Breitbart about employing both of you as contributors, with the understanding that you would co-publish here.
If you wanted to go with something more mainstream, you might even try National Review Online. Make a few direct tweets, and you might have bright and shiny corporation-issued press passes delivered by FedEx Tuesday morning.
Republican state senator Dale Schultz has decide he is going to stand with the people and vote to kill the bill! Thank god for the courageous forteen!
Good. Another candidate for recall.
WV: sordim
Wow, somefeller, with the 9:22 comment.
I've got to hand it to you for having the patience to go over basic, remedial civics like that with someone as hard-headed and intentionally ignorant as Fen.
Isn't it a shame that in this republic only a few people have the requisite understanding of basic civics that should be expected of all citizens and voters?
Question: Why do the trolls keep changing their screen names?
Answer: Why do people change their shoes after they step in dog poo? It's the smell, stupid.
Everyone with a cell phone is a citizen journalist. Saying Meade or you or me are different than any other schmuck who has to wait in line is a stretch. Otherwise, everyone could just be in the press line. Not a convincing argument for police who are probably tired of rabble-rousers.
So are you saying that Fen doesn't like the smell and feel of all the poo that fell on his head on October 16th of last year, Mark?
He sure seems to like commemorating it.
So basically Meade mistook the protesters' willingness to work with the police (by peacefully waiting in line) with the police somehow acting as active participants in (rather than merely regulating) the demonstration.
somefeller: No inconsistency here. The sense of entitlement I pointed out started...It went on with the whole "citizen journalist" nonsense.
Why is that nonsense? The coverage here has out-performed any by the Press. How can you claim its "citizen journalist" nonsense when you've gotten most of your information from Althouse and Meade?
They are saying that if you want to get in the capitol and don't have a press pass, you can wait in line like everyone else.
Again, inconsistent. You have an elite that get ushered in, and everyone else who has to wait. You need to explain why someone from MSNBC should be entitled to special treatment over Meade.
Krupke pointed it out well when he said that just because someone says they are with such-and-such blog shouldn't mean they get the benefit of all press access.
Sure they should. And if, using his exagerated example, everyone declares themselves to be media - the solution is to have them all wait in line together.
Nope. I'm saying the trolls' main purpose seems to be to make the conversation space putrid, and each realize that as people learn to automatically skip anything under the troll's screen name they must counter by changing names.
It's childish, transparent, and disturbing, because the only reasons to be this persistent in vandalism are (a) a deep malignant narcissism that requires attention even (or maybe particularly) if that attention is derogatory or (b) the particular troll is being paid to poison this well.
But I understand you're very wealthy Ritmo, so in your case I'll assume (a).
Sorry "mike". I just caught your 9:11 comment and didn't want to think I was ignoring you. It seems a bit strangely incoherent, despite the triumphalist tone, so let me just make sure I understand you correctly.
Are you actually saying that promoting "intelligent design" proves that Republicans are "winners"? What have they won by promoting pseudo-science as an alternative to real science?
even if Dale Schultz votes against the bill the Republicans would still have enough votes to pass it
Yeah, it seems like kind of a dumb move on Schultz's part. I wonder what his motivation was?
The thing that always amazes me is how easily Ritmo, et al take the bait and resort to small minded tatics while acting so smart. HaHa losers
The only categories visible here are for general public vs. press. That's nothing noteworthy and I suspect there's another category for legislators and capitol staff.
Why are professional reporters given preferential treatment over ordinary people? What's the legal basis for that?
It's kind of fun watching Fen's desperation tonight.
He seems to be saying that credentials are a form of elitism and that basic attempts by police to enforce crowd control while simultaneously allowing media coverage is nothing more than an attempt to feed entitlement.
Interesting way of running a society.
Mead tried to push his way past the police because he doesn't want to stand in line, while the police try to explain they are attempting to keep order? I stood in line along with the others because I understood how this helps keep things orderly and safe, but as I have said before Meade is the one trying to provoke violence. Some threads back some folks asked what job Meade has, well clearly he is an outsider, perhaps employed by the Koch Brothers?
Why is that nonsense? The coverage here has out-performed any by the Press. How can you claim its "citizen journalist" nonsense when you've gotten most of your information from Althouse and Meade?
I've gotten my information about the Wisconsin contretemps from a variety of sources, not just this one. And the reason I call it nonsense is not an attack on this website, but because from the standpoint of the police there is no way of knowing who is a "citizen journalist" and who is just someone trying to cut in line, who in some cases might actually have a blog (there's not much of a barrier to entry for that).
Again, inconsistent. You have an elite that get ushered in, and everyone else who has to wait. You need to explain why someone from MSNBC should be entitled to special treatment over Meade.
Standard policy in any big gathering, from political conventions to charity galas. Press people get passes, as do various other people in different contexts. MSNBC (or Fox or National Review for that matter) get priority because there is at least some evidence that they aren't just some cranky guy trying to cut in line. (I'm not saying Meade is that, but to a cop it might look that way.) It may well be that there are some holes in how press passes are handled at the Wisconsin capitol. But that's no reason to state that the idea of press passes is illegitimate.
Sure they should. And if, using his exagerated example, everyone declares themselves to be media - the solution is to have them all wait in line together.
A bad solution that is handled by the press pass system.
Ritmo Brasileiro said...It's good to know that the stupidest threads are just ripe for the threadjacking. I'll be sure to leave a trail of turds on every one of the brain droppings here that suit my fancy. Getting you shit-eaters to complain about the taste after opening your mouths wide and saying "Ahhhh..." to every bad idea under the sun is very satisfying, I must admit.
- 10/16/10 10:28 AM"
Some of us didn't need the "confession" to figure this out. But better late then never.
Oh, Dear Me! Mark protests the uncleanliness of his comments space!!! A sense of PURITY must be restored lest his prissy little eyes be polluted by an argument or observation that goes against his pristine point-of-view!!
Hey Mark, Go suck a dick, mkay?
I happen to like my name and think that good dental hygiene is something any conservative should be proud to promote? Is there a problem with that? Do you disagree?
Ritmo/Jeremy/JayRetread et al have all admitted they are only here to spike threads with verbal diarrhea that stinks up the place and drives everyone away. All the sockpuppets are out because Ann's reporting 1) is contrary to the MSM narrative, and 2) has gone national. Hence their effort to turn the blog into a cesspool. They want any national audience to be repulsed.
Althouse has a very lax banning policy because she champions free speech. The libtards here take advantage of that courtesy to attack her husband, her work, and her blog. They have no shame, and no skin the game because, once their rep is ruined and their credibility shot, they simply move on to a new screen name.
In this, they are much like the Union Brats who are given every consideration by authorities and then abuse it to attack them.
Same with the Dem congress-critter Cullen who was given a pass by Ellis because he was attending to the family of a recently deceased Justice. He repaid that act of kindness by leaking it to a reporter to undermine Ellis.
This is who they are.
rcocean is the latest to fall prey to Fen's misunderstandings.
The bad ideas are what are being uploaded in a good number of Althouse posts.
If he will open his mouth and swallow those, who knows what he'll fall for.
But I digress, perhaps he has "trolls" in NYT column comments threads to argue with and display his ignorance to, as he has done before.
somefeller: but because from the standpoint of the police there is no way of knowing who is a "citizen journalist" and who is just someone trying to cut in line, who in some cases might actually have a blog (there's not much of a barrier to entry for that).
Then the police need to catch up with the times. It makes no sense letting some blonde FOX bimbo in as a "journalist" while you deny Michelle Malkin, Ann Althouse, et al.
Shorter Fen:
somefeller has schooled me with a basic understanding of civics and I will now shift my embarrassment onto the commenters who have schooled me before.
AKA: Waaaaaaaahahahahah!!!!
Fen, just take your civics lesson like an adult. Meade is trying to use notoriety in a way that cannot work, because he is wrong in implying that anything out of order has occurred in Madison today in his videotape. It's not an "attack", this isn't a war. It's just the truth.
Don't fear the truth and let go of your belligerent hostility (I know, it's all you're good at) long enough to get the point, tough guy.
Then the police need to catch up with the times. It makes no sense letting some blonde FOX bimbo in as a "journalist" while you deny Michelle Malkin, Ann Althouse, et al.
Fine with me. Let them catch up with the times. And as part of that bloggers can sign up for press credentials. That actually isn't anything new and has been common for years already, as part of the general press credentialing system that I support. The idea isn't to deny Michelle Malkin, but to keep Homer J. Simpson from claiming to be a "citizen journalist" as a way to cut in line.
I do however like being lectured on civility and the need for a sense of shame (despite not doing anything wrong) by a three-letter pseudonym who obsessively throws around the term "libtards" - in the same lecture, at that.
Yes, that was precious.
What integrity you must have, "Fen".
"Did I hear a threat? Did I correctly hear that someone said they saw Mead push an officer?"
Regardless one of AA's polite/conservative posters said:
I say fuck the Wisco cops and slash their pensions as well.
The yin and yang of AA's reserved/respectful, winger lemmings and those extreme, radical, unAmerican liberal WI union members/supporters.
and so it goes ...
Careful, shiloh. Fen's feeling especially butthurt tonight. There's no telling how he might lash out at you.
Ritmo/C4BDH is my new pet. Follows me after every comment. Can't keep from talking about me.
Why? Because even a troll has a hot button you can push. Here is Ritmo's:
Ritmo: It's good to know that the stupidest threads are just ripe for the threadjacking. I'll be sure to leave a trail of turds on every one of the brain droppings here that suit my fancy. Getting you shit-eaters to complain about the taste after opening your mouths wide and saying "Ahhhh..." to every bad idea under the sun is very satisfying, I must admit.
- 10/16/10 10:28 AM"
Cut n paste as you see fit. It REALLY gets under his skin.
I just have one more thing to say. We've now got the likes of Jay who are so brazen as to make insults about Althouse's physical appearance. That kind of thing is SO far beyond the pale as to be on the other side of the galaxy. How can Althouse tolerate such a thing?
Fen said...
/ignore Ritmo
2/27/11 9:11 PM
Fen said...
Ritmo: [blah blah blah]
2/27/11 9:19 PM
Fen said...
Ritmo: "It's good to know that
blah blah blah
2/27/11 9:21 PM
Fen said...
Ritmo/Jeremy/JayRetread et al
blah blah blah
2/27/11 9:54 PM
Fen said...
Ritmo/C4BDH is blah blah blah
2/27/11 10:17 PM
Too funny Fen sayin' C4 is his new pet when actually it's Fen who is totally obsessed/infatuated w/C4 ... and yes Virginia, I am jealous as I thought Fen was my winger groupie, but obviously Fen is C4's smitten, totally devoted groupie.
Fen tellin' all of AA's lemmings at 9:11 to ignore C4 notwithstanding lol.
Fen, you truly are totally frickin' clueless, eh.
Ooh-rah little buddy!
and no C4 I would never intentially try to hurt Fen's feelings, perish the thought!
So many blahs, so little time ...
LOL @10:34!
so brazen as to make insults about Althouse's physical appearance.
How can Althouse tolerate such a thing?
Ann Althouse’s Obsession with Jessica Valenti’s Breasts
carry on
Several different kinds of hand-held probes are used by the dentist. The one used most often in a regular examination is the sickle or contra-angled probe. This probe allows the dentist to detect pits and fissures, calculus, issues with bridges and crowns, and caries.
For NewMM, today's experience was an exercise of courage and freedom, as useful as a probe in granting hands-on awareness, verification of structural soundness and integrity, detection of fissures, and the gathering of more good-to-know information regarding obstacles and boundaries.
Meade.. you are a very courageous man dude..
I salute you.
'Texas has the lowest school scores and WI near the highest.'
This is a total fabrication, a Big Lie being pushed by the left. It has no basis in fact.
It's not media.
It's Meade-ia.
"It's funny watching the way you cons are becoming like the old lefties of yore. ;-)"
Meade is an old lefty of yore!
Valenti: It was, without doubt, the most humiliating experience of my life – all because I dared be photographed with a political figure.
Actually, it was because a self-proclaimed feminist chose to appear as a Monica-wanna-be with a political figure who routinely sexually harassed and sexually assaulted his staff.
For that, you deserved to be humiliated.
I once made this comment to a fellow named Ritmo:
> Ritmo:
> I say nothing about Fen.
> But you are arguing in bad faith.
I liked his company, even though I usually disagreed with him. He liked to "roll in it" with some of the commentors here that he disdained, but he would sometimes make astute comments which I appreciated.
I am saddened to see this "trail of turds" comment being attributed to him, for this is not how I remember him, or wish to remember him. For he was always civil with me. And he was subtle enough to know the difference between rolling in the shit and shitting in the well.
Soon after Reagan was elected, he held a press conference. Our economy was left in a mess by Carter. And, Sam Donaldson asked Reagan "if he felt responsible for some of this economic mess."
Reagan's answer was a classic! He said, "Yes, because I was once a democrat."
Not everyone on the right was born this way!
Heck, even Winston Churchill said that those who are 20 lead with their hearts. But when you get older,your brains kick in, and you become conservative.
Right now, in Madison, Wisconsin, there's a contest. Played in front of the media cameras. PLUS, the wonderful BLOGGER coverage, too! For those willing to look.
So far, Governor Walker is not giving the media the "scenes" they want. Just imagine the footage such a scene would give to the MSM. The "loop" would be played until the next election.
It seems the majority of people aren't on the union's bandwagon.
Oh, by the way, throughout Reagan's 8 years, The White House provided the daily sound bytes. The MSM never put a glove on Reagan. ovelefee
"They're on our side."
Hmmm. I took that to mean that the police were on the protesters' side. Even if it meant that she thought Meade was on her side, is she in collusion with the police to let friends inside?
I wonder if we did a scientific survey of Althouse blog commenters, how many conservative/libertarianism are professionals in the private sector vs liberals. I suspect a bunch of the liberals who post here are government employees, perpetual students or unemployed.
Quotes Falsely Attributed
These quotes make for good story-telling but popular myth has falsely attributed them to Churchill.
"If you're not a liberal when you're 25, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative by the time you're 35, you have no brain." There is no record of anyone hearing Churchill say this. Paul Addison of Edinburgh University makes this comment: "Surely Churchill can't have used the words attributed to him. He'd been a Conservative at 15 and a Liberal at 35! And would he have talked so disrespectfully of Clemmie, who is generally thought to have been a lifelong Liberal?"
Wingers have been mis-quoting Churchill for the past 20/30 years much like foxnews 24/7 misinformation ...
take care
Is it just me being paranoid or would the rules be different for a homeless person trying to sleep on the floor of the capitol?
Union membership hath it's privileges I guess.
How can Althouse tolerate such a thing?
Never mud wrestle with a pig, you'll just get dirty and the pig enjoys it.
/ignore the trolls
I suspect a bunch of the liberals who post here are government employees, perpetual students or unemployed.
You missed paid partisan hacks.
Who was the newsman taken into police custody in the 1968 Dem convention?
"This is ___, reporting somewhere in police custody," or some such line.
The Chicago way.
There is no record of anyone hearing Churchill say this.
Georges Clemenceau was the one who said it.
what steps do you take when the local police in a state capitol refuse a request to maintain order in state buildings?
The governor can call in the national guard.
That would be counter-productive, though. It is best to just let them protest. Over time people will notice the special treatment the protesters are receiving; that awareness will come in handy later.
They're sucking up the Overtime Pay. (Duh!)
Keep on protestin', hippies!
You're costing the taxpayers plenty to keep all this entertainment going...
I can hear the chants now:
(If we're lucky, they must be thinking, we can keep this going until the weather breaks outside... because would you rather stand there and get paid, or sit at home on your rear end without?
Watch: once the weather's nice and these friendly police folk have better things to do, how fast that Capitol of all of ours is cleaned up of the hippie litter...)
"I suspect a bunch of the liberals who post here are government employees, "
As I am in law enforcement, I am a government employee. However, I am not, nor have I ever been in a union. I never even joined the FOP. And there are more conservatives in government than you know - we just have to hide much like conservatives in academia must.
Public employee unions should be made illegal - at least to the extent that they cannot collectively bargin nor force dues from members. If people want to join one and have one voice that's fine, but the days of them acting like they are doing in Madison need to end soon.
Ah Shiloh, never let your beliefs get in the way of the truth.
Yes I did say Fuck the Wisco Cops and slash their pension, but what you left out (called context), is that my next sentence, was that maybe then they would then do their job, as it is obvious they are not by what Meade reported.
You can blame me for not being nice or polite in my commentary but taking it out of context is not acceptable, except to the lefties like you, who have to quilt together comments to fit their belief system.
So feel free to scold me like the school marm you are for my bad language, but Ann does not have any ownership over my comments/thoughts any more than I have over hers. Cruel Neutrality is the subtitle of her blog. So blaming her by using my partial quote is both very disingenuous and inane.
I appreciate that she has a blog that is a forum for free thinkers and even closed minded orthodox liberals like you to exchange viewpoints. I also appreciate that Meade did what he did, challenged the authorities who obviously are taking sides. I would guess Meade is a free thinker above all else and realizes the pendulum can swing both ways. And when, say for example, denying access to the Wisconsin Model Railroaders Association who want to protest at the capitol for rail line rights by setting up model railroad displays around and on the Veterans War Memorial in the rotunda, he knows that the cops would not allow it and throw them out on their keisters in a Cashton second.
It is the issue that one set of protestors is treated differently than some else that Meade saw and correctly pointed out, even if your belief system would not let you see that. That is the issue here and what prompted me to comment as such, but one has to take the whole comment in context. Perhaps having to cut and paste a second line of a two line quote, was just beyond your abilities.
Issob, Shiloh is a troll. Its your time and your choice on how to spend it, but I think you'll find that engaging him is pointless.
Re: deflecting, irrelevant context and no one deleted your previous post so it's still there for everyone to see, eh.
My post had to do w/reserved/respectful and you sayin' fuck the Wisco cops.
Context indeed lol
And my dedicated groupie Fen is still fixated/obsessed w/everything I say as one of AA's more dedicated lap dog lemmings ...
especially after I (((ripped))) him a new asshole at 10:34 PM
Fen, give us a kiss little buddy ...
and Issob as you're the typical AA winger poster, no need to be ashamed! ;)
Yes Shiloh, thanks for showing that you cannot see sarcasm when it doesn't fit your belief system.
Fen-thanks for stating the obvious, and your concern.
Billy Goat Gruff is calling out for Shiloh to show himself on the bridge to Liberaldom!!!
Issob re: sarcasm, I know it when I see it ~ your personal, childish insults notwithstanding.
take care
"New Media?" Hmmm.
I prefer to think that he joined The Army of Davids.
More like drafted.
You know - in a Forrest Gumpish sort of way.
I just thought "new media" might sound a bit more, eh, politically correct at that moment I was facing six big well-armed police officers who couldn't wait to interpret my pushing the door as "pushing an officer."
I mean, I also didn't step up and announce: “This day the LORD will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you down, and cut off your head; and I will give the dead bodies of the host of the Police Officers Union this day to the birds of the air and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in Madison, Wisconsin, and that all this assembly may know that God saves not with sword and spear; for the battle is God’s, and he will give you into our hand.”
But yeah, I'm now a proud fighting soldier in the Army of Davids. So look out, brother, or the next big Goliath I pull out my slingshot Flip camera on may be you.
Yeah. Probably a good thing you didn't step up and announce that.
You might have been mistaken for the Prophet Lorenzo.
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