Fisheying the protest yesterday:
ADDED: We should have our own pictures from the scene in a little while.
AND: Meade brought home the video, handed me the cameras, and said "I almost got myself arrested." He's out shoveling snow, while I'm uploading the video to see what he was talking about.
MORE: I've seen and edited the video. I'm just processing it out of iMovie and into YouTube. It's funny the second time you watch it! It looks like a Michael Moore-like thing... attempting to get past the police into the building. Actually, he's doing what I did yesterday, which worked to get us both right in.
ALSO: Based on Meade's interview with Dane County Sheriff deputies, I don't think anyone will be arrested. The people who don't opt to leave will be left alone, except to the extent that the cleaning crew will be working around them.
१८६ टिप्पण्या:
Not with a bang....
About damned time.
Wonderful example for the kids, too.
It looks like they are not leaving..
They get to replay the 60s!
It's heaven!
But this time, the pigs are on their side.
All the glory! None of the risk!
You can't get any better than that.
It's cruel to a child to take him to a protest and have them participate even if the kid wants to participate. Let a kid be a kid for God's sake. Unless you want your kid to end up like Jeremy or Ritmo.
Someone has to pay to clean up this mess after all!
I suspect all the signs and flyers will be carefully archived and stored for the inevitable Wisconsin Worker's Protest Museum.
Rules don't apply to our rulers.
How has this been allowed to continue for as long as it has to begin with. How can these people have taken over the state capitol in the way that they did without repercussions?
Finally, the worm is about to fully turn. When the police start hand cuffing and removing the shrieking leftists - posturing and exhibiting themselves on camera - the event goes full Wellstone. I can't wait for the truth to be fully exposed. I just hope Althouse is there with her camera, since the media apparatchiks won't cover it.
"Unless you want your kid to end up like Jeremy or Ritmo."
No, you don't end up like that if you have caring parents, no matter how politically misguided they might be.
Where can I view the arrest reports online? I want to do a little tally of out-of-state protesters versus Wisconsin residents that get arrested today for not leaving as directed. I want to know how many out-of-state folks think they have any skin in this particular game.
All the glory! None of the risk!
With the way these tools compare Egypt/Libya/etc to Wisconsin, I have no doubt that if the comparison were actually accurate, not a one of these freaks would have gone to the protests to begin with.
People searching for something bigger than themselves. Comparing this to Cairo or, frankly, any other struggle in the world right now, is like complaining to a blind person about having to wear contacts.
I have no idea how one's Constitutional rights have anything to do with sleepovers, crock pots and violating DOA rules that prohibit posting signs on Capitol walls. The leniency granted them by the DOA during the "democratic occupation" (again, an ill-used reference to the Israeli-Palestine conflict) has confused and frustrated me.
Now they're chanting "The People united will never be defeated".
Is this homecoming for aging lefties?
If Fox News ever needed any proof that these folks are socialists out for our tax dollars, well, between this video and the comments, they'll have a field day.
Yes, and the "democratic occupation" is intended to prevent the implementation of the will of the voters of Wisconsin.
Democrats apparently don't care much for democracy when they lose.
Aren't those Democratic State Senators still hiding out in Illinois?
Ok, if they ain't gonna leave peacefully, someone needs to get out a bar of soap and a firehose.
These losers cannot even follow simple orders. They are now working against the one's they are protesting for.
No snark here.
I imagine being arrested will be a badge of honor, a line on resumes and curriculum vitae.
Recommendation: pack gas masks and goggles. Ear plugs for protection against the brown sound.
Good luck, Kids! And may The Force be with you.
No, Palladian it's "Tax The Rich Beeyatch"!
On the live feed, it almost sounds like they are chanting "NO VOTE!" which seems oddly appropriate.
Bt then, I'm probably mishearing it. ;)
If i were a Fox News Reporter and the crowd starting chanting "Fox Lies, Fox Lies", I'd start dancing to their beat.
People searching for something bigger than themselves. Comparing this to Cairo or, frankly, any other struggle in the world right now, is like complaining to a blind person about having to wear contacts.
But Scott Walker has a baseball bat!! He briefly considered planting a troublemaker in the crowd!! /hystericalliberal
I think I heard the announcer say on the live video say at about 5:17 ET that the protestors had an agreement with the cops to leave at 4:00 CT and now it appears the protestors have broken that agreement.
Did anyone else hear that?
I don't want to spread unsubstantiated rumours, but it's important if true.
If I'm governor Walker I want as many a disorderly unyielding protesters to show up in the news as possible.
Peaceful Protest?
reminds me of our Lets go Red Sox chant.
These clowns will be known as the ones who screamed at a building for days on end and the bill passed anyway.
It looks like they will go out kicking and screaming.
Losing with class is lost on the left.
wv - lisms
"Democrats apparently don't care much for democracy when they lose."
Where were you the last two years when the Republicans worked tooth and nail against "the will of the people"?
10,500 streams are not "the whole world".
It looks like the crowd is gradually thinning.
Looking at a shot from 3 or so there is now no mob on the ground floor and fewer on the second floor.
Those on the ground floor look like police or otherwise officials.
Speaking of old hippie slogans from the 60's:
John Henry
and now it appears the protestors have broken that agreement.
And you're surprised why...? it is, perhaps:
Protest hogs....
Other individuals have issues they would like to protest and speak about to state government.
I would like to support unions, but don't get so full of yourselves.
It looks like the stream got cut off.
4:27PM the channel just went dead
John Henry
Live feed appears to be over - bring in the cops.
They won't leave the capital building in Madison? Then we should nuke it - think of all the high-paying, union jobs that would create!
I wouldn't be surprised at all.
But, remember, Shaaark, I'm not sure that's what I heard over a very scratchy audio. I'm still trying to find out if that was said.
The Truth over all, Shaaark. the Truth over all.
We need a national Right to Work law.
Replacement live feed here still working:
It looks like the stream got cut off.
Damn. I keep hearing how much it's like Egypt and Libya there, so I was hoping to see some hippies get shot down in the street or burned alive or run over by tanks or something.
Must be the Wisconsin dictator's regime shutting the feed down to hide the bloodshed...
Now I won't get to see that :(
Where were you the last two years when the Republicans worked tooth and nail against "the will of the people"?
I don't recall Republicans refusing to turn up to vote.
Enlighten me as to when that happened.
Fox feed works.
CIVILITY ALERT: Here's a new incident that just popped up on Twitter: Union thug in Michigan flips off then attacks son of tea party protester
Where were you the last two years when the Republicans worked tooth and nail against "the will of the people"?
You must me when the Republicans stayed in town and voted against the unpopular Obamacare law.
Shoutingthomas said: "They get to replay the 60s!"
I now suspect that's mostly it. One event after another that strikes me, at least, as being so tone deaf as to make one's jaw flop open: Jess Jackson, a tour of the occupied (& debased) Capitol by a giddy UW undergrad, Peter Yarrow (Peter Yarrow?!).
Yesterday, I wrote “Unbelievable!” because it was the first word that came to mind. After further reflection...
Ah, Fox feed. Cool. Big Fat Drum Guy™ is kickin' ass.
Nice work, Wisconsin.
As if the spectacle we are watching unfold right now in your "State" House isn't bad enough, now your thugs assault a Fox News reporter live on tv.
Shame on all of you.
Yes, all!
How does it feel to let these people forever tarnish your good name?
Fox feed works.
The Fox is guarding the hen house?
If it really was the 60s, they'd be blowing up Sterling Hall again.
RCP: While reporting outside the Wisconsin state capital, FOX News correspondent Mike Tobin is struck by a pro-union protester.
Ok, I'm an Indian and even I'm getting sick to death of the drumming. Jesus. Enough already.
What will these poor losers do for 14 hours?
Recess is over?
Hippies can't dance. I'm just sayin. LOL
Like the drumming group is a bunch of oppressed Wisconsin teachers!
Who could be so cynical as to doubt it?
Ooops -- it looks like the Fox camera has been pointed into the groud or ceiling.
The hilarious thing is that the young people happily protesting are cutting their own throats - if the government unions win this, not only will the quality of governmental services decline, but the only people who will benefit are people who are already entrenched union members. I mean, it's not as if governmental organizations are going to be hiring if pay and benefits keep going up for government workers, and if there are layoffs, they will be done in strict seniority - i.e. young people will get the shaft.
But keep protesting so a bunch of old white people can enjoy huge pensions, kids!
Couldn't they just kill (sorry) turn the lights out?
Fox has been lead away - any other feeds?
Yeah, I don't get that. Unless they moved to a different spot. Cuz it's back up now.
"Thanks you cops! Thank you cops!"??????
Shaaaaark, not watching the feed - could you please elaborate?
"'Thanks you cops! Thank you cops!"??????'"
@Lem: "Couldn't they just kill (sorry) turn the lights out?"
As much as they annoy me, I hope they don't. (public safety issue) If they shut the lights off on a pile of aging hippies, someone's aging hip is going to get broken, and it will all be the fault of the fascist-dictator-police-state Walker!
Halp, live-feed vertigo!
Turn the heat off.
What is this with the Fox camera on the floor?
Shoe fetish theater?
Shaaaaark, not watching the feed - could you please elaborate?
That's what I thought they were chanting for a minute. It was weird.
Halp, live-feed vertigo!
I've fallen and I cant get up!
Cam is on the floor, I see a boot...
The shoes are improving.
Fox link dead again.
Aww. * Cues Don McLean *
Feed dropped
The shuttle video is much more compelling.
wv - boacize
Puttin on the snake
If I had to guess, these people will be moved out at 3:00 AM. There's an advantage to do this at a very late hour. Even the die hards will be fast asleep. And, any "rescue buses" would stick out like sore thumbs. Plus, the media will be gone.
After that, though, you're going to need the National Guard posted around the building. So, you only come in when you have a PASS hanging around your neck.
@Tom Spaulding: I'm not seeing anything particular to the protests... but those incident reports you linked to are great fun... sorry for the offtopic :)
Meade, take that fisheye lens and hide it from your wife! I always want to see the pictures but it makes me nauseous!
I just saw Fox outside.. and then it was gone.
A phone feed:
Thanks for the 'Hippie Channel' ;)
The phone feed says it was taken 30 minutes ago.
Thanks, Kevin. Someone is live streaming with the phone a protest with a primitive beat. Don't know about y'all, but I got the beat. Wooo!
All hail the Technium!
Geez Louise what a bunch of ass clowns on that phone feed.
That phone feed is awesome..
Oh God.. Am hooked on protest feed.
We're stream hoping.
Dan is a square, four corners, man.
Lem gets it!
I see one of the poor oppressed workers has an iPhone with which he is photographing the so-called "dancers". Poor guy. Maybe it's only one of the 16GB ones, and he won't be able to get a 32GB one because of Scott Walker.
The phone feed says it was taken 30 minutes ago.
Oh jeez.. I'm hooked.. I cant even tell its cut ;)
Ginormous "TAX THE RICH" sign. Love it.
What bothers me the most is how this protest has been twisted and been made out as a noble fight. Public Employees are paid by taxes. Taxes are compulsury, not voluntary. If you don't pay your taxes you may have wages garnished, lose your property or go to jail. This simple fact seems to have been forgotten.
The economy has changed, it is now Global, and adjustments, many not pleasant, HAVE to be made. The Politicians, in order to garner votes, made unrealistic promises to Public Employees that could NEVER be met.
The power to tax is the power to destroy. Those who wield that power must use it carefully. Taxation has become a destructive Juggernaut that is eliminating all private business from the State. We are now locked in a debt death spiral, and tax hell. Last one to leave turn off the lights. Let the Public Employees fight in the dark.
From Free Republic:
"A buddy in Madison has stated that the Capitol Police are not getting any cooperation from local police. The local police in Madison refuses to bring numerous vehicles to transport close to 800 protestors whom refuse to leave the building. The capitol police are contacting the governor to see how he wants to proceed. This is from a buddy that lives in madison, generally a reliable contact."
This appears to be credible, as CNN just reported that the police will not arrest anyone, and will instead "talk person to person to convince them to leave, and are prepared to stay all night if need be", according to the police chief.
Old-style Blackberry sighting. Poor guy. Having to use old technology like that. DAMN YOU SCOTT WALKER!!!!
Browndog - could be true. Madison Police == union. Capitol Police = non-union.
Possible livestream:
I wonder why the feeds have stopped and who stopped them? The demonstrators were loving the attention since they started this tantrum.
Thanks, Kevin. Just in time for a shitty rendition of "We shall overcome".
Yay! Now it's time for "We are marching in the light of God".
Where the hell is Eric Cartman when you need him?
At the rally in Chicago yesterday a leader of ASCFME stated the Madison Police sent a letter to the governor stating they will not remove the protesters.
It is sad when the police will not do their sworn duty. They don't have to like it, they just have to do it.
Who was the moron in charge who let them in the building in the first place?
Where the hell is Eric Cartman when you need him?
Oh, the guy with the live feed - just another Wisconsin resident:
Ben Brandzel
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Ben Brandzel is a leading international practitioner, trainer and writer in the field of progressive online organizing. Currently the Director of Incubation and International Programs at Citizen Engagement Labs, he's served as Advocacy Director for and Director of New Media Campaigns and Fundraising for Barack Obama's Organizing for America. He's a founding board member of and the UK's 38 His writing has appeared in the American Prospect and The Nation magazines. Ben is an avid biker and lives in Berkeley and Washington DC.
Chants of "This is what democracy looks like"
Self-deluded spoiled brats.
I would guess granny squares, mada :)
Where are the State Police?
Madison Police sent a letter to the governor stating they will not remove the protesters.
They should be given the choice - do your job, or be fired. Period.
Another reason why public sector unions are a real bad idea. When the cops won't do their jobs because they are politically sympathetic, is one step from enforcing the law only against those they disagree with politically.
This is NOT what "democracy" looks like.
It's official - there will be no forcible removal, according to a new article posted on They're looking for people to leave voluntarily so they can clean.
It's official - there will be no forcible removal, according to a new article posted on They're looking for people to leave voluntarily so they can clean.
Like I said earlier - get out the soap and firehoses. Them smelly hippies will be gone faster than you can say "Free Weed down the street!"
But keep on protesting so a bunch of old white people can enjoy huge pensions, kids!
Old made the point. Why throw in white? For the comfort of being hip, being part of the pack attack on whitey? What's the good of fighting the Left when the Left already has a lock on your mind?!
"When the cops won't do their jobs because they are politically sympathetic, is one step from enforcing the law only against those they disagree with politically."
Fire the officers who refuse immediately. Bring in the State Police to do the job and if they won't do it fire them. Then bring in the National Guard.
Old made the point. Why throw in white? For the comfort of being hip, being part of the pack attack on whitey?
Ever seen a picture of Wisconsin government workers? Or the protestors at the Capitol? Not exactly a multicultural rainbow, is it?
Since the Left demonized the tea partiers for being overly white, I see no reason not to return the favor.
"Like I said earlier - get out the soap and firehoses. Them smelly hippies will be gone faster than you can say "Free Weed down the street!""
No, just ignore them till they run out of steam, and end up looking silly.
Any of this ringing a bell?
Yes, actually!
No, just ignore them till they run out of steam, and end up looking silly.
I don't know. They'd look pretty silly running from the one thing many of them fear most - cleanliness.
Via Twitter: "There is a rumor that the bathrooms inside #WI Capitol have been locked."
Ruh roh. LOL
Let's try this: I think we went to high school together. I'm a singer. My dad played guitar, my mother sang/played bass.
Any of this ringing a bell?
My daddy was the family bassman
My mamma was an engineer
And I was born
One dark gray morn
With music coming in my ears
In my ears.
They call me Baby Driver
And once upon a pair of wheels ...
Hit the road and I`m gone - ah!
What`s my number?
I wonder how your engine feels.
Ba ba ba ba
Scoot down the road,
What`s my number?
I wonder how your engine feels.
Sorry, just a little free association there ...
/Puts on 'Mauston' t-shirt so I fit in.
In my Walter Cronkite voice..
A state of lawlessness has gripped the capital city of Wisconsin tonight.. Madison has been thrown in disarray as protesters have defied capitol police when asked to vacate the premises.
Oh wait.. these protesters are not with the tea parties? Oh, never mind then..
in other news..
Lombardi Chick said...
Via Twitter: "There is a rumor that the bathrooms inside #WI Capitol have been locked."
Ruh roh. LOL
I wonder how many of the protesters will take a dump on the floor then say those mean Republicans made me do this.
I imagine being arrested will be a badge of honor
Somewhere around 2000 when a bunch of protestors came to DC to protest the world bank, they actually made a deal with the police, who let them cross a line just because they wanted to get arrested (they could not have gotten across the line if the police hadn't let them, because the police in dc are good at that kind of thing). I thought it was hilarious.
@Shaaaark, Golden Eagles, indeed.
wv: "entspea"...must be all those Ent Draughts they guzzle...
"entspea"...must be all those Ent Draughts they guzzle...
LOL... although, you know an Ent would never 'shotgun' a beer. Too fast.
"There is a rumor that the bathrooms inside #WI Capitol have been locked."
I hope it is more than a rumor. I also hope they cut the heat off, too.
"I don't recall Republicans refusing to turn up to vote.
Enlighten me as to when that happened."
No, they just didn't allow votes to's called the filibuster...leave town - the end, there is no difference.
No, they just didn't allow votes to's called the filibuster...leave town - the end, there is no difference.
Um, the "motion to proceed" is in fact a vote.
We could fit what you know about the legislative process into a teaspoon you dippy broad.
No, they just didn't allow votes to's called the filibuster...leave town - the end, there is no difference.
Um, yeah, there is a difference. The filibuster is in the rules of the US Senate, whereas skedaddling to Illinois isn't in the Wisconsin Senate rules.
The Democrats use the filibuster, too, when they're in the minority. In case you didn't know.
leave town - the end, there is no difference.
Actually, there is a very big difference.
But in the end, that is how you ignorant people justify the silly actions you support. Moral equivocation.
Even my 6-year-old knows better. He just told me, "If I were a policeman, I would do my job all the time. But I don't want to be a policeman."
they just didn't allow votes to happen.
Um, here is the Obama/Democratic agenda:
1) Obamacare - passed (after Democrats changed the rules)
2) More spending - passed
3) GM/Chrysler/union bailouts - passed
4) SCOTUS Nominee - confirmed
You can't name any legislation the Republicans stopped, you silly clown.
I be some cops are itching to give the hippies a wood shampoo.
It is sad when the police will not do their sworn duty.
It is a swell idea having them in a public union, isn't it?
Gonna blow away my share of this personal stuff here just so people don't have to read it - but I'll be in touch!
Hey when ObamaCare Cops force me to buy health insurance that I do not want, I'll just refuse... because in the end breaking the law/rules is the same as running away from your sworn oaths and duties which is also the same as filibustering... and as far as you heard, a Republican did that once, so it's bad.
Nice. Civics is not those things you find at a Honda dealership, dear.
No doubt, this article or these words have been posted, prior to now..
“… Meticulous attention should be paid to the special relationships and obligations of public servants to the public itself and to the government. All Government employees should realize that the process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into the public service. It has its distinct and insurmountable limitations … The very nature and purposes of Government make it impossible for … officials … to bind the employer … The employer is the whole people, who speak by means of laws enacted by their representatives …
“Particularly, I want to emphasize my conviction that militant tactics have no place in the functions of any organization of government employees. Upon employees in the federal service rests the obligation to serve the whole people … This obligation is paramount … A strike of public employees manifests nothing less than an intent … to prevent or obstruct … Government … Such action, looking toward the paralysis of Government … is unthinkable and intolerable.”
This opened up the floodgates around the country as other Democratic legislators followed Wagner’s lead. In 1959, Wisconsin became the first state to enact public employee collective bargaining laws. President John F. Kennedy then followed with an executive order granting federal employees the right to bargain collectively. As journalist Roger Lowenstein wrote in his recent book detailing the explosion of government pension debt, “Membership in public unions rose exponentially.”
The sight the world sees, is the reason FDR stated what he did..
At the rally in Chicago yesterday a leader of ASCFME stated the Madison Police sent a letter to the governor stating they will not remove the protesters.
It is sad when the police will not do their sworn duty. They don't have to like it, they just have to do it.
So now we have descended to anarchy. Those in St. Louis know I have predicted this outcome.
Nest up in some other city: Firemen refusing to fight fires after anarchist throw a firebomb into a storefront.
My brother made a nice point:
"If Rapists and Arsonists had their own unions, would the Police and Fire Department stand in solidarity with them?"
The Fox Live Stream is working again at 6:50 Wisconsin time. Capitol is still full of protesters
Via live stream - they just announced that the protestors can stay the night.
This is not going to end well - if I were Walker, I would be thinking in the short run what the next steps are if the Madison police aren't going to cooperate; and in the longer run, what actions are going to be taken by the state in response to this.
Twitter: "There are reports Wisconsin GOP @senatorschultz is caving 2 union mobs & pulled his support 4 @GovWalker's budget bill"
You had to know this would happen. I wonder if he found a horse head in his bed or something.
Are the police refusing to do there job?
Criminey. So why exactly do I need to go the speed limit again?
We're no longer a nation of laws, but of unions and races and victim groups.
We'll need 4 or 5 sets of laws on the books, set according to your class in society.
Probably a good time to start shorting Wisconsin municipal bonds and other state bonds.
"Fire the officers who refuse immediately. Bring in the State Police to do the job and if they won't do it fire them. Then bring in the National Guard."
Yep. And don't forget to include the Police and Fire Unions in the bill while you are at it.
Don't despair yet. Anonymous reports on Twiter? Meh.
When the local police won't enforce the law against selected groups, we're back to the Jim Crow South again, aren't we?
Except this time it's from the Left.
This is really a bad, bad idea for the unions. If you want to scare the hell out of some middle-class soul, demonstrate to him that if he crosses the wrong political line --- ooops! no more police for you!
The Left thinks this is Thermopylae. It's not. It's Guadalcanal, and they're the Japanese.
"dippy broad", "ignorant people", "silly clown" - I didn't call anyone names, but it is the first thing you resort to. Is that because you don't have facts on your side?
I did not say that the filibuster and walking out of the assembly were the same things. Try to slowly read my words...IN THE END, there is no difference. Let me explain what that means - When all is said in done, when the dust finally clears, when the lights go out, when the cows come home (get it yet) the Republicans kept the Congress from enacting legislation.
As for what they filibustered...try this thing called Google, then settle back for a lot of reading.
But keep protesting so a bunch of old white people can enjoy huge pensions, kids!
In fact Althouse should be having them over for dinner.
So, I don't get it... the police can do what they want to do, they don't actually have to enforce the law any longer, based on their political affiliations? So has the POLICE STATE that the lefties have been barking about finally arrived?
@RuyDiaz: Actually, I saw a couple like that from different sources - I just picked one. Your point is well taken, though.
I mean, the group of government employees that we pay and arm and give the authority to actually, physically deprive citizens of their liberty and their lives now refuses to follow orders and enforce the law, because it runs counter to the whims of their political affiliation? And this is somehow acceptable? I mean, we're just going to let it happen?
Suddenly, the average WI citizen is Serpico.
The cops have picked sides, and it ain't with them that pays the bills.
Are the police refusing to do there job?
It's not clear to me what law the protesters are breaking.
It probably wouldn't have looked good for Walker having Priests, Rabbis, cops, and firefighters drug out of the Capitol that were willing to be arrested.
Me, I wouldn't have taken an order from this shitbag no matter what.
Well think of all the businesses getting all of that out of town money from the SIEU brothers and sisters being trucked in. I'm hoping they hang around long enough to watch the rolling layoffs start this Friday.
From this blog and related comments, it's unclear what is happening.
If, however, Madison police and other sworn officers refuse to uphold the rule of law, they should be prosecuted and/or be subjected to the personnel procedures pertaining to such behaviors. If the municipal Madison authorities will not or cannot handle these problems, I'm sure that the state Attorney General has some jurisdiction. There must be some laws pertaining to anarchy. Ms. Althouse can doubtless clear up any uncertainty on these matters.
I am a resident of Wisconsin and am tired of the leftists making a mockery of civil society. In other respects, however, Wisconsin has, in the past (NOT NOW) behaved like a police state in prosecuting those who may have been guilty of pathetically minimal "crimes."
It is my understanding that the Capitol can be closed when there is no session. If the police won't do their jobs, then what chance does the taxpayer in Wisconsin have against a union leviathan that will continue to donate to the campaigns of politicians that will fund their largess?
Governor Walker needs to give direct orders to the Sheriff's department; clear the Capitol. If those officers refuse to enforce a legal order, FIRE THEM NOW. Arrest those who refuse to leave. Call in judges to set bail for these overgrown hippies who have no respect for the law or for taxpayers.
Enough is enough.
The difference is that with the filibuster the Republicans were doing their job at the place they were sent to do their job. Their highest duty is to the people who elected them to the office and that is what they were doing. The Dems fleeing the state were doing anything but their duty and in fact are threatening to keep on not doing their duty until they get their way no matter what. Big difference.
So the police swear to protect and serve only when it suits them?
Their oath is in quotation marks.
"Me, I wouldn't have taken an order from this shitbag no matter what."
@Jan... you're not going to be taken too seriously until you can actually produce evidence that something was actually filibustered. None of the major legislation was actually blocked. And I realize you're a leftist, therefore the ends justify the means, but many non-leftists do believe that playing by the rules is important (and filibuster vs cloture is one of those rules).
After a quick google search of my own, I'm forced to come to a conclusion. You apparently don't realize there's a difference between delaying using the filibuster, and killing a bill with a filibuster.
and now it appears the protestors have broken that agreement.
And they wonder why Walker won't put collective bargaining on the table..
I mean, don't you just feel safer entrusting your life and liberty to armed men who only enforce laws and carry out lawful orders when it suits their political proclivities? I mean, imagine if you were a prominent Republican or libertarian and you were being robbed or your house was on fire. Wouldn't you feel better knowing that the Dane County police and fire departments were on duty?!
Hooray for public employee unions!
BTW@ what laws did the Republicans keep from being enacted?
Let 'em stay. Start charging them camping fees.
Jan: I did not say that the filibuster and walking out of the assembly were the same things. Try to slowly read my words...IN THE END, there is no difference
Yes, its such a brilliant remark. Like saying that being murdered by a thug and being executed by the State are no different.
That's some beautiful concern trolling Mojo. Did you have the music from Sarah McLaughlin SPCA commercial going while you typed that?
It may be as it is in Calif where the Governor has no direct power over individual sheriff's depts. What usually exists are various "mutual aid" agreements. If the local agency renigs on the agreement, there may be civil repercussions, to say nothing of the financial & material aid given to locals by the state (which should then stop).
If the Capital Police can't handle the problem and local agencies won't assist, then National Guard is the alternative.
Where to begin...
Fen -
"Jan: I did not say that the filibuster and walking out of the assembly were the same things. Try to slowly read my words...IN THE END, there is no difference
Yes, its such a brilliant remark. Like saying that being murdered by a thug and being executed by the State are no different."
Yes...if we are looking at the act, being murdered by the state is definitely different than being murdered by a thug. However, my point was that I was talking about the know, the part where you are dead, and how you got to that condition doesn't matter much at that point.
To all those wondering what legislation was not actual filibuster does not have to occur to wield the power of a filibuster - a word in the hall from McConnell to Harry Reid that a filibuster will occur is no different (in the end) to an actual filibuster. As for the legislation that I would have liked to have seen passed...well, let's use the words of Red State - "They (the Democrats) are angry that they could not railroad through the Senate legislation imposing Card Check, a Public Option for ObamaCare and Climate Change."
And I'm sure that the Madison Police will extend an equally warm welcome to all the right-to-lifers in the oh-so-Catholic Midwest who show up to occupy the capital on the next anniversary of Roe v Wade.
Shit, Wis. might as well just start renting the place out, because now if every aggrieved group of assholes on the planet don't get equal occupancy rights, Wisconsin gets taken to court.
Fire the police --- NOW!
Jan: However, my point was that I was talking about the know, the part where you are dead, and how you got to that condition doesn't matter much at that point.
I don't believe that was your point. I think you were trying to say fleeing the capitol to thwart the democratic process is no worse than a fillibuster. Thats a lie, no matter how many convoluted arguments you use to get there.
Now, if I've misread you, its an easy fix for you to go on the record saying that fleeing the capitol is not equivalent to a fillibuster...
"Jan: However, my point was that I was talking about the know, the part where you are dead, and how you got to that condition doesn't matter much at that point.
I don't believe that was your point. I think you were trying to say fleeing the capitol to thwart the democratic process is no worse than a fillibuster. Thats a lie, no matter how many convoluted arguments you use to get there."
First of all, the next time I want to know what it is I'm thinking, I guess I will ask you, since you say you know my thoughts better than I do.
However, if you look at my original post on this matter, you will see that I said "the end" right at the start.
And, Fen, IN THE END, fleeing the capital is the same as a filibuster because it means that legislation does not get passed.
When I was younger, I predicted that eventually we'd see the government collapse -- entrenched interests won't permit change, and our current course is unsustainable. You can't live on your credit card forever.
I got older, and realized things weren't all that bad.
Now I'm older still and wondering if I had it right the first time.
Jan: First of all, the next time I want to know what it is I'm thinking, I guess I will ask you, since you say you know my thoughts better than I do.
We both know what game you're playing. You're trying to draw equivalence between a filibuster and fleeing the capitol to thwart a democratic vote, to excuse the latter. You can dress it up however you want, its still bullshit.
However, if you look at my original post on this matter, you will see that I said "the end" right at the start. And, Fen, IN THE END, fleeing the capital is the same as a filibuster because it means that legislation does not get passed.
Yes, you put a nice little bow in it. Its still a bullshit attempt at equivalence. As evidence, I point to the fact that I gave you the opportunity to clarify - to explain that despite THE END result, running away is worse than a filibuster. You took a pass.
This is the very thing that conservatives have been railing against for decades. The now shameless takeover by leftards of the entire political structure from the fed down to the state level. It is now clear that the police are siding with their fellow leftard union stooges to protect these public employee parasites because they see their special interests dovetail with each other and yet we are told that this is what democracy looks like? A vapid, sanctimonious, entitled publicly funded protected class, who are being asked to share sacrifice along with their private sector brethren and shriek in unison NO!!!
And yet conservatives are the ones that are branded as Nazi's, racists, bigots, homophobes, anti-union, religious zealots who have to endure the constant demonization by the leftards that we conservatives are trying to usurp their rights to collectively bargain while they literally take over the public square of speech and representation while having POTUS endorsement and those we expect to protect and serve literally do that but for their own selfish special interests?
Frankly, the question needs to be asked, when will conservatives stop taking a passive aggressive stance to watch these leftards trample over anything resembling democracy or a constitutional representative republic only for themselves while shutting out everyone else. Politicians have given these parasites the keys to the kingdom because it ISN'T THEIR MONEY and they have zero accountability or responsibility for the deals that they have made in states across the country for decades to these public employee union parasites while the rest of the private sector funds these parasites to their own detriment.
And when these parasites are asked to contribute in 'shared sacrifice' they scream NO!!! while they dig in their fangs even deeper into the body politic host to sap even more from the rest of us that have had zero say so in how these public union parasites can use our tax dollars for their own personal and political benefits. They use our money to fund themselves and give themselves heightened special interest access for their own special interests within politics and we do not get a say so. This isn't wealth redistribution, this is clear and unadulterated theft and they laugh in our faces about it further doom troop their boots into the necks of the private sector.
How much more are we going to endure to the insane demands of these public employee union parasites? The founders are weeping at what they see as their lives, thoughts, and blood wasted at what has become of their Constitutional Republic. Franklin was right, we can't keep it. We can't even pay for it.
to continue the protests another day...
Watch how fast the place gets cleaned up once the weather breaks, Spring comes, and these officers are more interested in being outside than inside collecting the generous overtime and being entertained by these liberal hippies...
Jan said...
"dippy broad", "ignorant people", "silly clown" - I didn't call anyone names, but it is the first thing you resort to. Is that because you don't have facts on your side?
Laugh out loud funny.
If I don't have any "facts" then why is it you saying this:
As for what they filibustered...try this thing called Google, then settle back for a lot of reading.
See, you silly kids do that a lot on these blogs.
Say "google it"
But that isn't an answer and there is a reason you can't provide one. You dippy broad.
I did not say that the filibuster and walking out of the assembly were the same things. Try to slowly read my words...IN THE END,
You are saying they are equal.
They are not.
No matter how you try and preface your comments.
the Republicans kept the Congress from enacting legislation.
Except you can't name any.
By the way, we all realize that the ends justify the means to people like you.
Revenant said...
When I was younger, I predicted that eventually we'd see the government collapse -- entrenched interests won't permit change, and our current course is unsustainable. You can't live on your credit card forever.
I got older, and realized things weren't all that bad.
Now I'm older still and wondering if I had it right the first time.
I kind of had the same sentiment as you did, but now that I'm older, I can clearly see the divide of your younger inclination as it manifests itself today. This isn't going to get better and the seeds of distrust have been planted and are now growing in the chasm between the left and the right. The right will prevail, but the pain involved to get there will be great. The problem is that leftard parasites won't pop themselves off the host body. They can't and I really think they do not know how.
>The legislature cannot prohibit an individual from entering the capitol or its grounds. 59 Atty. Gen. 8.
As always, they're citing the WI Constitution as an authority to justify their actions. But anyone can tell that it says the LEGISLATURE can't shut down the capitol. It doesn't ban the governor from shutting it down!
>Article I, §4 Right to assemble and petition. Section 4. The right of the people peaceably to assemble, to consult for the common good, and to petition the government, or any department thereof, shall never be abridged.
Oops, I forgot to read the original section of the Constitution. Maybe they do have that right. Please ignore my comment above.
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